P06363 Coaching For Perf FNL

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Wells Career with Shell

Awareness Knowledge Skill Mastery

Competence Based Development

Round I Round II LEVEL 3 Coaching for Wells Supporting Documentation
WDLP Top Quartile Performance
Regional Deployment

Continuous Professional Development

WELLSITE Name..................................

COACHING FOR ...........................................

Ref. INdicator.....................

TOP QUARTILE Team/Project.....................



C ontents

Foreword ...................................................................... 3

Introduction.................................................................... 3

HSE............................................................................... 4

People........................................................................... 5

Performance................................................................... 6

Technology..................................................................... 7

QA/QC........................................................................ 8

Technical Assurance........................................................ 9

Contracting & Procurement (C&P).................................... 10

Contacts ..................................................................... 11

Notes.......................................................................... 13

F orewor d
The Wells Learning & Development (L&D) strategy provides industry leading technical training
through the Wells Distance Learning Package and Round 1 & 2 examinations, but post Round
2 we have until now lacked advanced learning events to further develop the performance
leadership skills of our site supervisors.

This booklet is part of a training programme designed to enhance the capabilities of site
supervisory staff and thus enable improved operational and safety performance at our well sites
in pursuit of Top Quartile and Goal Zero.

Peter Sharpe
Executive Vice President, Wells
Projects & Technology.

I ntro d uction
Welcome to the Well site Coaching for TQ Performance booklet.

There are seven tables in this guide. Each table represents a theme that aligns with the functional
improvement plan. The tables contain selected TQ objectives for each respective theme and the
relevant actions supporting each TQ objective.

As a participant of the Coaching for Wells TQ Performance programme, you are expected to
use this guide to enable TQ performance at your well site. This will be achieved by completing
all of the actions listed in this booklet and ensuring quality closeout. If there are actions that are
not clear or you find difficult to progress, a Principle Site Supervisor (PSS), in your region, will
provide coaching to help you throughout the programme. You are expected to complete this
programme within one-year time.

When you have completed an action, you are required to close out with a completion date
and ensure sign-off by your line supervisor (LS) or PSS. It is advised that evidence text is included
in the notes pages to enable assessment of the quality of close out. The PSS will also monitor
progress and performance at your location and will give you feedback and identify any
performance gaps.

Success with your journey to TQ performance!

Restricted 3
Close Initial by
out date LS/PSS
Objective: Prevent fatalities in Wells Operations.
1. Actively seek out routine tasks which require adherence to Life Saving Rules and
update JSAs to reflect the Life Saving Rules.
2. Assess the effectiveness of Life Saving Rules – for example using well site quiz
(Check LSR website for ideas).
3. Address in implementation, any gaps highlighted through review and quiz
4. Monitor and report non-compliance incidents to establish key learning.
Following investigation, ensure accountability follow up.
Objective: TQ HSE behaviour and performance among all company site
1. Personally reflect on why safety is important for you, consider your past
experiences. Document it and practice explaining it to others.
2. Use HSE behaviour framework for self assessment and include for review in
performance appraisal (available on Global HSE functional website).
3. Participate in incident investigation training.
4. Identify your top 3 behaviour and performance gaps and build an action plan
to address the gaps.
5. Close out action plan and report compliance level.
Objective: 100% compliance to DROPS standard – 0 dropped objects incidents.
1. Roll out DROPS standards on site and communicate clearly to all personnel.
2. Assign DROPS Lead on your site and agree your DROPS campaign including
regular review meetings.
3. Conduct DROPS gap analysis/audit and communicate findings and learning.
4. Close out audit action list and report compliance level.
Objective: TQ contractor HSE behaviour and performance.
1. Assess the contractors’ on-site HSE management systems (toolbox talks, PtW,
JSA, HSE critical equipment preventive maintenance, etc) using Worksite
Hazard Minimum framework and using ‘non-related’ parties where possible
(available on Global HSE functional website).
2. Identify top 3 behaviour and performance gaps and build an action plan with
the contractor to address the gaps.
3. Close out action plan and report compliance level.
Objective: Creating a TQ HSE environment at your well site.
1. Create the expectation (preferably on induction) with personnel arriving on site.
Introduce TQ HSE behaviour and performance to all new personnel.
2. Conduct daily HSE well site walks, talk to personnel on site about the risks they
are working with and their mitigations and view critical equipment. Record
positive and negative findings from these discussions and observations.
3. Participate in Safety meetings and share observations with all personnel.
4. Cascade learning from relevant HIPOs and close out relevant actions.
5. Communicate and enforce zero tolerance to rule breaking.


