Van Iterson Durationofepilepsyandcognitivedevelopmentinchildren ALongitudinalstudy 2014

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Duration of Epilepsy and Cognitive

Development in Children: A Longitudinal Study

Article in Neuropsychology · November 2013

DOI: 10.1037/neu0000034 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Loretta van Iterson Bonne J. H. Zijlstra

Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland University of Amsterdam


Aryan van der Leij

University of Amsterdam


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Neuropsychology © 2013 American Psychological Association
2014, Vol. 28, No. 2, 212–221 0894-4105/14/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/neu0000034

Duration of Epilepsy and Cognitive Development in Children:

A Longitudinal Study

Loretta van Iterson Bonne J. H. Zijlstra

SEIN Epilepsy Institute in the Netherlands Foundation and University of Amsterdam
School De Waterlelie

Paul B. Augustijn Aryan van der Leij and Peter F. de Jong

SEIN Epilepsy Institute in the Netherlands Foundation University of Amsterdam
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Objective: To study the pattern of cognitive development in relation to duration of epilepsy. Methods:
Participants were 113 children with epilepsy referred because of concerns about their cognitive devel-
opment and tested at least twice at tertiary epilepsy settings. Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ were
measured with Wechsler Intelligence Scales. Various epilepsy and demographic variables were included.
Change over time was modeled with multilevel analysis for longitudinal data with variable measurement
occasion. Results: The Verbal and Full Scales could be fitted best as a downward progressing function.
Earlier in time, decline was likely to be largest; later in time, decline followed a continuous, dwindling
course. A similar trend was seen for the Performance Scale. Initially, Verbal IQ was higher than
Performance IQ but this discrepancy decreased over time. Later onset of epilepsy was associated with an
attenuated decline of the Verbal Scale. None of the other epilepsy variables were related to the course
of cognitive development. Higher parental education was associated with higher IQ, but was not
protective against decline. Conclusions: Verbal IQ, though initially spared, drops. The Performance IQ,
which may have shown its vulnerability earlier in the course of the epilepsy, shows overall smaller
changes. It is suggested that seizures impact synergistically on an affected brain, which leads to
progressive cognitive decline. Earlier onset of epilepsy is associated with relatively higher VIQ, larger
VIQ ⬎ PIQ discrepancies and more decline.

Keywords: cognitive decline, pediatric epilepsy, duration of epilepsy, multilevel analysis, Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children

There is little doubt that epilepsy in childhood has an adverse (Hermann, Seidenberg, & Jones, 2008; Jones, Siddarth, Gur-
impact on a child’s life (Hermann, Jones, Jackson, & Seiden- bani, Shields, & Caplan, 2010). These studies relate to children
berg, 2012). Outcome is varied in terms of seizure control with epilepsy who are not referred for psychological assess-
(Geerts et al., 2010) and cognitive development (Berg et al., ment, who show seizure amelioration with or without medica-
2008). Follow-up studies indicate that 50% to 60% of patients tion, and who do not have co-occurring problems like brain
with epilepsy have a favorable course and achieve seizure lesions or attention problems. Generally, children attend regular
freedom after use of antiepileptic drugs (AED; Geerts et al., classes, although school problems have been reported in about
2010; Schmidt & Sillanpää, 2012). Neuropsychological studies half of the children with epilepsy (Reilly & Neville, 2011).
on “uncomplicated epilepsies” have shown a close to normal In a considerable proportion of children (⬃30%), however,
cognitive development over time in children with epilepsy epilepsy is not uncomplicated, in terms of seizure control, cogni-
tive development, or both. After 15 years of follow-up, ⬃10% of
the children with epilepsy never had been seizure free longer than
3 months, and an additional ⬃13% showed a varying course of
This article was published Online First November 4, 2013. remissions followed by relapses (Geerts et al., 2010). Cognitive
Loretta van Iterson, SEIN Epilepsy Institute in the Netherlands Foun- impairment has often been described in epilepsy in children (El-
dation, Department of Psychology, Heemstede, The Netherlands and De- lenberg, Hirtz, & Nelson, 1986; Nolan et al., 2003). In a commu-
partment of Psychology, School De Waterlelie, Cruquius, The Netherlands; nity based study it was shown that, 10 years after seizure onset,
Bonne J. H. Zijlstra, Research Institute of Child Development and Educa- ⬃26% of children with epilepsy had an estimated IQ below 80
tion, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Paul B.
(Berg et al., 2008).
Augustijn, SEIN Epilepsy Institute in the Netherlands Foundation, Depart-
ment of Neurology; Aryan van der Leij and Peter F. de Jong, Research
This raises a number of questions: What is the developmental
Institute of Child Development and Education, University of Amsterdam. course of cognitive functioning over time? Can evidence be found
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Loretta for cognitive decline? Is cognitive decline associated with age at
van Iterson, SEIN Epilepsy Institute in the Netherlands Foundation, P.O. onset? Can epilepsy and demographic variables be identified
Box 540, 2130AM Hoofddorp, The Netherlands. E-mail: which affect cognitive development? Which area of cognitive

