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AC 800M/C
Version 3.2
Binary Process Control
Objects and Design
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AC 800M/C
Version 3.2

Binary Process Control

Objects and Design
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this document.
In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be
liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hard-
ware described in this document.
This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written per-
mission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used
for any unauthorized purpose.
The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
Copyright © 1999 ABB
All rights reserved.
Release: September 2002
Document number: 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A

Registrations and trademarks used in this document include:

Windows Registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

ActiveX Registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

PostScript Registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.

Acrobat Reader Registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.

Industrial IT Trademark of ABB.
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About This Book

General ..............................................................................................................................7
Target Group...........................................................................................................7
Purpose, Scope, and Intended Use .........................................................................7
Document Conventions .....................................................................................................9

Section 1 - Process Object Libraries

Introduction .....................................................................................................................13
The Concept .........................................................................................................13
Choosing a Process Object...................................................................................16
Basic and Extended Libraries ..........................................................................................17
Process Object Basic Libraries ........................................................................................18
Overview .............................................................................................................18
About Core Objects..............................................................................................18
UniCore .. .............................................................................................................20
BiCore .... .............................................................................................................31
DriveCore .............................................................................................................46
Process Object Extended Library ....................................................................................49
Overview .............................................................................................................49
About the Extended Process Objects ...................................................................50
Uni.......... .............................................................................................................51
ValveUni. .............................................................................................................56
Bi ............ .............................................................................................................60
MotorUni .............................................................................................................66
MotorBi .. .............................................................................................................72
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Table of Contents

Section 2 - Object Handling

General ............................................................................................................................ 78
Basic Faceplate Elements .................................................................................... 82
Bi Faceplate Elements.......................................................................................... 86
MotorBi Faceplate Elements................................................................................ 88
MotorUni Faceplate Elements ............................................................................. 91
Uni Faceplate Elements ....................................................................................... 94
ValveUni Faceplate Elements .............................................................................. 96

Section 3 - Object Handling Examples

Adding Functionality to a Process Object in Control Builder ........................................ 98
Creating a New Library and Copying an Object.................................................. 98
Adding Functionality ......................................................................................... 102
Editing a Faceplate in Process Portal A ........................................................................ 105
Copying and Deploying Aspects ....................................................................... 105
Editing a Faceplate............................................................................................. 108
Using a Faceplate in Online Mode..................................................................... 114

Appendix A - Displaying Element Icons

Appendix B - Signal Objects

General .......................................................................................................................... 119
Faceplate Elements........................................................................................................ 119
SignalBool ......................................................................................................... 120
SignalInBool ...................................................................................................... 122
SignalInReal....................................................................................................... 124
SignalOutBool ................................................................................................... 128
SignalOutReal .................................................................................................... 130
SignalReal .......................................................................................................... 134

6 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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About This Book

Target Group
This document is primarily intended for those who use Control Builder M to
develop control systems. It is assumed that the user has general knowledge
regarding the design of control systems, as well as basic knowledge on how to use
Control Builder M.
Refer to Control Builder M, when Control Builder is mentioned in this manual.

Purpose, Scope, and Intended Use

This publication is intended as a reference manual when using the Process Object
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Purpose, Scope, and Intended Use About This Book

Use of Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons

This publication includes Warning, Caution, and Information icons where
appropriate to point out safety related or other important information. It also
includes Tip icons to point out useful hints to the reader. The corresponding
symbols should be interpreted as follows:
The electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in
electrical shock.

The warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in personal

The caution icon indicates important information or warnings related to the

concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard that
could result in corruption of software or damage to equipment/property.

The information icon alerts the reader to pertinent facts and conditions.

The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how
to use a certain function
Although Warning notices are related to personal injury, and Caution notices are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that the
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result
in impaired process performance leading to personal injury or death. It is, therefore,
imperative that you comply fully with all Warning and Caution notices.
8 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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About This Book Document Conventions

Document Conventions
The following conventions are used for the presentation of material:
• The words in names of screen elements (for example, the title in the title bar of
a window, the label of a field of a dialog box) are initially capitalized.
• Capital letters are used for the name of a keyboard key if it is labeled on the
keyboard. For example, press the ENTER key.
• Lowercase letters in boldface are used for the name of a keyboard key that is
not labeled on the keyboard. For example, the space bar, comma key, and so
• Press CTRL+C indicates that you must hold down the CTRL key while
pressing the C key (to copy a selected object in this case).
• Press ESC E C indicates that you should press and release each key in
sequence (to copy a selected object in this case).
• The names of push and toggle buttons are boldfaced. For example, click OK.
• The names of menus and menu items are boldfaced. For example, the File
– The following convention is used for menu operations: MenuName >
MenuItem > CascadedMenuItem. For example: select File > New > Type.
– The Start menu name always refers to the Start menu on the Windows
Task Bar.
• System prompts/messages are shown in Courier font, and user responses/input
are shown in boldfaced Courier font. For example, if you enter a value out of
range, the following message is displayed:
Entered value is not valid. The value must be 0 to 30.
You may be instructed to enter the string TIC132 in a field. The string is shown
as follows in the procedure:
Variables are shown using lowercase italicized letters.
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Terminology About This Book

The following is a list of terms associated with Binary Process Control, that you
should be familiar with. The list contains terms and abbreviations that are unique to
ABB or have a usage or definition that is different from standard industry usage.

Term Description
AC 800M/C Connect A software package used to integrate Control Software
for AC 800M/C with the Aspect Integrator Platform (AIP).
AC 800M/C Connect can be installed from the ControlIT
for AC 800M/C Products CD-ROM.
Applications Applications contain the program code to be compiled
and downloaded for execution in the controller.
Applications are displayed in the Project Explorer.
Aspect An aspect is a description of some properties of an
Aspect Object. Examples of aspects are name, circuit
diagram, process display, and control logic.
Aspect Objects A computer representation of a real object such as a
pump, a valve, an order or a virtual object such as a
service or an object type. An Aspect Object is described
by its aspects and is organized in structures.
Control Builder M The programming tool described in this manual, referred
to as Control Builder throughout this document.
Control module Control modules are program units that support object-
oriented data flow programming with code sorting, free-
layout graphical programming and static parameter
connections. Instances of control modules are created
from control module types.
Display Element A graphic element, which illustrates an object (motor,
regulator etc.). Generally, clicking the element will show
a faceplate for supervision and control of the object.
Faceplate A configurable type of graphic interface normally used
by operators for process supervision and control.
10 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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About This Book Terminology

Term Description
Plant Explorer Similar to the Internet Explorer and used to create
Aspect Objects. You can also use it to browse and
search among the structures of the plant.
Process Portal A Name of the collection of products for daily operation
and supervision of an automated process.
Program A program contains execution code.
Project Explorer The part of the Control Builder user interface used to
create, modify and navigate a project. All objects such
as data types, functions and function block types can be
selected and displayed in an editor. All software and
hardware is configured in the Project Explorer
ST Structured Text, one of the five languages defined in the
IEC-61131 standard.
Structure A hierarchical tree organization of aspect objects that
describes the dependencies between the real objects.
An aspect object can exist in multiple structures, for
example, both in a functional structure and in a location
Type The type is a general description of a unit that defines
the behavior of an instance of the type.
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Terminology About This Book
12 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries

The Process Object libraries provide function blocks and control modules to define
valve and motor objects in your application. ProcessObjBasicLib and
ProcessObjExtLib, form parts of the Control Builder, Basic, Standard, or
Professional products. The Process Portal A user interface is part of the AC 800M/C
Connect product.

The Concept
Within the field of automation, there is a need for scalability, even down to single
process objects. Objects must be so small and fit so smoothly, that they do not
interfere with a programmers own valve or motor parameters, but still intelligent
enough to work directly by themselves, without any additional programming costs.
There is a need for a general function block base, a core function that fits all valve
and motor objects in all industrial control applications. Since all valve and motor
objects need at least uni- or bi-directional control, objects with these properties
make up the core of all our process objects.
Process objects can be used directly in the application as they are, but are intended
to be used as templates, when new valve or motor object types are to be created in
your own library or application.
The smallest common denominator is the BiCore function block type, for the uni-
directional object types (see BiCore on page 31), and the UniCore function block
type, for the bi-directional object types (see UniCore on page 20). Furthermore,
there are other object type templates, designed on the BiCore and UniCore types,
with greater functionality. This makes it easier for the user to define his or her own
object types, for example, motor types.
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The Concept Section 1 Process Object Libraries

The Core object (of BiCore or UniCore type) is protected and is part of all object
types, so the core is not copied when a process object type is copied. The Core
refers (points) to its type in ProcessObjBasicLib. This means that the Core is
updated when the Control Builder is upgraded.

The user’s own created library

May be excluded
Note! Must always be included

Figure 1. The core functionality in ProcessObjExtLib and in a user’s own library.

When a new process object type is to be defined, select an appropriate process
object type template (see Choosing a Process Object on page 16) and copy it to a
user’s created library. It is then possible to add extra functionality to the copied
object type and/or adjust the faceplate to suit the application.
To avoid problems when upgrading, place the copy of the process
object type in your own library and then make the changes.

ProcessObjBasicLib must always be included in your project

together with the process object types you have created.
ProcessObjExtLib may be excluded.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries The Concept

Each process object type in ProcessObjExtLib has a faceplate displaying graphics in

the Process Portal A. The process object types and faceplates are connected to each
other. There are two options.
• Do not create a new type (use one from ProcessObjExtLib), in which case you
may not change the faceplate of the type.
• Create your own type from an object type template, allowing you to design
your own faceplates.
If a function block or control module is created directly from a type
in ProcessObjExtLib and the faceplate of its type is changed in
Process Portal A, the faceplate may be corrupted by upgrades of
Control Builder versions. It is therefore recommended that you not
edit the existing faceplate elements of the original process object
types directly, but add your own faceplate elements (or delete
existing ones). You may edit or add functionality to the graphics of
these faceplate elements (tabs). This is described in Editing a
Faceplate in Process Portal A on page 105.
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Choosing a Process Object Section 1 Process Object Libraries

Choosing a Process Object

In choosing a process object, you must first decide whether a function block type or
a control module type is to be used.
If the process object is intended to be applied to a bi-directional object (an object
with three states) and it is a motor, choose the MotorBi type. If it is a bi- directional
object, but not a motor, choose the Bi type.
If the process object is to be used for a uni-directional object, (an object with two
states) several choices are possible. If it is not a motor or a valve, choose the Uni
object type. If it is a uni-directional motor object, choose MotorUni and if it is a uni-
directional valve object, choose MotorValve.



No No
Motor/Valve Uni Motor Bi

Yes Yes

Motor No ValveUni MotorBi



Figure 2. Flowchart of possible process object type choices.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries Basic and Extended Libraries

Basic and Extended Libraries

Process objects are contained in two libraries:
• Process Object Basic Library
• Process Object Extended Library
The Basic Library contains core types for process objects, that is types for
calculations (BiHSI and UniHSI), uni- or bi-directional control (UniCore and
BiCore) and DriveCore for ABB drives.
The Extended Library is the more comprehensive library of the two. It comprises
ready-to-use valve and motor objects, alarm handling functionality and templates
for user-designed valve and motor objects. There is an additional selection of
control modules for high-level graphical configuration; they are integrated with both
Control Builder Professional and Process Portal A faceplates.
It is only possible to use control modules in Control Builder

Many parameters are common to all objects, and are therefore referred to and
explained only in the Core section. The reader is therefore advised to start by
reading the UniCore and BiCore sections, and then continue by reading about
specific parameters in the description of the extended library.
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Process Object Basic Libraries Section 1 Process Object Libraries

Process Object Basic Libraries

This library contains the core objects for all process objects. The code that may not
be changed by the programmer is located in a protected sub-object, denoted by the
suffix “Core”.
The following core objects can be applied in process objects:
• UniCore, for uni-directional objects:
– UniHSI, for uni-directional HSI support
• BiCore, for bi-directional objects:
– BiHSI, for bi-directional HSI support
• DriveCore for ABB Drive Control

About Core Objects

All core objects (sub-objects) have protected code. The user can neither see nor
access the code, modify it nor change it; instead the function blocks have parameters
for providing a means of interaction in the code.
The two basic function blocks, UniCore and BiCore, do not contain any Control
Builder graphics or Process Portal A graphics. However, they have parameters for
interaction with the graphics operator panel. UniCore and BiCore are used to
provide Process Portal A graphics with the necessary signal information.
UniCore and BiCore are used in two new function blocks (see Uni and Bi in Process
Object Extended Library on page 49) that include an alarm and a Control Builder
graphics interaction window, as well as a Process Portal A graphics icon (display
element) and faceplates. Control Builder graphics interaction windows are
connected to local variables in function blocks and these variables are then
connected to parameters for manual interaction in the basic function block.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries About Core Objects

Function blocks (Uni and Bi) with alarms and graphics do not provide functions for
manual interaction like, such as Set to Manual mode, and therefore changes cannot
be made in the code (only from the graphics window in Control Builder or from
Process Portal A graphics).
One parameter Set object in Auto mode is accessible from within the code. The
function blocks UniHSI and BiHSI can then be used to access the information to be
displayed in faceplates and to display elements on an operator workstation.

