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Speech and language interventions for infants aged 0 to 2 years

at high risk for cerebral palsy: a systematic review
1 Department of Pediatrics, Center for Perinatal Research, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH; 2 Division of Clinical Therapies, Department of
Speech-Language Pathology, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH; 3 Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
Nashville, TN, USA.
Correspondence to Nathalie L Maitre at Department of Pediatrics, 700 Children’s Drive, WB6225, Columbus, OH 43205, USA. E-mail:

This article is commented on by Novak et al. on pages 343–344 of this issue.

PUBLICATION DATA AIM We evaluated the level of evidence of speech, language, and communication interventions
Accepted for publication 14th October for infants at high-risk for, or with a diagnosis of, cerebral palsy (CP) from 0 to 2 years old.
2016. METHOD We performed a systematic review of relevant terms. Articles were evaluated based
Published online 29th November 2016. on the level of methodological quality and evidence according to A Measurement Tool to
Assess Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) and Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
ABBREVIATION Development and Evaluation (GRADE) guidelines.
GRADE Grading of Recommendations RESULTS The search terms provided 17 publications consisting of speech or language
Assessment, Development and interventions. There were no interventions in the high level of evidence category. The overall
Evaluation level of evidence was very low. Promising interventions included Responsivity and
Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching and other parent–infant transaction frameworks.
INTERPRETATION There are few evidence-based interventions addressing speech, language,
and communication needs of infants and toddlers at high risk for CP, and none for infants
diagnosed with CP. Recommendation guidelines include parent–infant transaction programs.

A recent emphasis on early diagnosis for cerebral palsy socioeconomic status, and can increase in severity from
(CP) in the first years of life, when brain plasticity is at its preschool to school age.15–17 Infants born at term with
greatest, has prompted scrutiny of therapeutic interven- neonatal encephalopathy secondary to perinatal asphyxia,
tions aimed at improving long-term neurodevelopmental ischemia, or other birth-related events are also at high risk
outcomes of infants at the highest risk for CP.1–4 However, for CP with concurrent language impairments18 in the first
increased surveillance before the age of 2 years may high- 2 years. Similarly, infants with neonatal venous or arterial
light the paucity of rigorously designed studies targeting stroke display long-term language problems despite evi-
CP, and the difficulties in identifying these infants. A dence of brain reorganization after injury.19,20 Collectively,
growing body of research focuses instead on infants at high although they may not have met clinical criteria for referral
risk for CP, as up to two-thirds of infants born extremely for services in infancy and early childhood,21 school-age
preterm with encephalopathy of prematurity or neonates children with CP22–24 have extremely high rates of speech
with perinatal brain insults receive a later diagnosis of and language impairments.
CP.5 These infants often have abnormalities on neurologi- Language development from birth to 2 years presents
cal examinations, the General Movements Assessment and/ multiple opportunities for therapeutic interventions during
or neuroimaging findings that together confer >90% risks critical windows. Speech sound differentiation and voice
of developing CP.6–10 Some pediatric populations with recognition occur in the earliest phase of language devel-
other developmental disorders can also have a higher risk opment. Vocal learning begins in utero and continues
of coexisting CP, even though they show no clear perinatal through infancy when infants have the ability to discrimi-
insults.11 In addition to their motor impairments, infants at nate the phonetic constraints of language as well as
high risk for CP have frequent early speech and language mother’s versus strangers’25–27 voices. While auditory pro-
problems.12,13 By preschool age, infants born very preterm cessing is often adversely affected by prematurity and
have poorer receptive and expressive language development neonatal insults, to date no interventional studies have tar-
than infants born at term, with delays in vocabulary size, geted improvements of this neonatal cortical function.
quality of word production, syntax, morphology, and com- In early infancy, language patterns are fundamentally
prehension.14,15 These impairments of receptive and perceived as melodies and reflected in infants’ initial sound
expressive language are present independent of utterances,25 with melody arc duration and amplitude