P eople
Close Initial by
out date LS/PSS
Objective: Improve motivation for TQ performance at the well site.
1. Clearly communicate the work objectives, agreed performance targets and the
rewards for success.
2. Identify individual contributions required to achieve performance target.
3. Communicate progress against target and reiterate individual responsibilities
4. Ensure rewards for performance are issued in accordance with the agreed
Objective: Create TQ performing work site team.
1. Identify and communicate the critical team members and activities prior to any
2. Identify the critical success factors and actions required by the team members to
ensure team success.
3. Review success and failure with team members and celebrate successes when
Objective: Create an environment of honesty and trust.
1. People engagements: Show sensitivity to cultural differences, spend adequate
time, show equality and use appropriate language.
2. Incidents follow-up: Identify and communicate unscheduled events as a team
3. Communication: Be clear, consistent, open and timely.
4. Commitment: Give and receive commitments only if they can be followed
Objective: Improve capability of company site representatives.
1. Assess your competencies against the appropriate Job Competency Profile
(JCP), gather evidence and gain approval within your first year on the well site.
2. Identify gaps from your assessment and add specific actions in your Individual
Development Plan (IDP) to close those gaps.
3. Hold engagement session once a year with your regional PSS to identify further
actions to improve your supervisory capability.
Objective: Embedding a coaching mentality.
1. Hold weekly coaching sessions with junior company staff (ADSV, WSDE, JWE,
trainee, HOT, etc). Topics for discussion: HSE, technical and operational.
2. Identify specific tasks and targets for junior company staff to achieve
accelerated competence development.
3. Conduct initial performance discussion with junior company staff and report to
line supervisor.
Objective: Improve quality and speed of well site decision making.
1. Establish 10 critical operational decisions that require approval from yourself.
2. Establish a single focal point for decisions involving key well objectives that
require multi-discipline decision.
3. Discuss, agree and record clear communication and decision making protocols
between site and office.
4. Identify & engage relevant expertise for critical operations, be open and
receptive to suggestions & act on their advice as required, e.g. Engage RTOC
engineers to seek advice for critical operations, where they can add value.

Restricted 5
P erformance
Close Initial by
out date LS/PSS
Objective: Creating a performance focused environment.
1. Prepare a personal story illustrating why performance improvement is important
to you. Present at weekly meetings.
2. Highlight and congratulate individual and team success – ‘meet or beat’ the
activity plan.
3. Hold simple worksite After Action Reviews and encourage others to adopt –
What did we plan, what did we achieve, what did we learn!
4. Record performance improvement interventions in trip report and share with
Objective: Flawless execution of the optimised well programme.
1. Establish a material and services ‘load-out-list’ ensuring all equipment and
services are ordered, received and back loaded in a timely manner.
2. Prepare and communicate a 24hr well site activity plan.
3. Set mini targets and display current best performance within the plan.
4. Select critical well site activities on all shifts and personally witness them.
Objective: Achieve TQ well delivery using the Global Well Delivery Process.
1. Give input to the detailed well design – optimise the well programme.
2. Make sure the DWOP takes place prior to well programme approval and has
full rig team and service contractor involvement.
3. Close out actions identified in DWOP for rig and service contractors team.
Objective: Ensure subsequent execution activities benefit from learnings and
good ideas to prevent recurring problems.
1. Capture, record and report all positive and negative performance gains against
the activity plan.
2. Establish actions to ensure positives are repeated and negatives are eliminated.
3. Communicate actions to the team, assigning responsibility were appropriate.
Objective: Improve Drilling Efficiency ($/ft).
1. Establish 5 Drilling Efficiency Optimisation Activities for your rig based on
“DEO recommendations” (Refer Shell Wiki).
2. Monitor, report and display actual (bit on bottom) ROP vs planned by formation.


