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T~'B"L- B-'- O' F CO- N"'T'B-N-'~-S'"

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Pinding, The Su,preme Power


4,·',ftnn.nAn .a-aith':"o.,';'l,l~'~ 'N:·'·.·lo' \'!II' 'p' ,r,Q··]·_dant-e:

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Copyrighled materia

2,,1ft To :5, 'pm UlW B'LOOD PIAtE,S,SiUR'E

Copyrighted maierla

I( 1) tLUJ¥8'AlpPing G(jd 6mUJ

('8) oeli'mtl, in· t\.6~ l __ rt4li-'r 101' 'mA'1:, ClU

I( 9,),1 '"sf'VBi~ t6 th1C~t: t'ks' (iOB: "I

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'ILl' - ....... fJ ...... ,i) JrJI:A~'~~,


Copyp"ghtcd rnaieria


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Copyrighted materia


1,,,o,rGnc.' Gnd' fals'll 's,se6ift" •• It" m., t'[lrl D'ltllj"

'I' ~ ,. , tb~' " ~ _.... f" ,,' th':· [ ~ 00:' ureh I 'I"" 'I" '" ~ ","_.Jj Ii!" " 'iI!.L::~I' ,! tiS ,,~e 'WIO.-A 0: '" ae ":'[ ,', .",,', '. ,_ "t :lOVCOli'Rl ,I,ts :m",u:o, ..... ,

«:c:!-":;-ir:" th,,'1 " ,'.,:", '.' 'd" ~.". '.'1 .··!f'·: '~-th," tn 'dr' .. ~,: ,; ,,'~~,,~···Ie 'into

,gaVlOOOJ, __ ~en sprn "r'OIr 0 ,uau, ~ lUI ',_' lve peop~_ ',~~ __

'th,',', e I~L,~~~'r eft ~tl~' co .... euld b t· ... -:-~ th·''''em,:'~··~.l. th~,·:··,Iio'!ii~.' m ~'ev Th 'it: I

, --'. ",' IIiJD,UJ:'iI,lII, ou ,;Ii, ,.,"',' ·cea, .. ', ,: ~ ,. w "wU, .c_ ,--VJ.lIi_1' I. c__, ,-----, _~ ~

schem,e: baa, made :it the :rich,efi mstitutioD, on, eartb~

111 ~ p:'~ .. ~'" ,.,.L_ ~ , ... ..,""1-, 'th"""" g"" "b' " " "kn'~' ~L.~., J' ",~' ,'Ii

: ~,,_,;e '~' O,peI' wrOI~ ;:>e: a,'~~es,: ': R,ve ,'::_I:,Own, ,Llla~,~,esu9, 1:8

a &awl, ,.nd' ,aaid' '80' P '0:",,-. '1'-.-, 'X,' I!IO':d,'·',~ "'Bn., mBa .,,,

" -' '~-li"" -, ~_ ,-, ,,~,., ,- '_ '" ,1.&0_, ",'~ ~~, [gl!A.I "~ ,,_ U' -~' -' ,'~' '-

,how .hlll 13: 1W0'," db'BI 6U,fJgr.titiorJ ,'Ie ,Fa6,':" ot CAri,' ,IuD IN_: Irw raD' (See 'Doane"s B,ibl,e, 'Myths:) I~

TH: ""-"'B~" C'~":"OSM" ',-CI'-C:C': r'fV:CL~~:::'1 Do P:""D'O'l:~1 'L~" I-'F'~'B', 18":'"[

.. :1_'Li= " . I .. '_' ~ .... : ... -, __ '. -'. :: > ... ",'J ~ ,L I '", I·. ':Jl;1 .. I., n·· _') Y- ~ ['_'~'" ~I' ,'~~ _ I~'~:l

:BT,~'~~AL,~'~' ,", M,::'·':,~..J:i~[- ,-:~",',.' ,"~ 1,." ... rj'CI'~, 'Dw:aath, :i9 the

_ D,IM"I __ i!I! ,~",f,,. U,_ 5ilI' "'"''':II ~ ~.' ., ""6'~ " _ !Iti';1IiI!! _ , ~ ~

'word DIed to indicate, the ,ch'angoi!

UND- HR' T" '. HE' . [ '. 'LA' "W" _I, ' 0' F 'T- HR' CO""- '. ";S" M'" :Ie" ICY" .. ':t"""1I' :B'·

_. ,--,:,~,~, I,~[_:, ,'I~~,'" [:~~,~- ~.c,I:,,---:_.:~,-,:,;__ ,:: ::,1 ::~ ~I

";:NVI·',-:·S'I'B'····'L'I'D_ V-:···'··:-AP···,,','···Q,···'-·R:-· 'B····'~O···,~~I VI~"-,·S·'I-·BL·':·:,",B,·-· 'ICB······_;·-

,,':, .. ' """",D .' ',"/,' ,.~··l",,~ ', ..... ',-. : .... ,_-,

AND I[ ICHI: -~'" 'D~U"'[':RN' ••. ; :8 .•.. 1 ~T·,O·' :,', 'V' "~AP"" "'_'O" "-"R.-.' ~D['D' I, :':8": 'ML'I('\,

, ,:' .... .'I~£, .. ·.'· .. , __ :'·'·_.:.J .1',_.': _:'.::.'_: ':- .. -':._:',.:.1 ,A,~,,:_.:~·'.l[l,~

'Dl1i\.:Tn 'CO-"":"'S:'~M" -"IC'- -P--··R·~anD 'W,~· "'O"'::-RK:"'I" ~INI"I' FTV'CL, '.~' Dc:!

,m,,u'., "_I: .: ';,. :'; .~" ,~:~o\c..:J ~,I~:', I 'U I '! ~~~J[

AND A'I L ~TI:H: ··INII[lniS·~·'1 A'DUI '~BN~·:', AL········'··

.. ·,d~ft·~, I' ~,., ,_Ut_· ~ D£(. '_', -,_ .. ,_' .,_

'U;~:' '. ,-....] ...... ....., ,1IIo:'b ....... I~ d-.m- ~ ~A L~ .......... --:,",", ~" vi!! Ci'~b~~ I,D dilli S·,,·' :.p'" ~:':t··" en-:' ~ "Itp;q,!" .o'-noa: ',1BIta'" UU; _T'I' 'I"'I'III!;O ~Ue .' [1iiI1 : I.-w ~,', ~ ,"' .~~ .. y ~ .. I ,r-~

itself'iIl '8, 'Man,de' of :M,atter' call,ecI MID,; ud, we become invisib: Ie :G,d'fi'lIi';n ---+'en,~ .. : -8·.·.nmt< -mri'th·~· '..j-i-'WS from. ~'L""I:: 'pbvR~'1

~ ., - - -- - . [~l" - w'o ... -_ ._ ',f,"-- _' ..• I"~_.~_u.ra. _ .. __ ' -- '_'-- tWll -:. __ 11 ~~l2II,

j '~h'tI- tb- f-' di·'·~ d . ' lb' ..

"inn' , :' 11 e ' ," , ' . "-rm'" " ,~,' ":'.", " "",~ ",",," ... ','" " ,'" 'm' '8" 'e'

. I ,-I ~ :. '. " I 1 _1.,., - _ I - ,. u:· "" _ _ ',_.~ '~ t. I -, _ I. " _. I I' II I ",

~O ,'" , w_~.· .' ... _e ,_0,_,,_ .~. ~mte,grate8 a.n reru_", to . .

. ... . ... 'Ii! . ~ . , .., ,iii ~ .. f': all "1 th~·, II ~ 'g' ,

.ii"lllA1i!t!lW"li1'liii!!lii ~o~·tA;I,I~ 0, [: '.- '~n' .[:' - iii!

'-'UOII:.:I_.~ .I.,l ',,'v,' _II . __: I . _:_'_' .', I_:' _: .. _ / JD!~I

Bel, , , .' ,t. .... L .. 'D···· ,j.~t.. ill th I . ',_,1' . 'i!!I, ti' f 'M' . I!

leI: Ullat: ,[ I .. ' caUl 1;9 .,~. '.e to'Ull extinction O:--,'!~, '_88 II a,

,m,odern ene, and :ia based, on the false: maebin,g, 101' the, cb'urch, and, 'the, erroneous ,theory o:f: science" 'that L'ife ,ii'

S· '. Ch~~li"e" an .'J;~.-,I: Pro ~ 'm~' I. 'D~.tIi;ad-,~ ni.'-' ~·a" ["'_~:;t",, .p, :~riD";:pl,: Ie

-" -,~~,~ ... , '--' '- ~ '. - .D~.. Vl I .. ~~ .. ' ." r'"il"'l J - _.,.

The, churCh des,tr,oyed the Ancie.D,t 'Wisdom 'beco.use,

it contained, ,knOWledge thlS!: sets m'110 :free' from the :Pear of Death, "Ib,e ehureh coul:d make :nlo :money wi:th :its

01- y,tbi'-"-:~ ~1~'-VI,,,,'~'o"-'r-: ·11"f·~: :th;~ ':[e-: 'm-··,al~, lI'"",,:-~ ·tb·· [",e-" l·lB~·~~·

:_: ~ . _,-', " ' I~ [6Jj,_,y-y." _',_" .. __ . __ ~4

ThieR m'lI!teriai science made matters worse by holding, 'f

Copy" "gh ted m a1.eri a

'that "lll, M' lis' 6r&IW'B&si'cm, of I. 8M;'S& ,of Q:iJ,Bmicdl ell.flleal) (Modem Medicm'e: 'by lOsIer" :P'., 39)-.,

Th' 'c· .', ............. '.' 'I ...:I ..... ..JI' till I" ;";"i tho ,,: 'H' .

