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Basic Concepts The reaction force at the support, which is the force F1x, can be

–An analysis tool to predict the responses of certain engineering found as follows:
–Originally FE was developed for structural stress analysis
–Wide spread application: Structural Analysis, Dynamic The solutions show that nodes 2 and 3 will be displaced towards the
Analysis, Heat Transfer, Magnetic Field, etc. right (positive x-direction) by the distances given in the solutions.
–Based on discretization of Continuum On the other hand, the reaction force F1x has the magnitude of 2000
Spring lb and its direction is to the left (negative x-direction).
- axial load only Internal forces of element 1: C=cosƟ and S=sinƟ
C1=AE/L and C2=EI/L3
Beam is a structure which can carry the bending moments and shear
Frame in global coordinate
forces. Frame, on the other hand, can carry bending moments, shear
K=(E/L) x [k]
forces, and axial forces. Beam members (or elements) are oriented in
the same axis, while the frame members are possible to have
different orientations.

Internal forces of element 2:

Nodal Displacement

Example of spring
Consider the spring system shown in Figure 2.5. The forces at nodes
2 and 3 are known. Node 1 is fixed at the support. Find the nodal Beam in global coordinate
displacements and element internal forces, given that

k1 = 1000 lb/in k2 = 2000 lb/in BAR

F2x = 1000 lb F3x = 1000 lb Bar is a simple structural element, which can carry only axial force
and results in axial deformation (lengthening or shortening). In a bar
structure, all elements have the same axis (co-axial axis), and the
Potential Energy Method
applied axial load is at the same axis of bars. If the bar elements have
Concept of Potential Energy
different axis, the structure is termed as truss.
The Direct Equilibrium method is not practical to use for higher
order elements
and not normally used in non-structural domains.
The Minimum Potential Energy (MPE) approach is more adaptable
the determination of element equations for complicated elements
Element 1: such as
plane stress/strain elements, axisymmetric elements, plate bending,
TRUSS and 3-D solid elements.
A framework composed of bar members joined at their ends to form MPE is included in the category of variational methods which make
Element 2: FRAME use the variational functions (or functionals). A functional is defined
a rigid structure is known as a truss. In truss structures, the end
Frame element is a combination of beam element and bar element. as a function of another function.
connections are assumed to be pin jointed connections. Bridges, roof
The frame element equation is obtained by adding the axial For structural problem, the total potential energy of the structure,
supports, and derricks are common examples of trusses.
component in the beam equation. ∏p, can
be expressed in terms of displacement (or nodal displacements).

The structural (global) equation (element 1 + element 2) ≡

By introducing the boundary condition d1x = 0, the structural

equation reduces to

Membrane Plate

which also can be written as

Frame in local coordinate

Solving the above simultaneous equations yields

Plane Element – Constant Strain Triangle
The simplest 2-D element is the membrane
element. Membrane elements can transfer
only in-plane loads. There is no out of plane
loads in membrane elements.
As a consequence, membrane elements can Hence
carry only in-plane stresses and can not
transfer bending moment or torsion. Substituting equations (7-74) and (7-71) in equation (7-63), the
stiffness matrix of element 2 is obtained:

In Figure 7.7, the tensile stress has been converted into two nodal
forces. Each force F
is found as follows:

Substituting equations (7-68) and (7-65) in equation (7-63), the

The structural equation is stiffness matrix of element 1 is obtained:

which after expanding becomes

Equations (7-69) and (7-75) can be expanded to the same order as
the structural stiffness matrix, and on factoring out 5:
Element 1:

Strain Displacement
{ɛ}=[B]{d} Element 2:
The nodal coordinates of element 2 (see Figure 7.9) are
xi = 0, yi = 0, xj = 20, yj = 0, xm = 20, ym = 10
The global (structural) stiffness matrix [K] is an 8 × 8 matrix and is
obtained by assembling the individual element stiffness matrices. Element 2:
The stiffness matrix for an element is given by

Element 1:
The nodal coordinates of element 1, (see Figure 7.8) are
[B]=[Bi Bj Bm]
A = 0.5 b h
A = 0,5 (20) (10) = 100 in2
Next we will evaluate [B]
Superposition of the element stiffness matrices in equations (7-76)
and (7-77) yields the structural stiffness matrix

Substituting the relevant values into equation (7-40), we obtain

Example of CST Next we will evaluate [B], as defined in equation (7-40), whose
A thin plate is subjected to a tensile stress p = 1000 psi. The plate components are defined in equation (7-38):
thickness is 0.5 in, and the other dimensions are as shown in Figure
7.6. The Poisson ratio ν = 0.3, and the modulus of elasticity E is 30 × The structural equation is thus
106 psi. Determine the nodal displacements and the element stresses
The matrix [D] again is given by

Substituting the relevant values into equation (7-40), we obtain

Hence Applying
the boundary conditions, the equation reduces to

For plane stress,

For the purpose of illustrating the finite element solution of this plate
problem, the structure is discretized into two CST elements, Solving equation (7-80), the displacement solutions are produced:
although using more elements will yield more accurate results
Replacing with the values ν = 0.3 and E = 30 × 10 , 6
The structure is divided into two elements with a total three nodes. It
has the following properties:

