Initial Test 7 Grade: I. Choose The Right Answers: 4 Points

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INITIAL TEST 7th grade

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acordă 1 punct din oficiu.

I. Choose the right answers: 4 points

1. Do they need……………… flour? No, just…………….

a. many/a few b. much/a few c. much/a little
2. Do you have ……………….. idea who stole my money?
a. no b a little c a any
3. Are there………………….. people inside?
a. many b much c a few
4. He’s quite hungry but there isn’t ……………………….. to eat in the fridge.
a. anything b nothing c something
5. I think you ………………… go to the doctor this injury is serious.
a. might b shouldn’t c should
6. I……………………. visited Paris yet.
a. will visit b hasn’t c haven’t
7. You………………. Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
a. ‘d better b shouldn’t c mustn’t
8. ………………………... , I’d see a doctor.
a. If I were you b You should c You’d better
9. The students didn’t …………………….. their projects.
a. finish b finishes c finished
10 We …………………………. our next trip right now.
a. plan b planning c are planning
11 When…………………….?
a. does the train arrive b the train arrive c arrive the train
12. Look at them! They …………………… at me!
a. are laughing b laugh c laughing
13. Don’t complain! My work is ………….. than yours!
a. badder b worse c worst
14. Henry ………………………get up at 7 o’clock tomorrow.
a. will b is going to c is getting
15. Can I look at ……………….. French jacket, please?
a. those b these c that
16. Mary is…………………. girl in the class
a. younger b the young c the youngest
II. Read the article. Choose the best answer for the questions 2 points
An unusual visitor
A young emperor penguin from the Antarctic turned up on a beach in New Zealand yesterday.
It’s the first sighting of an emperor penguin in New Zealand in 44 years.
A woman walking her dog on the beach saw something white shining in the sun.
As she got closer she saw the young penguin just standing there on the beach.
She couldn’t believe her eyes! Experts say it’s quite unusual to see a penguin in New Zealand.
They believe that the young penguin took a wrong turn while hunting for food.
It lost its way and ended up thousands of miles from home.
The uncommon visitor has attracted many curious people to the beach.
Everyone is asked not to disturb the penguin and to keep their dogs on leads.
The penguin is about 10 months old and 80 cm tall.
Emperor penguins are the tallest and largest of the penguin species.
They grow up to 122 cm tall and they weigh more than 40kg.
1. The penguin is from New Zealand.
a. Right b Wrong c Doesn’t say
2. There has not been a penguin in New Zealand for many years.
a. Right b Wrong c Doesn’t say
3. A young woman found the penguin in the morning.
a. Right b Wrong c Doesn’t say
4. The young penguin could not find its mother.
a. Right b Wrong c Doesn’t say
5. The penguin probably got lost while looking for food.
a. Right b Wrong c Doesn’t say
6. A lot of people went down to the beach to see the penguin.
a. Right b Wrong c Doesn’t say
7. The penguin is an adult because is tall.
a. Right b Wrong c Doesn’t say
8. The emperor penguin isn’t as tall as other penguins.
a. Right b Wrong c Doesn’t say

III. Write a letter to a friend describing your summer holiday. 3 points

Write about 150 words.

● Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

● Se acordă 1 punct din oficiu.

I. 4 points (16 X 0,25 points): 1a, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5c, 6c, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10c, 11c, 12a, 13b, 14b,
15c, 16c

II. 2 points (8 X 0,25 points) : 1b, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5a, 6a, 7b, 8b

III. 3 points:

Task achievement – 0,3

Coherence and cohesion – 0,3 p
Range of vocabulary – 0,3 p
Range of grammatical structures and accuracy – 0,3p
Effect on reader – 0,3p
Matrice de specificaţii

C1: C2: C3 C4:

Competenţe Să extragă Reformularea unor Să Să scrie
corespunzătoare informaţii enunturi/rescrierea Aleaga relatări
nivelurilor generale şi unor cuvinte raspunsul simple ale
taxonomice specifice dintr-un conform corect unor
text citit în gând unor structuri evenimente
studiate trecute şi
Teme/ personale
Unităţi tematice

Copilul şi lumea 3p
înconjurătoare - Letter
Verbul - timpuri 4p
verbale: Present
Simple & Continuous,
Present Perfect, Past
Simple & Continuous
Adjectivul – grade de
Vocabular: obiecte, 2p
cuvinte familiare
TOTAL 2p p 4p 3p
Descriptori de performanţă :


1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
x Nu oferă  Oferă foarte puţine  Oferă paţial  Oferă integral
informaţii clare informaţii clare informaţii clare informaţii clare
despre sine; despre sine; despre sine; despre sine;
x Nu recunoaşte  Recunoaşte foarte  Recunoaşte partial  Recunoaşte integral
noţiunile/structuril puţin din din noţiunile/structurile
e gramaticale noţiunile/structurile noţiunile/structurile gramaticale
învăţate; gramaticale învăţate; gramaticale învăţate;
 Utilizează foarte învăţate;  Utilizează corect
x Nu utilizează
puţin corect verbele  Utilizează parţial timpurile verbale
corect timpurile
la timpurile învăţate; corect învăţate
verbale învăţate ;
 Utilizează foarte timpurile verbale  Utilizează corect
x Nu utilizează puţin corect ajectivele învăţate ajectivele şi gradele
corect ajectivele şi şi gradele de  Utilizează parţial de comparaţie;
gradele de comparaţie; corect  Reuşeşte integral să
comparaţie;  Reuşeşte foarte puţin ajectivele şi gradele formulize enunţuri
x Nu reuşeşte să să formulize enunţuri de comparaţie; logice
formulize enunţuri logice  Reuşeşte parţial să  Redacteaza o
logice ;  Redactează cateva formulize enunţuri scrisosare integral
x Nu reuşeşte să cuvinte/propoziţii logice şi corect .
redacteze o dintr-o scrisoare.  Redactează parţial o
scrisoare scrisoare.

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