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J. Marine Sci. Appl.

(2012) 11: 74-82

DOI: 10.1007/s11804-012-1108-3

A Nonlinear Restoring Effect Study of Mooring System

and its Application
Jian Zhang1*, Huilong Ren1 and Lijie Zhang2
1. College of Shipbuilding Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China
2. Tianjin Centrans Shipping Management Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300000, China

Abstract: Mooring system plays an important role in station keeping of floating offshore structures. Coupled
analysis on mooring-buoy interactions has been increasingly studied in recent years. At present, chains and
wire ropes are widely used in offshore engineering practice. On the basis of mooring line statics, an explicit
formulation of single mooring chain/wire rope stiffness coefficients and mooring stiffness matrix of the
mooring system were derived in this article, taking into account the horizontal restoring force, vertical restoring
force and their coupling terms. The nonlinearity of mooring stiffness was analyzed, and the influences of
various parameters, such as material, displacement, pre-tension and water depth, were investigated. Finally
some application cases of the mooring stiffness in hydrodynamic calculation were presented. Data shows that
this kind of stiffness can reckon in linear and nonlinear forces of mooring system. Also, the stiffness can be
used in hydrodynamic analysis to get the eigenfrequency of slow drift motions.
Keywords: coupled analysis; nonlinear restoring force; mooring system; lower frequency drift motion
Article ID: 1671-9433(2012)01-0074-09

1 Introduction1 Loukogeorgaki et al. (2005). The restoring effect of mooring

system is investigated in this paper. Similar to hydrostatic
It is inevitable for a floating offshore structure to encounter restoring forces, mooring force related to the buoy’s
external disturbance caused by ocean environment. Floating displacement can be transformed into mooring stiffness and
structures such as semi-submersible, FPSO, TLP, and SPAR can be calculated at its equilibrium point, Zhang (2008). For
must gain the ability to keep position, especially when they linear hydrodynamic analysis in frequency domain, any
are in normal operation service. For the marine structures physical quantity should be linear or be linearized. However,
stated above, higher order wave loads are important. Second mooring stiffness is nonlinear in essence, so the tangent or
order hydrodynamic computation has become a hot-point for differential stiffness is employed. Due to the nonlinearity, the
recent years, for example, Chen et al. (2006, 2009), Simos et mooring stiffness will have a great change if the buoy’s
al. (2008) and Ma et al. (2008). Unfortunately the buoy motion is large. For example, if the buoy shifts to a new
cannot withstand the drift forces all by itself, so a positioning equilibrium position due to drift forces, mooring stiffness
system must be employed. Mooring system and dynamic must be calculated again. Many researchers have contributed
positioning system are two main forms in ocean engineering their effort into studying the nonlinearity of mooring stiffness
practice. Coupled dynamic analysis between floating marine for so many years, for example, Huang et al. (1999), Kim et
structures and flexible members such as mooring lines and al. (2001), Couliard et al. (2001), Ren et al. (2003), Kim et al.
risers, is a challenging task in the field of ocean engineering. (2003,2005), Loukogeorgaki et al. (2005), Carrett (2005),
Some investigations can be found, such as Kim et al. (2003, Cunff et al. (2008), Zhang (2008) and Low et al. (2008). So
2005), Carrett (2005), Cunff et al. (2008) and Low et al. far chains and wire ropes are widely used in mooring system.
(2008). Unlike free floating bodies, buoys with positioning An explicit mooring stiffness formulation of chain/wire rope
system such as mooring lines will possess different is derived in this paper, which can be applied in offshore
mechanical behaviors. Mass, damping and stiffness are three engineering design practice.
main parameters in the differential equations of motion.
Taking into account the mooring effects on a floating body,
2 Mooring stiffness of single mooring line
the mooring forces should be transformed into some forms of
parameters stated above and be added in the motion equation. and mooring system
How and what to transform becomes the main distinction Similar to the calculation of hydrostatic restoring
among so many methods, Ren et al. (2003) and coefficients, mooring stiffness can also be calculated at its
static equilibrium position. For a small length of chain/wire
Received date: 2011-07-18.
Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
rope ds, the submerged weight per unit length is w. The
China under Grant No.51079034. following basic equations can be found in any book about
*Corresponding author Email: mooring line mechanics covering axial stretch, so there is no
© Harbin Engineering University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Journal of Marine Science and Application (2012) 11: 74-82 75

need to give details here.

