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APPLICABILITY OF THE RULES OF EVIDENCE The Labor Arbiter dismissed the case.

The NLRC, however, reversed

such decision. According to the Commission, the admissions of the
G.R. No. 196142 March 26, 2014 other employees do not prove petitioners’ participation in the
CASTILLO, et. al., Petitioners, vs. PRUDENTIALIFE PLANS, INC., scheme. Prudentialife failed to submit independent evidence to
Respondent. show the petitioners’ guilt, and that petitioners were not given the
opportunity to meet and cross-examine Prudentialife’s witnesses or
Under the CBA of Prudentialife and PPEU-FFW (bargaining agent of those employees who admitted the presence of an illegal scheme to
the company’s rank-and-file employees), Prudentialife employees profit by the optical benefit provision in the CB; thus, their
were granted an optical benefit allowance of P2,500.00 to subsidize statements are inadmissible.
prescription eyeglasses for those who have developed vision
problems in the course of employment. Many Prudentialife Such ruling was reversed by the CA, finding that based on the
employees – petitioners included – availed thereof and written statements of the other participants to the scheme,
Prudentialife was flooded with requests for reimbursement for petitioners are guilty of dishonesty. According to the CA, since the
eyeglasses the employees supposedly purchased fromAlavera instant case is a labor case, only substantial evidence – and not guilt
Optical.Eventually, it became apparent that the transactions beyond reasonable doubt – is required in establishing petitioners’
between the said employees andAlavera Optical were spurious. liability.

The availing employees, with the exclusion of the petitioners, ISSUE: WON the admissions of the petitioners’ co-employees may
admitted that they are aware of the fraudulent nature of the be used as evidence to prove the petitioners’ involvement in the
transactions. Prudentialife then issued individual Notices of fraudulent scheme.
Termination to the availing employees, including the petitioners.
The company concluded that the said employees are guilty of
dishonesty which, under their Personnel Manual, is punishable by The written statements of petitioners’ co-employees admitting
dismissal. their participation in the scheme are admissible to establish the
plan or scheme to defraud Prudentialife; the latter had the right to
Petitioners subsequentlyfiled a Complaint for illegal dismissalagainst rely on them for such purpose. The argument that the said
Prudentialife. They are of the position that they were illegally statements are hearsay because the authors thereof were not
dismissed based on a charge of dishonesty that was not proved, but
presented for cross-examination does not persuade; the rules of
was mainly founded on suspicion, conjecture and suppositions. evidence are not strictly observed in proceedings before the NLRC,
They insisted that their transactions with Alavera Optical were valid which are summary in nature and decisions may be made on the
and done in the ordinary course of business.
basis of position papers.The Court stressed that the affidavit or contract of employment, complainants are considered to have
statement of a co-employee in a labor case may prove an become regular employees. According to the NLRC, the failure to
employee’s guilt or wrongdoing if it recites crucial details of his present contract of project employment means that the
involvement. employees are regular. The NLRC ultimately ruled that, being
regular employees, petitioners were illegally dismissed. A motion
Besides, the petitioners’ guilt has been established by evidence for reconsideration was thereafter filed by TNS where the latter
other than these statements. It appears that they knew that even presented termination reports as additional evidence. The NLRC
though they were not paying for the eyeglasses, Alavera Optical
nonetheless dismissed said motion.
would issue an official receipt falsely showing that the eyeglasses
have been paid for. They then used such receipt to obtain When the case reached the CA, the appellate court found, inter
reimbursement from Prudentialife. It was further discovered that alia, that the NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion when it
their eyeglasses either had no grade or did not match the apparently refused to consider the additional pieces of evidence
prescription issued to them. By availing of the CBA benefit, the they submitted by TNS during the determination of the motion’s
falsely represented to Prudentialife that they have developed vision merits. It stressed that the technical rules of evidence were not
problems. binding in labor cases, that even if the evidence was not submitted
to the LA, the fact that it was duly introduced on appeal before the
G.R. No. 208567 November 26, 2014
NLRC was enough basis for it to admit them.
JEANETTE V. MANALO, et. al., Petitioners, vs. TNS PHILIPPINES,
ISSUE: WON the CA’s conclusion is correct.
and GARY OCAMPO, Respondents.
Petitioners herein were hired by TNS as field personnel. They were
made to sign a project-to-project employment contract. On October Nowhere in the NLRC resolution denying TNS' motion for
21, 2008, however, they were advised by TNS that their reconsideration can it be found that the belated submission of the
employment contracts will no longer be renewed. As such, they evidence in question was the sole basis of denial. The NLRC also
filed a complaint for illegal dismissal. took into consideration the records of the case, including those
belatedly submitted, and despite review of these records, it still
The LA dismissed the complaint. The NLRC, however, reversed such found the evidence insufficient to overturn its decision against
decision. TNS apparently did not adduce in evidence employment
contracts relating to the latest employment of the complainants.
In the absence of proof that the subsequent employment of the While the technical rules of evidence are not binding on labor
complainants continued to be on a project-to-project basis under a tribunals, such a rule, however, is not a license for parties to a case
to be remiss in their duty to present every and all proofs, at the The NLRC took into consideration the said documentary evidence
earliest opportunity, that will best support their claim and help and, on the basis thereof, declared Helpmate as a legitimate job
the courts to fully, exhaustively and speedily resolve the contractor. CA affirmed.
ISSUE: WON the NLRC erred in accepting the said pieces of
G.R. No. 176240 October 17, 2008 evidence.

