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Green valley Community College

Syllabus (Revised November 2009)

Associate Degree in Computer Applications; (2 years; 4 semesters; 66 credits; 990 hours)
Credit Credits Credits Total
Code Subjects hours (T) (P) Credits A/E/F
GVF 2 Foundation course in English- II 60 3 1 4 F
GVF 3 Foundation course in Humanities 60 3 1 4 F
and Social Sciences - I
Foundation course in Humanities 4 0
GVF 4 and Social Sciences- II 60 4 F
Foundation course in 3 1
GVF 5 Mathematics 60 4 F
GVCCA-1 Digital Computer Fundamentals 60 3 1 4 C
Computer Fundamentals & PC 3 1
GVCCA-2 Software 60 4 C
GVCCA-3 Statistics 30 2 0 2 C
GVCCA-4 C programming 60 3 2 4 C
GVCCA-5 Microprocessor 30 1 1 2 C
GVCCA-6 Operating systems 60 3 1 4 C
GVACA-1 Computer networks 60 2 1 4 A
Object Oriented programming 2 2
GVACA-2 with C++ 60 4 A
GVACA-3 Data structures 60 2 2 4 A
GVACA-4 Windows Programming lab 60 1 3 4 A
GVICA-1 Internship & Project work 210 0 14 14 I
Total credits 990 35 31 66
GVACA-5 Corel draw* 30 0 2 2 E/A
GVACA-6 Photoshop * 30 0 2 2 E/A
Note: Each Credit carries 15 credit hours; Codes starting with GV indicates the syllabus compiled by Green
Valley Community College, from various reference materials
* Elective courses
Semester wise course Matrix for Associate Degree in Computer Applications (ACA)
I Semester (16 credits) II Semester (16 III Semester (16 credits) IV Semester (18
credits) credits)
GVF 3 Foundation course GVF 4 Foundation GVCCA-6 Operating GVACA-4 Windows
in Humanities and Social course in Humanities Systems programming Lab
Sciences -I and Social Sciences -II (4 credits; 60 hours) (4 credits; 60 hours)
(4 credits; 60 hours) (4 credits; 60 hours)
GVF 5 Foundation course GVF-2 Foundation GVACA-1 Computer GVICA-1 Internship
in Mathematics Course in English - II Networks and Project Work
(4 credits; 60 hours) (4 credits; 60 hours) (4 credits; 60 hours) (14 credits; 210 hours)
GVCCA-2 Computer GVCCA-3 Statistics GVACA-2 Object
Fundamentals &PC (2 credits; 60 hours) Oriented programming
Software with C++
(4 credits; 60 hours) (4 credits; 60 hours)
GVCCA-1 Digital GVCCA-4 C GVACA-3 Data structures
Computer Fundamentals Programming (4 credits; 60 hours)
(4 credits; 60 hours) (4 credits; 60 hours)
(2 credits; 30 hours)

GVF 2- Foundation course in English - II (4 Credits; 60 hours)

Unit - I
• Understanding a narrative passage from George Orwell’s novel animal form.
• Distinguish between words having related meaning and using them in appropriate context.
• Subject – Verb concord with the verb be, do and have.
• Writing a short speech presenting a view different from the one given in the passage

Unit – II
• Understanding a short story
• Using some words and it’s opposite
• Distinguishing between past indefinite and past perfect tense
• Creative writing by continuing the story in 3 different ways.

Unit – III
• Reading and understanding a short story and perceiving the sequence of events in it.
• Using some of the words occurring in the story.
• Using past present tense correctly.
• Using a series of sentences to form a connected story.

Unit – IV
• Reading and understanding a short story.
• Using some words occurring in the story in sentence.
• Using simple present tense and the present continuous tense in correctly.
• Using correct verb forms to express the future.
• Noticing deviations in a foreign speaker’s use of English.
• Re-writing a story in an abridged form

Unit – V
• Reading and understanding a story.
• Using some words both as nouns and verbs.
• Forming different questions.
• Writing the story from the point of view of some of the characters.

Unit -VI
• Reading and understanding a mystery story.
• Using words in different meanings.
• Using indirect speech to report statement and questions.
• Writing a short narrative composition based on experience.

Unit – VII
• Reading and understanding an expository passage.
• Using words in passage.
• Using the passive voice correctly.
• Writing a descriptive composition based on life in the pre- scientific age.

Unit – VIII
• Reading and understanding an interesting story.
• Using model auxiliaries correctly.
• Writing short composition expressing your views on a particular topic.