development—verbal or nonverbal—is likely to be affected most? Wechsler test to another, implying variability in test versions used.
Do the verbal and nonverbal domains follow similar trajectories? Multilevel modeling (Snijders & Bosker, 1999), a special statisti-
There is a body of research regarding epilepsy factors that cal technique, was applied to account for these differences.
contribute to the severity of cognitive impairment. Apart from
persistence of seizures (Bailet & Turk, 2000; Berg, Zelko, Levy, & Method
Testa, 2012), epilepsy syndrome is recognized as an important
factor. Generalized symptomatic epilepsies are associated with low
IQs (Berg et al., 2008; Bulteau et al., 2000; Nolan et al., 2003). Participants
Localization related epilepsies and idiopathic epilepsies are asso- From 452 Dutch children with epilepsy who had completed a
ciated with relatively better outcome (Bulteau et al., 2000; Nolan Wechsler test, 113 were selected as they met the criteria for
et al., 2003; Northcott et al., 2007). inclusion. Children were selected if they (1) were 4 to 15 years of
Early age at onset of epilepsy (AOE) has been related to worse age at first testing (T1), (2) had been tested at least two times with
outcome (Cormack et al., 2007), especially when the seizures age-appropriate child Wechsler tests with an intertest interval of
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

remain active (Berg, Zelko, Levy, & Testa, 2012). Also, greater one year or longer, and (3) had not had intervening epilepsy
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

number of AEDs (Bulteau et al., 2000; Nolan et al., 2003; Smith, surgery in between testing. The children presented either at a
Elliott, & Lach, 2002) have been associated with more cognitive Dutch tertiary epilepsy center or at a special school affiliated with
impairment. Demographic factors like parental educational level the center, which provided educational support for children with
have been acknowledged as being strongly associated with chil- epilepsy. Reasons for T1 were concerns about the cognitive de-
dren’s IQ in children without epilepsy (Lange, Froimowitz, Bigler, velopment of the child. Commonly results of the assessment were
& Lainhart, 2010), as well as in children with epilepsy (Mitchell, also used in applications for special financial and educational
Scheier, & Baker, 1994). services to support the child within a regular or a special school.
In cross-sectional studies, cognitive problems have been de- Reasons for second and third testing (T2, T3) were requests for
scribed both for the verbal and nonverbal (performance) domains. follow-up as the epilepsy evolved and retesting was required for
Studies on specific syndromes have reported lowered verbal IQ continuation of the educational support. No exclusionary criteria
(Overvliet et al., 2011); studies on mixed samples have reported were set for type of epilepsy or initial IQ. Overall, there were 249
lowered nonverbal IQ (Høie et al., 2005; O’Leary, Burns, & Wechsler test measurements: 113 at T1, 113 at T2, and 23 at T3.
Borden, 2006; Smith et al., 2002). Longitudinal studies focusing The sample tested 3 times (n ⫽ 23) did not differ from the
on the relation of the verbal and nonverbal (i.e., performance) sample tested 2 times (n ⫽ 90) on any IQ scale at T1 or T2, at any
domains are scarce. Changes have been reported to be small and epilepsy variable (AOE, duration up to T1 or T2, epilepsy type or
similar for both the verbal and performance IQ (Aldenkamp, syndrome severity), or demographic variable (sex, handedness,
Alpherts, De Bruine-Seeder, & Dekker, 1990; Bjørnæs, Stabell, parental education).
Henriksen, & Loyning, 2001; Skirrow et al., 2011). Studies on The 339 children not selected for the study had been tested only
children who underwent epilepsy surgery report increases on the once (n ⫽ 303); had been tested with an age-inappropriate test
performance scale, regardless of hemispheric side of surgery (Skir- (n ⫽ 3); had been retested within a year (n ⫽ 22); had been
row et al., 2011). retested with another Wechsler Scale (WAIS/WAIS-IIINL n ⫽ 5,
The pattern of cognitive impairment and cognitive change over other n ⫽ 1); had undergone surgery (n ⫽ 2) or had missing values
time in children with epilepsy is still insufficiently understood. on an IQ scale (n ⫽ 2); other reasons (n ⫽ 1). Comparison of
Models have been proposed describing cognitive decline as either selected and nonselected children (after Bonferroni adjustment)
gradually progressive (“linear”) or, as a stepwise (“cascadic”) showed similarities in terms of IQ at T1, seizure type and syn-
decline. A cascadic decline is described as marked in the early drome severity or AOE. However, duration up to T1 and age at T1
stages of epilepsy and plateauing thereafter (Devinsky & Tarulli, was higher in the nonselected sample (n ⫽ 19 had been tested with
2002; Meinardi, Aldenkamp, & Nunes, 1992; Seidenberg, Pulsi- the WAIS/WAIS-IIINL).
pher, & Hermann, 2007). There is still a dearth of studies to Approval for the study was obtained from the tertiary epilepsy
substantiate these models on cognitive decline over time, and there institution and epilepsy school (SEIN/De Waterlelie). Parents gave
is still a need for a finer characterization of the course of devel- written informed consent for the use of observational test material
opment in children with epilepsy (Hermann et al., 2012). This and retrieval of available testing done elsewhere.
study examined the developmental trajectory of cognitive decline
in children with epilepsy. More specifically, the course of epilepsy—
without intervening epilepsy surgery— over time was considered, Wechsler Test Versions
based on cognitive data on children at a Dutch tertiary epilepsy The study concerns the scaled scores of the Wechsler Intelli-
center. The children were tested two or three successive times with gence Scales in The Netherlands, here designated as WPPSI-RNL
the Wechsler Intelligence Scales. (Vander Steene & Bos, 1997), WISC-RNL (van Haasen et al.,
Various methodological problems need to be considered. These 1986), and WISC-IIINL (Wechsler, 2005) allowing test changes
problems stem from the heterogeneity of epilepsies in terms of between T1 and T2 or T3.
AOE, IQ, and course (Camfield, Camfield, Gordon, Smith, &
Dooley, 1993; Schmidt & Sillanpää, 2012). Inexorably, this means
Other Measures
a large variability in time elapsed between epilepsy onset and time
of first, second, or even third neuropsychological testing. As Epilepsy variables. The epilepsy variables were available
children grow older, they are likely to make a transition from one from neurological or neuropsychological reports and relate to