ROLANDO SASAN, SR., et. al., Petitioners, vs. NLRC, EQUITABLE-PCI HELD: NO.
BANK and HELPMATE, INC., Respondents.
Rules of evidence prevailing in courts of law or equity are not
Petitioners herein filed separate complaints against E-PCIBank and controlling in labor cases. The NLRC and labor arbiters are directed
Helpmate for illegal dismissal. The latter two however denied to use every and all reasonable means to ascertain the facts in each
having illegally dismissed the former. For its part, E-PCIBank averred case speedily and objectively, without regard to technicalities of law
that it entered into a Contract for Services with Helpmate, an and procedure in the interest of substantial justice. As such, the
independent job contractor which hired and assigned petitioners to NLRC may consider evidence submitted by the parties for the first
the bank. Helpmate, on the other hand, asserted that petitioners time on appeal. The same is not prejudicial the other party for the
were part of its pool of janitors/messengers assigned to E-PCIBank. latter could submit counter-evidence.
When the aforesaid Contract for Services expired, E-PCIBank no
longer renewed the same. Helpmate then designated petitioners to For the same reasons, petitioners’ protestations against the
new work assignments, but the latter refused to comply with the documentary evidence submitted by Helpmate because they were
same. Thus, it cannot be said that petitioners were dismissed by mere photocopies (evidently invoking the best evidence rule
under Section 3, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court) are likewise
unmeritorious. Notably, certified true copies of these documents
The LA held Equitable PCI Bank and Helpmate jointly and solidarily acceptable under the Rules of Court were furnished to the
liable to petitioners, concluding that Helpmate is a labor-only petitioners.
contractor. E-PCIBank and Helpmate consequently appealed to the
NLRC. In support of its allegation that it was a legitimate job Petitioners herein were afforded every opportunity to be heard and
contractor, Helpmate submitted before the NLRC several to seek reconsideration of the adverse judgment against them. They
had every opportunity to strengthen their positions by presenting
photocopied documents which it did not present before the LA.
their own substantial evidence to controvert those submitted by the
private respondents before the NLRC, and CA. It cannot win its case
by merely raising unsubstantiated doubt or relying on the weakness that there was no evidence showing the release by PNB of the loan
of the adverse parties’ evidence. proceeds to Pasimio. The CA affirmed, ruling further that PNB is
guilty of gross negligence and, thus, must suffer the consequences
RELEVANCE AND ADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE of its transactions with Pasimio. The appellate court based such
G.R. No. 205590, September 02, 2015 conclusion on the testimony of another bank client, Virginia Pollard,
who testified to being a victim of irregular bank transactions of PNB
Ligaya Pasimio filed suit against PNB for the recovery of a sum of
money and damages. In her complaint, she alleged having a peso 1. WON the CA is correct in holding PNB guilty of gross
and dollar time deposit accounts with PNB which have matured. negligence.
When she sought to withdraw her deposit money, however, PNB 2. WON the RTC and CA are correct in ruling in favour of
refused to oblige. PNB claimed that Pasimio is without right to insist
on their withdrawal, the deposited amount having already been
used in payment of her outstanding loan obligations to the bank. HELD:
Amongst others, the bank presented as evidence various promissory
notes and other loan documents duly signed by Pasimio and her 1. NO.
husband. There is no sufficient evidence to support the CA's finding of gross
Pasimio denied obtaining any loan from PNB and receiving the negligence. Pollard’s testimony should not have been considered
corresponding loan proceeds. While she conceded that she indeed proof that what she underwent is what actually transpired between
sign certain documents (i.e., the loan documents in question), she Pasimio and PNB. Under the res inter alios acta doctrine, acts and
declarations of persons strangers to a suit should, as a rule, be
professed not understanding what they really meant. She basically
alleged that she was a mere victim of a nefarious lending scam irrelevant as evidence. Pollard's transaction with PNB is entirely
orchestrated by PNB Sucat’s branch manager and customer different and totally unrelated to Pasimio's dealings with the bank.
relations officer. It was erroneous for the appellate court to declare PNB grossly
RTC eventually rendered judgment in favor of Pasimio, finding that negligent in its transactions with Pasimio when the only evidence it
Pasimio had proven by convincing evidence that she did not obtain had discussed on the matter was Pollard's testimony. It may be true
any loan accommodation from PNB. Further, the trial court held that the PNB was grossly negligent in dealing with Pollard, but this
does not automatically mean that PNB was grossly negligent toward sign several pieces of bank documents involving millions of pesos
Pasimio as well. without knowing what they meant.