dx = ds (1 + ε )cos φ (1)
dz = ds(1 + ε ) sin ϕ (2)
cosϕ = (3)
sin ϕ = V (4)
ε= (5)
T 2 = TH2 + TV2 (6) (a) Horizontal motion

TH = wa (7)
TV = ws (8)
where T , TH , TV , s and EA are axial tension, horizontal
tension, vertical tension, unstretched length and the stiffness
per unit length respectively. The coordinates (x, z) satisfy the
following equation of parameter s.
TH T ⎛ ws ⎞
x= s + H sh −1⎜⎜ ⎟

EA w ⎝ TH ⎠
w 2 ⎛T ⎞ T
z= s + ⎜ H ⎟ + s2 − H (b) Vertical motion
2 EA ⎝ w ⎠ w Fig.2 Top motion of mooring line
The restoring effect of mooring line can be considered as a
spring, while the stiffness is nonlinear in essence. Thus, a If the fairlead’s displacement dx occurs, the Eq.(9) will be
tangent or differential stiffness is used so that it can be applied transformed as follows
in frequency analysis or other linear methods. ⎧ TH + δTH T + δT ⎡ w( s + δs ) ⎤
⎪ x + δx + Δ = ( s + δs ) + H H sh−1 ⎢ ⎥
⎪ EA w ⎣ TH + δTH ⎦
Let (dx dz )T be the displacement of mooring line’s top, ⎪

(dTH dTV )T be the restoring forces in the horizontal and ⎪ 2
w ⎛ TH + δTH ⎞ TH + δTH
⎪z= ( ) ⎜ ⎟ + ( s + δs ) −
2 2
vertical directions. s + δs +
⎨ 2EA ⎝ w ⎠ w (10)

⎪ ⎛ T ⎞
⎪ Δ = ⎜1 + H ⎟ δs
⎪ ⎝ EA ⎠

Combining Eq.(9) with Eq.(10), and with B = , the
following equation can be obtained:
(a) A section ws
δTH EA 1 + B + B
= lim = (11)
ds δs → 0 δs 1 + B2 −1

dx δx
= lim =
ds δs → 0 δs
w 1 + B2
( )

ws 1 + B2 − 1
sh −1 ( B ) 1 + B 2 + 1 + B2 + B −
EA ws
1 + B2 + B
(b) Entire line EA
Fig.1 Geometry construction of single mooring line
76 Jian Zhang, et al. A Nonlinear Restoring Effect Study of Mooring System and its Application

If the fairlead’s displacement dz occurs, Eq.(9) will be

w 1 + B2
transformed as follows: k xx = 2
⎛ 1 + B 2 − 1⎞
⎜ ⎟
(s + δs) + TH + δTH sh−1⎢ w(s + δs) ⎥
⎧ TH + δTH ⎡ ⎤ ⎛ −1 ws ⎞
⎟ 1+ B − B − ⎝ ⎠
⎪ x+ Δ= ⎜ sh B +
⎪ EA w T + δT ⎝ EA ⎠ ws 2
⎣ H H⎦ 1+ B + B
⎪ EA

⎪ 2
When EA → ∞ , or the influence of elasticity can be
⎪z + δz =
(s + δs)2 + ⎛⎜ TH + δTH ⎞⎟ + (s + δs)2 − TH + δTH (13) neglected, then, the stiffness matrix of a single mooring line
⎨ 2EA ⎝ w ⎠ w
⎪ tends to be

⎪ ⎛ T ⎞
⎪ Δ = ⎜1 + H ⎟δs ⎡k k xz ⎤ ⎡ 1 th D ⎤
⎪ ⎝ EA ⎠ K = ⎢ xx ⎥ = k xx ⎢ th D E ⎥ (22)
− 1⎥
⎪ ⎣ k zx k zz ⎦ ⎢⎣ th E ⎦

Combining Eq.(13) with Eq.(9), the following equation w x E

where k xx = ,E = ,D= .
results: 2(D − thD ) a 2

dTH δT
= lim H =
w ⋅ 1 + B2 − 1 ) (14) Let the ith fairlead’s location be r = ( x y z )T , and the ith
ds δs → 0 δs ⎛ ws ⎞
⎜ + sh −1B ⎟ 1 + B 2 + B mooring line’s orientation angle be θ . So some elements of
⎝ EA ⎠
dz δz the mooring stiffness matrix K i are given as follows,
= lim =
ds δs →0 δs
K11 = k xx cos 2 θ (23)

