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Final Paper Product Development

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Quennie Rosely F. Laoag

Cecilia Lagang


Professor’s Name:

Dr. Susan L. Villaruz

Table of Contents

List of Tables Pages


1.1 Historical Background

1.2 New Product Innovation

1.3 Location (Place, Map)

1.4 Promotion (Advertising)

1.5 Price


2.1 Product Attributes

2.2 Branding

2.3 Packaging

2.4 Labelling

2.5 Product Support

CHAPTER III. New Product Development Strategy development

3.1 Idea Generation

3.2 Idea Screening

3.3 Concept Developmemnt and Testing

3.4 Marketing Strategies and Development

3.5 Business Analysis

3.6 Product Development

3.7 Test Marketing

3.8 Commercialization


4.1 Vision

4.2 Mission

4.3 Objectives


5.1 Introduction
5.2 Growth
5.3 Decline
6.1 Attach Survey Questionare
6.2 Reference
6.3 Resume
Chapter 1 Introduction

The history of the crayon is not entirely clear. The word "crayon" dates to 1644, coming

from craie (chalk) and the Latin word creta(earth).[3]

The notion to combine a form of wax with pigment actually goes back thousands of

years. Encaustic painting is a technique that uses hot beeswax combined with colored pigment to

bind color into stone. A heat source was then used to "burn in" and fix the image in

place.[4] Pliny the Elder, a Roman scholar, was thought to describe the first techniques of wax

crayon drawings.

This method, employed by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and even indigenous people in

the Philippines, is still used today. However, the process wasn't used to make crayons into a form

intended to be held and colored with and was therefore ineffective to use in a classroom or as

crafts for children.

Contemporary crayons are purported to have originated in Europe where some of the first

cylinder shaped crayons were made with charcoal and oil. Pastels are an art medium having roots

with the modern crayon and stem back to Leonardo da Vinci in 1495. Conté crayons, out

of Paris, are a hybrid between a pastel and a conventional crayon; used since the late 1790s as a

drawing crayon for artists.[8] Later, various hues of powdered pigment eventually replaced the

primary charcoal ingredient found in most early 19th century product. References to crayons in

literature appear as early as 1813 in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Joseph Lemercier (born

Paris 1803—died 1884), considered by some of his contemporaries to be "the soul

of lithography", was also one of the founders of the modern crayon. Through his Paris business

circa 1828 he produced a variety of crayon and color related products. But even as those in

Europe were discovering that substituting wax for the oil strengthened the crayon, various efforts

in the States were also developing.

Chapter 2 Location

Where the first crayon originated
Chapter 3 Promotion

We could learn a lot from crayons, some are sharp , some are pretty , some are dull. When others

bright. Some are weird names. But they all have learned to live together in the same box.

Chapter 4 Price and Packaging

Each crayon is carefully examined and inspected before being shipped off to your home. All the

passed crayons are wrapped with paper labels.

Chapter 5 Individual Project decisions

Products attributes:

From crayon to a candle that can light your life, gives light and brightness to our life. This product

can be a decoration in home and also give to our loves ones. The candle is very important to us

when we don’t have a electricity it gives as light, and candle trends also in the month of November

when were in remembering our love ones that are in heaven.

Mesyl crayon candle Mesyl is from my name being unique is the one asset to become a successful

in business industry.





Price tag


 Burn within sight

 Stay away from children

 Keep away from combustibles

6 New Product

6.1 Idea Generation

The first product that comes in my mind is bag, clothes, tumbler and phone case. And I realized

that many are doing that products so I guess to make product different to them. The product that

can I innovate is a crayon from a colored candle that will trends over the country.

6.2 Idea screening

 Completely new and different

 Affordable

 Give as light

 Fast produce and distributes

6.3 Concept devt and Testing


Need to understand how customer right respond to your logo.

Price and upgrades

Planning to offer consumers on incentives for upgrading to a new product or service, develop

upgrade test to see if your new product line will result in a boost in sales.

Social media campaign

 Promote an product or service

 Build brand awareness

 Create a sense of community

Ad concept

 Does your marketing messaging resonate with your target audience.

6.4 Marketing strategy

 Create online page

 Take it to the street

 Website
 Flyers

6.5 Business analysis


1. Unwrap the crayon

2. Melt the crayon

3. Pour the melted crayon to the mini jar or bottle

4. Last cool down the crayon

5. packaging

SWOT Analysis-

Strengths Weaknesses
· Well known brand with loyal customers · Expensively priced

· Product quality · Purchases are based on discretionary spending

· Sold in other chain retailers · Logo use for brand recognition

· Candles are consumable products · Very specific market demographic

Opportunities Threats

· Market scented soaps and lotions · Kringle Candle Company

· Partner with spas or massage chains · Several other cheaper brands

· Open more Yankee Candle Villages


Packaging = 5.00

Crayon = 15.00

Yarn = 5.00

Mini glass = 10.00

Total cost = 30.00

Mark up:
Selling price = 45.00

Profit = 15.00

6.6 New Product

I innovated crayon into a candle because crayon is also made by wax and making a candle the

ingredients is wax.
6.7 Test Marketing

I will conduct a survey and test the product to know if this product is working and if other

people like it


If you don't have a candle, but need some light, make a candle from a crayon! It's easy to do, plus

each crayon burns about half an hour.

Chapter 7 Business Plan

7.1 Product development begins

I. Introduction

Mesyl candle begins 2017 a kind of candles that comes to a crayon , create by creativity

creation with different colors, that can brings light to our life.

II. Growth

The Candle Industry is one such sector that is booming. Experiencing excellent annual

growth, high consumer demand, low investment required and high returns, the Candle

Industry is a recommended investment.

III. Maturity

The sales is slow down because some of them use candle only when we don’t have a

electricity and also use it when in November

IV. Decline

When sales turning into decline we will gave a 50% off to our product and other

promotion like buy one take one, 10% off buy two get one.
Chapter 8 Recommendation

To many candle lovers the passion only requires them to light the candle with a match and watch the

beauty of the candle light up through the room. If only it were that easy for those of us making the

candles and providing the materials. The burning of a candle can be a magnificent event for the end user

when the candle is made properly and performs to the end user’s satisfaction.

However, when you begin to pour candles, you quickly learn that this is not an easy goal to achieve.

While the color, the design of the candle are very important factors and basically are what sell the candle,

I think the overwhelming concern to the producer is that it burns safely for the end user. When making

candles of any type, safety should always be the operative word both in terms of the manufacturing

process and when the candle is burned.

Chapter 9 Bibliography




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