2. NO. When the terms of an agreement have been reduced to writing, it is

to be considered as containing all such terms, and, therefore, there
A promissory note is the best evidence of the transaction embodied can be, between the parties and their successors-in-interest, no
therein. A person who signs such an instrument is bound to honor it
evidence of the terms of the agreement other than the contents of
as a legitimate obligation duly assumed by him through the the writing.
signature he affixes thereto. Further, a mere denial of the receipt of
the loan, which is stated in a clear and unequivocal manner in a ADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE
public instrument, is not sufficient to assail its validity. To overthrow
the recitals of such instrument, convincing and more than merely G.R. No. 194612 January 27, 2014
preponderant evidence is necessary. Accordingly, the promissory PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, vs. FLORO
notes bearing Pasimio and her husband’s signatures must be upheld MANIGO y MACALUA, Accused-Appellant.
in the absence of strong, complete, and conclusive proof of their
nullity. An Information for rape was filed against FLORO MANIGO y
MACALUA. The prosecution’s evidence was based heavily on the
It should also be noted that Pasimio did not question the narration of the incident by “AAA,” the 13 year-old victim. A certain
genuineness and due execution of the notes. By signing the same, Dr. Perez likewise testified that there is indeed a laceration on
she is deemed to acknowledge receipt of the corresponding loan “AAA’s” hymen and a scratch, swelling or redness on the posterior
proceeds. She cannot therefore plausibly set up the defense that portion of the minor’s vagina.
she did not apply for any loan, and receive any consideration
therefor in order to escape her liabilities under the notes. In his defense, Manigo raised denial and alibi. According to him, he
could not have raped "AAA" since on the day of the alleged incident,
Moreover, each promissory note was supported by a corresponding he was at their home. In fact, the first time he saw "AAA" was when
loan application form and disclosure statement, all of which carried he was made to stand in a police line-up with several detainees for
Pasimio's signatures. It can thus be perceived that Pasimio took the identification.
necessary steps to contract loans from PNB and was aware of their
terms and conditions. The Court found it hard to believe as well The RTC ultimately accorded full faith and credence to the narration
that, as a well-educated and accomplished woman, Pasimio would of "AAA” and her positive identification of the appellant. Manigo
however questioned the credibility of AAA. He points to several
flaws in "AAA’s" testimony, to wit: (1) she did not make a particular appearance of appellant has no bearing on the principal question of
description of the tricycle used at the time of the commission of the whether appellant had carnal knowledge of the victim. Neither will
crime; (2) her description of Manigo’s physical features during the the failure of "AAA" to describe the tricycle dent her credibility.
trial is different from what she stated in her affidavit; and, (3)
"AAA’s" out-of-court identification of Manigo is doubtful. The CA, Further, AAA’s out-of-court identification of Manigo substantially
nonetheless, sustained the trial court’s findings. passed the totality of circumstances test laid down by the Court in
Vidar v. People, to wit: (1) the witness’s opportunity to view the
Issue: WON AAA’s testimony is credible enough to sustain a criminal at the time of the crime; (2) the witness’s degree of
conviction. attention at that time; (3) the accuracy of any prior description
given by the witness; (4) the level of certainty demonstrated by the
HELD: YES. witness at the identification; (5) the length of time between the
Rape is generally unwitnessed and oftentimes, the victim is left to crime and the identification; and (6) the suggestiveness of the
testify for herself. Thus, in resolving rape cases, the victim's identification procedure.
credibility becomes the primordial consideration. If a victim's Nonetheless, even assuming arguendo that the out-of-court
testimony is straightforward, convincing and consistent with human
identification was defective, the defect was cured by the
nature and the normal course of things, unflawed by any material or subsequent positive in-court identification for the ‘inadmissibility of
significant inconsistency, it passes the test of credibility and the a police line-up identification should not necessarily foreclose the
accused may be convicted solely on the basis thereof. admissibility of an independent in-court identification.’"
It is also noteworthy that the narration of "AAA" is further Lastly, Manigo’s defenses of denial and alibi were correctly rejected
supported by the medical findings of Dr. Perez. The SC stressed that in view of "AAA’s" positive testimony and unflawed identification of
where a victim’s testimony is corroborated by the physical findings Manigo as the culprit. Alibi and denial are inherently weak defenses
of penetration, there is sufficient basis for concluding that sexual and "must be brushed aside when the prosecution has sufficiently
intercourse did take place. and positively ascertained the identity of the accused." Positive
Insofar as the alleged inconsistency between "AAA’s" statements in testimony prevails over negative testimony. Also, for his defense of
her affidavit and testimony in open court is concerned, the Court alibi to prosper, appellant must prove not only that he was
held that if there is an inconsistency between the affidavit and the somewhere else when the crime was committed but he must also
testimony of a witness, the latter should be given more weight since satisfactorily establish that it was physically impossible for him to be
affidavits being taken ex-parte are usually incomplete and at the crime scene at the time of its commission.
inaccurate. Besides, the inconsistency respecting the physical
G.R. No. 181683, October 07, 2015 ISSUE: WON NPC satisfactorily proved that it is entitled to the
aforesaid actual damages.