Edge Detection
Edge detection takes place on the positive rising edge. When using the two basic
function blocks UniCore and BiCore, with operator interactions connected to
parameters, the programmer must reset signals to false.
In function blocks with an alarm, the signals are reset inside the
function block, as it is a local variable connected to the Control
Builder graphics or Process Portal A graphics.
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UniCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

This process object should be used for uni-directional
objects (objects with two states). UniCore can be used
to control a generic process object via a number of
predefined outputs and feedback signals (inputs). Uni
means that the process object can be either activated
or deactivated. For a valve (or a motor) this would
mean running in one direction (uni-directional) or
being closed (stopped).
UniCore parameters are divided into the following
• Operation
– Mode
– Configuration of feedback signals
– Simulation
• Interlocking
UniCore function block
– Ilock
– Safety command
– Inhibit
• Object Error
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries UniCore

This subsection describes the operational parameters of the UniCore object. Users
may configure feedback signals, set object error time, and disable error handling.
The PulseOut parameter governs whether outputs should be pulsed or level,
depending on the hardware used for the process object in question.
• Mode
UniCore has five different operation modes:
Disable, Manual, Auto, Panel, and Local.
Only Manual mode and Auto mode have output parameters (ManMode and
AutoMode). The ManMode or the AutoMode parameter is always set (even if
the object is in another mode). One of these modes (Manual or Auto,
depending on which parameter is set) will resume control after returning from
another mode. AutoMode is equal to NOT ManMode.
ManMode has a retain attribute, which allows the status to be retained at warm
Manual mode is set as the default start-up mode using the parameter
ManModeInit. The initial value is set to true, meaning that Manual will be the
default mode. The parameter ManModeInit is copied to the parameter
ManMode at every cold start.
– Disable Mode - Deactivates the object
The object is deactivated when the Enable parameter is set to false,
signifying that the function block will not be executed. The output
parameters Out1, Out0, Out1Level, StatAct, StatDeact, and ObjErr will all
be reset to false, independent of the status of other signals. The object can
be activated or deactivated in all modes.
– Manual Mode - A user operates the object from a workstation
To change to Manual mode, trigger the SetMan parameter and the
ManMode parameter will automatically be set to true. Output signals
(Out1, Out0, Out1Level) will retain their status from the previous mode.
In the Manual mode, the status of the output signal is controlled by the
parameters ManCmd1 and ManCmd0. These parameters have rising edge
All parameters mentioned above (SetMan, ManCmd0, ManCmd1) are
normally connected to the operator faceplate via the application.
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UniCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

– Auto Mode - The program controls the object

Auto mode is set by means of the parameter SetAuto. The status of the
output signals (Out1, Out0, Out1Level) in Auto mode is controlled by the
parameters AutoCmd1 and AutoCmd0. AutoCmd0 has higher priority than
The AutoCmd1 and AutoCmd0 parameters are level detected, therefore
these parameters affect the output signal, as long as they are active. The
programmer is required to reset these parameters from the application
program outside the function block. These parameters act on Out1Level
according to diagram below.




* Reset after function block in application program. AutoCmd0 has priority.

Figure 3. Status relations for Out1Level and the Auto commands.

When returning to Auto mode from another mode, the status of the output
signals will be returned from the previous mode, but adjusted directly by
the signals AutoCmd1 or AutoCmd0, if one or both are set to true.
– Panel Mode - The object is controlled locally from an LCP (Local Control
Panel), via the UniCore function block
The function block has a set of signals for maneuvering the object from an
LCP. Setting the PanMode parameter activates Panel mode. The PanMode
parameter is level detected.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries UniCore

This mode is active only as long as the PanMode parameter is true. If

PanMode is changed to false, the system exits Panel mode immediately,
and return to the previous Auto or Manual mode.
Whether or not Panel mode is used depends on comprehensive the
application is. The question is whether you prefer to initiate control (the
parameter PanMode) of the object from a workplace, or from a switch on
an LCP. The latter is a natural choice for smaller applications. The
PanMode parameter is connected to the switch on the LCP; PanCmd1 and
PanCmd0 are connected to the Start/Stop buttons (see Figure 4).
Switch Process object

Stop PanCmd0

Figure 4. Control steps in Panel mode. This solution is recommended for small applications, where
all three panel parameters are connected from an LCP.
However, in large applications, this option can cause a number of
undesirable events. In this case, the best solution is to connect the
PanMode parameter, via variables, to a faceplate at the operator
workplace. The PanCmd1 and PanCmd0 parameters are still connected to
the physical Start/Stop buttons. Changes in the Panel mode are therefore
approved centrally, that is, a local operator must first obtain permission
from the central control operator (see Figure 5).
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UniCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

Operator workplace
Switch on screen Motor
Process object

LCP PanCmd1


Figure 5. Control steps in Panel mode. This solution is recommended for large applications, where
the PanMode parameter is connected to an operator workplace.
When Panel mode is active, the LCP takes control of the object and errors
are calculated based on status signals from the LCP. The output signal
retains its status from the previous mode.
The status of the object is controlled by the signals PanCmd1 and
PanCmd0, which are level signals and function in the same way as
AutoCmd signals, as illustrated in Figure 3. The PanCmd1 and PanCmd0
parameters should be connected to push buttons. It may be advisable to
use an R_Trig function block (trigger, parameter and push button) between
PanCmd1 and PanCmd0, in case the push button malfunctions.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries UniCore

– Local Mode - The object is controlled locally from a Local Control Panel
(LCP), bypassing the UniCore function block
Local mode is used when the object is controlled locally from an LCP and
the function block does not have any signals for controlling the object
from the LCP. All signals from the LCP are physically connected directly
to the object (motors, valves, etc.), see Figure 6.
In this mode, the object status is not updated inside the function block,
even if it is changed in reality. SafetyCmd signals may still change the
object status. All error calculation is disabled. Objects return to the
previous mode when local mode is disabled.
LCP Process object

Start LocMode


Figure 6. Control steps in Local mode.

The object status is not updated in Local mode. This means that
after leaving Local mode, the output signal status is the same as
before entering Local mode.

If the status of the function block tracks feedback signals, this must
be implemented outside the function block, for example by setting
the corresponding Safety Command signal.
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UniCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

• Configuration of Feedback Signals

The parameter FBConfig informs the function block how feedback is
configured, by transferring the combination of feedback signals of the object to
the function block. Possible combinations of feedback signals are listed in the
table below:

Table 1. Possible combinations of feedback signals

FBConfig Feedback from activated position Feedback from deactivated position

0 FB1 FB0

1 FB1 (none)

2 FB1 inverted (none)

3 FB1 inverted FB0 inverted

4 (none) FB0

5 (none) FB0 inverted

6 (none) (none)

The values of the feedback signals FB1 and FB0 are transferred to the StatAct
and StatDeact output parameters respectively, in condition with Out1Level.
If an object has no, or only a single, feedback signal, StatAct and StatDeact will
still be set. The signals StatAct and StatDeact are set to zero if double feedback
is used and both are true at the same time.
• Output Settings
The output signals include Out1, Out0 and Out1Level. Out1 and Out0 can be
configured as pulsed command or level-detected command, by means of the
PulseOut parameter.
The pulse is sustained by the parameters Out1 and Out0, until the
corresponding feedback is detected or the maximum object error time is
Out1Level is intended to indicate the output state when the Out1 and Out0
parameters are pulsed.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries UniCore

If there is no feedback from a position, the pulse duration is set to the object
error time. Only one pulse is generated upon each status change.
• Simulation
When the parameter Simulate is activated, the object error calculation is
disabled and the Out1 and Out0 signals are set to false. The signals StatAct and
StatDeact are set according to the status of Out1Level.
When simulation is deactivated, the status of the object reverts to
that in the mode prior to simulation and the Out0 signal is set to

This subsection describes the safety parameters for the UniCore object. The main
purpose of the interlocking parameters is accurate and safe operation with critical
process values, such as high levels and temperatures, MCC interface, safety devices
• Ilock - Prevents the object from entering a certain state
The Ilock1 and Ilock0 signals block manual interactions in Manual and Panel
mode (not in Auto mode) to switch the object to the activated and deactivated
state respectively. The Inhibit signal will reset interlock signals, when true.
• Safety Command - Compels the object to enter a certain state
The SafetyCmd1 and SafetyCmd0 signals force the output to the respective
status with priority over other signals, except when the Inhibit signal is set to
true. When these signals disappear, the status from safety state is transferred to
the current mode.
• Inhibit - Cancels all Ilock and SafetyCmd signals
When the Inhibit signal is set to true, the program will ignore all Ilock and
SafetyCmd signals. This parameter can be used when there is an absolute need
for running the object, although all Ilock and SafetyCmd signals are cancelled.
When the Inhibit signal returns to false, the Ilock and SafetyCmd are re-
activated to their former state.
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UniCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

Object Error
The object error (ObjErr) is supervised in all modes except Disable and Local
mode, based on the values of the parameters Out1Level, FB1 and FB0.
The object error is calculated by the ACOF (Automatic Check Of Feedback)
function block, from the standard SystemLib library, and the error signal from the
parameter ExtErr (external error) to give the parameter ObjErr.
The parameter ExtErr provides the possibility of connecting other errors to the
object. This parameter does not affect the object status. If required, it must be
implemented outside the UniCore, for example, by connecting a variable to both
parameters ExtErr and SafetyCmd0. See the Uni function block section for an
The information required for the object error calculation is the object error time and
the number of feedbacks: these two parameters have to be configured by the user
(the parameters OETime and FBConfig).
OETime has an initial value of 5 seconds. In the Extended Library a variable is
connected the value of which overrides the initial value. The value of OETime can
be altered online, in the interaction windows (Control Builder) or in the Process
Portal A faceplate. The connected variable has a cold retain attribute to retain the
value following cold or warm restarts.
• Alarm - Not available for UniCore

Interaction Windows
Not available for UniCore.

Faceplate Elements
Not available for UniCore.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries UniCore

UniHSI is a basic function block which supports the
faceplate and display elements for UniCore in the Process
Portal A graphical environment. This function block
calculates the information to be presented in display
elements and faceplates in the operator graphical
environment. The function block is used in the control
modules or function blocks, together with UniCore, when
an operator display element is to be used.
The UniHSI function block must be executed before the
UniCore itself.
All input parameters to the UniHSI function block that
have the same names as the input parameters to UniCore
(for example FBConfig, FB1, FB0 etc.) should contain the
same information as in the UniCore.
UniHSI function block
Note that AutoMode for UniHSI is to be connected to the
AutoMode output parameter at the UniCore.
In normal cases, the bool type parameter that obtains input from the hardware I/O, is
connected via a variable/parameter with BoolIO data type, for example, FB1 and
Out1. The BoolIO data type is a structured data type with Value, IOValue and Force
as the components. The value is connected to the FB1 parameter and forced to
FB1 FB1.Value FB1
Value FB1.Forced FB1Forced
Forced UniCore


Figure 7. Connection diagram forUniHSI, UniCore and BoolIO.
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UniCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

• Effective Feedback
The EffectiveFB1 and EffectiveFB0 parameters, of the in/out type, give the
calculated result from FBConfig and the values of FB1 and FB0.
Effective feedback signals are connected to the faceplate and are displayed
under the Status tab.
• Output IOLevel
The parameter Out1IOLevel, of the in/out type, is the result calculated from the
actual values of the binary I/O (Out1IO, Out0IO), in relation to the selected
pulse functionality.




Figure 8. OutputIOLevel state diagram.

The output signals are connected and displayed in the Process Portal A
• Interlock
The parameter Interlock, of the in/out type, is the sum of parameters SafetyCmd
and Ilock. The Interlock parameter provides information when any type of
interlocking is active (for example, SafetyCmd or Ilock).
The interlock signals are connected and displayed in the Process Portal A
• Forced Action
The parameter Forced, of the in/out type, indicates the forced status of the
Out0IO and Out1IO signals at FB0 or FB1. If one of these four I/O signals is
blocked/forced, the parameter Forced, of the in/out type, will be true.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries BiCore

This process object is intended to be applied to two-
directional objects, that is, objects with three states
(for example (0) stop, (1) start/forward and (2)
The object has pulse output selection and feedback
configuration, to allow configuration of the number
of feedbacks and inversions.
Examples of applications are two-speed motors and
forward/backward motors.

BiCore function block
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BiCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

This subsection describes the operational parameters of the BiCore function block.
You can configure feedback signals, set object error time and disable error handling.
The PulseOut parameter governs whether the outputs are pulsed or level, depending
on the hardware used for the process object in question.
• Mode
The BiCore function block has the same operation modes as the UniCore, see
UniCore on page 20.
Only Manual mode and Auto mode have output parameters (ManMode and
AutoMode). The ManMode or AutoMode parameter is always set, (even if the
object is in another mode). One of these modes (ManMode or AutoMode) will
resume control upon returning from another mode. AutoMode is equivalent to
NOT ManMode.
ManMode has a retain attribute, which means the status is retained following a
warm restart.
The Manual mode is set as default at start-up by setting the parameter
ManModeInit to true. The parameter ManModeInit is copied to the parameter
ManMode following cold start.
– Disable Mode - Deactivates the object
The object is deactivated when the Enable parameter is set to false,
signifying that the function block is not executed. The output parameters
Out1, Out2, Out0, Out1Level, Out2Level, StatAct1, StatAct2, StatDeact,
and ObjErr are all reset to false, regardless of the status of other signals.
The object can be activated or deactivated in all mode.s
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries BiCore

– Manual Mode - A user controls the object from a workstation

To change to Manual mode, trigger the SetMan parameter and the
ManMode parameter will automatically be set to true. The output signals
(Out1, Out2, Out0, Out1Level, Out2Level) will retain their status from the
previous mode.
In Manual mode the status of the output signal is controlled by the
parameters ManCmd1, ManCmd2 and ManCmd0. These parameters have
rising edge detection.
All the parameters above (SetMan, ManCmd0, ManCmd1, ManCmd2) are
normally connected in the application to the operator faceplate.
– Auto Mode - The program controls the object
The Auto mode is set by the parameter SetAuto. The status of the output
signals (Out1, Out2, Out0, Out1Level, Out2Level) in Auto mode are
controlled by the parameters AutoCmd1, AutoCmd2, and AutoCmd0.
AutoCmd0 has higher priority than both AutoCmd1 and AutoCmd2.
The AutoCmd1, AutoCmd2 and AutoCmd0 parameters are level detected,
and therefore these parameters affect the output signal as long as they are
active. The programmer is required to reset these parameters from the
application program outside the function block. These parameters act on
Out1Level or Out2Level according to Figure 9.
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BiCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries






AutoCmd0 has priority.

