1) What Is The Concept of A Developed Country?: Per Capita Income

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1) What is the concept of a developed country?

A. Optional income
B. Per capita income
C. Absolute poverty
D. Monetary income

2) Which country among the following is a developing country?

A. India
B. Japan
C. France
D. Sweden
3) Which country among the following is a developed country?

A. Pakistan
B. Sri Lanka
C. India
D. England
Discuss this Question
4) The main feature to recognise a developing economy is

Possible correct answers:

 low per capita income

5) What is the form of economy in developing economy countries?

A. Backward
B. Developing
C. Against development
D. Dual

6) In which type of economy are markets completly free?

A. Capitalist
B. Socialist
C. Mixed
D. None of These

7) In which year was the world trade Organistaion established?

A. 1992
B. 1998
C. 1991
D. 1995
Discuss this Question

8) Who owns the production resources in socialism ?

A. State
B. Entrepreneur
C. Market mechanism
D. Planning commission

9) Which of the following economic activities belong to secondary sector?

A. Fishing
B. Banking
C. Industries
D. Cattle rearing

1) Social research is about understanding the world as we live it. When it comes to reveal understanding by measuring
things, the research work should be based in observable matters as well as in a capacity of defining variables able to
say something about the issue at hand. Which one of the following combinations is to be considered empirical or

A. Gather and organize data, and testing hypotheses

B. Inspiration and testing of hypotheses
C. Logic and common knowledge

2) What is a most common dilemma related to the study of causal relationships?

A. Cause and effect are always easy detectable.

B. A well-structured study may outweigh badly chosen variables.
C. Chosen variables may have questionable connection to anticipated relationships.

3) In the social sciences we commonly talk about setting events in theoretically supported perspectives, rather than
explaining them using theory. In which of the following alternatives does this argument find support?

A. Theories are helping us predict actual behavior in groups of individuals by logical

B. The ability of a theory to explain events is limited by the reach and quality of the
research supporting it.
C. Theories are used only to generate hypotheses.
4) Part I. Methods and their theoretical connection Theory has a value of its own, but within our course we are
interested in its connection to methods. A theoretical approach, however, has implications for the methods used in a
research strategy and the other way around. A course goal is to investigate these connections.
 Question: Experiment is a method used in the social sciences (sociology, psychology, etc.). If the researcher
is sure that experiments are the only way to get facts about social reality and to find proof of causality,
which scientific theoretical tradition does the researcher most certainly belong to? (p. 13, 50-54)

A. Phenomenology
B. Positivism
C. Symbolic interactionism
D. Ethnomethodology

5) In the previous question an experimental method (connected to positivism) is higlighted as the best way for the
researcher to obtain observable facts, measures, data, and which one values over verbal information. How would
you label this approach, which considers only observable phenomena as knowledge? (p.14, 50)

A. Naturalism
B. Empiricism
C. Phenomenology
6) In the social sciences you may find several schools of thought (presenting grand theories) presenting theories with
varying levels of abstraction. It is usually quite hard to connect these schools to a single particular methodological
approach. But nevertheless, there are connections. One of the most influential schools is functionalism. Which method
would you most probably find used within a functionalist tradition? (p. 124)

A. Text analysis
B. In-depth semi-structured interviews
C. Survey
D. Observation

7) In some theoretical traditions "the bottom up" approach is prevailing, which means that it is not the theoretical level
that defines the path of the research, but to some extent the field as it reveals itself is the determinant factor. Which
of the following theoretical schools regard the actor's interpretation of his or her actions and its motivational
backgroundas the cornerstone of the research? (p. 13-14, 50-54)

A. Naturalism
B. Symbolic interactionism
C. Positivism
D. Phenomenology

8) Which one of the following methods would the phenomenological approach most probably employ, taking "the bottom
up" logic into consideration? (p.50)
A. Life-story interviews
B. Survey
C. Experiment
D. In-depth semi-structured interviews

9) Another theoretical tradition with a "bottom up" logic focus primarily on interaction and on the meanings actors
give to interaction. Which of the following would it be? (p. 13, 19, 50, 54)

A. Symbolic interactionism
B. Positivism
C. Phenomenology
D. Conflict theory

10) Which method would you most probably use if you want to do research in line with the theoretical tradition of
symbolic interactionism? (p. 54)

