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Mobile Learning in WhatsApp for Primary Science

Enhance Higher Order Thinking Skills

Shamsina binti Mior Musa

Teacher, Sekolah Kebangsaan (FELDA) Kota Gelanggi 2, 27000 Jerantut, Pahang, MALAYSIA


Mobile devices in education are a new learning mobility and function which offered new
generation opportunities that are not possible with desktop computers. These opportunities can
leads to many new and exciting uses of mobile learning that we are able to take advantage of.
Recently, mobile learning becomes important role in students’ learning process. The popularity
of using mobile technologies among students has increase dramatically. Devices such as tablets,
iPads, smartphones, e-book readers, Netbooks, and iPods connect students with access to
information and enabling interactivity with others. As a result, the learning activities can take
place either within or outside the classroom. Applying Virtual Learning Companion (VLC) such
as LINE, WeChat, WhatsApp and other instant messaging can form the basis of many
educational activities. By using instructionally-related instant messaging (IM) discussions,
students were able to engage in effective discussions in response to the assigned questions,
devoting a third of their comments and half of the words they wrote to these aspects of their chat
participation (Kinzie, Whitaker and Hofer, 2005). The role of a Virtual Learning Companion
(VLC) that can be accessed at any time and from almost any location is, and will become an
increasingly important component of many educational projects, whether they be based on
traditional classroom instruction or completely removed from a formal educational setting (Hsieh
and Wu, 2013).

Ministry of Education Malaysia will increase the ratio of examination questions which
consists high order thinking items start within this three years. The questions construct will be
reflected as in Bloom Taxonomy that assessing applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating
skills. Also, creativity and problems solving skills will be added into (Chapter 4: Students
Learning, pg 6, PPPM 2013-2025). According to the Bloom Taxonomy and Revised Bloom’s
Taxonomy, analyzing, evaluating and creating components are at the higher level order thinking
skills and applying at the intermediate level.

Figure 1: Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

Based on Pohl,2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn,p.8

Science is a subject that lends itself well to the higher levels of Bloom’s. As teachers, we
can help our students internalize each topic by creating challenging activities in which they
practice applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating information obtained either inside or
outside classroom. Nurture students’ understandings inside the class have been core ability of
teacher, however by encourage them using WhatsApp outside the classroom schedule will help
teacher explore their HOT skills in new platform.
In Science learning, the standards indicate that students at higher level cognitive order
when they able to critically and logically make the relationships between evidence and
explanations. In order to prepare lessons that guide students through the critical thinking process,
and to provide practice at it, it is imperative to have an understanding of that process and to
recognize its characteristics. Higher order thinking requires that students to understand science
fact they were learning, making inference, relate them to other facts and concepts, or apply them
to the new solutions or new problems. Higher order thinking may seem easy for some students,
but difficult for others. But here's the good news: (1) higher order thinking, like most skills, can
be learned; and (2) with practice, a person's higher order thinking skill level can increase
(Thomas and Thorne,2009).

Traditionally, instruction in classroom only reaches the lower levels of taxonomy.

However, today’s science teachers struggling devising ways to prepare their students able think
critically. Teachers have to teach students how to think, engage them in the construction and
pursuit of ideas by inquiry them into authentic questions. Newmann and Wehlage (1993), had
built authentic instruction which based on four standards which are need for inclusion of higher
order thinking skills, depth of knowledge, connectedness to the world beyond the classroom and
substantive conversation. Questioning strategies that consistent with a larger knowledge and
information can enhance student’s critical thinking. Lesson using WhatsApp social media system
can simply write any scientific inquiry and thus challenges students to think critically.

Rules BEFORE Employing WhatsApp

 Parents’ consent necessary for this project. WhatsApp's license agreement requires users to
be age 16 or older. Since primary school students below age 12, they need permission from
parent use this Peer-to Peer (P2P) social media system. The users can send text messages,
videos, photos, and audio messages to one or many people with no message limits or fees
(until after the first year of use, when there's a $.99 annual fee).
 Parent, teacher and students should be clear about what are the goals they are trying to
achieve. The objectives of using this instant messaging are to increase students’ capabilities
towards science contents and enhance collaborative skills among them.
 Teacher has to set several group according to student’s cognitive ability. By understanding
the needs of diverse population of students’ has become essential to effective instruction,
teachers can make decisions about ways to differentiate instruction to address the diverse
needs of their students.