- J', ae great ,:. ·"Bt:na ex;p'oUGLi, I, I at "w8e, ,~. i~,eolry,. ,T_e:

, "Th ·'11 Ii I' th- :L ,iii,. I th 1~'L.

w,rote ~ --,_ ',: ,e I! l,',USI,O,fts' Ol;_~: tne :mlecnBnlClsts, ID,1l, ' .. 1 ne .a:.;tW,

ceatury,,'the dogmasl 'o:f' Jacques, Loeb, and, the child'ish, ph,y8io-chDm'ieal co,n,ce,ptions of human 'bej'ngS., in which, pbyeiologiists and ,poySiloi,1llS be),ieve, have, to be ,defini.tely

ill' - . -

ab an Cloned' ,,~' ,~tJ .(eMu' 'I~' I-Th··· , e '-U' ~'I~IO'" 'I~"):I ,

_ ~ • __ - J. _ _:_J. ... __ . I ... ·,:..____: [:.t. _.' :.._ -::._ ••. ' - "'~' • ,,-,,'LU . III

Tn·e··', p~'b'VA!, .. ··,tillo···,.'~~em··' 1"~'C""'"i'~ 'tb"I,~·O··:··"1 '~' .. ' o;,f' ~n;;',·'··n':1 A,., m" ,i·ak·I·.··e .. · ·'S·· L": "loji'IA,

~ " .'.' <I _,' uu " .·C I ,I:U, ,,: ery "," G'-':.I,e .,~,-" '.' 'C, .', , ,,~,

,8, 'Process. ,Acoor,ding 'to 'that: theory'. Lit'e begins "'hen

til h "II .-'1' 'L_, .. d' ,.J_, h &iL

' e c' iemrc .. ,proee98 l~g,ns, BD~ ~ ellua wnen tne process

lend It,

QI_"~ . 01', h bel' , io .L· --".,, th·· .' .

~entists w~_c,o'...leVleUlat cr~.lpot',_~eory, :re:J'eot 'Ui

:u,heatb,en'ish su;perstiti,Qln" the 'b,ibl~ical doctriD,e th,.t Clod

,. . 's-· ··t·· .' .... d'] th - .' ·,t th~ 'I . . ... ··te' '. , . ," c· .... 1·1- UL r..mll;" 'g' ..... I',~V· An' 100,S ,.;Lle lJ!I:,pln,', :lIu.~ , .. ~,q, I,'IIC: I .. B~'_' we: ·',W· 1Ri···I,.· .. ,IILI" .... , '" w·

effect, 0,1 Spi'rit acting 011 and ,th~oug,b, M'atter, as iSltated, in, the I "I'oba,, d-09:pe'I-] (,'J': ':'0· 4:~2~,· 6 •. :·L:~I)'::,

-- - - ,- fJ - -- - s' - ~. - -: -- -_. ,. ~ , ..\N, . "

So b d tbr 'i."d't. tbjl Ii C I' d oLL ,ill

me'_,I,BV'C :passe~:_~, . , ,.-0., ... ~ .. ' I, '!' 9, . I,.'ye' lie, ,aD ~_ report'rLlI,eJr

exper,ieoce :in, these: 'w:ords:

" D,6fJI,6 i& no,' w:Aa., it seem«; 1, is lJ: j'O,,,08I' 6;,rlll, (bor,,. d,s'n) 'Dlo la, Life _lor:, beawllful ,6dn, ,IUB' eoer , 0/ IIer6"• (lb. 3:11,5)"


T'P"'~'T":'" L" ',II"F:'~!1'?~ AN ... ·'··,·'·,···,,·::·,"·D··.·:·· 'DII}DAiT':i~H: .D~ 'BI"UT--"~I' 'W'-~:····'O·(I,RD,,"'S·····'

~I: .: ."_" D .. _)I_··.·.J,·-. :_- ..• ~. __ ,I_.' I'~ ... ' .... , "_"_j .", ~l._._.


~THII~,'-:D ~TJIlI...fD!D' 'B--· .. E:=INI"-··.·.G'~..:,

. . ,--,_D Jl.J. ,,I.,,nn a .... ", .. ,_,.

Thev :O~: the 'w-a: ,.~..ID th '8"· t' d,': l,~n·,~'b·.e e ~ th e. " 'R' .• ·· ...... ..ll I - ~ 'd-' "TL,1t·, "~";

, . "",T ... '~.... _lEU..,. .. . ~- " .. -, .. ,1iSU, an, ." JU_e

colors of: the, :rcwo,Ivin,g, powler' ,caDed, ICosmilQ ,Spirit,. They'

Idescri:be the Vislhle and, I'nvlailbl,e, ,stages of the C!osm'i,c Cycle throU!1h which man :passes.,

Copy" "gh ted m ater] a

'TJhe; ,Bi,hle 88yS:'

T--h'-,QD' :"""',~-"'I th'e' ~ 'n;- ... -t- ret "'iP"1 41',0 .. ·· th,_1 le~1 q, ..... : ..... L1 idi:~' tt- ~,rft~a '"

__ . 1 __ IIW . , MJiU, . .... .' ULni . ,Ii.' I YiI ,M, 10-" . -_, .' DUJI"W ~I ,;Ii _'" aa "

:8D,d th,e ,Spirit ,shall return unto 'God, who g'BVC,:t (Heel. 12,:'7).

We' ,Aa,ll ND" slee (iN de.,I). 6N~#' .,s sll.ll all 66 ~CHAN'G:BD' (1'0 SlJirlt,B,tll L"/e:) (1 CO,ft, 15,:51,) ~

The g'tea'it AleD's ,e_srrel, wh,a kept: 'aJ:i've ,fa,r ,11' ,eara 'B, ,heart fragmen,'t; from 'la, chi,ck embryo, says:'

"M'dft'li, ':"iD made '0' P Q·f···· 'R" 'pPl'U'iiaEl~;'O'D-'" 'o"I~ 'p·:b--;d'l\'l"'--a m~' I the

__ , __ )"',!Ii, l!;i;iI!Il ,~_ '_1lU!!W' "., ,".' . i' .- '& -~!.':J~1I.1 .' , _' ,I,,' lu..I,I,lLlUUla,I" " _'..'

m:id'9t of whi,cb, 'them strides all uuknowabl,e :Rif!ality" (Man The U:nlmown, :P~ 4)1.


," ,·DD~


M M- - ~ 0. ... · .... ,'11 c.t ... ~'. L' '~!I..--

'BlIl.Ler' 18 Dte:mW~ LltJI IS ,-'II'C'.

'W:~D 'D····O'.-·· "N": '0''- "'T~I~ ·D··'·I-"

.,.I:,:,D .... ; .. 1···:···. '~. '.'[' . '~'I In

Copyrighled materia

c~ .~


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C- D''U1A'T!'O'"-'-''N''''' C'fU'''-S-:-TE-' :N"-'AN" .- :-.~ AN-' ".: "DI 't:'I!l~£'Ielt- G-:-i'eN:'-l'""iD

~~':''''I' ': ..... I < ill t~ ~.I··~··._ :.- 1',." ~" 'l..iQ ':" .. ~;.' I~ ..... ~~ta~ I·~ ... .;.··~ .... 'vii.


Copy r nted rn 'r,HI;'

,··~····~m- ··.Jj·in, en,d' 'I h' :-iVd:r: '.10- 'd'A.nI~'C· bem - bs '- ;0 "!'-C·.· 'I: e, __ (l,n:,L'!'_g, lIIt!Ic:: -1~e::D.I··C. -' e,

A:II.U _. W Mia •. _ -J.' . . ,fi~'" [QU ... - . I.... ~. -Vllm... Q .. '. . .

. . - . -

mnch, aholut th -': Rartlm:d ' ..•• -~,' '/ cor contained in, the invisibll8:

- - - - - - . - - e - - - - --- -6 powe_ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --

g'ases 10:1 the alr, 89 scilen,oo: ap'pr,oac-hcs, the 'boro,erlin,c' of

'that '-.- ··t 1'- - iI!I'bli '. w':" .1- "'-. '!·d' th - '.' C'; "_Mr" ' .. ·'f" 'hi' !I:ch··· . '~t-: ·b·· "

. I IL~_~_ V8fl"~ :_DVlSI 'lie ". '_lor',', I ~ ·.·:e exJSwuce: 0,:, w: _ .. , .. __ .. II .: IIJJ,

80 ],o:ng denied.

'Thea~ po,.--w·.---e:~1 rtI~ .,.,11ftArse--·d-"ed··-·· 'b"itr ,._1 ~S--:U'-··.p:-En'~O,IR,··.:··· •..

,_, ~ '-_- .... _ .. ~O CUi,W DU,r .... -_· _ .. _- .... ,'-- - "/.' . ~ __ - _.~[ ... __

'-P'~O-"':Ul"&''D th - ,at' -W·A'lliI--: ow' :jib-,···· a P'I'III'1"nftOI• b . ow: ,'1...11:'1"''' and 'd- Ie-

'_. ~ _ 0" ~I I, __ u ,K.' ".:', ,'V.!l KJj, ',i ,'tAi. _.:_J I _: .. Jl~ ,r~~' _" .. ·:____.:~w.u,&l a& •. _:_~ '_.'_.~ .

