Word of Tree - Whisper of Stone. Invocations of Resistance From Archaic Anat-Olia (With Images) SuaveBel Storify

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Word of Tree - Whisper of Stone.

Invocations of Resistance from
Archaic Anat-olia
Entry Points for the Nascent Counter-Thrust against the Terror
State - in ALL it's incarnations!
by Bel Suave 2 years ago 196 Views 

Vasnetsov's "FIREBIRD" - another treasure from the master of magical

expressionism - and most suitable to our theme!

"I would say to you, a message that I would repeat to you:

a word of tree and whisper of stone
the sighing o the heavens to the earth, of the deep to the stars. I understand the
thunder, which the heavens do not know, a word unknown to men, and which
the multitudes of the earth do not understand." Wyatt: Religious Texts From
Ugarit pg45

Having, with the previous entry, given due notice of the arrival of a new phase
in the cycle of stories on these pages, there's a temptation to plunge right
ahead into new territory, without looking back. The merits of so doing,
however, are outweighed by the need to provide some sense of continuity for
those who may have joined this caravan of sojourners through the "deserts of
the real."

As we've zipped, in the course of this past year or so, back and forth between
the present moment and disjointed portions of the misty past, hopefully it has
become a little easier to make these temporal transitions in theme. What stands
out in my mind when thinking about how to now proceed is the need to also
make leaps in space! We need not only ditch the fallacious historical "timelines"
which have been invented to pretend to a linear flow of time in one direction -
we are in equally great need of dropping the chains which arbitrarily and falsely
section off the various components of our study area - the
Mesopotamian/Mediterranean world and it's adjoining hinterlands- in order to
work with it as the fluid, cross-pollinated culture zone it has always been!

Artificial political boundaries, synthetic ethnic identities, religious fraudulence

and cultural pretension have polluted the landscapes we must travel through
for all too long. In a similar manner to the fakery involved in inventing the
phony notion of "Turkishness" as an ethnic "brand," the deceivers have gotten
away with the travesties of invented notions of "the Arab World," "the Judeo-
Christian continuum," "the Hellenistic culture," and the whole raft of distortion
which has come from making up the supposed opposites "East," vs "West,"
"Occident" vs. "Orient!"

No mere semantic word game, these invented tropes serve as the very
gunpowder with which the millenialist mind will attempt to blow us all up.
Unraveling, then refuting, and replacing them with more fitting and accurate
categories of description/explanation is work of the highest priority now. The
screen of lies by which the "news of the day" gives the phony appearance of
conflict between what are really just competing factions of the same criminal
cabal can only be penetrated and dissolved by going back to the point where
the usurpation of our history can be spotted and corrected.

Though this may seem plodding and dull for the reader, such restitching and
repair of the tapestry of people and events which have flowed through time is
the ONLY antidote to that sequence of poisoned mythologies which have
clouded our understanding of ourselves and our past.

As science and technology have become our primary tools with which to shed
light on that distant past, we have placed our faith in the promise of these
systems to bring truth to light via objective "fact" rather than reliance upon
more subjective interpretation. Yet this rather obvious canard - that "artifacts"
as mere physical objects can be analyzed as to their real meaning and purpose,
and texts studied free of ideological contaminants - fits in well with the
pretensions of modernity to hold up the present as the apex of human
development and the lens through which best to view the entirety of our
species' time upon this earth. It is well overdue to challenge such pretension by
suggesting that both our knowledge of ourselves and the efficacy of our
technologies may indeed be becoming INFERIOR over the passage of time -
and that the extent to which we have "advanced" in anything but arrogance and
ignorance is very much open to question.

As I've touched upon elsewhere those two Occidental modalities of control -

science and technology - are but religions themselves, disguising their
irrational and faith-based underpinnings with a welter of pseudo-sophisticated
interpretations of reality which serve only to in the end build up yet another
system of mythology by which to keep us confused and witless. Meanwhile, the
"Orient" - at least it's middle eastern component - makes it's own grim march
back into the shadow world of mythologized explanation for how the world
works - taking it's victim/citizens on a forced march towards barbarity and
endless bloodsheddings in the name of religious "truths." There can be no
better witness to the actuality of this forced march backwards than this recent
article ...

Turks bicker about time change

Author: Zülfikar Doğan For years, Turkey's Justice and Development
Party (AKP) government has been advocating "permanent summer
time" for the country. With a decision made Sept. 7, this wish has
come true. Like many countries, Turkey moved its clocks ahead one hour in March and
back an hour in October.

which provides concrete evidence of the Ankara Jihadi Regime's thirst to not
only remove a hostage Anatolia from contaminating connection to it's own
European heritage, but indeed to sever any remaining connections to the
modern world itself! Rather than "re-joining the rest of the middle east" in this
symbolic fashion, the move actually represents the first steps in rejoining the
subject population to the age of Selim the Grim and the autocratic rule of the
Sultans whose will was all the law that Ottoman citizens of the middle-ages
were entitled to! Just as with naming the new bridge over the Bosphorus after
that religious fanatic and terrible tyrant, this kind of symbolic gesture is the
regime's favored method of slowly but steadily separating it's subject domain
from the mainstream of international society. As I sought to show with this
story from the winter past

Thumbnail for Right of Return: Neo-Ottoman Time Travelers (with image)

Right of Return: · SuaveBel
Neo-Ottoman When I choose the title of this story, I thought I would be embarking
Time Travelers upon an historical reprise of attitudes - and incidents - which are
(with image) · common to the Islamist-Turkic nationalist of today, and their
SuaveBel predecessors of another era.

the political program of the pretend Caliphate being run out of Ankara/Tel Aviv
is nothing more than a fancied return to the distant middle ages and a forced
hijacking of the fictional country of "Turkey" into an even more fictional and
unreachable "neo-Ottoman Empire!" Lost in all the pathetic media babble
about "Turkey's Turn to the East" etc., etc., is the simple truth that neither East
nor West have any significance in this geopolitical re-enactment fantasy being
played out by psychological cripples, who somehow imagine their invented
Caliphate returning once again to being the "center of the world!"

