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TMUC ACCA Rules & Regulations

Student Complaint Procedure

TMUC is committed to forming positive, healthy and conducive relationships with its students, tutors and staff with a view to
creating an environment in which all perform their duties with efficiency, fairness, integrity and due care. When feedback is
provided by students and/or their parents, TMUC is committed to resolving the issues quickly, fairly with integrity. TMUC also
encourages students to provide feedback and suggestions.

Feedback, suggestions and complaints can be given formally as described below:

Any student and/or parent may lodge a formal complaint, suggestions or feedback about any staff, tutor, fellow students, members of
management, teaching/academic methodologies, facilities, or any other related matters by sending a mail to the There is no standard format. The complaint/feedback/suggestion should contain the following

• Name of the Person:

• Whether it is a complaint, feedback or suggestion

• Does it relate to any specific persons); If so their names

• Does it relate to facilities or Academic or other issues:

• Complete Details

• Whether the person prefers to be anonymous

TMUC will strive to attend, resolve and provide a reply by mail to the person within 2 working days. If this does not happen, the
person has the option to escalate the matter to the Director.

In addition to the above procedure the student may choose to communicate the complaint/suggestion/feedback informally either
orally or on phone or in writing by using the “Complain cum Suggestion box kept in the office.

This Procedure will be put up in the Notice Board and will also be uploaded in the TMUC website

Homework and mock examinations

Tutors will be providing periodic home assignments to be done. Students are expected to complete them as advised by them. The
tutor may refuse to permit a student to attend a class if the student has not completed the home assignments.

Students should attend all Mock test/Exams.

Extra Support

In the unfortunate event of a student not clearing an examination, TMUC will prepare a revised study plan and mock exam schedule
suitable to the student. TMUC may permit such students to attend subsequent classes (if held) either free of cost or at a nominal fee
not exceeding 20% of the normal fees.


TMUC will take suitable disciplinary action against the students (with or without informing the parent) for absence and late
attendance (to classes, tests and study sessions), resorting to unethical, immoral or illegal practices, involving in misbehaviour,
refusing to follow the instructions of Faculty/staff. As the disciplinary action is taken to prevent similar occurrences by the students,
parents are advised not to intervene. Depending on the seriousness of the offence, TMUC may consider dismissal of the student from
the program in which case any fee paid will not be refunded.

Student feedback questionnaire

TMUC believes in continuous improvement in their delivery of classes. While every effort is made to have high quality tutors for
each subject, TMUC obtains periodic feedback about each tutor from its students so as to ensure that the tutors are informed of their
performance and are advised to adapt to the requirement. Tutors not meeting to the expectations are counselled and action taken for
their improvements. In extreme cases tutors are replaced. Feedback from students thus becomes essential. At the end of classes for
each paper, students are advised to fill up a Feedback Form


Every student has to record his/her attendance by using the biometric machine every time he/she enters and exits the premises. In
addition a manual record of attendance will also be maintained. Every month, a report of attendance will be sent to the respective
parents. The student should give prior intimation in case of his/her inability to attend the classes. Management may not permit
students who absent in excess of 25% of the classes from taking their exams.

Up to a maximum of 10 minutes will be permitted for late attendance. Late comers will be considered as absent. After 10 minutes, it
is the discretion of the tutor/TMUC to permit students into the class.

Points to note:
 TMUC management won’t be responsible for the result other wise
 Warning letter is issued if student is not attending class
 Student will not be permitted to enroll for next papers if does not fulfill the attendance requirement in previous exam session
Student Code Of Conduct
TMUC requires students to conduct themselves in accordance with the standards of their future professions. TMUC has also taken
precautions to discourage dishonesty and preserve the academic integrity of its programs. Students will be held accountable for, or
should report, the following violations:

A. All forms of dishonesty including cheating, plagiarism, forgery, and intent to defraud through falsification, alteration, or
misuse of TMUC documents. Theft, deliberate destruction, damage, misuse, or abuse of TMUC property or the property of
private individuals associated with TMUC.

B. Inappropriate or profane behaviour that causes a disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings,
or other TMUC activities. Failure to comply with TMUC officials acting within the scope of their employment

C. Students are required to be properly attired at all times and to observe a sense of decorum when they are within TMUC
premises. All students must be readily identifiable at all times with their face uncovered and are required to have their
TMUC Student ID with them.

D. Abuse, violence or threats of violence toward persons or property of students, faculty, staff, or the TMUC.

E. The use of any tobacco products in TMUC buildings, and eating or drinking in the classrooms or any location other than
designated areas.

F. Bringing children into the TMUC teaching areas. TMUC does not provide childcare services and cannot assume
responsibility for their health and safety.

G. Failure to comply with all Emergency evacuation procedures, disregarding safety practices, tampering with fire protection
equipment, or violation of any other health and safety rules or regulations. Inappropriate use of cell phones, or other
electronic devices. All electronic devices must be in the “off” position while in the classroom.

H. Bringing dangerous items such as explosives, firearms, or other weapons, either concealed or exposed, onto TMUC
property. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, intimidation, harassment, coercion, stalking, and/or any conduct that threatens or
endangers the physical or psychological health/safety of another person.

Disciplinary Matters

A. Unauthorized presence in, or forcible entry into, a TMUC facility or TMUC-related premises.

B. All forms of gambling is strictly prohibited.

C. Being in the presence of and/or aiding/a betting any of the a forementioned conduct violations.

A student committing any of the violations listed above may receive a written warning concerning the misconduct and may receive
disciplinary action up to and including immediate suspension and/or dismissal.

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