Fransz 2003 ChromR Heterochromatin in Interphase Nuclei of at

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Chromosome Research 11: 227^240, 2003.

# 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands

Heterochromatin in interphase nuclei of Arabidopsis thaliana

P. Fransz1, W. Soppe2,3 & I. Schubert2

Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, 1090 GB Amsterdam, The
Netherlands; Tel.: þ 31 20 5255153; Fax: þ 31 20 5257934; E-mail:;
Department of Cytogenetics, Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK),
D06466 Gatersleben, Germany; 3 Present address: Max-Planck-Institut fˇr Zˇchtungsforschung,
Carl-von-Linne¤-Weg 10, D-50829 K˛ln, Germany

Key words: Arabidopsis, DNA methylation, epigenetic imprint, heterochromatin, histone modi¢cation,
interphase nucleus


The eukaryotic nucleus represents a complex arrangement of heterochromatic and euchromatic domains,
each with their speci¢c nuclear functions. Somatic cells of a multicellular organism are genetically identical,
yet they may differ completely in nuclear organization and gene expression patterns. Stable changes in gene
expression without modifying the sequence are the result of epigenetic changes and include covalent modi-
¢cations in cytosine residues of DNA and in histone tails giving rise to altered chromatin protein
complexes, remodeling of chromatin and changes in chromatin compaction. Large-scale differences in
chromatin structure are visible at the microscopic level as euchromatin and heterochromatin. Arabidopsis
thaliana chromosomes display a relatively simple distribution of euchromatic and heterochromatic
segments overlapping with gene-rich and repeat-rich regions, respectively. Recently, we have shown that
Arabidopsis provides a well-de¢ned system to study individual chromosomes and chromatin domains
in interphase nuclei as well as the relationship between chromatin condensation and epigenetic mechanisms
of gene silencing. This overview focuses on the organization and composition of heterochromatin in
Arabidopsis nuclei.

Introduction aceto carmine and later con¢rmed with other

techniques, such as £uorescence in-situ hybridi-
The term heterochromatin is widely used to desig- zation (FISH). Since the ¢rst description, several
nate condensed chromatin regions, inert chro- additional features have been assigned to hetero-
matin or chromatin containing silenced genes. chromatin (Karpen & Allshire 1997, Hennig 1999,
Originally heterochromatin is described as chro- Heniko¡ 2000): (1) cytologically, as intensely
mosome segments or chromosomes that remain stained, highly condensed chromosomal regions,
condensed (positive heteropycnosis) during (2) molecularly, as chromosome segments con-
interphase and stain di¡erently from the mass of taining abundant tandemly repeated DNA,
nuclear euchromatin (Heitz 1928). The dis- (3) biochemically, as a DNA^protein complex
crimination between euchromatin and hetero- that is relatively insensitive to DNase I, enriched
chomatin was initially based on light microscopic in heavily methylated DNA and histones H3
observations using chromatin-speci¢c dyes such as methylated at position lysine 9, (4) physically, as
228 P. Fransz et al.