information as documented at last testing. AOE, seizure type, onset check for a significant increase in model fit. To find the most
side and topographical localization, presence of MRI lesion, and parsimonious model, a reverse strategy was also applied by drop-
number of AEDs tried in the course of the epilepsy were included. ping the linear component whenever this did not significantly
Seizure status was scored as active or inactive (seizure freedom of decrease the model fit. Models with the same number of parame-
at least one year), uncertain or unknown. The Syndrome Severity ters were compared on Bayes factors (Kass & Raftery, 1995),
Scale for Children with Epilepsy (ESSS-C; Dunn, Buelow, Austin, approximated from the Schwarz criterion, to assess the evidence in
Shinnar, & Perkins, 2004) was used to measure epilepsy syndrome favor of the best fitting model. This model was called the Base
severity. This 10-point scale encompasses various epilepsy vari- Model.
ables such as seizure type, etiology and AOE within a single scale. In the second step, time and Wechsler test version were main-
The present sample included syndrome severity scores ranging tained and AOE (in months) and the demographic variables were
from 2 to 9: idiopathic localization related epilepsy (benign epi- included in the model: special education, parental education, and
lepsy with centrotemporal spikes [BECTS], n ⫽ 4, 3.5%, score 2); the dummy variables handedness (left-handedness was coded 1),
localization related symptomatic epilepsy (by virtue of etiology, and sex (boy was coded 1). For these predictors, the effect on the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

n ⫽ 19, 16.8%, score 7; by virtue of localization n ⫽ 36, 31.9%, individual differences in IQ level were always included in the
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

