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Vittoria, mio core! 23 Victorious my heart is! English version by Cantata 1H, Millard Allegro con brio J: 108 Voice == == =4 o Vit - to-ria! Vit - to-ria! Vit - to-ria! Vit - to-ria, mio Vic - to-rious, Vie - to-rious, Vic - to-rious, Vie - to-ricus my : , 4 = = z =e s- oS a reef ‘Piano Z vs Ne Non - gri-mar pia, Non la And tears are in vain, And tears sciol-ta d’A- mo-re La pia, EB love now has bro-ken its vain, For vil ser - vi - tii; Vit - to-ria! Vit - shack-les in twain; Vie - to-rious, Vic- ¥ fe ze Non la - gri-mar pit, heart_. ist And a tears are in vain, For ra ass Copyright, 1850, by G Schirmer, Ins, ae soiol-ta_@A - mo-re_ La_ vil ser - vi - ti, & i | jove now has bro-ken its_ shack-les in twain, For love oe - ta @A-mo-re La ser - vi now has bro-ken its shack-les in meno mosso ¢ dolce assat 2 ; i : —— == SSS nces oo 7S SSS SS EE ct Gin lem-piaa’ tuoi dan- ni, Fra stuo-lo di sguar-di, Con The false one is van-quish'd, her glanc-es o veu-ai bu a - muse me, De - cep-tion no a. “pimeno mosso dolce assai cee giar-di Di - spo-se_ grin - gan - ; Le fro - de,gliaf - fan- ni long-er with arts can con - fuse No false-hood or Non sor-row op - han - no pitt ; ern - do suo press me with The flame, once so Tempo I° do, - - re! Vit. - to-ria! Vit - to-ria! Vit - to-ria! Vit - to-ria, mio vig - - or! Vie = to-rious! Vic - to-rious! Vie - to-rious! Vie - to-rious my P re! Non la - gri-mar pit, Non la - gri-mar is! And tears are in vain, And tears are in Cr F Po ares eciol-ta @’A-mo-re La vil ser - vi - ti, é love now has bro-ken its shack-les in twain, For mo-re La ser. yj bro-ken its shack-les jn meno mosso ¢ dolce assai ti-den-ti Non © - sce pin stra-Te, Che Her smile once _en-tranc-ing no darts is re - veal- ing, The P meno mosso e dolce assat os + ti: Nel duol, Re’ tor - pia - ga mor - ta-le Nel pet- to - ing; All sor-row and wounds in my bo-som with time are. all_ heal - \ —_—— en-ti lo pin non mi fac - - cio B rot-teo-gni lao-cio, Spa- ‘or-ment no long-er Tm fear - - ing, Now bro-ken each tie is, all sun 27 Se ri - toil th 1 Vit - to-ria! Vit - to-ria! Vit to-ria! Vit - fears diS- ap - ing! Vic - to-rious, Vie - to-rious, Vie- to-rious, Vie - ? Non la - gri-mar pit, Non la - gri-mar vain, And tears are in to-tia, mio co - to-rious my heart And tears are in Pp _—_———~. vil ser - vi - ti, EB sciol - _ For love B sciol-ta @A-mo-re La For love now has bro-ken its shack-les vain, Sf largamente stent, - ta dA-mo-re La ser - vi- ti! now has bro-ken its shack-les in twain! was

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