chromatin with regularly arranged nucleosomes, NORs 2 and 4 each span in total 3.5^4.0 Mb in
(5) functionally, as largely inactive in transcrip- ecotype Columbia (Copenhaver & Pikaard 1996).
tion, late-replicating, rarely involved in meiotic However, at least in ecotype C24, NOR4 is
recombination but frequently involved in error- signi¢cantly larger than NOR2 (Fransz unpub-
prone post-replicative repair. Although the lished data). About 1000 copies of 5S rDNA
molecular mechanism is not clear, hetero- genes are located within the centromeric regions
chromatin is involved in centromere function and of chromosomes 3, 4 and 5 (Campell et al. 1992,
position e¡ect variegation. Unless otherwise Cloix et al. 2000). Despite their position in
stated, we use the term heterochromatin to des- heterochromatin, the ribosomal genes are
ignate microscopically discernible, condensed amongst the most highly expressed genes.
chromatin structures. We discuss position, for- Apart from the major heterochromatin seg-
mation, structure and function of heterochromatin ments, some ecotypes have interstitial hetero-
in Arabidopsis thaliana in relation to the recently chromatic segments. For example, Columbia and
postulated ‘histone code’ and chromatin- Wassilevskija contain a heterochromatic knob,
remodeling processes. Special attention is paid to hk4S, in the short arm of chromosome 4. This
the relationship between repetitive sequences, knob has originated from the pericentromere
DNA methylation, histone modi¢cation and after a paracentric inversion event (Fransz et al.
maintenance of heterochromatin. 2000). Similar to the pericentromeric region the
knob accommodates many dispersed transposable
elements (TEs) and other repetitive elements
Chromosomal distribution of heterochromatin (CSHL/WUGSC/PEB Arabidopsis Sequencing
Consortium 2000), including a 1.9-kb tandem
Heterochromatic segments are very distinct in repeat, located in the distal half of the knob.
meiotic mid-prophase cells, when the homologs The arrangement of tandem repeats £anked by
are fully paired, forming traceable, linear struc- dispersed TEs resembles the organization of
tures. In Arabidopsis they are remarkably small, heterochromatic knobs in maize (Ananiev et al.
occupying only 7.4% of the total length of the 1998). However, unlike most maize knobs, the
pachytene complement (Fransz et al. 1998). In 1.9-kb repeat region of hk4S is not interrupted by
comparison, 15% of the pachytene chromosomes other repeats.
of Medicago truncatula (genome size *500 Mb) is Another interstitial heterochromatic segment
heterochromatic (Kulikova et al. 2001), while, in contains multiple 5S rDNA sequences and maps
tomato (genome size *960 Mb), this percentage is interstitially in the long arm of chromosome 3 of
24% (de Jong et al. 1999). The packaging ratio of ecotype Landsberg erecta (Fransz et al. 1998).
heterochromatin in pachytene chromosomes of This ecotype was derived from Landsberg (LER)
Arabidopsis (genome size 130 Mb) ranges from 0.7 as a mutant carrying the erecta mutation after
Mb/mm (knob hk4S) to 2.24 Mb/mm (nucleolus irradiation experiments (Re¤dei 1962). Because
organizing region, NOR), while euchromatin LER lacks a 5 S rDNA locus on chromosome 3,
ranges between 170 and 540 kb/mm with an this heterochromatic segment was probably
average of 330 kb/mm (Fransz et al. 2000). Mitotic duplicated from the 5 S rDNA locus of either
metaphase chromosomes are about 2.5 mm and chromosome 4 or 5. The extent of this duplication
contain on average 10.4 Mb per mm. and whether it is accompanied by any chromo-
Heterochromatin is predominantly con¢ned to somal rearrangement is unknown.
the pericentromeric regions of all chromosomes
and the nucleolus organizing regions (NORs) of
chromosomes 2 and 4 (Koornneef et al. 2003 (this Pericentromeric heterochromatin
issue)), which comprise the ribosomal 18S, 5.8S
and 25S units, together known as 45 S rDNA. The centromere region of the Arabidopsis chro-
Pericentromeric regions and NORs contain all mosomes consists of three domains. The cen-
major tandem repeats of the Arabidopsis genome tromere core, which accommodates the functional
(Heslop-Harrison, et al. 2003 (this issue)). The centromere, mainly consists of the 180-bp tandem
Heterochromatin in Arabidopsis 229

repeats spanning about 1.3^2.1 Mbp (Haupt et al. and functionally equivalent to a- and b-hetero-
2001). It is £anked by heterochromatic domains chromatin in Drosophila.
that contain many transposons and other dis-
persed repeats. Intriguingly, the tripartite cen-
tromeric regions of all chromosomes in ecotype Heterochromatin in interphase nuclei
WS appear to be equal in size, spanning *4.2 Mb,
except for CEN 4, which measures 3.5 Mb (see In many plant species, interphase heterochromatin
Koornneef et al., in this issue). However, if we is visible as discrete, intensely stained regions,
consider that the heterochromatic knob hk4S of known as chromocenters. As early as 1907, the
this chromosome originates from the peri- number of Arabidopsis chromosomes was inferred
centromere and spans *0.7 Mb, then the size of from the maximum number of chromocenters,
CEN4 þ knob hk4S matches the average size of the after staining nuclei with hematoxylin (Laibach
Arabidopsis centromere regions. Although both 1907). Chromocenters can easily be observed as
the centromere core and £anking regions are dark spots with phase-contrast microscopy or as
heterochromatic, they have distinct molecular, bright DAPI-positive domains with £uorescence
structural, functional and genetic properties microscopy. Even in living cells, chromocenters
(Fransz et al. 2000, Haupt et al. 2001). For can be visualized in transgenic plants containing
example, no genes have been found in the cen- histone H2B conjugated with yellow £uorescent
tromere, whereas the £anking pericentric domains protein (Figure 1). Chromocenters are positioned
contain silent and transcriptionally active genes at the nuclear periphery and the nucleolus. The
(Arabidopsis Genome Initiative 2000, Haupt et al. number of chromocenters per nucleus varies
2001), albeit at low density (<1 per 100 kb) between 4 and 10 with an average of 8. FISH
compared to euchromatin (*1 gene every 5 kb). analyses of chromosome domains (Fransz et al.
The tripartite organization of centromere core 2002) have demonstrated that individual inter-
with tandem repeats, £anked by pericentromeric phase chromosomes are organized as a hetero-
heterochromatin segments is in line with the chromatic chromocenter with emanating
general model for functional centromeres (Choo euchromatic loops (Figure 2A, B). The chromo-
2001). In comparison, the centromere region of centers contain all major tandem repeats and the
Drosophila also displays three domains, where the majority of the dispersed pericentric repeats,
central and £anking domains are referred to as including transposons and non-transposon
a- and b-heterochromatin, respectively, (Miklos & repeats. Euchromatic loops, in contrast, are gene-
Cotsell 1990). In Drosophila, the a-hetero- rich. They range in size from 200 kb up to an entire
chromatin contains several highly repetitive chromosome arm. The territory of an Arabidopsis
satellite DNA sequences and is genetically inert, chromosome, which comprises on average 25 Mb
whereas b-heterochromatin, which is discernible of DNA with 5200 genes (Arabidopsis Genome
only in polytene chromosomes, contains middle Initiative 2000), is formed by its chromocenter and
repetitive DNA, interspersed with actively tran- the corresponding euchromatic loops. In com-
scribed genes (Lohe & Hilliker 1997, Eberl et al. parison, the average human chromosome terri-
1993). Unlike Arabidopsis, a remarkable similarity tory, is ¢ve times larger (130 Mb) but contains only
in gene density has been observed between *1700 genes. This di¡erence underlines the small
b-heterochromatin and the adjacent euchromatin numbers of repetitive sequences within the Ara-
(Miklos & Cotsell 1990), indicating comparable bidopsis genome and, consequently, the low
transcriptional potency. Another di¡erence from content of heterochromatin in the Arabidopsis
Arabidopsis is the presence of chromosome-spe- nucleus. The organization of euchromatin loops
ci¢c satellite repeats in the centromere region of around chromocenters implies that some gene-rich
Drosophila. With the exception of the ribosomal regions that are euchromatic in the pachytene
gene clusters no tandem arrays of chromosome- chromosome may also colocalize with chromo-
speci¢c repeats have been found in Arabidopsis. It centers and form attachment sites of the loops to
remains to be proven whether the (peri)cen- the heterochromatin. This was indeed observed
tromeric domains of Arabidopsis are structurally when BACs from di¡erent euchromatic regions
230 P. Fransz et al.

