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ASME BPVCILA-2017, A-480/S4-480M SPECIFICATION FOR GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS AND HEAT-RESISTING STEEL PLATE, SHEET, AND STRIP CX SA-480/SA-480M Standard Specification for ASME BPVCILA-2017 General Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat- Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers a group of general require mens that, unless otherwise specified in the purchase order or in an individual specification, shall apply to rolled steel plate, sheet, and strip, under each of the following. specifications issued by ASTM: Specifications A167, A176, A2S0/A240M, 263, A264, A265, A666, A693, A793, and 89S 1.2 In the case of conflict between a requirement of a product specification and a requirement of this specication, the product specification shall prevail. In the case of conflict betwen a requirement of the product specification or a requirement of this specification and a more stringent require ‘ment of the purchase order, the purchase order shall prevail Te purchase order requirements shall not take precedence if they, in any way, violate the requirements of the product specification or this specification; for example, by waiving a test requirement or by making a test requirement less stringent. 1.3 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SL units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets, except that when A48OM is specified, Annex A3 shall apply for the dimensional tolerances tnd not the bracketed SI values in Annex A2. The values tated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification, |. This specification and the applicable material specifi tions are expressed in both inch-pound and SI units. However, unless the order specifies the applicable “M" specification designation [ST units}, the material shall be furnished in inch-pound ut 794 2. Referenced Docu 2.1 ASTM Standards: [A167 Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting ‘Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip A176 Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chro- rium Steel Plate, Sheet, and Stip A240/A240M Specification for Chromium and Chromium. Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications A262 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Inergranular ‘Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels A263 Specification for Stainless Chromium Steel-Clad Plate A264 Specitication for Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel lad Plate A265 Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloy-Clad Steel Plate AM2/A342M Test Methods for Permeability of Feebly Magnetic Materials A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Tes ‘of Steel Products 666 Specification for Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar A693 Specification for Previpitaion-Hardening Stainless ‘and Heat-Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip A700 Practices for Packaging, Marking, and Loadi ‘xs for Stee! Products for Shipment A751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chem cal Analysis of Stoel Products A763 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Imergranular Attack in Fervtic Stainless Steels A793 Specification for Rolled Floor Pl ‘A895 Specification for Free-Machinin Sheet, and Strip A923 Test Methods for Detecting Detrimental Intermetallic Phase in Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels E140 Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals Relationship Meth: e, Stainless Steel Stainless Ste! Plate, ASME BPVCI Among Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Superficial Hardness, Knoop Hardness, Selero- scope Hardness, and Leeb Hardness 22 AIAG Standard BB-5 Primary Metals Identification Tag Application Standard 23 ANSI Standard: Accredited Standards Committee X 12, (ANSI ASC X12) 24 Federal Standard: Fed. Std. No, 123 Markit 25 Miliary Standards: MIL-STD- 129 Marking for Shipment and Storage MIL-STD-163 Steel Mill Products, Preparation for Ship- ‘ment and Storage for Shipment (Civil Agencies) 3. Terminology 3.1 Definitions 3.11 Plate, sheet, strip, and cold work as used in this specification apply to the following: 3.1.2 plate—material Ye in, {5.00 mm] and over in thick- ress and over 10 in, [250 mm] in width. Finishes for plave are actually shown in Section 13, 3.1.3 sheet—material under Yio in. [5.00 mm] in thickness and 24 in, (600 mm} and over in width. Finishes for sheer are actually shown in Section 11 3.1.4 sirip—cold-olled material under Ye in. (5.00 mm] in thickness and under 24 in, (600 mm] in width, Finishes are detailed in Section 12 for strip, and strip edges in Section 14 for Cold-Rolled Strip, 3.1.5 cold work—the changing of mechanical properties by ‘work hardening, 4. Ordering Information 4.1 Ibis the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all requirements that are necessary for material ordered under this specification, Such requirements may include, but are not Timited to, the following: 4.1.1 Quantity (weight and number of pieces), 4.1.2 Name of material (stainless steel), 4.13 Condition (hot-rolled, cold-rolled, annealed, hes treated), 4.14 Finish (see Section 11 for Sheet, Section 12 for Strip, land Section 13 for Plates). In the case of polished finishes, specify whether one or both sides are to be polished, 4.15 Temper (if the applicable material specification re- quires this detail), 4.1.6 Form (plate sheet, or stip). 4.1.7 Dimensions (thickness, width, length), Thickness shall be ordered to decimal or fractional thickness. The use of the gage number is discouraged as 795 ma-2017 '5A-480/SA-480M, an archaic tem of limited usefulness not having. genera agreement on meaning. The gage number shall not be a basis for rejection ‘41.72 Thickness, width, and length, when applicable, should be ordered in the same units fr example, 0.060 in, by 48 in, by 120 in, [1.2 mm by 1219 mm by 3048 mm) 4.18 Edge, stip only (see Section 14 for Cold-Rolled sui) 4.19 Type or UNS designation, refer to the applicable material specication, 441.10 Specification designation and date of issue, LIL Additions t specification or special requ 4.1.12 Restrictions (i desired) on methods for determining Yield stength (See appropriate footnote to mechanical prope. ties table ofthe basic material specification) 4.1.13 Marking requirements (see Section 25) 4.1.14 Preparation for delivery (see Section 25), and 4.1.15 Magnetic permeability test (when required). Refer to Section 19 Nowe 1A typical ordering description is a follows: 200 pieces, stainless steel sets, 0160 in by 48 i, by 120 in, Type 410 No. 2B finish ASTM AIT6XX, 5. Process 5.1. The stel shall be manufactured produced by the follow- ing or as specified in the applicable material specification, 5.1-1 The steel shall be made by one of the following processes: elecric-are, electric-induction, or other suitable processes. S12 If a specific type of melting is required by the purchaser, it shall be so specified on the purchase order. 6, Heat Analysis 6.1 Methods and practices relating to chemical analysis shall be in acconlance with Test Methods, Practices, and ‘Terminology A751 62 An analysis of each heat shall be made by the steel producer to determine the percentages of the elements specified in the applicable material specification, ‘This analysis shall be ‘made from a test sample taken during the pouring of the melt, ‘or from the in-process product later in the manufacturing low. 62.1 The heat analysis shall conform to the chemical requirements for each of the specified elements for the grade ‘ordered, as listed in the applicable product specification 6.22 All commercial metals contain small amounts of elements other than those which are specified. It is neither practical nor necessary 10 specify limits for unspecified elements, whether intentionally added unspecified elements residual elements or trace elements, that can be present. The producer is permitted to analyze for unspecified elements and Js permitted to report such analyses. The presence of an unspecified clement and the reporting of an analysis for that ‘element shall not be a bass for rejection, unless the presence of that element causes the loss of a property typically expected for that metal, for the type and quality ordered, 6.2.3 The purchaser is permitted to require in the purchase ‘order @ maximum limit for an individual element not specified inthe product specification, Such a requirement for an element SA-480/s4-480M, not listed in the product specification, when acknowledged in the order acceptance, shall be treated as a specified element, \with determination of chemical analysis and reporting of that analysis 6.2.4 The purchaser is permitted to make the requirements for any element more stringent, that is, require higher mini ‘mums for elements having minimum requirements or ranges ‘with minimum requirements, or requiring lower maximums for elements having specified maximums, oF ranges with maxi mums. The purchaser is not permitted to make chemi requirements less stringent. 