Sentry HP

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Proven performance from a medium-range tactical UAS

SENTRYTM HP UNMANNED AIRCRAFT The aircraft supports payloads with weights up to 75 lbs.,
SYSTEM (UAS) volume up to 2.5 cubic feet, and power draw of up to 1,500 W
of regulated 24 VDC. With maximum payload, the aircraft
Proven performance from a medium-range tactical UAS provides an endurance of 6+ flight hours. The payload bay is
The Sentry HP™ provides increased performance, reliability, mounted on the center of gravity, facilitating rapid reconfiguration
and payload capability while maintaining the same to support a variety of SIGINT and IMINT payloads.
ruggedness and expeditionary footprint that is the hallmark
of the Sentry™ family. The airframe of DRS' Sentry™ HP is a The complete Sentry™ HP system includes air vehicles,
carbon fiber composite delta wing "V" tail design. The ground control station for mission planning, input, monitoring,
carbon fiber airframe is very resilient and damage tolerant. payload employment and in-flight profile amendment. Remote
The delta wing provides lower wing loading, resulting in a video terminal capabilities are also available.
high payload-vehicle weight ratio and excellent cross-wind
landing capabilities. The "V" tail design allows for more
internal payload volume, additional avionics, and a
configuration for a reliable parafoil deployment. The large
wing cavities maximize fuel carrying capacity.

This air vehicle can accommodate a full spectrum of various

payloads for military and civilian applications. The autopilot
is the heart of the avionics suite with interfaces to the
payload control module, environmental sensor module and
the communications module. The L- and S-Band digital data
link has an operational range of over 70 nautical miles.
• Carbon fiber airframe is resilient and damage tolerant
• Modular construction for easy assembly, system upgrades
or modifications
• Accommodates various payloads up to 75 pounds for
military and civilian applications

Gross weight 420 lbs.
Empty weight >260 lbs.
Wing span 12.8 feet
The Sentry HP is a versatile, proven performer; mission after mission
Payload weight 75 lbs. internal (optional for
additional external loads)

Length 11 feet
Wing area 31.37 square feet
Power plant 2 cycle, 38 HP engine

Altitude 10,000 feet
Endurance 6 hours, plus reserve
Speed (cruise) 75 kts
Speed (loiter) 65 kts
Launch Conventional
Recover Conventional or emergency Ground Control Station operators during mission execution


Ease of use Small-system footprint, easy
transportation and rapid operations
set up
Programmable 100 waypoint preprogrammed flight
plan, in-flight update capability and
autonomous autopilot, with direct
control mode
An example of a sensor payload is
Navigation GPS/INS
the DRS GS410 Stabilized Multi-
Data link S- and L-Bands sensor Targeting System

Range 70+ nmi

Fuel AV Gas
Ground control UAV and payload command and control
station Enhanced mission planner
Video processing
Ruggedized and portable
Proven autopilot

Export of the commodities described herein as customized for a particular use is strictly prohibited without a valid export
license issued by the U.S. Department of State Office of Defense Trade Controls prescribed in the International Traffic in
Arms Regulation (ITAR), Title 22, Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Parts 120-130.
DRS Training & Control Systems, LLC
645 Anchors Street, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 Tel: 850.302.3000 Fax 850.302.3371 DRS DS 011310 V3
Cleared by US DOD/OSR for public release under OSR Case No. 09-S-0759 dated February 3, 2009

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