Figure 1. Confocal images of an interphase nucleus in a mesophyll cell isolated from a transgenic plant containing a histone H2B::YFP
construct. Fluorescent chromatin is strong in chromocenters.

were used as probes for FISH. Colocalization of A quantitative parameter of nuclear phenotype is
DNA sequences with the chromocenter of chro- the heterochromatin fraction which is measured
mosome 4 varies between di¡erent chromosomal from the area and staining intensity of the chro-
regions and between cells (Table 1). Whether the mocenters in relation to that of the entire nucleus
position of gene regions close to chromocenters is (Soppe et al. 2002). Although the method
accompanied by gene repression remains to be generates relative values it allows comparing
elucidated. heterochromatin fractions between di¡erent cell
types and between mutants within a species. We
analysed nuclei from Columbia and a hypo-
The nuclear phenotype methylation mutant, ddm1, which display a lower
content of heterochromatin (see below). The
Most somatic cells of a multicellular organism relative heterochromatin fraction in the hypo-
contain the same DNA sequences but may di¡er methylation mutant is signi¢cantly (*30%) lower
considerably in nuclear organization due to the than in the wild type (Figure 3). Thus, the method
dynamic properties of chromatin. The nuclear allows the quanti¢cation of large-scale changes in
phenotype is a cytological characterization of the chromatin structure, which, in this case, are due to
interphase nucleus and comprises a number of a decrease in DNA methylation.
parameters. It provides valuable information
about the relationships between nuclear organi-
zation, gene regulation and cell identity. The The nuclear phenotype in gene-silencing mutants
cytological parameters include global features,
such as proportion and distribution of hetero- DNA methylation at cytosine residues is essential
chromatin, DNA methylation and histone for epigenetic regulation of developmental pro-
modi¢cation (see below), but may also relate to cesses in most higher eukaryotes. Approximately
small-scale aspects, such as local chromatin 80% of cytosines in CpG dinucleotides in plant
condensation or gene position. For example, it is genomes is methylated (Finnegan et al. 1998).
demonstrated that, in human cells, the frequency DNA methylation is involved in transcriptional
with which a chromosome region is present as a gene repression and supposed to be targeted
decondensed chromatin loop is cell-type depen- predominantly to heterochromatic regions
dent and appears to be related to the number of (Martienssen & Colot 2001). In Arabidopsis, the
active genes in that region (Volpi et al. 2000). majority of methylated cytosines is found within
Heterochromatin in Arabidopsis 231

Figure 2. Chromocenter-loop model. DAPI-stained image and diagram of a wild-type interphase nucleus (A) with nucleolus (N) and
nine chromocenters (CC). A chromosome territory is magni¢ed (B) showing a repeat-rich chromocenter (gray circle) with emanating
euchromatic loops (gray lines). Note that pericentromeric regions, containing transposons (white ovals), and non-transposon regions
(thick black lines) colocalize with the chromocenter. (C) Diagram of a chromosome territory in a hypomethylation mutant containing
a small chromocenter. Pericentromeric transposons are still in the chromocenter whereas pericentromeric non-transposons are
232 P. Fransz et al.

