I05 Syllabus World Pass PDF

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Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA)

Intermediate Five (I05) Course Syllabus

Course description:

Intermediate Five is the first course that uses the World Pass series. It marks the initiation of students at the Intermediate High
level of English language proficiency according to ACTFL standards and the initiation of student language development at the
B2 level according to the Common European Framework for Reference to Languages (CEFR).

The course presents language that is needed to narrate stories and events, talk about abilities, and making statements in
general, particularly in reference to leisure activities. The language structures that are used to support these communicative
functions include a review of the simple past, present perfect, and the passive voice as well as a presentation of adverb
clauses of contrast, purpose and time. The Vocabulary Focus sections present language related to story-telling, the workplace
and lifestyles in general, and talking about personalities. Reading skills include inferencing, skimming for main ideas, and
guessing the meaning of words from morphemes. Writing skill development includes sequencing events in a narration, writing
about the advantages and disadvantages associated with a topic, and organizing a paragraph using a topic sentence.

Intermediate Five covers Units 1 – 3 of the ICPNA World Pass Book 1 level. After taking this course, the student will have
accumulated in the program a total of 459 academic hours of in-class instruction.

Course material:

World Pass Intermediate 5 Student Book, Workbook, Video Activity Worksheets (Units 1 – 3), and Teacher Resource
Worksheets (Units 1 – 3).

Supplementary Learning Material / Resources:

 World Pass E-Workbook / E-Video: Intermediate 5 & World Link Intermediate 4 / Intermediate 3
 E-Exams: Intermediate 5 Units 1 – 3 / Intermediate 4 Units 1 – 3 / Intermediate 3 Units 1 – 3
 World Pass web site
 Newbury House Dictionary CD-ROM
 Audio CD (All course book audio samples, specifically the listening sections)

Course Themes:

Welcome Unit- Language related to computers, telephones, and restaurants

Unit 1 – What’s the Story?

Unit 2 – Technology
Unit 3 – Personality

Learning Objectives:

Please refer to attached document.

Evaluation Criteria:

Speaking: Choose three of the nine learning objectives associated with speaking (Vocabulary Tool, Speaking Skill, or
Communication Strategy), namely those which require extended discourse that is appropriate for the level. They should all be
of equal difficulty and require elaboration beyond the two or three statement level.

Writing: Have the students write in response to tasks that are similar to those presented for this skill in Units 1, 2, and 3 of the
Student Book or the Workbook.

In-class evaluation tasks:

As it is better to reserve the course book’s activities and tasks – with the exception of the Consolidation Unit - for language
practice rather than direct evaluation, this section offers you alternatives on how to assess your students’ speaking skills in-
class between Days 1 – 16 of the cycle. They have the purpose of allowing the teacher to elicit language samples for
evaluation purposes without using the activities in the course book that are primarily meant to help consolidate learning.

Copyright @ 2007 by ICPNA

Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA)



1. In pairs or groups, students take turns telling each other different kinds of stories: scary, funny, embarrassing,
unexpected, etc. Students use Simple Past, Present Perfect + the Expressions related to “Telling Stories” / “Listening
to a Story.”
2. In pairs, students take turns interviewing each other. One of the students pretends to be a famous person who has
achieved something outstanding. Students should be as imaginative as possible and use appropriate Expressions
related to “Telling Stories.”


1. In pairs or groups, students imagine they are going to do some research on History & Arts. Together they choose a
place in their country they are familiar with. Each student has to mention what they know using the “Passive Voice” to
show how much they know about the subject. While one speaks, the others can ask informative questions.
2. In groups, students discuss Technology and Stress in the past, present and future –using vocabulary learned and
the passive voice.


1. In pairs or groups, students pretend they work in a fast food restaurant. They discuss why they should be appointed
the “Employee of the Month”. Students should mention the characteristics that make them a good employee –use
adverb clauses of contrast, purpose and time.
2. In pairs, students make generalizations about the differences in personality between men and women. Students
should support their ideas using adverb clauses of contrast, purpose, and time.


Some ideas:

1. Students should work in groups and find a story about a strange or unusual occurrence that has taken place in the
United States. The presentation should be supported by a poster with picture prompts that represent different parts of
the story. They should use new words as well as time phrases and expressions to complement those learned in the
2. The students should role play a situation in which a United Nations assembly or national congress is addressing an
important political, social or ecological issue sometime in the future, making a reference to inventions and technology.
3. Students may offer a presentation on important technological inventions in the future. Each member of the group
should talk about one invention and support it with a picture representation. As a whole, students should comment on
the prospects of technology for the future.
4. Students should work in groups and research 3 – 5 world leaders. They should describe who they are thoroughly and
come to a consensus as to who will make the biggest impact on events around the world in the next 5 years. Each
member of the group should explain why.

In addition, teachers may use the official World Pass project sheets. They may be used as indicated if they comply with the
requirements of ICPNA’s autonomous learning project. Otherwise, they should be adapted so students do all of the activities
outside of class and learn new language that complements what they are getting in the course.

You can access the official World Pass project sheets and other instructor materials by going to
http://elt.heinle.com/spanish/en_us/index.html and selecting the World Pass icon. Then select the link to the Instructor’s Site.
The username and password are the same as those required by the World Link Online Teacher Training Course. Otherwise,
you may request a copy of each project sheet from the Academic Office.



Copyright @ 2007 by ICPNA

Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA)


1) Please remind your students to practice their listening skills with the audio CD. The final exam will have them listen to
several short conversations. They will need to associate pictures with the correct answer alternatives. Also, have them
practice question formulation and longer responses for the open-ended section of the final written exam.

2) Speaking expressions are to be presented as chunks without breaking them up into parts. Remember that at this level,
students should be ready to use the appropriate language depending on the situation/context.

3) Vocabulary – since items are presented in context, they should be recycled likewise.

4) Grammar – whenever the “guided-discovery method” is used, be sure to make the rule formulation explicit to students
at some point. The grammar charts at the back of the book can be of great help. Make sure that when an item is being
recycled, you reactivate students’ previous knowledge and expand.

5) Reading and Listening – it’s important for students to focus on sub-skills (gist, pronoun references, specific information,
inferences, etc.) and teachers should make them explicit to the students for self-assessment.

6) Reading Lesson B– new vocabulary items appear in context the reading, and are not presented in isolation.

Copyright @ 2007 by ICPNA

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