~stroylng physical :f,orms :in, B course so o:rderly' thatl we, are coD'su,.inee! to reco,gnize :i't as Cosmi.Ci Law,

Th'ilt' :Superior' Power 'appears ev,erywhereit i'D evervthing:; is never absent, :is om'niprresent. omniscie:nt. and omnipotent,-lD.d 'yet total),y unreco,gnized and uanoticed, hy science,

Nn .nn- -I"n_' """a·--k·-., ,Ii •. , 'Ph'.·" 111' ,: ;l'lillii ..... ' ~,alt·: S' '0' "p' ·'lii'<:'o·r:·:

~ _ p' ,,,,, '1 .'M.l~ II,if,.: _.~' .. ~ u. ," lili' ._.~r. IU'. U''UI': [if. iii a IlIA - _ .. : .1 __ I ~I! .11. ":_':

. - ..

Power ,can make: a g'raiu, that will grow', wb,eD plaoted,

and produce: 'many' grain's" That i's being done all over the: 'wo.rld!~ 'B'od yet the, pb,enomeloo:n, is 10 eommon th'at

f~'ew--,.' d;,ve-···· l.~t':: -A"""ond .. ··, th :'-'·o-u~'~t .

. ,.. ~~ _. ,- ~.- . _. - ,~ .

Mod,ern science: ::r,egards it :90 unimportan't", lb'at, orthodox sei,entists re,ru'8e to Btt'em'pt-_ •.•. ~ to ~xpllain, ,j,L

-- -

'M I·~l.s' -rll-l:_ ~n.lJ-l::'~.' "l.nt ·S·······-u-'#.s·rio· P::"lIIuII'Br' '80' - 'd:- 'the

'_ ,. :_tlP' 6,j .!!i,f','''' "'~'riI ,. .. -~., ': r- . PW,_, , ". ~--', V~_:'_." . - ',.:~, I_: _ _:'_,

P d h' ~- .' d -. . '1

.~ower __ 'De8, W'_lat :0,0' :SCientist. can, :~_o,____;..,et ;BC,leulce utter 'f

'~g-nores ,i't~, M:u,Ch 'wone'-, science: atuboo1mly·/· denies :i'ts

,I. _, ". _. _ _ _ " .. _- '_ _. _ . _ ' _. _ . , __ ' .. _ . , _ . - _ _. _ - . - _ _ _" - - '. .. - - -

-- - -- -- G-O'_

KIN IG'D OM' OF .. ·.··.',-~D

A- ~'r,' din - d' .~, the .. _ B······I~b-; ile-:- the ,d,AsftfIi!cI:' _J.~AO'I1!C!i1 'p",r- eaehed .::

'IIIirWV.. _ .. ' -8 ,LUi UJ ' , . _,1 , '. - . _ 'mV" ,1"-' .. lIr!oO!W!U' ,I ~ u ""Mr'W "" ...

m - u ch a b' "0---'0. 't· th-,·· e '17" ':'.--d'..llmn- nf 1""J._..1

. :~I~c~:~: . ·1 ..... ; .:i ,I, .' .. I-I_~.'--: ~1;iliJUJ I; . 1:1. ul' = ~!i!

Peep :I,e· though.' 1(-" t:·t must. 'be, ::-1 d~lnd,- 'w,ond,erfu1 extra-

, .. ," ... -. 1._ .. ,.- __ ... a .. " ..... &_ 11,--, "_-,, , . .. _

ord-~-:in'a'~ 'p,lsce ' 'and: . 'd'·k-::~' hi'm .~ d ~~ih::'~ it·- .. , '.B' Ie: ~'~d. " :d'ftd',

---' --~,,, ,_7 -- - -, - -- -'- u,gI- _QI. --- -' UJI ... ~ - _."!i;ir' - riIi -"- Wit ,I&U . '


Copy" 'gh ted m a1.cri a

It' ja, I'ike, .a~ d:iI!I'l;I~:n,', :0' "I;": .m, ,i~''',4,-,,,,~, !iii, ~h-! ,lii'_':L, _ ""'h-'-- - ,- - i ,-~I!'ft ~i~ , th-:" _ ,~, ,!!lI '___ ',_" (ij:;" as_ , UZHIU'QI' W IGII, ..- ... , __ -en, 80"",&:&, ,ID ,_ "_0

earth- is, lJaiG;iI l;!'La,t:'i _'1'1 ";L,- i _~n b , ': -'t-~ ,~,t~ ,d'II!!!, " ,,~ 1-1'''''..3 L .... __ " ; ",' , '

-, ,,' ,f -'~' ,-,~ UlI!U&, lUI IWe ~,[ __ u~ ,I ~ pOWS u.uu UGUU,mea

d~IJ-~, 'ib -, ,_,111 h~'-L .. , '(':M' :-'.' '1"~' '~'1~ "·1' ,_- 4-"~3"'1'-)"

:fi& '~u.:MIW.I. ASO 10', ," er,ucl ,', .',' I-a .. , ,,hi .:~ iii ,'TaL "i,I:: '>

- - ~ - --, ',_, - , - -- -- ,- Ii, - , t " -, - -- ,- I - - -".

, - -

Not ,m',uch, 101: a )dodd,om' a't tint· but -~t seems 'tolla-

- - -- - ---,." ~\!!,L~_' ,-, 'J' , __ -I! - ,-,,-,- ~'~ ---,

- -.--li H_, - - 'L_d]: -I ' tha'-' , ,t'- , iii-. -pi" - A, ....... - -- '!- ., - -, - I,' th~: - '_" _ dl

'PIUlU., ~w IDlI; -,J "- .-',,' '. 11m ;, ,'e ~cr,lptioa, o.t'_,e gran,:,

,Kinddom ,01 God, must' havel disa'~~~'--ted tb~-~, whol

- -8- ~ -, ,- ,- - , " --' ,- ----,P,r~m --- ose_~

'b-'card-' ,- ,.-, ,"',t"

I' :. "-.1 . I

'__ ~ - ' - 1- II!

Th-- ..;j. Iii III tb' f" od 'Jed'-I ' _ elf' n:agmation" sam!e 88'_'-'-81: 0_: 'm-<'_el-D, m,'an" ,',<_

th' .. ' t.._I~" ' th-', '1:' oiIo:'L '1(:', ,~, ,,' 'd' , , "'1'-: Ged -" ,~, be ~t..,

em, '~o' ,DC-,I.e:ve:~-~B_, me ,-_mg',.om ,0:,: ug,_, mast, :-_ ,. we,

d...and- I_~ nlallUlf;, 'I~ n -th,~, I 'A, 'U-- :-In:'I~V~1lii , ,1'00" nl4l....~ ~ID":' 'al "".'0" riOlll ~,MtUi_~ r'-~ '--- . __ V .. 1_- __ W.'~I '_" .. __ UllfUl '_. [ ... - [Ii' --' ._' ---'

lard"~' " , ,~Ith.- , " -~ _ , "" ta- ~ d' II" , "' d- Ii, ,- th-!.· h'~'ddi~ _' •. II ' f'-~

. .- - . -, , .-. . .:. '. - r- " ,: .. , , '. --'," I . .- f .11 ," ", '.-, . "l ':.:' -. .' . . : ,-I . -'" I ,; '. ,. "', '. I'" r- . - .. : .. u " 1"'-

"_. ". ent WI ... _, servan, :.,. ao··· I .. ' -aves omg! I. I.e _II.. n _, 0-

their Grand M'Blter" 'wbo, 'W,BI, seated, ,on '. GlIdeD Throne,

an:- "d',~: ruled ,- '-th·, ;e .. wo' ,', ,~, el d ,.,:~ .. L: ·s' ~-~ '0-: f ,i,""U--- -,

~ ~~ _. rw __ '.. . . __ _~' 'lP"llliUll . 1;ruu_J, "'V __ it

I't seelDl that: .,e are alw:a,l: m, 'dle :m'idat of the: KiDg~, dam 0,' God" hot, ,know' ,ilt not beeause we look .mr j't in .:1.._ .~u',-II-;,-,,'r: 'i!I'J~!IIi'. W·, ~e'" '1' '~'k: ~~r· ", ,~- h ·~l··',v' J" ,,-~ ... -_-'iI.lRi'I. . d'eILLIU UUIIIlID_IJ' ~"r~- _,_ __'V'V<., l.'v me ~U _,_ I:I"'UIOI.I~iIt' .~-

8CeDdin,g out of heaven, ,from God fReY. :21 ::10').,


,& UI'iD' AL····,'~ u".~. :S"-'~-IM' ,- "-_:'-'P("L" '0. ·T·~OO····· 1--'-: 'S-"'--IM·-ip'.··-;L--' 'D' 'T'~~~O"-' " B'~-:D

I~ '-i .. _I"',AA[~ [:_'.>:,' ,11.: .• 1_.1"1 ,...-n, ' ,.1.: -, ', '1' ·jDI l .•.•• .-'-.D


The , .... om --:',I·~;ro ''''I~·..I ~n"~:OD leDOOnotered iio 'the,

,....v, ~-,p ~'~"1 IIUU ~g.lj,"",., .. - -~. -~,. .'. - - .....

w'ori,d, are :allWBYS :found, ,in 'tIl'e, :rea'I"ID. ,of ,fraud &D,d deceit.