Rules WHEN Employing WhatsApp

 Students and teacher should use proper language when engage in WhatsApp interaction.
Slangs are prohibited. Students should ensure they're careful with their language when
communicate, because the most important thing is that their point can be understood by other
 Time constraint for each activity should be stated. Teacher should put limitation for every
activity posted. Students have to promise to get everything complete within the time
constraint. The maximum amount of time allowed for the discussion will help students and
teacher manage their learning successfully.
 Discussion should be within Science contents only.
 Positive and negative reinforcement. Teacher should employ a punishment and reward
system. Punishment applies when students failing to follow rules stated and reward for
students who behave responsibly and want to put effort into their learning. Teacher can give
stickers and praise in attempts to make students happy and feel good.

WhatsApp and What is it?

WhatsApp and Bright Ideas.

Students can participate in collaborative projects with their peers across the room or across the
country, using email and instant messaging as their chief means of communication.

Regional, national, and global school-to-school exchanges can take place through the channels of
email and instant messaging.

Communication between student, teacher, and parents can be enhanced through judicious use of
email and IM.

Students working in the library can relay questions and findings back and forth to the classroom
using instant messaging -- it's quiet and quick.They are more effective. They get the job done
better and faster.

A sample chatting What is it? Exercise.

Teacher [9:07 PM]: Pernahkah melihat ikan itu? Dimana?
(Did you ever see that fish? Where?)
Intan [9:15 PM]: Finding Nemo. Ikan Badut. (Finding Nemo. Clown Fish)
Husna [9:15 PM]: Nemo. (Nemo)
Teacher [9:17 PM]: Bagus Intan dan Husna. (Great, Intan and Husna)
Teacher [9:17 PM]: Soalan (Questions):
1. Nyatakan bentuk interaksi antara 2 spesis tersebut.
(Explain form of interaction between those 2 spesies)
2. Ramalkan apa akan berlaku jikan anemone laut pupus.
(Predit what will happen if sea anemone extinct)
3. Berikan inferens bagi jawapan di (3)
(Justify your answer in (3))
Intan [9:28 PM]: 1. Kerjasama cikgu. (Cooperation, teacher)
2. Ikan pupus juga. (Fish also will extinct)
3. Sebab ikan tiada tempat berlindung. (cause fish didn’t have
Husna [9:29 PM]: 1. Simbiosis. (Simbiosis)
2. Bilangan ikan akan berkurangan. (The number of fish become
3. Sebab ikan tiada tempat untuk menetas telurnya. (cause fish
didn’t have place to lay eggs.)
Aizat [9:39 PM]: 1. Kerjasama antara berlainan spesis. (Cooperation between
different spesies)
2. Ikan akan berkurang tapi tidak pupus. (fish will decrease but not

3. Ikan bagi sisa makanan dan anemo laut beri perlindungan dari
musuh. Ikan boleh berlindung pada batuan jika tiada anemone laut.
(Fish will providing food through the scraps left while eating and
anemone defend fish from predator. Fish still can shelter in rock if
anemone extinct)

Teacher [9:20 PM]: Aizat, jawapan No 1 dan 2 betul tapi 3 ada kesalahan.
(Aizat, Answer No 1 and 2 correst, but not for No 3.)
Teacher [9:23PM]: Anemon laut akan lindungi ikan badut dari musuh, berikan tempat
perlindungan dan bekalkan makanan dari sisa makanan dan tentakel anemone yang mati. Jadi,
ikan akan melindungi anemone dari musuh lain contohnya ikan lain dan parasite. Najis ikan
badut juga jadi nutrient kepada anemone laut.
(The sea anemone protects the clownfish from predators, shelter, as
well as providing food through the scraps left from the anemone's meals and
occasional dead anemone tentacles. So, the clownfish defends the anemone
from its predators such as other fish and parasites. Clownfish's excrement
also provide nutrients to anemone.)

