Unit 3 Exercise 1

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Unit 3

Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:
10 f

Exercise 3:
1 The term 'digital signature' has been used for various methods of indicating an
electronic signature, such as typing the signer's name into the signature area, pasting
in a scanned version of the signer's signature, clicking an 'I Accept' button or using
cryptographic 'scrambling' technology. However, it is now becoming standard to
reserve the term 'digital signature' only for cryptographic signature methods, and to
use 'electronic signature' for the other paperless signature methods mentioned above.
2 The most significant legal effect of the new e-signature law is to make electronic
contracts and signatures as legally valid as paper contracts.
3 These websites need enforceable agreements for ordering supplies and services for
them, the new law is essential legislation because it helps them conduct business
entirely on the Internet.
4 An online company must provide a notice indicating, whether paper contracts are
available and inform customers that if they give their consent to use electronic
documents, they can later change their minds. The notice must also explain what fees
or penalties might apply if the company must use paper agreements for the
transaction. Furthermore, the notice must also indicate whether the customer's consent
applies only to the particular transaction at hand, or whether the business has to get
consent to use e-documents signatures for each transaction. Prior to obtaining consent,
the business must also provide a statement outlining the hardware and software
requirements to read and save the business's electronic documents. If the hardware or
software requirements change, the business must notify customers of the change and
give them the option to revoke their consent to using electronic documents.
5 The law does not define an electronic signature, or stipulate what technologies can
or should be used to create an electronic signature. The law establishes only that
electronic signatures in all their forms qualify as signatures in the legal sense.
Exercise 4:

Exercise 5:
1 enter into
2 signed
3 (had) breached
4 is terminated/terminates
5 to be renewed
6 modify

Exercise 6:
1 between
2 by
3 in
4 for
5 herein
6 hereby
7 by

Exercise 7:
1 True
2 True
3 False
4 False

Exercise 8:
1 Novation
2 benefits
3 third party
4 novation
5 novation
6 assignment
7 Assignment
8 parties
9 assignment
10 novation

Exercise 9:
1 In the case of a transfer of one party's interest in the Agreement to the party's heirs,
personal representatives of conservators in the case of death of legal incapacity.
2 The written notice must set forth all of the terms and conditions of the proposed
assignment and all available Information concerning the proposed assignee, including
but not limited to information concerning the proposed assignee's employment
history, financial condition, credit history, skill and qualifications, and in the case of a
partnership or corporate assignee, of its partners or shareholders.
3 Within ten days after receiving the notice (or, if additional information is requested,
within ten days after receiving the additional information), the non-assigning party
may either consent or withhold its consent to the assignment, or accept the assignment
to itself or to its nominee upon the terms and conditions specified in the notice. The
non-assigning party) may substitute an equivalent sum of cash for any consideration
other than cash specified in the notice.

Exercise 10:

Exercise 11:
1 to
2 to
3 under
4 from
5 to
6 against
7 to
8 upon

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