Source: IGNOU Course material- FEG-01

GVF 3 - Foundation course in Humanities and social sciences - I (4 credits; 60 hours)

Unit – I:
Studying human society; Evolution of Humankind; Emergence of Modern world; Post – Industrial society.

Unit –II:
Pre-colonial and colonial India- Indian National movement – Post – Independence India: Emerging

Unit – III:
Social structure – Social Institutions – Marginalized groups – Social Change.

GVF 4- Foundation course in Humanities and social sciences - II (4 credits; 60 hours)-

Unit – I
The Indian constitution – Democratic process – Administrative structure and processes – Governance

Unit – II
Planning in India – Performance of Indian Economy – Economic Reforms in India.

Unit – III
Human Security – Education and Awareness – Information and communication Technology – Peace &

Source: INGOU course material- BSHF-101

GVF 5- Foundation course in Mathematics (4 credits; 60 hours)

Unit - I: Sets, Relations & Functions

Sets - Set Operation - Cartesian product - Relation - Equivalence relation – Functions - Inverse functions -
Composition of function.

Unit -II: Algebraic Equations:

Gauss Elimination – Gauss Jordan – Gauss Seidel – Gauss Jacobi – LU Decomposition – Inverse of Matrix

Unit – III: Differential Calculus:

Functions & Limits – Differentiation – Tangent - Normal – Maxima & Minima

Unit – IV: Integral Calculus

Integration – Definite Integrals – Reduction Formulae

Unit – V Numerical Differentiation & Integration:

Trapezoidal Rule – Simpson’s Rule – Romberg Integration – Differential equations: Taylor’s Series–
Euler’s method –Runge-Kutta 2nd and 4th order methods

Source: IGNOU Study Materials: MTE – 03

Suggested Reference Study materials:
P.R. Vital. 2001. Mathematical Foundations. Margham publications
Tremblay J.P and Manohar .R. Discrete Mathematical structure with application to computer Science.
(McGraw Hill)

GVCCA-1- Digital Computer Fundamentals (4 credits; 60 hours)

Unit I: Number System

Introduction – Conversion from one number system to another – Complimentary – Binary Codes – BCD –
Grey Codes – ASCII Codes

Unit II: Boolean algebra and function

Boolean algebra axioms – Truth Table- Boolean functions - Simplification of Boolean functions – Map
Method (Up to 5 Variable) – Tabulation Method

Unit III: Combinational Logic

Adder – Subtractor – Decoder –Encoder –Multiplexer – Demultiplexer – ROM – PLA

Unit – IV: Sequential Logic

Sequential logic – RS, JK, D and T Flip-flops – Register – Shift registers – Counters – Ripple Counters –
Synchronous Counters

Unit – V: ALU & Computer Design

ALU – Design of ALU – Accumulator – Design of Accumulator – Introduction to Computer Design –
Design of Computer – Design of Control

Source: CS-64 IGNOU Course Material

Suggested Reference Study materials:
Mano, M.M. 1994.Digital Logic and Computer Design, Prentice Hall of India,

GVCCA-2 Computer Fundamentals and PC Software (4 credits; 60 hours)

Unit-I: Computer Fundamentals
Objectives – Von Neumann Machine – Classification of Computers – Memory – Integrated circuits –
Input/Output devices – Pipelining – System Software – Categories of languages – Basic Programming
Languages – Types of operating systems

Unit-II: Communication and networking Security

Basics of data communications LAN, WAN, E-mail & EDE – Networking Scenario – PC Security -
Cryptography _ Evolution’s of virus – Classification of Virus – The Cure of virus.

Unit-III: Graphical user interface

Introduction – Manage system in windows XP – Communication through Network – Multimedia in
windows XP.

Unit-IV: Microsoft office

Microsoft Word Basics – Formatting Text – Page Design and Layout – Microsoft Office -2007 – Mail
Merge and Document Management – Microsoft Excel - Graphics and Power Point.