Table 1. Percentage of colocalization of gene-rich regions from and have only about 30% of the wild-type DNA
the short arm of chromosome 4. methylation. They are among the strongest gene-
silencing mutants. Both mutants show the same
Regiona Position on 4L Colocalization with CC4 (n)
deviating nuclear phenotype with fewer and size-
rDNA Distal 98% (230) reduced chromocenters (Figure 4C, D). The
F6N15 Subdistal 85% (80) decrease in heterochromatin is accompanied by a
8B1b (WS) Mid 50% (20)
drastic decrease of methylated DNA at the
T4B21 (WS)c Proximal 44% (72)
T4B21 (LER) Proximal 25% (55) remaining chromocenters. The phenotype is stably
inherited in subsequent generations and in dif-
The applied probes are BACs (F6N15 and T4B21) and a YAC ferent ecotype backgrounds. Nuclei of the double
(CIC8B1). The rDNA region is detected with the 45S rDNA mutant ddm1-2/met1 show an even stronger
sequence. b8B1 covers the heterochromatic knob hk4S, which
is present in WS, but absent in LER. cIn WS, the T4B21 region
reduction in chromocenter size as well as in global
lies in between the knob and the pericentromeric heterochromatin. DNA methylation. The decrease in number and
size of chromocenters is con¢rmed by the quan-
titative analysis of the relative heterochromatin
centromere-associated tandem repeats, rDNA fractions of ddm1-2, met1 and the double mutant
arrays, and transposons or retrotransposon- (Soppe et al. 2002). The latter shows about 50%
derived elements. Immunolabeling of interphase reduction in heterochromatin.
nuclei with antibodies against 5-methyl cytosine The mutant ddm1-5 is allelic to ddm1-2, but
demonstrates that chromocenters contain most of considered to represent a null allele, since DDM1
the heavily methylated DNA (Figure 4A, B), transcripts are not detectable (Mittelsten Scheid
con¢rming the molecular data. Chromocenters, et al. 2002). The e¡ect of the ddm1-5 mutation on
therefore, likely represent transcriptionally silent the nuclear phenotype is even more severe than
domains. The ‘Decrease in DNA Methylation’ that of ddm1-2. Chromocenters are highly disin-
genes DDM1 and DDM2 (or MET1) play an tegrated and the 180-bp repeats may dislocate
important role in DNA methylation of plants from chromocenters, suggesting a decondensation
(Vongs et al. 1993, Ronemus et al. 1996). DDM1 is of the centromeric core (Mittelsten Scheid et al.
a SWI/SNF-like chromatin remodeling protein 2002). These data indicate a strong correlation
(Jeddeloh et al. 1999), while MET1 is a main- between the level of DNA methylation and the
tenance methyltransferase. The hypomethylation organization of heterochromatin. Incorporation
mutants, ddm1-2 and met1, are point mutations of 5-azacytidine into DNA of mammalian cells

Figure 3. Histogram showing the relative heterochromatic content in wild-type (gray) and ddm1 mutant (black) plotted against the
number of nuclei.
Heterochromatin in Arabidopsis 233

