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This chapter includes the introduction, background of the study, statement of the

problem, scopes and limitation of the study, significance of the study and the operational

definition of terms.


In medical practices, checking the vital signs first is important and its state the

current condition of a patient . According to the research gathered ,out of varieties of

vital signs that are in need to be monitored , the researchers chooses four vital signs

that are routinely checked by a medical personnel , vital signs such as body temperature

,pulse rate , blood pressure and oxidation count .

Huge and bunch of devices in each vital sign can be seen in medical centers for

monitoring, in the study that the group will be conducting, monitoring medical devices

will turn into one device that is easily worn in daily basis , it can benefit the medical

personnel and patients to easily know the value of the measured vital sign to assess

and take actions to save one’s life, not only does the assessment rely on the skill of the

practitioner but also on the device being used . Using Arduino Mega as a

microcontroller board for the program of the device and GSM module in transmitting and

alerting the right medical personnel .By available sensors in the market such as pulse

rate with oximeter, blood pressure sensor and body temperature , there is a way to

track the following vitals in every possible time .


Since monitoring the condition of a person is necessary specially for the elderly.

The person may not always be able to go to hospital in order to just check his/her

condition. Not being able to check a person’s condition causes sudden death incidents

which mean the requirement for self-health monitoring increases. A lot of wearable

devices got implemented to be able to monitor health status. One is a body-worn smart

clothing where the sensor to check the vital signs placed in certain area of the cloth and

skin in order to provide accurate measurement. However some component are not

washable and the clothing must consider the wearer’s body shape, also the measurement

might get affected when the placement got moved due to wearers daily movement. It is

inconvenient because a person can’t wear the same clothes everyday which makes it a


The design for the project aims to be more convenient and accurate for the user

to wear in everyday life. The wearable device consists of blood pressure sensor, pulse

rate sensor, pulse oximetry, and body temperature sensor which can monitor and show

the output. The device can send SMS to easily transmit the data to hospitals.


Wearable device can aid people who are in need to regularly check their vital sign

of the beneficiaries. It aims to assist individuals on checking their blood pressure, pulse

rate, heartbeat, and body temperature to see what the current condition of the following

vital signs. In blood pressure, it may help to prevent future health problems such as heart

attack, stroke, kidney disease, or dementia. Pulse rate and heart beat needs to be

regularly monitored whether our heart pumps enough blood in order to meet body’s need.
Body temperature must be checked to identify if a person have a normal or high body


 How to know if a person is having a high blood or low blood?

 How to use blood pressure sensor, pulse rate sensor, heart beat sensor, and body

temperature sensor?

 How to test the system in terms of:

 Design?

 Reliability?

 Efficiency?

 Effectiveness?



 The project is built for elderly people.

 This prototype will measure your heartbeat, pulse rate, body temperature and

blood pressure.

 The design is portable enough to fit in the patience wrist.

 The raw data of the patient’s vitals will be send to the allocated doctor.


 Life span of the battery.

 The design of the prototype is a non-waterproof resistant.


The proponents aimed to develop this project to benefit:

 Monitoring maintenance for elder people

- The purpose of creating this prototype is for monitoring the vital signs of the

patient and keeping the data that has been collected.

 The General Public

- Wearable watch that is worn comfortably and it is lightweight, portable, easy

and on the go use.

 Access to information in real time

- To improve the current monitoring system. Sending the information and alerting

the assigned doctor of the patient.

 The Proponents

- This proposed project gives them a chance to test the different familiarity and

concepts they gain from their years of learning. This proposed project benefits

the proponents to assess their abilities, capacity and creativity.

 The students of engineering department, specifically Electronics and

Computer Engineering Program.

- The proponents aim to encourage further the study of microcontrollers and

Communication-based electronic technology for the benefit of the students of the

engineering department.


This chapter discusses the reviewed literature and studies by the researchers for

the enrichment and conceptualization of the study and also that helped us to describe the

cognitive design of the system.


Wearable devices are not only meant for accessories and fashion. It can also be

used in order to monitor the lifestyle of a person, the device can also be used in sending

message to a person (International Journal of Conceptions on Computing and Information

Technology, Oct. 3, 2015). The wearable device used an android base mobile application

which it can send and receive message to hospitals or relatives. The device is a user

friendly can be used in emergency due to increase of sudden death of people who doesn’t

have anyone monitoring him/her specially the elderly. This wearable device provides

assistance to elderly in monitoring their condition.