'The, 8'[I,oi-c,ot ,symbol of 'the Kingdom 011 God, was, '. _.mpI ..... -·I.-, ,_ ...... :Lj 'b~~iL'~'~--111 ·d--~~·-:~n I f ':th~:'~-~-' ·kio····d'·-"-",, ,-, J----c,-'., ~-, St _ <_,e, 1.1 ute _ ~WlUIU. ,-_esonjPtlO~ _ __c D_: ~ at ~__' -,-_g,_)om"ust

- Dot- ~ - - ·Ci··!Ii, ,ii'

a, . : m~.. . .. : ::ro:le~

The ,sym'bol ,did DO't rep,reseDt '. ga'mcu, with pearl,' ,ga~tes and, golden :str,eets, and a castle in 'the 'center. with a king, sitting on 'a, ,golden, 'tbr,o'De~, It r'8/W64s:n',4 'lui

el'~ .. A~D 1(J'-'~iI!!, .. ~'~:~..J ... ~J,AI·:".' Af' ~,:~-;'~,-' n_.J' l;--,u-;.-'fu~ .g.~.,,.~.,[.,,.~p' ~~,' U41!1',' .. ' .... J C f .'"'~.""~1 V·.- ,0'-_. P" I."."l-. [M,plll: ...... ,.·.' .... "-#jl

Th ,Il ,..... It M- 1:_......:1... 1-' f~ th- '-u-' ~ iii

'_ I_e rtdICleD,t: ... ,'_~:asters, ,lLIlew' 'we: :'8" 0': ~~ •. ~·.e ,:~ .DIVene.


Copy" 'gh ted m a1.eri a

T ." .;L··-'m th a"I!I', _~1. '. .... ..... . sted !D't··-:·'·'·,hJr "-'-'d,' ·th·, >, ", 'D-""'" ·t .£,0 Ule .. c__, '_ue-_~r'Ule represe:D .::., D erDI, .... ,:" an~. -~e,_,~·,o,

r~cmted the Infin~t-e~ [Creative Princi'p"le"--two

, ~r-' _....... ..., ,.. " . I, ", '" . ," .. ',' ." .. , , "

,ttrih'-· - t .. --. . f'; th - .. '. '·S~"'. ,'Iii" P' . ..... ,. -. ' 'tb- . - 't-· ..1.....-e'I'I-'- i' - th' :- - ,drdl,:n,

.,' ,'.D'eB 0 . ·.e 'uper,lor ,,'ower, '..1. '. g,Wi ,J)·O, 1 "8 ti--~.

f - -.. - - ,

o lcom, :in, eve",' lil"";n:d th~~'nd , from, :m',ultard 'seed, 'to man"

_ _ _ -, --, _ _ _ .. . _ ~ " ---'" ,og.,.. J Itt' - - ,_. - -- -- . - - ... . ... - ---' __ !II

The Circi,c has 0,0' beg!' ~ ',~DDing, '.' 'and no end 'and. the 'Dot

_ . . .. ~ ~ _ .. _~.- ... _ _ . _ ..... .- _. :. . _. __ ~ _. I' __ .. . ~._ I.. .

. .-

can .' b-' e expan ndedto '~I~.nfin·'~.·1 ,~I',"7 ~r~d: I eon .. tr .~~--~I 't;o: ~:n:.'I-:ml!l: "I-ltv,

.. " . - '.. I ." " !,"'_" oW ' .'. ,_ .. , ... '1;,1 'Ui;I.. '!IW'U" .. , , ... 1CI.Ii:U ..' ,iii . _, '-',1

T-Hi;, !DS<S···' ~O· ·S····· .. M'··: I"I..'C·.-'~ p·:·RI-'-N' ····'··:C·:·. '-IP'I -L··'~' C···· 0:; "N~ ." STI, ,:TUT"" 1···iB,:

': ._D .. _- J U,.:"", _~ .,,_ ri _," .•• '",_, ,' ~ "~ __ ' .. ' _ I~~"'" ]l.::.__: .• .: ',I

PAR O· ,

···········'.:T, ::"'F·,··' 'T"','HE'~"'>, V'TN··'G,'·~'DO"'·'·;·M····· 'O":'~'F'" oo,"'II:D'"

. --'I .1, ".J " '.1:,"", ~'I ",-I ." - •.. 1, ... 1 '.:", I ". I .• I· .. [t

Ll··:D .. ··.'Jj!I· A··-'N:'D···· M'- '.' 4.·N-':·

I~ ~I I~I'~ .••• J'... .... r r... ": .. ;" a o. J

The same mystery' RIIid, simpji,city that surround 'the:

,if", ..... "', ..... ',···1· ,'.' . , • '; '", • d" the ~,::..;a[g·"d·· '"' '.' , . ["[,",f OO····? ···d· ·aI··:·,· ,'" " .. ' :_".' u : "'I'd" 'L' ,,!';_.

.raJD 0 :' CQ,m, an I" ,e NIl om, 0_-< ',' '. _10 SUlTOWl, . DC,

and M' ',din ...... _'. I~ ..... r ~!I.

These '8ub,jiects, become cOlmplex D,d, confusing: be-

, .' u'" ,.L, .-,' -'II --'i'--dc, ,.Iii -. . C . ';h '.·..:rat'··,,·· 'd' 1 c·· ,-~

ca~. se uley are CI0IU\e·. In mue _c, m11.01.'eI'}' an. ,', V,I,ewcu,

'I!, tit "" g' l'~gh-" t'

o .' __ .'!. 0 •• : '.' I ':' [ .' [ [I",

lD e wron_.- I '_ . ,'. II

Th- e ,d~eBt' en:'en'~ ·ti'i~ AJ····· ';D'V'~;a 'C'~,a,~l' W' h·· ·'0· .. ··· k "ep' .. t d'.,....,.:n,d

. __ '_:_ ,iI§'I'!_<1 ~.,_l_j~illi,. _:_'.'~_'_~~'.:.c:,~ .• """,,_,,_., ."-'.' ,:._c.C_'_, ~,V.1fg,l61

for' tw,enty·sev'eD 'years, H, heart: fragJnent, removed from a ehick em'bryo", 'B'fter ,studyin,g Man :ior more 'than thirty

yeilli'tiliili:li ''l'lie'g'u' d' ..... ..1' M'·'G',*" .Ga' B' m-" .-', ,a "',a,.-v' 'lDn ;;;u"i;, ..... ,L,,',........!'-g., Ib'-' , 8·t:·, 'h''~, a't ,I;, "'[_'" :_;_C\l. __ ;u.lIl. .~ :,~' ,yaiL~IIIi,,if 'raQ yuifUUtlW<, 1:__ .' 'e

...... ftt·Le··· a"" bo aek ,ti,IIII'tI' ed ""M- an 'TI,·h-···' U'" _1--.· " ,~, hi·'iI!I-.'L

",.I;'UI.:. ,,_. ~ '.""":1 ',' ~ .:. , •. __ 'U;;U . ,: le-UKlI01VlJ"ID W'_L'_\a1

,he frankly declared "I« flM::I:. olar ';,.or;lJ.c,tI (o,i Md.) U

"'0"· ·1:"·~t~.J" (.' "'p .: ' '-, 4·" -) .•... ,

y', u .. uu .....• ,I

D'i:~. H" 'H'~,·· S······~e··.I·dlo·-'n,' U.·.I:n.',I·:V.:'~~"" 0.·'···.1:' NI··'.·',~. Y~···:::-o····rk·-'- . .a:--:-iiiil_

,II. '" .. ~." 'i!!!I,- UL_ , .,' ., , , '. IIW-.& ''"~''l' 1, .. ¥'!I!'''' '.' .. , ... , iMP

:proached, 'dire sUbjec:!t, ,in a di:ffereo.t 'way. He 'be,gan 'with, 'the, ,electron, and sai,d:

",IiIGetrons" lon,g th.OlJ,gh'.t to 'be the 'ultimate parti.c1es

f "hi~_L all '. i ed"h 'L 'L .

o 'W,lr;Uill .. _I_,j matter 18 ,~'orm, . :_ ,~~~ave now been :tul,O'Wn to

heve 'R :reality ,omy as a wave form, wlUl,1! 'an atom, eonsilts ,of a bundle o,f: such WBVes~ ",

''4'W- -:, 'A' M,.' ,i_d:;""li·,:.;J,.:J-";lI! .... ,.-z,.., .. ,.L,:.,..JI''lr1i l.. --'"18' M'ASJ,-l,'·"·e· ""1111/" "' .. , [ rr l;iiIi .. 'til .',- •. ~ 'Itiv.-laL.lIIo [ .. lHIvilU: )"i/U :~., ~." .. ' .o.u ~I~"" ,:'_~\ .' I-r.

Copy" 'gh ted m a1.eri a


PO,···, •• ·····.'· .• s··.··,ED~" - .:0' ···· •• F,,',, .-lTO/I:I,I_':l~gl ... , ,AN·": ... ~ :," "01 -' ,A.iT·.··O,·,_\ ;M,:'.··.'.iS'··.'i; Aft'.·-, P: ~M,:,':,.~

, .. '.. . '_" ~ . I I-S. I ...• "_ •• " I .ID UU.I_ I

. ,~


EX1" 'ST,-:,"~' AS"'~'" AN~"I'" O· .: ···,·;R"G~,,~,-'[";·IZ'~:··'B·-·-D~'····, B·-IUND-c·:'1 ,-L,~'·,'B~·'~ O·····.F-I:~-'

. .... ...' . .'. . , . ~ . " ..