also revealed a negative e¡ect of DNA hypo- ddm1-5 mutant background, MOM1 is involved in
methylation on heterochromatin condensation heterochromatin structure. MOM1 and DDM1
(Haaf & Schmidt 1989), but the direct cause of the may therefore have complementary function in the
decondensation is still unclear. The hypomethy- nuclear organization of chromatin.
lation mutants of Arabidopsis demonstrate that Other less-extensively studied mutants of gene
DNA methylation a¡ects the formation of het- silencing reveal a nuclear phenotype comparable
erochromatic structures. However, in some cases, to either wild type or ddm1. The kyp2 mutant is
heterochromatin is not a¡ected by DNA methy- de¢cient for a methyltransferase speci¢c to histone
lation. For example, a small fraction of nuclei in H3 at lysine 9 (H3K9) (Jackson et al. 2002). Nuclei
the hypomethylation mutants displays the wild- of kyp2 have a wild-type appearance of hetero-
type phenotype with conspicuous chromocenters chromatin, showing strong DNA methylation at
(Mittelsten Scheid et al. 2002, P. Fransz unpub- chromocenters (Jasencakova et al. 2002). Simi-
lished data). These cells have reduced DNA larly, cmt3, which lacks a functional chromo-
methylation but are capable of maintaining wild- methyltransferase (Heniko¡ & Comai 1998),
type levels of microscopically visible hetero- shows wild-type heterochromatin levels (P. Fransz
chromatin, suggesting that, in some cases, the role unpublished data). In contrast, heterochromatin in
of DNA methylation in heterochromatin forma- the silencing mutants hog1 and sil1 (Furner et al.
tion may be compensated by some other epigenetic 1998) is decreased (P. Fransz unpublished data).
mechanism. This situation is reminiscent of Both hog1 and sil1 are monogenic recessive
Drosophila nuclei, which contain visible hetero- mutants but the gene products are unknown. The
chromatin but lack persistent DNA methylation. hog1 mutant reduces DNA methylation at ribo-
The MOM (Morpheus’ molecule) gene product somal DNA and a transgene locus C containing
is essential for transcriptional gene silencing but multiple copies of the genes CHS, NPT and HPT
does not a¡ect the DNA methylation level (Furner et al. 1998). Although hog1 resembles
(Amedeo et al. 2000). Several heavily methylated ddm1 in DNA methylation level and gene silen-
genes, including silent transgenes and endogenous cing, hog1 is not a ddm1 allele. The sil1 mutant, on
inactive TSI (transcriptionally silent information) the other hand, does not show reduction of DNA
elements, became active after mutation of the methylation and releases gene silencing of only the
MOM gene or after depletion of its transcript NPT and HPT genes.
(Amedeo et al. 2000, Steimer et al. 2000). In
contrast to the situation in ddm1 and met1,
heterochromatin in nuclei of mom1 reveals a wild- Are transposable elements anchoring points of
type appearance. It is particularly remarkable that euchromatin loops to heterochromatic
several re-activated genes in mom1 are still posi- chromocenters?
tioned within heterochromatic structures (Probst
et al. 2002). This suggests that: (1) hetero- The reduction of heterochromatin in nuclei of the
chromatin structure, in some cases, is not su⁄cient hypomethylation mutants, ddm1-2 and met1,
to repress transcription of repetitive genes, and (2) implies that certain DNA regions are no longer in
MOM1 may be essential to silence certain hetero- heterochromatin after decrease of DNA methy-
chromatic genes. It underlines the fact that genes lation. Whereas major tandem repeats remain
in heterochromatin are not inactive per se and it largely within the chromocenters of the hypo-
should be kept in mind that some Drosophila genes methylated nuclei (Figure 4E, F), pericentromeric
are only active in a heterochromatic environment regions with dispersed repeats were found pre-
(Eberl et al. 1993). A surprising feature in the dominantly outside chromocenters. Further ana-
double mutant mom1/ddm1-5 is that, in some lysis by FISH on hypomethylated nuclei revealed
nuclei, all chromocenters are clumped together that high-copy transposon elements from di¡erent
forming an aggregation of heterochromatin families, including Ty3-gypsy, Ty1-copia and
(Mittelsten Scheid et al. 2002). Apparently, miniature inverted-repeat transposable element
absence of MOM1 alone does not a¡ect the (MITE), still co-localize within chromocenters
nuclear organization of heterochromatin but, in a (Figure 4G, H). Non-transposon elements,
234 P. Fransz et al.
Heterochromatin in Arabidopsis 235

however, appeared dislocated into euchromatin repeats, although being euchromatic, still show
(Soppe et al. 2002). The results indicate that the some DNA methylation in ddm1-2 and met1.
organization of pericentromeric chromatin Apparently, DNA methylation in this case a¡ects
depends on the type of repeats they contain. We heterochromatin structure but is not su⁄cient to
propose that, in hypomethylated nuclei, (1) tan- form heterochromatin. This is not surprising
dem repeats form heterochromatic chromocenters, because euchromatin of wild-type nuclei may also
(2) non-transposon sequences are in euchromatin contain methylated DNA. It is therefore con-
loops, and (3) high-copy transposon elements are ceivable that a minimal level of DNA methylation
located in heterochromatin at the bases of these in pericentromeric non-transposon elements is
loops (Figure 1C). It is tempting to speculate that required for heterochromatin formation.
transposon elements are also anchor points for
gene-rich euchromatin loops to heterochromatin.
In this context, it is intriguing to ¢nd that the Maintenance of heterochromatin and epigenetic
dispersed multicopy transposons, Emi12 and imprinting
AthE1.4, which colocalize at chromocenters in
both wild-type and hypomethylation mutants The bulk of DNA methylation activity occurs via
(Soppe et al. 2002), are frequently mapped to gene- maintenance of DNA methylation, which is
rich regions. As in the wild type, we observed a established directly after DNA replication at
chromocenter-loop organization of chromosome hemimethylated sites, when existing methylation
arm 4S in ddm1 nuclei, suggesting that, in hypo- marks are copied to the new DNA strands. It
methylated nuclei, some regions of the gene-rich involves DDM1, MET1 and CMT3, a methyl-
euchromatin remain attached to chromocenters. transferase containing a chromodomain (Heniko¡
Whether these sequences involve transposon ele- & Comai 1998). MET1 methylates CpG sites, the
ments is still not known. The inactive single copy majority of methylated sites, while CMT3, which
transposon, CAC1, which is present on chromo- is unique to plants, maintains methylation of
some arm 2L, frequently (83%, n ¼ 78) colocalizes CpNpG and asymmetric sites (Lindroth et al.
with the chromocenter in wild-type nuclei (Soppe 2001). Mutants lacking one of these genes show
et al. 2002). However, in ddm1 nuclei, the trans- reduced DNA methylation levels. Full recovery of
poson is derepressed (Miura et al. 2001), and 68% DDM1 and MET1 activity in the respective
(n ¼ 95) of the signals appear within euchromatin, mutants is established after crossing with wild-
indicating a dislocation of the reactivated trans- type plants. However, the DNA methylation level
poson from the chromocenter into euchromatin. in the F1 generation appeared to be intermediate
Therefore, if transposon elements are involved in between the mutant and the wild-type parents
anchoring euchromatin loops to heterochromatin, (Vongs et al. 1993, Finnegan et al. 1998). Immediate
they are presumably not active. remethylation does not take place because the
Although the methylation level of the low-copy mutant-derived chromosomes lack a methylation
non-transposon repeats in ddm1 and met1 is imprint that is necessary for maintenance of
unknown, their FISH signals follow the same DNA methylation. Remethylation requires de-
pattern as the DNA methylation signals (Figure 4I^N). novo DNA methylation activity established by
This suggests that pericentromeric non-transposon ‘Domains Rearranged Methylase’ (DRM) (Cao &