T echnology
Close Initial by
out date LS/PSS
Objective: Creating an environment that promote new technologies
1. Identify time consuming or erratic areas of performance that would benefit from
the application of new or emerging technology.
2. For each item, establish a problem and opportunities statement and capture on
a well site specific technology plan.
3. Rank opportunities and pursue the top 2.
Objective: Successful implementation of new technology.
1. Communicate all new ways of working and introduce new technology
implementation using a DWOP philosophy.
2. Establish a specific well site technology implementation plan highlighting
possible threats and ensuring appropriate contingencies are in place.
Objective: Rapid deployment/learning from technology.
1. Share successful implementation of new technology and learning using a TIN
(Technology Implementation Note) – a free formatted note with the following
(minimum) information: dates, short title, location, savings, description and
contact. Pictures are also a great addition.
2. Post TIN on WGN Q&A and Announcements (http://sww.global-networks.shell.
com/forums/networks/dispatch.cgi/aqi) within 1 month.
3. Use the WGN to identify new technology successes and learning on a
quarterly basis and check successful implementations against your well site
technology plan.

Restricted 7
Close Initial by
out date LS/PSS
Objective: Achieve 0% NPT due to Quality related issues.
1. Ensure that all Non-Productive Times (NPT) are recorded and reported correctly
on a daily basis.
2. Review RCFA (root cause failure analysis) Awareness Bulletins: http://sww.shell.
3. Communicate relevant alerts to well site team and ensure controls are in place.
4. Report QA/QC related NPT events that exceeds 6 hours to Trouble Action Team
(TaT) team via Wells QA/QC Manager: melvyn.wright@shell.com
Objective: Improve service contractor QA/QC performance.
1. Identify key quality control factors prior to activity execution. Consider the
following if applicable:
a. Vendor Quality Management System – Evidence.
b. Verify critical equipment inspection validation performed at vendors site
prior to delivery – Wells QA/QC Team.
c. Verify certificate of conformity or other applicable information for verification
on equipment receipt.
d. Verify process control plan as appropriate and FAT (factory acceptance test)
have been followed and verified.
e. Verify service hand training history in QA/QC.
f. Verify that service contractor is on approved vendors list.
g. Ensure that the service provider feedback information documentation is fully
completed and submitted.
2. Assign single point responsibility for each of the control factors identified.
3. After each operation use the AAR process to assess job quality vs activity
execution plan.
Objective: Flawless receipt and preparation of equipment and tubular goods
at rig site.
1. Ensure requirements for load transportation, safekeeping and heavy lift are
understood and complied with for the receipt and shipping of all goods.
2. Verification of rig ready status:
a. Ensure correct quantity and description of goods (size, weight, grade).
b. Visual inspection for damage by qualified individual or service hand
(threads, seal surfaces, X-over subs) – inform appropriate personnel for
action if damage encountered.
c. Ensure equipment functionality checks are made and acceptable prior to
running in hole.
d. For critical wells and top 70 projects, it is advised that the liner hanger
technical support team is contacted prior to running.
Objective: Encourage positive QA/QC practises and eliminate waste (non-
scheduled events).
1. Report areas of excellence and areas to improve in QA/QC – Utilise the
practices worth replicating (PWR) web based application.
2. http://sww-pwr.shell.com/pwr/index.jsp
3. Forward by email, areas of improvement of QA/QC practices to the Wells
QA/QC Manager.


