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H = the depth of the channel flow , m

W = velocity of particle deposition of sediment, m / dt

L = length desand

v = velocity of water flow, m / dt

Q = discharge of channel, m3 / dt

B = width of themud pockets , m

This resulted in:

LB = Q / W

Because very simple, this formula can be used to make an initial estimate these dimensions. For a more
detailed planning, a correction factor should be used in order to align the factors that interfere with,
such as:

Turbelensi of water

sedimentation interrupted

drift particles is very much

Velikanov recommends correction factors in the following formula:

Q  2 V H 0,5  0, 22
LB  . . .
W 7,51 W H


L = length of the mud pockets , m

B = width of the mud pockets , m

Q = discharge of channel, m3 / dt
W = velocity of sedimentation of sediment particle , m / sec

= coefficient of the distribution / distribution Gauss

σ is functions of D / T, where D = the amount of sediment deposited and T = the amount of sediment
that is transported.

= 0 to D / T = 0.5; = 1.2 to D / T = 0.95 and = 1, 55 for D / T = 0.98


v = average flow velocity, m / sec

H = the depth of the water flow in the channel, m

Dimensions of the pockets should also comply with the rule that L / B> 8 to prevent the flow is not
"meander" in the pockets. If the topography does not suitable this rule, the pockets must be divided
lengthwise direction of the dividing walls (devider wall) to achieve the ratio between L and B's.

In these formulas, determining velocity sedimentation is very important because it influences the
dimensions desand. There are two methods that can be used for determining the erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, ie,

1). Measurements in place

2). With the formula / graphs

a). velocity measurements of the examples taken from the river is the most accurate method when
executed by experienced personnel. In this method of analysis setlling tube to the sample of water
taken from the pitch.

b). In the second method, used graphs Shield on tiptoe for the speed of individual particles (discrete
particles) in calm water. Velikanov formula using a correction factor to compensate for the use of the
prices of velocity of this sedimentation.

Other factors to be considered in the selection desand dimensions are:

(1). the flow velocity in desand should be low enough so that

(2). particles that have precipitated not split again.

(3). turbulence which disturb the deposition process must be prevented.

(4). speed should be spread evenly across the entire cross, so that sedimentation can also spread evenly.

(5). the flow rate can not be less than 0.30 m / sec, in order to prevent the growth of vegetation.

(6). transition / transition of retrieval to and from bag to bag the primary channel must be smooth, do
not cause turbulence or vortex.

b. Volume of catchment

Catchment of sediment outside (below) cross-section of the free water can have several forms.

Volume catchment depends on the amount of sediment (bottom sediment and suspended sediment) to
be sedimentation on the when flushing.

c. Inspection of function desand

Functioning Desand

Desand planning should include a check on the efficiency of flushing.

c.1. Volume of catchment

To check the efficiency of desand, can be used graph sediment discharge from the camp. The graph in
Figure 4.29memberikan efficiency as a function of the two parameters.

The second parameter is w / wo and w / vo


w = speed of sedimentation of particles whose size is beyond direncana particle size, m / sec.

wo = speed of plan sedimentation , m / dt

vo = average speed of the flow in desand, m / dt

Using charts Camp, the efficiency of the deposition process for particles of sedimentation velocity
different from the particle sedimentation velocity plan, can be checked.

The suspension sediment can be checked by using the criteria Shinohara tsubaki.bahan will remain in
full suspension if:
V* 5

W 3
Where :

V * (shear rate) = (g h i) 0.5, m / dt

g = acceleration due to gravity, m / dt2 ( 9.8)

h = water depth, m

I = slope of energy

w = speed of sedimentation of sediment, m / dt

The efficiency of the deposition should be checked for two different situations:

To empty pockets

For the full pockets

For the empty pockets, the minimum speed should be dicek.

This speed may be too small which allows the growth of vegetation or sedimentation of clay particles.

According Vlugter, to:

v> w / 1.6 I


v = average speed, m / sec

w = kecepatan endap sedimen, m/dt

I = kemiringan energy
Figure 4. Graph 29 Disposal of Sediment mixture the flow turbulence (Camp, 1945)

When the pockets is full, it should be checked whether the sedimentation is still effective and whether
the material is sedimented will not split again. The first can be checked by using the chart Camp.
(LihatFigure 4:29.) And the second with the graphics Shields.

c.2. Efficiency of Flushing

Flushing efficiency depends on the formation of adequate shear force on the surface of the sediment
that has been settled and the speed sufficient to keep the material remains in a state of suspension
after that.

Shear forces can be checked with a chart Shields and criteria for suspension of Shinohara / Tsubaki.

d. Layout Desand, Rinse and retrieval in the Channel

d.1. Layout

The layout desand, rinse and drain channels can be seen in Figure 2:28. Rinse situated beside the
pockets. So that flushing takes place smoothly, it is necessary.

be made low directional wall is equal to the maximum height of sediment in the bag.