Figure 4. FISH images and immunolabeling patterns presenting distinct nuclear phenotypes of wild-type and mutant nuclei. (A,B)
Wild-type and (C,D) ddm1 nuclei labeled with anti-5-methylcytosine (green) and stained with DAPI (blue). (E,F) Wild-type and
(G,H) ddm1 nuclei probed with transposon Ta1 (green) and pericentromeric BAC F28D6 repeats (red). (I,J) Wild-type and (K^N)
ddm1 nuclei probed with pericentromeric BAC F17A20 repeats (green) and immunolabeled with anti-5-methylcytosine (green).
Magni¢cation (M,N) of the ddm1 nucleus shows partly overlapping patterns of repeats and DNA methylation outside chromocenters
(blue circles). (O,P) F1 nucleus heterozygous for DDM1 probed with 45 S rDNA (red) and immunolabeled with anti-5-methylcytosine
(green). Arrow indicates the mutant-derived chromocenters. (Q,R) Wild-type nucleus probed with the 180-bp centromere repeat (red)
and immunolabeled with antiserum against acetylated histone H4Ac5 (green). (S) Wild-type nucleus immunolabeled with antiserum
against dimethylated histone H3K9 (red). (T) Wild-type nucleus probed with the 180-bp centromere repeat (red) and immunolabeled
with antiserum against methylated histone H3K4. (For materials and methods, see Soppe et al. 2002.)
236 P. Fransz et al.

Jacobsen 2002). Because repeated backcrossing to and K16, but also hypermethylated histone H3K4
a wild-type parent only slowly increased the level (Figure 4Q^T, Fransz et al. 2002, Soppe et al.
of methylation at tandem repeats in each gen- 2002, Jasencakova et al. 2002, Probst et al. 2002).
eration, it was concluded that de-novo methylation The distinct distribution of these modi¢ed his-
activity at these sites is rather slow or non-existent tones within heterochromatin and euchromatin
(Kakutani et al. 1999). underscores the sharp boundaries of hetero-
The di¡erent degree of methylation of the chromatic chromocenters in Arabidopsis nuclei
parental genomes in F1 nuclei of crosses between and hence the distinct separation of functional
wild-type and hypomethylation mutant is re£ected subdomains within a chromosome territory.
in the nuclear phenotype. About half of the Genome-wide immunolabeling of acetylated
chromocenters have a wild-type appearance, while histones in mitotically active cells has further
the other half are smaller. The wild-type-derived demonstrated that the chromocenters contain low
chromosomes show heavily methylated chromo- levels of histones H4 acetylated at position K12
centers, whereas mutant-derived chromocenters and K16 and of histone H3 acetylated at K9 and
lack clear DNA methylation signals (Figure 4O, K18. Only during and shortly after DNA repli-
P). Quanti¢cation of heterochromatin content cation, are H4K16 and H3K9 strongly acetylated
revealed an intermediate level of heterochromatin within chromocenter regions. However, after
in the F1 generation compared to the mutant and postreplicative repair, maintenance of DNA
wild-type parents (Soppe et al. 2002). The wild- methylation at CpG sites and methylation of
type- and mutant-derived chromocenters di¡er in H3K9, these lysine residues become deacetylated
the presence of pericentric non-transposon to a level below that of euchromatin (Jasencakova
sequences. Apparently, DDM1 and MET1 are not et al. 2002).
su⁄cient to restore heterochromatin in pericentric In DNA hypomethylation mutants, histone
regions containing non-transposon repeats once methylation at H3K9 is low and barely clustered at
DNA methylation is lost. We conclude that het- the remnant heterochromatic chromocenters
erochromatin in these regions acts as a self- (Soppe et al. 2002). The decrease of hetero-
perpetuating chromatin state and requires a DNA chromatin in the hypomethylation mutants is
methylation imprint. mainly caused by dislocation of pericentric non-
transposon regions away from heterochromatin.
Apparently, these regions have lost methylated
Heterochromatin and histone code H3K9 and gained methylated H3K4. In nuclei of
F1 plants heterozygous for ddm1 (or met1), one
Gene expression is the result of a complex half of the chromocenters derived from the wild
molecular interplay between DNA sequence and type shows strong DNA and H3K9 methylation,
chromatin-associated proteins. Covalent modi¢- whereas chromocenters from the hypomethylated
cations in histone tails give rise to altered parent do not. Thus, DDM1 and MET1 of the
chromatin protein complexes, remodelling of heterozygous F1 plants apparently cannot recover
chromatin, changes in chromatin density and, histone methylation in the pericentric non-trans-
¢nally, altered accessibility of the DNA to the poson repeats from mutant-derived chromosomes.
transcription machinery. At the microscope level, Hypermethylation of H3K9 is restricted to
the large-scale di¡erences are manifested as chromocenters with strongly methylated DNA
heterochromatin and euchromatin. Arabidopsis derived from the wild-type parent, indicating that
nuclei display distinct genome-wide labeling a DNA methylation imprint is responsible for
patterns of modi¢ed histones that correspond to strong methylation of H3K9 in heterochromatin.
heterochromatin and euchromatin. Chromo-
centers contain high levels of methylated histone
H3 at lysine position 9 (H3K9) and low levels of What determines heterochromatin in Arabidopsis?
acetylated histone H4 at position K5 and K8. In
contrast, euchromatin regions show hyper- Microscopically visible heterochromatin displays
acetylated histones H4 at position K5, K12, K8 di¡erent features in Arabidopsis nuclei. These
Heterochromatin in Arabidopsis 237

