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A Report on

Student Perception on New Campus

of UIU
Student Perception on New Campus

Submitted to

MD. Kamrul Hassan Bhuiyan

United International University

Submitted by

Name ID
Amit Saha 112 181 068
Tanvir Ahmed 112 181 052
Muhammad Rafiqul Islam 112 181 061
Abdullah-Al-Nayeem 112 181 013

Date of Submission: 07.09.2018

1. Introduction: ................................................................................................................................ 1

2. Origin of the report: .................................................................................................................... 1

3. Scope and Limitation of this report: ........................................................................................... 2

4. Research Design: ........................................................................................................................ 2

4.1 Nature of Data: ...................................................................................................................... 2

4.2 Sampling techniques ............................................................................................................. 3

4.3 Data collection method.......................................................................................................... 3

4.4 Sample size............................................................................................................................ 4

5. Data analysis and findings: ......................................................................................................... 4

6. Partial analysis of factors ............................................................................................................ 6

6.1 Transportation facility near campus ...................................................................................... 6

6.2 DSA contribution to program: .............................................................................................. 7

6.3 Security of campus ................................................................................................................ 8

7. Recommendation ........................................................................................................................ 9

8. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 10
1. Introduction:
Every MBA student from business background study has to learn that, how to make a report,
which gives knowledge to the students in corporate life to make a report of any organization. It is
a great experience for every MBA student to get practical experiences of the theoretical
knowledge that we have gathered in this course (Marketing Management). It will be very helpful
for our practical life. We have done this report on United International University. Our topic was
“Student Perception on new Campus”. These days United International University is making a
good reputation among the private universities of Bangladesh-for instance North South
University, Brac University because of its new campus. Our report topic is different from others
because our topic based on the students which includes student thinking about their own campus
United International University. Every marketer needs to set organizational objective depending
on its target market. In this assignment we set our target market United International University.
The product of this market is United International University. So, in this report the purpose will
be served based on student purpose in our permanent campus. This campus has started its
journey from 2018. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction of student experience will be explained here.
The main Purpose of this report is to analyze the real or primary data to find out student
perception on United International University permanent campus.

2. Origin of the report:

Main purpose of this report is serving the real information about United International University
(UIU), which helps us to know students present experience about our campus. This report is
prepared based on the students’ own opinions. We have prepared this report on 50 students of
United International University. We have prepared this report in Marking Management (MKT-
601) under the supervision of course advisor MD. Kamrul Hassan Bhuiyan. This report is the
outcome of our working in this topic with our respected teacher’s guidelines.

3. Scope and Limitation of this report:
The foremost purpose of doing this report is to know the student satisfaction and dissatisfaction
and how to make improvement on those dissatisfactions. It also experiences us about the
practical knowledge, which will be much helpful in our corporate life. It also gives opportunity
to gain some knowledge that, how to survey on a particular topic. We have completed our one-
month report on particular reasons. In this particular reason there are many factors, which give us
knowledge about student perception of United International University permanent campus. To
make this report we have communicated with 50 students. These 50 students are from various
departments for instance-BBA, CSE, EEE, MBA, AIS and we also communicated with the
junior students. Our instructor, MD Kamrul Hassan Bhuiyan also gave us valuable information’s
about this course. In this report we have applied some techniques and methods by our course
instructor, which will be very helpful for our future life. With due respect to our course instructor
we have tried our best to fetch the maximum outcome of our research report. The main problem
of this research report is maximum number of students were not interested to give their own
opinions because they were busy and had time limitation. As we did our research using survey
technique so some students didn’t like to provide information frequently. But we are very
thankful to those students who passed their information’s for making this report.

4. Research Design:
As our research topic is on “student perception on United International University permanent
campus. We did a perception related report. So here we tried to find out student perception using
a measurement scale from low to high. We took information from our permanent campus.

4.1 Nature of Data:

This report is based on mainly primary data source.

