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A Synopsis

“Absenteeism of Employee”
Indchemie Health Specialities Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai

(Registration No. 000000000)

A synopsis report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Master of Business Administration of
Sikkim Manipal University, INDIA


Sikkim – Manipal University of health, Medical and technological science

Distance Education wing
Syndicate House, Manipal – 576104


I hereby declare that the Synopsis Report entitled:

A Synopsis Report on “Absenteeism of Employee “At Indchemie Health

Specialities Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of Masters of Business Administration to Sikkim –
Manipal University, India, is my original work and not submitted for the award
of any other degree, diploma, fellowship, or any other similar title or prizes.

Place: ……………….

Date: 00000000000
Registration No. 0000000


The Synopsis Report of YOUR NAME ( Registration No. 00000000) on

“Absenteeism of Employee “At Indchemie Health Specialities Pvt. Ltd.,
Mumbai is approved and is acceptable in quality and form.

Internal Examiner External Examiner

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Page No
● Executive Summary
● Introduction
● Problem of the Study
● Objective
● Research Methodology
● Analysis
● Conclusions
● Recommendation
● Appendix
● Bibliography


“Absenteeism of Employee “
At Indchemie Health Specialities Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai


Absence is the failure of worker to report for work when he is scheduled to the
work. A work is to be treated as absent for the purpose of this absenteeism
statistics even when he does not turn up for a week after obtaining prior
K.G. Desai classified absenteeism in to two types viz, authorized absenteeism
and unauthorized absenteeism. Authorized absenteeism is permitted
absenteeism i.e, taking leave prior permission of an employer. Unauthorized
absenteeism means taking leave without prior permission of an employer.
Absence of worker on account of strike or lock out or layoff i.e, involuntary
absent is not considered as absence for the purpose of absenteeism study.

According to the view of K. Aswathappa, Absenteeism costs money to the

organization besides reflecting employee dissatisfaction with the company.
Absenteeism is unavoidable when the employee himself or herself falls sick,
His or her dependents at home suddenly become unwell or there is an accident
inside the plant. Unavoidable absenteeism is accepted by managers and is even
sanctioned by labor laws. Avoidable absenteeism arises due to night shifts,
opportunities for moon lighting and earning extra income, indebt ness, lack of
job security, unfriendly supervision and job dissatisfaction. This absenteeism
needs intervention by the management.


Indchemie Health Specialities Pvt. Ltd. is a private sector pharmaceutical

company, established in the year 1986 and Managed by Professional Board of
Directors. This company is sister concern of ALKEM PHARMA (number 6th
ranked company in Pharmaceutical industry). It has all India operation in
marketing along with four manufacturing units. Two are established at Daman,
and one each at Baddi and Sikkim. It markets generics under the categories of
antibiotic, anti-infective, anti-osteoporotic, analgesics, anti-inflammatory, anti-

allergy, anti-malarial, and various vitamin preparations. The company is
committed to improving its position in small volume parenteral preparations
segment. It adheres to cGMP standards.

“Indchemie Health Specialities Pvt. Ltd” has been in the ethical pharma
business for more than two decades now, with leadership in few of the
segments. It has a strong back up of in-house manufacturing facility & has four
Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Units (Two at Daman, 3rd at Baddi, Himachal
Pradesh & 4th at Sikkim) in India. All four units are approved by WHO
based on Current GMP Guidelines.

Out of four units, one of the manufacturing units is totally dedicated to Soft
Gelatin Capsules Formulation. In March 2006 it was audited & in June 2006 the
same has been approved by TGA, Australia. The next level of Achievement
would be USFDA & MHRA, UK approvals and the technical team has geared
up for these prestigious inspections. This accreditation directly talks of the
quality par excellence imbibed in every brand of Indchemie.
The Beta-Lactam unit is having several commendable approvals from African
Regulatory agencies like Ethiopia, Kenya and Malawi. The technical team at
Beta-Lactam facility is now gearing up for other prestigious approvals like
MCC South Africa and MHRA UK.