6.25 Analysis limits shall be established for specific clements rather than groups of elements, including but not limited to all others, rare earths, and halance, unless all elements in such a group are similar in technical effect and are associated in typical methods of chemical analysis, 16.3 Except as permitted in 6.3.1, the steel shall not contain an unspecified element for the ordered grade tothe extent that the steel conforms to the requirements of another grade for Which that clement is a specified element having a required ‘minimum content, For this requirement, a grade is defined as an alloy described individually and identified by its own UNS designation in a table of chemical requirements within this specification or any specification listed within the scope as being covered by the specification, 6.3.1 Unless otherwise specified to lower maximum limits fon the purchase order, maximum allowances for unspecified clements will be established for Cu, Mo, Ti and Cb for the specified grade if the amount of that element present in the material conflicts with composition limits for that element in another grade. These allowances are: Cu, 0.75%; Mo, 0.75%: Ti, 0.10 %: and Cb, 0.10 % 64 The producer is not permitted to cen that material is in compliance with an ASTM product specification when the purchase order has required that the material contain as @ minimum or range an element that is neither a specified clement nor an intentionally added unspecified element for the ‘ordered grade in accordance with the definitions of Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology A751 7. Product Analysis 7.1 The purchaser is permitted to perform a product analysis {formerly check analysis) to verify the identity ofthe finished ‘material representing each heat or lt. Such analysis shall be made by any of the commonly accepted methods that will positively identify the material. 7.2 The chemical composition determined in accordance ‘with 7.1 shall conform to the limits ofthe material specification within the tolerances of Table A1.1, unless otherwise specified in the applicable material specification or the purchase order. The allowable variation of a particular element in a single sample for product analysis is permitted to be either above or below the specified range, However, percentages must exhibit the same tendencies in all samples; that is, the several determinations of any individual element in a heat shall not ‘vary both above and below the specified range. 796 ASME BPVCILA-2017 8. Material Test Report and Certification 8.1. A repor ofthe results of all tests required by the product specification shall be supplied to the purchaser. This material est report shall reference the product specification designation and year date indicating that the material was manufactured, ‘sampled, tested, and inspected in accordance with requirements of the product specification and has been found to meet those requirements, The material test report shall report the melting process when the purchase order requires either a specific type ‘of melting or requires that the melting process used is to be reported, 8.1.1 The report shall indicate the type of steel. Ieerifying that the material conforms to the requirements for more than ‘one type of steel, the manufacturer may indicate each type of steel on the report, oF te report for each type of steel. Ay issue a sepa 8.2. signature is not required on the report. However, the document shall clearly identify the organization submitting the report. Not withstanding the absence of a signature, the ‘organization submitting the document is responsible for its conten 8.3. A material test report, cemificateof inspection, or similar document printed from or used in electronic form from an electronic data interchange (EDI) transmission shall be re- arded as having the same validity as a counterpart printed the certfiers’ facility. The content of the EDI transmitted document must meet the requirements of the invoked ASTM. standard(s) and conform to any existing EDI agreement be- tween the purchaser and the supplier. Notwithstanding. the absence of a signature, the organization submiting the EDI transmission is responsible for the content of the report 844 When finished material is supplied to a purchase order specifying the product specification, the organization supply- ng that material shall provide the purchaser with a copy of the original manufacturer's test report. [Nom 2—Notwithstanding the absence of signature, the orpanization sutyniting the report is esponsible for the content of the report ‘Nore S—The indstty defintion ss ivoked hee is! EDI is the computertowomputer exchange of busines information ia a standard format sich ay ANSTASC X 12, 84.1 When the original manufacturer's test report was provided by EDI to the organization supplying the finished ‘material 10 the purchaser, the onganization supplying. the finished material shall provide tothe purchaser a printed form ‘of the original test report or shall retransmit the test report by EDI to the purchaser. In either case, the test report shall be complete with the full identification of the original manufac turer and with all data provided on the test report of the original ‘manufacturer 9. Permitted Variations in Dimensions and Weight 9.1 Sheet, strip, and plate shall conform to the permitted variations in thickness, width, length and flatness, and other properties when specified, as listed in Annex A2 and Annex A3 for A480 and AS80M respectively, for the ordered product form, or as agreed upon by seller and user and specified in the purchase order, ASME BPVCILA-2017 10. Workmanship 10.1 The material shall be of uniform quality consistent with good manufacturing and inspection practices. The steel shall have no imperfections of a nature of degree, for the type and quality ordered, that will adversely affect the stamping, forming, machining, or fabrication of finished parts. 10.2 Sheet, Strip, and Plate—For sheet, and strip with No, 1 finish and plate with hot-roll anneal or hot-roll anneal and pickle finish it is permitted to grind to remove surface imperfections, provided such grinding does not reduce the thickness or width at any point beyond the permissible varia- tions in dimensions. An iro free abrasive wheel shall be used for such grinding and shall be operated at a speed ample to ensure that defective areas are cleanly cut out 11.1 The types of finish available on sheet products are: L1-L1 No. 1 Finisk—Hot-rolled, annealed, and descale. 11.12 No. 2D Finish—Cold-olled, dul finish 11.1.3 ‘No. 2B Finish—Cold-roled, bright finish, LL-13.1 Bright Annealed Finish—A bright cold-rolled finish retained by final annealing in a controlled atmosphere furnace, L1.L4 No. 3 Finish—Intermediate polished finish, one oF both sides. ILLS No. 4 Finish—General purpose polished finish, one ‘or bath sides, 11.1.6 No. 6 Finish—Dull satin finish, Tampico brushed, ‘one oF both sides. M17 No. 7 Finish—High luster finish, 11.1.8 No. 8 Finish—Mirvor finish, 11.1.9 TR Finish—Cold-worked to obtain specified proper- ties. Now 4Fsplanation of Sheet Finishes: No. Commonly refered to as hot-lled annealed and pickled esc, Thin is 2 dil, nonreective nish No. 2D-—A sooth, nonzelestve col-led annealed and pickled or descile nish. This nondretonal finish is favorable for retention of Tubricams in deep drawing applications. No. 28—A smooth, modeaely restive cokd-olled annealed and Pickled oe descaed finish typically produced by imparting a final Tight ‘oldolle pass using poised ols. This general-purpose ash is more Teaiily polished than No. lo¢ 2D finishes. Product with 2B finish is ‘ermal supplied nthe anesle pus ihly cold-rolled condition unless {tensile rolled producti specified Bright mead Finish A smh, bright. reective fish rypically Polishing of rolling. Average surface roughness (R,) may ‘senerally be up to 40 micr-inches A skilled operator can generals Blend this fish, Surface roughness measurements ifr with diferent Insirumeat, Ihoratories, and peat. There may also be overip in ‘measurements of surface roughness for both No.3 and No shes, No. 4—A linearly textured finish that may be produced by ether ‘mechanical polishing oF rolling. Average surface roughness (R,) may feteraly be up to 28 microvinches. A sllled operator can generally lend this finish, Surface roughness measurements fer with ifferent instruments, laboratories, and operators. There may aso be overlap i measurements of surface oughness for bath No.3 and No. 4 ise ‘No. 6-—This finish haya sof satin appearance sypialy produced by tampico brushing a No.4 finish, ‘Na. 7—Has high degree of refctivity. Wis produced by buting a finely ground surface, but he git ins are not removed. es his wsed 797 'sa-480/SA-490M, for architect of mametal purposes ‘No. & This is a highly recive, smooth nish ypcally produce by polishing with soccessvely finer rit abrasives, then baling. Typical. ery fant bull of polish ines may sil be visible onthe final product Blending after par ssemhly may be done with buting TR Finih—The finish resting from the coking ofan annealed and descaled or bright annealed prodoct to obtain mechanical properties Fiher than that of the anneal condition. Appearance wil vary depend ing upon the starting fash, amount of cold work, nd the alloy “Arhitectural Finisher Sometimes desribed ss No. 5 Bish, these are separate category and may be negotiated hetwecn buyer and sll, {there are many techniques and finish variations avaiable thoughout the ‘wor 111.10 Architectural finish, No. 5, or other proprictary names are special finishes IILLLLL Note is not meant to be restrictive oF to be used as «a basis for rejection but is intended to give general guidelines Various production methods may be used 10 obtain these finishes. IL.L12 Sheets can be produced with one or ro sides polished. When polished on one side only, it is permitted to rough grind the other side in order to obtain the necessary flatness 12, Finish for Strip 12.1 The various types of finish procurable on cold-rolled strip products ae: 12.1.1 No. I Finish—Cold-rolled to specified thickness, annealed, and descaled. 