Aizat [9:23 PM]: He he, sorry cikgu (Ha ha, sorry, teacher)
Husna [9:23 PM]: Cikgu, saya betul tak? (Teacher, are my answer correct?)
Teacher [9:25 PM]: Semua betul. Awak semua pandai. Kenapa anemone laut boleh
pupus ? (All correct. All of you are clever. Why anemone can be extinct?)
Bali [9:25 PM]: Hi semua. Sebab buang toksid ke dalam laut.( Hi everyone, cause
throw toxic waste in the sea)
Intan [9:25 PM]: Betul. Kalau nelayan kutip dan jual secara haram dan berlebihan
boleh pupus juga.(Correct. If fisherman capture widely and sell illegally, it will extinct)
Azizudin [9:27 PM]: Kita boleh buat program pemeliharaan dengan cara membiak
semula atau kita kuarantin tempat yang banyak terumbu karang macam di Sabah. Jadi tidak akan
pupus la cikgu. (We can do reservation and breeding or quarantine parts of sea coral such as in
Sabah. So, in future, it will not extinct.)
Aizat [9:23 PM]: Marin kena buat pemantauan dan hukum sesiapa yang curi.
(Marine has to monitor and punish anyone who capture illegally.)
Intan [9:23 PM]: Dan kita boleh buat kempen tentang anemone laut dan keburukan
kalau dia pupus. (And we can design campaign about anemone and negative
outcomes if they exticnt.)
Teacher [9:23 PM]: Bagus semua. Memang hebat awak semua. (Good. You are
A sample chatting Bright Ideas exercise.

Bali [9:15 PM]: Kenapa semasa hujan berlaku banyak kemalangan kereta?
(Why apply a lot of accidents during the rainy day?)
Intan [9:15 PM]: kerana semasa hujan penglihatan terhad.
(because rain limit the vision to see)
Husna [9:15 PM]: Tidak nampak jalan. (road become unclear)
Intan [9:17 PM]: Sebab dia bawa laju. (because he drove too fast)
Azizudin [9:17 PM]: yeah (yes)
Intan [9:18 PM]: Aziz, nak jawapan penuh. (Aziz, full answer please)
Azizudin [9:19 PM]: Jalan licin la, banyak air. (Road become slippery, a lot of water)
Intan [9:19 PM]: betul (Correct)
Bali [9:20 PM]: Kaitkan dengan geseran. (relate with friction)
Intan [9:23PM]: yeah, geseran kurang sebab air jadi bahan pelincir.
(yes,less friction because rain as a lubricant)
Azizudin [9:23 PM]: yeah (yes)
Husna [9:23 PM]: Kalau tayar tiada corak lagi licin di jalan.
(If the tires tread become less, it will reduce road grip)
Azizudin [9:25 PM]: Masa musim hujan kena sarankan agar tukar tayar baru yang
(Suggest when raining season, we have to change new tires)
Bali [9:25 PM]: Tayar penuh corak. (Tread depth tires)
Intan [9:25 PM]: betul (Correct)
Azizudin [9:27 PM]: Jadi kesimpulannya Bali apa. (So Bali, what’s the conclusion.)
Bali [9:30 PM]: Air adalah bahan yang boleh mengurangkan geseran antara dua
permukaan. Geseran berlaku apabila dua permukaan bersentuhan.
Ini kira keburukan geseran la.
(Water is a substance that can reduce friction between two
surfaces. Friction occurs when two surfaces are in contact. This
topic is about disadvantage of friction.)
Newmann,F. & Wehlage, G (1993). Five Standards of Authentic Assessment. Educational

Thomas, A., and Thorne, G. (2009). How To Increase Higher Order Thinking. Metarie, LA:
Center for Development and Learning. Retrieved Dec. 7, 2009,

Kinzie, M. B., Whitaker, S. D., & Hofer, M. J. (2005). Instructional Uses of Instant Messaging
(IM) During Classroom Lectures. Educational Technology & Society, 8 (2), 150-160.

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