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Capuz, Escaňo, Eustaquio, Panganiban, Rivadeneira, Sarmiento, Ting, Tria

Dr. Ronaldo Mactal


October 25, 2011


The goal of the group is to impart knowledge to first year students and above through the use
of a book which is similar to a fable that tells the story of the events with the use of animals as
characters and a moral lesson to be learned at the end. The book will be filled with pictures and
drawings of the animals that would attract readers to read, making it more exciting and
interesting. Also the characters even the environment or various settings of the story itself has
specific symbolisms conveying a deeper knowledge about the Pre-Colonial and Spanish
Colonization. And it will showcase the series of events that happened in the Philippines during
these two eras chronologically. In addition, these symbolisms will be used to utilize the readers’
imagination and critical thinking skills regarding the said topic.

Taking the place as members of a publishing house, the group will serve as the writers,
editors, artists, encoders, and layout artists to produce a book that is able to convey knowledge
and that will arouse interest among the readers.

The target readers of the said book are the students ranging from first year high school and
above; or from age 13 and above. They are the chosen readers so that they will be able to better
understand what really happened during the Pre-colonial and Spanish Colonization thus using
symbolisms to deepen their knowledge about the said topic.

The Department of Education together with the Commission on Higher Education requested
the publishing house to create a fable that encompasses the aspects of geography, politics,
economy, religion, society, intellectual/technical, and arts (HPERSIA) that would give interest to
the target age group of the students, of 13 years old and above, in order to comprehend the
change between the Pre-Colonization Period and the Spanish Colonization Period that has an
underlying meaning that would let the students reflect on the deeper meaning of the story.
The book will be written in the Filipino language since most of our readers are Filipinos. The
book will comprise of selected animals that will represent the characters of the story, that will
symbolize the characteristics and attributes of the said characters.

The book will contain the following:

I. Title page
II. Writer’s notes (acknowledgements, dedication, audience)
III. Introduction (purpose, abstract, overview)
IV. Story (with pictures and drawings)
V. Explanation of the symbolisms
VI. Credits (editors, layout artists, artists, encoders)
VII. Summary (with moral lesson)


The book must meet the following standards:

30% Accuracy of facts: Content must be based on factual and accurate data in relation to real
situation in the Philippines

20% Creativity: Drawings and pictures must show creativity and must be artistically well

25% Easy to Comprehend: The flow of story including the summary must be well-explained and
understandable for the readers

15% Moral Lesson or Value: Must be able to share or impart knowledge or moral lesson that the
readers can use in their everyday lives

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