Figure 9. Status relations of Out1Level and the Auto Commands.

When returning to Auto mode from another mode, the status of the output
signals is retained from the previous mode, but adjusted directly by the
signals AutoCmd1, AutoCmd2 or AutoCmd0, if one or more is set to true.
– Panel Mode - The object is controlled locally from an LCP (Local Control
Panel), via the BiCore function block
The function block has a set of signals allowing control of the object from
an LCP. Setting the PanMode parameter, which is level detected, activates
Panel mode.
This mode is active only as long as the PanMode parameter is true. If
PanMode is changed to false, the system exits Panel mode immediately
and returns to the previous Auto or Manual mode.
Whether or not Panel mode is used depends on how comprehensive the
application is. The question is whether you prefer to initiate control (the
parameter PanMode) of the object from a workplace, or from a switch on
an LCP.
The latter is a natural choice for smaller applications. The PanMode
parameter is connected to the switch on the LCP; PanCmd1, PanCmd2
and PanCmd0 are connected to the Start/Stop buttons (see Figure 10)
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries BiCore


LCP Process object

Switch PanMode


Figure 10. The Panel mode control diagram. A general solution for smaller applications, where all
four Panel parameters are connected from an LCP.
However, in large applications this option can cause a number of
undesirable events. In this case, the best solution is to connect the
PanMode parameter, via variables to a faceplate at the operator workplace.
The PanCmd1, PanCmd2 and PanCmd0 parameters are still connected to
the physical Start/Stop buttons. Changes in the Panel mode are therefore
approved centrally, that is, a local operator must first obtain permission
from the central control operator (see Figure 11).
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BiCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries


Operator Workplace Process object

Switch on screen





Figure 11. The Panel mode control diagram. A general solution for large applications, where the
PanMode parameter is connected to an operator workplace.
When the Panel mode is active, the LCP takes control of the object and
errors are calculated according to the status signals from the LCP. The
output signal retains its status from the previous mode.
The status of the object is controlled by the signals PanCmd1, PanCmd2
and PanCmd0, which are level detected signals and function in the same
way as AutoCmd signals, as illustrated in Figure 3. The PanCmd1,
PanCmd2 and PanCmd0 parameters should be connected to push buttons.
It may be advisable to use an R_Trig function block (trigger parameter and
push button) between PanCmd1, PanCmd2 and PanCmd0, in case the push
button malfunctions.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries BiCore

– Local Mode - The object is controlled locally from an LCP (Local Control
Pane), bypassing the BiCore function block
Local mode is used when the object is controlled locally by LCP and the
function block does not have any signals for maneuvering the object from
the LCP. All signals from the LCP are physically connected directly to the
object (for example, two directional motor, spring-return valve etc.).
In this mode, the object status is not updated inside the function block,
even if it is changed in reality (see Figure 12). SafetyCmd signals may still
change the object status. Error calculation is disabled. Objects return to
the previous mode when Local mode is disabled.

LCP Process object

Stop Motor


Figure 12. The Local mode control diagram.

The object status is not updated in Local mode. This means that
after leaving Local mode, the output signal status is the same as
before entering Local mode.

If the status in the function block tracks feedback signals, this must
be implemented outside the function block, for example, by setting
the corresponding safety command signal.
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BiCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

• Configuration of Feedback Signals

The parameter FBConfig informs the function block how the feedbacks are
configured, by transferring the combination of feedback signals of the object to
the function block. Possible combinations of feedback signals are listed in the
table below:

Table 2. Possible combinations of feedback signals

FBConfig Position 1 Position 2 Deactivated position

0 FB1 FB2 FB0

1 FB1 FB2 (none)

2 FB1 inverted FB2 inverted (none)

3 FB1 inverted FB2 inverted FB0 inverted

4 (none) (none) (none)

The values of the feedback signals FB1, FB2 and FB0 are transferred to
StatAc1, StatAct2, and StatDeact parameters respectively, conditioned with
Out1Level, Out2Level.
If an object has no, or only two, feedback signals, StatAct1, StatAct2 and
StatDeact are still set. The signals StatAct1, StatAct2, and StatDeact are set to
false, if FBConfig = 0, 1, 2 or 3, and more than one feedback is true at the same
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries BiCore

• Output Settings
The output signals include Out1, Out2, Out0, Out1Level and Out2Level.
Out1, Out2, and Out0 can be configured as pulsed command or level-detected
command, by means of the PulseOut parameter.
The pulse is sustained by the parameters Out1, Out2, and Out0, until the
corresponding feedback is detected or the maximum object error time is
Out1Level and Out2Level are intended indicate the output state when Out1 and
Out0 are pulsed.
If there is no feedback from a position, the pulse duration is set to the object
error time. Only one pulse is generated upon each status change.
• Simulation
When the parameter Simulate is activated, the object error calculation is
disabled and the Out1, Out2, and Out0 signal are set to false. The signals
StatAct1, StatAct2, and StatDeact are set according to the status of Out1Level
and Out2Level.
When simulation is deactivated, the status of the object reverts to
that in the mode prior to simulation and the Out0 signal is set to
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BiCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

• Change-over Action
The main difference between the UniCore and BiCore function blocks is their
directional functionality as the BiCore function block can change from one
active state to another. Changes can be made in all operation modes.
For implementation of a bi-directional motor, the BiCore function block has a
parameter named ChangOverTime (Time data type). The ChangeOverTime
parameter is used for large motors in order to secure safe operation (switching
forward/reverse). The parameter ChangeOverTime sets a delay time, before the
direction can be changed (see Figure 13).
The ChangeOverTime parameter has an initial value of 5 seconds.
xxx = AutoCmd, ManCmd, PanCmd




(not pulsed)
(not pulsed)

Figure 13. Change-over action state diagram

ChangeOverTime is only applicable to the parameters Out1, Out2, and Out0. It
is not applicable to Out1Level or Out2Level, as these two parameters present
the actual command.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries BiCore

This subsection describes the safety parameters for the BiCore function block. The
main purpose of the interlocking parameters is accurate and safe operation with
critical process values, such as high levels and temperatures, Motor Control Centre
interface, safety devices etc.
• Ilock - Prevents the object from entering a certain state
Ilock1, Ilock2 and Ilock0 signals blocks manual interactions in Manual and
Panel mode (not in Auto mode) to switch the object to activated and
deactivated state respectively. The Inhibit signal will resets interlock signals
when true.

State 1 State 2
(Start/Forward) (D) (Start/Reverse)

(B) (E)

(A) State 0 (F)


Figure 14. Manual maneuvers interlock signals.

(A) - Condition for jump to state 0: State 0-maneuver and NOT Ilock0.
(B) - Condition for jump to state 1: State 1-maneuver and NOT Ilock1.
(C) - Condition for jump to state 2: State 2-maneuver and NOT Ilock2.
(D) - Condition for jump to state 1: State 1-maneuver and NOT Ilock1.
(E) - Condition for jump to state 2: State 2-maneuver and NOT Ilock2.
(F) - Condition for jump to state 0: State 0-maneuver and NOT Ilock0.
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BiCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

• Safety Command - Compels the object to enter a certain state

The SafetyCmd1, SafetyCmd2, and SafetyCmd0 signals force the output to the
respective status, with higher priority than other signals, except when the
Inhibit signal is set to true. When these signals disappear, the status from safety
state is transferred to the current mode.
SafetyCmd0 has the highest priority of the three safety commands and affects
Out0. Similarly SafetyCmd1 and SafetyCmd2 affect Out1 and Out2.







Figure 15. State diagram showing safety command priorities and
output signals with the effect of Inhibit.
The Inhibit signal overrules all safety commands, so when the Inhibit signal is
active, the object ignores the status of SafetyCmd (the safety commands do not
affect the output signals).
• Inhibit - Cancels all Ilock and SafetyCmd signals
When the Inhibit signal is set to true, the program ignores all Ilock and
SafetyCmd signals. This parameter can be used when you want to run the object
although all Ilock and SafetyCmd signals are cancelled. When the Inhibit signal
returns to false, the Ilock and SafetyCmd signals are re-activated to their former
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries BiCore

Object Error
The object error is supervised in all modes, except Disable and Local mode. It is
based upon the values of the parameters Out1Level, Out2Level, FB1, FB2 and FB0.
The object error is calculated by the ACOF (Automatic Check Of Feedback)
function block from the standard SystemLib library.
The information required for the object error calculation is the object error time and
the number of feedbacks: these two parameters have to be configured by the user
(OETime and FBConfig).
OETime has an initial value of 5 seconds. In the extended library a variable is
connected the value of which overrides the initial value. The value of OETime can
be altered online in the interaction windows or in the Process Portal A faceplate.
The connected variable has a cold retain attribute, to retain the value following cold
or warm restarts.
The parameter ExtErr (external error) provides a possibility to connect other errors
to the object. The signal is added together with an error signal from object
supervision (ACOF) to the parameter ObjErr.
The ObjErr parameter does not affect the object status. If required, it has to be
implemented outside the BiCore, for example by connecting a variable to the
parameters ExtErr and SafetyCmd0. See the MotorBi function block, for an
• Alarm - Not available for BiCore.

Interaction windows
Not available for BiCore.

Faceplate Elements
Not available for BiCore.
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BiCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

BiHSI is a basic function block which supports the faceplate
and display elements for BiCore in the Process Portal A
graphical environment. This function block calculates the
information to be presented in display elements and faceplates
in the operator graphical environment. The function block is
used in the control modules or function blocks together with
BiCore, when an operator display element is to be used.
The BiHSI function block must be executed before the BiCore
All input parameters to the BiHSI function block that have the
same names as the input parameters to BiCore (for example
FBConfig, FB1, FB0 etc.) should contain the same information
as in the BiCore.
Note that Automode for BiHSI, is to be connected to the
AutoMode output parameter at the BiCore.
In normal cases, the bool type parameter that obtains input from
the hardware I/O, is connected via a variable/parameter with
BoolIO data type, for example, FB1, FB2, Out1 and Out2. The
BoolIO data type is a structured data type with Value, IOValue
and Force as the components. The value is connected to the FB1 BiHSI function block
parameter and forced to FB1Forced and FB2Forced.

FB1 FB1.Value FB1
BoolIO FB2.Value FB2

Forced FB1.Forced FB1Forced BiCore
FB2.Forced FB2Forced
Forced FB2

Figure 16. Connection diagram for BiHSI, BiCore and BoolIO.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries BiCore

• Effective Feedback
The EffectiveFB1, EffectiveFB2, and EffectiveFB0 parameters, of the in/out
type, give the calculated result from FBConfig and the values of FB1, FB2, and
Effective feedback signals are connected to the faceplate and displayed under
the Status tab.
• Output IOLevel
The parameter Out1IOLevel, of the in/out type, is the result calculated from the
actual values of the binary I/O (Out1IO, Out0IO) in relation to the selected
pulse functionality.





Figure 17. OutputIOLevel state diagram.
The output signals are connected and displayed in the Process Portal A
• Interlock
The parameter Interlock, of the in/out type, is the sum of SafetyCmd and Ilock.
The Interlock parameter provides information when any type of interlocking is
active (for example, SafetyCmd or Ilock).
The interlock signals are connected and displayed in the Process Portal A
• Forced Action
The parameter Forced, of the in/out type, indicates the forced status of the
Out0IO and Out1IO signals at FB0 or FB1. If one of these four I/O signals is
blocked/forced, the parameter Forced, of the in/out type, will be true.
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DriveCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

DriveCore is a basic function block, that can be used as
a basis for control of ABB Standard Drives and their
corresponding ABB Engineered Drives. DriveCore is
normally used together with the UniCore function
block. Therefore the start order parameter (Start) is a
level signal with hold function.
The DriveCore function block gives the user possibility
to start and stop a drive at a chosen setpoint, according
to the local state machine in drive. The states are
controlled by the function block through manipulation
of the drives status and control word.
DriveCore function block

Status and Control Word

The SW, Ref1, Ref2, CW, Act1, and Act2 parameters are to be connected to the drive,
independent of the media with which the data is transferred. The drive
communicates with the controller though drive data sets and the parameters are to
be connected to the drive according to the table below.

Drive Data Set 1 Drive Data Set 2

Data Words Data Words

1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3

CW Ref1 Ref2 SW Act1 Act2

The drive data set number can differ between different types of
ABB Drives, see the manual for the relevant drive.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries DriveCore

Emergency Stop
The Drive function block type has two parameters that can cause an emergency stop,
Off2 and Off3. If the application demands an emergency stop through one of the
parameters, the drive stops according to the local emergency settings on the drive.
The priority for emergency stops is controlled by the drive. The higher priority is
higher than that of the stop and start commands.
The Off2 and Off3 parameters do not have any effect on the drive, if it is in remote
state (locally controlled drive).