score 5; cryptogenic n ⫽ 5, 4.4%, score 6.55); idiopathic gener- model. The effect on individual differences in the rate of change in
alized epilepsies (childhood absence epilepsy [CAE], n ⫽ 2, 1.8%, IQ over time were only included whenever they reached statistical
score 3; other n ⫽ 10, 8.8%, score 5); symptomatic generalized significance. For AOE and parental education, the overall means
epilepsies (n ⫽ 6, 5.3%, score 8 –9); epilepsy syndromes (epilepsy were set to zero.
with continuous spikes and waves during slow sleep [CSWS] and In the third step, the predictors from the first two steps were
atypical BECTS, n ⫽ 14, 12.4%, score 8; other (n ⫽ 10, 8.8%, maintained and the epilepsy variables were included in the
scores 2– 6); unknown (n ⫽ 7, 6.2%). model. The predictors entered were focal seizures, generalized
Demographic variables. The educational status of the child seizures, left hemisphere seizures, right hemisphere seizures,
was dichotomized as regular education (with special facilities) or frontal seizures, ESSS-C score of epilepsy syndrome severity,
special school placement. For parental education, the highest ed- seizure freedom, number of AEDs tried, MRI lesion (and its
ucational level completed (CBS, 2007) was averaged across par- interaction with handedness). In this step, the effects of the
ents. Sex and handedness were also included. predictors on individual differences in IQ level and on individ-
ual differences in the rate of change in IQ over time were
included in the model only whenever they reached statistical
significance. However, for the latter effect (change over time)
The trajectories over time of Verbal, Performance, and Full statistical significance had to be established taking into account
Scale IQs and VIQ – PIQ discrepancy were estimated with a the (possibly nonsignificant) effect of the predictor on individ-
multilevel model for longitudinal data with variable measurements ual differences in IQ level.
occasions (Snijders & Bosker, 1999). An advantage of this model
is that it allows any number of repeated observations for each
subject, without restrictions on the temporal spacing between the
measurements. Time was taken to be the duration since the first Table 1 shows the characteristics of the sample and Table 2 the
epileptic seizure. Test versions were modeled with separate unadjusted mean IQs. Results for the longitudinal multilevel mod-
dummy variables for the WPPSI-RNL and the WISC-IIINL, taking els are presented in Table 3 (for the Verbal Scale, Performance
the WISC-RNL as reference. The predictors time and test version Scale, and Full Scale) and Table 4 (VIQ – PIQ discrepancy) and
could change over repeated observations, whereas the demo- include the Base and Final Model. None of the epilepsy predictors
graphic and epilepsy variables were constant for each child. For could be added to the final models in the third stage of model
these variables the effect on individual differences in IQ level selection. Therefore, the Final Model comprises the results of the
(regardless of time), as well as the effect on individual differences second stage.
in the rate of change in IQ over time were estimated. Individual Figure 1 shows the approximated predicted outcomes according
differences unaccounted for by the predictors were modeled with to the Base Model for the Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs
a random intercept. The standard deviation of the random intercept for the middle 95% of the observed durations of epilepsy (i.e.,
indicates the amount of residual differences in IQ level. A random ranging from 8 to 146 months). The figure shows a strong decline
slope for residual differences in the rate of change in IQ over time initially, leveling off with increasing duration of the epilepsy.
was not included because these models could not be estimated (the Bayes factors for the Performance Scale and Full Scale indicated
models were not identified). positive to very strong evidence (Kass & Raftery, 1995) for a
The selection of an appropriate model to fit the trajectories of logarithmic decline compared with the square, linear, and square
the IQ scores over time was done in three steps, applying a root decline. For the Verbal Scale there was nearly as much
statistical significance level of .01. Results of the first step led to evidence for square root decline, indicating that the decline leveled
the Base Model, results of the last step to the Final Model. In the off to a slightly lesser degree, but there was strong evidence
first step, an adequate model for the change over time was sought, against linear and square decline.
entering duration of epilepsy as well as Wechsler test version. In the Final Model, results were overall similar for the Verbal
Curvilinear functions (quadratic, logarithmic and square root) of and Full Scales. The magnitude of estimates of the effect of time
duration of epilepsy in months (and months plus one for the was comparable between the models for VIQ and FS-IQ. The
logarithmic transformation) were added to the linear model to positive effect for parental education in Table 3 suggested that

Table 1 seen. For the VIQ, an effect was seen for AOE, also in inter-
Characteristics of the Sample action with time. The (negative) values on time and AOE
indicated that a longer duration and a later onset were associ-
n Mean SD Range
ated with a lower VIQ. The (positive) value for the interaction
Full sample 113 of AOE and time showed that the decline of the VIQ over time
Age at onset of epilepsy (AOE) 113 4.8 3.0 0.1 to 13.2 was somewhat less pronounced for children with a higher AOE.
Age at T1 113 8.4 2.3 4.7 to 15.0 No other epilepsy variable made a significant contribution to
Age at T2 113 11.2 2.7 5.8 to 16.9
Age at T3 23 12.9 2.7 6.9 to 16.8 the models.
Duration epilepsy to T1 113 3.5 2.6 0.2 to 12.2 For the Performance Scale, a similar albeit nonsignificant effect
Duration epilepsy to T2 113 6.3 3.1 1.6 to 15.8 of time could be found in the Final Model, compared with the Base
Duration epilepsy to T3 23 8.6 3.5 3.3 to 16.2
Model. A positive effect could be observed for AOE (see Table 3),
AEDs tried 102 2.5 1,7 0 to 12
Epilepsy syndrome severity 106 5.9 1.6 2 to 9 meaning that children with later AOE (above the mean of the
Parental education 105 4.4 0.9 2.7 to 6.0 sample) were likely to have a slightly higher PIQ score. A positive
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

effect was seen for parental education also.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

