Dead Girl Walking

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Weathers: the Musical Dead Girl Walking Aor. Micheal 4. Voice de- mon queen of high school has de- creed- MM be dete ed hunt me down in stu- dy hall Stuff and mount me on Are. Michael ¥. Dead Girt Walking Page 2 1 Vee Thir- ty hours to live, how shall | spend them? Pno Vee I don't have to stay and die like cat- Pno Vee change my name/and'tide up to Se. Pno vee I don't own Here's an op- tion that Pno Arn. Micheal Dead Girt Walking Page 3 9 Vee Spend these thir- ty hours get- ting freak- Pno Vee need it hard im a dead girl walk: Pno Tm in your yard Ym a dead girl walk- Pao Vee fore they punch my clock - Pao Arn. Micheal Dead Girt Walking Page 4 7 Vee snap- ping off your win- dow lock Got no time to knock, I'm a des 3 Pno Vee Pno vee ly had to wake Pao Vee ‘See, I've dec- id-ed | mustride you'til Ibreak you Pao Arn. Micheal Dead Girl Walking Page 5 7 Vee Heath- er said I gots to go You're my last meal on death row Pao Vee Pno Vee night fm yours Tm your dead girl wali Pao vee Get onalll fours, _—kiss this dead girl walk- Pao Dead Girt Walking Vee Pno Vee vee Pno Vee Let's. and pissed and on the pill 2 It's ‘cause you're beau- ti- ful 99, re Arn. Micheal Page 6 you know the drill mo, Bow down to the will of a dead girl know, you know, — you know 2 2 7 You say you're numb —_in- side Arn. Michael Y. Dead Girt Walking Page 7 Vee but T can't a- gree tne ni: Vee locked out there Vee Let's make this Pno Vee Pno Arn. Micheal Dead Girl Walking Page 8 Vee Pno steam a- hgh) take this dead gril walke break the bed, wrap this dead girl walk- ing Dead Girt Walking 3 Vee Pho Vee Pao Vee Pao Vee Pho sleep to- night for you, Bet ter Get your ass in gear, Make this, Slap mgijpull my hair, Touch mo. talk- Ing Arn. Micheal Page 9 chug that Moun- tain Dew whole town dis- ap- pear there and there and there and no more Love this dead girl Arr. Michael ¥. Dead Girt Walking Page 10 n Vee walk- ing Love this dead girl Pao Vee walk- ing Love this dead girl Yeah Pho Vee Pho

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