, • " 'J ' _' • •• '. (_", _J "._.. ","." ••• , ., ' •••• ~' •• • - • - ."' '.': , I: . _ _-.. . -. :


I'· th iii d ljb '-M-" ph '!il<ca]-I being-I iii,

_- '1IDii!ii-- .'·H-'·'·ltiim·--·-·t-' ,..,- 'escr'- - - [ [G'ft aD! a-' ,- C"UJI"; .. ' . ,- -, ' .. '

,·,n . ': wr • I.'~ I'!!W". ,P , IL.'O'" .. :, .. '.'.I,C , '~",'. U&lI :iYD '. I ..•• ',"~~ '. ,', -, '._c',

the 'b·~;-I ;~:'-I~ I,·~ md ·th:- m- "I-Iv:' ,d'.n "jog '~; 'Sh-'-'-eldon's,

_._e ,. 10,O,&,lb." ,,--,Dun _~ _e __ ~se_, _ es ~, up n__ •• m" ~.' . __ ' _. .

·'- ..... '1"FACI tt p,_ ,.;ud' ,'C···· & ..... ",0·:" W' 'L·O·· said i!I!i

IT".·w lWiiP.!iittl LMJ WI,':, -" __ ''''11& ~_' -:11 -'._ ,_,:,0 '_.I Ig.-.I _1_:.

"W'e ,~sclen'ti8ts').··. do not ap-· •. p •. ·:l!ehend m'an as a whol~

_ • " • .. I. ••.•• _ I.' _. _ - _ • • _ _, _ I I " - J • . • _' - . - . _ - '_ ~- • • _- • _' [ •• 1

We', 'kn'~ -:. ". ~ fL,~'_ , •• ~ ~.t;Im' __ n:l!!li..l .0: if.: .eIi'iatm' :-:.' ~'ct, L, 'jl'tft'.do: 'Rven these:

.. -'- ,V''IP' DUD, IlUiJl ~---,~ ... ,,_'!I, -- '- ,r"'~ ~,-' -, .. ~ ....

,'"'_"'" , '." .. ' .~ .. - ued ·b·· .. ' .. ~ " .'-:--:- _"'I:--~'-. M-:-', '''''-I'm "'d-'~ 1 U'r' ,of a PIU:WJ are CFlea, ~:y our m'in,..IIuu.. ~,_~an ,II ,.~)a _ e, _.p _" _,

.... '.' ., .... ·f:·h 'to - IN 'THB MIDST OF WHICH

process, Or..: :p-,_IlD;~:,mll,.'_c'_, '.. ~. _~_,'.' ,~,;_~_ :'~,~, '.:.,,_::,.~,_ '-.> .~__:., ',' ',,'

TH~DiDST- ~'-'R~ .···.·'I:n,.:Ds··:····AN,············'U'· ··NI'·KN···'· ······:i'O'u'AB":,L· .. iD'Iil1"~AL:·"······ · .. I·r:rt"In,1I

___ ~_- .... _"":"____:~''_____::''______'_ .0:-"_"[':-- "_1 .~_.~,"".J'~ _", .... 1",_ . -'~"' .D'~__:l!!!· .,_.i., ~

(' ',\;. ,4)":.. 'The-.· 'caps-:·· ... ·· are eurs,

p - ~," - , - ,,- - -- - - - - - - - -

T'-:-:b', e·.... m-' 0, nu' ·t' o"beU··1 ;"11 all ·tIl- a't~ m ,'. 00' ' .. em' ' m..den· . nA :AG'n

1_" ~<.,_:. w ._< ;_ ,~ ~I .. : I .~",g :,1;._-' _~ ~ i_."_· I, ~-:_ M. :_ I_ I,'. '._.~:_ .. ' : :.~'., ~,' '.~.~ WMU

'teU U,9' about MiBDi nal "'all'; II 'ilIDounti 'to elm'OIt: DoddDg~ We' are, told 'that ,M'lU1'IS body is '. blundle 0,1 ·~ves,'·1

d th·,'· S··-I ~ "p-'" ·tb·"-,, "t·, aba' th;" ,,~'" tf''-' " "-

(,-,,-,'" I :I;-{_'" :_::·.' .. ··-.··:·._~·.·::I··.·.,'··~· ,.:.> ~.~. '. j ..••. ,1_1 ';: -1":"1 ~','.- . 1.:".J _I':·._~, .,-,'.-::-," ··i:,··I. (,~,":' : ~ --.":"

an ,_. ,I ..u.perlor '., ower . __ 8 .. ,m ' ... _ . ~~e gram O~, com

,d;""""-w, ~,' :di'n,d,' r I .~. --: , ......... due .. '1'·Nfi'lll~, ::"1 term .," ... -~ an,I'· "U .. ' -In':, lm···" 'Ol;·~,~dlb. "'lle-

6+" v ' '1iIoU _, _ e,pruu .. , ~ . ,~Il, I.Q ~ .. .UU ,_~, . _" . ~. IT'If ,"'" .' I .



Be, '. 'kD-' abo' t·, M··.. " , -- tIt-' '~t d·d~1

,-," - ,"", - - -," -_. - _',", . -,"' -.-:-'_ .. -,' ", _". . '1- ," _.. .' 1 [ ',',- ," . ," ,-" I

.I.e nee, .' ,OW'SI DO m,ore ;u,~ ,~ .. ,;an, DOW' &D, ,I), 1'1'_·

a tb,oUIsnd, ,eus qlO'il

A' N" ".~':' 1'~M~1 ,',~' ·G-::l·'-::N'::·~···.·iI1R-' v' B'-~'·E.'~~l"'N,,~':',G""

]:1' __ .: ... I,o_n .. :._,"_.a .... ~: .-': .. : ..... , .. _.

Copyr"ghtcd rnaicrla

1- .-, Tb: ,~I- e.' '. term L,,- - ;'-,'<8-, a', p-,_pe.~.o"l!l"Cl aa on -'I"v' 0-:1 W', .·.·~rd· .... 1 D" "r n -. ':d!'I'I!'I'A

ill [J(:. I.I-'i~" .,IL.!.I r~_I .... " .. ~ -;-"~ ~,CI _!I:t. "_,J _. IJ' " __ " _" U __ I .. I __ aIIlli.&V

£1:.. t d' - 6-1Ii- ... -. ...'L! g' .. d -. - ~. - '01: C· ,: ......,

wB -, •.• _. ,ec_c ~ne-s nOLUlD',t, 'BR<, ,means 0 ' :~y tJIlSC,IIOUI'

K-",ow:leilge' 0,1 our existence Bn,d, ,our enviro'D,. meat,

:2. The term Man appears 'as only '8 wo:rd or name

. -- elledro ~I:'-- --- - .. - ~S~I .• -it·- ·th--·I- '-Su--I. ~ . -. rier p. -.- r

app"ltl. tw'D,carnalli.e: -p'Jr: ',,:II:e 1·-~-_,perlO:_[ , . lowe" ,',

the Dot: i:Zl the Cr,ole, expand,edJ to human form ,and mani'festing OD, the 'M'ater,ial PI'uel!

The facts indi,cate 'that what we CQ,nsider Life and Man, [are ;-"';U081. It :i'B '8 case of not seeing what 'we -think, WID see" ahorw,ing, 'how' badly we are dec'Biued by our' ,Fi'fJ8 SeIlS6S'.

Cosmi,c Spirit, the Dot in the Oirele, 'the: Superi,ar 'q:o,,:utAr,-~I~ ·I~·t-L, ~-b\at,[[: 'W" ve W1··-,·,-'~1~1,· :iBrp' f\p_Jilrfl: as .' the L- :'if'e: P~-rinci'p,le

,~'I . ., .. ~ ,L~ll ._' ''''1\ _ , I'.. ,'. _ ,. u.. 'I ,!t"~l ~ '.. .. __ .... . - _t. l.' - - - ''':1 _"

'that [dwelLs In eve,ryth'iD~, from m,Ds,tw, seed to 'maD3tr-' 'bu,t not recog'o;ized, 'by selenee,

Co· .. ···-n~ll~,O·- 'U~ ~'on:~_ilDQ ~G, 'Q, state th . :-"8: ·t- ,-,n,pe, "'-.II:a'~ i'D th.·· -':IC.··~ Brain. rand

.. ~ . QU~;IQ M Q 'M ..... ' .. Ar-,_, ~ AA Q. .. , [~ .. __

m'akes man aware: o:f his [existen,ce; and 'hi,s ettv,imnm,en't


'~tG···'-:_ HB'~: "- I:'S··· a,······O···.:'M·,·" ·P·"L'·~'r .v 0'·' ····:U:·, ··T·· '. 0.· ...• p,:-' [C,', ·~:O::N·······'T·i'·CT····:--··:·· .'

,.LlL'-" .,~ , _' . .1,1 . .-. '.,_. . ..0 ,J. .D:.L.I ,I. ."' .. ,' . '. ,_, .. ',. . A· _ .


'HE' .' - U_~'D' [i'D- - 'D" 'D' U ,.~,. _ .. , '"',~~I _' ,; _ .... .-,~. '. :@~I_.