N n %
The intercept for VIQ – PIQ differed from zero (see Table 4);
Seizure type 113 the positive value indicated that the difference favored the Verbal
Generalized seizures 15 13.3
Focal (all focal) 75 66.4 Scale (VIQ ⬎ PIQ). Change over time presented as a square root
Focal: LH/RH 33/17 29.2/15.0 curve, although Bayes factors for the Base Model suggested that
Bilateral of mutifocal 25 22.1 there was almost as much evidence for a linear or logarithmic
Uncertain 16 14.2 downward slope. The negative value for time suggested that the
Unknown 7 6.2
MRI ⫺/MRI ⫹ 113 82/31 72.6/27.4 VIQ – PIQ discrepancies decreased over time. The negative value
Boys/girls 113 61/52 54/46 for age of onset implied that a younger AOE was associated with
Education: regular/special 112 61/51 54.5/45.5 larger VIQ ⬎ PIQ discrepancies.
Test versions For all models, the standard deviations of the random intercepts
Test version at T1 113
WPPSI-RNL 20 17.7 were larger than the residual standard deviations, implying that the
WISC-RNL 63 55.8 differences not accounted for by the predictors in the models
WISC-IIINL 30 26.5 between the children were larger than the residuals around the
Test version at T2 113
predicted individual trajectories. Therefore, the model estimates
WISC-RNL 46 40.7 indicated there was less uncertainty about the individual trajecto-
WISC-IIINL 64 56.6 ries (and their shape) than about the IQ levels of children (regard-
Test version at T3 23 20.4 less of time). No significant effect of Wechsler test version was
WISC-RNL 5 4.4
seen on any Scale. Large differences between individual trajecto-
WISC-IIINL 17 15.0 ries can be found.
Note. T1 ⫽ test 1, T2 ⫽ test 2, T3 ⫽ test 3, AEDs tried ⫽ number of
anti-epileptic drugs tried, LH ⫽ left hemisphere; RH ⫽ right hemisphere;
MRI ⫹ ⫽ lesion found on neuroimaging; MRI ⫺ ⫽ no lesion found on
neuroimaging or no neuroimaging available.
This study provided evidence for progressive cognitive decline
over time in clinically referred children with epilepsy. Decline was
higher parental education was associated with higher VIQ and largest in the early stages of epilepsy; thereafter, decline continued
FS-IQ. No effect of parental education on individual differences in at an increasingly slower pace. Also, a differential trajectory for
change over time was found, suggesting that lower parental edu- VIQ and PIQ was seen, which was not described earlier. The curve
cation did not imply an increased risk of decline over time. described was logarithmic—not linear. On an individual bases,
Similarly, special education was associated with lower VIQ and cascadic decline cannot be excluded. Large individual variation
FS-IQ, although no significant effect for change over time was was found.

Table 2
Wechsler Intelligence Scale Data at Different Measurement Points

Full sample Subsample

T1 T2 T1 T2 T3
Scale Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

VIQ 89.3 15.4 81.5 15.9 85.7 11.8 73.1 13.0 71.4 11.9
PIQ 84.3 17.0 82.1 18.0 80.3 15.4 76.5 15.9 72.3 16.2
FS-IQ 85.5 16.0 79.8 16.9 81.5 12.8 73.7 11.7 69.3 13.0
VIQ ⫺ PIQ 5.0 14.1 ⫺0.6 14.1 5.7 14.8 ⫺0.3 18.4 ⫺0.9 14.0
Note. The full sample was based on n ⫽ 113. The subsample included the 23 children who had been administered the Wechsler three times.

Table 3
Results of Multilevel Analysis for Model 1 and The Final Model

Verbal Scale Performance Scale Full Scale

Estimate SE p value 95% CI Estimate SE p value 95% CI Estimate SE p value 95% CI

Base model
Fixed effects
Intercept 115.57 3.86 ⬍.001 (108.0, 123.2) 103.16 4.50 ⬍.001 (94.3, 112.0) 109.35 3.98 ⬍.001 (101.5, 117.2)
Time: logarithmic ⫺7.56 0.97 ⬍.001 (⫺9.5, ⫺5.6) ⫺4.97 1.14 ⬍.001 (⫺7.2, ⫺2.7) ⫺6.66 1.00 ⬍.001 (⫺8.6, ⫺4.7)
WISC-IIINL ⫺3.04 1.72 .078 (⫺6.4, 0.3) ⫺1.93 2.01 .337 (⫺5.8, 2.0) ⫺2.90 1.77 .104 (⫺6.4, 0.6)
WPPSI-RNL ⫺1.17 2.51 .641 (⫺6.1, 3.7) ⫺2.99 2.98 .317 (⫺8.9, 2.9) ⫺1.75 2.60 .502 (⫺6.9, 3.4)
Random effects
Intercept SD 13.29 13.85 13.54
Residual SD 7.53 9.19 7.82
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Deviance 1944.00 2012.79 1958.96

