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by F. Khalaf, Cairo U.; and

H. M. El Shennawy, Gulf of Suez
Petroleum Co., Members S?E-AIME

~Copyrqh! 1979 Society ot Petroleum Engmeefs

Th!soapef waspresenled allha Middle East Oil Technical Conference of the SKlety7: Delroleum Eng!neersheld lnManama Bahra!n.25-~ March 1979The male!lallssubject tocorrecllon by fheaulhor
Permission tocopyls reslflcted loan abslracl ofnolmofe lhan3OOwords WrNe SF ,6200 Norlh Central Expressway .Oallas. Texas 75206 USA Telex 7309S9(SPEOALl

ABSTRACT Many problems are encountered while drillingthese

evaporite sections. The object ofthis paper isto
The Miocene evaporates of Guif of Suez area highiight the major problems ~r taining to the speci -
comprise salt, anhydrite and, rarely, gypsum. Th@Y fic mechanical and physical characteristics of the
are mainly found south of 290N latitude line. Salt rocks comprising the Miocene evaporates.
pillows and diapirs are common in the southern half
of Gulf of Suez and may be associated with upward This paper presents a brief discussion abut the
salt creep. geology of the Miocene evaporates in the GOS area.
Problems pwed by hole enlargement, drillability
Hole enlargement, key seating,high pressure variations and hole instability are discussed. Detaiis
salt water flows, hole instability and drillability con- are given regarding potential key seating and salt
Lrasts are some problems associated with the drill- water flows. Also the repercussion of these prob-
ing of these evaporates . Careful preplanning tak- lems in regard to casing aild cementing program is
ing into account in-situ behavior of evaporates, re - summarized. An outline of a typical drilling prog---
duces the chances of developing any of the problems ram for these evaporates is contained in the appen -
associated with their drilling. dix.


Since initial discovery of oil in Egypt, Gemsa Miocene evaporates are very distinctive sedi -
field in 1910, extensive exploration has been carried ments of the GOS area. They comprise salt, anhydrit{
out commencing with on shore drilling on both east and, rarely. gypsum. The rock salt is mainly com -
and west coasts of the Gulf of Suez ( GOS ). Offshore posed of sodium chloride. Evaporite thickness varies
exploration in the Gulf commenced in the early six- from 25 to in excess of 50% of the total Miocene and
ties and is still among the most active offshore ar@m Post Miocene Sediments.
of the Middle East. Gulf of Suez Petroleum Com-
pany (GUPCO) drilled its first offshore well in Miocene evaporates in the GOS are main? y found
1964 and to date more than 200 wells have been drill - south of 29°N latitude line and cover essentially all
ed including ~.bout 60 exploratory ventures. Total of the graben of Gulf cif Suez. They occupy the
footage driiled by GUPCO exceeds two miilion feet whole southern part of the Gulf . Miocene evapo -
and is increasing rapidly with 9 currently active rites have been recently found as far as the Sudan-
rigs involved in exploration, workover and develop- es e border . Fig, 1 shows their location.
ment drilling operations. c
Generally, the evaporite thickness increases to -
The southern region of GOS has a very charac - wards the centre and south of (303. Very rapid thinn-
teristic Miocene evaporite section which has a ing occurs near 29°N latitude. Conversely, a sec -
direct i mpad on VFpliplanning. and drilling practices , tion inmxcess of 3050 meters (about 10,000 feet ) of
Miocene evaporates was encountered in Tawila Island
WellN!LZ 1. Salts have under prevailing stresses
— moved upward to form pillows and swells near July &
References and illustrations at end of paper.

