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Service Trip to the Dominican Republic

Mara Meighen
Engagement Center
Theatre Arts Major
Fall 2018

Project Summary
In May of 2018, a group of Rural Health
Scholars and I from SUU and DSU
travelled to the Dominican Republic
together, where we performed basic
health screenings on rural populations
where healthcare is uncommon.
We shadowed missionaries, nurses, and
physicians to help grasp a understanding
of what healthcare is like in a completely
different environment.

Project Highlights This photo was taken outside of a one bedroom

One of the most powerful experiences I school that is the only school in town.
had in the Dominican Republic was when
we shadowed missionaries who did house
visits. Many people were unable to make it
to the free clinic, but I was still able to
perform health screenings in their own
home. This experience was important,
because it demonstrated to me how much
healing and service is needed and how it
can be obtained by taking time to reach
out to others instead of them reaching out
to you.

From My Journal
“Today we travelled to a school that was
only one room. The entire village is
educated in one room and very rarely have
an education beyond the 8th grade. It put a
lot of perspective on the type of education I
received and how I received it.” The Rural Health Scholar ladies.

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