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Very Short Answer {VSA) Type Questions 1 Asubstance has no mass. Can we consider it as matter? Sol. No, because matter has definite mass. ” 2 A given substance X has definite volume, but no definite shape and can diffuse easily. What is the physical state of a substance X? Sol. The physical sate of a substance X is liquid because liquids do not have definite shape, but havea definite volume and can diffuse easly. “ 3. Rubber band changes its shape. Is it solid? Sol, Rubber band changes its shape under force and regains its shape after removing the force. Thus, it isa solid. 0 4 Why do liquids take up the shape of the container in which they are kept? Sol. Forces of attraction are not very strong in liquids which is necessary to maintain their shape. “Therefore, they acquire the shape ofthe container in which they are kept. 0 5 Why do liquids have mostly lower density than solids? Sol. Liquids have less forces of attraction (between their particles), hence less mass and more volume as Compared to solids, thus they have less density chan solids. 0 6 What would be the effect of () temperature and Gi) density of liquids on the rate of diffusion of liquids? Sol. ( On increasing temperature, the rate of diffusion ‘of liquids increases. (i Rate of diffusion is more for a liquid having lower density, vores 7 Name the property of gases that helps aquatic plants and animals to survive in water. Sol. Dison, at oxygen diffses in water, which aquatic plans and animals ake in. 0 [1 Mark each] 8 Why a gas cylinder cannot be half-filled? Sol, Particles of gas move randomly ata very high speed and occupy all the space avilable to them at a very fast speed. Therefore, the gas cylinder cannot be half-filled according tothe volume. “ 9 Why do gases exert more pressure on the walls of the container than the solids? In gases, the particles move randomly at high speed and they collide with each other and also with the walls ofthe container. Thus, they exert more pressure fon the wall of che container than solids. 0 Sol. 10 Which characteristic of a gas is used in supplying oxygen cylinders to hospitals? Gases are highly compressible in nature and can be liquefied. Due to these properties, gases are used in supplying oxygen cylinders to hospitals 0 Sol. 11 What is the full form of CNG? Mention its one property which makes it so important. “The full form of CNG is Compressed Natural Gas. Ieis a dean fuel which does not create pollution on combustion, o Sol. 12 Mention two ways to liquefy atmospheric gases. Te two ways olquely atmospheric gases re (@ Increasing pressre (i) Decreasing temperature taxe= 9 sol. 13 At what temperature, do ice (solid) and water (liquid) co-exist together? ‘Ac O°C of 273 K (melting point of ice or freezing point of water), both ice (oid) and water (iui) can covexist ” sol. 4 sol. ‘Why is boiling called a bulk phenomenon? Since, boiling starts from the bulk, i.e. inside the liquid, therefore icisa bulk phenomenon. (1) 15 Why the temperature remains constant during sublimation? ring the proces of sublimation, heat given o the system is used up to evaporate solid into vapour at constant temperature. o sol EXAM PRACTICE V6 Name SI unit of measuring temperature. The boiling point of water is 100°C under normal atmosphenc pressure. Convert this temperature to SI unt. Sol. SI unit of temperature is Kelv:=/K). 100°C = (100 + 273) - 273K 0 17 What is meant by latent heat of vapourisation? Sol. \t is the amount of heat required to convert | kg of liquid into vapours at its bouling point. ” 18 Benzene is a hquid at 80°C, liquid benzene is in equilibrium with its vapours. It is found that particles of benzene vapours are more energetic than particles of liquid benzene. Explain the observation Sol. Particles of benzene vapours are more energetic because these have absorbed extra energy in the form of latent heat of vapourisation. ay 19 Why perspiration keeps our body cool? Sol, During evaporation of sweat, latent cnergy of vapourisation is absorbed from the body. This keeps our body cool. “ 20 What happens to the melting point of ice when pressure is increased? Sol. When pressure is applied on the surface of ice, the change into liquid form is assisted. Thus, melting point decreases. CO Short Answer [SA) Type | Questions 1 Carbon dioxide (CO,) is 4 gas. Justify the given statement by giving two reasons. Sol, ‘The two reasons to justify that carbon dioxide is a gas ate: (i) Carbon dioxide does not have a fixed volume. Ir can bbe compressed on applying pressure. « {i Carbon dioxide does not havea fixed shape. It can take the shape of the container in which iis fille. 