Ramadan Fields and piercement diapirs in the south - Mud displacement, preflush and slurry dis -
near Areal block 2, 3. There are also areas, within placement rates during cementing operation.
the southern Gulf, in which the possibility of salt - Occasional key seating problems .
creep is well supported. In Fig. 1, a sectional view - Mud and cement requirements.
across the Gulf illustrates a typical subsurface pic - - Directional drilling considerations .
tur; of the area. - Existence of concentrated forces on casing,
particularly in salt-anhydrite sections.
The bottom of the Miocene evaporates is affected
by the P re-Miocene tensional faults; however, these Even when formation fracture pressures or slurry
faults usually terminate inside the salt, particularly pumpabilities are not a problem , hole enlarge-
when massive salt sections are present. Normal ment dictates the use of filling materials to increase
tensional faults that cross the top of salt are beli ev- slurry yield because of the limited cement storage
ed to be mainly relief faults, resulting from read- capacities of most of the offshore rigs operating in
justments to tectonics prevailing inside the salt. the GOS area. Prehydrated gel is added to cement
Some of these relief faults seem to be active. Fold- fcr cementing 9-5/ 8“ casing opposite the Zeit
ing has played a minor role in the P re-Miocene and overlying formations .
structures but it has a significar,t effect in de-
termining present Miocene structures of the Gulf Key Seating
of Suez Area.
Key seats usually form in deviated holes when
The massive salt sections of the GOS area limit drilling sections of salt, shales and anhydrites. While
the use of seismic data to accurately predict litholo- building angle, the effects of hole washouts, dog legs
w and/or structures underlying the salt as well as hole curvature and drillability contrasts can com-
techniques for detection of formation pressure. bine to cause severe key seats leading, if ,not de-
tected in time, to serious hole problems that would
.—— OF DRILLING ‘“ROBLEMS eventually lead to plugging the hoie anti sidetrack-
Drilling of the Miocene evaporates of the GOS dis-
plays a certain category of problems related to their To prevent formation of key seats while drill-
physical and mechanical properties. A discussion ing in and below the Miocene evaporates, a key
of these specific problems and their repercussions seat wiper is constantly kept in the drill string
on the drilling operations is given below. until the 9 5/8” casing is set, Weight on bit va-
riations are monitored, particularly when drilling
Hole Enlargement with iimber 8“ bottom hole assemblies or pendu -
lum assemblies. Routine running of single shot
At normal bottom hole temperatures of 60 to 80°C directional surveys helps to detect zones of dog
(140 to 175°F), a salt saturated mud requires around . legs in the hole which can lead to key seating.
380 kg of salt/ m30f water (about 200,000 ppm chlo - Severe dog legs usually require plugging back and
rides ) for saturation .This is difficult to achieve with redrilling instead of attempting lengthy key seat
out additives or special treatment nreeded to maintain wiping: this is justified by the relative ease with
such a high concentration with lower temperatures at which sidetracks can be accomplished in the salt
the surface. Actual salt concev~ ration of mud at sur- and the high rate of penetration achieved while
face ranges between 320 and 340 kg/ m3(175, 000 to drilling salt.
185,000 ppm chlorides). W some leaching of the
salt formation takes place due to the mud being un - Salt Water Flows
dersaturatwi. In general washouts and ledges are
very common particularly in salt anhydrite sections High pressure salt water ilow is a common
and near kauge holes are the exception rather than phenomenon in the Miocene evaporates. Extent of
the rule. eal flows experienced vary from a fraction of
dm i /s to 40 dm3/s (few l/h to 900 bbl/h). Mud
When the drill string becomes stuck across a salt weights of 14 to 18 N/din !?(12 to 15.4 ppg)are
section, a common and effective technique used by used to control flows in many of El Morgan wells ,
GUPCO is to spot low chlorides water around the bot- Mud weights up to 20.5 N/dm3(17. 5 ppg) have
tom hole assembly to free it. However f .equent use been used in some wells and resulted in loss of
of this technique aggravates hole enlargements: in circulation when the fracture gradients of weaker
12:” holes, washouts may attain 18” to 24” ( 0.45 to formations were exceeded4
0.6 m) in diameter. Hole enlargement is evidenced
by variations in drag while tripping with the drill These high pressure reservoirs are scattered
string or running casing through these evaporite throughout the GOS area. Recent drilling by
sections. ES!X2 confirms that salt water flows also exist in
the Miocene evaporit es of the Red Sea5. Flow be-
Hole enlargement in the salt and the presence of
havior varies considerably from one location to
anhydrite ledges are important parameters to con-
the next and it is improbable that continuous
sider while analyzing the following :
communication exists between these reservoirs.