Sometimes condition of topography, desand be made a far from intake. Both buildings will be connected
by a feeder channel. See Figure 4:30.

Figure 4.30 Layout Desand with channels are in the same alignment with the pockets

flow velocity in the directional channel should be sufficient in order to transport all the fractions of
sediment coming into the channel network in the capture location to desand. At the mouth of desand
flow should be considerably reduced and split evenly across the entire width of the pockets. Therefore
transition / transition between feeder channel and desand should direncana thoroughly using
directional wall and tools other flow distribution.

The height difference between the bottom elevation Sandtrap with bottom waterway elevation is 1.5
d.2 Flushing

It is recommended that the flow on the flushing be planned as the free flow during flushing takes place.
Thereby flushing will not be affected by the water level downstream of the flushing.

The main criteria in the planning of the building is that the flushing operation must not interfere or get
negative pemgaruh of holes rinsing and flushing that speed to be maintained.

It is advisable to make a straight flush with desand building.

In order to smooth the flow through the flushing, total width of flushing hole including the pillar is made
equal to the average to desand. Rinse building doors should be waterproof and can withstand water
pressure of the two-door sisi.Pintu was made with parts ddepan closed.

D.3. Intake Channel

Intake of desand channels to be combined into one building with a rinse for the entire length of desand
can be utilized so that water does not flow back into the channel during rinsing, intake must be closed
(the door) or the threshold is made high enough so that the water does not flow back.

Figure 4. 1 Feeder Channel

D.4. Flushing hannels

During flushing, the water full of sediment flowed back into the river of origin, or the same river occurs
downstream of the main building, another river or into the hollow.

The speed in the rinse channel will range between 1 to 1.5 m / sec.

For the planning to length section channel, the required water level of river discharge curve in the
outflow and chart the frequency of high water levels

Preferably if the channel is connected directly to the rinse riverbed. If the river was very deep in the
outflow, then the making of one of the following possibilities should be considered:

Buildings megrim waterfall with pond near the river

Got slanted along the channel

Buildings with a plunge pool with a depth sufficient megrim, just downstream of the rinse building..

4.3.9 Waterway / Channels

This channel serves to channel water from the pool to the desand tranquilizers. Alignment aid and other
types of channels based on the topography, local geological, technical aspects and ease of construction,
taking into account; ease of implementation and maintenance cost, and energy loss is small.

Some types of channels used, among others, open channel, the channel is closed, or tunnel, the material
of: masonry, reinforced concrete and so on.

For the channel, each 500 m should be made hollow at the base of waterway to accommodate the
incoming sediment is then cleaned manually.

Calculation of channel dimensions by the equation:

Q = V.A


Q = discharge planning (m3 / s)

A = cross-sectional area wet (m2)

V = velocity (m / sec)
The slope of the open channel expressed by the equation Strickler :

I 2
k 2 .R 3


I = slope of the line

V = velocity (m / s)

Strickler roughness coefficient k =

R = hydraulic radius

Water surface elevation difference between upstream and downstream states:

hf = I x L


hf = pressure loss due to friction (m)

I = slope of the line

L = length of the channel (m)

Velocity of n flow

The maximum flow velocity in the channel following the provisions as follows:

Table 4. 17 provisions Maximum Flow Speed

Conditions of channel walls or protection of cliffs Velocity of flow ( m/s)

Concrete channels 2

Channel Masonry 1.5

Channels on rock excavation 1.5

Protection of river cliff be made frfom concrete 6

Protection of river cliff be made frfom masonry 5

Protection of river cliff be made frfom gabion 5

Protection of river cliff be made frfom riprap 3

Protection of river cliff without masonry 1.2

Spillway be made from concrete 10

In the penstock 6

If the velocity of flow in the penstock exceed 6 m / dt

then adjust your material.

channel of land without a layer of reinforcement is not


High-freeboard is determined by the effect of wave propagation due to the operation of the turbine and
pintu.Ada two possible wave propagation propagation of a wave of positive and negative wave
propagation. The wave propagation usually arises because of the speed V2 becomes zero when the door
is closed suddenly and or reduction of discharge due to the operation of the turbine.

Minimum height surveillance can be seen in Table 4:18. below:

Table 4. minimum freebord hight

discharge of channel Dike improvement

(m3/dt) (m)

< 0.50 0.40 0.20

0.50 - 1.50 0.50 0.20

1.50 - 5.00 0.60 0.25

5.00 - 10.0 0.75 0.30

10 - 15 0.85 0.40

> 15 1.00 0.50

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