12.1.2 No. 2 Finish—Same as No. Finish, followed by a final light cold-roll pass, generally on highly polished rolls 12.13 Bright Annealed Finish—A bright cold-rolled finish retained by final annealing ina controlled atmosphere furnace. 12.14 TR Finish—Cold-worked to obtain specified proper ties 12.1.5 Polished Finish—Stainles steel stip is also avail- able in polished finishes such as No. 3 and No. 4, which are explained in Note 4, [Nowe $—Explanation of Srp Finishes No. Appearance of this fish varies fom dull gray mate finish to 4 fay reflective surface, depending largely upon composition. Tis ish is sed for severely drawn or formed parts, a6 vel 3 for applications where the brighter No. 2 Finish is not required, such as parts for heat ‘No. 2—This finish has @ smoother and moe reflective surface, the appearance of which varies with composition, his general purpose ‘nish, widely sed for houschold and automotive tim, aleware tenis ‘Bright Annealed Finish See Note 4 TR Finish See Note 4 13, Finish for Plates 13.1 The types of finish available on plates are: 1B.LI Hot-Rolled or Cold-Rolled, and Annealed or Heat Treated—Scale not removed, an intermediate finish. Use of plates in this condition is generally confined to heat-resisting applications. Seale impairs corrosion resistance 13.12 HorRolled or Cold-Rolled, and Annealed or Heat Treated. and Blast Cleaned or Pickled—Condition and finish commonly preferred for corrosion-resisting and most heat- resisting applications, essentially a No, 1 Finish, A480 /5 ASME BPVC 13.1.3 Hot-Rolled or Cold-Rolled, and Annealed or Heat Treated, and Surface Cleaned and Polished—Polish finish is generally No. 4 Finish 13.14 HorRolled or Cold-Rolled, and Annealed or Heat Treated, and Descaled, and Temper Passed—Smoother finish for specialized applications. IB.LS HorRolled or Cold-Rolled, and Annealed or Heat Treated, and Descaled: and Cold-Rolled. and Annealed or Heat Treated, and Descaled, and Optionally Temper Passed— ‘Smooth finish with greater freedom from surface imperfections than in 13.14 14. Edges for Cold-Rolled Strip 14.1. The types of edges available on strip products are: 14.1.1 No. I Edge—A rolled edge, either round or square as specified, 14.1.2 No. 3 Edge—An edge produced by slitting, 14.1.3 No. 5 Edge—An approximately square edge pro- duced by rolling or filing after sliting 15, Heat Treatment 15.1 The heat treatments shown in this section are 10 be followed unless otherwise specified in the applicable material specification, Heat treatment thermal cycles shall be separate from other thermal processing cycles; for example, in-process ‘thermal cycles are not permitted asa substitute forthe separate annealing eycle 152 Austenitic Types: 2.1 The material shall be solution annealed to meet the mechanical property requirements of the applicable material specification unless otherwise stated in the material specifi 15.22 Except as indicated in Table A1.2, Series 300, XM-15, NOS800, S30415, S30815. $31725, 831726, and 332615 austenitic chromiurm-nickel steels, when specified on the purchase order, shall be capable of meeting the test for resistance to intergranular corrosion specified in 18.2. 15.23 For grades stabilized with titanium or columbium, refer 10 Note 6. Non 6-~Solution annealing temperatures above 1980°F [1066°C} can impair he restance to intergranolar corrowion after subsequent exposure {o senting conditions in the sablized grades, Types 49CD, HCD, S10Cb, SOHC, 167s, 316, 321, 321K, M7. STH, 348, 34H 21640, $33428, $3810, $38138, dnd 39128. When inerrant oso sof encern, the purchaser shold pet the corrosion est of 182 tio he conducted on sensitized specimens). The manufactrr eimited, if neces, use Tower temperature resolution anneal or 4 Suilization anne after high temperature solution anneal ia ort to nec conenion text requitemens, Consideration shou be given to the Conosive media before using a stbization anneal at less than T800"F [BS2"C) ae sich treatment isnot equally effective oral medi 15.24 For the stabilized H types, it is noted that the heat treatment requirements shown in Table A12 differ ay a function of whether the material was cold worked or hot finished. 15.2.5 The chromium-manganese-nickel types (201, 202, 20103, $20400, $20153, $21800, $21640, XM-IT, XM-I7, XM-18, XM-19, XM-29, and XM-31) shall be solution an rnealed to meet the mechanical property requirements of the 798 wa-z017 applicable material specification and to exhibit adequate resis: tance to intergranular corrosion (see 18.2). For S20161, the hheat treatment is specified in Table AL.2. For S21640, see Note 6 Note that some of these types contain high carbon content that can adversely alfect resistance to intergranular 153. Duplex Types—The duplex types shall be solution annealed in accordance with Table A1.2. 154 Martenstie and Ferritie Types 15.4.1 The chromium steels (S32803, 400 Series, $40945, SHLOAS, S41050, S41500, $43982, $4400, $44537, $44635, 44660, $4700, $4735, S44800, XM-27, and XM-33) shall be heat treated in such a manner as to satisfy all the require- ‘ments for mechanical and bending properties specified in the applicable material specification and (exeept for 400 Series, S41050, and $41500) to provide for adequate resistance to ergranular attack, 15.4.2 For $4100, heat to 17S0°F [935°C] minimum, air 001 10 200°F [93°C] or lower prior to any optional interme diate temper and prior to final temper. The final temper shall be between 1050°F [566°C] and 1150°F (621°C 16, Number of Tests 16.1 Unless otherwise specified by the applicable material specification or by agreement between the seller and the purchaser to perform a greater number of tests, the following umber of tests are to be performed. 16.1.1 Inthe case of plate, sheet, and stip produced in coil form, two or more hardness tests (one from each end of the coil) one bend test, when required: one permeability test, when required: and one or more tension tests shall be made on specimens taken from each coil. Ifthe hardness difference between the two ends of the coil exceeds $ HRB, or equivalent, or if the material i temper rolled, tensile properties must be ‘determined on both coil ends, 16.1.2 In the case of plate, sheet, or stip produced in cut lengths, one tension test; wo tension tests if the material is temper rolled (one tension test for single piece lots); one bend test when required, and one or more hardness tests shall be ‘male on each 100 oF less pieces of the same heat and nominal thickness rolled separately or continuously and heat treated within the same operating period, either as a lot or continu ously Noms 7—The term continuously 8 applied 1 heat eaten, is meant tw describe a hestteating operation im hich ame eat length follows toter though the furnace Interspersement of difleent mls ptm ‘ible if they are of approximately the sae nominal thickness and ae eat treated inthe same operating period an unde he same conditions (ime and temperature). 