© 2016 Mac Keith Press DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.13342 355

developing in parallel, reflecting the coupled advancement What this paper adds
of phonation and articulation required for successful • The overall level of evidence of studies in infants at high risk for cerebral
speech production.28 Non-native language-specific vowel- palsy (CP) is very low.
like sounds are produced at 3 months and language-speci- • Several promising interventions are based on parent–infant transaction
fic perceptual organization of vowels begins from programs.
6 months.29 During this period, social interactions, when
• Recommended interventions do not specifically target infants with a diagno-
sis of CP.
provided contingently with infant vocalizations can then
increase vocalizations and babbling.30 The next stage of Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE),36 and
speech and language development includes phonating, with the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias
jaw movements, and several months later, organized sylla- in randomized trials (Table II).37 This is a review of pub-
bles reflecting prior exposure to speech.25 During the first lished literature; therefore, it did not require institutional
year of life, language perception (receptive) and production review board approval.
(expressive) is again dependent on social interactions, along
with development of cortical areas responsible for improve- Search strategy
ments of working memory and pattern recognition.31 This review included relevant terms in online research data-
Interventions have targeted these phases of language devel- bases. Searches were performed between May and August
opment in infants at high risk for CP, particularly through 2014, and repeated in August 2016 to evaluate the evidence
enhanced parental responsiveness. During the second year base of speech and interventions for infants aged 0 to 2 years
of life, rapid language acquisition depends on multiplica- with or at high risk for CP. The following databases were
tion of associations between different cortical processing included into the search: PubMED, Cochrane Library,
areas, reflected in a rapid increase in the amount of words MEDLINE, PsycINFO, speechBITE American Speech-
a child understands and produces. Interventions leveraging Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), SCOPUS, ISI Web
the cortical associations between language and motor sys- of Knowledge, EBSCO (including CINAHL), and The
tems may help mediate the establishment of more complex Communication Trust – What Works. Search terms are
functions in children with CP,32 such as motor function included in Appendix S1 (online supporting information). In
and behavior. Strategies addressing the early communica- addition, a grey literature search was performed according
tion problems of children at high risk for CP or with CP to methodology described in Shpilko.38
may be essential to long-term emotional adaptation and The methodological quality of the studies was evaluated
social participation.33,34 using the AMSTAR rating checklist for systematic reviews,
The aim of this systematic review was therefore to evalu- GRADE level of evidence assessment, and the Cochrane
ate the level of evidence of current interventions targeting Risk of Bias checklist for randomized controlled trials.
the speech and language deficits of infants at high risk for, Details of study quality are outlined in Table SI (online
or with, CP in the first 2 years of life. We focused on the supporting information).
speech and language delays of infants with typical hearing
and without known genetic conditions that could also Inclusion criteria
affect their language development. Published studies of interventions addressing speech and
language with infants at high risk for CP and those with a
METHOD diagnosis of CP were included in this review when any of
This systematic review includes randomized clinical trials the study subjects were 2 years corrected age and younger.
along with other study designs to demonstrate the current
level of evidence. The review follows the guidelines of the Exclusion criteria
International Clinical Guideline for Cerebral Palsy search Articles were excluded if they were letters, editorials, notes,
terms and was performed in accordance with the principles books, assessment only (no intervention), protocols, had no
of A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews infant language scores/assessments, or had parent assess-
(AMSTAR, Table I),35 the Grading of Recommendations ments of dyad intervention.

Types of interventions
Table I: AMSTAR methodological quality rating checklist
Interventions provided by licensed therapists/professionals
Items or caregivers/parents trained by therapists/professionals
were included. Individual and group interventions provided
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
in and out of the home environment were included.
Novak et al. Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Law et al. (Cochrane)55 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Pennington et al.33 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Types of participants
Pennington et al.64 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Studies with human participants between 0 and 24 months
Pennington et al.65 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N corrected age born preterm or with high risk for/diagnosis
AMSTAR, A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews; Y, of CP were included. High risk for CP was differentiated
yes; N, no. from the ‘highest risk for CP’ categorization recently

356 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2017, 59: 355–360

Table II: The Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias table in randomized trials

Random Blinding of Blinding of Incomplete Free of

sequence Allocation participants outcome outcome data selective Free of
References generation concealment and personnel assessments addressed reporting other bias

Speech and language interventions

Kynø et al.46 H L L L L H U
Milgrom et al.47 H H L H H H U
Newnham et al.48 H L L H L H L
Goldfeld et al.66 L H H L H H H
Carter et al. H H L H H H U
Glogowska et al.67 H H H H H H H
Yoder and Warren51 H L L L H H U
Buschmann et al.68 L H L H L U U