Primary data: Primary data have been collected by: Some information of my report objectives
has been collected through discussion with our course instructor and evaluating factors from
different students with informal talking and survey. As we survey the students from the campus
and gather all of the information’s from the students, so there are no secondary data in this

4.2 Sampling techniques
In the sampling techniques we have followed here:

The probability sampling: In the survey we know all of the samples. In the probability
sampling we followed the randomly probability sampling because we selected randomly every
sample. As, we have surveyed 50 students so 50 students were selected randomly.

4.3 Data collection method

In this report we have surveyed 50 students. We applied the questionnaire research techniques in
this report and followed these two ways to get the data:

Open-ended interview: We gave a comment box to all of the students to give their personal
opinion from their own point of view.

Close-ended interview: By giving an evaluation sheet to the students for identifying through
their relevant thought. That means we have designed some question asked the respondent to

Sample evalution



4.4 Sample size
In the survey the total sample are 50 students. From the 50 students 25 students are male and 25
students are female. In 50 students 20 students are graduated and 30 students are undergraduate
students. Among them 20 are from MBA department, 10 students from EEE, 10 students from
CSE department, and 10 students from AIS.

5. Data analysis and findings:

All these calculations are calculated in Microsoft excel. From the survey of open-ended
interview the factors has listed. The factors are thoughts of the students according to their
relevant or relevance answer. The range of gap indicates matter of concern.

Mean actual mean and gap value of different factors:

Factor Name: Total score: Actual Average Gap
Transportation facility near campus: 136 5 3.022222222 1.978
DSA contribution to programs: 141 5 3.133333333 1.867
Canteen facility(Cafeteria): 178 5 3.888888889 1.111
Security of Campus: 140 5 3.111111111 1.889
Campus drug policy: 163 5 3.622222222 1.378
Carrier Counseling Center: 157 5 3.488888889 1.511
Campus facilities(ex: Equipment
Facility, Lab Facility, Technological
Facility, Classroom environment, 170 5 3.777777778 1.222
Washroom accessories, Parking
Total campus environment: 177 5 3.933333333 1.067
Administrative procedures, faculty: 177 5 3.933333333 1.067
(Figure 1.1)

Here we have given factors name, total score, actual average, calculated average and lastly the
gap value between actual average and calculated average. Actual average is calculated by the
summation of maximum value of a particular factor and value is divided by total number
students, (5*50) = (250/50) =5.

The calculated average is done by the finding scores from survey question and divided scores of
any particular factor by 45. Lastly the gap value refers the difference between actual average and
calculated average.

At the bellow, we have given different chart in terms of different factors and details of that chart:
Gap Value chart: At the bellow I have given all the gap value in a chat and compare them in term
of value importance.

From the gap values, it has been showing that, transportation facility near campus (1.978),
security of campus (1.889), DSA contribution to program (1.867) has larger gap rather than other
factors. Most of the students think that, DSA has less contribution to different program at our
university. In different university like NSU, BRAC, EWU, AIUB, IUB contributes a lot to
different program for promoting the students. The other factor, security of the campus (1.889)
also differ a larger gap value. Most of the students of UIU give their opinion negatively in the
survey questioner. In the face to face interview they suggested that, campus need more attention
to the security issues. The third gap is showing at, carrier counseling center (1.551). This report
is mainly based on student perception on new campus so students experience in these three
factors is poor. Their larger gap between the actual value and calculated value are more. We set
here highest 25 points for each factor. On the behalf of that those factors these three factors got

Administrative procedures, faculty:
Total campus environment:
Campus facilities(ex: Equipment Facility, Lab…
Carrier Counseling Center:
Campus drug policy:
Security of Campus:
Canteen facility(Cafeteria):
DSA contribution to programs:
Transportation facility near campus:

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

(Figure: 1.2)

fewer points (figure 1.2). Here we multiplied 25 with total number of sample size and that result
is divided by total number of sample size which gives us the actual average (figure 1.1). The
calculated average is summation of survey points is divided by sample size. The different
between two values is gap (figure 1.1).