16.1.3 One intergranular corrosion test, when required, shall be selected from each heat and thickness subjected to the same hheat treatment practice. I is permitted to obtain such speci mens from specimens selected for mechanical testing, 17. Test Specimens 17 Tension Test ASME BPVCILA-2017 17.1.1 Tension test specimens shall be taken from finished material and shall be selected in either or both longitudinal and transverse direction. The tension test specimen shall conform {o the appropriate sections of Test Methods and Definitions A370, unless otherwise specified in the applicable material specification or agreed upon by the seller and the purchaser, 17.1.2 The testing speed between the yield strength and the fracture ofthe specimen, shall be conducted ata constant stain rate between 3% in. [3.18 mm] and Yin, (12.70 mm} inclusive, per inch [25.40 mm] of gage length per minute, or at 1 crosshead speed that will give a strain rate within this range For the purposes ofthis specification, the rate of strain shall be ‘determined by a strain-rate pacer, indicator, or controller, or by dividing the unit elongation by the elapsed time from yield strength to fracture 17.2. Haniness Test—Ht is permitted to perform hardness tests on the grip ends ofthe tension specimens before they are subjected to the tension test, 17.2.1 Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order, the manufacturer may use an alternate hardness test procedure ‘when material size or form dictates. Hardness conversion shall bbe done using the applicable tables in Test Methods and Definitions A370. When the material is too thin 10 allow hardness testing using any of the Rockwell superficial hardness fests, the hardness requirement is waived, 173. Bend Test 17.3.1 Bend test specimens (when required) shall be taken from finished! material and shall be selected in the transverse direction or as indicated in the applicable material specification ‘or as agreed upon by the seller and the purchaser. In the case ‘of transverse bend test specimens, the axis of bend shall be parallel tothe direction of rolling 17.32 Bend test specimens from sheet and strip product shall be the full thickness ofthe material and approximately in, (25.4 mm) in width. Ii permitted to round the edges ofthe test specimen to a radius equal to one half the specimen thickness, 17.33 The width of strip for which bend tests can be made is subject to practical limitations on the length of the bend test specimen, For narrow stip the following widths can be tested: Mima Srp Wah ana imam Specimen eng or Sp teks. fe) ‘na Tests. 010025 ana unter ween Over 100 (25) 0140 5) ox 1 ps4) 0.14055} and over eta) Bend test specimens shall be of any suitable length over the specified minimum length 17.3.4 Bend test specimens taken from plates shall bein full thickness of the material up to and including “+ in. [12.7 ram] in thickness, of suitable length, and between 1 and 2 in [25.4 and 50.8 mm] in width. Its permitted to remove the sheared edges to a depth of at least Yin, (3.2 mm and itis permitted to smooth the sides with a file. I is permitted to break the comers of the cross section of the specimen with a file, but no appreciable rounding of the comers is permitted. 799 'sA-480/SA-480M, 173.5 In the case of plates over Yin, [12.7 mm in thickness, it is permitted to use bend test specimens, machined to Lin, [25.4 mm] nominal width by 2 in, (12.7 mm] nominal thickness and atleast 6 in, (152.4 mm] in length. One surface, to be the outside surface in bending, shall be the original surface of the plate; however, surface preparation by light srinding is permitted. I is permitted to round the edges 1 a “ie in, (1.6 mm] radius, When agreed by the seller and the purchaser it is permitted to modify the cross section to 2 in, [12.7 mm) nominal square. 17.36 In the case of plates over 1 in, [25.4 mm in thickness, bend tests must be agreed upon between the seller and the purchaser. 17.3.7 The bend test specimen shall withstand cold bending through the angle specified in the applicable material spec cation without cracking on the outside of the bent portion, 17.4 The bend shall be made over a diameter equal to the ‘number of thicknesses of flat stock shown in the applicable ‘material specification or over a single piece of flat stock equal to the number of thicknesses shown in the applicable material specification; or as follows 17.4.1 Material up to and including % in, (9.5 mm} in thickness shall be bent over apiece (or pieces) of flat stock that has the same nominal thickness of the material being tested (IT), allowing the test material to form its natural curvature 17.4.2 Material over % in. (95 mm] and up to and including | in [25.4 mm in thickness shall be bent over a piece (or pieces) of flat stock equalling two times the thickness ofthe ‘material being tested (77, allowing the test material to form its natural curvature 18, Special Tests 18.1 If other tests are required, the methods and acceptance cvteria shall be agreed upon between the seller and the purchaser and specitied on the purchase order. 182 Resistance t0 Intergranular Corrosion: 18.2.1 The intergranular corrosion test, Practice E of Prac tices A262, isnot required unless itis specified on the purchase ‘order. All austenitic chromium-nickel types except the H types are expected to be capable of passing this test. However, itis rot necessary to actually run the test unless i is specified onthe purchase order. Note that Practices A262 requires the tes to be Performed on sensitized specimens in the low-carbon and Stabilized types and on specimens representative of the as- shipped condition for other types. In the case of low-carbon types containing 3% or more molybdenum in their specified ‘composition, the applicability ofthe sensitizing treatment prior to testing shall be a matter for negotiation between the seller and the purchaser. When specified, all at rolled products of the chromium-nickel series (300 series) in thickness up to and including 2 in, [50.8 mm] nominal size shall be capable of passing the intergranular corrosion test in the as. shipped condition. In the case of heavier plates of types other than 304L, 304LN, 309Cb, 310Cb, 316Cb, MOL, HI6LN, 3167; 3ITL, 321, 347, 348, $31725, and $31726, the applicability of this test shall be a matter for negotiation between the seller and the purchaser, 'sA-480/SA-400M, 18.2.2 The H types are not normally subject to intergranular corrosion tests. However, itis permitted to specify Practice E of Practices A262 for Type 321H when intergranular corrosion Js of concern In this case, the purchaser shall inform the seller and agree upon the requirements and these requirements shall be so stated on the purchase onder. 18.2.3 Austenitic chromium-manganese-nickel types (201, 202, XM-I7, XM-I8, XM-19, XM-29, XM-31, $20400. $21640, and 21800) are to be heat treated for intergranular corrosion resistance. When intergranular corrosion tests. are required, they shall be as agreed upon between the seller and the purchaser 18.24 NOSS00 shall be heat treated for intergranular coro- sion resistance. When intergranular corrosion tests are required, they shall be as agreed upon between the seller and purchaser. 18.2.5. Corrosion tests are not normally required for the 400 seties types. Lower-catbon corres S463, $4660, 5 ) are heat treated for Fesistance 1 corrosion. For S44400, 44635, $4660, S44700, S44800, $4735, XM-27, and XM 33, intergranular corrosion testing of Practices A763, Practice X,Y, or shall be specified as agreed upon between the seller and the purchaser, 18.3 Detrimental Intermetallic Phases in Duplex Stainless Steels—The tests for detrimental intermetallic phases. in ‘wrought duplex stainless steels, Methods A, B, or C of Test Methods A923, are not requited unless itis specified on the purchase order. All duptex (austeniticferritc) types that are listed in Test Methods A923 are expected to be capable of passing these tests. However itis not necessary to actually run the tests unless specified on the purchase ord. The appli bility ofthese tests to duplex stainless steels not listed in Test Methods A923 shall be a matter for negotiation between the seller and the purchaser. 19, Test Methods 19.1 The properties enumerated in applicable specifications shall be determined in accordance with the following ASTM standards, 19.1.1 Tension Tests—Test Methods and Definitions A370, 19.1.2 Brinell Tests—Test Methods and Definitions A370. 19.1.3 Rockwell Hardness—Test Methods and Definitions 370. 19,14 Hardness Equivatents—Tables E140, 19.1.5 Inergranular Corrosion (when specified) Practices A262, Practices A763. 19.1.6 Permeability Test (when required)—Test Methods AB42/A342M. 19.1.7 Charpy Impact Testing (when required)—Test Meth: ‘ods and Definitions A370, 19.1.8 Intermetallic Phases (when specified) —Test Methods A923, 20, Retests and Retreatment 20.1. Retests are permitted in accordance with the provisions of Test Methods and Definitions A370, 00 ASME BPVCILA-2017 20.2 If any test specimen shows defective machining or develops flaws, itis permitted to discard the flawed specimen ‘and substitute another specimen, 202.1 Ifthe percentage of elongation of any men is less than that specified and at more than % in. [19.1 mm] from the center ofthe gage length ‘of the 2 in, 50.8 mm] specimen or is outside the middle half fof the gage length of an S-in, [203.2-mm] specimen, as indicated by scribe marks placed on the specimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed. 20.3 If a bend test specimen fails, due to conditions of bending more severe than required by the specification, a retest shall be permitted, either on a duplicate specimen or on a remaining portion of the failed specimen. 