H, high; L, low; U, unclear.

published.1 As this review focused on speech and language, participants in the reviewed studies ranged from n=4 to
General Movements Assessment was not routinely per- n=552.
formed in relevant articles. Instead, we focused on perina- The following sections discuss the types of interventions
tal or prenatal conditions that are strongly associated with that were included in this review. Per GRADE evaluation,
later CP in published literature (prematurity, encephalopa- the cumulative level of evidence was very low. We found
thy, stroke39). We then examined the participants in each 17 studies of speech or language in infants up to
study to determine if they had any conditions associated 24 months with or at high risk for CP. Of these studies,
with CP in the developmental literature, making them at none represented high level of evidence, nine were of mod-
higher risk for CP than the general population: born erate level, six were low level, and two were very low level.
preterm,5,40–42 autism spectrum disorder,42,43 or pervasive
developmental disorder.11,40 DISCUSSION
The aim of this systematic review was originally to evalu-
Data review and quality appraisal ate the level of evidence of interventions targeting speech
Article abstracts were reviewed for inclusion to determine or language problems of infants at high risk for, or with a
applicability to the current review. Selected articles were CP diagnosis in the first 2 years of life. There were no
retained and reviewed by a second independent reviewer to CP-specific speech and language interventions for infants
confirm inclusion/exclusion criteria. Agreement on inclu- under 24 months corrected age. There were 17 studies
sion and exclusion was achieved. Included articles were focused on infants at high risk for CP. Therefore, the rec-
then reviewed in full-text independently by two reviewers. ommendations for guideline implementation are weak.
The authors reviewed and achieved 95% grading agree-
ment on the GRADE level of evidence. Risk of bias was Summary of the evidence from level II studies
assessed with the Cochrane criteria. Data from included While there is a considerable body of literature about early
studies were extracted using a PRISMA44 data extraction speech, language, and communication development, there
format, then summarized and assigned a level of evidence. are few reports of evidence-based interventions for infants
PRISMA guidelines were followed for compilation of at high risk for CP. Most studies identified through this
Table SI. review had a small number of participants. Of the seven
randomized controlled trials included in this review the
RESULTS overall level of evidence is low.
A total of 653 records were identified in the initial terms No studies focused exclusively on a population of infants
search. After the search, duplicates, presentation materials, with CP, and no interventions were specifically designed
and book chapters were removed. Of the screened articles, for this population. Age at intervention and heterogeneity
17 were included in the final review. A flow diagram of of the population in infants with high risk for CP were the
study selection in PRISMA format is presented in Figure S1 main methodological barriers to evaluating cumulative
(online supporting information). effectiveness of the interventions.

Sample characteristics Interventions

Five studies were systematic reviews, eight were random- Interventions varied among parent, child, or dyad as the
ized controlled trials, two were quasi-experimental, and primary recipient, and many were not described in
two were case series. The start of interventions ranged sufficient detail for replication or clinical implementa-
between 30 weeks’ gestation and 23 months corrected age. tion. However, several studies were based on the same
Several studies also included infants enrolled above 2 years framework, in particular, variants of parent–infant interac-
corrected age but were included in this review if at least tion programs and can constitute a single category of inter-
one of the participants was under 2 years. The number of ventions.