On March 20, 1993, NPC’s Power Barge 104 was stationed at the It is basic that any material presented as evidence will not be
Makar Wharf in General Santos City when Luzon Shipping’s MV considered unless duly admitted by the court before which it is
Lorcon Luzon "hit and rammed" the former. NPC thus filed a presented. Just as basic is that a private document offered as
Complaint for Damages against Lorenzo Shipping. The RTC authentic evidence shall not be admitted unless its due execution
eventually issued a decision absolving Lorenzo Shipping of liability. and authenticity are established in the manner specified by Rule
It concluded that NPC failed to establish Lorenzo Shipping's 132, Section 30 of the ROC.
The bill of expenses presented by NPC is considered a private
Upon NPC’s appeal, the CA reversed the RTC decision, ordering document. Accordingly, the provisions under Rule 132, Section 30
Lorenzo Shipping to pay NPC the amount of P876,286.00 as actual of the ROC must have been complied with. NPC failed in this
damages amongst others. This decision was however amended by respect. Thus, said material is considered as inadmissible for not
the same court later on. It reduced NPC’s award to P300,000.00 as having been properly identified.
temperate damages in lieu of actual damages, noting that the
amount of actual damages was not proven by NPC. Admissibility of evidence and weight accorded to evidence are two
distinct affairs. "Evidence is admissible when it is relevant to the
NPC now contends that it was able to show by "competent issue and is not excluded by the law or the rules on evidence."
testimonial and documentary evidence" that it must be When evidence has "such a relation to the fact in issue as to induce
compensated for actual damages in the amount of P876,826.00. belief in its existence or non-existence," it is said to be relevant.
Such pieces of evidence pertained to by NPC were a bill of expenses When evidence is not excluded by law or by the Rules, it is said to
(which, notably, was not properly identified in accordance with Rule be competent. The weight accorded to evidence is properly
132, Section 30 of the ROC), the testimony of Power Barge 104’s considered only after evidence has been admitted. To this end,
Manager Nelson Homena who gave an estimate amount of the courts evaluate evidence in accordance with the rules stipulated by
damages sustained by the barge, and a Disbursement Voucher as Rule 133 of the Revised Rules on Evidence.
proof of payment to PHILSECO for drydocking repairs of Power
Barge 104. Not having been admitted, the bill of expenses does not form part
of the body of evidence worthy of judicial consideration. NPC is thus
left to rely on the testimony of Nelson and on the presented
Disbursement Voucher. However, these pieces of evidence fall short Mapiot and Jener Daayata, receipts from their sale of squash and
of the standard required for proving pecuniary loss, which shall be payment of water utilities, and a right of way easement as proof of
the basis for awarding actual damages. As regards Nelson Homena's their occupancy of the subject lot for more than thirty years.
testimony, all he did was give an estimate of P1,000,000.00.
Certainly, a mere estimate does not suffice as proof of actual The MCTC ruled in favor of Tomasa, holding that she sufficiently
pecuniary loss. As regards the NPC Disbursement Voucher, all it established her cause of action while the respondents failed to
attests to is a release of funds in favor of PHILSECO covering no substantiate their allegation. This was affirmed by the RTC. The CA
however reversed the decisions of the lower courts. It held that
specific transaction.
while the respondents' allegations of occupation were unsupported
G.R. No. 187727, September 02, 2015 by evidence, the petitioner failed to establish by competent
evidence her allegation of tolerance.
TOMASA J. SABELLINA, Petitioner, v. DOLORES BURAY, et. al.,
Respondents. ISSUE: WON the petitioner sufficiently established her cause of
Tomasa Sabellina filed a complaint for unlawful detainer against
herein respondents. Tomasa claimed that she is the owner of the lot HELD: NO.
in question, which she inherited after her parents' death pursuant
to a Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement. She further alleged that she It is apparent that Tomasa is the rightful owner of the subject lot.
allowed the respondents to construct their houses on the lot on However, this case is an ejectment proceeding where possession,
