17 Tips To Improve Your English Speaking Test

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Unit 1A Mood food

Day 4
 Pronunciation
 Food vocabulary
 Grammar: PS VS PC and action VS non-action verbs
 Homework:
- WB) 1A (Find key at the end of your workbooks)
- @) Food and drink (Extra about Food (with key))
- @) Action verbs (Extra about grammar)

17 Tips to improve your English speaking test

Did you…?
1. introduce the topic (I’m going to talk about…)?
2. answer all the questions in the task?
3. fix to the point?
4. time your monologue?
5. use linkers and sequencers to organise your ideas
(first, then, although, also, on the other hand…)?
6. organise your ideas in different paragraphs?
7. use any of the ‘useful phrases for discussion’?
8. conclude your idea(s)?
9. practise pronunciation (videos, phonetic
transcriptions in dictionaries, writing new words the
way you pronounce them…)?
10. use the mock test worksheet?
11. think about the topic (have an opinion about it)?
12. watch the sample speaking test video?
13. use the grammar you are learning this year?
14. check out for grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation
15. use any vocabulary about food?
16. use any phrasal verbs (eat out, cut down on, cut
out, ask for) related to food?
17. use any sayings/idioms (a piece of cake, to go
bananas…) concerning food?

Communicative Activity: ‘Opening night’

(12 students)
1. You are at the opening party of a new restaurant in London.
2. I’ll give you a role card whose info you’ll have to
3. You must move around the restaurant (classroom) to meet
all the other guests at the party.
4. You must find out as much as you can about them.
5. Suggested questions: Where are you from? What do you
do? What are you doing in London? What do you do in your
free time?
6. Complete the ‘What do you remember?’ handout according
to the info that you have been given

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=Ufdm3ufV6pg&feature=related (Phonemic chart)
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/g
rammar/pron/ (Pronunciation)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcdC7CVHDaQ
(Window on Britain. Food)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWVbSX8QVNI
(Fruit idioms)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVpcVoHr25c
(Sample English speaking test)
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cic-Y8Frz1Y
(Simple Vs Cont. + stative verbs grammar genius)
- http://www.esolcourses.com/content/exercises/wordm
atch/5/wordmatch.html (Typical British food quiz)

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