0 2 Give one similarity and one dissimilarity between a liquid and a gas. Sol. Similarity Both liquids and gases are luids and take the shape of the container in which they are placed. (1) Dissimilarity A gas canbe compressed easily whereas aliquid cannot. A small quantity of gas can fillan entire given container. Also large quantity of a EXAM PRACTICE 21 What happens to the meltung point of solids with the decrease in pressure? Sol. Generally. for solids like xe, melting point incres, with che decrease in pressure. 22 What happens to the boiling point of liquid when atmosphenc —_pressy; decreases? Sol. Boiling point decreases when atmospheric pres. decrease because boiling point is the temperature. which vapour pressure of a liquid becomes equ the atmospheric pressure. 23 Why should wet clothes are spread whi, drying? Sol. On spreading wet clothes, the surface area expose: air increases and evaporation becomes faster. Thu they dry quickly. a 24 What is the effect of sprinkling of water o: the roof or open ground on a hot sunn; day? Sol. The water evaporates by absorbing heat from ground and the surrounding air. By losing het roof of open ground becomes cool and people comfortable. i 25 Why do the liquids like ether and acetone «i kept in cool places? Sol. Liquids like ether and acetone have low boiling points, hence they evaporate readily. If they are 1 kept in cool places where the temperature is low. ther their rate of evaporation becomes faster. 0 [2 Marks eact] gas can be contained in a small space. A give! amount of a liquid has a fixed volume at a giv temperature. (i 3 How melting point of a substance indicates the strength of its forces of attraction? Sol, More steonger is che force of attraction, more ene is required to break these forces. Hence, substance which has higher melting point indicat that its particles are tightly held. @ 4The melting points of two solids Xand Y are 300 K and 400 K, respectivel¥ Which has more intermolecular forces? Sol, Melting point of a solid is an indication of strength of intermolecular forces between particles of the solid. It shows that strength of Force ‘would be maximum in Yand minimum inX. @ Bart 5. Interconversion of states of matter occurs at constant temperatures. Explain. Sol. During the interconversion of state from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas, the temperature remains constant till ll the solid has melted or all the liquid has vapourised. The heat energy is used up in overcoming the forces of attraction, @ 6 Itis not proper to regard the gaseous state of ammonia as vapours. Explain, Sol. ‘The gascous state of a substance can be regarded as vapours only in case. if itis a liquid or solid at room temperature, Since, ammonia is a gas at room temperature, its gaseous state cannot be regarded as ‘vapours, @ 7 (i) Conversion of solid to vapours is called sublimation. Name the term used to denote the conversion of vapours to solid. (i) Conversion of solid state to liquid state is called fusion. What is meant by latent heat of fusion? NCERT Exemplar Sol. (i) Iris also known as sublimation. w (i The amounc of heat energy required to change Lkgof a solid into liquid at atmospheric pressure and at its melting point is known as the latent heat of fusion. «) 8 Alka was making tea in a kettle. Suddenly she felt intense heat from the puff of steam gushing out of the spout of the kettle. She wondered whether the temperature of the steam was higher than that of the water boiling in the kettle. Comment. NCERT Exemplar Sol. The temperature of both boiling water and steam is 100°C, bur steam gives our more energy (duc 0 Jatent ‘heat of vapourisation) in compa boiling water. Ttis because, when water changes into steam, it absorbs latent heat of vapoutisation, but when steam condenses to form water, an equal amount of latent heat is given. out without changing