Controlling the Drive

When a start order is given by the Start parameter, the drive starts at the chosen
setpoint, if the drive is ready to start and no stop order is given. Both start and stop
orders support the ramp functionality, according to local settings in the drive. When
both start and stop orders are given though the input parameters, the stop order has
the higher priority.
In order to prepare the drive for start, the following must be fulfilled:
• The drive must be configured to receive commands from the Fieldbus
• Communication must running (Drive – Controller)
• No activated emergency stop (Off2, Off3)
• After drive fault, the reset command must have been given
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DriveCore Section 1 Process Object Libraries

Scaling of Drive Values

It is possible to scale all reference and setpoint values according to the local settings
in the drive unit. Even the format used in communication should be treated. The
value of the scale parameters should be calculated according to:
Scale factor = Field reference scaling value / Max_Min_Value
Scale factor is the value used for the scaling values (ScaleSP1, ScaleSP2, ScaleAct1,
and ScaleAct2).
Field reference scaling value is the value corresponding to the scaling value in the
drive (value received from the drive). For further information, consult the relevant
drive manual.
Max_Min_Value corresponds to the unit chosen in the drive. For example, in a
standard Drive (ACS600Std), if speed is given in the unit % and the
Max_Min_Value is 100 the Scale factor will be 200 and if the unit is in r.p.m. with a
maximum of 1500 r.p.m. the Scale factor will be 13.3.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries Process Object Extended Library

Process Object Extended Library

The Extended library contains function block types and control module types based
on either UniCore or BiCore (and their corresponding HSICore or BiHSI). The
function block and control module types also includes alarm and graphics
The following Process objects from the Extended library can be applied to an
• Uni, based on UniCore
• ValveUni, based on Uni type, but simpler. Controls a uni-directional valve.
• Bi, based on BiCore
• MotorUni, based on the Uni type, but more complex. Controls a uni-
directional motor.
• MotorBi, based on the Bi type, but more complex. Controls a bi-directional
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About the Extended Process Objects Section 1 Process Object Libraries

About the Extended Process Objects

The Extended library is more comprehensive than the Basic library. It comprises
ready-to-use valve and motor objects, alarm handling functionality and templates
for user-designed valve and motor objects. It includes additional control modules
for high-level graphical configuration, which are integrated with both Control
Builder Professional and Process Portal A faceplates.
It is only possible to use control modules in Control Builder

Function Blocks or Control Modules?

In simple applications (or small ones) that will not need to be modified at a later
date, traditional function block solutions are the most rational choice. In more
complex applications, control modules are preferred.
One of the benefits of using control modules, is that they allow the user to insert
many similar objects, as the code sorting routine ensures that variables are dealt
within the correct order. The more objects to be inserted, the more you gain by using
control modules.
Function block parameters are copied at each call, while control module parameters
are defined at compilation and set up once, prior to execution. Control modules have
a performance advantage, especially when large structures (for example, structured
data types) are used as parameters, of the in and/or out type, in function blocks, or
when parameters are transferred through deep hierarchies.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries Uni

This process object is an example of an UniCore
application. It includes an alarm function, Control
Builder interaction windows and the graphical
Process Portal A interface.
Many parameters are the same
throughout this section and are therefore
referred to and explained only in the
corresponding core section. For further
information, see UniCore on page 20.
The UniHSI function block is implemented
together with the UniCore function block,
supporting the faceplate and displaying elements
for the Uni process object in the Process Portal A
graphical environment.

Uni function block
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Uni Section 1 Process Object Libraries

Several interaction parameters in the UniCore function block, for example
ManCmd1 etc., are not connected to parameters in this block. Inside this function
block, local variables are used for communication between the graphics window and
corresponding parameters in the UniCore function block.
• Mode
– Disable Mode
See Disable Mode - Deactivates the object on page 21.
– Manual Mode
The manual mode is designed to be set from the Control Builder
interaction window or the operator workplace faceplate, via SetMan,
ManCmd1, and ManCmd0. No parameters for manual control are
provided in this object.
See also, Manual Mode - A user operates the object from a workstation on
page 21.
– Auto Mode
The setting of the Auto mode can be set from the program, interaction
windows or faceplate. Since Auto mode results in automatic operation, the
program controls the object, via AutoCmd1 and AutoCmd0.
See also, Auto Mode - The program controls the object on page 22.
– Panel Mode
See Panel Mode - The object is controlled locally from an LCP (Local
Control Panel), via the UniCore function block on page 22.
For Uni, it is possible to control Panel mode of the object from both
a workplace, and from a switch on an LCP. The faceplate has a
button (connected to a local variable) that can toggle the Panel
mode. There is also a parameter (PanMode) intended to be
connected to an activation signal from the panel. If you connect
PanMode to the panel it is still possible to use the button in the
faceplate to activate the Panel mode. It is, however, not possible to
deactivate Panel mode from the faceplate if it has been activated
from the LCP.
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries Uni

– Local Mode
See Local Mode - The object is controlled locally from a Local Control
Panel (LCP), bypassing the UniCore function block on page 25.
• FeedBack Configuration
See Configuration of Feedback Signals on page 26.
• Output Settings
See Output Settings on page 26.

See Interlocking on page 27.

Object Error
The object error is calculated by the ACOF (Automatic Check Of Feedback)
function block, from the standard SystemLib library, and the error signal from the
parameter ExtErr (external error) to give the parameter ObjErr.
The ExtErr parameter is connected directly to the corresponding parameter in
Object error time is connected to the Control Builder interaction window and the
Process Portal A faceplate, via a local variable. This results in the user being able to
change the value from the corresponding graphical window. The local variable has a
cold retain attribute and the value is thus retained following a cold restart.
See also Object Error on page 28.
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Uni Section 1 Process Object Libraries

• Alarm
The alarm function uses the AlarmCond function block, with acknowledge rule
(AckRule=1). This acknowledge rule includes six possible alarm states. For
further information about the alarm state, see Control Builder online help for
more information on the AlarmCond function block. The alarm is activated by
the object error in UniCore function block (as described above).
The AlarmCond function block incorporates an alarm Control Builder
interaction window, displayed by a clicking the alarm icon in the Control
Builder interaction window of the Uni object. See Figure 18.

Figure 18. An alarm Control Builder interaction window.

If the object is in Disabled or in Local mode, or if the object error is disabled,
the alarm function is disabled.
An alarm can be acknowledge from the program via the parameter AlarmAck,
the LCP (in Panel mode) via parameter PanAck, from the alarm Control
Builder interaction window, or from the Process Portal A faceplate.
• Error Text String
The error text string is handled by the OETextUni function block. This function
block generates the text message from feedback and output signals of the
AlarmCond function block. The text message is displayed in the Alarm Control
Builder interaction window.
This text contains the Name of the object, followed by -OE: and the status of
the activated output signal, 0 or 1, at the time of the error (for example,
Out1=1). The status of the selected feedback combination, for example,
FB1=1; FB0=0; is also displayed. If the error has been generated from an
ExtErr parameter, an External error text is also displayed.
54 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries Uni

Control Builder Interaction Window

The Uni object has two Control Builder interaction windows, one for manual
control and one for indications (see Figure 19). The main interaction window is
displayed first. The extended interaction window is displayed by a click on the
information icon in the main interaction window.
Main interaction Extended
window interaction window

Figure 19. The Control Builder interaction windows of the Uni object.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 55
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ValveUni Section 1 Process Object Libraries

This process object is a simple example of the
UniCore function block. ValveUni includes an alarm
function, Control Builder interaction windows and
the Process Portal A graphical interface.
Many parameters are the same throughout
this section and are therefore referred to and
explained only in the corresponding
UniCore section. For further information see
UniCore on page 20.
The UniHSI function block is implemented together
with the UniCore function block, supporting the
faceplate and displaying ValveUni elements, in the
Process Portal A graphical environment.
The ValveUni object is incorporated with only one
output I/O for open command.
ValveUni function block
56 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries ValveUni

Several interaction parameters in the UniCore function block, for example,
ManCmd1 etc., are not connected to parameters in this block. Inside this block, local
variables are used for communication between the graphics window and
corresponding parameters on the UniCore function block.
• Mode
The ValveUni object has a reduced number of operation modes, Disable,
Manual, and Auto mode.
– Disable Mode
See Disable Mode - Deactivates the object on page 21.
– Manual Mode
The manual mode is designed to be set from the Control Builder
interaction window or the operator workplace faceplate, via SetMan,
ManCmd1, and ManCmd0. No parameters for manual control are
provided in this object.
See also Manual Mode - A user operates the object from a workstation on
page 21.
– Auto Mode
Auto mode can be set from the program, interaction windows or faceplate.
ValveUni has only one Auto command, AutoCmd1 with level detection
(reduced number of parameter).
See also Auto Mode - The program controls the object on page 22.
• FeedBack Configuration
See Configuration of Feedback Signals on page 26.
• Output Settings
Since the object is intended to control a simple valve, only one output is
provided (Out1) which is not pulsed.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 57
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ValveUni Section 1 Process Object Libraries

The interlocking parameters (Ilock and SafetyCmd) are very similar to those in
UniCore, only being that Inhibit is not implemented.
See also Interlocking on page 27.

Object Error
The object error is calculated only by the ACOF (Automatic Check Of Feedback)
function block, from the standard SystemLib library and indicated via the parameter
The ExtErr parameter from UniCore is not used.
Object error time is connected to the Control Builder interaction window and the
Process Portal A faceplate, via a local variable. This results in the user being able to
change the value from the corresponding graphical window. The local variable has a
cold retain attribute and the value is thus retained following a cold restart.
See also Object Error on page 28.
• Alarm
The alarm function uses the AlarmCond function block, with acknowledge rule
(AckRule=1). This acknowledge rule includes six possible alarm states. For
further information about the alarm state, see Control Builder online help for
AlarmCond function block. The alarm is activated by the object error in the
UniCore function block (as described above).
The AlarmCond function block incorporates an alarm Control Builder
interaction window, displayed by clicking on the alarm icon in the ValveUni
Control Builder interaction window. See Figure 20.

Figure 20. An alarm Control Builder interaction window.
58 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries ValveUni

The alarm function is disabled, only if the object error calculation is disabled.
An alarm can be acknowledge from the program via the parameter AlarmAck,
from the alarm Control Builder interaction window and from the Process Portal
A faceplate.
• Error Text String
The error text string is handled by the OETextUniOut1 function block. This
function block generates the message text from feedback and output signals of
the AlarmCond function block. The text message is displayed in the Alarm
Control Builder interaction window.
This text contains the Name of the object, followed by -OE: and the status of
the activated output signal, 0 or 1, at the time of the error (for example,
Out1=1). The status of the selected feedback combination, for example,
FB1=1; FB0=0; is also displayed. If the error has been generated from an
ExtErr parameter, there is also an External error text displayed.

Control Builder Interaction Window

The ValveUni object has two Control Builder interaction windows, one for manual
control and one for indications (see Figure 21). The main interaction window is
displayed first. The extended interaction window is displayed by a click on the
information icon in the main interaction window.
Main interaction Extended interaction
window window

Figure 21. The Control Builder interaction windows of the ValveUni object.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 59
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Bi Section 1 Process Object Libraries

This process object is an example of a BiCore
application. It includes with an alarm function,
Control Builder interaction windows and Process
Portal A graphical interface.

Many parameters are the same

throughout this section and are therefore
referred to and explained only in the
corresponding BiCore section. For
further information, see BiCore on page
The BiHSI function block is implemented
together with the BiCore function block,
supporting the faceplate and displaying elements
for the Bi process object in the Process Portal A
graphical environment.

Bi function block
60 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries Bi

Several interaction parameters in BiCore function block, for example, ManCmd1
etc. are not connected to parameters in this block. Inside this block local variables
are used for communication between the graphics window and the corresponding
parameters on the BiCore function block.
• Mode
– Disable Mode
See Disable Mode - Deactivates the object on page 32.
– Manual Mode
The Manual mode is designed to be set from the Control Builder
interaction window or the faceplate in Operator workplace via SetMan,
ManCmd1, ManCmd2, and ManCmd0. No parameters for manual control
are provided in this object.
See also about Manual Mode - A user controls the object from a
workstation on page 33.
– Auto Mode
Auto mode can be set from the program, interaction windows or faceplate.
Since Auto mode results in automatic operation, the program controls the
object via AutoCmd1, AutoCmd2 and AutoCmd0.
See also about Auto Mode - The program controls the object on page 33.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 61
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Bi Section 1 Process Object Libraries

– Panel Mode
See Panel Mode - The object is controlled locally from an LCP (Local
Control Panel), via the BiCore function block on page 34.
For Bi, it is possible to control Panel mode of the object from both a
workplace, and from a switch on an LCP. The faceplate has a button
(connected to a local variable) that can toggle the Panel mode.
There is also a parameter (PanMode) intended to be connected to an
activation signal from the panel. If you connect PanMode to the
panel it is still possible to use the button in the faceplate to activate
the Panel mode. It is, however, not possible to deactivate Panel
mode from the faceplate if it has been activated from the LCP.
Local Mode
See Local Mode - The object is controlled locally from an LCP (Local
Control Pane), bypassing the BiCore function block on page 37.
• FeedBack Configuration
See Configuration of Feedback Signals on page 38.
• Output Settings
See Output Settings on page 39.
• Change-over Action
The Bi object has a five-seconds, built-in change-over time function, inside
BiCore. This setting. cannot be changed.
See also Change-over Action on page 40.

See Interlocking on page 41.
62 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries Bi

Object Error
The object error is calculated by the ACOF (Automatic Check Of Feedback)
function block, from the standard SystemLib library, and the error signal from the
parameter ExtErr (external error) to give the parameter ObjErr.
The ExtErr parameter is connected directly to the corresponding parameter in
Object error time is connected to the Control Builder interaction window and the
Process Portal A faceplate, via a local variable. This results in the user being able to
change the value from the corresponding graphical window. The local variable has a
cold retain attribute and the value is thus retained following a cold restart.
See also about Object Error on page 43.
• Alarm
The alarm function uses AlarmCond function block, with acknowledge rule
(AckRule=1). This acknowledge rule includes six possible alarm states. For
further information about the alarm state, see Control Builder online help for
AlarmCond function block. The alarm is activated by the object error in the
BiCore function block (as described above).
The AlarmCond function block incorporates Control Builder interaction
window for alarm, displayed by clicking the alarm icon in the Control Builder
interaction window of the Bi process object. See Figure 22.