Occasional, salt water-flows are encountered anhydrite streaks very little creep is evident.
in sands, fractured anhydrites, gypsum or lime -
stones. Also, these flows frequently occur along With regard to salt movement no direc; down
the bedding planes between salt and “fractured “ hole measurements are made by SUPCO, o] any
anhydrites of South Gharib Salt section and Middle- other company working in the area, to show salt
Miocene Formations. No significant correlation is movements. However, lack of information defin -
evident between salt water flows and fault zones ing the nature of salt creep does not hamper act-
crossed by wells. All flows from Miocene evap - ual drilling operations directly. Conversely, ccrn-
orites are salt saturated at the bottom hole temp- .plete information on salt movement is essential
erature. The majority of encountered high pres - for the proper design of casing to cover the salt.
sure salt water reservoirs deplete quickly when
allowed to flow:they are generally not associated The time lapse between drilling salt and sett -
with large quantities of gas. If the flow does not ing and cementing protective casing has a direct
deplete, the well is killed and drilling continues impact on the frequency of stuck pipe specially in
with the high mud weight. Setting of protective the massive salt sections of the South Gharib and
9-5/8” casing is necessary before drilling under- Belayim Formation . Hole condition deteriorates
lying low pressure Miocene horizons or reaching when pipe is stuck several times. Setting a pro-
the fracture gradient at the 13 3/ 8“ shoe. The tective casing string is advisable to minimize
use of formation water as a drilling fluid has been potential associated hole problems .
discontinued after losing a well due to preci -
pitatidn of salt uphole where temperatures are Salt movement behind casing could lead to
reduced and the same degree of salt saturation confusion with regard to the interpretation of ce -
cannot be maintained. Current policy consists of ment bond logs which have been obtained sometime
controlling salt water flows through kill mud and/ after the protective string is set (for example ,
or anticipated ruining of protective 9-5/ 8“casing. when logs are run for ?“ liner and protective 9-5/8
inch casirg after reaching Total Depth). Due to the
Hole Instability creeping-plastic nature of the deep-massive salt
sections, it has been observed that although practi
Major hole instability problenis are encount - tally no cement exists behind pipe, the bond log
ered in Belayim Salts. and Lower Salts of the indicates excellent bonding.
South Gharib Formatior~. These salts have well
developed time-dependent plastic ( creeping-plas - Drillability of Evaporates
tic or viscoplastic ) behavior due to bottom hole
overburden stresses and temperatures. Due to Drillability of rock salt in the Miocene evapo -
this specific behavior, tight hole i +quiring exten- rites is independent of depth; however anhydrites
sive reaming and/or even stuck bottom hole as - are more difficult to drill as depth increases, with
semblies are very frequent while these sections the hardest anhydrite stringers commonly being
are open. When the stuck pipe is believed to those of the Belayim Formation. The variation in
result from sah movement toward the well bore, drillability between salt and anhydrite does pre -
a calculated amount of sea water is spotted oppo - sent problems when pendulum or limber assem-
site the bottom hole assembly, left for a while blies Are used. Usually, these evaporates are drill-
to saturate and dissolve the salt in this area. sd with a sealed bearing bit for soft or medium
After this, water is circulated out of the hole hard formations .
without affecting the upper sections. Special a~-
ention is made to limit deterioration of mud pro- While deep salts have a very distinctive visco
perties,particularly when shale bodies are pres- plaetic nature which would initially permit exces -
ent. Also, stuck pipe in the salt while making a sive penetration rates , careful drilling with ade w
connection sometimes results from accumulation quate circulation and periodic reamiiig is used b
of salt cuttings around the bit and stabilizers. check probable salt creep.
Adequate circulation prior to a connection, parti -
ctiarly in fast drilling salts , is effective in elimin - Drilling curves for a development well in July
sting this type of sticking problem. Field are represented in Fig. 2. I t illustrates drill-
ing progress, mud weights and casing points. Most
Radial salt movement towards Lie center of of the problems pertaining to the evaporates are
the borehole is not the only type of salt move - present in this well. Recently, a side track oper-
ments . Microscopic examination of the crystalline ation was success.%lly conducted in this well ; a
structure in some salt cores indicates that very complete casing collapse was observed, one year
slow upward salt flow does exist in certain areas , after completion and commencement of production ~
pa.rticu,larly in the borders of large diapirs and in the C-95 53.5 lb/ft casing opposite South
pillows2 . . Even though this type of sWt fiow is Gharib and Belayim Salts .
too slow to affect drilling operations, it can with
time affect casing integrity leading to casing de-
formation and collapse. It is ~elieved that where
thin salt sections less than 100 feet exist between

