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Osvaldo Barudy Rivera Carrillo IP II ´´A´´ 05 de octubre de 2012

1. Hi How are you? I´m fine thanks

2. What is your name? My name is Barudy
3. How old are you? I´m 19 years old
4. Are you single? No i´m not
5. Where are you from? I´m from Paraiso Tabasco
6. Where do you live? I live in Paraiso Tabasco
7. Who do you live whit? I live whith my mother and my sisters
8. What do you do? I´m a petroleum engineering student
9. What is your cel number? It´s 933-118-28-09
10. What is your email address? It´s
11. What do you do in your free time? I play videogames I watch some movies and I
go whit my friends to have fun.
12. What kind of music do you listen? I listen rock, banda, electronic
13. Who is your favorite musician? Is Leon larregui of ZoE
14. What is your favorite food? I love the tacos and the pizza
15. What kind of movies do you like? Comedy and accion
16. Do you practice some sport? No I don´t
17. Do you have any ability? Yes I have I Can play videogames very well
18. Do you cook? Sometimes I prepare me my breakfast
19. Do you work? No I don’t
20. Do you dance? Yes I like dance

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