( ) ⎞ (15)

1 ⎜ ws 1 + B2 − 1 ⎟

1+ B + B − ⎟ K 33 = k zz (24)
1 + B2 ⎜⎜ EA ws
sh −1B 1 + B2 + 1 + B2 − B ⎟⎟
⎝ EA ⎠ K55 = z2kxx cos2θ + x2kzz −2xzkxz cosθ (25)
The differential stiffness coefficients of a single mooring line
are horizontal stiffness k xx , vertical stiffness k zz and their K12 = K21 = kxx cosθ sinθ (26)
coupled terms k xz , k zx , shown as follows:
K 23 = K 32 = k xz sin θ (27)
∂TH K34 = K43 = −zkxz sinθ + ykzz (28)
k xx = = ds (16)
∂x dx
ds K 45 = K54 = − z 2k xx cosθ sin θ +
∂TV ds w xzk xz sin θ + yzk xz cosθ − xyk zz
k zx = =w = (17)
∂x dx dx
ds K 56 = K 65 = − yzk xx cos 2 θ +
dTH xzk xx cosθ sin θ + xyk xz cosθ − x 2 k xz sin θ
kxz = H = ds (18) For the entire mooring system consisting of N mooring lines,
∂z dz
ds mooring stiffness matrix is

kzz =
ds w
=w =
dz dz
(19) K= ∑Ki (31)
ds Details of Eq.(22)’s derivation and each element in matrix
Substitute Eq.(11), (12), (14) and (15) into above equations, K can be referred to Zhang (2008).
written in matrix form.
⎡ ⎤ The parameter w and EA can be selected as follows
⎢ 1 + B2 − 1 ⎥
⎢ ws 2 ⎥
⎢ 1 + B + B ⎥ Table 1 Parameter selection of mooring lines
⎡k k zx ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ (20)
K = ⎢ xx = k
⎥ xx ⎢ 2
1 + B −1 1 ⎥ Construction w /(N·m−1) EA/N
⎣k xz k zz ⎦
⎢ ws ⎥ Chain 0.187 5D2 90 000D2
−1 2

1+ B + B sh B 1 + B − 2B ⎥
1 + Wire rope(six strand) 0.034D2 45 000D2
⎢ EA ws ⎥
⎢ 1 + B2 + B ⎥ Wire rope(spiral strand) 0.043D2 90 000D2
⎣ EA ⎦
In which D is diameter (in mm).
Journal of Marine Science and Application (2012) 11: 74-82 77

It is clear that the order of is O(10-6) for the chain and
O(10-7) for the wire rope. Usually the order of s is O(103–104),
so is small. This explains why it is still effective to
neglect elasticity for steel chains and wire ropes under some

3 Sensitivity analysis of several parameters

For a single mooring line, sensitivity analysis of mooring
stiffness k xx , k xz (or k zx ) and k zz is performed,
(a) w=1.2 kN/m, TH =1 500 kN
regarding the following parameters, displacement x, water
depth h, pretension TH and the submerged weight per unit
length w, seen from Fig.3 to Fig.6.

(b) w=2.5 kN/m, TH =4 000 kN

Fig.4 Sensitivity analysis of water depth

(a) h=100 m, TH=500 kN

(a) w=1.8 kN/m, h=500 m

(b) h=500 m, TH =2 000 kN

(c) h=1 000 m, TH =4 000 kN (b) w=2.6 kN/m, h=300 m

Fig.3 Sensitivity analysis of submerged weight Fig.5 Sensitivity analysis of pretesion
78 Jian Zhang, et al. A Nonlinear Restoring Effect Study of Mooring System and its Application

also clearly seen that the mooring stiffness is nonlinear, while

for not large displacement the mooring stiffness can be
expressed by a linear function of displacement. So the Taylor
series expansion of nonlinear mooring stiffness at the first
order was applied. The derivation is shown as follows