EFFECTS OF EVAPOR~ES ON WELL PLANNING against the collapse opposite the salts. This pro-
c edure is effective and offers a solution without
Kick Off and Side Track Operations major deviation from existing drilling and com-
pletion practices.
Massive salt bodies are excellent points for
directional kick off and side track operations using The anhydrite of the Miocene evaporates pro-
positive-displacernent down hole motors. Gener- vides good casing seats. High leak off tests are
ally there is a sufficient salt thickness to build obtained when the shoe is well cement&d with neal
angle without being’ hindered by relatively hard an- class “G” cement or cement plus silica flour.
hydrite stringers. For side tracking collapsed Setting the casing shoe in the massive salt for the
wells, a casing window of 50 to 60’(15. 25 to 18. 3m) purpose o a high leak off test was tried twice
is cut in 9-5/ 8“ casing near the top of South Gha - elsewhere 6 . Results of the leak off test were
rib Salt Form&.ti~n. Since salt I caching behind the discouraging primarily due to the fact that the
,window while sick mmking is very common, ce - cement se~l behind the shoe was defective; wash-
ment squeeze arowd window side track point to out of sfilt around casing shoe in this case rep-
anchor the casing is found to be effective in reduc - rcaents a great risk .
ing problems associated with side tracking through
unsupported casing. Additional drilling with slick EIfects on Cementing Program
bottom hole assemblies can avoid hanging of sta-
bilizers in the window *.bile tripping out of hole. P dehydrated gel added to dry cement was
Similarly, where casing deformation is a proved initially used to cement both stages of the protec -
problem in an area and there is a chance that it tive 9-5/8’’casing. Recently, prehydrated gel has
might occur while drilling the open hole below the been replaced by silica flour to improve both phy -
protective string, it is prudent to drill to total sical and mechanical properties of the cement
depth without excessive stabilization. In certain against South Gharib and Balayim Salts. This is
cases a compromise is made since stabilization is particular used wh~n hole Temperatures opposite
required for holding angle and also to reduce the salt approaches 110 C (230 OF); flowing well head
risk of differential sticking in underlying, part- temperatures exceeding 105 C (221 F) are common
ially depleted, Miocene porosities. in deep wells of GUPCO Fields. Prehydrated gel
is still in use as extender in primary cementing
Effects on Casing Program jobs opposite the Zeit Formation.

Adequate reaming of the lower evaporite Multistage cementing was found to insure
salts prior to running the 9 5/8’’casing is essen - better cement placement and minimum slurry con-
tial. Undergauge hole in the lower salt can result lamination, particularly in deviated holes. Two
in stressing the bottom of the casing under com- stage cementing is widely used to improve cement-
pression causing it to bow out in washed zor,es ing quality below and against the evaporite section.
and induce high contact stresses against anhy- The two stage cementing collar is set 100m(about
drites. The hole conditions of the plastic salts 300 feet)above the top of &mth Gharib Formation.
and washouts in the upper salts mask indications If a chance of losing cement in the underlying for-
based on drag values which might induce buck- mations exists, the stage collar is placed at the
ling of casing while running in hole. base of South Gharib. Recently, a three stage
cement job was accomplished on a well with a
Casing design opposite salt formations assu~ lengthy open hole section below the Miocene eva.
mes that a collapse pressure gradient of about 230 porites. The stage cementing collars were placed
KPa/ m(lpsi/ft)is acting orI empty pipe. Proper below and above the &uth Gharib evaporates.
cement placement in these sections is often diffi- Putting a stage cementing collar below the evapo-
cult, particularly in deviated holes. Beneficial xne- rites is believed to improve cement placement in
:hanical effects rf the cement around the casing the overlying salt section.
are therefore igno. ed. 9-5/ 87 S-95 53.5 lb/ft cas-
ing is now used across the entire &mth Gharib Spring-bow centralizers are positioned on cas
For mation. However, during 1977 /78 several ing, one per joint, througlmut the entire salt sec -
casing deformations in this high grade casing were tion, particularly for $eviated wells with drift
ubserved while drilling or during workover opera- angles in excess of 15 . One stop collar is used
tions. The majority of these deformations per centralizer within the bow-spring. No scrat-
occurred in the lower part of the Miocene eva- chers are installed in the Miocene evaporates.
porites, close to suspected fault traces6, 7.
A spacer of 250 to 300m(about 800 to 1000
Currently 9-5/ 8“casing strings are designed feet) weighted to two pg(about 2. 4N/dm3) above
using a rwvised design program7 which adds dog the drilling mud weig f t is used during cementing.
leg considerations to the conventional design cri - Viscosity of the spacer is adjusted “to insure plug
teria. Prior to well completion a 7“scab liner is flow between the casing and open hole, it is diffi-
run zmd cemented inside the 9-5/ 8“prot ective cult to achieve turbulent flow for both slurry and
striilg to provide a double protective string spacer due to hole enlargement. Bottom~ and
3P plugs are used in single and multistage EGPC -Fifth Production Seminar, Cairo, Dec.,
ementing. 1978.