As I set out quite clearly in the two stories in July which announced the real
coup d'etat which took place immediately prior to the phony one, these
Islamist dreamers of the AKP are now nothing more than puppets at the
disposal of the same talmudist controllers who run their ISIL franchise and the
fake occidental "alternative media" psyops with the same underlying purpose of
setting up a staged confrontation between west and east. The psychotic
imaginings of a clique of morally corrupt madmen are being used to turn entire
countries into zones of fear, terror and decay. But instead of choosing the
"villains" of the piece from the convenient offerings of convention - "it's the
Jews," "it's the Muslims," "it's the Anglo-Americans... etc., etc., we could instead
develop the precision to see beyond all of the masks, and make our diagnosis
from the symptoms of pathology which present without reference to he
superficialities of religious ideology or ethnic affiliation.

That is indeed the task I set myself here, and the recovery of our true history
was the "method" I chose for achieving it. It's decidedly unlikely that any such
endeavor could have any impact or beneficial effect in the short time frame we
likely have left to us before the maniacs succeed in ruining us all forever - but
the alternative of lethargic acceptance of our inevitable destruction as a
race[referring to the "human" one in totality] seems unappealing to me. Neither
naively optimistic of our chances of survival, nor nihilistically inclined to
pessimism, I prefer to remain as close to the practical undertaking as is possible
in this era of the "post-real."

Prior to proceeding in new directions, it might also be helpful at this juncture to

briefly review the most salient points of the precis developed here over the past
year or so. It's fair to say that the underlying supposition guiding the writing has
been that a "cabal" of men have, since long time past, taken it upon themselves
to purposely distort our history, stunt or eliminate our potential for
development, divide natural allies into implacable enemies, and ruin any and all
chances of the peaceful coexistence of the diverse cultural offshoots which
make up the human experience. This story

Dossier: The Occultic background (with image) · SuaveBel


serves as something of a manifesto in that regard - both in respect to

identifying the problem, and preliminary speculations upon the solution. Years
later, it still seems to serve as a solid base upon which to further build a
successful strategy of resistance.

Although I've not developed it to any extent, the follow through to this premise
remains that the identity of these conspirators against the real must be sought
from the inner workings of that stream of occultic necromancy we think of as
"kabbalah" - in it's specifically "talmudic" form. All of which has arrived neatly
bundled into our present times in the form of that continuum of radical
millenarianist cultism known as "sabbateanism." Behind all the smokescreens of
Judaist/Zionist/Israeli posturing, the essence of what confronts us now as
deadly peril to our continuance is just this strange outgrowth of
Khazarian/Russo-Turkic/Eastern European/Ashkenazi racial mysticism. It's
influence has brought about world wars, the downfall of Kings and Empires,
and changed the social dimension of our existence to such an extent as to be
the single most powerful force in our world of today. All hidden and directed
from behind a screen of dupes, frontmen, and media lackeys.

The task of revealing all of which is so large that I've contented myself with
making mere fleeting reference to the colossus via stories such as

Richard Sandor, CCX, and privatizing the right to breathe: Part One of a Series
(with image) · SuaveBel

- one which serves to show exactly how such major figures in the conspiracy
can & do go about their "business" in the open light of day with complete
invisibility and security! Anyone seeking confirmation of my supposition that
the denizens of the western world are completely cut off from access to the
portals of reality needs look no further than this example - our Mr. Sandor is
undoubtedly one of the most influential persons living - yet not one in a
thousand would recognize his name. Such is their absolute control over the
form and flow of information in this new "liberated" era of "internet

Which itself is yet another area of important investigation which I've had to
leave alone for lack of time and focus. As laid out in the previous story, I've now
come to the conclusion that the whole "internet revolution" which has been
presented as the means of giving all of us unfiltered access to ideas and allies
around the world is nothing more than yet another long-planned psyop to
further reduce our real access to both! While that is likely to remain outside the
scope of what I can reasonably hope to cover in this venue, events of this past
summer showing the hidden strings attached to this expedient - almost
essential -modality of communication have confirmed my suspicions that all is
not what it seems with the internet. And though I will likely continue to use this
format, I believe that it's effectual purpose is chiefly to draw people further into
"the virtual" and away from "the real." Just another exercise in Secret State
machinations, in the final diagnosis. Use with great caution.

And so, as we stand here on the threshold between old and new directions of
investigation, those last few paragraphs must serve as a kind of review and
summation of where the work has taken us so far. I've used the quoted lines
from Wyatt's study of Ugaritic "Cycle of Baal" poetics because they are prelude
to the next phase here... which as I've outlined in "Anatolia Calling" will involve
more divinatory kind of musings which reference back to the most archaic of
times, rather than further witnessing to events of the present moment.

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