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Final Model
Fixed effects
Intercept 124.71 5.58 ⬍.001 (113.7, 135.7) 98.24 5.77 ⬍.001 (86.9, 109.6) 106.75 4.77 ⬍.001 (97.3, 116.1)
Time: logarithmic ⫺9.34 1.30 ⬍.001 (⫺11.9, ⫺6.8) ⫺3.28 1.37 .018 (⫺6.0, ⫺0.6) ⫺5.62 1.12 ⬍.001 (⫺7.8, ⫺3.4)
WISC-IIINL ⫺2.13 1.66 .200 (⫺5.4, 1.1) ⫺2.20 2.16 .311 (⫺6.4, 2.1) ⫺2.49 1.80 .170 (⫺6.0, 1.1)
⫺5.09 2.65 .056 (⫺10.3, 0.1) ⫺1.38 3.28 .674 (⫺7.8, 5.1) ⫺1.68 2.69 .534 (⫺7.0, 3.6)
Age at onset ⫺0.33 0.12 .007 (⫺0.6, ⫺0.1) 0.15 0.05 .001 (0.1, 0.2) 0.08 0.04 .059 (⫺0.003, 0.2)
Parental education 6.54 1.36 ⬍.001 (3.8, 9.2) 4.25 1.63 .011 (1.0, 7.5) 5.79 1.42 ⬍.001 (3.0, 8.6)
Lefthandedness ⫺3.58 2.95 .228 (⫺9.4, 2.3) ⫺4.79 3.52 .178 (⫺11.8, 2.2) ⫺4.24 3.07 .170 (⫺10.3, 1.9)
Sex (boy) 5.96 2.34 .012 (1.3, 10.6) 2.56 2.80 .362 (⫺3.0, 8.1) 4.46 2.44 .070 (⫺0.4, 9.3)
Special education ⫺9.18 2.49 ⬍.001 (⫺14.1, ⫺4.2) ⫺6.08 2.98 .044 (⫺12.0, ⫺0.2) ⫺8.56 2.60 .001 (⫺13.7, ⫺3.4)
Time: logarithmic by AOE 0.08 0.03 .005 (0.02, 0.1)
Random effects
Intercept SD 9.66 11.27 10.04
Residual SD 6.87 9.52 7.70
Deviance 1520.60 1627.54 1554.47
Note. SE ⫽ standard error; SD ⫽ standard deviation.

Different Trajectories for the Verbal where the Performance Scale has been shown to be more prone to
and Performance IQ profit from practice effects or test familiarity (Canivez & Watkins,
1998). The impact of test familiarity in the present study should be
Previous studies have described lower IQ for very early AOE limited, given the interval of a year or longer between testings.
(Bulteau et al., 2000; Cormack et al., 2007). The present study
points toward differential impact on the various scales: earlier Variables Contributing to Cognitive Level and
AOE was associated with a better (initial) VIQ and a more pro-
Cognitive Change: Epilepsy Variables
nounced decline—therefore a worse trajectory. Earlier AOE was
associated with particularly lowered PIQ and larger VIQ ⬎ PIQ Similar to earlier studies on heterogeneous samples (Reijs et al.,
discrepancies. 2007; Strauss et al., 1995), no epilepsy variable other than age of
The VIQ ⬎ PIQ gap was seen early in the course of the epilepsy, epilepsy onset and duration of epilepsy, could be singled out as
and closed over time. The results suggested that Verbal IQ was contributing significantly to cognitive level or to cognitive change
“spared” initially and declined over time, while Performance IQ over time. This is particularly puzzling concerning variables like
possibly showed its vulnerability early in the course of the epilepsy epilepsy syndrome severity and underlying symptomatology. Sev-
and showed an attenuated decline later on. Future research includ- eral issues should be pointed out regarding the variables studied.
ing children tested before epilepsy onset (e.g., children with an First, the results may challenge the utility of the syndrome severity
increased genetic risk for developing epilepsy), could be directed scale as used in this study. In fact, various authors have indicated
at elucidating whether the VIQ ⬎ PIQ discrepancy exists already that the best way to determine epilepsy syndrome severity is still
prior to the onset of epilepsy, or emerges together with the seizure under debate and that syndrome severity should be studied in
condition. combination with cognitive outcome (Dunn et al., 2004; Reijs et
As in the present study, some evidence for less decline (or more al., 2006; Wirrell, Grossardt, So, & Nickels, 2011). Second, as
gains) at retesting for PIQ rather than VIQ has been given in Elger, Helmsteadter and Kurthen (2004) pointed out, etiology and
samples without intervening surgery (Aldenkamp, Alpherts, De AOE are difficult to disentangle, because specific disorders peak at
Bruine-Seeder, & Dekker, 1990), after epilepsy surgery (Skirrow certain age groups (Wirrell, Grossardt, Wong-Kisiel, & Nickels,
et al., 2011; Westerveld et al., 2000), and in the light of amelio- 2011). This means that the findings related to early AOE may be
ration of seizures (Van Mil et al., 2010). Part of these effects may seen as valid for early onset etiologies. Third, some cases with
be interpreted in the light of studies of children without epilepsy, MRI-negative findings are reclassified as positive cases after MRI