Heart rate is a common thing to be monitored on a person because lack of

knowledge in it can kill the victim not fully knowing it, which make the portable monitoring

device helpful in field of medicine. It benefits the user to monitor his/her heart activity with

ease by the use of smartphones which is connected via Bluetooth connection. The

monitoring is proven to be accurate, reliable, and SMS feature, the output of the device

aligns with the heart rate monitoring device in hospitals.


Monitoring a patient at home is now possible with the help of available components

and technologies that is compact and easy to handle such as wearable devices.
According to Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2016), a new healthcare

system is establishing a platform which is mainly focused on monitoring the elders ,. It

can do varieties of developments in medical field, this technology is a new way of

improved healthcare system , such as it can easily aid the personnel who monitors a

patient in daily basis, reducing costs and improving the communication and treatment

outcomes, they have been developed in decades and are considered reliable tools for

long-term health monitoring systems. This technologies are useful in a huge variety of

health monitoring indicators in the vital signs fitness and etc. One of the most significant

elements essential in producing the data is the algorithm connected to the sensors. Years

of learning and improving a semiconductor that is use as a parameters in wearables made

a huge impact in developing wearable technology, including micro-sensors integrated

into textiles, consumer electronics embedded in fashionable clothes, digital watches, a

ring ,belt-worn personal computers, necklace ,glasses, which are worn on various parts

of the body are intended for the procedure. Wearable health monitoring systems is

moving toward minimizing the size of wearable devices, measuring more vital signs, and

sending secure and reliable data through smartphone technology. Although there has

been observing and pursuing bio medical data for the full monitoring of environmental,

fitness, and medical data recently, but one obvious application of wearable systems is the

monitoring of physical state of the patient in mobile environment. The majority of

commercially available wearable devices are one- applications to monitor vital signs.

Those devices that have been approved for medical use are usually simple , but portability

has been recent developments and it is their priority. The growth potential is especially

strong in consumer health care field in which wearable devices is seen as a major driving

force. The potential is seen in transforming fitness tracking devices into applications and

deliverable devices in which useful medical information can be tracked and acted upon.
It is more comfortable than a personnel who remotely monitoring a group of patients with

a monitors from their home and the patients, instead of suffocating in a hospital, can be

resting securely from their homes. As the time goes by, the reality and personalized and

customizable forms of medicine will present in an on-demand approach. Internally, this

data will help predict future trends in medicine through the current and developing artificial

intelligence algorithms (Andrew Michael, M.D. on January 5, 2016).


Many parameters of patients which sometimes, is disturbing to patients who

requires plenty of rest. In this paper, the team present a technique based on wireless

sensor to monitor the temperature, Heat is a form of energy and is required for the

functions of different organs of the body. Every food stuff contain heat in the form of

carbohydrates. It is also released during the digestion of food you ate taken by human.

Even tho when the patient are sleeping, heart and lungs are functioning using the help

of heat delivered by the different food you ate. Heat is also the cause and the temperature

is the effect. Temperature can be measured with thermometer. But in our study heat

cannot be measured directly and is sensed by touching. So that, we implemented a

wearable kit device for the good of human beings the maintenance of the temperature is

a must. Excess of body temperature causes fever and deficiency of body temperature

causes lack of body power. There is a mechanism called hypothalamus in brain which

regulates the temperature properly. In this paper we have discussed briefly how the body

temperature is regulated by wearable devices, variation of body temperature due to

different factors and the reactions taking place in our body due to sudden change in

Blood pressure and the pulse rate automatically without having to disturb a resting

patient suffering from sickness. One is dengue fever. The wireless sensor node captures

these vital health parameters and then sends it to the device. The wearable kit devices

handles all the processing tasks and produces systolic and diastolic heart rates and gives

alerts whenever an abnormal condition occurs. The prototype device managed to perform

at 80 % to 90% accuracy levels on monitoring the blood pressure and pulse rate,

respectively. Our study, designed using low-cost peripherals with minimal electronic

devices, can be used to monitor old patients even from a location via wearable kit device

