Charles Carter. Quotes

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9/10/2018 Charles Carter. Quotes.


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On astrology in general:

"Our science, while it probably numbers more real students than ever
before, is still scorned by the uninformed and misused by the unscrupulous.
Charles Carter It does not much move us to hear the ridicule of orthodox scientists, who,
Home Page however great they may be in their own spheres, know nothing of real
astrology and consequently are incompetent to pass any valuable opinion as
Memories Of to its truth. But one wearies of the rampant misuse of astrological terms by
Carter charlatans who either cannot or will not trouble to become efficient
astrologers, yet find that a liberal use of our terminology impresses foolish
Spirit Of Place clients..." [From Carter's editorial in the very first edition of The Astrologers'
Quarterly, December 1926]
Carter's Tiles
On the power of thought:
Carter Meets Leo
"The idea is common in some circles that our thoughts are omnipotent and
Carter The Great directly cause our circumstances; so that, from this point of view, it might
be held that the stars affect our thoughts and, through these, our
Carter's Prediction conditions. But the nativity does not lose its validity when the native is an
Of Marriage idiot. Hence, while admitting that there is a great deal that is true in this
view, we cannot agree that it covers the whole field of enquiry...." [From
Carter's House System The Seven Great Problems of Astrology 1927]

Carter's Rules On the unconscious:

For Elections
"It cannot be questioned that the unconscious is a realm wherein the stellar
forces are tremendously potent, since there is in this region of the soul
Carter's Degree Areas
nothing to check them. But it is doubtful if all the phenomena of natal
astrology could be explained in terms of the unconscious, unless, indeed,
Carter's Death Prediction
we were to endow that mysterious factor with even more wondrous powers
than some psychologists, seeking a deux ex machina to solve their
Carter's Nativity Rule
problems, have already given it". [From The Seven Great Problems of
Astrology 1927]
Some Carter Quotes
On the merit of using the simplest systems (of progression or
The Future direction):

Resources "...we may distinguish between the results obtainable at the expense of
great time and trouble, and those which may be got more easily and are the
outcome of a simple but comprehensive system adapted to general use"
This resource has been [From Symbolic Directions In Modern Astrology 1929]
researched (In other words if the results are equal, why bother with the more
and presented complicated method)
by the Wessex Astrology
Group. On the pitfalls of prediction:
It is dedicated
to the life, work "The astrologer who predicts (by whatever means) when under bad
and memory of 'influences' will probably regret his temerity. I speak from personal
Charles E O Carter. experience!" [From a letter in The Astrological Journal, Spring 1963]

On the Zodiac Ages:

"It is probable that there is no branch of Astrology upon which more

nonsense has been poured forth than the doctrine of the precession of the
equinoxes. Indeed, many, if not most, of those who have written on the
subject have betrayed a complete failure to understand what the 1/3
9/10/2018 Charles Carter. Quotes.

astronomical facts of this phenomenon are, although they may be

ascertained from any good encyclopaedia. Such expressions as 'the passage
of the vernal equinox (or even "of the sun!") through the signs' are, of
themselves, plain evidence that the writer has not the remotest idea of the
matter he is attempting to discuss. The vernal equinoctial point, or First
Point of Aries, is the commencement of the twelve signs, and therefore can
no more pass through the signs than the point 12 o'clock on the dial of a
clock can pass through the twelve hourly sectors of the dial... What happens
is that the First Point of Aries retrogrades through the twelve zodiacal
constellations which did once but do not now correspond in space with the
[From 'Historical Cycles and the Twelve Signs', The Astrologer's Quarterly,
December 1947]

On Astrology as a symbol of Freedom:

"It is certain that in a totalitarian State there would be no place for

astrology, just as there was no place for it in Nazi Germany. For astrology
cannot be twisted or made to lie. The German astrologers could not advise
Hitler to invade Russia, seeing that Saturn was so very malefic in his natus.
He refused to listen and did his best to extirpate astrology; but he could not
alter his destiny." [From an Editorial in The Astrologer's Quarterly,
December 1950]

"Under the Nazis...astrologers were persecuted and their libraries

destroyed. Fräuline Brüll-Neuda, who translated two of my books into
German, was brutally done to death." [From an Editorial in The Astrologer's
Quarterly, June 1951]

On the Ascendant as a Mask:

"Recently we have heard a good deal to the effect that the rising sign, and
in particular the ascending degree, is a mask which the native wears before
the world but which conceals his true self.
As I have stated in the Lodge, this proposition does not seem self-evidently
true. It seems to derive from the practice, in Alan Leo times, of correlating
the Sun with the 'individuality' and the Moon with the 'personality', using
these words in their well-known theosophical senses. 'Personality' is further
derived from the Latin persona = something one makes a noise through,
hence a mask such as actors were wont to wear, with a wide-open mouth.
Then, apparently, this idea of a mask was transferred to the ascending
I suggest that it is not the rising, but the setting degree, that is more truly
a mask, for it is through this that we contact other people, and unless we
have very strong personalities (in the usual, not the theosophical, sense)
we do modify our demeanour according to the man or woman who
confronts us..." [From an Editorial in The Astrologer's Quarterly, September

On Statistics:

"Statistics are weak in that, unless they can be spread over many lands and
long periods of time, they may always be attacked on the grounds that they
reflect only local or temporal conditions. Astrology stresses this weakness,
because it teaches that places and times have their own specific astrological
characteristics, and all births that take place within the limits of such times
and places must be affected by these. For example, I may find that in my
case Mars in 0° Pisces has a certain effect. But it may be that if most of my
maps are drawn from a certain country or belong to a certain epoch, this
significance of Mars in 0° Pisces is really based upon the fact that in the
horoscope for that country or that period of time another body occupies 0°
Pisces. Suppose that in the map of England, as a nation, Mars were in 0° 2/3
9/10/2018 Charles Carter. Quotes.

Pisces on the cusp of the 3rd, then it would naturally follow that, in a
number of maps for this country, planets in 0° Pisces might seem to
indicate accidents on short journeys; and indeed they would indicate this;
but it might be found that in maps for the United States there was no such
significance. This, then, is a drawback to statistics, and we must suspect
statistical facts unless we can see a reason for them, or unless we can
spread our data over wide periods of time and over different lands." [From
the Introduction to The Astrology of Accidents 1932]

On the drastic action of Uranus in transit:

"One bitterly cold January night in 1919 he (Uranus) was exactly on my

ruler. I was being driven from Cologne along an icy road to the small town
where we were quartered. The officer driving was mad-drunk. I wont go
into details, but I - and the rest of us - had a narrow escape from a very
unpleasant death.
The late George H. Bailey, my very good friend and (in matters of
mathematics) my stern monitor, did not believe in transits. He was operated
upon on the very day when transit Uranus was on his ruler, the Moon.
Everything went wrong and after two or three agonizing weeks he expired,
and I was left to cope with astro-mathematics as best I can!" [From a talk
on 'The Part of Uranus' at the Astrological Lodge in April 1967. Quoted in
The Astrologer's Quarterly, Winter 1973]

A New Year's Resolution (January 1952):

"To spend little time - and even less space - on hypothetical horoscopes"
[Quoted in The Astrologer's Quarterly, December 1951]

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