Source: IGNOU course Material- CS-61 MPDD-IGNOU/P.O11T/April, 2009(Reprint)

GVCCA-3 Statistics (2 credits; 30 hours)

Unit – I: Probability
Introduction – Rules of Probability – Conditional Probability – Baye’s Formula - Random Variables –
Continuous Random Variable – Discrete Random Variable - Mean and Variance –Distribution Random

Unit – II: Distribution

Bivariate Distribution - Binomial Distribution – Poisson Distribution – Normal Distribution

Unit – III: Correlation and Regression
Correlation Coefficient – Rank Correlation – Linear Regression – Method of Least square - Fitting the
curve of The form y=a+bX, y=a+bX+CX2

Unit – IV: Statistical hypothesis

Concepts of Sampling – Method of Sampling - Sampling Distribution(Descriptions only) – Test of
Hypothesis – Critical Region – Types of Error - Standard Error – Level of Significance – Degrees of
freedom(concepts only) – t Test – F Test – Chi-Square test

Unit – V Analysis of Variance

Basic principles of experiments – Analysis of variance - One way classification – CRD – Two way of
Classification – RBD – Seasonal Index

Source: IGNOU course material: MTE – 03

Suggested Reference Study materials:

GVCCA-4- C Programming (4 credits; 60 hours)

Unit – I
C Fundamentals Character Set – Tokens - Identifier and Keywords – Data Types – Constants – Variables –
Declaration – Expressions – Statements – Operators – Library Functions

Unit – II
Data Input Output Functions – Simple C Programs – Flow of Control – if, if- Else, while, Do-While, for
Loop, Nested Control Structures – Switch, break, continue, goto statements – Comma operators

Unit –III
Function – Definition – Prototypes – Passing Arguments – Recursion – Storage Classes – Multi-file

Unit – IV
Arrays – Defining and processing – Passing arrays to functions – Multi dimensional arrays – Arrays and
string – Structures – User defined data types – Passing structures to functions – Self referential structures –
Unions- Bitwise Operations

Unit – V
Pointers – Declarations – Passing pointers to functions – Operation in Pointers – Pointer and Arrays –
Arrays of Pointers – Structures and Pointers – Files: Creating, Processing, Opening and Closing a data file.

Source: IGNOU course Material: CS-62

Suggested Reference Study materials:

Balagurusamy. E. (2004). Programming in ANSI C. Tata Mc Graw hill, New Delhi

GVCCA-5 Microprocessors (2 credits; 30 hours)

Unit- I – Microprocessor Architecture

Introduction to micro computers – Microprocessors and Assembly Languages – Microprocessor
architecture and Microcomputer architecture.

CPU Components – CPU Registers – Instruction Set – Addressing Modes – Introduction to Motorola
68000 Microprocessors

Introduction to Assembly Language – Assembly language fundamentals – Input/Output services –
Assembly Language Program Development Tools – A Final look at the Assembly language programs

Simple Assembly Programs – Loops and Comparisons – Arithmetic and Sting Operations

Arrays – Modular Programming – Interfacing Assembly language Routines to high language programs -

Source: IGNOU course Material: CS-64

GVCCA-6 Operating Systems (4 credits; 60 hours)

Unit- I
Introduction: Views- Goals - Types of System- OS Structure - Components - Services - System Structure -
Layered Approach - Virtual Machines - System Design and Implementation. Process Management: Process
- Process Scheduling - Cooperating Process - Treads - Inter-process Communication. CPU Scheduling:
CPU Schedulers - Scheduling Criteria - Scheduling Algorithms.

Unit- II
Process Synchronization: Critical-Section Problem - Synchronization Hardware - Semaphores Classical
Problems of Synchronization - Critical Region - Monitors. Deadlock: Characterization- Methods for
Handling Deadlocks - Deadlock Prevention - Avoidance - Detection - Recovery.

Unit- III
Memory Management: Address Binding - Dynamic Loading and Linking - Overlays - Logical and Physical
Address Space - Contiguous Allocation - Internal & External Fragmentation. Non-Contiguous Allocation:
Paging and Segmentation Schemes - Implementation - Hardware-Protection - Sharing - Fragmentation.

Unit- IV
Virtual Memory: Demand Paging - Page Replacement - Page Replacement Algorithms - Thrashing. File
System: File Concepts - Access Methods - Directory Structures - Protection Consistency Semantics - File
System Structures - Allocation Methods - Free Space Management.

I/O System: Overview - I/O Hardware - Application I/O Interface - Kernel I/O Subsystem - Transforming
I/O Requests to Hardware Operations - Performance. Secondary Storage Structures: Protection - Goals -
Domain - Access matrix - The Security Problem - Authentication - Threats - Threat Monitoring -

Silberschatz P.B.Galvin, Gange. Operating System Concepts 6th Edn. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,
H.M. Deitel, an Introduction to Operating System, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 19

GVACA-1 Computer Networks (4 credits; 60 hours)

Unit-I Data Communications

Networks- Components and Categories- Types of connection – Topologies- Protocols and Standards-
ISO/OSI Models- Coaxial Cables- Fiber optics- Modems

Unit-II Data Link Layers

Errors- Flow Controls and Error Controls-HDLC- LAN- Ethernet IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.4, IEEE 802.5,
IEEE 802.11- FDDI – Sonet- Bridges

Unit-III Network Layer
Internet works- Packet Switching- Datagram’s approach- IP addressing methods- Subnetting- Routing-
Distance Vector routing- Routers

Unit-IV Transport Layers

Duties of transport layer- Multiplexing- De multiplexing- Sockets- User diagram protocols- TCP-
Congestion Control- Quality of service (QOS) - Integrated Services.