The differentiation of the shape function is,

A1 = 1.0 in2 A2 = 0.5 in2 E = 30E6 psi ρ = 0.00073 lb·sec2/in4
The stresses in each element are determined by using equation (7-7),
which is
The heat conducted is,
Substituting the numerical values of [D] and [B] of element 1, and
taking the appropriate displacement values from equation (7-81), we The second mode shape can be similarly obtained using the second
have eigenvalue, λ2 = 12.96E6:

Stiffness terms
Element 1: 1) Stiffness in conduction
the above modal equations, if d3x = 1, then d2x = −0.58. The second
The element stiffness matrix is given by mode shape is illustrated in Figure 10.7.

element mass matrix is obtained using the lumped mass approach: 2) Stiffness in convection
yields element 1 stresses:

Element 2:
Similarly, for element 2:
Heat transfer analysis The components of the force matrix
Heat conduction with convection Internal for Q

Expanding and assembling the element matrices above, we obtain Heat flux
which yields element 2 stresses: the structural matrices:

For the special case of the convection force from the free end,

Heat transfer control volume

Dynamic analysis Example of heat analysis
Substituting equations (10-44) and (10-45) into equation (10-38) Conservation of Energy Principle
The rod shown in Figure 11.6 is insulated on the left end and the
yields Ein + Egen = ∆U + Eout
Dynamic equation, perimeter. The left end has a constant temperature of 100°C. A heat
Heat transfer terminology
flux q* of 5000 W/m2 acts on the right end. Let Kxx = 6 W/(m·°C)
Matrix notation , qx =
and the cross-sectional area A = 0.1 m2. Determine the temperatures
at L/3, 2L/3, and L, where L = 0.4 m.
heat conducted into the control volume (heat flux)
Introducing the boundary condition d1x = 0 yields [kW/m2]
Q = internal heat source [kW/m3]

eigenvalue solutions of equation (10-47) are obtained by equating Kxx = thermal conductivity [kW/m/0C]
the determinant of the coefficients to zero: dT/dx = temperature gradient

The rod is discretized into three elements of 0.4/3 metre length

Assuming λ = ω2, then each, as shown in Figure 11.7.
For bar element ∆U = (specific heat, c) X (mass) X (change in temperature)
Natural vibration of bar structure

Hence, the eigenvalues are: c = specific heat [ / (kg . 0C)]

λ1 = 3.47E6 λ2 = 12.96E6 Convective heat transfer, qh,
and the first and second natural frequencies are
, eigenvalue solutions ω1 = 1.86E3 rad/sec ω2 = 3.60E3 rad/sec
The first mode shape can be obtained by substituting the first h = convective coefficient [kW / (m2 . 0C)] Heat is transferred from element to element through conduction. The
Example of dynamic analysis
eigenvalue, λ1 = 3.47E6, into equation (10-47). After manipulation, T = temperature of solid surface exposed to the fluid stiffness terms for elements 1, 2, and 3 are the same:
For the dynamic problem of the bar structure shown in figure 10.50,
obtain: we obtain T∞ = fluid temperature
P = perimeter of solid
Temperature gradient:
a) The first and second naturel frequencies In
b) The first and second mode shapes the above modal equations, if d3x = 1, then d2x = 0.58. The first mode
shape is illustrated in Figure 10.6.
The force term applicable to element 3 is equation above is transformed into an equivalent equation. This is
done by setting to zero the terms in the first row and column which
correspond to the known temperature t 1, except for the main
diagonal which is set to one, and the first row of the force matrix is
Assembling the element equations yields the system equation set equal to the known temperature at node 1. Also the term (-
4/3)X(200 0F) = -800/3 on the left side of the second equation is
transposed to the right side in the second row (as +800/3). The
transformed equation is shown as follow,

Introducing the boundary conditions t1 = 100°C and q* = 5000 W/m2

at node 4, we have

The temperature solutions are thus The

t2 = 211.1°C t3 = 322.2°C t4 = 433.3°C (11-51) unknown nodal temperatures now can be solved, by Gaussian
elimination for example, which yields,
For Ix and Iy not at the origin
Example of heat analysis 2
A rod is 9 in length with insulation at perimeter and left end. The
heat flow analysis is going to be illustrated for element 1 only. The
temperature at the left end is 200 0F and the free stream temperature
heat flux of element 1 can be found as follow,
is 10 0F. Let h = 1 Btu/(hr.in2.0F) and Kxx = 3 Btu/( It is
required to determine the temperature distribution and the heat flow.

And the heat flow can be found, For boundary condition in heat transfer analysis

Extra Note

The finite
element discretization is shown in the figure below. Four elements
of 9/4 inch long each is used. The heat transfer is through
conduction except there will be also convective heat loss at the right

, conduction stiffness

, convection stiffness at end

For elements-1, 2, and 3, the stiffness matrix is due to conduction,

Stiffness matrix of element 4 is due to conduction and free end


force terms, Q = 0, q* = 0, but T∞ = 10 0F, hence, at the element 4,

Assembly of stiffness and force terms yields the equation of the heat
transfer in the rod,

The boundary condition requires that the temperature at the left end
is equal to 200 0F, hence t1 = 200 0F. To obtain the solutions, the

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