204 Irthe results of any test lot are notin conformance with the requirements of the applicable material specification, the producer is permitted the option of retreating such lots. The ‘material shall be accepted if the results of retests on retreated ‘material are within the specified requirements 20.5 IF any specimens selected to represent any heat fail 10 ‘meet any ofthe test requirements as specified inthe applicable ‘material specification it is permitted 10 reheat treat the material represented and resubmit it for testing 20.6 Ifthe product analysis fails to conform to the specitied limits, analysis shall be made on a new sample. The results of this retest shall be within the specified requirements. 21, Repair of Plate by Welding 21.1 Repair of surface defects of plate, by welding, is permitted unless prohibited by other specifications or purchase lrder requirements, 21.2 Defect depth shall not exceed 4 of the nominal thickness, and the total area shall not exceed 1% of the plate surface area, unless prior approval from the purchaser is obvained 21.3 Unacceptable imperfections shall be suitably prepared for welding by grinding or machining. Open clean defects, such as pits or impressions, will not necessarily require preparation 214 The welding provedu ‘operators shall be qualified the ASME Code? 21.5 The welding consumables shall be suitable with the plate. and the welders oF welding ‘accordance with Section IX of 21.6 After repair welding, the welded area shall be ground smooth and blended uniformly to the surrounding surface. 22, Inspection 22.1 Inspection of the material by the purchaser's represen- tative at the producing plant shall be made as agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller as part of the purchase oder. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase ‘order: (J) the seller is responsible forthe performance ofall the inspection and test requirements in this specification, (2) the ASME seller is permitted to use own or other suitable facilities forthe performance of the inspection and testing, and (3) the pur chaser shall have the right to perform any ofthe inspection and tests set forth in this specication, The manufacturer shall alford the purchaser's inspector all reasonable facilities neces- sary 1 satisfy the inspector tha the material is being furnished in accordance with the specification. Inspection by the pur- ‘chaser shall not interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer. 23. Rejection 23.1 Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on tests made in accordance with this specification shall be reported 10 the seller within 60 working days from the receipt of the material by the purchaser. 23.2 Material that shows injurious. imperfections as de- scribed in Section 10 subsequent to its acceptance at the purchaser's works will be rejected and the seller shall be notifies 24, Rehearing 24.1 Samples tested in accordance with this specification that represent rejected material shall be retained for three weeks from the date of the notification 10 the seller of the rejection. In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the test, the seller is permitted to make claim for a rehearing within that time, 25, Packaging, Marking, and Loading. 25.1 For Commercial Procurement: 25.1.1 Marking—Unless otherwise specified in the appli- cable material specification or the purchase order, marking shall be conducted as follows: 25.111 Sheet, strip. and plate shall be marked on one face, in the location indicated below with the specification designa- tion number, type of steel (type or UNS designation), material identification number, and the name or mark of the manufac turer, For shect, strip, and plate whose length and width dimensions are both less than 24 in., each piece shall be marked with the type of steel and material identification rnumbet. The specification and designation number, and name ‘or mark of the manufacturer shall be marked on the piece(s) or attached to the item or bundle. The characters shall be of such size as to be clearly legible. The marking shall be sufliciently stable to withstand normal handling. Unless otherwise speci- fied by the purchaser the marking, at the producers option, is permitted to be done with (a) marking uid (if a specific ‘maximum impurity limit of designated elements inthe marking {uid is required by the purchaser, it shall be so stated on the purchase order), (b) low-stress blunt-nosed continuous or vc 801 M.4-2017 '5A-480/S4-480M, low-stress blunt-nosed-inerrupted-dot die stamp, (c) a vibra- {ory tool with a minimum tip radius of 0.005 in. (0.1 mm], oF (a) electrochemical etching, Flat sheet, stip in cut lengths, and plate shall be ‘marked in two places near the ends or shall be continuously Tine marked along one edge. For flat sheet, strip in cut lengths, and plate whose length and width dimensions are both less than 48 in. itis permitted to mark such pieces in only one place. Sheet, strip, and plate in coil form shall be marked wear the outside end ofthe col. The inside of the col shal also bbe marked or shall have a tag or label attached and marked with the information of 25.1.1-1 25.114 Material less than “4 in, (6.4 mm] in thickness shall not be marked with die stamps. The manufacturer's test identification number shall be legibly stamped on each test specimen, if to be shipped to the customer: Material that conforms completely with the re- {quirements of two types of steel within the ordering specifiea- tion is permitted to be marked as both types of steel provided that the manufacturer is certifying the material as meeting the requirements of each of the types of stecl, Such marking. if used, shall be part of the same marking a used fora single type of steel, or shall be a separate but similar marking immediately adjacent to the marking used for a single type of steel The AIAG primary metals identification tag (AIAG. B-5) is permitted to be used as an auxiliary method of identification in eases where a bar-coded identification tag is desired. Use of this method shall be by agreement between purchaser and supplier. 25.1.2 Packaging and Loading—Uinless otherwise speci- fied in the applicable material specification or the purchase order, packaging and loading shall be in accordance with the procedures recommended by Practices A700, 28.2 For U.S. Government Procurement 25.2.1 When specified in the contract or order, and for direct procurement by or direct shipment tothe government, marking for shipment shall be in accordance with Fed. Std, No, 123 for civil agencies and MIL-STD-129 for military agencies. 25.2.2 When specified inthe contractor order, material shall bbe preserved, packaged, and packed in accordance with the ‘requirements of MIL-STD-163. The applicable levels shall be as specified in the contractor order 26. Keywords 26.1 austenitic stainless stel; duplex stainless stek:fervitie stainless steel; martensitic stainless steel; stainless stel; sai less steel plate: stainless stel sheet; stainless steel strip '5A-480/S4-4806 ASME BPVCILA-2017 ANNEXES: (Mandatory Information) AL. PRODUCT ANALYSIS TOLERANCES AND HEAT TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS, ALLL Listed in Annex Al are tables showing the permitted variations of composition for product analysis relative to specified chemical requirements (Table AI-1) and the bea treatment requirements for types of stainless steel covered by product specifications that reference Specification A480 SOM (Table A1.2) ‘TABLE A1.1 Chemical Requirements (Product Analysis Tolerances) Toleares Over the Trance Over he eneng UNC Maximum ot Macmim Lime or manag LF Mair ot Marina Lint oF ‘Speates Range, Uo ir Spaced Farge, Ue een aon woot, ne ‘one Tianna 005 re 0010 1 0.000, Sons rer 100300, oor ‘rer 0.090 190.20 ina ‘oor ‘ter 0:20 19080, one ovat over 00510050, oo" ‘ter 60 120, oom (rer 0501 200 et ae Manganese 11.00, net om ber F000 300 ret Doe CCotrbm pus 19150, 005 ‘tr 3009 600 rel bos ‘ana rer 800 1000. oe rer 1000 13.0, O10 ‘er 1500 2.00; ne bts Tanokm 16010 net one Prosenonse 190.040, 0s come 19050. nt 00s er 8D 0.20, bow rer O50 1.00, 808 Satur 10 0000, net 5 ‘ret 300 5.00, te ots ve 040 190.20, na bor ‘ter 500 6 1000, ne 2 ‘Numinum 190.38, .01 0005, .001 Scan 12 100,01 005 Der 01512050, 008. ier 100 300, O10 rer 050 1 200, on (ver 30040 700, es ons hve over 400 1900, 901 ow (re 10001 1500. O18 ivogen 19002. 005 ‘re 18.0 0 20.0. 