Figure 22. The alarm Control Builder interaction window of the Bi object.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 63
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Bi Section 1 Process Object Libraries

• Error Text String

The error text string is handled by the OETextBi function block. This function
block generates the message text from feedback and output signals of the
AlarmCond function block. The text message is displayed in the Alarm Control
Builder interaction window.
This text contains the Name of the object, followed by -OE: and the status of
the activated output signal, 0 or 1, at the time of the error, (for example,
Out1=1). The status of the selected feedback combination, for example,
FB1=1; FB0=0; is also displayed. If the error has been generated from an
ExtErr parameter, an External error text is also displayed.
64 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries Bi

Control Builder Interaction Window

The Bi process object has two Control Builder interaction windows, one for manual
control and one for indications (see Figure 23). The main interaction window is
displayed first. The extended interaction window is displayed by a click on the
information icon in the main interaction window.
Main interaction Extended
window interaction window

Figure 23. The Control Builder interaction windows of the Bi object.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 65
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MotorUni Section 1 Process Object Libraries

This process object is an improved example of the
UniCore application. It includes an alarm
function, Control Builder interaction windows
and Process Portal A graphical interface.
Many parameters are the same
throughout this section and are therefore
referred to and explained only in the
corresponding BiCore section. For
further information, see UniCore on
page 20.
The UniHSI function block is implemented
together with the UniCore function block,
supporting the faceplate and displaying elements
for the MotorUni process object in the Process
Portal A graphical environment.

MotorUni function block
66 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries MotorUni

Several interaction parameters in UniCore, for example, SetMan etc. are not
connected to parameters in this block. Inside this block local variables are used for
communication between the graphics window and the corresponding parameters in
the UniCore.
• Mode
– Disable Mode
See also, Disable Mode - Deactivates the object on page 21.
– Manual Mode
The Manual mode can be set from the Control Builder interaction window
or the operator workplace faceplate, via SetMan, ManCmd1, ManCmd2
and ManCmd0. No parameters for manual control are provided in this
See also, Manual Mode - A user operates the object from a workstation on
page 21.
– Auto Mode
Auto mode can be set from the program, interaction windows or the
faceplate. Since Auto mode implies automatic operation, the program
controls the object via AutoCmd1 and AutoCmd0.
Each of these parameters is supplied with a value of OETime, connected to
the Control Builder interaction window and the Process Portal A
faceplate, via local variables. The value of OETime can be changed from
the corresponding graphical window. The local variables have the cold
retain attribute to retain the values following a cold restart. OETime for
AutoCmd1 has the same setting as AutoCmd1 and AutoCmd0, because the
same local variable is used.
See also, Auto Mode - The program controls the object on page 22.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 67
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MotorUni Section 1 Process Object Libraries

– Panel Mode
See Panel Mode - The object is controlled locally from an LCP (Local
Control Panel), via the UniCore function block on page 22.
For MotorUni, it is possible to control Panel mode of the object
from both a workplace, and from a switch on an LCP. The faceplate
has a button (connected to a local variable) that can toggle the Panel
mode. There is also a parameter (PanMode) intended to be
connected to an activation signal from the panel. If you connect
PanMode to the panel it is still possible to use the button in the
faceplate to activate the Panel mode. It is, however, not possible to
deactivate Panel mode from the faceplate if it has been activated
from the LCP.
– Local Mode
See Local Mode - The object is controlled locally from a Local Control
Panel (LCP), bypassing the UniCore function block on page 25.
• FeedBack Configuration
See Configuration of Feedback Signals on page 26.
• Output Settings
See Output Settings on page 26.

Modification of the interlocking function is performed to extend some parameters,
to apply user-defined text and to implement the combination of SafetyCmd0 and an
alarm function via ExtErr. Further improvement is possible based on this example.
• Ilock - Prevents the object from entering a certain state
The MotorUni object has four parameters: Ilock01, Ilock02, Ilock11, and
Ilock12 that set the condition of Ilock0 or Ilock1 in the UniCore function block.
The Ilock0 condition is set by Ilock01 or Ilock02. Similarly, the Ilock1
condition is set by Ilock11 or Ilock12.
68 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries MotorUni

• Safety Command - Compels the object to enter a certain state

The SafetyCmd0 parameter is divided into three parameter: SafetyCmd01,
SafetyCmd02, and SafetyCmd03. Each of these parameters has associated
parameters: SafetyCmd01Txt, SafetyCmd02Txt, and SafetyCmd03Txt, to
provide a descriptive text in the alarm list and the Process Portal A faceplate.
The Text is displayed in the Safety Interlock menu area.
The extended SafetyCmd0 (-Cmd01, -Cmd02 and -Cmd03) have a hold
function with an alarm. When the safety command is active, the object error is
generated by an alarm and can only be released by alarm acknowledge or
• Inhibit - Cancel all Ilock and SafetyCmd signals
The Inhibit signal for MotorUni process object works exactly the same as
described earlier in the UniCore section, with one exception; Inhibit releases an
object error, activated by the SafetyCmd0.

Object Error
The object error is calculated by the ACOF (Automatic Check Of Feedback)
function block, from the standard SystemLib library, and the error signal from the
parameter ExtErr (external error) to parameter ObjErr.
The ExtErr parameter in UniCore is the sum of SafetyCmd01, SafetyCmd02,
SafetyCmd03 and the corresponding ExtErr parameter in the MotorBi process
For further information, see Object Error on page 28.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 69
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MotorUni Section 1 Process Object Libraries

• Alarm
The Alarm is activated by the object error in the UniCore function block.
The AlarmCond function block incorporates an alarm Control Builder
interaction window, displayed by a simple click on the alarm icon in the
Control Builder interaction window of the MotorUni. See Figure 24.

Figure 24. The alarm Control Builder interaction window of the MotorUni object.
• Error Text String
The error text string is handled by the OETextUni function block. This function
block generates the text message from the feedback and output signal of the
AlarmCond function block. The text message is displayed in the alarm Control
Builder interaction window.
This text contains the Name of the object, followed by -OE: and the status of
the activated output signal, 0 or 1, at the error occasion, (for example, Out1=1).
The status of the selected feedback combination, for example FB1=1; FB0=0;
is also displayed. If the error is generated from an ExtErr parameter, an
External error text is also displayed.
70 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries MotorUni

Control Builder Interaction Window

The MotorUni object has two Control Builder interaction windows, one for manual
control and one for indications (see Figure 27). The main interaction window is
displayed first. The extended interaction window is displayed by a click on the
information icon in the main interaction window.
Main interaction Extended
window interaction window

Figure 25. The Control Builder interaction window of the MotorBi object.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 71
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MotorBi Section 1 Process Object Libraries

This process object is an improved example of the
BiCore application. It includes an alarm function,
Control Builder interaction windows and Process
Portal A graphical interface.
Many parameters are the same throughout
this section and are therefore referred to and
explained only in the corresponding BiCore
section. For further information, see BiCore
on page 31.
The BiHSI function block is implemented together
with the BiCore function block, supporting the
faceplate and displaying elements for MotorBi process
object in the Process Portal A graphical environment.

MotorBi function block
72 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries MotorBi

Several interaction parameters in the BiCore function block, for example, SetMan
etc. are not connected to parameters in this block. Inside this block local variables
are used for communication between the graphics window and the corresponding
parameters in the BiCore function block.
• Mode
– Disable Mode
See also, Disable Mode - Deactivates the object on page 32.
– Manual Mode
The Manual mode is set from the Control Builder interaction window or
the operator workplace faceplate, via SetMan, ManCmd1, ManCmd2 and
ManCmd0. No parameters for manual control are provided in this object.
See also, Manual Mode - A user controls the object from a workstation on
page 33.
– Auto Mode
Auto mode can be set from the program, interaction windows or the
faceplate. Since Auto mode is the automatic operation, the program
controls the object via AutoCmd1, AutoCmd2 and AutoCmd0.
Each of these parameters is supplied with an OnDelayTime parameter,
connected to the Control Builder interaction window and the Process
Portal A faceplate, via local variables. The value of OnDelayTime can be
changed in the corresponding graphical window. The local variables have
the cold retain attribute to retain their values following a cold restart.
OnDelay for AutoCmd1 and AutoCmd2 has the same setting as AutoCmd1,
AutoCmd2 and AutoCmd0, because the same local variable is used.
See also, Auto Mode - The program controls the object on page 33.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 73
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MotorBi Section 1 Process Object Libraries

– Panel Mode
See Panel Mode - The object is controlled locally from an LCP (Local
Control Panel), via the BiCore function block on page 34.
For MotorBi, it is possible to control Panel mode of the object from
both a workplace, and from a switch on an LCP. The faceplate has a
button (connected to a local variable) that can toggle the Panel
mode. There is also a parameter (PanMode) intended to be
connected to an activation signal from the panel. If you connect
PanMode to the panel it is still possible to use the button in the
faceplate to activate the Panel mode. It is, however, not possible to
deactivate Panel mode from the faceplate if it has been activated
from the LCP.
– Local Mode
See Local Mode - The object is controlled locally from an LCP (Local
Control Pane), bypassing the BiCore function block on page 37.
• FeedBack Configuration
See Configuration of Feedback Signals on page 38.
• Output Settings
See Output Settings on page 39.
• Change-over Action
The MotorBi object implements the change-over function from the BiCore
function block. One parameter is provided for setting the change-over time, and
it is connected to the corresponding parameter in BiCore.
This change-over time is also connected to the Control Builder interaction
window and the Process Portal A faceplate, via local variables. This results in
the user being able to change the value in the corresponding graphical window.
The local variables have the cold retain attribute to retain the values following a
cold restart.
See also, Change-over Action on page 40.
74 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries MotorBi

Modification of the interlocking function is performed to extend some parameters,
to apply user-defined text and to implement the combination of SafetyCmd0 and
alarm functions via ExtErr. Further improvement is possible based on this example.
• Ilock - Prevents the object from entering a certain state
The MotorBi object has four parameters: Ilock01, Ilock02, Ilock11, and Ilock12
that set the condition of Ilock0 or Ilock1 in the BiCore function block. The
Ilock0 condition is set by Ilock01 or Ilock02. Similarly, the Ilock1 condition is
set by Ilock11 or Ilock12.
Ilock2 has no extended parameter and is connected directly to the
corresponding parameter in the BiCore process object.
• Safety Command - Compels the object to enter a certain state
The SafetyCmd0 parameter is divided into three parameters: SafetyCmd01,
SafetyCmd02, and SafetyCmd03. Each of these parameters has associated
parameters: SafetyCmd01Txt, SafetyCmd02Txt, and SafetyCmd03Txt, to
provide a descriptive text in the alarm list and the Process Portal A faceplate.
The Text is displayed in the Safety Interlock menu area.
SafetyCmd1 and SafetyCmd2 have no extended parameters and is connected
directly to the corresponding parameters in the BiCore function block.
The indication of SafetyCmd1 and SafetyCmd2 in the Process Portal A
faceplate is separated from SafetyCmd0 in the Process Interlock menu area.
The extended SafetyCmd0 parameters (-Cmd01, -Cmd02 and -Cmd03) have a
hold function with an alarm. When the safety command is active, the object
error is generated by an alarm and can only be released by alarm acknowledge
or inhibit.
• Inhibit - Cancel all Ilock and SafetyCmd signals
The Inhibit signal for MotorBi process object works exactly the same as
described earlier in the BiCore section, with one exception; Inhibit releases an
object error, activated by the SafetyCmd0.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 75
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MotorBi Section 1 Process Object Libraries

Object Error
The object error is calculated by the ACOF (Automatic Check Of Feedback)
function block, from the standard SystemLib library, and the error signal from the
parameter ExtErr (external error) to parameter ObjErr.
The ExtErr parameter in BiCore is the sum of SafetyCmd01, SafetyCmd02,
SafetyCmd03 and the corresponding ExtErr in the MotorBi process object.
For further information, see Object Error on page 43.
• Alarm
The Alarm is activated by the object error in the BiCore function block.
The AlarmCond function block incorporates an alarm Control Builder
interaction window, displayed by a simple click on the alarm icon in the
Control Builder interaction window of the MotorBi. See Figure 26.

Figure 26. The alarm Control Builder interaction window of MotorBi object.
• Error Text String
The error text string is handled by the OETextBi function block. This function
block generates the text message from the feedback and output signal of the
AlarmCond function block. The text message is displayed in the Alarm Control
Builder interaction window.
This text contains the Name of the object, followed by -OE: and the status of
the activated output signal, 0 or 1, at the error occasion, (for example, Out1=1).
The status of the selected feedback combination, for example, FB1=1; FB0=0;
is also displayed. If the error is generated from an ExtErr parameter, an
External error text is also displayed.
76 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 1 Process Object Libraries MotorBi

Control Builder Interaction Window

The MotorBi object has two Control Builder interaction windows, one for manual
control and one for indications (see Figure 27). The main interaction window is
displayed first. The extended interaction window is displayed by a click on the
information icon in the main interaction window.
Main interaction Extended
window interaction window

Figure 27. The Control Builder interaction window of the MotorBi object.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 77
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General Section 2 Object Handling

Section 2 Object Handling

All process objects in processobjextlib have a faceplate. The faceplate of an object
type consists of a number of faceplate elements. There are four basic faceplate
elements, which are adapted to suit the intended process object. These faceplate
elements are:
• Command
• Parameters
• LevelDetection
• TrimCurve1
The Command, Parameters and LevelDetection elements refer to the
processobjextlib folder and the TrimCurve1 refers to the Libraries folder, that is, the
faceplate elements used for the process object types point to elements in these
The graphics in a basic faceplate element is adapted to a faceplate element of an
object type by setting the visibility of the graphics (in MS Visual Basic). There are
various ways of setting the visibility of the graphics.
In the Command faceplate element (see the Example 1 below) graphics for signals
and texts are only displayed in the faceplate element if the signals and/or texts are
connected to the graphics.
In the Parameters faceplate element (see the Example 2 below) the visibility
properties are set to display different graphics in the faceplate element depending on
whether the property is true or false.
78 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 2 Object Handling General

Example 1: Command in ValveUni Object Type

The Command faceplate element of ValveUni type contains only the Auto
Command as a frame text (Frame0), the connected signal AutoCmd1.QualityOk
(Frame0Cmd0OPC) and the text, Open (ACmd 0).