Unit-V Application Layers

Domain Name Space (DNS) - SMTP- FDP- HTTP- WWW- Security- Cryptography.

Source: Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Computer networks “, PHI, 4th edition 2002.

Suggested Readings
William Stallings,” Data and Computer Communications”, PHI, 2001
Douglas E. comer,” Internetworking with TCP/IP-Volume-I”, PHI, 1997

GVACA-2 Object oriented programming with C++ (4 credits; 60 hours)

Unit - I
Principles of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) - Software Evaluation - OOP Paradigm - Basic
Concepts of OOP - Benefits of OPP - Application of OOP.

Unit - II
Introduction to C++ - Tokens - Keywords - Identifiers - Variables - Operators - Manipulators - Expressions
and Control Structures - Pointers - Functions - Function Prototyping Parameters Passing in Functions -
Values Return By Functions - Inline Functions - Friend and Virtual Functions.

Unit - III
Classes and Objects - Constructors and Destructors - Operator overloading - Type Conversions - Type of
Constructors - Function Overloading.

Unit - IV
Inheritance - Types of Inheritance - Virtual Functions and Polymorphism Constructors in inheritance -
Mapping Console I/O operations.

Unit - V
Files - File Streams - File Operations - File Pointer - Error Handling during File Operations - Command
line Arguments.
E. Balagurusamy - Object Oriented Programming with C++

GVACA-3 Data structures (4 credits; 60 hours)

Complete development of an Algorithms- Algorithm Basic steps in the compete development of an
algorithms- Some basic tools and algorithms- Top down structured program correctness.

Algorithm complexity- Time and Space complexity- Divide and conquer (General method) - Greedy
method- General method and Heuristics and backtrack programming.
List in C- Singly linked list- Linked Stacks and Queues- Circular Queues- Addition of Polynomials-
Circular List (Invert, concatenate, length , insert – front).

Liner search- Binary search- Sorting- Insertion sort- Quick sort using recursion-2 way merge sort- Heap
sort- Bucket sort- Bubble sort- Shell sort.

Graph- Representing- Graph traversal (Depth first search and Breadth first search)- Tree- Fundamentals-
Binary Tree representation- Tree Traversal- Preorder- Post Order- In Order- Threading binary trees-
Concepts- In order Traversal using Threads.

Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithm, by Goodman S.E and Hedentnelemi S. T. Mc. Graw
Computer Algorithms by E.Horowitz, S.Sahni and S.Rajasekaran-Galgotia-1999
Fundamentals of Data Structures by EllisHorowitz and S.Sahni.

GVACA-4 Windows programming lab (4 credits; 60 hours)

Unit-I: Components of Windows programming and visual basic

Visual Basic: Introduction – Variables and Functions- Building Projects & Customizing forms- Visual
basic Controls- Functions and procedures – Accessing Database- Creating forms with Data Controls-
Objects Linking and Embedding.
Unit-II: Windows programming using visual basic 6.0
Introduction- Advanced features of visual basic 6.0- Activex and windows API.
Source: IGNOU course material- CS-65
GVACA-5 Coral draw (2 Credits; 30 hours)
Introduction to various versions
Concepts and applications of coral Draw
Use of various tools
¾ Pick Tools
¾ Zoom Tools
¾ Free Hand Tool
¾ Square Tool
¾ Rectangle Tool
¾ Text Tool
¾ Fill Tool
Font used in Designing of Monograms
Greeting Cards
Weeding Cards
Source: SDIS, VTP syllabus; Ministry of Labour, GOI

GVACA-6 Photo Shop (2 Credits; 30 hours)

Introduction to various Versions
Concepts and applications of Photoshop
Photo editing & Inserting
¾ Setting Up
¾ The Interface
¾ Managing Palettes
¾ Working with Photoshop Tools
¾ Working with Layers
Source: SDIS, VTP syllabus; Ministry of Labour, GOI

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