A. Discourse analysis of tests

B. Participant observation
C. Survey
D. Interviews

11) Part II. Between quality and quantity Qualitative and quantitative approaches are used extensively in the
social sciences. In our course we strongly focus on the interactivity between them and the need for research
designs utilizing the strengths of them in cooperation. There are a number of methods that are associated with
one or the other approach, depending on what kind of data the researcher intend to gather to allow for a specific
type of analysis.
 Question: A quantitative approach has several characteristics which make its findings credible. One
of them is the harsh requirement of validity already at the design phase. Which of the following
questions is the closest to the validity issue? (p. 29-30, 37)

A. Is it possible to repeat the research in the same settings and achieve the same
B. Does the researchers measure what they are supposed to according to their research
C. Is it possible to repeat the research in a certain time period and receive the same

12) There is an important and ongoing discussion of validity and reliability issues in qualitative research methods.
Although the nature of the qualitative and quantitative traditions is quite different, some researchers try to make them
meet by applying similar quality requirements. One way to "justify" qualitative methods in the research is to perform
or at least discuss the possibility of replication. How would you understand the purpose of it? (p.37)

A. To check if the researcher has investigated what he was supposed to according to the
research questions
B. To check if the researcher is using the most appropriate methods for a certain research
C. To check the extent to which findings are applicable to other contexts

13) Quantitative methods are believed to lead to findings which are possible to generalize on a population, while
findings gained with qualitative methods are problematic to be used in such a fashion. However, there are
"techniques" that can be applied to check if a generalization of a case-study is possible. What are they? (p.35)

A. More than one case is studied, the case is studied by more than one researcher, and the
case may be studied as a clustered analysis of typical characteristics
B. At least four cases are compared, some form of official statistics is included, and the
cases may be chosen as untypical cases
C. Structured interviews are used, an existing typology is utilized, and a minimum of two
researchers may be involved in the analysis of the case

14) Social researchers tend to take different stand on whether to use predominantly qualitative or quantitative methods in
their research. Some of them argue, as we do, for the possibility of a combination. What would such combination
depend on? (p.126)

A. Time and money

B. The object under investigation
C. The objective of the study and the specified research questions
D. The theoretical background that the researcher is using

15) Continuing the idea of combinations in the previous question, some researchers choose to validate their findings
using an approached called triangulation. How would you define it? (p.130)

A. Using more than one method

B. Using only qualitative methods
C. Using only quantitative methods
D. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods in the research
Discuss this Question

16) Theories are tools in our endeavors of systematic understanding the world we live in. There is a specific concept used
to describe the process wherein subjective explanations are used to make claims of causal relationships. Which? (p.35,
106, 132)

A. Reliability
B. Validity
C. Inference
D. Deduction
E. Induction
Discuss this Question
17) Part III. Quantitative research methods It is associated with a number of different approaches and with a number
of techniques to collect quantitative data. Quantitative methods are often related to positivistic scientific approach,
which argues that methods used in social and natural sciences should be the same. The following questions are
related to the measuring of data.
 Question: There are two commonly and widely used quantitative methods. Which are they? (p. 11)

A. Observation and shadowing

B. Survey and experiment
C. Case study and in-depth interviews
D. Experiment and participant observation
Discuss this Question

18) Unlike "the bottom up" logic of research, as mentioned earlier, most quantitative approaches are top down and start
with theory. Below you can see a simplified illustration of a quantitative research process. (Line A is a stage and Line
B what is done in the stage). What is missing in the sequences? (p.20)
 Line A: Theory ------ ____ ---- Data collection ---- Data analysis ------ Findings
 Line B: Deduction -- ____ ---- Data processing --- Interpretation ---- Induction
The gap in Line A relates to What you in a quantitive approach have to relate a testing to, while the gap in Line B
relates to the process in which you formulate the "what" in Line A.

A. A: Question – B: Answering
B. A: Hypothesis – B: Operationalization
C. A: Model – B: Designing

19) A concept must go through a process of reformulation in order to be measured:

 The concept --- > dimensions --- > indicators (maybe indices)
 But it is also possible to follow an opposite process (in survey for example) moving from indicators to
dimensions. What is such technique called? (p.28, 33)

A. Regression analysis
B. Factor analysis
C. Cluster analysis

20) The preoccupation of quantitative scientists in making the world measurable has brought them to lengthy discussions
of consistency in both scaling and timing. The issue is to make the results trustworthy. What concept captures this? (p
30-31, 35)

A. Causality
B. Generalization
C. Reliability
Discuss this Question
1) The history of the social sciences has origin in the common stock of:

A. Western philosophy
B. Communism
C. Socialism
D. Democracy

2) Which Plato's book was influential treatise on political philosophy and the just life?