the temperature. ” 9 Which phenomenon occurs during the following changes? {) Formation of clouds i) Drying of wet clothes (ii) Wax melts in the sun so, {Y) Size of naphthalene balls decreases ' (Condensation (i) Evaporation 7) Pasion (io) Sublimation (x4) 10 How wil! you change water from gaseous state to liquid state? Suggest a simple activity. Sol, Water can be changed from gascous state to liquid state by passing the water vapour through a water ‘condenser as used in case of simple distillation. (1) ‘Activity Take ice cold water in a glass. Observe the outer surface of the glass. You find small droplets of water on it. These water droplets are formed as a result of condensation of water vapour present in the air to form liquid water, a) 11 How change in temperature and humidity affect the rate of evaporation? Sol. ‘The rate of evaporation increases on increasing the temperature of the liquid. When the temperature of a liquid is increased by heating. more particles of the liquid ger enough kinetic energy © go into vapour state. This increases the rate of evaporation, (1) When the humidity of air is low, then the rare of ‘evaporation is high and water evaporates rapidly. When the humidity of aris high then the rate of evaporation is low and water evaporates very slowly. a) 12 (HOTS) Osmosis is a special kind of diffusion. Comment. NCERT Exemplar Sol. Diffusion is the process in which molecules of a substance move from the place of (theit) higher concentration (0 the place of (their) lower concentration. o Bur durine osmosis, the water (or solvent) molecules move from (theit) lower concentration to the place of their higher concentration through a semipermesble membrane. Thus. osmosis is termed as aspecial kind of diffusion. o 13 (HOTS) Why does honey diffuse in water at a slower rate than ink? Sol. ‘The density of honey is greater than that of ink, thus, honey takes longer time to spread and hence, honey diffuses aca slower rate than ink. @ 14 (HOTS) The table below shows the melting and boiling points of four pure substances. Which substance is a liquid at room temperature and would rapidly evaporates if left exposed to the air? Substance Melting Point*G Bolling PointrG A 00 CYAAA DRACTICE = Allfnane Science Class 9. SS Sol. B and C both are liquids at room temperature. However, B’s boiling point is quite close to the room temperature and itis therefore volatile, @) 15 (HOTS) On suffering from fever which will lower down your body temperature more, ice or ice cold water? Why? Sol. {ce will lower the body temperature more than ice cold water because latent heat of fusion of ice is quite high (335 kg). Ice is therefore, expected to absorb more hheat energy from the body and will lower the body’ temperature more than ice cold water. @ Short Answer (SA) Type Il Questions 1 (i) A sponge can be con solid? Explain. (ii) Name the state of matter that has minimum space between particles. pressed, yet it is a Sol. (j) A’ sponge has minute holes, in which air is trapped, when we press it, the air is expelled out and we are able to compress it. Hence, sponge can be compressed, instead of being a solid. (2) (2) Solid state has minimum space berween their particles “ 2 The cover plate is removed from the gas jars shown in [| the diagram. After several Oxygen days, the colour of the gas. Ll Gover pate is the same in both jars. Why does this happen? | 7—Sommne Explain. ! Sol. Diffusion has occurred in the jars. Bromine molecules move from a region where they are of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration, i.e. they move in the above gas ja. Onygen molecules move from a region where they ate of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration, i.e. they move to the below gas jar Diffusion continues until both gas jars hav distribution oF bromine and oxygen molecules. 