020 ber 80200, ret ‘oor ‘tor 20.019 90.0, 025 rer 1910025 ret bee Nese! 1 100, 003 ter 351 45 ret 008 ar 100 5.00. oor tre 4519 088 re! 005 ‘ra 5:0 86 1000, nt 210 Tungsten fo 100,ma 003 ‘rar 10030 2000, O15 fe 160 20, ret 008 ‘rar 20.0919 90.0, ed (te 20012 00 oor ‘ter 00 9 4990, 035 re 500 1 1900, Bio rer #0.00| 030 ‘rer 100039 2000 es Mavyosenan oer 02010060, om 16 80 150. rt os ber 200 800 et 210 Setnuen at 009 “Ts ai does rot peyton ana ® product nayt nt Cob ne" 0.055 have not bee etched, and ha marfactresshulé be const ethos Hts. 802 ASME BPVCILA-2017 '5A-480/SA-480M, TABLE A1.2 Host Treatment Requirements Desaranonipe Terprae™ CoxingTecng _ Reaurovers z ‘sins [Srna Nika (Chem Mangano) "ALCEN seep a TSB 00" (o8-C] $512, un, 908308, 908Cb, 30H, 380, 910Cb, 910, 16H, Se1640 1900" (080'¢} a ‘So0ets, Soousa, sapere Sasts, S3s228 Saas, 6140, S8e100 ‘Cols Worked 2000 (1095) e fet rnaned 925" (080° B nowoan 1700" 1880 (925 1 1010-0) . Nosser 2025 (108-0) e noazo0 200 (1005) a sero rt (120°0| A Noaett Bia [n80-0) B oaooe 2000 (1095) e Nosoas Pio (150-0) A sees ‘aaI0F [H00C) a Scorer "S001 2000 [04010 1095¢) . Seoset 1900 2090 [040 © 109] e soo 1800 2010 [104010 100°C] e Sees {300° 2010 1040" o HOC] a Sono 1900 210° O40 fo 180°C] ei Sanco, Somos 2010" 6 2H0rF [100-6 1170] Ee 31080 1975 2160 [1080-16 180°C) ° 31264, S206, sens, sazess 2r00 (50°C) a sar 2080 (1120) fe saver 1575 0 2355 (100016 1180] Q ‘Ses 1975 0 2085 [10800 1180] cS ‘08 20801 2160°F (112016 1180) a 23580 2085 1 256° 110 16 110°C) 5 Soases 2080" te 2140'F [120° 16 1170] fs Sears 2000 [1005] 2 S05 2010 [100] e api inte Fare) SO, SOO, SRT, ST "s00'F (100) setae 170" 2010" 1020" 100°C) Seon 1es0'F oxo Sei 1870 (020-6) seme 1800" 9 1975 (0801 1080°0} Se08 {800 (010 Sem {a0 [sao] Se {70 2080" 10206 110°C) $2282, 1978 0 2060 [1090 f9 120°C) Sse7s0" 800 fe 200° (02510 1125] 32700 anor (nore) 1805 to 2100 [1050 16 1150) 780" = 25 [65° = 15°C) 1900 210" [040 To 150°C] 1850" 225 [110" = 1590) 1885 02100 [1050 10 #150] tea (030°C) 1760 o 2010 [960 to 100°} reso (110°C, saz0r2 eso (1000) Sazaat tes0F (100) seetet 1Wo0rF (toa Selee 1725 [0-c) seus so (10°01 " Gienchedn mater or np cooked by cine means a ate sicko prevent pectin of ate, esteemed covosion species i 82 uenenes nwa or apy cole by oer meas. ‘Quenched nee, excapt act rt hee ese ina conoueus snag fe sal be wale quenched orp cooled by other means Tgetautes above 2080 ae peruse the reuting meron proves he froperiee reared ty tne specsoton or ay a88H0ra quirements one prance oe omens bythe apa passing he et or 803 'SA-480/S4-480M, |A2, PERMITTED VARIATIONS IN DIMENSIONS, ETC.—INCH-POUND UNITS A2.I Listed in Annex A2 are tables showing the permissible variations in dimensions expressed in inch-pound units of measurement, These requirements, including the SI units shown in brackets within Annex A2, shall apply to A480, but shall not apply to A4S0M. Requirements for A48OM ae given in Annex A3. A2.1.1 The dimensional tolerances are grouped by produc- tion method (hot rolling or cold rolling, with of without coiling), product width (narrow (<24 in, [610 mm) or wide (24 in, (610 mm))), and by product dimension addressed, AD. Cold-Rolled Narrow (<24 in, [610 mm] width) Coil. Processed Product—For thickness, width, length, and flatness tolerance tables, refer to Tables A2.1-A24. A23 Cold-Rolled Wide (224 in. (610 mm] width) Coil- Processed Product— For thickness, width, length, and Mlatness tolerance tables, refer to Tables A2.5-A28. ‘TABLE A2.1 Permitted Varatons in Thickness for Cold-Rolled, Now 1 A2A Hot-Rolled Narrow (<24 in. [610 mm} width) Coit Processed Produet—For thickness, width, length, and flatness tolerance tables, refer to Tables A2.9-A2.12. A2S Hot-Rolled Wide (224 in. [610 mm} width) Coit Processed Product— For thickness, width, length, and fatness tolerance tables, refer to Tables A2.13-A2.16, A26 Hot-Rolled Product Processed Without Coiling —For thickness, width, length, and flatness tolerance tables, refer to Tables A2.17-A2.20. A27 Cold-Rolled Product Processed Without Coiling —For thickness, width, length, and flatness tolerance tables, refer 10 Table A221 A2.8 Tolerances for other dimensional characteristies—For other tolerance tables, refer to Tables A2.22-A2.30. ‘Narrow, Coll Processed Product as Colls and Cut Lengths Thickness measurements ae taken atleast in. (9.52 um] in From he ee ofthe product excep om wits es than 1 in (288 mon he rmasirments shoul! Be taken at east Vi [3.18 mn] fom the product edge Nowe ‘The toleranse in his table inlade crown tolerances, Teear Toran fr Tanans an Was Given, Ove and Unde TT Wit (fo) ects Toknes, rn veRre ee 6168} ve wT = Le Siseh na 2 (06) 28 610) ex ws (821 iiss m= 12(908) v2 so ews 2 [6101 0008 [805] 000519), xe Tom 70% 70% 00501319 0010 (025) ne, o0n28 00151 oon 220) 001225 ‘ver 00101025 © 0012 (030 rt ‘00 025) ‘0001 (o028) 001 D025) (ver 0012 (0.30 0015 (040, rel ono ons 008) 0015 008, (eer 0015 0.40) 0020 (030 re 0010035) ons 008) 0015008, (rer 0000 (030 2229174 nel Sams oo) Sons (oo) Sone 080, rer 9029 [074] 0.035 (0.89 net bens ecu, bo 030, one foaeo, ‘re 0085 (086 0080 [27 nt ones (0080) 0090070, 003 D070, (Ove 0050127 0.089 [1.78 ‘005 (0070, on3(0070, 8.003 0070, (Ore 0 08 [1.75 1 0.100 (58). 0030070) 003,007, ‘004 (010) (re $00 224 1 8 128 (2.88 ‘004 (070) ‘9004 010) ons 121 vero 125 (2) 10.161 (4.09) net 8.05 0 121 005 02) ‘08 012] Gre 161 (65) funder 478). 6006 0.21 6.006 0.21 0.06 (045) Tmeinees lees genni [rn] ules Share eae 804 ASME BPVCILA2017 ‘SA-480/SA-400M, “TABLE A22 Permitted Variations in Wiath for Cold-Rolled, Narrow, Coll-Processed Product as Colls and Cut Lengths for Edge No.3 ascana Grae ‘Wi Taras, Over and Under for Trees and Wiah Gi. "my w= a0 160 «w= 8 150) Slislews 12,005) 2 sto) a.030 (075 sa(t90s) ve 2022) =0016 0431 1914} 8 (129) 54858 1125.40) >9018,0411 1» %(1908) Yef28s8) ‘0030 (076) alan (87) 1 peso) 1 (2858) “Nt apeaies wo arochariveiod wasn of areas, and nt eng Part lamers of 2x and Sx Sees, deat sess an deep awn shows | nimon devon fom a hetero curace Noticing hard Tempers of 2 ard Sees, dado sheets, and rep cramng hoe col TABLE A2.10 Permitted Variations in Width of Hot Rolled, "Narrow, FlatRolled, Col-Processed Product as Cut Lengths and Coil [Fheranea fr varatore of wah of toed, ao, i procaaed ret ast eng ang cal shat be lnteal fo he lrances or hele ie, ‘processed prodotti Tale A2 6 unten ceric agreed wpe by slr and purchaser and pected nh pase or ‘TABLE A2.11 Permitted Variations in Length of Hot Rolied, Narrow, CoilProcessed Product as Gut Length {cat ent nat be Kort ote trance for hot ole, wie co Processed product ae inte in Tabi 2 8 meshes agro pon Oy ‘SA-490/SA-480M TABLE A2.12 Permitted Variations in Flatness of Hot-Rolled, "Narrow, Colt-Processed Product as Cut Lengths “Tlerarces fr varatone of fares of Pooled, narow co pocesaed roduc as cutee al be etal to to lance or Moe, wie faigrecessed product ab sed Tale A2 To ures ohorise atees upon by Slo and purchaser end seated nthe purchase er SA-480/SA-480M ASME BPVCILA-2017 ‘TABLE A2.13 Permitted Variations in Thickness of Hot-Rolled, Wide, CollProcessed Product as Coll and Cut Lengths Sreates Theme ‘Parma Varatonsm [wl Over ard Unt in rm Except as nacalo Oars ee OareTTaR, ‘3006 015) ‘a08 (822) 2.072 85) 008s 210) 0007 0181 010,025) 3a. 2608 249) 008 020) on 27 0.058248] 0.14200) 009 (023) bor2\090) 20M 200] 0130530) oon (oz, 20:5 033) 5avt30 0) 0 45 (68) 0012 030) bor3 0.33) 2a. [s) 0127s 76) 01310331 0014 035) 0.1875 178} 0280625) 010 (0.25 40020050 0010 025), +0020 (080) $1260 (6.35) 03125730) “bovo{o25) -0022(0 35) “bo10[025, 29022088) 0.31267. “a010 028, 10030(073) “ao10(025, 2009010751 “Ticanse meorrements ae akon at leat Ts [DGD rl om he eae te Set ‘TABLE A2.14 Permitted Variations in Wieth of Hot-Rolled, Wide, Colt Processed Produc call Speaks awess Tn ‘Cut Lengths (Not Resquared) and Tareas on Wh re enn) om torres gee Tee ET wae TG, elisa 0 a= a8 1219) ‘ee 38)-0 se h76)=1— 96185 we 491210) efs971-0 we apiter9 Silos 0 ory) wea 219) aisas, 0 (1219) setnah-@ TABLE A2.15 Permitted Variations in Length of Hot-Rolled, Wide, ColL-Processed Product as Cut Lengths Not Resquared Soest Tanase] Torah. fe] Teas nn. Ose and Ue Teh 876) Te 10am) wies5h 0 aso) <= 20 [600] 27.0 = me 478) c= 10,000, trem o ro feo) <1 206006) ti tisa TABLE A2.16 Permitted Variations in Fatness of Hot-Rolled, Wide, Coll Processed Product as Cut Lengths Tit Spctg fs Steer Level Sard of Fane Soares Tee Wah. Fares Torna Te] Tee 78 w= 98 aL zs oa0(r27) ap etd) ew eo 0526) ors nat) we 601528), ‘00 254, 4761 = 60 524) 90 25) oo 1520) ew'= 721020) 20150) > 72 (1028) 5038) = rather ned Sardar 6 Faas ‘Speckes Thawass ‘Spactes We ‘Spee La Fane TO fw tee i fr Teel 78 T= eT > 96 ea) “ (635), tee 76, a> 49,1219) = 96 ass tes) eo a5 1219) 5 98 2439) 1638 “yimxmn devon For a henson at aace ASME BPVCILA-2017, '5A-480/5A-480M ‘TABLE A2.17 Permitted Vatiations in Thickness of Hot-Rolled Mil Plate (Quarto Plate) Wh) re ed Thickness (t),.