TI:~:a-· I't-- l'~'ral 'M-- [~'il!"iIP·:· '~, '0·':' ,~g" "~'iIi'I"I~'~'~~ U '-":'nl~t': o· .'1' ~alv·· -~,aa,. an -':11'.,

,",n, ___iOlI '" 'liLIi,iIi, l"Ul.l', __ ....... ,1( ZC'U, .;Ii ,,"1'1. --. Illi!:Ut---,

mated bv n--m"'I~~ ~;I"::r"I"'t-' making 'M,[····.·;;drn Clift; T~~um·:.·:;··.,~t--,

, 'MIL, __ , ----,I ~ .. 'Ioi! ~." -t --. tu\.!I ... ' ",.IU,.,I !lil;.l1i, UI,;c,w" ._-,....

'th··· . 'Ii ''IHiri'L, ' h'" --h,-I. [C"-"'- 11_ ·S-·I .iI,·,t- --. -- ..... ,~~, tit Miir,_-ii'.-'I'

·.m"6l1, Wc:_IC[~'~ '-OSIDIc-:plnl: [oonl~Ui~UJ! '_; ,e:I" ,a ... :erl'tu,

W····':- -'1- -d·· " .. 'lb:' - B:"L"I· -' mliI1i, .D..a[

..... ·or .. .'_I, 88 '.'_ Ie ,-I.O .. e, it'J ~.

Wba't we call Life :is 'the EF'FReT' p .. rod,ueed, 'by., Cos",

l l.-

Ii: - Sp:-- 'Ii, .-, ---ti-ii! ~ .: - - d~ 4!L~ "!Ii.Ai"I. ,,,;L- 'b- .. - " ~-~Id~" bod --

mu=, [._ .lnt ac,_;,~og en 'aD_ ,w'roufiia me t.,:ram, aD;·., DU·. ,y.

The ''?F'--F--~-:'~ ,a,·p-:-~.,a 'm·:- .m,[-,.",Bn·": . ,"s Brain GI[ID 'R', ~.ta· ·:I.-,-e: .0·.·1 ,,.....~rft~

t.,"~ "" ,~1A. .. r-~-~!CI! 1 _ 1 __ .' . _ ••• _. _ •• &.IA&I~, g.g! . D _ _ \...d1"&-A,


se ~~Ii-IO·.-' 'U' sn e _il'I-I.'!.- -.Olilr ... ~.

:Specifio 'statements :in the B'ib'le and other BDIC11ent 'II):

Copy" 'gh ted m a1.cri a

1·.,---' - -h'.'IiIIi\B, ,.: ~ ':-dd' ',~,ti-,oi--:---, :to---:-: --;d'-- ,-,I';" ,~--'.'-- --,:-- &D:--',d'; ,--:-L_,p......,-_

, 1!lIera .. u.:a, 1IIiii, :1:0, R .',' I, _ 00 _ -_' '.fi,a, 0 '. e .... ,ywneoC8 ,_", OWji~ 'If B'~

'r'::n:t1'" S-,U-I 'plp~-'o,~'r-"t' '"h,~ d~-i~'I-'#IIj'!iiiI'A··I~;il'i'n-,-'l's ~D~"_'~;~Ifi'llig",-, cL~-I~fe,-! ,-,n,d,

IW,VA" _, __ '_, -. _,: _' LlI~_ ...-wAi, RIo_ u c 'W'!I.f, _ ,'W'W,I; ,unl,.. ' '---_ UNi __


, ;~-'!!I'

Th 'M'-'-rlf. - 'h-" eld .'LiI'I'. n,_ -- til - 'S' - .,_-,,!!I,- ~emleQte8 the

,--,,·e,__:,_,~enj_~,e~,~~: ';w~: ~sml]l ':_pm_,_, 'p~:_./_:_i l_~:'

L~,..:.I !Iii' - - h- iii d- '.' d- '1'.1.1.., ..

:OOUy' J,_ 89 8tm,oSp~JerlO oxygeD, 'lUl~_ D'lmJgen_IJl~[Uae:

:n-" '10'''80' ,: l·al'ti~-~Dmi'l;i!:!iiCl!, He __ "D'I"!''''- ,:S'-·'-P-:··I·--t> lB~' : ~LD"~"-"'l-"ifI'IIl!lElI(ti:Ii!'n: ,ill P rmci",'le:

••• 11 ... : •... __ D .. _·~U""' •...... ~" ....: .. :: ..... , . __ '.·Wu~.~_·_._: ..,lill!~ _,I ,pi_.

(Jin. 4:24; 6::,63:".

Th,er,e may be contradi,cto,ry [statements, in 'the Bible-.

dla manv w- ,ere e-'Dda,ded-::~-- m'I,,~ 1 ~l:'~:"-D--'g: • ";L,~ '~_1"":I~~ 'thl--~- ~~e,,~"'~'-, B' ":ut.,::

MQII ~--. _ .~. , . ~ . ~ . ~--,l5rM1i .. - - - 1 .,,' ill _ -I..I_ - .. " UI.,: [lJIlnIfiIJ __ 'Will!. ui... ..

HO' ,stflllem'mt' :'H, i" d'I"18"'" co.lltliots' "lie till Irtio n, ,,,.,

C'n,' ~""'I·~ 8······~,A-I!I'-:'* ,:. "11:.,., S-'."'''''8''''8 pI' ·''''liN' •. -~ ~l.'4" ·..JUlial,r, ... , '''--, ~.\I."""" V . ,.'111 . lit I ... .ltP .,----.,.. I..... .:IIg, ' ... ~ "Ii'. [IJII,,'-.'" :'. u..,"er [I[nat, 11I1""lDIN In· ,fJll'

eMS' of BOe,,' li'via,,' 'hj.g~ :produciDg the body b the: :P~' cess of expan:siOD'., :and :8Ri'm:l!~g ,it, ,in 'tbe :&tate termed ,L',im.,

The Snp-~'reme Power' acting·; OD ma'ttw' .~uces, an

.. -, .. ,IJ ••••• [l..t ~ __ ' .• ' [ __ J.r ~I~._[ •.. ,._ •.•.•.. _

BFFECT' ,m. :man's Brai~n that: appears; 88 IConsoiou 17,-O···· ... 'lledg,··,',···"A th'll-t,'-' he '1'''9, a-' 'L-: _,:~'ft'II':' '~', .• J!I""!",,,,, L 'm·,,·:-ilL'~ng.":' bim ,4::n·;k'::

AUi _ ·T'"II .. '"_ ... 'W1 '. _ ..•. J • _ [~ [I.~ . _,,, .ill.,., . ,DG.W. ", lO .. :t&I'I _ .. -~ _ - . _ "_ ~J Pt_Jl. __ ,

. . .

"I ft, ..... L' i,la :u 0" "r' "I 1Ii'I1''''''' ft'- 'L""''';n-g' S"'~""O' ul' I I' A,.,_ m dl'l':'Iil 4oL,!-,'I'''e' 'til';"

~ 'aLu" _____._'----'iI!_,l~:I' ." ~. a 'IIU_&,I.,. ,... - _IT,ll 1 ~' " '_: ..•..• ' • I_;i .ftlIi • '. " _.:. UUuft.i:_ '.~ ' .• "

.' h SO,l's:~e.

As sclmtists search 'fo:t, 'the jm,aginary' reality they think 'tn,e]!' are, and, see, the,,. ~find mdy a P,hantaam Jagoria,

th-,,- t d 'iI!ib-

; ~ . 8y canna ~ I···escn· '.'e.

L,l,,·,D;., E·-.T·····~,'~R, ,~N:,~",'· .~L;~'

. [r,D :_,. :__, QI_:___.: .. I "_ lao .

Who- 'I, Lil" '8- alP Tha' 'KN"'O"'W"the" nl

t'.- '. "A . t':,C'-'IP'I!ft,- .-' - ". --, - ", W,-, ,,-, -'" -', -', '- '" ," .' " " ", "i '-, , " "

. _.~I . ~ -'."u. '. =: .... I.. II" .. : " ... ' ." 1' .... ', 1',' _ -, '. II ,I ',",' .:-",' !

_ . _ _ _ _ _ S ,_ ,__ _,~, _ _ ,_ t_ '.' e __ -. ,_ ,_ _ __ _, 0 __ .y true

God (In.17:~3),.

'l"'u·C!!t- Clia a: .... p'I'.a a'a 'th' -e' ,dpa':;n 0- f' ftft'tMi'IJ-_..I' ''I7''!'''"''"'g,-'--'d-< om-- -- -', '-',1'-' 1J .. ··.·g - '~I .,LLLI., 'J'I~~ _~I ~.-' 5~'-~ll . . __ ' . [~Ira_., Willi 1.D.ID.:~1.~~ .... 1.< -,', o·_~

G- ad b- 4.L.... ~L .... ~: ')- fan- th mn' ---

" -; .. '~ ,·'utu:n:: Or-wwOX', "a'--',ym. - -'-;,en'; ': ':. te drasp- ': _,--::-.: ]~,':I .~. I~--,_- ill

.. f - . -- - . .. . -. - .. lfjJ,~ .. u, j . mean.

ing of 'tbat stIBtem.e'DL

Tn ;~N": -- '::"'-0' ~ ",!.J :G, ~,,-',-"',o-~' .;"'.' s·· ,l"'}"~#'-'t.. ,a. 1., ~" .I'd! ,..-:...:1' d~,".~J --1,,_ !iii ,Au..," ._,,(1 .1IiI' _ ....,I~·" , ,...11 .. 'MiiI'lilf ",II!I1 a uv,I.-J1ia;fj.'

