All Soul's Day

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1-Welcome to my Presentation

2-My Favorite Day is…. November 2nd All Soul’s Day

3-The History of All Soul’s Day

Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, usually called Day of the Dead or All Souls Day or
Day souls, it is a celebration held on November 2 complementing the Day of All Saints, which
aims to pray for those faithful who they have finished their earthly life and especially by those
who are still in a state of purification in purgatory.

All Soul’s Day designated day in the Roman Catholic Church for the commemoration of the
faithful departed. The celebration is based on the doctrine that the souls of the faithful which
at death have not been cleansed from venial sins, or have not atoned for past transgressions,
they can not attain the beatific vision, and that they can help achieve by prayer and by the
sacrifice of the Mass. Certain popular beliefs related to the Tomb Sweeping Day are of pagan
origin and immemorial antiquity. It so happens that farmers in many Catholic countries believe
that on the night of the Dead the dead return to the homes where they had lived and partake
of the food of the living.

4-Why is my favorite day in the year?

Because on this day we remember. To people who are no longer, our side. Who died soon but
we miss more than ever. This day is especially to remember that we were ahead, our loved
ones; we never forget.

5-All Soul’s Day is a celebration throughout El Salvador. It is customary to go to the cemetery

to pray and place flowers on the graves of loved ones who have died. wreaths of natural
flowers or paper are placed. usually also placed wreaths cypress leaves its pleasant scent.

6-The tombs are very colorful and Beautiful.

7-The food usually consumed during this time is: Tamales (chicken or pork, sweet or salty) and
sliced pumpkin cooked with brown sugar, honey called Squash in pieces. And also the famous
flakes with honey tied among other varieties of dishes that are sold that day.

8-The famous flakes with honey sweet brown sugar

To prepare the famous flakes Which it is the most popular on this date you are needed:
Eggs, milk, sugar, salt, flour and oil. They are seamlessly blend all ingredients less oil to achieve
a mass, this extends to be thin and fry in very hot oil, after being fried bathe in
honey sweet brown sugar to taste.

9- Traditionally in El Salvador, on November 2 is celebrated on All Souls' Day, and this

particular day is used by people to buy flowers, painting, lime, brushes, achieved hoes, shovels
and pickaxes and family go to the cemetery where are buried the nearest recently or several
years of deceased relatives.

10-Sometimes we stop to not think that life can happen in a second that the people with
whom we share good times can go on our side in an instant, all those moments will only be
memories, never know if there will be a tomorrow and so you have to live life to the fullest and
appreciate our Friends or family when they are with us, not when they have departed. Nobody
knows what they have until you lose it.
November 2nd is not the only one day to remember our loved ones who are now next to God.
Always we remember them because they are always in our hearts.

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