[mm) w= 84 [2134 cee 120 3048 «< w= w> 144 [3658] sre (a.m era {aorao) ee saa bose Thee Ore Speed Tis in Tei Fe ao 307070 vie rare se) ous | 8) oe 27 ooesi20) MS pags rom foam oss a0) ote [a oes te 20 (220) 060 fs ote 8 oes 26) (234) Soreit 7s) oars 130 Soas(aa8) bea Stas pan) oreo 00) Stress) 8200 (08 altreao= 106275) 154 ‘Tre taerarce under specta wisi [695m ‘TABLE A2.19 Permitted Variations in Length for Hot-Rolled ‘Sheared Rectangular Plate tl Plates (Quarto Plates) Tonia Lergh (n(n) ——Toeress, oer na ode nn Teo oct UT) 1604084 == 240008) waa) 240000] = = 3158000) Ee 2395 foo =< 94 1008) (308) 994 [10008] = © 590 [1500] 2asr2) 590 15000) = L «790 (20086) Balad The wanes unser Spectediengh Van [Sam 809 '54-480/S4-4806 ASME BPVCILA2017, ‘TABLE A2.20 Permitted Variations in Fiatness of Plate Mil Pate (Quarto Plate) Nore |—Teraces inthis table apply 19 any length, not necessarily the ling direction, up to 36 [914] and 0 any 36 i. [14 mn] oF longer lengths in the plane ofthe plate measured while the plate rests ft surace with the concavity ofthe curate wpa. None 21 the longer dimension is under 36 in. (914 mm. the tolerance isnot greater than in [.4 mom [Noms 3—Fo plats with speed minimum yield strengths of 38 ks [240 MPa oc more, the permite variations are increased 0173 times the ‘mounts shown, Te ae a5) vatoas) = te 3 59 velpsal = ew fr270) vliaral= t= (1905) Se(t905) =< 12540) feeag rots 9810, eae oj fe 80) none ‘TABLE A2.21 Cold-Rolled Products, Processed Without Coiling ‘Trane or cout oed proto possess witout cling shal beanies Wo the erances or Rota) proses processes wha oing Ie “ule A2 7 Taba Az, Tale A218, a Table A220 unas are ‘eed pen by oer and purchaser and spcteg ne purchase se ‘TABLE A2.22 Permited Variations in Width for Cold-Rolled Narrow, Coll-Processed Product in Coils and Cut Lengths for Edge No. 10F 5 Spaces wa TT Thc eed Ti Tara Tr Thema and Wan Gr ge No een om ana se (7.14) ad ue ‘ie (19) an unser aos esa] 208 05) tenas vere (F ito (1005) et (238) an unr 9005 013) 005 039 teas rer {Yodel 0912700) nel (3.10) and nar ans 013] Scns 013) 3 ve S200] 18 (22860) ne! 0.008 (20 ts [18a 2010 0251 9010 028) 3 Sr § ase) 200800) nel 0015 038) 0.108 67 oro 025) 2010 025) 5 ‘vo 20 (0800) 24 YO) exe|_ 0025 (38 0080 (203) 80151038) 2015 038) ‘TABLE A2.23 Permitted Variations in Width and Length for Hot Rolled and Colé-olled Resquared CoilProcessed Product (Stretcher leveled Standard of Fatness) Speotied Omensions. fm - er For meenases uae 0737 35 ‘Wt pt 4 19 xc , 19 6 Wie 8219) vet < 38 6 eng o 0120 [30] ex we 19 6 Lena 120 [304] aned over * a8 ‘ Far oases 0.131335) up 0 Ym ‘a wae andere % 635 6 10 ASME BPVCILA-2017 'sA-480/SA-480M, TABLE A2.24 Permitted Variations in Width and Length {or Hot Rolled Product by Abrasive Cutting “lence over Spel Sosctiad Tice, rm) wath an ang = oe ena Tp 1 psa) wa 35) v.18) 1 e540) 25080) net sale] eh 2 [60.80 9 76201 ws 635) 6.5) 3176201 641016, et 6] ve 4 he aleraees under speahied wan and eng ae Vn (38 mn ye an engin races or abrasive cat pts ve 4m (11. rn hee ‘TABLE A2.25 Permitted Variations in Diameter for Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled Coil Processed Product as Sheared Circles “ler Over Speed Dameer i eeanes Unni fm ‘Spscted Tks, ne] ak Ourten hea, Ge Tp To OOG6T aS) ree iS RTT (0866145) 0007146). et el507 1658) 72248 upto 1 76, en wel) 1638) ‘TABLE A2.26 Permitted Variations in Diameter for Circular Plates Taken From Hot-Rolled Product Processed Wit or Without Colling Terres Over Species Dame fr Gren ‘mster and Toineesn, RRR. “e[Bazi tose So ‘Spscted Dimes ne ee 18600. weown Tea Ea wet SIE) 82) 712 707 60524] 108 (2134), ox 798) ine) pare 4 toe 108 749) one 82) 1270) (88) 1a (273} 12065721 0 mater a4) salt) Gres ae skh plates ovr (15.8 ra i ckess ae not corny sheared but re machines of ame eu TABLE A227 Torch Cutting Tolerances” and Recommended Cleanup Aiowanes for Rectangular Paes, Ces, Rings, and sons oe Se mn cee eas * Tomanceso py ules obese ayowd Noe a or some appleaons ser may wah spec) rare an us eran oF veo versa fcommensed cesnue lomince wuss cere specs, wil be poe by supple purchasrsooeed ee. ai SsA-480/SA-480M TABLE A228 Permitted Variations in Weight for Hot-Rolled or Cole ASME BPVCILA-2017 Rolled Coll Processed Product with Thickness less than Ye in (4.76 mm. {tinted fe weigh 200 00.72) or os, ‘any acuiny weigh a8 ma ao 10% ve he to wegh more than 200 [90-72 kal, may ‘stu wogh as much as T= ove ho Seoretca wet Ccromiummanganse nek! ovorsum TABLE A2.20 Permitted Variations Species Matin. fm) Ter eee Geer (981011 260960) ee Saw BOTT oven [Pe kor nm me iecrkgmnm me [2.32 kg om he In Camber for Cold-Rolled Coll ry 8 268 mm nnn) Teor va ess) ‘Campers me devon ots ge adpe for a ska ne ara measures ‘ster by slaong an 8 [2O6rm| eigtedge cn the careave i ahd Ineasuing tne petet dares Setwoen the rp eage andthe saa) edoe. "Camber he devon ofa ne ge toma sah ine and measuenent taker by pacng a 6 sioage on te conare ide ane measur he [jest tance betwee he pate an re egosge AS. PERMITTED VARIATIONS IN A3.1 Listed in Annex A3 are tables showing the permitted variations in dimensions expressed in SI units of measurement These requirements shall apply to A480M but shall not apply to A480, Requirements for A480 are given in Annex A2, A311. The dimensional tolerances are grouped by produc tion method (hot rolling or cold rolling, with or without coiling), product width (narrow (<600 mm) or wide (2600 rim)), and by product dimension addressed. A32 Cold-Rolled Narrow (<600 mm width) Coil-Processed Product—For thickness, width, length, and. flatness tolerance tables, refer to Tables A3.1-A3.4 A33 Cold-Rolled Wide (2600 mm width) Coil-Processed Product—For thickness, width, length, and flatness tolerance tables, refer to Tables A3.5-A3.8. ABA Hot-Rolled Narrow (<600 mm width) Coil-Processed an DIMENSIONS, ETC.—SI UNITS Product—For thickness, width, length, and flatness tolerance tables, refer to Tables A3.9-A3,12. ABS Hot-Rolled Wide (2600 mm width) Coil-Processed Product—For thickness. width, length, and. flaness tolerance tables, refer to Tables A3.13-A3.16. A36 Hot-Rolled Product Processed Without Coiling —For thickness, width, length, and fatness tolerance tables, refer 10 “Tables A3.17-A3,20. A317 Cold-Rolled Product Processed! Without Coiling—For thickness, width, length, and flaness tolerance tables, refer 10 Table A321 |A38 Tolerances for Other Dimensional Characteristies— For other tolerance lables, refer 10 Tables A3.22-A3.30, ASME BPVCILA-2017 ‘TABLE AS.1 Permitted Variations in Thickness of Cold-Rolled, SA-490/SA-480M, TABLE A3.2 Permitted Variations In With of Cold-Rolled, ‘Narrow, ColrProcessed Proguct as Col and Cut Lengine Narrow, ColrProcessed Product in Gols and Cat Lengths for [Nowe Thickness measurements ae taken at east 10 mm in fom the - eee lg ofthe pt except tht on wits ee than 26m thetaerances S20 Nah Towne, Over and Unc fr Tense ng Wah tne applicable for measurements tall lations. Nort 2—The terns in his able ince cr tlre eas “toe ta at vs Nore 3—For specie thicknenes oer than thane show, he te ‘moms Gras Oa os. ance fo te en higher hikes shal ap ioe biome os oe “Gver and Under, rm aa oz ox a0 7, Wah) io rt) ‘i _ |50 to 150, inc! eae (poled “For tolerances applicable to narrow product with Edge No. 1 or No. 5, see Table rere SS, See, ae = = ofertas sal 9 as ors an Pa ‘TABLE A3.3 Permitted Variations in Length of Cold-Rolled, ‘0 oo Narrow, Coll.Processed Products a5 Gut Lengths 138 ooo Spe ana am These on te oe ee “32 a eae 800 000 32 300 2000 oor om i cor tor, om “Thicnesswleaces gen nm unless eros naaea ‘TABLE A2.4 Permitted Variations in Flatnes of Cold-Raled, ‘Narrow, Colk-Processed Product as Cut Lengths. Traroes er varaons of tates cated produc rarow, co roses podct sou lenge sal be leroa to he terreno colt foie, we, cotgroosses pod! sed in Table ASS, eas See ‘ed pon acer an pureaser end soc the prc oer a1 SA-480/SA-480M ASME BPVCILA-2017 ‘TABLE A3.5 Permitted Variations in Thickness of Cold-Rolled, Wide, Coll-Processed Product as Coll and Cut Lengths [Nowe I—Thickness measurements ar taken at least 1S mm from the edge ofthe product in the case of ledges and alas 25 mum fom the edge oF the prodet im the cane of mill edges Nove 2Cold-oled sheets in cut lengths and coils shown ia the table © roused in some type umber nd some widths and thickness to tolerances les thn thse Non 3 For specifi thicknesses oer than those shown, the tolerances forthe next higher hickness shall app: ‘Soest Tene Pome Varaton, Ov and Une rn speed wih ww 030 oss bas 80 ‘08 bas oe 808 bas 200 ono oto ont 25 010 om ons 600 or 020 bas 800 on oz 35 TABLE A3.6 Permitted Variations in Width of Cold-Rolled, Wide, Coll Processed Product as Cut Lengths (Not Resquared) and Coll ‘Specter arm Vartan 9 Wh ‘cn, . "or Spachea Wish w),m 1 107-0 S070 tao nao 20,00 20 sa-0 rey re) 209 28-0 “Far pacing Weknsaes Ger stows aban Tansee oe ent ghar Wusness al py ‘TABLE A3.7 Permitted Variations in Length of Cold-Rolled, Wide, CoitProcessed Product as Cut Lengths Not Resquared Tacs leahoam a 22000 0.0025 o ai ASME BPVCILA-2017 SA-480/SA-480M ‘TABLE A3.8 Permitted Variations in Flatness of Cole-Rolled, Wide, Coll Processed Product as Cut Lengths. ie Speste o Gretta eveg Sanaa of Famese TpastedSpeated 50 00 300 w re Sa oa Spaced ‘pected Fae 1200 7 En a ‘Spoates Thetnges, nm Pe Firat Terns? mm mr SH 3200 3 * “Rt opeates to erochar ised wand ot ness, ord ot ung Pare {epee an ex nes Senso set. and Sep ang sos ‘Figunom dovaton fom a honeom a surace Not rcluang hard trpers of x ad ax Stes, dead-sot shes, nd eeparaning soe ‘TABLE A3.9 Permitted Variations in Thickness of Hot Rolled, Narrow, Flat- Rolled, Coll-Processed Product as Cut Lengths and Col ‘Gleanoes tr varaione 0 Pera 0 hooked, row Sa poe Protea et legis arco sabe lea tf saree fr hota, tio, cor poresas produ a etd Tale A13,urles none ago Uo by ser ang purchaser nd spec n te purchase cde. ‘TABLE A3.10 Permitted Variations in Width of