These approvals will further boost the confidence in our products, which today
have high clinical success.
In ever evolving environs of healthcare industry, keeping pace with the time is a
tough task. It requires consistent & qualitative research for which Team
Indchemie is always in the forefront. At Indchemie, we are committed to
research & development with a vision to create path breaking health solutions,
both in chronic as well as acute segments.
In an integral approach to healthcare that fuses traditional wisdom with
technological sophistication has made us what we are today, leading to become
Pioneers in the Indian Pharma Industry.

Integra is a company with 1,500 employees and it is a developing company
getting a new reputation in the field of e-publishing. So it is very essential
for the company to concentrate in the employee’s commitment towards the
work assessed for him. It is also easier to find the employee’s satisfaction
towards his job by conducting a study on employee absenteeism which
thereby helps the company to retain its employee, since it is found that there
is a low rate of labor turnover in this company. So, this study will help the
company to adopt measures to reduce absenteeism and to increase the
employee’s commitment towards his job by knowing the factors which
remains as a hindrance for the employee to be punctual towards his job.


One of the major problems affecting the precious resource of any organization
is absenteeism. Absenteeism is not only an individual problem but also a social
as well as economic problem of our country. When absenteeism becomes a
habit there is not only general lowering of morale, but also results in loss and
deterioration of skill and efficiency. This may lead an organization to attain
reduced productivity. Decrease in production will affect the profits of the
To control the rate of absenteeism we should know what absenteeism is and
study the factors such as personal factors, social factors and environmental
factors responsible for absenteeism. Reducing the rate of absenteeism is not a
simple task.
So, there is a great need for the research and analysis of absenteeism in the


1. To find out the various cause for absenteeism
2. To study the various measures adopted by the organization

3. To provide suggestions in the form of solutions to reduce the rate of
4. To study the general causes for employee absenteeism
5. To analyse the workplace factors which leads to employee absenteeism in
the organization
6. To find out the most prominent general and worklife factors that leads to
absenteeism in the organization


When I joined the training at INDCHEMIE HEALTH SPECIALITIES PVT.
LTD., I was allotted the project of “ABSENTEEISM OF EMPLOYEES”.
Initially it appeared to me quite a simple project, but as I started working on it
only then I understood its real significance.
It is often easier for the organizations to make arrangement to cover staffs,
which are going to be off for long periods. However, employees taking odd
days off here and there are more problematic, can have an immediate impact.
If remain unchecked, this type of absence can send out the wrong signals to
colleagues who, in some jobs, are likely to have to cover for those absent. If
employers fail to take action, a ‘buggins turn’ mentality may emerge. Frequent
absence may have serious repercussions where staff are employed in customer-
facing roles or employed on production lines. The impact of absence may be
most directly felt and the need to arrange cover at short notice may be


1) On analysing the response it is found that, 35% of the employees are

dissatisfied with their work.
2) 50% of the employees have an opinion that stress is part of their work life.
3) A total of 70% of the employees feel lonely while working with others.
4) 39% of workers feel bored in their routine work.
5) 42% don’t have time for their personal activities.

6) 40% of the workers are not satisfied with the welfare measures adopted by
the company.
7) Health problems seem to be one of the causes of absenteeism for the work.
8) It is also found that 35% of the employees are satisfied with working
9) It has been found that 40% of the respondents have an opinion that politics
have no impact on the employee absenteeism.
10) 60% of the employees feel that their colleagues did not help them in case
of personal problems.


Understanding Feasibility: Feasibility study means the analysis of problem to
determine if it can be solved effectively. In other words it is the study of the
possibilities of the proposed system it studies the work ability, impact on the
organization ability to meet user’s need and efficient use of resources.
Three aspects in which the system has to be feasible are:-

1. ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY:- The economical analysis checks for the

high investment incurred on the system. It evaluates development &
implementing charges for the proposed “Banking Project”. The S/W used for
the development is easily available at minimal cost & the database applied is
freely available hence it results in low cost implementation.

2. TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY:- This aspect concentrates on the concept of

using Computer meaning, “Mechanization” of human works. Thus the
automated solution leads to the need for a technical feasibility study. The focus
on the platform used database management & users for that S/W. The proposed
system doesn’t require an in depth technical knowledge as the system
development is simple and easy to understand.

3. BEHAVIOURAL FEASIBILITY:- Behavioral feasibility deals with the

runtime performance of the S/W the proposed system must score higher than

the present in the behavioral study. The data entry process requires the data on
the paper, which is then feed into the application by the operator while doing
so; the data entry operator has to look into the paper again & again and thus the
chances of inaccuracies in the typed contents increases. Also the process
includes higher transportation cost, increased handling cost, more time delays,
low accuracy, more usage of resources like registers, books, papers, etc. &

Research Design
“A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis
data in a manner to combine relevance to the researcher purpose with economy
in procedure”
The Research Design undertaken for the study is Descriptive one. A study,
which wants to portray the characteristics of a group or individuals or situation,
is known as Descriptive study. It is mostly qualitative in nature. The main
objective of Descriptive study is to acquire knowledge.

Source of Data
Data are the raw materials in which marketing research works. The task of data
collection begins after research problem has been identified and research design
is chalked out. Data collected are classified into primary and secondary data.

 Primary data: In this study, the primary data is collected to understand

the main reasons behind the absenteeism of the employee. This is collected
using a questionnaire specifically designed for the employees of all levels.

 Secondary data: Secondary data were collected from the company’s annual
publications, memorandums of settlements, newspapers, journals, websites, and
from library books.

Sampling Methodology
Research work was conducted by taking a sample of 100 employees of 1300
(excluding apprentice trainees and contract labors). To study the problem
clearly numbers of employees from each department were selected on the basis
of the size of the department as well as nature of the work. Questionnaires were
distributed to the employees individually and lot of efforts had to be taken to
collect the required data from the selected sample of employees representing the
population. The questions in the questionnaire are framed on the basis of the
factors responsible for absenteeism

Description of statistical tools used

 Percentage method
Percentage Analysis
In this project Percentage method test was used. The percentage method is used
to know the accurate percentages of the data we took, it is easy to graph out
through the percentages. The following are the formula

Percentage of Respondent = No of Respondent

x 100
Total no. of Respondents

Weighted average method:

 Weighted average can be defined as an average whose component items
are multiplied by certain values (weights) and the aggregate of the
products are divided by the total of weights.
 One of the limitations of simple arithmetic mean is that it gives equal
importance to all the items of the distribution.
 In certain cases relative importance of all the items in the distribution is
not the same. Where the importance of the items varies.
 It is essential to allocate weight applied but may vary in different cases.
Thus weight age is a number standing for the relative importance of the


There are some limitations for research which are as follows:-
a) The information provided by them may be subjected to personal bias.
b) Some of the respondents were not interested to express their views.
c) It is possible that some of the respondents feel that the management has
backed the study and hence the reliability of the response.
d) Due to time constraints and busy schedules it was difficult to interact
with the employees completely.
e) As it was not possible to visit each department the true picture of
working condition could not be judged.
f) The workers were busy with their work therefore they could not give
enough time for the interview.
g) The personal biases of the respondents might have entered into their
h) Some of the respondents give no answer to the questions which may
affect the analysis.
i) Respondents were reluctant to disclose complete and correct information
Because of a small period of time only small sample had to be considered
which doesn’t actually reflect and accurate and intact picture.


Reference of Books:
1. Mamoria C.B. , Personnel Management
2. Aswathappa K., Human Resource Management
3. Aswathappa K., Human Resource Management
4. Basu K.S., New Dimensions of Personnel Management,

Web Resource


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