Basic Command faceplate element ValveUni Command faceplate element

Figure 28. The basic Command faceplate element and the corresponding one in the ValveUni type
In the Expression Builder of MS Visual Basic, you can see that CaptionFr0
(Frame0) is connected to e_Frame0Caption; CaptionFr1 (Frame1), CaptionFr2
(Frame2) and CaptionFr3 (Frame3) is connected to e_empty, and
Frame0Cmd0String (ACmd 0) are connected to e_Frame0Command0.
Frame0Cmd0OPC (the signal) is connected to AutoCmd1.QualityOk.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 79
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General Section 2 Object Handling

Figure 29. The Command faceplate element of ValveUni object type, in Expression Builder.
In the Edit variables tab, these variables have the following texts:
• e_empty - (no text at all, that is, no text is displayed)
• e_Frame0Command0 - Open
• e_Frame0Caption - Auto Command

Figure 30. Variables in Expression Builder of the ValveUni object type Command faceplate element.
80 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 2 Object Handling General

Example 2: Parameters in Bi Object Type

The Parameters faceplate element of Bi type only contains the text, Object Error
Time and the connected signal InteractionPar.OETime (ObjectErrorTime) and
InteractionPar.OETime.QualityOk (OPCOkPbjectErrorTime).

Basic Parameters faceplate element Bi Parameters faceplate element

Figure 31. The basic Parameters faceplate element and the corresponding one in the Bi type.
In the Properties window, the Motor Type property is set to False to make the
OnDelayTime and Off Delay Time rows invisible. The BiMotorType property is set
to False to make the Change Over Time row invisible.

Figure 32. The properties window.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 81
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Basic Faceplate Elements Section 2 Object Handling

Basic Faceplate Elements

The basic faceplate elements contain the graphics as displayed below.

Table 3. The basic faceplate elements

Name of Faceplate Element Graphics of Faceplate Element


82 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 2 Object Handling Basic Faceplate Elements

Table 3. The basic faceplate elements (continued)

Name of Faceplate Element Graphics of Faceplate Element


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Basic Faceplate Elements Section 2 Object Handling

Up to six different faceplate elements may be connected to each faceplate of a

process object type. These faceplate elements consist of the basic elements
according to the table below.

Table 4. The basic faceplate elements used in the faceplates

of the process objects

Command Parameters LevelDetection TrimCurve1

Command X

Interlock X
Parameters X


Status X

Command X

Interlock X

Parameters X X

Status X

TrimCurve X
84 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 2 Object Handling Basic Faceplate Elements

Table 4. The basic faceplate elements used in the faceplates

of the process objects (continued)

Command Parameters LevelDetection TrimCurve1
Command X

Interlock X
Parameters X X


Status X
TrimCurve X


Command X

Interlock X

Parameters X X

Status X

Command X

Interlock X

Parameters X X

Status X

* RedInterlock cannot refer to another faceplate element, that is, it is unique in each
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 85
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Bi Faceplate Elements Section 2 Object Handling

Bi Faceplate Elements
The Bi faceplate elements contain the signal connections and graphics as displayed

Table 5. The Bi faceplate elements

Name of Faceplate Element Graphics of Faceplate Element

(Auto and Panel mode signals)
Auto Command
Auto Command 1 AutoCmd1
Auto Command 2 AutoCmd2
Auto Command 0 AutoCmd0
Panel Command
Pan Command 1 PanCmd1
Pan Command 2 PanCmd2
Pan Command 0 PanCmd0

(Interlocking signals for accurate and
safe operation with critical process
Safety Interlock
Forced to Position 1 SafetyCmd1
Forced to Position 2 SafetyCmd2
Forced to Position 0 SafetyCmd0
Start/Stop Interlock
Position 1 Ilock1
Position 2 Ilock2
Position 0 Ilock0
OE Disabled OEDisabled
Inhibit Inhibit
86 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 2 Object Handling Bi Faceplate Elements

Table 5. The Bi faceplate elements (continued)

Name of Faceplate Element Graphics of Faceplate Element

(Alarm handling)
Object Error Time


(Output and feedback signal status)
Out Status
Out 1 Out1
Out 2 Out2
Out 0 Out0
Feedback Status
Out 1 EffectiveFB1
Out 2 EffectiveFB2
Out 0 EffectiveFB0
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 87
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MotorBi Faceplate Elements Section 2 Object Handling

MotorBi Faceplate Elements

The MotorBi faceplate elements contain the signal connections and graphics as
displayed below.

Table 6. The MotorBi faceplate elements

Name of Faceplate Element Graphics of Faceplate Element

(Auto and Panel mode signals)
Auto Command
Low AutoCmd1
High AutoCmd2
Stop AutoCmd0
Panel Command
Low PanCmd1
High PanCmd2k
Stop PanCmd0

(Interlocking signals for accurate and
safe operation with critical process
Process Interlock
Forced to Low SafetyCmd1
Forced to High SafetyCmd2
Safety Interlock
Start/Stop Interlock
Low Ilock11 or Ilock12
High Ilock2
Stop Ilock01 or Ilock02
OE Disabled OEDisabled
Inhibit Inhibit
88 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 2 Object Handling MotorBi Faceplate Elements

Table 6. The MotorBi faceplate elements (continued)

Name of Faceplate Element Graphics of Faceplate Element

(Alarm handling and level detection
Object Error Time
On Delay Time
Off Delay Time
Change Over Timer
Enable supervision
Value MotorValue.Value
Level InteractionPar.Level
Hysteresis InteractionPar.Hysteresis
Start Delay InteractionPar.StartDelay
Filter Time
Fraction Fraction

3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 89
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MotorBi Faceplate Elements Section 2 Object Handling

Table 6. The MotorBi faceplate elements (continued)

Name of Faceplate Element Graphics of Faceplate Element

(Output and feedback signal status)
Out Status
Low Out1
High Out2
Stopped Out0
Feedback Status
Low EffectiveFB1
High EffectiveFB2k
Stopped EffectiveFB0
Pulse Out PulseOut

(Trime curve of motor value)
In1Value MotorValue.Value
TimeScaleMin TrimCurveTime
90 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 2 Object Handling MotorUni Faceplate Elements

MotorUni Faceplate Elements

The MotorUni faceplate elements contain the signal connections and graphics as
displayed below.

Table 7. The MotorUni faceplate elements

Name of Faceplate Element and Graphics of Faceplate Element

Connected Signals
(Auto and Panel mode signals)
Auto Command
Start AutoCmd1
Stop AutoCmd0
Panel Command
Start PanCmd1
Stop PanCmd0

(Interlocking signals for accurate and
safe operations with critical process
Process Interlock
Forced to Running SafetyCmd1
Safety Interlock
Start/Stop Interlock
Start Ilock11 or Ilock12
Stop Ilock01 or Ilock02
OE Disabled OEDisabled
Inhibit Inhibit
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 91
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MotorUni Faceplate Elements Section 2 Object Handling

Table 7. The MotorUni faceplate elements (continued)

Name of Faceplate Element and Graphics of Faceplate Element

Connected Signals
(Alarm handling and level detection
Object Error Time
On Delay Time
Off Delay Time
Enable supervision
Value MotorValue.Value
Level InteractionPar.Level
Start Delay
Filter Time InteractionPar.FilterTime
Fraction Fraction

92 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 2 Object Handling MotorUni Faceplate Elements

Table 7. The MotorUni faceplate elements (continued)

Name of Faceplate Element and Graphics of Faceplate Element

Connected Signals
(Output and feedback signal status)
Out Status
Started Out1
Stopped Out0
Feedback Status
Running EffectiveFB1
Idle EffectiveFB0
Pulse Out PulseOut

(Trime curve of motor value)
In1Value MotorValue.Value
LeftScaleFraction Fraction
TimeScaleMin TrimCurveTime
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 93
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Uni Faceplate Elements Section 2 Object Handling

Uni Faceplate Elements

The Uni faceplate elements contain the signal connections and graphics as displayed

Table 8. The Uni faceplate elements

Name of Faceplate Element Graphics of Faceplate Element

(Auto and Panel mode signals)
Auto Command
Auto Command 1 AutoCmd1
Auto Command 0 AutoCmd0
Panel Command
Pan Command 1 PanCmd1
Pan Command 0 PanCmd0

(Interlocking signals for accurate and
safe operations with critical process
Process Interlock
Open Ilock1
Close Ilock0
Safety Interlock
Forced to Open SafetyCmd1
Forced to Close SafetyCmd0
OE Disabled OEDisabled
Inhibit Inhibit
94 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 2 Object Handling Uni Faceplate Elements

Table 8. The Uni faceplate elements (continued)

Name of Faceplate Element Graphics of Faceplate Element

(Alarm handling)
Object Error Time


(Output and feedback signal status)
Out 1 Out1
Out 0 Out0
Feedback Status
Out 1 EffectiveFB1
Out 0 EffectiveFB0
Pulse Out PulseOut
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ValveUni Faceplate Elements Section 2 Object Handling

ValveUni Faceplate Elements

The ValveUni faceplate elements contain the signal connections and graphics as
displayed below.

Table 9. The ValveUni faceplate elements

Name of Faceplate Element Graphics of Faceplate Element

(Auto mode signal)
Auto Command
Open AutoCmd1

(Interlocking signals for accurate and
safe operations with critical process
Process Interlock
Open Ilock1
Close Ilock0k
Safety Interlock
Forced to Open SafetyCmd1
Forced to Close SafetyCmd0
OE Disabled OEDisabled
96 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 2 Object Handling ValveUni Faceplate Elements

Table 9. The ValveUni faceplate elements (continued)

Name of Faceplate Element Graphics of Faceplate Element

(Alarm handling)
Object Error Time


(Output and feedback signal status)
Out Status
Open Out1
Feedback Status
Open EffectiveFB1
Close EffectiveFB0
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 97
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Adding Functionality to a Process Object in Control Builder Section 3 Object Handling Examples

Section 3 Object Handling Examples

Adding Functionality to a Process Object in Control

It is possible to change and add functionality to a process object type in the Control
Builder. The procedure for doing this, is to first make a copy of the appropriate
object type to your own library, and then to make the desired changes in this copy.
Changes can be made in a control module type used in the copied process object
type, for example, the type of interaction window. To do this, the control module
type must first be copied. You then also replace the type of the control module in the
copied process object type with the new type. See the step-by-step description

Creating a New Library and Copying an Object

1. In the Project Explorer right click on the Libraries folder and select New
2. Type the desired name of the library to be created in the Name text field, for
example, MotorLib. Click the OK button.
3. Choose the object to be changed in ProcessObjExtLib, for example, MotorBi
(in the Function Block Types folder) or MotorBiM (in the Control Module
Types folder).
4. Right-click on the desired object and select Copy (Ctrl+C).
5. Right-click on the Function Block Types or the Control Module Types folder in
the new created library (in this example MotorLib), depending on wether the
copied object is a function block type or a control module type. Select Paste
98 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 3 Object Handling Examples Creating a New Library and Copying an Object

The default name of the copied object, is the name of the copied original object type
followed by underscore and a number, for example, a copy of MotorBi is named
MotorBi_1. To change the name of the object proceed as follows:
6. Right-click on the object and select Rename...
7. Type the desired name of the object, in the New name text field, in this
example, Motor_2. Click the OK button.

Newly created library

Renamed motor object type

A copy of the MotorBi type pasted

into the MotorLib (by default named

Figure 33. Copying of object types to a new library, MotorLib.

The process object types in ProcessObjExtLib include a number of control modules,
for example, the FplateMtrBiAlGM1 control module, which can be used as an
interaction window for the MotorBi process object type. The control modules refer
(or point) to their types in ProcessObjExtLib. If these control module types are to be
changed, they must also to be copied. The type of control module used in the copied
process object type (the one that refers to the control module type in the
ProcessObjExtLib), has to be replaced by the copied control module type.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 99
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Creating a New Library and Copying an Object Section 3 Object Handling Examples

8. Expand the folder of the copied process object type and identify the control
module types that refer to the control modules used in the process object type.
For example, the control module type FaceplateMotorBi refers to control
module FplateMtrAlGBiM1 used in the MotorBi process object type.

Figure 34. The control module type is copied to your own created library.
9. In the Control Module Types folder under ProcessObjExtLib, select the control
module type that is to be changed for the copied process object type.
10. Right-click on the control module type and select Copy (Ctrl+C).
11. Right-click on the Control Module Types folder in the newly created library (in
this example MotorLib). Select Paste (Ctrl+V). (See steps 6 and 7 if you wish
to change the name of an object type.)

