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TOPIC: Damages; Moral & Exemplary (2009 BAR)

Rodolfo, married to Sharon, had an illicit affair with his secretary, Nanette, a 19-year old
girl, and begot a baby girl, Rona. Nanette sued Rodolfo for damages: actual, for hospital
and other medical expenses in delivering the child by caesarean section; moral, claiming
that Rodolfo promised to marry her, representing that he was single when, in fact, he was
not; and exemplary, to teach a lesson to like-minded Lotharios.
The issue in the case is whether or not all the claims of Nanette would be awarded to
Rodolfo. Yes, Rodolfo can bear damages on which are claims of Nanette. A quasi-delict
is governed by Art. 2176 of the Civil Code, in which a fault or negligence, if there is no
pre-existing contractual relation between the parties, is called quasi-delict.
In this case, it depends on the presence of gross negligence on the part of Rodolfo.
Rodolfo's marriage could not have been possibly known to Nanette or there is no gross
negligence on the part of Nanette, Rodolfo could be held liable for moral damages. If
there is gross negligence in a suit for quasi-delict, exemplary could be awarded.
Therefore, Rodolfo would only bear moral damage if there is no gross negligence on the
part of Nanette, but if gross negligence is present, exemplary damages could be awarded
as well.

TOPIC: Death Indemnity (2009 BAR)

PROBLEM: Rommel’s private car, while being driven by the regular family driver, Amado,
hits a pedestrian causing the latter’s death. Rommel is not in the car when the incident
ISSUE: Whether or not Rommel is liable for damages to the heirs of the deceased.
LAW: Art. 2180 of the Civil Code states that the diligence that must be like a good father
in order to prevent damage.
APPLICATION: Rommel may be held liable for damages if he fails to prove that he
exercised the diligence of a good father of a family in selecting and supervising his family
driver. The owner is presumed liable unless he proves the defense of diligence. If the
driver was performing his assigned task when the accident happened, Rommel shall be
solidarily liable with the driver. In case the driver is convicted of reckless imprudence and
cannot pay the civil liability, Rommel is subsidiarily liable for the damage awarded against
the driver and the defense of diligence is not available.
CONCLUSION: Rommel would be liable for damages to the heirs of the deceased

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