, such as cardiovascular and dengue fever and many more, require constant monitoring

of certain health

This paper presents the design and development of a wearable healthcare

monitoring device using Arduino to measure oxygen saturation (SpO2) sensors. In this

design, non-intrusive healthcare device was designed based on wireless sensor network

(WSN) for wide area coverage with minimum battery power. We have search various

devices such as wearable sensor devices node, wearable chest sensor belt and wrist

pulse oximeter for this project. SpO2 sensors board was integrated to the wearable kit

device for user's health monitoring. The wearable healthcare monitoring device allows

physiological data to be transmitted in wireless sensor using Arduino from on-body

wearable sensor devices to a environment which is connected to your hand everytime.

Physiological data can be displayed and stored to a small screen and continuously

monitor your health.

This study provides Heart Rate estimation using wrist-type

Photoplethysmogpraphy (PPG) sensor while the subject is running. We propose the

algorithm to estimate heart rate for the wrist-type PPG sensor. Since body motion artifacts

easily affect the arm portion, our method in this study also uses accelerometer built in the

wrist-type sensor to improve the accuracy of heart rate estimation. Our method has two

components. One is rejecting artifacts with the power spectrum's difference between PPG

and acceleration obtained by frequency analysis. The other is the reliability of heart rate

estimation, defined by the running.

The wearable physiological monitoring system is a washable shirt, which uses an

many kind of sensors connected to a central processing unit with firmware like arduino

for continuously monitoring your health. The data measured can be seen on a screen and

overall output of the wearer's health. In this study, we discuss the monitoring device called

‘BAYMAX’. The study consists of a comfortable to wear with sensors integrated for

monitoring health parameters, wearable data obtain and processing hardware and remote

monitoring health. The wearable device is designed using microcontroller and interfaced

with wireless communication. The health signals monitored are body temperature, blood

pressure and heart rate. The acquired health signals are simple, it display in digitized at

undefined resolution and transmitted wireless to a remote health monitoring device along

with the patient. The paper describes a prototype of wearable device used for remote

monitoring of your health and the data are also presented.

compared with the commercial fingertip-type pulse oximeter is both accurate.


High blood pressure is a common risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and other

complications, so diagnosing and monitoring is at critically important. However, getting

reliable blood pressure readings is not always easy Anne Trafton (April 8,2009).

Continuous monitoring is important in terms of checking all of the vital signs because it

varies from time to time. The normal blood pressure of a person is around 120/80 mmHg

, a little higher to the value and the reading reaches 140 / 90 mmHg above , the person

must have a hypertension , then if the value drops on 90/60mmHg it means that the

person is having a hypotension meaning the person have a low blood pressure. To

prevent further difficulties, knowing what is the value of blood pressure is important

because it is the time where a person having this kind of condition , decides when this

should be lowered. There are different ways to measure the value of the blood pressure.

In hospitals and even at homes blood pressure monitoring commonly use devices such

as cuffs , it is place around the upper arm to compress until there is a reaction on the

blood flow. The cuff slowly releases the pressure, sensing the flow until the pulse can be

identified. Andrew Reisner an mechanical engineer who currently works at

Massachusetts General Hospital developed a prototype which do not use a cuffs to

measure the blood pressure, instead his design model were place to the patient's wrist

and also connected to the forefinger that can be easily worn all the day. The method used

is called pulse wave velocity, which allows blood pressure to be calculated by measuring

the pulse at two points along an artery Harry Asada (April 2009). Ring is their first

prototype it measures pulse rate and the amount of oxygen present in the blood and after

developing the ring, the team decided to transfer the device to blood pressure detecting,

which gives them more accurate data about a patient's health. The doctors may be able
to use data gathered from continuous monitoring to prevent further risk. (Dela Cruz,


Stated by Statistics, every year, about 610,000 people die because of heart

disease In United States of America. (i.e. 1 in every 4 deaths.*) Edward R. Laskowski,

M.D.(August 2 ,2005). Chronic heart disease can be common at all ages , normal resting

heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute. Generally, a lower heart rate

at rest implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular activity According

to Design and Development of a Wearable Wireless Health Monitoring system: A Smart