Review 357
The Mother–Infant Transaction Program (MITP45) is a Cochrane review reported limited effectiveness in older
well-established program of semi-structured sessions imple- children with primary speech and language delays or disor-
mented in the neonatal intensive care unit and in the home, ders.53 To improve phonological/speech skills and expres-
post discharge. The program implementation schedule spans sive vocabulary, parent-directed or clinician-based
from the last week of hospitalization through the first interventions were equally effective.55,56 Until children
90 days after discharge. The intervention focuses on paren- have reached a stage of brain maturation allowing lan-
tal understanding of infant state regulation, awake and sleep guage-specific speech perception, interventions aimed at
cycles, caregiver–infant interaction, and involvement into direct and specific language acquisition may have little
care of the infant. Variations of the MITP program have impact.29 Therefore, most early studies focus on the
been reported over the last few decades, when the program improvement of prelinguistic skills through auditory
was first described in the literature.46–49 speech sound exposure,57,58 and parent responsivity and
‘PremieStart’ is a modification of the MITP program.47 It interactions with infants.47 Early childhood interventions
focuses on improving mother–infant dyad interactions should provide opportunities for interaction in the form of
through an intensive eight-session training program to shared, reciprocal engagement. This provides the frame-
recognize and minimize stress responses in infants born pre- work for the development of reciprocal turn-taking, recep-
term. It includes touch, movement and massage, skin-to-skin tive and productive functions of language, and early
care, parental feelings affirmation, challenging dysfunctional communication skills. Therefore, teaching the primary
thoughts, and parental diary-keeping. The results of the caregivers about appropriate interaction and developmental
eight once-weekly sessions and one post-discharge home milestones, along with specific intervention techniques
visit included increased maternal sensitivity during infant when appropriate, may empower caregivers and create an
care, lowered infant stress, and increased responsiveness. At improved and more effective environment for infant speech
6 months corrected age intervention infants had signifi- and language development. The amount of parent–child
cantly higher mean scores on the Symbolic Behavior Scales interaction,59 responsiveness to child communication,60
Developmental Profile Infant–Toddler Checklist.50 amount and quality of linguistic input,61,62 and the use of
Yoder and Warren51 studied the combination of language learning support strategies46 are all aspects of
Responsivity and Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching to address parent–infant interactions that may have a positive effect
speech and language development in toddlers with devel- on language and communication development.56
opmental and cognitive delays. They reported increased
parental responsivity, and accelerated growth in frequency Limitations
of child-initiated comments and requests, and lexical den- Additional speech and language interventions may be avail-
sity in a subgroup of participants. able for infants at high risk for, or with, CP. Some study
The Hanen It Takes Two to Talk and More Than designs appeared in their abstracts to have a high level of
Words programs train parents about the importance of rigor but on further review were downgraded. We
responsivity to their child’s communication attempts in a attempted to include grey literature but none was available
positive, prompt, and intentional manner. More Than on the topic. Expert opinion concurred with the limited
Words teaches utilization of the natural environment and evidence available. This common challenge in reviews of
repetitive, predictive structure to support communication rehabilitation therapies could drive the development of
development. Evaluations of family progress are measured new tools allowing conversion of individual experiences
by behavioral coding of parent–child interaction video. into a standardized and universal repository of knowledge.
Similarly, It Takes Two to Talk is a family-centered par- Another potential area for improvement in design would
ent–child interaction program. It includes six to eight par- be the choice of widely used, validated, and quantitative
ent training sessions to learn about communication styles, outcomes measures to allow pooling of evidence from
most effective responses and specific speech, language, and smaller case studies. In this review, more than 15 separate
communication techniques.52,53 assessments were identified; a systematic review and con-
sensus for speech and language measures in infants may
Recommendations improve future interventional study design. In addition,
Hanen and variations of parent–infant transaction pro- evidence-based strategies, randomized clinical trials, and
grams had an overall level of evidence of low to moderate protocol-driven practice may reduce the gap in available
for our review population; effects included improvements research literature and knowledge of speech and language
in communication skills and expressive language acquisi- interventions for infants and toddlers at high risk for CP.
tion. Based on this, the GRADE guideline recommenda-
tion54 is ‘do it’ to ‘probably do it’, or a majority of people CONCLUSION
would implement it with children at high risk for CP Several interventions were identified as potentially benefi-
under 2 years, but a minority would not. Overall, the cial for infants at high risk for CP, but none were specifi-
intervention does more good than harm. cally targeted to infants at high risk or with a diagnosis of
Although this systematic review did not find high-level CP. These programs used variants of Hanen and parent–
evidence for interventions in infants at high risk for CP, a infant transaction programs. Heterogeneity of population,

358 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2017, 59: 355–360

intervention approaches, age at intervention and assess- necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes
ment, as well as methods of assessments yielded weak clini- of Health. The authors have stated that they had no interests
cal implementation recommendations. which may be perceived as posing a conflict or bias.

We thank Ms. Linda Demur, MLS, the director of Library Ser- The following additional material may be found online:
vices, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, for her assistance with Figure S1: PRISMA flow chart of study selection.
completing the literature search. Funding source 1 K23 Table SI: Included studies.
HD074736 and 1R01HD081120–01A1 from the National Insti- Appendix S1: Search terms.
tute of Child Health and Human Development to NLM. The Data S1: Data Extraction Form.
content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not

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