⎡ ∂k xx ∂k xx ∂k xz ∂k xz ⎤
⎢ k xx + x ∂x + z ∂z k xz + x ∂x +z
∂z ⎥
K =⎢ ⎥=
⎢ k + x ∂k zx + z ∂k zx k + x ∂k zz ∂k
+ z zz ⎥
⎢⎣ zx ∂x ∂z
∂x ∂z ⎥⎦
(a) w=1.5 kN/m, h=300 m, TH =600 kN

⎡ xxk ∂k xz ⎤ ∂
⎡ xx
k ∂k xz ⎤
⎡ k xx k xz ⎤ ⎢ ∂x ∂x ⎥ ⎢ ∂z ∂z ⎥
⎢k ⎥ + x⎢ ⎥ + z⎢ ⎥= (32)
⎣ zx k zz ⎦ ⎢ ∂k zx ∂k zz ⎥ ⎢ ∂k zx ∂k zz ⎥
⎣⎢ ∂x ∂x ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ ∂z ∂z ⎦⎥
K 0 + xK x + zK z
⎡ 1 − th2 D ⎤
∂k ⎡ 1 th D ⎤ ⎢ 0 ⎥
K x = xx ⎢ E ⎥ + kxx ⎢ 2 ⎥ Ex (33)
∂x ⎢th D −1 2
⎢1 − th D sh E ch E − E ⎥
⎣ th E ⎥⎦ ⎢ 2 ⎥
⎣ sh E ⎦
1 1
Ex = − ⋅ (34)
a ⎛ D ⎞
(b) w=1.5 kN/m, h=800 m, TH =1 500 kN 2⎜ − 1⎟
⎝ thD ⎠
⎡ shE − E ⎤
⎢ 1 chE − 1 ⎥
wEx ⎢ ⎥
Kx = − 2 =
⎞ ⎢ shE − E ⎛ shE − E ⎞ ⎥
⎛ D
4⎜ − 1⎟ ⎢ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎝ thD ⎠ ⎣ chE − 1 ⎝ chE − 1 ⎠ ⎦
⎡ shE − E ⎤
⎢ 1 chE − 1 ⎥
w ⎢ ⎥
⎞ shE − E ⎛ shE − E ⎞ ⎥
⎛ D
8a ⎜ − 1⎟ ⎢ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎝ thD ⎠ ⎣ chE − 1 ⎝ chE − 1 ⎠ ⎦

(c) w=2.7 kN/m, h=300 m, TH =1 000 kN Let

shE − E
f = (36)
chE − 1
w ⎡1 f ⎤
Kx = ⎢ ⎥ (37)
⎛ D ⎞ ⎣f
3 f 2⎦
8a ⎜ − 1⎟
⎝ thD ⎠
Similar as Eq.(35),
wE z ⎡1 f ⎤
Kz = − ⎢ ⎥ (38)
⎛ D ⎞ ⎣f
2 f 2⎦
4⎜ − 1⎟
⎝ thD ⎠
(d) w=2.7 kN/m, h=500 m, TH =1 500 kN Ez = f ⋅ Ex (39)
Fig.6 Sensitivity analysis of displacement ⎡1 f ⎤
wfE x
Kz = − ⎢ 2 ⎥ = fK x
We can find that the mooring efficacy is reduced as water ⎛ D ⎞ ⎣f f ⎦
4⎜ − 1⎟
depth increases. Pretension is key factor to mooring efficacy. ⎝ thD ⎠
However submerged weight per unit length causes different So the Taylor series expansion of nonlinear mooring stiffness
trends for horizontal and vertical stiffness, because vertical is
stiffness is controlled by vertical tension, or weight, while
horizontal stiffness is controlled by horizontal tension. It is K = K 0 + x ⋅ K x + zf ⋅ K x = K 0 + (x + zf ) ⋅ K x (41)
Journal of Marine Science and Application (2012) 11: 74-82 79

It can be easily found that if first order derivative of mooring

stiffness is considered, the stiffness will be a linear function of
motion, and the restoring forces will be a square function of
motion. Therefore, the mooring stiffness is nonlinear in

For free floating structures working at sea, the motion

equation is as follows:

( M + A ) η&&(t ) + Bη& (t ) + Cη(t ) = f (t ) (42)

While for moored floating structures, the mooring stiffness (a) RAO of surge
K can be added into equation (42) as follows:

( M + A ) η&&(t ) + Bη& (t ) + (C + K )η(t ) = f (t ) (43)

4 Application cases
A semi-submersible operation in South China Sea was
selected as a computation example. The mooring stiffness
used here is constant, and the hydrodynamic computation is
performed by WALCS, which employs BEM based on linear
theory of 3-D potential flow in frequency domain. For the
(b) RAO of sway
purpose of studying mooring stiffness, the RAOs of the
semi-submersible’s motion in moored and free-floating
condition are computed respectively, with incident waves of
0°, 30°, 60°and 90°considered, as can be seen from
Figs.7–10. Some parameters of the mooring system are as

Table 2 Basic parameters of semi-submersible

item value
Main deck (L×W×H) /m3 90×74×40
Pontoon (L×W×H) /m3 90×15×6.4
Draft/m 22.86 (c) RAO of heave
Weight/t 28 000
Center of weight/m (0,0,22)

Table 3 Basic parameters of mooring lines

H/m w /(kN·m−1) TH/kN
350 2.73 2/222

Table 4 Arrangement of mooring lines

No. Fairlead Cord./m Angle/(º)
1 (45.1,29.7,−6.1) 0
2 (45.1,32.2, −6.1) 0 (d) RAO of roll
3 (35.5,37.1, −6.1) 90
4 (−34.3,37.1, −6.1) 90
5 (−45.1,32.2, −6.1) 180
6 (−45.1,29.7, −6.1) 180
7 (−45.1, −29.7, −6.1) 180
8 (−45.1, −32.2, −6.1) 180
9 (−34.3, −37.1, −6.1) 270
10 (35.5, −37.1, −6.1) 270
11 (45.1, −32.2, −6.1) 0
12 (45.1, −29.7, −6.1) 0

(e) RAO of pitch

80 Jian Zhang, et al. A Nonlinear Restoring Effect Study of Mooring System and its Application

(d) RAO of roll

(f) RAO of yaw

Fig.7 RAO of motion with 0º incident wave

(e) RAO of pitch

(a) RAO of surge

(f) RAO of yaw

Fig.8 RAO of motion with 30º incident wave

(b) RAO of sway

(a) RAO of surge

(c) RAO of heave

(b) RAO of sway
Journal of Marine Science and Application (2012) 11: 74-82 81

(c) RAO of heave (b) RAO of sway

(c) RAO of heave

(d) RAO of roll

(d) RAO of roll

(e) RAO of pitch

(e) RAO of pitch

(f) RAO of yaw

Fig.9 RAO of motion with 60º incident wave

(f) RAO of yaw

Fig.10 RAO of motion with 90º incident wave

It is well known that there are only three kinds of restoring

forces for 6 DOF motions, or hydrostatic restoring
(a) RAO of surge
coefficients of heave, roll, and pitch are nonzero. So there
are only three significant modes for floating bodies under a
82 Jian Zhang, et al. A Nonlinear Restoring Effect Study of Mooring System and its Application

free condition. Generally, mooring stiffness coefficients of analysis of a mooring line. International Conference on
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5 Conclusions
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
An explicit formulation of mooring stiffness is derived in Engineering, Estoril, Portugal, 58048.
this article. It can be conveniently applied in offshore Ren Huilong, Zhang Haibin, Dai Yuzhi, Song Jingzheng (2003).
3-D computational method of wave loads on turret moored
engineering practice, such as in hydrodynamic analysis. The
FPSO tankers. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2(1),
comparison of a semi-submersible’s RAOs in free floating
and moored condition shows that mooring stiffness not only Tahar A, Kim MH (2003). Hull/mooring/riser coupled dynamic
influence the platform’s motion in a horizontal plane greatly analysis and sensitivity study of a tanker-based FPSO. Applied
(no restoring forces in free surge, sway and yaw), but also Ocean Research, 25(2), 367-382.
the roll, pitch and heave motion. An application of the Zhang Jian (2008). Coupled dynamic analysis of platform and
mooring stiffness formulation can be made in a lower flexible members in frequency domain. Master thesis, Harbin
frequency drift problem, because the resonance frequency Engineering University, 35-43. (in Chinese)
can be forecasted.
Jian Zhang was born in 1982. He is a PhD
candidate of Harbin Engineering University. His
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