condition that they would vacate the property when she needed it. not ownership, is the central issue. In ejectment cases, the plaintiff
However, the respondents refused to vacate when she eventually must sufficiently establish the character of the defendant's entry
requested them to do so. She mainly offered her tax declarations, into the property through competent evidence. Tomasa, however,
affidavits executed by her and Elena Jaramillo, and a promissory failed to discharge this burden.
agreement from one of the respondents, Roberto Acido, to prove The tax declarations and the Promissory Agreement alleged to be
her allegations of prior possession and tolerance. executed by Roberto does not shed light on the circumstances of all
The respondents denied such allegations. They claimed inter alia the respondents' entry into the property. Further, the Court did not
that the DENR declared the subject lot alienable and disposable, appreciate Elena's affidavit since the former cannot determine
whether Elena has actual personal knowledge of the facts or
that they had possessed the subject lot in good faith since the 1970s
and had acquired it through acquisitive prescription. They learned about them through second-hand information. Thus, her
presented, amongst others, joint-affidavit, affidavits of Romeo affidavit has very little probative value. Tomasa’s affidavit, lastly,
only makes the sweeping statement that the respondents entered Hermogenes De Guzman was charged with the crime of Murder for
the subject lot with her consent and occupied it by mere tolerance. the killing of Noriel Urieta. De Guzman pleaded not guilty. For the
prosecution, Ignacio Flores testified that on April 20, 2002, at
Tomasa clearly failed to present convincing proof of her allegation around 11:00PM, after he and Urieta had finished their third bottle
of tolerance. There is no competent evidence to support her claim of beer, De Guzman suddenly appeared and stabbed Urieta without
other than her own self-serving affidavit repeating her allegations in any reason or provocation. Flores noted that the light of the
the complaint. Allegations are not evidence and without evidence, "moron" coming from the "peryahan" illuminated the table where
bare allegations do not prove facts. they were drinking, enabling him to see the face of the perpetrator
On the other hand, the respondents also failed to substantiate their whom he identified to be De Guzman. A certain Elmer Honato then
claim that they have been occupying the subject lot for more than came to their aid but left to seek a physician at the barangay hall.
thirty years. The respondents' only relevant evidence to prove their When it became apparent that Honato will no longer come back,
allegations are their joint-affidavit and the affidavits of Romeo Flores went home nd left Urieta.
Mapiot and Jener Daayata. The other pieces of evidence mentioned Notably, however, Flores admitted that he did not know De Guzman
earlier have no probative value as regards the circumstances of and it was on the night of the stabbing incident that he first saw him
their entry and the length of their occupation over the property. and that he came to know of the name of De Guzman from the
Also, like Tomasa, the joint affidavit of the respondents merely
repeats their self-serving allegations in the answer.
De Guzman, on the other hand, denied the charge against him,
However, this is inconsequential considering that Tomasa failed to stating that he was in a drinking spree at the house of a relative on
overcome the burden of evidence in the first place. When the the day of the incident from 8:00AM until 12:00AM. He further
evidence on an issue of fact is in equipoise or there is doubt as to
testified that he does not personally know the victim, his wife, nor
which side the evidence preponderates, the plaintiff fails upon that Flores.
RTC convicted De Guzman. It rejected the unsubstantiated defense
COLLATERAL MATTERS of alibi proffered by De Guzman in the face of the positive
G.R. No. 192250 July 11, 2012 identification of Flores pointing him as the perpetrator of the crime.
The CA affirmed such decision and added that the facts established.
DE GUZMAN @ Mong, Accused-Appellant. ISSUE: WON De Guzman’s guilt has indeed been proven beyond
reasonable doubt.
HELD: NO. to his tale leads to the conclusion that he was either withholding an
incriminating information or was not telling the truth.
There are serious doubts on the veracity of the malefactor's