seem to depend on the underlying DNA sequences becomes less clear. Based on the presented data we
but also on the presence of proteins involved in classi¢ed Arabidopsis DNA sequences into four
modi¢cation of DNA and chromatin. The ques- groups according to their position relative to
tion arises, what is required to form hetero- heterochromatin in wild type and in chromatin
chromatin in Arabidopsis. Since we have shown mutants (Table 2). Tandemly arranged repeats
that the heterochromatin state is epigenetically colocalize with heterochromatin, irrespective the
transmitted, the question may be rephrased into methylation levels of DNA or histone H3 at lysine
‘What is required to maintain heterochromatin?’. K9. These levels vary depending on the mutant
Wild-type nuclei contain well-de¢ned hetero- background. At least one exception to this rule
chromatin regions, rich in repetitive sequences, forms the ddm1-5 mutant, which shows decon-
including tandemly arranged repeats, transposon densed tandem repeat regions. Regions with
elements and non-transposon repeats. In addition, multicopy transposon elements follow the same
some sequences from gene-rich regions may also pattern as tandem repeats and colocalize with
associate with chromocenters as anchor points of chromocenters irrespective of DNA or H3K9
the euchromatic loops. In mutants defective for methylation. Pericentric non-transposable ele-
speci¢c chromatin proteins, however, the corre- ments, on the other hand, are in heterochromatin
lation between repeats and heterochromatin or in euchromatin, depending on the DNA

Table 2. Cytological and biochemical properties of genomic regions in interphase nuclei of wild-type and epigenetic mutants.

Backgrounda Region Heterochromatin 5mC H3metK4 H3metK9 H4Ac5/Ac8

WT Gene-rich  Lowb High Low High

WT Pericentric non-TE þ High Low High Low
WT Pericentric TE þ High Low High Low
WT Tandem repeat þ High Low High Low
ddm1-2 Gene-rich  Low High Low High
ddm1-2 Pericentric non-TE  Low High Low High
ddm1-2 Pericentric TE þ Low Low Low Low
ddm1-2 Tandem repeat þ Low Low Low Low
met1 Gene-rich  Low High Low High
met1 Pericentric non-TE  Low High Low High
met1 Pericentric TE þ Low Low Low Low
met1 Tandem repeat þ Low Low Low Low

kyp2 Gene-rich  Low High Low High

kyp2 Pericentric non-TE þ High Low Low Low
kyp2 Pericentric TE þ High Low Low Low
kyp2 Tandem repeat þ High Low Low Low
ddm1-5 (type 4)c Gene-rich  Low High Low High
ddm1-5 (type 4) Pericentric non-TE nd nd nd nd nd
ddm1-5 (type 4) Pericentric TE nd nd nd nd nd
ddm1-5 (type 4) Tandem repeat (180 bp) /þd Low High/Low Low Low
ddm1-5 (type 4) Tandem repeat (45S rDNA) þ Low Low Low Low