6. Partial analysis of factors

(Transportation facility near campus, DSA contribution to program, and security of campus)

6.1 Transportation facility near campus

Nowadays, universities all over the world have been increasing their attention on sustainable
transportation in university environment. This idea is emerged since university area has attracted
trip with a regional scale. Therefore, transportation problem in university will significantly
contribute to a problem in the bigger setting. Implementing sustainable transportation policy for
university area will not only create a more attractive university area but also attract university
potential market.

Actual Averge
Calculated Average

Figure: (2.1)

Here 1.98 is the largest factor among all of these factors. Most of the students think that
transportation facility near campus is not good. They don’t have many option to go to home
easily. University bus service doesn’t cover up all areas in the Dhaka city. This is the main
problem according to students who doesn’t use bus service. Students who use bus service they

claim that bus cannot cover its promised time from home to campus. Some days ago university
use two route but one is stopped now. After completing MBA class sometimes students face
trouble for getting sufficient vehicles to reach home. Especially female students who don’t take
university bus service.

6.2 DSA contribution to program:

Globalization in the present world has created abundant opportunity and at the same time huge
competition. And to last in the competition to grab opportunity the class room based education is
not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to open more learning process to develop students’ mental
faculty, intellectual ability and inner qualities.


Gap 1.867

Calculated Average 3.13

Actual Average 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

Here 1.87 is the third largest factor among all of these factors. Most of the students of our
university don’t know about DSA (Directorate of Student Affairs). At our university don’t
promote to join different club. This learning process can bring benefit when a student side by
side with his academic curriculum participates in co-curricular activities i.e. debate, seminar,
symposium, workshop, cultural program, community services program and games and sports of
his own choice and likings. University can promote its own students to join different clubs for
enriching their capability of knowledge by performing.

6.3 Security of campus
Campus safety and security continue to be important issues on every campus today. But it's not
just about adding new access technologies and safety policies. From planning to building design
to landscaping campus surrounding environment and entrance policy have an impact on the
actual safety and how secure students feel on campus. Many of these factors have to do with how
a campus and the residences on it are designed. It makes sense that parents would not be the only
ones concerned with safety, as it’s the students who spend a large chunk of their time on their
school’s campus. So, university should be sincere about security of the campus. At the bellow
the last chart of this report is given. Which will give the information’s about the student’s
opinion getting from the survey questioner.

Actual Average Calculated Average Gap

Here 1.87 is the third largest factor among all of these factors. Most of the students don’t fell
about the secure campus. There are some issues related to this factor. Many outsiders sometimes
enter to the campus area because of using public roads near the campus. Many outsider plays in
the football field to play and some person enter this field without permission. The security guard
cannot identify the wrong guys from that particular situation.

7. Recommendation
At the below we are providing some recommendations depending on our survey and analysis.

 University bus service doesn’t cover up all areas in the Dhaka city. They should provide
more bus to different routes which will cover full Dhaka. The condition of buses travel in
roads is not good. So, university authorities should give importance to solve this problem.

 Most of the students of our university don’t know about DSA (Directorate of Student
Affairs). Our university don’t promote to join different club. University can promote its
own students to join different clubs for enriching their capability of knowledge by
performing in the clubs.

 Many outsiders sometime enter to the premises using public road inside the campus.
Many outsider plays in the football field to play and some person enters this field without
permission. Outsiders who enter into campus should carry an entrance card to identify
themselves as a part of sustainable community.

8. Conclusion
More colleges and universities are actively coordinating campus survey administrations to
reduce survey burden and improve response rates. This survey helps to identify some factors
which strongly refer student perception at new campus. This survey findings blow its result
positively and negatively. Campus authorities should focus on those factors and improve those
issues which can turn into a serious dissatisfaction in student’s mind if not improve. Mostly the
prioritize three factors need to be concerned immediately because student are facing trouble in
terms transportation factor and some encouragement about campus safety and to promote join
different club and enrich their ability through DSA program.

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