Practice and Review Classroomhandling7

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Practice and Review

Exercise 1
Opening and Managing the Classroom

Hello, Good Morning! How(1)____you do ? My(2)______is Mr/Mrs.(3)________ I am

your(4)_______teacher. Okay Let us(5)______the register. Who(6)______not here today ?
Why is she/he(7)________.(8) ________you (9)_______ homework ? Today, we
(10)________ going to ________the javanese language history. (11) _________anybody tell
me about it ?. Now (12)______your book (13)______24 (14)______!.

Exercise 2
Asking for and Giving Information
Teacher : ____you______homework ?
Student : Yes Mam!
Teacher : _____is that about ?
Student : It is about completing blank sentences.
Teacher : How_______sentences do you have ?
Student : Ten sentences mam
Teacher : Great. _____you submit it now please ?
Student : Yes sure!
Teacher : Okay let’s start the lesson. ______you ready ?
Student : Yes, I am
Teacher : Andi, What_______your answer to number four ?

Exercise 3
Giving Suggestion
Bagus : Hi Boy, How________you ?
Boy : Hi Gus, I_____great.
Bagus : I have’t done anything with my homework.
Boy : I__________you_________ focus on it right now!
Bagus : Yes, I will try.
Boy : What’s the matter ?
Bagus : I think I suffer Influenza.
Boy : Maybe, you__________ see the doctor soon.
Bagus : I am affraid I don’t have enough money.
Boy : What about_____________counter medication first.
Bagus : That sounds a____________idea
Boy : If___________you, I _______ not consume to much ice.
Bagus : Thanks, for the suggestion.
Boys : Welcome!

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