Table 4 of particular relevance in long-term evaluations of children and

Results of Multilevel Analysis for the VIQ – PIQ Discrepancy may aid in explaining why none of these variables had a statisti-
cally significant contribution to the models.
VIQ – PIQ Newer types of seizure classification and conceptualization are
Estimate SE p value 95% CI being proposed (Berg et al., 2010). These classifications may
potentially prove to be differentially associated with cognitive
Base model
Fixed effects
outcome in epilepsy. Literature suggests that an underlying cause
Intercept 9.06 2.63 .001 (3.9, 14.2) leading to seizures— be it hereditary, structural, metabolic, or
Time: square root ⫺0.93 0.33 .005 (⫺1.6, ⫺0.3) unknown (Berg et al., 2010)—may affect the cognitive develop-
WISC-IIINL ⫺0.63 1.80 .726 (⫺4.2, 2.9) ment of the child even before the epilepsy surfaces (Schouten,
WPPSI-RNL 1.49 2.61 .570 (⫺3.7, 6.6) Oostrom, Jennekens-Schinkel, & Peters, 2001), and may continue
Random effects
Intercept SD 11.84 to influence cognitive development for a prolonged period of time.
Residual SD 8.11 The present study proposes that the impact of the seizure con-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Deviance 1944.38 dition on an already affected brain (Hermann et al., 2006) is

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

synergistic, leading to progressive decline in cognitive function.

Final model The impact of selected epilepsy variables on this decline could not
Fixed effects
easily be singled out. Evidence of this synergistic effect is also
Intercept 12.87 3.61 ⬍.001 (5.7, 20.0)
Time: square root ⫺1.53 0.40 ⬍.001 (⫺2.3, ⫺0.7) provided by studies on unilateral brain lesions, showing that the
WISC-IIINL 0.64 1.95 .745 (⫺3.2, 4.5) added presence of seizures alters the course of cognitive develop-
WPPSI-RNL ⫺1.64 2.82 .562 (⫺7.2, 3.9) ment, turning growth into decline (Ballantyne, Spilkin, Hesselink,
Age at onset ⫺0.17 0.04 ⬍.001 (⫺0.3, ⫺0.1) & Trauner, 2008). Further support comes from recent studies
Parental education 1.85 1.52 .227 (⫺1.2, 4.9)
Lefthandedness 1.64 3.30 .620 (⫺4.9, 8.1) showing changes in brain networks of children with focal epilepsy,
Sex (boy) 2.99 2.61 .255 (⫺2.2, 8.2) which extend beyond the epileptic region and was most prominent
Special education ⫺3.55 2.79 .206 (⫺9.1, 2.0) in children with lower IQ (Braakman et al., 2013). A study on
Random effects adults showed that changes in brain networks could be associated
Intercept SD 10.85
with cognitive decline (Vaessen et al., 2012). The decisive factor
Residual SD 8.01
Deviance 1576.42 leading to cognitive decline may not be the presence or absence of
seizures or a brain lesion alone, but their co-occurrence and pos-
sible interaction.
reevaluation (Funke, Moore, Orrison, & Lewine, 2011). Changes
in MRI-interpretation have implications for the reliability of the
Demographic Variables, Special Education
distinction between symptomatic and nonsymptomatic etiologies
and consequent syndrome classification. Fourth, seizure freedom School problems are frequently seen in children with epilepsy
may be temporary and may be followed by relapse (Schmidt & (Fastenau, Shen, Dunn, & Austin, 2008; Reilly & Neville, 2011).
Sillanpää, 2012). Fifth, AEDs can both impair and enhance cog- In the present study, special education was associated with lower
nitive functioning (Kwan & Brodie, 2001). All these issues may be VIQ. No interaction with the duration of epilepsy was seen,

Figure 1. Approximated effect of time according to the Base Model for Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, and Full
Scale IQ.

suggesting that special education per se is not associated with this process of epileptogenesis and emergence of the seizure con-
lowering of IQ over time. In line with research showing that dition. The younger child, with its more immature brain, has a
parental education is a predictor of cognitive functioning (Mitchell reduced seizure threshold and is particularly vulnerable to disrup-
et al., 1994), a significant effect was seen for parental educational tion (Rakhade & Jensen, 2009) and more prone to show impaired
level. Again, no interaction was seen between parental education cognitive development (Cormack et al., 2007), a lowered PIQ and
and change over time, suggesting that lower parental education a worse trajectory of VIQ.
was no risk factor for decline. Conversely, higher parental educa- With the emergence of seizures, the already ongoing process of
tion was not “protective” against decline. abnormal development exacerbates, leading to a cascade of
changes, both in the brain and in cognition (Jensen, 2011; Rakhade
& Jensen, 2009). Cognitive decline becomes more generalized and
Test Versions
affects also the initially spared verbal IQ. Information that was
Epilepsies emerge at different ages and progress with remissions already acquired and consolidated (“wired”) may be preserved and
and relapses (Camfield et al.,1993; Schmidt & Sillanpää, 2012). A account for the initial higher level of VIQ. To maintain the original
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

first step to approaching a wide spectrum of epilepsies longitudi- IQ, children must earn higher raw scores when they grow older
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