Watch Approach the project is designed as a wearable watch that monitors oxygen

saturation and pulse rate. It has added feature wireless health monitoring system ,

sensors are put together and build as a wearable watch and can send to the computer

via Bluetooth and medical hospitals by GSM module thru text where the doctors can daily

monitor their patients and diagnose if the condition is critical.. The paper presents a

wearable system for heart rate monitoring based on photo plethysmography (PPG). In

their work, PPG are used for the reflectance mode. Blood absorbs more light than others

tissues and the reduction of the blood amount shows an increased intensity of the light

scattered back of reflected from tissue. The project approach is very comfortable for

patients because the light sensor it is made into a clothing . This method can be useful

for wireless patient monitoring consequently ambient assisted living applications if it is

completed with smartphone, notebook. For heart rate monitoring contact sensors and

non-contact are used for remote measurement .Capturing data in real time from wearable

devices are already making their way in terms of tracking personal fitness and monitoring

vital signs. These devices are easy to wear, lightweight and can capture a varieties of raw

data, by using different sensors for every vital signs.

One of the common medical practices in examining the condition of the patient

is checking the body temperature. When it is above or below the normal range it means

that there is something wrong with the patient’s system Measuring temperature is usually

depends on skin. According to The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal

(2018), a basic infrared thermometer (IRT) design, the lens are used to collect the energy

emitted by the patient, the detector converts the energy to an electrical signal, an

emissivity adjustment to match the IRT calibration to the emitting characteristics of the

object being measured, and an ambient temperature compensation circuit to ensure that

temperature variations within the IRT, due to changes, they are not transferred to the final


Pulse oximeter is an instrument monitoring the arterial oxygen , the purpose of

pulse oximetry is to check how well your heart is working and pumping enough oxygen

throughout your body to prevent heart attacks ,heart failure and many more . Finger

type oximeter is always use, In their study , the practicability of a ring-type pulse

oximeter with a multi-detector was investigated by simulation in patoent skin. The

design of a ring-type pulse oximeter that can provide the best efficiency of measuring

SPO2 was discussed. The efficiency of ring-type pulse oximeters with a single detector

and a multi-detector was also discussed. Finally, a wearable and wireless ring-type

pulse oximeter was also implemented to validate the simulation results and was

2.5 Synthesis
The group researched and gathered data about the related studies and journals

from local and foreign sources, to prove the statement about the feasibility and

development of their study ‘’Biomedical Aid Yield Monitoring and Alerting with

Xerography” .Monitoring of the patient is one of many aims in making the study, in the

group’s prototype the heart of the system is focused in the safety of the patient by

regularly checking their vital signs and transmitting it to the prescribed doctor to know

their status. By analyzing some existence of literature and studies , the accomplishment

and the methods used by the previous studies , gave the group a reference and found

out that there are possible ways of implementing the study. The literature and studies

consists of kinds of wearable devices in checking every vital signs .The group used pulse

rate sensor with oximeter , blood pressure sensor and body temperature , that is put all

together and output as a wearable watch that makes different from the previous studies .

The proposed project has an added feature of transmitting the data by a GSM module.

2.6 Conceptual Framework


 Existing Design  Planning of the

 Wearable kit
device that can
 Hardware  Data Gathering
monitor vital
Requirement:  Data Analysis
Chapter 3

3.1 Research Method

3.2 Project Development

Figure 3.1 Waterfall Model Project Development Phase

 Planning - The researchers started the project in sharing ideas, suggesting

concepts and browsing problem topics.
 Data Gathering - Searching the related topics about monitoring Blood pressure,
Body Temperature, Pulse Rate and Oximetry. The researchers browsing what
are the ideas about High Blood and Diabetis.
 Requirement Analysis - Gather information from the current studies , details
about sensors in monitoring vital signs.
 System Designs - Creating software as a group by distributing ideas of each
 Implementation and testing - All the constructed software and hardware were put
together to build the device. Implementation was done by the researchers.
Several testing were done. The researchers knew, if there were existing errors or
 Deployment - Maintaining of the performance of the device were done. The
researchers presented the device to those who need it, which is the monitoring
wearable kit device. Training was also part of this phase to brief on how to
interface with the software and its features.

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