mom1e Gene-rich  Low High Low High

mom1 Pericentric non-TE þ High Low High Low
mom1 Pericentric TE þ High Low High Low
mom1 Tandem repeat þ High Low High Low
Data are from Mittelsten Scheid et al. 2002 (WT, ddm1-5), Fransz et al. 2002 (WT), Soppe et al. 2002 (WT, ddm1-2, met1), Probst et al.
2002 (WT, ddm1-5, mom1) and Jasencakova et al. 2002 (WT, kyp2). bLow levels of labeling in one region may differ from low levels
in other regions. cType 4 nuclei display the most severe nuclear phenotype in the mutant ddm1-5 (Mittelsten Schied et al. 2002). The
detection of non-TEs and TEs was not established in this mutant. However, pericentromeric non-TEs are likely in euchromatin. dThe
180-bp repeat shows dispersed signals in euchromatin as well as condensed signals at chromocenters. e The non-overlapping patterns
of repeats and acetylated histones was inferred from the nuclear phenotype, which resembles the wild type (Probst et al. 2002).
238 P. Fransz et al.

methylation status but not on histone H3K9 may also form a stable chromatin imprint.
methylation (see kyp2 mutant). Gene-rich regions Moreover, some PcG proteins have been
always have low levels of DNA methylation and demonstrated to form complexes with histone H3
histone H3K9 methylation. Although these methyltransferase (Czermin et al. 2002, Sewalt et al.
regions are predominantly in euchromatin, some 2002). Finally, association of sequence-speci¢c
sequences may colocalize to heterochromatin in RNA molecules may be involved in formation and
wild type as well as in hypomethylation mutants. maintenance of heterochromatin (Maison et al.
We propose that speci¢c sequences, most likely 2002, Volpe et al. 2002).
transposable elements, may be responsible for Originally, heterochromatin was subdivided
anchoring euchromatin loops to heterochromatin. into two classes, constitutive and facultative
It has been suggested that DNA methylation plays heterochromatin, depending on its persistent
a role in the defense mechanism against parasitic presence throughout the cell cycle (Brown 1966).
sequence elements, such as transposons, in par- Constitutive heterochromatin includes pericen-
ticular by identifying them and maintaining their tromeric and NOR-associated heterochromatin
heterochromatic state (Yoder et al. 1997). In this because these regions remain heterochromatic.
view it is tempting to speculate that the mechanism Facultative heterochromatin varies in its state in
of inactivating transposable elements may have di¡erent cell types or from one homologous
evolved together with a mechanism for gene chromosome to another and is heteropycnotic in
silencing by recruiting adjacent genes to hetero- special cell types. Francastel et al. (2000) described
chromatic domains. facultative heterochromatin as that fraction of
From the above, we may conclude that, chromatin that is compact and transcriptionally
depending on the epigenetic conditions, all types of inactive in one cell lineage, but may be decon-
DNA sequences may become part of hetero- densed and active in another. We propose that, in
chromatin or euchromatin (Tables 1 & 2). The Arabidopsis, the term constitutive hetero-
only correlation that remains in all mutants is the chromatin be applied to regions with tandem
negative correlation between heterochromatin and repeats or high-copy transposons. Their hetero-
methylated histone H3K4 and acetylated histones chromatic state is not controlled by DNA
H4Ac5 and H4Ac8. These modi¢ed histone levels methylation. Facultative heterochromatin, on the
are always low in heterochromatin and high in other hand, may comprise non-transposons, low-
euchromatin, irrespective of the epigenetic mutant copy transposon or small gene-rich regions. Their
background and irrespective of the DNA heterochromatic state is under the epigenetic
sequence. In human cells, methylation of H3K4, control of DNA methylation.
which is established by the methyltransferase
SET9, inhibits methylation at H3K9 and precludes
association of histone deacetylase (HDAC) Acknowledgements
complexes with the H3 tail and facilitates trans-
cription (Maison et al. 2002). It is likely that a We gratefully acknowledge R. van Driel,
similar mechanism is present in Arabidopsis to O. Mittelsten-Scheid and A. Probst for critically
prevent formation of heterochromatin. The for- reading of the manuscript, R. Martienssen,
mation of microscopically visible heterochromatin J. Paszkowski, S. Jacobsen and C. Spillane for
may be dependent on the ratio between methylated providing gene-silencing mutants, F. Berger for
H3K9 and methylated H3K4. Once hetero- providing the H2B::YFP transformant, Monica
chromatin is formed, it is maintained via an Ru⁄ni-Castiglione for providing anti-5-methyl-
epigenetic imprint. Methylated cytosine residues cytosine and B. M. Turner for providing antisera
may provide the epigenetic imprint. In addition, against acetylated histones. We acknowledge
histone methylation has been shown to be a stable ¢nancial support from the Deutsche Forschungs
epigenetic imprint. Alternatively, protein com- Gemeinschaft (SCHU 951/9-2, I.S. and FR 1497/
plexes containing polycomb group (PcG) proteins, 1-1, P.F.).
Heterochromatin in Arabidopsis 239

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