Hot-Roliog, ‘Narrow, Flat-Rolled, Col-Processed Product as Cut Lengths and ‘call ‘Trance or vara o wah of her oIed. naw, cor poresedproaa {Sul lenge end col shat be ental ee laces a atte Wie ‘otprocesed proc at td erable AZ eles hea agred pen by tele and purus and spectadin the pura odor TABLE A3.11 Permited Variations in Length of Hot-Rolled, Narrow, Coll-Processed Product as Cut Lengths ‘Thezanes for varaons feng flees. now ear processad eda ab ct onthe stl be sot ota eras for trees we, Cotprezd promo tne A ae ar 2 on sled purchase ara speci te purchase oe ans TABLE A3.12 Permitted Variations in Fatness of Hot-Rolled, Narrow, Flat- Rolled, Coll Processed Product as Cut Lengths [Gleaces for vier ol Saness of toled, aon cob posed procs a ct onthe stat b socal otha francs fr Pt ale, ie Eniirocessed proait a Ineain Tale A216, nls oharse ogres pon bn slr ad phaser nd specig i e purchase der ‘TABLE A3.13 Permitted Variations in Thickness of Hot-Rolod, Wide, Colt-Processed Product as Col and Cut Lengths [Nowe 1—Thickness metsurements ate taken a east 10 mm from the edge of the product [Nowe 2—For specifi thicknesses other than those shown the toe ances fr the next higher thickess sal app Under Except a ndetad Other, or Spates ‘Wi (o ‘Spectes Thetness. nm w= 1660 wD 50 025 633 a8 03 633 eo 025, 1075 05,1075, SA-480/5A-480M ASME BPVC TABLE A3.14 Permitted Variations in Width of Hot Rolled, Wide, Coi-Processed Product as Cut Lengths (Not Resquared) anc oil ‘Speed Daron ie “earca ca Wah er La2017 ‘TABLE A3.17 Permitted Variations in Thickness of Hot-Rolled Pate Mil Plate (Quarto Plate)" [Nore 1—For specified thicknesses other than those show, the tle ances fo he next higher thickness shal apply Tired Eagee — Thisinass ram Wa wren Over Unda Spectes Bwe we SOE We 500 vw 1200 2 ° snginege mm _w< 2100 3ou0 200" w= 3800 ear 5 ° sins Over Speed earaes mm 1000 we 1200 6 ° ” ui 10 Bis oS ta00 2 8 2 10 135 235 2a B 185 16s 2s 2a TABLE A3.15 Permitted Variations in Length of Hot Rolled, Wide, 1 a 00 500 570 CoilProcesced Product as Cut Lengths Not Resquared 15 400 500, 850 200 ‘posted Leh Tle, = S00 on a0 m ms = “sie 250 800 50 no 40 1 <3060 12 o "THsnats neanirea alan he ona lonpuanal espe of hee procend 000 = 6000 owsxu © fea ost 10 mm ttn mare an 7 mm om he ee. ‘TABLE A3.16 Pormitte Variations in Flatness of Hot Rolle, Wide, Colt Processed Product as Cut Lengths Tt Sptindo Sls ovis Sundar of Fans Spaced Thckness ‘peated Wa anes 18 e900 00" we 1500 = ao Srihari Sina fF Spaces Ung #1200 122000 recon, ne ver ilneceeranove nt ata Bop oe aster one ct corespanans ste wa vangos shown Fo pale vega sapere Gre theese loances apy tothe atest wath coespandg toe with sign nn Frei 50 rm vel eons sare de paren over species acknessn te aes ore an 75 in em he longa osget he pata eal rosie ian sal atencoed wie Ne TABLE A3.18 Permitted Variations in Width for Hot-Rolled Rectangular Sheared Plate Mil Plates (Quarto Plates) ‘TABLE A3.19 Permitted Variations in Length for Hot-Rolled ‘Sheared Rectangular Plate Mil Plates (Quarto Plates) “Hinson Sevan Fon 9 Pozo a ace 16 Nora Leng (9. Tranoee, Over and Unde, 000 = (000 a0 00 =< 000 0-0 ASME BP\ ‘TABLE A3.20 Permitted Variations in Fitness of Pate Mil Pate (Quarto Plate) Nore 1—Tolerances inthis table apply to any length, not necesaily the rolling dtecton, up to 36 i, [914 mm] and to any 36, [914 mn of Temger lent nthe pane ofthe plate mesired we the plate rest on aft surface with the concavity of the curvature upward. he Nore 2—Hf the longer dimension is under 36 in. (914 mm tolerance i ot greater than im, [64 Nove 3—For plats with pected minimum yield strengths of 35 hs [240 MPal or more, the permitted variations at increased 013 times the mounts shown None 4—Foe specifi thicknesses oer than those shows, the tole. ances fo the next higher thickness bal apy ‘peated Therese [Pm] Fliness Tornoe or Tenens ‘Sven nr 5 94000) 0 eis) Py 10 ‘ile 150 vated) ‘TABLE A3.21 Cold-Rolled Products, Processed Without Coling ‘Tamraneoe or cotoed prose processed wiht cling sale Gara! tee terances or ht aed rect roesso wine calng ated Thole A217 unoss cere aged won by solr and purchaser ena VCMA2017 sA-480/S4-480M TABLE A3.24 Permitted Variations in Abrasive Cutting Wicth and Length for Plates Sood Tokina, jm TORTS oe" Speciod Wh a Longe bersaliertasal war ‘ena Opes, wal a2 32 25050. 8 ae S10 78 na | ee ee 7 he werancoa under pect wah and angh we 32 em ® way an engin races tr rai eater 100 mim tek re not ‘TABLE A3.25 Permitted Variations in Diameter for Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled Coll Processed Product as Sheared Circles Trance Ove Spected Daeer (io fret Unda), Species Tckness, Danae Darlos 600 DATES ‘om Unsor600 “teach Over 120 Dae 150 z 7 = ‘TABLE A3.26 Permitted Variations in Diameter for Circular Plates “Taken From Hot-Rolled Product Processed With or Without, Coiling Nowe I—For spectc diameters other than thse shown, the tolerance far the next higher diameter sll ap "were Oe Spetad Dara Gren Carr "Ticker of Pi Species Darel, mi a oe TABLE A3.22 Permitted Variations in Width for Cold-Rolled 0 a a 7 % 8 ery a ree eases Speotied “Thickness and With Given, eaerenaeoe a Err ieee repo ee (Comrsaene Une TABLE A3.27 Torch Cutting Tolerances” and Recommended vet om, iene ae RSL maser, Steen eect eeaa tomes ae 5 10010 200ecl 020300, nd 0282 “eran, en stones? i SARS ee ee ae re oe a ‘TABLE 43.23 Permitted Variations in Width and Length for Hot Rolled and Cold-Rolled Resquared Coll-Processea Product {Stretcher Leveled Standard of Flatness) [Now Polished shoes with Finishes No. and higher are produced to tolerances given in this ale Vast aa tna Speco Dimensions mim "lance, mm Tews wah ang Deer Urs Undo 330 Up eo 120 Up ws000 2 ° * Toaaness sppy wees Service aged, Nae at some Sep aor may with pac min ane han pus rans ice vera ecommense cap nlowance which unless cherwse spect, wit be apoied by spiro purchaser ond ni, a7 SA-480/SA-480M ASME BPVCILA2017, ‘TABLE A2.28 Permited Variations in Weigh for Hot-Rolled and (Cola-Rolled Sheets tec 0 weigh 100 or ss, fray acualy weigh 10" over e 1 Ueomates wot mare tan 10 89 nay scaly weigh 72% oer ‘Pecrtel weigh muro emis weigh more tha 100g rtp nm mck 782 gin Bek ‘TABLE Aa.29 Permitted Variations in Camber for Cold-Rolies| Natrow Coll Processed Product In Calls and Cut Lengths” ‘Soeated Vian, rm Tosrares Per Unt Lengh O any 2400 ver 40100, et ? ‘Carter the dovaton ofa ade wpe ora sagt no ad mossrerai ie taken by acing a 200-nm stated one concave ie ard meaung Te {poate distance elwean be sp ee ath salads ‘TABLE A3.30 Permitted Variations In Camber for Hot-Rolled and ‘Cold-Rolled Wide CoiL-Processed Product as Cut Lengths Not ‘Resquared and Colé-Roled Wide CollProcessed Product as Colle" 6001 900, xe! 4 "00 ond ver 3 Camber te green! cavaton ofa ed wage Fam a sagt i and measurement stan by slacng an (248s sareage one concave Sie end measurag the fetes astarce between he sect edo and te Sateae Ad. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIALS A4.1 New materials may be proposed for inclusion in specifications referencing this specification subject 0 the following conditions: A4.1.1 Application for the addition of a new grade to a specification shall be made to the Chair of the subcommittee that has jurisdiction over that specification A4.1.2. The application shall be accompanied by statement from atleast one user indicating that there isa need forthe new trade to be included in the applicable specification a1. A4.1.3 The application shall be accompanied by test data as required by the applicable specification, Test data from a ‘minimum of three tes ots as defined by the specification, cach from a different heat, shall be furnished, A414 The application shall provide recommendations for all requirements appearing in the applicable specification. A415 The application shall state whether the new grade is covered by patent ASME BPYCILA-2017 'sA-480/5A-480M, AS. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF MATERIALS FROM OTHER AOL OR B02.07 SPECIFICATIONS A5.1 Wrought materials that are already covered by another AOL or B02.07 specification may be proposed for inclusion in specifications referencing this specification of general require= iments subject t the following conditions: AS.L-1 Application for the addition of a grade that is already covered in another AO1 or BO2.07 specification shall be ‘made tothe char of the subcommittee that has jurisdiction over thatthe specification to which the grade is to be added. 819 AS.1.2 The chemical requirements, the specified mechani- cal properties, and the heat treatment requirements of the grade being added shall be the same as those forthe grade inthe AOT ‘0 B02,07 specification in which the grade is presently covered, A5.1.3 The application shall provide recommendations for all requirements appearing in the applicable specification, |AS.1-4 The application shall state whether or not the grade is covered by patent INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK

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