T echnical A ssurance
Close Initial by
out date LS/PSS
Objective: Error free data entry into EDM/eWIMS.
1. Establish single point accountability for accurate and complete reporting
in Openwells/eWIMS. (http://wims.shell.com/).
2. Validate Wells status diagram in profile with WE/PT as part of handover.
3. Feedback shortfalls in EDM/eWIMS to OU focal point.
Objective: Improved well site use of EDM applications.
1. Identify in DWOP, the critical operations that need EDM software analysis
and monitoring during execution.
2. Perform WellPlan software analysis and act upon variances between planned
and actual conditions.
3. Ensure the latest planned well trajectory is in the possession of directional
drilling (DD) contractor.
4. Use Compass for well site verification of the DD contractor’s well tracking.
5. Validate well trajectory report with contractor, WE, PT as part of handover
and sign off any variances from design intent.
Objective: Ensure Well control readiness (WCR).
1. Complete WCR self assessment, record and report all non-compliance.
2. Close-out all non-compliance within agreed timeframe – no exceptions.
3. Plan, execute, record and review a variety of Well Control incident drills.
4. Enhance Well Control understanding and awareness with the communication
of WCR self assessment findings, well control or blow-out incident causes and
5. Check understanding of well control principles and practises among
critical staff.
6. Coach critical staff to address WC competency gaps.
Objective: Full and clear understanding of critical operational standards.
1. Refresh critical staff’s awareness of the procedural requirements (one procedure
per month).
2. Review an activity per month against procedures and report discrepancies.
3. If discrepancies identified require changes in procedures, use Management
of change (MOC) process and escalate to appropriate technical authority
(TA) level.

Restricted 9
C ontracting & P rocurement ( C & P )
Close Initial by
out date LS/PSS
Objective: Achieving TQ contractor performance.
1. Know the key performance indicators for each contract.
2. Create and maintain a contractor well site performance improvement
action plan.
3. Report all significant contract performance non-compliance to the contract
4. Establish and maintain an accurate record of key internal and contractor focal
points (e.g. contract holder, CP contract engineer, cost controller, contractor
account manager etc.).
Objective: Establish and maintain excellent contractor relations.
1. Manage external requests for action for contractors from non well site sources.
2. Hold monthly well site contractor engagement and discuss performance status,
contractual issues and improvement opportunities.
3. Raise contract disputes to contract holder, agree action and close-out within
an agreed timeframe.
4. Ensure your roles and responsibilities are defined and there is a clear
understanding between yourself and contractor supervisor with respect
to crew engagement.
Objective: Ensure accurate and consistent cost reporting.
1. Personally check and approve all daily drilling reports ensuring appropriate
contract rate allocation.
2. Ensure contract rates are up to date in daily drilling cost tracking tool.
3. Ensure contract rate summary sheets are available on site and referenced prior
to signing service tickets.
Objective: Achieving TQ Sub-Contractor Management.
1. Conduct a quarterly check on lead contractor’s process for managing
subcontractor performance.
2. Report findings to contract holder.


C ontacts
(Key focal points or Subject Matter Experts)
Contact: Contact:
Location: Location:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Contact: Contact:
Location: Location:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Contact: Contact:
Location: Location:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Contact: Contact:
Location: Location:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Contact: Contact:
Location: Location:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Contact: Contact:
Location: Location:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Contact: Contact:
Location: Location:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Contact: Contact:
Location: Location:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Contact: Contact:
Location: Location:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Contact: Contact:
Location: Location:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Contact: Contact:
Location: Location:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:

Restricted 11
ECCN: Not subject to EAR – No disclosure of technology.

Copyright 2009 SIEP B.V.

The copyright of this document is vested in Shell International Exploration and Production B.V., The Hague,
The Netherlands. All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be reproduced, stored
in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording
or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.

Restricted - This document is classified as Restricted. Access is allowed to Shell personnel, designated Associate
Companies and Contractors working on Shell projects who have signed a confidentiality agreement with a Shell
Group Company. ‘Shell Personnel’ includes all staff with a personal contract with a Shell Group Company. Issuance
of this document is restricted to staff employed by a Shell Group Company. Neither the whole nor any part of this
document may be disclosed to Non-Shell Personnel without the prior written consent of the copyright owners.

Designed/Produced by Graphics Media and Publication Services, Rijswijk P06363

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