A .. L B'DF·D~ f· C' ,. 'i!i! Iii, M-

_~~Il u~,e_,£,-._~r~I,!.l 0, aplnt acting ua, ,_, __ 'attcr must

share' :m, the D'Rtare of the, C,.'---.· use -. '~;jI'[ii~~-:-dl'~·. ,Io_. tf)i, "I:: s:

_. ~ . _ _~. _ _ _ _ _~ .~ __ ~ ~;UIUKOLGI- 1 ,DO In

dad' • .DA and :B'O, th~,-,·e-: .0-- •. '101 •. --,: "I~·8 .. · '~""m, - .. al .. ,- :8,p··· ~.4" ~L·e-: 'D~~D~' "'!&Il ~,t aII!,I .. " . - ~ . - _. _. - _ .. _. .. l .. In!Lc=_ I . __ -.: _. "r ,.,N • .,I·W) ,Dr' &~ ~ .1.1

Copy" 'gh ted m a1.cri a

cou),d, StO't be less 'th;B.D, 'Btem,al" even though it mia" seem tol 'be less, 'to th,e Five :Se,nse: PaWlet' M'an.

'Tbi .. ~ ·.··e··;:~I:~:~E',,-·,:C-~-T'~~ ... ,J:~~I'~~ : rL.I.i!!ii: F:l~.V· ,~, 'S-···:·~:aA p;:~~.cIi!~r-: M-,.·',.·,···'iI!!il~,

_ '.. D,I" 1)1 ' __ .. _ _ ,.,.1'_ elHl,s lUI'!!!' " _ "'" I~ _ ""Jll.llDW 'U',.", ,"" CUiJi

1:1.' ~!Ii,S!' (J". '.r,-" .... ,~,.I . .LJ,~ 6>-". ~:_iI...D '. ~IN.,,~:"'g.-~' 1Ii.·:·.,fl··_': t ."iLt"·.,~ ,,"~," '-:iM:'1 0'.' ~ur-" --::_ F·I!!tlv-~'e~·.,:c;~~"i'!"'s.·.iA.'iCII·".I,

~ iIiIo"lIJI' ~ _ v '1, _ lIiI,flEOl" _ .T .n., ;f 1'!IIl'.,"., .' III. ,"~, .'."". _.. _ _ ~I ~ ~

dece:ive 'us. THE M,OT:ION' O'IF T'H8 BARTH


In, living man; the :EFF,BCT ,i's v.i&i:ble: evidence 0:1'

Q..'1t '. ill b II; __ I 1.._ ,It ') d' .' th' 'p'.

upln,t aC'tin,g on, P~>.YSlluw, SUDiltanlDe, mls~,ea:~~lng tne ,1,_:.,98,

Sense' Power' ,Man to thulk th'Rt, bj,:& body ,is, 'himse'lf" or th ' '" t·, t.., .... iii, 'Li' i'f'-

~' I'a~ ne 1,8, are,

The Bible clear)", ,says:

That statement is plain and positi,ve~ and 'agrees

fb f~ f d" iI·-' L__ - 'Iio d:' '.'

e:_~acts 0 : .. ~. 1;81 " OuzlC'rYati,Qf), 'Bn-'H ex,penen.cea

'Co'Rllid}u wh'at IDee'DrS if we decrease the: 'appearance of: the ,H:F:FBCT IOlf S,pir,itual'Contact 'w,itb the Mater,i,.1. 'n:~~~'~d,'-~ b IV :-m"I-,t~n,d' man ua ·~Ollon::O.~lII'[lia'_, He 1-11'ioC~, ~~.:I'I co,-,:n:ta·.··:~

nlUtlil.l 'I' _.WU -6 . ~II - wv - cn.Ir.l, .I~ [ , W ~ lUll "". . .. \ill!!

tiIItb' - thO' Id-' AD"" - K' '1a.A1C f' t..! ... 'L ..... !-. --'I,: • 'h

WI; •..•. ~ .' ~. ~ e WD,r _,: ~_a,,~ ~ _' . _ <'now ,~~e' IO-~ :: DDJi IKW:Ig iUlve vam'l~ ·Ie&.

,m the ease of tbl se F~'1:rtil:lll: "?:';-';IIC'NCIii' P ;0.··· ~il:lrr M"--(lft,,

_~~ ~~ ,_ ~~ ~ _ . _ . __ JYIIiiii! ~_~_ .. 1IT'-"'_ _ uuu

,An uneenscieas man, ,is still ali-Vie., 'B'ut, :for 'the Five Sense, :Power ,MIJt ther'c il: ne 'KNOW-L,BDGE 9:£ themselves, 'tlteir exiBt-enoe,; or their euvironment.

Then. wb:at: is LifeP Co n6CiOIU' ,g:nOIg",'silglJ lot 16e' om" true GtJd,.

Then wbat is M'an? A 'bod~Y' built of: coD,densed, ICOS,~'

WM':'C' .', R·'···GV8'1 iII!Ift;d"'~ !' ..... 'L'B',b,·,··I'!Ii'te--' 'd:' 'b'"'v ~--m:I'I", S··,.lp- "I'~n"""

&&&1. .' .. ;. ".11&,'1 .. , .rill,1 IIW, ." :':' .. 1, " •• 'J ,1"')1' '\..dJIJ. ,_~' .~' : '-"'1 ',:..I_. "~L.

WB··-:--,-:- S"-'O:'L"TD' 'T'-HE' MY'·:I'·····8T~-··"B-··R·'···y~'~ O:'D' MAN'-":-"'- .,-' .. '., BI~"y·:-';·

"','- .',: :_~:, , ._.'.1 '~ ~: ~ 1 'yo Ell ~,~, ~ _,=--_i_~ :_', '.'. -. ': :~.:~: ~ I, - .... _ I : ~I: -:: , ., ... . .. ' ._/ J["J . I.; ._ . ,r'.'f!' r. 1_ ., .. ". .I ; '.: : ~":


:IN-········O>-' T' .. "H'n 'F' "'-'A- ~I P'-'-'O''''''R-'''' W"''LltA.iT· '. T- "·HBY'''I ,,,- D,lD Tb-'l

..r I ~ .. I' 'I~I 1~·-,,:·-:···'\.A,1,D . .:_ .. -,I .. _~.,I :,_.: '_.'·I_.'~ • 1 '_',.i~~_-~,: ._; ,~ __ t., .t ~ .. ~_·~I ~,~'~Bi_:

m ...... 1t' .. '_ .... , th -I ,A m- ·.··-vAt· \etrV ~IS' ra~m--I:-Ip· I', 'll~ itiI~, th····· e musltanl seed and the

, ~._. ~ , 'I~· .... ~,.. DI _ '._"l.,~ ~ _ .. _. . .. ".,' . _ _ _ - _~-.


Copy" 'gh ted m a1.cri a

I(i'ml~om of GOd. Much too ,simple for &eience; and, n6giOD~

I~"r'!" ''''---:--- ,-I'6Ii!m-=-s' . th,--·, -'D'iI!!!!e- :0--0'" ~ ................. ,~ft, S···~·.·m'.;t'- D'- '0' S·······u-prcmc··

l~.enoe UlAI,-,--,-~ , .' ' .• ""'" .• .W' D' . ~lIU''W'-r'"'' -1111 ,. ' .. " r ,_;' , . ..'

:PI,~,:,,:~I", That man,'s 'bod" :fuuction'. bee.use: ,it fuDctiiOR.~""

ower. ~. _ .... _ .. .~, " _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ "" ~ ~ _'"""""""' ~ .."

. '-'-''''Id< .... ~~'hen' " " -I :bodl"-·{·.·-:' I:.. .. -~-,:-, --:""~':. ,th·,': ,. 1-" '=:al'th'~··- ~tal··- 'I ......_.~ .'. '1,'1 m·",,·,·- .:, '.

an,,, . w" _ .. ~_ .. '." ,. _ ,. I, UDWw,cm, 13I.U1" ' ... PI " . e~. 'RAI,O, ,,, . "IlL

Theology that man" las ',lotured, 'by seieace',1

• Etern-'" 11- Liiife-' the- gUt-.. I" God' " 'b-' bel'I '.

'm·:· ·.·,a'-', ,-,-. "":- ~·:,··ve·~·-.-: '.' : :::.:--:-':1: L:,~ ,di'illll,' ,c-, ,-," I 0" ",: ":,C- ',: ",iV' ".: '~8rift.'