;ONCLUSIONS 7 Pattillo, P., and Rankin, T. E.: “casing

Design Through Salt i~ the Gulf of Suez”’, un-
A number of drilling and hole protection published report no. F 78-P 39, Oct. 3rd, 1978.
u’oblems pertaining to the Miocene evaporates of Amoco Production Company-Research Dept.
he Gulf of Suez area are present, which affect
)ell planning considerably. Most of the pro- APPENDIX
llems originate from the presence of deep vi sco -
~lastic salt sections associated with frequent bands Excerpts from a typical drilling program to
f hard anhydrites. Associated problems include drill through Gulf of Suez evaporates are given
asing deformation, tight holes and stuck pipe. here below:
:alt water flows are numerous; common abnormal
u’essure detection techniques are not effective in Geology
letecting abnormally high pressures.
Zeit Salt, Anhydrite, Shale
In exploratory drilling, the massive salt S. Gharib Salt, Anhydrite
iections limit the use of seismic data to predict Belayim Salt, Anhydrite, Marl, Shale
ithology of the underlying sediments. Hard rocks
.nd abnormal pressures at shallow depths, in con- Mud Program ( 12$’ hole ) .
junction with lost circulation and pressure rever-
uls below the evaporates sections results in low Low Solids salt saturated mud ( prehydrated gel,
.verage penetration rates and high cost per foot starch /polymer )
~alues. weight 12-12,4 N/dm3 (10. 2-10.5 Ppg )
viscosity 32-48 s/ dm3
In development drilling, casing deformation yield point 24-.48 pa (5-lo lb/100 ft2 )
gainst vi sco-plastic salts is a great challenge. water 10ss 20-30 CC
;areful well planning and operationa?. procedures
‘educe the chances of developing any of the Bit Program (12?” hole)
Associated problems.
Formation IADC WOB RPM
Zeit 1-2-4,1-3-4 40-60,000 120-150
The authors wish to thank the Management of S, Gharib 1-1-4,1-3-4 40-60,000 120-150
klf of Suez Petroleum Company and Amoco Inter- Belayim 1-3-1,2-1-4 60-70,000 80-120
national Company for permission to publish this
}aper. They also wish to express their gratitude Sealed bearing bits are used when available iOpti -
o colleagues in Gupco’s drilling and operation mum bit weights and RPM are determined by
Departments who assisted in the preparation, re- running drill off tests.
tision and typing of the paper.
—. (12~” hole)
Pump pressure 2700 to 3000 psi
Said, R.: “The Geology of Egypt”, Elsvier Pub, Rate 580 to 550 gpm
lishing Co. (1962), pp. 183 and 303. Jet horse power 4.4-4.6 HP/sq inch
Nozzles 13-13-13 or 14-14-14
2 Buchanan, R,: G~f of Suez Petroleum Co. ,
Cairo Egypt, Personal Communication, Production Seminar, Cairo, May 1974.

3 Hagras, M. : “The Distribution and The Nature 5 Brown, P. :” “Deep Sea Drilling in the Red Sea
of the Miocene Sediments in the Gulf of Suez”, Area”, EGPC -Fifth Production Seminar, Cairo,
EGPC-Fifth Exploration Seminar, Cairo, 1976. .Dec. , 1978.

4 Agiza, M. N.: “High Pressure Salt Water Flo 6 Akl, Ii., and El Kholy, Y.: “collapsed casing
in Gulf of Suez Offshore Wells. ” EGPC-Third in El Morgan Oil Field-Gulf of Suez Area”,

c ●





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