Pharmcy Propsal

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Pharmacy Management System

Malak Zada
Reg No:142306

Waqar Ahmad
Reg No: 142310

Mr. Umar Ali

Submitted in partial fulfillment

Of the requirements of a
BS in Information Technology course project

This is a proposal for Pharmacy Management System Project for

partial fulfillment of the requirements of a BS IT course project in Computer

and Software Engineering department at The University of Swat

This proposal provides the scope and context of the project to be

undertaken. It details the intended user group and the value that the system

will have to them. It also provides a schedule for the completion of the

project, including a list of all the deliverables and presentations required.

The intended audience of this document is the course faculty so that

they can determine whether the project should be approved as proposed,

approved with modifications, or not approved.

Table of Contents

Preface ..................................................................................................................... ii

1.0 Overview ....................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Purpose, Scope and Objectives................................................................ 1

1.2. Project description.................................................................................... 2

1.3. Team profile .............................................................................................. 2

1.4. Schedule ..................................................................................................... 3


Project Organization……………………………………….…………….3

1.0 Overview
1.1. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this project is to develop such a system that

can help pharmacy shop in managing their data in the modern way by using
the modern technology. The project scope will define the boundaries of the
project, which include Pharmacy Management System functionality, users
and operating location/availability.

1.2. Objectives

The objectives that to be achieved from this application is;

1. To care the admin alert about the out of stock of the Medicine.
2. To provide the reliable information about Stock and the customers
3. To provide a secure system application in terms of information
4. To help in decision making
5. Helps in the management of the stocks and the employers.
The main Objectives of the application is making the organizations
computerized by creating neat work through minimizing or eliminating
wasting of time as well as removing the resources such as papers for data
saving since know a day is paper based, decrease malfunctioned works on the
usage by giving correct information on each Medicine.

1.3. Project Description

This program can be used by specific Pharmacy shop. The software

used can have two users the Storekeeper and the admin. The software helps
the shop in maintain their daily data and save the data for the later use. they
can also check each piece price along with discounts and many other
functionalities. The application will also helpful in managing the shop as well
as it will be linked with a website. From the website the customers can also
interact with the interface and can check pricing tags, discount tags and many
other related information, the admin can manage the website as well as he can
also add , delete and update the products.

1.4. Team profile

Malak Zada

Reg# 142306

Waqar Ahmad

Reg# 142310

1.5. Schedule

Item Month
Project Proposal JULY

Proposal Presentation JULY

Software Project Management Plan AUGUST

Requirements gathering AUGUST

Prototype AUGUST

Database designing AUGUST-SEPTEMBER

Coding and programming SEPTEMBER

Testing and debugging SEPTEMBER

Final report SEPTEMBER


No budget required for the project

Project Organization

As for as the external sources are concerned, this project needs some

statistical data from Pharmacy shop along with that also need best cooperation

of the team members, the project will be uploaded on server with reference of

concerned pharmacy.

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