_ .y ,recm, "._' _ '_ _= ~~ ,~._ :._"'_ '_._~ .,,'.<~----,. __ -',I __ .' _-lI~''''~

lb"at 'the gospel J'esua was the: Son of God who gdudy

...J~·ed··-:·'" ·on·:· ,': th:""-"e' ~-~ W', ,:DCI"hi 'milii, "lid [U;o; ... , .. , ~-"m' . o····ur"-' ':""Iii 'm"--: 'Il..!.a' '0'''''''[

W· .. -_"_·-· __ . l.-'_·_ .. ·~: l"'U~ _ .. ,Al~'L'·._··.'_,1Ii1 va UU,···_,· _.~:I. ~g,iIU!' :_~ __ ,Ill,. -.1"'f' •.•

bl,ood- (Rev, • .1:,5] ,.,

'Does that, lound, reasonable a,r' logical,P

D- ,PJJ.I'~B':../; lon,~ . r, ~

,As, a 'better ill.uatrati'oa, 01 the m.,sllery. we 'm:tl;Y' ,go :a step ,farther 'and, deer"ease, 'the 'sigos, 0:1: the, BFFBCT [stil'l mOf\e~ bIJ' oblitenltiDg the SD"boon_oUl :DepartmGt' of Muu!. Thea, 'body functioQ, ends" leavi'ng tb,e body li'lel.,es&,

H:,o:- ,---AO··' ~--- 'CIdlI,ed·-: up,': C!I'~'ence: AdC::S y~:, Tbe,r-", ".-- f··-;,,~,

~ m,_ _ IJIj:CIJ __ _ _. _ " .:JGlI" _ _ u.y u ,,~~ _.,. _ _ _~_

88:)" 'No.,

'Wh,at: hu :hap,peI1'eclP Only this: Co nsclo liS' ,Kno~wl~ Btl" no '."er' 8'/ill.IlrS' itJ, lAs' 16rldft, b[,e.". 0:0'."", Sfliril tlO lon,,'," "fa ofllu Iwaj.~,

'The term :U,_th,~I.'.1 m'eBD8 only'Ihe .'6S[lm06 of d' 3,,'a",s'

ot O'OItSdmmlBSS o,n~ the ,1I1Isica' ,tJ,'II.fl~

CoaacioUSQelS a:pp~ ,in 'the brain, OBI", 'when COsmic

Sp'l~-n~:t·, ·Rots· " .. ', - no l~'iI!<' lila ·U'·gh,,:"'t'" a-'p-pe-'''D'PG m·' an AI'~"'I' ,i11I:lg'h"l·t, gl""o"'he'"

I (,'.::".".', -'" . : I'U.: :. 11.' '~ I "" II. I, [', : .. :. ~Ra~gl .. '. aJ.i& "':.l~-Ll--,.~ ,1,1 _" ": ",; -, ~. r ",'

- " --.' .- --, '-- '.- .~ ,,-'-' -", c - --- - --' --,,-- .--'-" -_'-' ---. __ ~-'_,,-"" .. '

:0" 'i""~11' '~~,h·" ~. th;- '. A ft!i"l""e. ae "'~ on ·1~I,t'-,·

.IDJ "11 ...... _ W ,~!J'" .,1; ..111;0 _" _ . . _ ~

An, el.eetri,c ,Ugbt gI,abe: on the: po,fter he; with, 'm thou-

S8'D.d mere, :if it ,could, think, it would, think of itlelf' asi an, inde,peadent. 'bei'D,g, as; man ,thinks [al 'bimaelf' BI an Independent beiDg,.

Cut off: the power,t and the light ,is .goDe~. In 'the, CB8C:

OJ:: 'ID' I ,a..,. ""u'l'-' 0'" ,t,'~ th···,'fie··: Su- ~~pr--'D!lfte- P ,'o--:'w~'er--- an,d' ,th,"i" .. ~ light: ;- aI· -:.~

ll" .. AU" "-", __ ' .. ' U .,,' .. ",.' .~u'. .' . .... ~" ~ '_'-': ," _~:I., .8 ,_ig!'V'


Copy" "gh ted m a1.cri a

gone. Man. KNOW,S D,Otbing" AJI ,,.',," 01' Cfm.lCi'QrutJ"". Mt,gO":i

'Wei ldilliko 'to, repeat: 10 mu,ch, 'but '\VIe Uttdealing wi,th,

tb- e .f~a-teat~ 'm-~,·~;aP't7 in th '~'e, · ~W,-, -~r,'I~'d'! a-n,d< it"" ~ ';1-:.,'· enve :-110-~_ned-,-' -, 'm·',--,

. 6R'fiit~.-~-..... ·-,T'D' ..... !I!Ii,~ - .' "._ j"_ ~ •• v ,.1 .• -11 RA. ', .. '." ~u ... I .. p .. ,. _

_ '111'1 lb' .:..... tha- h- ,~.;I ......... ..J b • ... !,l:! iii

_'I, ':--0' m,g~-~It; CBDue P,&-'~,u~ '-Y' ICIleDi.wC' Ign,onnce

and thea'l,agleal ,fraud.



What 'we~ know 88, • :U,ving ,man is 'Rot e, 'heiag ae,pamtc' and ,d'istiftct &-om th ,'I SII"'reme' Power, 'but the 8F'PRCT'

, " , , " ,e '-,1""" ",. " "-""-,' ,,' ,- ,,' "-"

nf:" th "e'-': S'--"·,p-'-'_m."" I- P"-,A.., •• :~"":~~A" on,'- -', tb, ·'IA 'm-' "!lin_'_·a1" '-, p: - ,'I' 'an- , ~

u _ ... __ !U._.l~ ~,_,UYT~,"I_.I-~~:I5,_,-,·_-~·--·i_~,.--_.I .. _- ~

dmJugh an organized 'body of' waves. ad producmg ,in th . h- I . . .. b t:'. 's~ tJ f' n ... _ .'. . .. ..... b' '. CIt -L .... w-1dl

'I . _ e' .. ' um~an ' __ ;}nun, D, ,~':~ ;ta'j,e' ,0 " i\,..iUDsmo,usnes9~1 'W,-I'·· .• ' IWU:~'_

clesrl" ,inform m'BD thld: he' is the 'IrFFBCT of, 'the 'So,~

"p- :"~A1!'ftI"', Power ma'''I'~l._''~~g-' 0,''''' th Ill! m','" d't'~n,~~'1 pl~ftiIII

, .. & '~II!P -~ - ""'f,~, ,-,--,,-,Q&:I.X-..a1lPU1; -, '. \ail ,_,-,~ .~ .• ~)!Ao. ~~ ",-,m, 1,,~,~_;A;j!I.

",,, •• m"" KN10'JI'S' tAd", 'Am, "al, iJltJ,6S Ie KNOI',,' tAs' onl" Ira's G,od.

Before' 'he' :KNO'WS that, he: is mi.,ed, 'D,d :is 'searchiug

here: BD'd tIl,ere for 'God" DOt: 'l(NIOWIN'G, that God ,is within him [Lu, l7'::21l.

M- - -~ iIi_ be - - --- .'L 'S" - - -~- p- -w - - '11'" -----" 'thr--- .... ·--.eL, hi'a an IS .. ' ..... cause UI,e •.... u,p'reme ' .. ·'0 ~'.' ~er'~d,OW,B ' ... , ,OU&I" ! .,"

bed - C-- H th-I d all flm- j d iii I d~i

'" ".1 '-~, '~"_'-t: 0-'" -',',: ,,-'- :-'IC--- po~,--~~:,-~-: CU'iiII,-:' I •. r ·'__I-'~ ""~O- n-- ...... c'ii::i! ml. '-'0: 1-611~· lID" - g~

: -y. '. ,D ".' _ ':~ ~ .. ' . _: ,wer , 11 _~,' _, I .. '~' 'WW, _ _ !!IIoI&.g, , ' I .. __ , _ _ __ .'

the: It&te ,oli: h-nD'n, ,functi,on called Con'ac-i,oWlI1'elS~,

There is DO Conaci'O,UID'es8 in, the' hmin, except th,at 'produced, by' the :Suprem-e' Pewer acting 00, the brain.

W-- H"~' "y-.:'~' W'" ,-':1,;'- L~"I,-:T7',r:11

:> I ':, [' .. , " D [,"'\:' D'

Dr, R. :,'0.' .-b., Ail"t-' '~'" "';J',~-n!'k··G'1ji,. w~,,-,- ':'0,' '-r-'J"d"-I, renowned I~,A~~~ ..

.;1; .... . Y-&. ,.t'I... lY:LI-lIIMoIi.,'_ . ,.. Il!ilP\U, "'" .... !InI, IIinl;IIIW,U ua ...

h d f'~' tit Csl- '~'lIii-' • '~I' II f -T aim I" utb 'I

'-DB-~ 0'-;-'·' ,-- ~,~ . 1- - I" :~m~'~ :1"'" ~ 'D--~:~,,iitu'-Ite' - ~ '-'-~'~: "-~ ',:.' ,"--'0'" ',-, ,'-',:~i. '--'~-'~I ~','~'- -: ~-:

_~_~ ,' ~_~",",_,_~~_. ",,_,,---, __ B,,_,~_DU_-._:~, _ _: o,___' .,_'e- __ -' __ .:0IY,B_, __ ,."ority

_., In_--,...,~. n,_,o, ,.' ,tld"-'.

00, ~IC ,.&Ulys, ,181, .~,

Copy" 'gh ted m a1.cri a

·r~"·' h~IP':'IP:'II~~fii'"i'~' af . r ''ii;~ _:. ".Jt1'",e·'?·· ,'b 'r,1 . Id" 01" I IO-'? 'B spirit or

gilL u... _:. ~.Il~ I... _"_,'W',, '-I. (Ill ... I I '!I!! LIi I~ ~ ~I~ _

:__, .:..1, 1_

matter? , Iilton Hotema takes 'US OD. ,I remarkable journey that

._ _,'

explores .. ,: ·:b., __ ,t happens 'tOI US, after death .. ,

] 9.5 9 _ ontent: - _" an " oes Not Dk -, '. .'I~' " QI:; 01: Die he Su-

preme P'OWIC I Kingdom of God, The Ancient Symbol, .~ ife ,an.ld Man, An Imaginary 'icing" ,- onsciousness, Life ' Tt,'mali

. '1- ~y.. . 'e 1 iv '<. P-I~ 'r;' 'llll'a! C" onsci 0···· 11 "[!;'I'nt c· !it."'I!I;]! C:' 'JUt s» '~fi':-' ed IG'" '0-::" .. yth

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Health Research

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