nally is the inclusion of children at various ages—and therefore the (Wechsler, 2005). An adverse impact of the epilepsy on novel
inclusion of various test versions, and changes of test versions over problem solving abilities and on the ability to acquire new infor-
time. However, studies with more than one test version carry the mation, may account for the reduced rate of cognitive growth.
risk of contaminating results with nonequivalence of test versions Reduced cognitive growth is detected by the IQ test as lower
and Flynn effects (Bourgeois, Prensky, Palkes, Talent, & Busch, scores at retesting. Decline in verbal IQ shows a steeper downward
1983; Flynn, 2007; Kaufman, 2010; Neyens & Aldenkamp, 1997; curve and becomes more evident over months or years. The present data
Wechsler, 2005). A major advantage of the present study is that it suggest that this decline in verbal IQ can possibly be understood as
modeled different test versions explicitly, adjusting for their po- being largely nonspecific (associated to the failure of the brain to
tential differential contributions. Similarly, the present model al- develop and to acquire new information in the same pace as
lowed entering children regardless of the number of times they before) rather than specific (associated with the brain areas respon-
were tested. sible for language and verbal abilities). A nonspecific effect is
suggested by the lack of association between side of seizure onset
Mechanisms Related to the Initial Drop in IQ and the (right vs. left hemisphere) with VIQ – PIQ difference or with the
VIQ – PIQ pattern (the closing of the VIQ – PIQ gap) over time.
Posterior Slowing of Decline
Also, the association between low verbal IQ and the presence of
The mechanisms leading to an initial drop— differential for the epileptic activity during the night described in the literature (Over-
two IQ scales and more pronounced in the younger child—and vliet et al., 2011) may be interpreted as largely nonspecific.
posterior stabilization of cognitive functions are not completely Over time, the brain itself may activate (inhibitory) mechanisms
understood. The large individual variability among individuals to deal with the heightened excitation of the brain, possibly be-
suggests different mechanisms between individuals and between cause of brain maturation (Rakhade & Jensen, 2009), leading to
etiological groups. An approach to understanding the mechanisms self-containment of the seizure condition. In addition, antiepileptic
may be undertaken from the perspective of the interaction between medications aid in seizure suppression and affect cognitive func-
brain, epilepsy and cognitive function, and psychometrics. tion (Geerts et al., 2010; Kwan & Brodie, 2001). Many of the
Before the onset of epilepsy, learning problems may already be childhood epilepsies ameliorate after several years (Geerts et al.,
seen (Hermann et al., 2012; Schouten et al., 2001) pointing toward 2010). These factors may all contribute to slowing down cognitive
ongoing latent changes in the brain (Hermann et al., 2010). The decline, giving way to renewed development, although often at a
period of epileptogenesis culminates in the disruption of the bal- lower level than the original level. The role of reorganization of
ance between excitation and inhibition of the brain network (Jen- brain networks and its implications for cognitive development
sen, 2011) and in the emergence of seizures proper. Generalized, remain unclear. Alterations in brain networks in children with
nonspecific cognitive problems become evident, affecting mainly frontal lobe epilepsy were seen more clearly in those with low
attention, executive functions, and visual-motor speed (Bhise, Bu- intellectual ability but were not associated with duration of epi-
rack, & Mandelbaum, 2010; Fastenau et al., 2009; Hermann, lepsy (Braakman et al., 2013). The timing of the initial epileptic
Jones, Jackson, & Seidenberg, 2012; Hermann et al., 2006). These seizure, the effects of AEDs, and changes in brain development
difficulties may give rise to the lowered PIQ and to the concom- may depend on etiology and may be positive in some children and
itant VIQ ⬎ PIQ gap described in the present study. Soon after the negative in others, explaining the difference between those who
seizures become apparent, abnormalities in brain organization are continue to decline and those who resume development. Further
seen. Of particular interest in relation to the low PIQ are the white research is needed to determine the factors. In some children with
matter abnormalities and a disturbed pattern of white matter low IQs already at baseline, reaching the floor of the test may
growth observed in several studies (Hermann et al., 2010; Hutchin- occur; thereafter, decline can no longer be quantified by the test.
son et al., 2010), which may hamper speed of information pro-
Limitations and Utility of the Study
The more preserved VIQ at first testing may be giving a closer
estimate of the child’s original cognitive level. PIQ, with its lower An important consideration is that this study used a clinical
initial score and more gradual decline, may be giving a better sample from a tertiary epilepsy setting to study the cognitive
indication of the vulnerable reaction of the brain already during course over time. The children had been referred and repeatedly

assessed because concerns about the neuropsychological function- process, if necessary lasting beyond seizure remission. Also, the
ing had risen. The sample consisted of children who were more results of the present study urge researchers to intensify the search
likely to have refractory epilepsy, epilepsy with an unstable course for underlying etiologies and optimalization of medical treatment.
(Geerts et al., 2010; Schmidt & Sillanpää, 2012), epilepsy that
changed into a more atypical and severe forms (Fejerman, Cara-
ballo, & Tenembaum, 2000), and relatively higher rates of children References
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