Figure 35. The Control Module Types folder in which the copied type is pasted.
100 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 3 Object Handling Examples Creating a New Library and Copying an Object

12. Select the control module type that is to be replaced, under the process object
type, in your own created library (MotorLib), in this example,
FPlateMtrBiAlGM1 under MotorBi_1. See Figure 34 above.
13. Right-click and select Replace Type.
14. In the Libraries/Application pane, select your own created library and in the
Control module type pane, select the control module type that is to replace the
original type. (It is possible to rename the control module in the Instance name
field). Click the OK button.

Figure 36. Replace Control Module Type dialog box.
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Adding Functionality Section 3 Object Handling Examples

Adding Functionality
It is also possible to change and add your own functionality to the copied object
types. In the example below, a level detection for motor speed is added to the object
type that was copied above, MotorBi_1.
In this example, no functionality for alarm text handling has been

1. In the Function Block Types folder in MotorLib, right-click on the MotorBi_1

type and select Editor (ENTER).
2. Place the cursor in the code pane and choose Edit>Find... (Ctrl+F) in the
menu. Search for the text level detection.
3. Make a copy of the code concerning ***Compute the level detection
on the associated analog input signal*** and paste it into the
code pane.
4. According to Figure 37 below, declare the new function block
(LevelDetectionSpeed), change the function block name in the code pane and
declare the required variables. Connect the parameters by right-clicking on the
function block in the code pane and selecting Edit>Parameter list (Ctrl+M).
5. Select Editor>Apply and Close (Ctrl+U) to implement the changes made in
the MotorBi_1 object type.
102 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 3 Object Handling Examples Adding Functionality

Figure 37. Level detection functionality added to the MotorBi_1 function block type
It is now possible to use the MotorBi_1 function block type in a program, with the
new added functionality.
6. In the Program folder under Applications, right-click on a program, for
example Program2, and select Editor (ENTER).
7. Declare a function block of the type MotorBi_1 (in this example called
8. Insert the function block in the code pane, connect the desired parameters and
declare the required variables. (In this example the Function Block Diagram
language is used).
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Adding Functionality Section 3 Object Handling Examples

Figure 38. MotorBi function block with connections to variables.

9. Select Editor>Apply and Close (Ctrl+U) to implement the changes.
104 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 3 Object Handling Examples Editing a Faceplate in Process Portal A

Editing a Faceplate in Process Portal A

In Process Portal A, the faceplate of a process object type can be edited and adjusted
in the to suit the current application. For example, graphics for the presentation of a
value can be added to a faceplate element.

To avoid problems following upgrades, do not change in faceplate

elements of the process object type directly. It is recommended that
you add your own tabs to the faceplate (or delete existing ones) and
edit/add your own graphics for value presentation in these tabs etc.

Copying and Deploying Aspects

Before editing the faceplate, you must copy the faceplate, and faceplate and graphic
elements from the same type in the processobjextlib to the copied object type and
implement them (make deploy).
Make sure that objects are mirrored to the Aspect Server in the
Control Builder (the check box should be checked in
Tools>Mirroring to Aspect Server).
1. Open Plant Explorer Workplace in Process Portal A and select Object Type
Structure in the drop-down list.
2. Select the MotorBi_1 object type in Control System>AC 800M/C
3. Compare the aspects of MotorBi_1 with aspects of MotorBi in the library
processobjextlib (Control System>AC 800M/C Connect>Libraries>
processobjextlib>Function Block Types>MotorBi).
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 105
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Copying and Deploying Aspects Section 3 Object Handling Examples

Figure 39. Aspects of MotorBi_1 and MotorBi

As you can see, MotorBi_1 does not have any faceplates, graphic and faceplate
element aspects. These have to be copied from MotorBi in processobjextlib to
MotorBi_1 in MotorLib.
4. In the object structure of Control System>AC 800M/C Connect>Libraries>
processobjextlib>Function Block Types>MotorBi, make copies of the
aspects (see below) and paste them into Control System>AC 800M/C
Connect>Libraries> MotorLib>MotorBi_1.

Aspects to be copied:
AlarmControl, Command, Display Element Icon, Display Element Tag,
Interlock, MainFacePlate, Parameters, RedInterlock, Status and TrimCurve.
106 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 3 Object Handling Examples Copying and Deploying Aspects

Repeat steps a and b for all the aspects.

a. Right-click on an aspect of MotorBi to be copied and select Copy.
b. Right-click in the aspect window of MotorBi_1 and select Paste.
All the copied graphics aspects must be deployed before they can be edited or used.
5. In the Start menu of the PC, select Programs>ABB Industrial IT>Process
Portal A> Display Tool.
6. Choose Object Type Structure in the drop-down list.
7. Make sure that the radio button Deploy Required is selected and select all
aspects belonging to MotorBi_1.

Figure 40. The Display Tool for deploying objects.
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Editing a Faceplate Section 3 Object Handling Examples

8. Click the Deploy Selected button. It will take a few seconds for all the objects
to be deployed. All the selected aspects have been deployed when they
disappeared from the Display Tool window.
9. Close the Display Tool window.

Editing a Faceplate
After all the required aspects have been copied and deployed, it is possible to edit
the faceplate of the object.
In this example, the level detection functionality that was added in the example
above (Adding Functionality to a Process Object in Control Builder on page 98) is
added as graphics in the faceplate of MotorBi_1.
The easiest way to add graphics for the level detection functionality is to copy the
faceplate element of Parameters and edit it so that it contains the appropriate
1. Right-click on the faceplate element of Parameters and select Copy.
2. Right-click in the aspect window of MotorBi_1 and select Paste.
3. Right click on one of the faceplate elements of Parameters and select Rename.
4. Enter the new name of the faceplate element, for example, ParametersSpeed.
5. Right-click on the faceplate element of ParametersSpeed and select Edit to
opens MS Visual Basic.
6. In this faceplate, only graphics for the level detection values is to be displayed.
Right-click on the top of the faceplate element and select Delete to remove
graphics for the other parameters.
108 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 3 Object Handling Examples Editing a Faceplate

Figure 41. Deletion of a graphics element.

7. In the Properties window, set top value to 3 (moves the LevelDetection
graphics to the top of the background).

Figure 42. The LevelDetection graphics moved to the top of the background.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 109
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Editing a Faceplate Section 3 Object Handling Examples

8. In the Expression Builder window, all the connections in the expressions from
the signals used in the LevelDetection function block are changed to the signals
used in the LevelDetectionSpeed function block. For example, the signal in the
expression for MotorEnable is to be changed from EnableLevelDetection to
EnableLevelDetectionSpeed (see the figure below).

Figure 43. Changing the signals from EnableLevelDetection to EnableLevelDetectionSpeed in the

Expression Builder window.
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Section 3 Object Handling Examples Editing a Faceplate

9. Change all the other signal connections in the same way.

Figure 44. All the connections have been made to the LevelDetectionSpeed in
the Expression Builder
10. Make deploy .
11. Exit MS Visual Basic.
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Editing a Faceplate Section 3 Object Handling Examples

12. Click on the No button in the Save dialog box.

13. In the Plant Explorer Workplace, right-click on the MainFaceplate aspect of
MotorBi _1 and select Config View.
14. Select the Element tab and choose Extended in the drop-down list.
15. Click on the Add button to add a new line.
16. Click in the Aspect column of the new line and choose the ParametersSpeed
aspect from the drop-down list.

Figure 45. Adding the ParametersSpeed aspect as a new tab in the extended MainFaceplate.
112 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 3 Object Handling Examples Editing a Faceplate

17. Click in the Tab group column of the new line and enter 2 (1 = left part of the
faceplate and 2 = right part of the faceplate).
18. Click in the Caption column of the new line to enter a label to the new tab. In
the Label field of the Caption dialog box, enter the label name, for example,
Speed Detection.
19. Click in the UserRoles column of the new line and choose EveryOne from the
drop-down list.

Figure 46. The ParametersSpeed aspect added as the Speed Detection tab.
20. Click on the Apply button to implement the changes and close the window.
21. Right-click on the MainFaceplate aspect and select Extended Faceplate.
22. Select the Speed Detection tab in the right part of the faceplate to view the
newly added graphics.
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Using a Faceplate in Online Mode Section 3 Object Handling Examples

Figure 47. The new added Speed Detection tab in the extended faceplate

Using a Faceplate in Online Mode

If all the connections have been made correctly it is possible to view the values of
LevelDetectionSpeed in online mode.
1. In the Control Builder, select Download Project and Go Online.
2. In the Plant Explorer Workplace of Process Portal A, select the Control
Structure in the drop-down list.
3. In Root>Control Network>ProcessObj>Applications>Application_1>
Programs>Program2, select MotorBi_1 of MotorBi type.
4. Right-click on the MainFaceplate aspect and select Extended Faceplate.
114 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Section 3 Object Handling Examples Using a Faceplate in Online Mode

5. Select the Speed Detection tab in the right part of the faceplate to view the
values in online mode.

Figure 48. MainFacePlate of the MotorBi_1 type in online mode.
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 115
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Using a Faceplate in Online Mode Appendix A Displaying Element Icons

Appendix A Displaying Element Icons

A Display Element Icon aspect, representing the object type is associated with each
process object type. There are a number of standard icon types associated with each
Display Element Icon of a process object type. (For more information about display
elements, see also AC800M/C Connect, Installation and Configuration manual).

Table 10. Standard icon types associated with each Display Element Icon
of a process object type

Bi MotorBi MotorUni Uni ValveUni

0 - Text 0 - Text 0 - Text 0 - Text 0 - Text

1 - General icon 1 - Motor With M 1 - Motor With M 1 - General icon 1 - 2D valve No Actuator

2 - 3D button 2 - Motor Without M 2 - Motor Without M 2 - 3D diamond 2 - 2D valve Hand1
116 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Appendix A Displaying Element Icons Using a Faceplate in Online Mode

Table 10. Standard icon types associated with each Display Element Icon
of a process object type (continued)

Bi MotorBi MotorUni Uni ValveUni

3 - Pump 3 - Pump 3 - 2D valve Hand 2

4 - Fan 4 - Fan 4 - 2D valve Actuator

5 - Compressor 5 - Compressor 5 - 2D valve Motor

6 - Feeder 6 - Feeder 6 - 2D valve Solenoid

7 - Sensor Screw 7 - Sensor Screw 7 - 2D valve Piston
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 117
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Using a Faceplate in Online Mode Appendix A Displaying Element Icons

Table 10. Standard icon types associated with each Display Element Icon
of a process object type (continued)

Bi MotorBi MotorUni Uni ValveUni

8 - Rotary 8 - Rotary 8 - 2D valve Diaphragm

9 - Conveyor 9 - Conveyor 9 - 3D valve

10 - Reamer 10 - Reamer

11 - Screw 11 - Screw

12 - 3D motor 12 - 3D motor
118 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Appendix B Signal Objects General

Appendix B Signal Objects

The library SignalLib contains signal object function block types. These function
block types extend the functionality of I/O signals (analog and digital input and
output signals), and application variables with alarm and event handling. See the
Control Builder online help, for more information about the function block types.

Faceplate Elements
The graphics in the faceplate elements of a signal object type is adjusted by setting
the visibility of the graphics (in MS Visual Basic). In this appendix, the faceplate
elements show the default settings only, that is, some graphics are not visible.
However, there are descriptions of all the signals that can be connected and
displayed in the faceplate element.
Up to six different faceplate elements can be connected to each faceplate of a signal
object type.
The TrimCurve faceplate element in all signal object faceplates
refers (points) to the TrimeCurve1 in the processobjextlib folder.
The Limits faceplate in SignalOutReal refers to Controller Limits in
the Libraries folder.
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SignalBool Appendix B Signal Objects

The SignalBool faceplate elements contain the signal connections and graphics as
displayed below.

Table 11. The SignalBool faceplate elements

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

Enable Diff Alarm/Event Enable
Visible: AEConfigDiff>0,1,0
Check Error
Visible: AEConfigErr>0,1,0
Filter Time
OpcOK: InteractionPar.AEFilterTime

In Faceplate
OpcOK: In
Visible: InteractionPar.Man or ForceError
or not In
In Normal
OpcOK: InNormal
Diff Normal
OpcOK: DiffNormal
Error Mode
Caption: ErrorInt
120 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Appendix B Signal Objects SignalBool

Table 11. The SignalBool faceplate elements (continued)

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

Through Parameters
Predetermined value

In RedFaceplate
OpcOK: In
Visible: InteractionPar.Man or ForceError
or not In

In1Value: In,0.9,0.1 TrimCurve

In2Value: Out,0.9,0.1
TimeScaleMax: 0
TimeScaleMin: TrimCurveTime
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 121
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SignalInBool Appendix B Signal Objects

The SignalInBool faceplate elements contain the signal connections and graphics as
displayed below.

Table 12. The SignalInBool faceplate elements

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

Enable Diff Alarm/Event Enable
Visible: AEConfigDiff>0,1,0
Filter Time
OpcOK: InteractionPar.AEFilterTime

In Faceplate
OpcOK: In.IOValue
Visible: In.Forced
In Normal
OpcOK: InNormal
Diff Normal
OpcOK: DiffNormal
122 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Appendix B Signal Objects SignalInBool

Table 12. The SignalInBool faceplate elements (continued)

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

In RedFaceplate
OpcOK: In.IOValue
Visible: In.Forced or not In.IOValue

In1Value: In.IOValue,0.9,0.1 TrimCurve

In2Value: Out,0.9,0.1
TimeScaleMax: 0
TimeScaleMin: TrimCurveTime
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SignalInReal Appendix B Signal Objects

The SignalInReal faceplate elements contain the signal connections and graphics as
displayed below.