identity. It is almost as if it was merely contrived to pin criminal The time-honored test in determining the value of the testimony of
culpability upon De Guzman. a witness is its compatibility with human knowledge, observation
and common experience of man.20 Thus, whatever is repugnant to
First, the condition of visibility at the time of the stabbing incident
the standards of human knowledge, observation and experience
did not lend credence to Flores’ testimony. The incident took place becomes incredible and must lie outside judicial cognizance.
during nighttime in a place where the only source of light was the Consistently, the Court has ruled that evidence to be believed must
illumination of a "moron" coming from a "peryahan." Moreover, it is proceed not only from the mouth of a credible witness but must be
clear that the stabbing incident was so swift for ample observation credible in itself as to hurdle the test of conformity with the
and Flores, who had three bottles of beer, was admittedly very knowledge and common experience of mankind.21 In the case at
afraid. Under these circumstances, the Court finds the positive bench, the testimony of Flores, the lone eyewitness of the
identification of De Guzman by Flores hazy. prosecution does not bear the earmarks of truth and, hence, not
The identification of an accused by an eyewitness is a vital piece of credible.
evidence and most decisive of the success or failure of the case for Third, the Court finds disturbing how the police officers were able to
the prosecution. In the case at bench, however, the inconclusive identify De Guzman as the killer of Urieta. It is undisputed that on
and unreliable identification by Flores of De Guzman as the culprit
the day following the stabbing incident, De Guzman was invited by
failed to break the barrier of proof beyond reasonable doubt. the police officers to the municipal hall, was informed by them that
Second, Flores' story about Honato does not make sense. It appears he was a suspect in the commission of a crime and then placed
strange that Honato should proceed to the barangay hall to look for behind bars.
a doctor when natural instinct and reason would dictate that he and Also, on April 21, 2002, Gina, the wife of the victim, executed her
Flores should have brought Urieta straight to the hospital. It Sinumpaang Salaysay23 wherein she declared, among others, that
appears even stranger that this Honato was not presented in court she came to know the identity and the name of the assailant from
to corroborate the testimony of Flores. the police officers.
Furthermore, the reaction of Flores, in hurriedly going home and
Two days after the incident in question or on April 22, 2002, Flores
leaving Urieta alone to die, was unnatural and contrary to common executed his Sinumpaang Salaysay and gave his account of the
human experience. The failure of Flores to lend a touch of realism stabbing incident only because Police Officer Gamba together with
the father and the wife of Urieta came to his house.26 Even so, Guzman carried a grudge against the victim or his family, or even
nowhere in the record does it show that Flores gave the police knew the victim at all. Prosecution witnesses Flores and Gina even
officers a description of the physical features and attributes of the attested that they did not know of any reason why De Guzman
assailant. During the trial, he admitted that he did not know De killed Urieta. Generally, the motive of the accused in a criminal case
Guzman or his name at the time of the stabbing incident. is immaterial and does not have to be proven. Proof of the same,
however, becomes relevant and essential when, as in this case, the
The foregoing sequence of events clearly reveals that the police identity of the assailant is in question.
officers had already a suspect, De Guzman, in the killing of Urieta,
even before Flores could give his statement and despite the In light of the weakness in the prosecution's case, the alibi of De
absence of any description from Flores himself as to how the culprit Guzman assumes credence and importance. A finding of guilt must
looked like. Curiously, no police officer was called to the witness rest on the evidence of the prosecution not on the weakness or
stand to shed light on the matter. even absence of evidence for the defense. Thus, it is required that
every circumstance favoring the innocence of the accused must be
This gray area in the case of the prosecution is fatal to its cause and duly taken into account. The proof against him must survive the test