A. The Symposium
B. Republic
C. Feast
D. Phaedo
3) Who is best known for his Muqaddimah?

A. Ibn Sevdh
B. Ibn Mohammad
C. Ibn Khaldun
D. Ibn Sayesh

4) In the 18th century, how was social science called?

A. Moral
B. Commonwelth
C. Social philosophy
D. Moral philosophy

5) The term "social science" first appeared when?

A. 1824
B. 1825
C. 1826
D. 1827

6) Who is generally regarded as father of sociology?

A. Charles Darwin
B. Auguste Comte
C. Gregor Mendel
D. William James

7) The sociology was formally established by another thinker. Which one?

A. Émile Durkheim
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Gregor Mendel
D. Auguste Comte

8) One of the most persuasive advocates for the view of scientific treatment of philosophy was:

A. Max Weber
B. William James
C. Charles Sanders Peirce
D. John Dewey

9 This maxim is whose: "Any knowledge that one cannot measure numerically "is a poor sort of
) knowledge"?
William James
B. Lord Rutherford
C. Karl Jung
John Dewey

10) What is the name of the test used to measure IQ?

A. Raven's Progressive Matrices

B. Simon's Progressive Matrices
C. Binet's Progressive Matrices
D. Jung's Progressive Matrices

1) The U.S. income tax is currently a __________ tax.

A. Progressive
B. Proportional
C. Regressive
D. Proactive
2) A balanced budget occurs when

A. The national debt is reduced to zero dollars.

B. A budget deficit during one year is matched by a budget surplus in the next year.
C. Transfer payments equal tax revenues.
D. Government expenditures equal tax revenues.

4) Which of the following illustrates the wait-and-see lag?

A. Policymakers believe an economic downturn has occurred, but they decide not to take
action until they are sure.
B. Policymakers are in the process of proposing policy measures to deal with the current
economic slowdown.
C. Policymakers first learn of the recession when it is five months old.
D. Policymakers implement policy X, but it will be a few months before it starts working.
E. Policymakers agree to policy X, but it will be at least two months before the policy is

5) If there is complete crowding out, the effective value of the multiplier is

A. Zero
B. One
C. Infinite
D. There is not enough information to answer the question.

6) Which of the following is an example of crowding out?

A. A decrease in the rate of growth of the stock of money decreases GDP.

B. A deficit causes an increase in interest rates, which causes a decrease in investment
C. An increase in tariffs causes a decrease in imports.
D. A decrease in government housing subsidies causes an increase in private spending on

7) Which of the following is not an example of crowding out?

A. Government purchases rise, the budget deficit rises, the federal government's demand
for loanable funds rises, the interest rate rises, and investment falls.
B. Government spends more on X, prompting individuals to spend less on X.
C. Taxes decline, the budget deficit rises, the federal government's demand for loanable
funds rises, the interest rate rises, the demand rises for U.S. dollars, the dollar
appreciates, and net exports decline.
D. Business firms spend more on X, prompting households to spend less on Y.
E. None of the above

8) Suppose the government increases spending on public education by $700 million and
individual spending on private education drops by $700 million. This is an example of

A. Incomplete crowding out.

B. Complete crowding out.
C. Zero crowding out.
D. A and c
E. None of the above

9) Which piece of evidence is consistent with zero crowding out?

A. Government purchases rise and Real GDP does not change.

B. Government purchases rise and investment spending declines.
C. Government purchases rise and net exports decline.
D. Government purchases rise and consumption declines.
E. None of the above

10) The period that elapses between the passage of legislation reducing taxes and the time the tax
cut is put into effect is called the __________ lag.

A. Data
B. Wait-and-see
C. Legislative
D. Transmission

11) Which of the following illustrates the data lag?

A. The economy turns down on January 8, 2006, but policymakers do not figure this out
until April 19, 2006.
B. Policymakers wait and see what is really going on with the economy.
C. Policymakers implement policy X on September 12, 2006, but the effects are not felt
until six months later.
D. The data lag is illustrated equally well by a, b, and c.

12) Suppose Congress decreases income taxes. This is an example of

A. Expansionary fiscal policy.
B. Expansionary monetary policy.
C. Contractionary fiscal policy.
D. Contractionary monetary policy.

13) That part of the deficit due to output being below Natural Real GDP is called the
__________ deficit.

A. Net
B. Gross
C. Cyclical
D. Structural

16) What are the two types of discretionary fiscal policy?

A. Automatic and expansionary

B. Expansionary and contractionary
C. Expansionary and recessionary
D. Automatic and contractionary

17) The AD curve shifts to the left with a __________ in government purchases (G) or a
__________ in taxes.