Table 13. The SignalInReal faceplate elements

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

HHHLevel Enable
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelHHH
Visible: AEConfigHHH>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelHH
Visible: AEConfigHH>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelH
Visible: AEConfigH>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelL
Visible: AEConfigL>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelLL
Visible: AEConfigLL>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelLLL
Visible: AEConfigLLL>0,1,0
Visible: AEConfigErr>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.AEHysteresis
Filter Time
OpcOK: InteractionPar.AEFilterTime
124 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Appendix B Signal Objects SignalInReal

Table 13. The SignalInReal faceplate elements (continued)

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

Vertical Bar Faceplate
End Value: VScaleMax
Start Value: VScaleMin
OpcOK: In.Value
Visible: In.Forced
OpcOK: AnalogInOpcOK
Visible: In.Forced or In.Status<>1
OpcOK: Out.QualityOk
Caption: In.Status=-
In.Status=-4031,"Unit error"
In.Status=-4032,"Channel error"
Error mode
Caption: InteractionPar.ErrorMode=0,
Error indicator
OpcOK: Out
Horizontal Scale
EndValue: HScaleMax
StartValue: HScaleMin
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 125
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SignalInReal Appendix B Signal Objects

Table 13. The SignalInReal faceplate elements (continued)

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

Filter time Parameters
OpcOK: InteractionPar.FilterTime
Predetermined value
Out rate inc/dec
OpcOK: InteractionPar.OutIncDecLim
OpcOK: Fraction

In RedFaceplate
OpcOK: In.IOValue
Visible: In.Forced or In.Status<>1
OpcOK: In.Value
Visible: In.Forced
OpcOK: Out
126 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Appendix B Signal Objects SignalInReal

Table 13. The SignalInReal faceplate elements (continued)

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

In1Max: In.Parameters.Max TrimCurve
In1Min: In.Parameters.Min
In1Value: In.IOValue
In2Max: In.Parameters.Max
In2Min: In.Parameters.Min
In2Value: Out
In3Max: In.Parameters.Max
In3Min: In.Parameters.Min
In3Value: In.Value
In3Visible: In.Forced
LeftScaleFraction: Fraction
TimeScaleMax: 0
TimeScaleMin: TrimCurveTime
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 127
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SignalOutBool Appendix B Signal Objects

The SignalOutBool faceplate elements contain the signal connections and graphics
as displayed below.

Table 14. The SignalOutBool faceplate elements

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

Enable Diff Alarm/Event Enable
Visible: AEConfigDiff>0,1,0
Filter Time
OpcOK: InteractionPar.AEFilterTime

In Faceplate
OpcOK: In
Visible: Out.Forced
Out Normal
Diff Normal
128 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Appendix B Signal Objects SignalOutBool

Table 14. The SignalOutBool faceplate elements (continued)

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

In RedFaceplate
OpcOK: In
Visible: Out.Forced or not In

In1Value: In,0.9,0.1 TrimCurve

In2Value: Out.IOValue,0.9,0.1
TimeScaleMax: 0
TimeScaleMin: TrimCurveTime
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 129
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SignalOutReal Appendix B Signal Objects

The SignalOutReal faceplate elements contain the signal connections and graphics
as displayed below.

Table 15. The SignalOutReal faceplate elements

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

HHHLevel Enable
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelHHH
Visible: AEConfigHHH>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelHH
Visible: AEConfigHH>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelH
Visible: AEConfigH>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelL
Visible: AEConfigL>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelLL
Visible: AEConfigLL>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelLLL
Visible: AEConfigLLL>0,1,0
Visible: AEConfigErr>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.AEHysteresis
Filter Time
OpcOK: InteractionPar.AEFilterTime
130 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Appendix B Signal Objects SignalOutReal

Table 15. The SignalOutReal faceplate elements (continued)

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

Vertical Bar Faceplate
End Value: VScaleMax
Fraction: Fraction
Start Value: VScaleMin
OpcOK: In.QualityOk
Visible: Out.Forced
OpcOK: AnalogOutOpcOK
Caption: Out.Status=-4031,
"Unit error",
Out.Status=-4032,"Channel error",
Error mode
Caption: InteractionPar.ErrorMode=0,
Error indicator
OpcOK: AnalogOutOpcOK
Horizontal Scale
EndValue: HScaleMax
Fraction: Fraction
StartValue: HScaleMin
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 131
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SignalOutReal Appendix B Signal Objects

Table 15. The SignalOutReal faceplate elements (continued)

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

Fraction: Fraction Limits
Limit: InteractionPar.LimitOutput
LimitMax: InteractionPar.OutMaxLimit
LimitMin: InteractionPar.OutMinLimit
RangeMax: Out.Parameters.Max
RangeMin: Out.Parameters.Min
RangeUnit: Out.Parameters.Unit

Fraction Parameters
OpcOK: Fraction
132 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Appendix B Signal Objects SignalOutReal

Table 15. The SignalOutReal faceplate elements (continued)

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

In RedFaceplate
OpcOK: In.QualityOk
Visible: Out.Forced or not In
OpcOK: Out.Forced, Out.IOValue,

In1Max: Out.Parameters.Max TrimCurve

In1Min: Out.Parameters.Min
In1Value: In
In2Max: Out.Parameters.Max
In2Min: Out.Parameters.Min
In2Value: Out.Forced, Out.IOValue,
LeftScaleFraction: Fraction
TimeScaleMax: 0
TimeScaleMin: TrimCurveTime
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 133
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SignalReal Appendix B Signal Objects

The SignalReal faceplate elements contain the signal connections and graphics as
displayed below.

Table 16. The SignalReal faceplate elements

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

HHHLevel Enable
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelHHH
Visible: AEConfigHHH>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelHH
Visible: AEConfigHH>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelH
Visible: AEConfigH>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelL
Visible: AEConfigL>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelLL
Visible: AEConfigLL>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.LevelLLL
Visible: AEConfigLLL>0,1,0
Visible: AEConfigErr>0,1,0
OpcOK: InteractionPar.AEHysteresis
Filter Time
OpcOK: InteractionPar.AEFilterTime
134 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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Appendix B Signal Objects SignalReal

Table 16. The SignalReal faceplate elements (continued)

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

Vertical Bar Faceplate
End Value: VScaleMax
Start Value: VScaleMin
OpcOK: InteractionPar.ManValue
Visible: InteractionPar.Man
OpcOK: AnalogInOpcOK
Visible:InteractionPar.Man or
OpcOK: Out.QualityOk
Error mode
Caption: InteractionPar.ErrorMode=0,
Error indicator
OpcOK: Out
Horizontal Scale
EndValue: HScaleMax
StartValue: HScaleMin
Predetermined value Parameters
Out rate inc/dec
OpcOK :InteractionPar.OutIncDecLim
OpcOK: InteractionPar.RangeMax
OpcOK: InteractionPar.RangeMin
OpcOK: Fraction
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 135
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SignalReal Appendix B Signal Objects

Table 16. The SignalReal faceplate elements (continued)

Signal Description Graphics of Faceplate Element (default)

In RedFaceplate
OpcOK: In
Visible: InteractionPar.Man or
OpcOK: InteractionPar.ManValue
Visible: InteractionPar.Man
OpcOK: Out

In1Max: InteractionPar.RangeMax TrimCurve

In1Min: InteractionPar.RangeMin
In1Value: In
In2Max: InteractionPar.RangeMax
In2Min: InteractionPar.RangeMin
In2Value: Out
In3Max: InteractionPar.RangeMax
In3Min: InteractionPar.RangeMin
In3Value: InteractionPar.ManValue
In3Visible: InteractionPar.Man
LeftScaleFraction: Fraction
TimeScaleMax: 0
TimeScaleMin: TrimCurveTime
136 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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A Bi 60 (cont.)
adding functionality manual mode 61
Control Builder 102 mode 61
alarm object error 63
Bi 63 operation 61
MotorBi 76 output settings 62
MotorUni 70 panel mode 62
Uni 54 BiCore 31
ValveUni 58 auto mode 33
auto mode change-over action 40
Bi 61 configuration feedback signals 38
BiCore 33 disable mode 32
MotorBi 73 Ilock 41
MotorUni 67 inhibit 42
Uni 52 interlocking 41
UniCore 22 local mode 37
ValveUni 57 manual mode 33
mode 32
B object error 43
basic library 17, 18 operation 32
core objects 18 output settings 39
edge detection 19 panel mode 34
Bi 60 safety command 42
alarm 63 simulation 39
auto mode 61 BiHSI 44
change-over action 62 effective feedback 45
disable mode 61 forced action 45
error text string 64 interlock 45
faceplate elements 86 output IOLevel 45
feedback configuration 62
interaction window 65
interlocking 62
local mode 62
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 137
The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

C display element icons

change-over action process object 116
Bi 62 DriveCore 46
BiCore 40 control word 46
MotorBi 74 controlling a Drive 47
choosing process object 16 emergency stop 47
configuration feedback signals scaling Drive values 48
BiCore 38 status 46
UniCore 26
Control Builder E
adding functionality 102 edge detection 19
creating a library 98 edit
control word faceplate 108
DriveCore 46 editing a faceplate
controlling a Drive Process Portal A 105
DriveCore 47 effective feedback
copying an object 98 BiHSI 45
Control Builder 98 UniHSI 30
copying aspects emergency stop
Process Portal A 105 DriveCore 47
core objects 18 error text string
creating a library Bi 64
Control Builder 98 MotorBi 76
MotorUni 70
D Uni 54
deploying aspects ValveUni 59
Process Portal A 105 extended library 17, 49
disable mode function blocks or control modules 50
Bi 61 extended process objects 50
BiCore 32
MotorBi 73 F
MotorUni 67 faceplate 78
Uni 52 edit 108
UniCore 21 general 78
ValveUni 57 online mode 114
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 138
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faceplate elements interaction window

Bi 84, 86 Bi 65
Command 84 MotorBi 77
LevelDetection 84 MotorUni 71
MotorBi 88 Uni 55
MotorUni 85, 91 ValveUni 59
Parameters 84 interlock
signal object 119 BiHSI 45
SignalBool 120 UniHSI 30
SignalInBool 122 interlocking
SignalInReal 124 Bi 62
SignalOutBool 128 BiCore 41
SignalOutReal 130 MotorBi 75
SignalReal 134 MotorUni 68
TrimCurve1 84 Uni 53
Uni 94 UniCore 20, 27
ValveUni 96 ValveUni 58
feedback configuration
Bi 62 L
MotorBi 74 local mode
Uni 53 Bi 62
ValveUni 57 BiCore 37
feedfack configuration MotorBi 74
MotorUni 68 MotorUni 68
forced action Uni 53
BiHSI 45 UniCore 25
UniHSI 30
I manual mode
Ilock Bi 61
BiCore 41 BiCore 33
MotorBi 75 MotorBi 73
MotorUni 68 MotorUni 67
UniCore 27 Uni 52
inhibit UniCore 21
BiCore 42 ValveUni 57
MotorBi 75
MotorUni 69
UniCore 27
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 139
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mode MotorUni 66 (cont)

Bi 61 mode 67
BiCore 32 object error 69
MotorBi 73 operation 67
MotorUni 67 output settings 68
Uni 52 panel mode 68
ValveUni 57 safety command 69
MotorBi 72, 84 MotorUni manual mode 67
alarm 76
auto mode 73 O
change-over action 74 object error
disable mode 73 Bi 63
error text string 76 BiCore 43
faceplate elements 88 MotorBi 76
feedback configuration 74 Uni 53
Ilock 75 UniCore 20, 28
inhibit 75 ValveUni 58
interaction window 77 online mode
interlocking 75 faceplate 114
local mode 74 operation
manual mode 73 Bi 61
mode 73 BiCore 32
object error 76 MotorBi 73
operation 73 MotorUni 67
output settings 74 Uni 52
panel mode 74 UniCore 20, 21
safety command 75 ValveUni 57
MotorUni 66 operation mode
alarm 70 UniCore 21
auto mode 67 output IOLevel
disable mode 67 BiHSI 45
error text string 70 UniHSI 30
faceplate elements 91 output settings
feedback configuration 68 Bi 62
feedfack configuration 68 BiCore 39
Ilock 68 MotorBi 74
inhibit 69 MotorUni 68
interaction window 71 Uni 53
interlocking 68 UniCore 26
local mode 68 ValveUni 57
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 140
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panel mode terminology 10
Bi 62
BiCore 34 U
MotorBi 74 Uni 51, 85
MotorUni 68 alarm 54
Uni 52 auto mode 52
UniCore 22 disable mode 52
process object 13 error text string 54
display element icons 116 faceplate elements 94
Process Portal A feedback configuration 53
copying aspects 105 interaction window 55
deploying aspects 105 interlocking 53
editing a faceplate 105 local mode 53
manual mode 52
S mode 52
safety commands object error 53
BiCore 42 operation 52
MotorBi 75 output settings 53
MotorUni 69 panel mode 52
UniCore 27 UniCore 20
scaling Drive values auto mode 22
DriveCore 48 configuration feedback signals 26
signal objects disable mode 21
faceplate elements 119 Ilock 27
SignalBool inhibit 27
faceplate elements 120 interlocking 20, 27
SignalInBool local mode 25
faceplate elements 122 manual mode 21
SignalOutBool object error 20, 28
faceplate elements 128 operation 20, 21
SignalOutReal operation mode 21
faceplate elements 130 output settings 26
SignalReal panel mode 22
faceplate elements 134 safety command 27
simulation simulation 27
BiCore 39
UniCore 27
DriveCore 46
3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A 141
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UniHSI 29
effective feedback 30
forced action 30
output IOLevel 30
UniHSI interlock 30

ValveUni 56, 85
alarm 58
auto mode 57
disable mode 57
error text string 59
faceplate elements 96
feedback configuration 57
interaction window 59
interlocking 58
manual mode 57
mode 57
object error 58
operation 57
output settings 57
142 3BSE 028 810 R101 Rev A
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