casts serious doubt on the veracity and credibility of its evidence. of reason and the strongest suspicion must not be permitted to
The Court is likewise puzzled as to how the prosecution came into sway judgment. In the case at bench, the evidence for the
possession of the alleged murder weapon marked as Exhibit "B." prosecution was unable to pass the exacting test of moral certainty
During the trial, a knife with a red handle was shown to Flores who that the law demands.
specifically identified it to be the same bladed weapon used by De [G.R. No. 106875. September 24, 1996]
Guzman in stabbing Urieta. The information, however, as to who
recovered that knife, and from whom it was seized remained a PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. NESTOR BABOR
mystery. At any rate, considering the visibility condition and other and SONY BABOR,* accused-appellants.
attending circumstances on the night of the stabbing incident, the
Court indeed doubts how Flores could have positively identified the Spouses Babor were charged with the crime of murder as
confederates thereof, and with further allegations of the attendant
murder weapon.
aggravating circumstances of evident premeditation and treachery
Lastly, it has not been shown that De Guzman had any motive for for the killing of Evangelino Camias. The prosecution anchored its
killing Urieta. The brutal and gruesome attack on Urieta, clearly case mainly upon Felicidad Duhaylungsod's testimony, whereas the
manifested the intention of the perpetrator to purposely bring defense had as witnesses the accused spouses themselves and their
death upon the victim. There was no evidence, however, that De daughter, Jonalyn Babor.
Duhaylungsod testified that she witnessed Nestor and Sony Babor The burden of proof rests upon him. And, where the prosecution
kill Evangelino Camias from her house. According to her, the Babors evidence, as in this case, renders extremely doubtful the veracity of
were chasing a fleeing and bloodied Camias. Then, Sony lunged with the defense version, said defenses cannot be granted any
her weapon at Camias and hacked him three times on different evidentiary weight.
parts of the body. Nestor then delivered the fatal blow by stabbing
Camias on the chest. The three were all neighbors of Felicidad and It clearly appears that after the spouses had turned the tide against
were known to her. the deceased, with the latter already wounded and defensively
scrambling away from the house of the Babors, both appellants still
The defense on the other hand contended that it was Camias who pursued Camias. It is apparent that the deceased was then no
made the first attack after his failed attempt to sexually assault longer the aggressor. It was thus indisputable that Camias’ unlawful
Sony. Nestor, on his part, asserted that he had delivered just one aggression had long ceased. Consequently, the element of
stabbing thrust on the victim. He had simply acted in defense of reasonable necessity of the means employed to repel the
himself and of his family and, therefore, the slaying of Camias was aggression could no longer be appreciated. Moreover, the number
justified under the circumstances. His wife, meanwhile, with of the wounds sustained by the deceased negates the assertion of
corroboration from Nestor and Jonalyn, insisted that she never laid justifying circumstances by appellants. The autopsy report reveals
a hand on the victim. All three of them, likewise argued that that Camias had sustained all of ten wounds and one even resulted
Duhaylungsod was nowhere at the scene of the crime when it was incompletely severing his right arm. These findings were further
committed. corroborated by Duhaylungsod’s testimony.

Nevertheless, the trial court found the spouses guilty beyond The Court, nonetheless, appreciated in favor of Nestor and Sony the
reasonable doubt of the crime charged. It accorded full credence on mitigating circumstances of (1) immediate vindication of a grave
the firm testimony of Duhaylungsod and the autopsy report offense committed by the deceased against Sony, and (2) sufficient
adduced on the cause of death of Camias which showed a total of provocation.
ten stab and hacking wounds on different parts of his body.

ISSUE: WON the circumstances of self-defense and defense of a

relative were duly established to justify the killing of the victim.


An accused relying on said justifying circumstances must prove the

same by means of sufficient, satisfactory, and convincing evidence.

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