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CRITERIA (4) (7) (10)
The delivery detracts from the The delivery generally seems The delivery is well-rehearsed --
message; eye contact may be effective – however, effective natural, confident, and enhances
very limited; the presenter may use of volume, eye contact, vocal the message – posture, eye
tend to look at the floor, control, etc. may not be contact, smooth gestures, facial
mumble, speak inaudibly, fidget, consistent; some hesitancy may expressions, volume, pace, etc.
Delivery or read most of the speech; be observed. Vocal tone, facial indicate confidence, a
(Nonverbal Effectiveness) gestures and movements may be expressions, clothing and other commitment to the topic, and a
(x 3) jerky or excessive. The delivery nonverbal expressions do not willingness to communicate. The
may appear inconsistent with detract significantly from the vocal tone, delivery style, and
the message. Poise of message. The delivery style, tone clothing are consistent with the
composure is lost during any of voice, and clothing choices do message. Delivery style and
distractions. Audience members not seem out-of-place or clothing choices suggest an
have difficulty hearing the disrespectful to the audience or awareness of expectations and
presentation. occasion norms.
The presenter is not able to keep The presenter is able to keep the The presenter is able to
the audience engaged. The audience engaged most of the effectively keep the audience
verbal or nonverbal feedback time. When feedback indicates a engaged. Material is modified or
from the audience may suggest a need for idea clarification, the clarified as needed given
Audience Adaptation lack of interest or confusion. speaker makes an attempt to audience verbal and nonverbal
(x 2) clarify or restate ideas. feedback. Nonverbal behaviors
Generally, the speaker are used to keep the audience
demonstrates audience engaged. Delivery style is
awareness through nonverbal modified as needed
and verbal behaviors
Some events are left out.
Shortcuts of the plot is very Detailed but long. Voice Brief yet detailed. The plot is not
obvious that 2 or 3 important assignment is visible but there's confusing. Dialogues are clearly
Creativity of the Script
details are omitted. Voice little constraints in stated. Voice assignment is
(X 2) assignment is visible but characterization. visible and there's consistency of
characterization is not really characterization.
3-5 incorrect voice inflections, 1-2 mispronunciations but voice Proper voice inflection is
Voice Inflections & voices assigned are not inflection is good. Blending is in observed. There is excellent
performed as it should be. harmony. blending of voices, very
Blending Enunciation is worse (3-5 harmonious and synchronized.
(x 3) mispronunciations). Very good enunciation, no words
are mispronounced.

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