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Sr No. A/C Code Account Name Debit Credit

1 AAC001 General Account of Cash (Kyats) 712,506.67 0.00

2 ABM001 Account with Central Bank 5,000,000.00 0.00

Account with GTB Current A/C -
3 AEC001 79,657.19 0.00
Account with MAB Current A/C -
4 AEC002 119,178.08 0.00
Account with CB (UFC.HO Branch) Current
5 AEC003 6,119.86 0.00
Account with GTB Savings A/C-
6 AED001 152,103,155.80 0.00
Account with CB (UFC.HO Branch) Savings
7 AED002 129,889,680.84 0.00
8 AKN001 Corporate Loan 2,800,000,000.00 0.00

9 ALN001 Office Furniture & Other Fitting at Cost 5,830,443.54 0.00

10 ALO001 Office Machinery & Other Equipment at Cost 655,807.75 0.00

11 ALP001 Computer Software Licence Fees 36,134,000.00 0.00

12 ALS001 Computer & Component at Cost 4,109,686.25 0.00

13 ALU001 Office Vehicle (car) at Cost 23,333,333.33 0.00

14 AMP004 Prepaid Office Rental Fees 2,678,571.00 0.00

15 AMP005 Prepaid Staff Life Insurance premium 20,964.96 0.00

16 AMP006 Prepaid Revenue Tax 65,000,000.00 0.00

17 ARK001 Loan To Staff Without Interest 2,280,000.00 0.00

18 EEC001 Postage ,Fax, Telegraph and Telephones 62,597.00 0.00

19 EED001 Contribution to Provident Fund 61,392.00 0.00

20 EED002 Contribution to SSB 110,904.00 0.00

21 EED003 Welfare Fund 150,000.00 0.00

Depreciation on Furniture and Other
22 EEG002 116,558.97 0.00
23 EEG003 Depreciation on Office Equipment 30,268.05 0.00

24 EEG004 Depreciation on Office Vehicle/ Motorcycle 186,666.67 0.00

25 EEG005 Depreciation on Computer & Component 185,826.75 0.00

26 EEG006 Depreciation on Computer Software 208,250.00 0.00

27 EEM004 Maintenance and Repairs ( Office Vehicle ) 436,000.00 0.00

28 EEP001 Wages & Salaries 5,136,425.65 0.00

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Sr No. A/C Code Account Name Debit Credit

29 EEP003 Service Allowance 240,000.00 0.00

30 EEP005 Performance Allowance 3,352,700.00 0.00

31 EEP013 Overtime Allowance - Driver 264,118.00 0.00

32 EEP014 Overtime Allowance - Staff 9,463.00 0.00

33 EER001 Passage & Travelling Expenses ( Domestic ) 139,565.00 0.00

34 EER005 Hire Charges ( Vehicle / Taxi ) 169,400.00 0.00

35 EES003 Petrol & Diesel for Office Car/Motor Cycle 417,842.00 0.00

36 EES006 Rental Fees-Office 20,000,000.00 0.00

37 EES011 Printing, Stationery and Office Supplies 100,700.00 0.00

Insurance Premium on Motor Car /
38 EES013 196,295.00 0.00
39 EES014 Bank Charges 38,625.00 0.00

40 EET002 Entertainment Expenses 41,250.00 0.00

41 EET012 Advisory Fees ( Domestic ) 3,200,000.00 0.00

42 EET017 Miscellaneous - ( General ) Expenses 44,452.25 0.00

43 EEU001 Vehicle Registration & Licenses Fees 247,000.00 0.00

44 EEU004 Co Licences Renewal Annual Fees 1,384,931.50 0.00

45 EEX001 Revenue Stamp 4,600.00 0.00

46 IAB001 Interest on Savings Account 0.00 4,595,835.95

47 IAC001 Interest on Corporate Loan 0.00 90,750,684.93

48 IAR006 Other Income 0.00 4,310,935.00

49 LAC001 Share Capital Account 0.00 3,000,000,000.00

50 LBS001 Reserve for Bad Debts (2%) 0.00 56,000,000.00

51 LCR001 Reserve for Revenue Tax (25%) 0.00 41,193,475.69

Item Due and Unpaid A/C ( Accured
52 LMD002 0.00 17,785,193.28
Expense )
54 LMD004 Income Tax Payable ( Staff ) 0.00 57,577.47

55 LRP001 Profit and Loss Account (Retained Profit) 0.00 49,795,233.79

Grand Total 3,264,488,936.11 3,264,488,936.11

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