3 Classify the following into diffusion. @) Swelling up of a raisin on water. (ii) Spreading of virus (i) Earthworm dying with common salt (iv) Shrinking of sugar syrup, wy Preserving Pickles in salt. osmosis/ keeping in on sneezing, on coming in contact Grapes kept in thick 16 {HOTS} Water as ice has a cooling effect, ‘whereas water as steam may cause seve,, Explain these observations. burns. ‘pl NCEET! Sol. When ice melts, it absorbs the energy equal to, latent heat of fusion from the surroundize therefore, causes cooling effect. But steam relexe the extra heat (equal to the latent hear ‘vapourisation) which ithas absorbed when water, Converted into steam. So, steam produces sev, burns. @ [3 Marks cae! (vi) Spreading of smell of cake being bake: throughout the house. (vii) Aquatic animals use oxygen dissolve: in water during respiration. CERT Exempla Sol. Osmosis (9 Swelling up of a raisin on keeping in water (ii) Earthworm dying on coming in contact wit common salt. (iv) Shrinking of grapes kept in thick sugar syrup. (e) Preserving pickles in salt, ‘ Diffusion (ii) Spreading of virus on sneezing. (ci) Spreading of smell of cake being bake throughout the house. (vi) Aquatic animals use oxygen dissolved in wit" during respiration. (es 4 (i) Explain the interconversion of thr states of matter in terms of force attraction and kinetic energy © the molecules. (i) Arrange the three states of matter int increasing order of rate of diffusion 2 particle motion. Sel. (i) During the interconversion of a solid into lat! and liquid into gas on increasing temperature kinetic energy of the molecules increases and fo"* of attraction among molecules decreases 1 vice-versa. "r GA) (a) Rate of diffusion, Solid < liquid « gas f (6) Patticles motion, Solid honey > water 3. Kinetic energy of particles of water in three vessels X, Y and Z arc E yEy and, respectively and F y > Fy > Ez. Then the temperature of water in the three vessels are (a Teoheoh (0) Te>Ty >Te (>to (Ty Te >My 4 Which of the following statement is correct? (a) Sponge is compressito, but considered as a sold {b) Arubber band, change shape under force and nt regains i same shape when force isremoved (@) Mass multipy by volume is called densiy ofits substance {@) The common name of solids and iquds is fd Seem es 5 Match the column 1 (hypothesis) with column (11) (evidence that supports it) ~~ Column ____fvidence) 1 You can smett dinner ‘cooking inthe kitchen when you are in your be croom _ ‘©. Dillereni paricles Gf Wl Itis easier to squash a different elements have ballon filed with air different masses. than a ballon filed with move farther apart on heating water. F. Gas paricles aivays ili, Ametal rod expands spread out to fill the ‘on heating, space available to them, S. Gas particles are WW. Agoid bracelet is farther apart than liquid much heavier than an particles, identical siver bracelet Codes POR S Pars @mu wnt ow rou mo ornmw @wmut 6 You are given the following substances with t and melting points. i boiling (0) Naphialone, carpho. ode. ammonium coe are tecegesubiaton (0) Thomotng pont lice 60°C 0127316 {@) Condensaton the proces of conversion ola fom tmeeous sate folqud sit a speciceonalone st fempertve and posure. 8. ettect of ehange of temperature on the physical state may be represented as. Heat Heat = 7) —= Coo! Coal What is X, ¥ and 2? (0) X-=Liquid state, Y =Gasoous state, 2 =Sold state (0) X=Sold state, ¥ = Gaseous state, Z =Liquid state (0) X=Lquid state, ¥ =Sold state, Z = Gaseous state (d) XSolid state, ¥ =Liquid state. Z =Gaseous state ‘What will be the correct sequence of temperature when 25°C and 45°C are converted to Kelvin scale and Fahrenheit scale? (a) 278.16K, 308 16K, 74°F, 109°F (b) 298 16K, 318.16K, 74°F, 109°F (6) 298 16K. 918.16K. 77°F 19°F (6) 318 16K, 298 16K, 77°F. 19°F 1 The non-St units and SI units of some physical quantities are given in Column I and Column Il respectively. Match the units belonging to the same physical quantity, Column Substance Bolling point (©) _ Melting point (0) _ epee ~183 218 i Pascal us 119 a Ti. Metre ~ 78 a5 D._Miligra ~ W._Kevin _ Point out the physical states of A, B and Cat room, cage temperature (30°C). Pak s Paas @vmu it om vid 4 2 ci ouwws @iouww @ Gas Solid Liquid (0) Gas Liquid Solid (©) — Liquid Solid Gas Answer Keys - (@ Sol guid Gas TH lel olsTelslels cy 7 Among the following, which one is the false statement? ek ztaleleliole (@) Sublimation i the process of conversion of a matter trom ts re bara) or {81.8 Lope". liquid state to gaseous stale at specific conditions of temperature and pressure. For Challenger Solutions Visit https://goo.g/TBZ_ OR Scan the Code

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