A. Rise; rise
B. Rise; fall
C. Fall; rise
D. Fall; fall

18) A curve showing the relationship between tax rates and tax revenues is called a __________

A. Phillips
B. Keynesian
C. Gaussian
D. Laffer

19) Suppose the government increases spending on public education by $700 million and
individual spending on private education drops by $700 million. This is an example of
A. Incomplete crowding out.
B. Complete crowding out.
C. Zero crowding out.
D. A and c
E. None of the above

20) Suppose Congress increases income taxes. This is an example of

A. Expansionary fiscal policy.

B. Expansionary monetary policy.
C. Contractionary fiscal policy.
D. Contractionary monetary policy.

Discuss this Question

22) The AD curve shifts to the left with a __________ in government purchases (G) or a
__________ in taxes.

A. Rise; rise
B. Rise; fall
C. Fall; rise
D. Fall; fall

23) Some of the crowding out of private expenditures may come in the form of

A. An increase in consumption.
B. An increase in net exports.
C. A decrease in taxes.
D. A decrease in net exports.

24) An expansionary fiscal policy will

A. Always result in a budget deficit.

B. Always result in a budget surplus.
C. Sometimes result in a budget deficit.
D. Never result in a budget surplus.
E. More information is necessary to answer this question.

25) The lag between an increase in government spending and the impact of this increased
spending on the economy is called the __________ lag.
A. Effectiveness
B. Transmission
C. Legislative
D. Data

36) The deficit that exists when the economy operates at full employment is called the
__________ deficit.

A. Net
B. Gross
C. Cyclical
D. Structural

38) If the economy is on the downward-sloping portion of the Laffer curve, a(an) __________ in
tax rates will __________ tax revenues.

A. Decrease; lower
B. Increase; raise
C. Decrease; raise
D. Decrease; not change
E. Increase; not change

39) Fiscal policy refers to

A. Efforts to balance a government's budget.

B. Changes in the money supply to achieve particular economic goals.
C. Changes in government expenditures and taxation to achieve particular economic goals.
D. The change in private expenditures that occurs as a consequence of changes in
government spending.

1. What is the science that studies human society and social behavior?

The correct answer was Sociology

Sociologists are mainly interested in social interaction- how people relate to one
another, and influence each other's behavior. They tend to focus on groups rather
than on individuals.

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2. What is the meaning of 'social phenomenon'?

Your Answer: An observable fact or event.

Sociologist observes facts and events to examine group behavior to the hidden
meanings behind human actions.

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3. What is the study of various aspects of past and present cultures?

The correct answer was Anthropology

Anthropologists traditionally have concentrated on examining past cultures and

present simple societies. Also on complex societies.

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4. Name the study of the choices people make in an effort to satisfy their wants and

Your Answer: Economics

Economists examine the processes by which goods and services are produced,
distrubuted, and consumed. Growth and Stability are factors that Economists

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5. What century did Sociology take root?

Your Answer: Nineteenth Century

It took root primarily in France, Germany, and England in the nineteenth century.

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6. Who was Auguste Comte?

The correct answer was A French philosopher who is considered to be the

founder of sociology.

Auguste Comte was born in 1798 and died in 1857.

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7. What is culture?

The correct answer was Shared products of human groups.

The products of human groups known as culture include both physical objects and
the beliefs, values, and behaviors shared.

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8. What do sociologists consider to be the basis of human culture?

The correct answer was Symbols

It is through symbols that we create our culture and communicate it to group

members and future generations. A symbol is anything that stands for something

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9. Name that means the shared rules of conduct that tell people how to act in specific
The correct answer was Norms

An example of norms is the value of democracy, it is reinforced through norms

governing respect for the flag, political participation and the tratment of elected
officials. It is important to keep in mind that norms are expectations for behavior,
not actual behavior.

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10. Which of these is a definition of the word "drug" that would be acceptable to a
student of social sciences?

The correct answer was A substance that changes mood, behavior, or


Drug use is nothing new - the Greeks smoked opium over 4,000 years ago and
hallucinogens commonly were used by the Aztecs. Cocaine for non-medical
purposes was not outlawed until 1914 with the passage of the Harrison Narcotics

2. Ok, on to norms. To a sociologist, what exactly is a norm anyway?

Your Answer: a standard of behavior

Norms play a huge role in our society today.

3. Which norm is the strongest one in a society?

The correct answer was taboo

A taboo in our culture would be incest or cannibalism. Although, some sick people
(mostly on the "Jerry Springer Show") find nothing wrong with it!

4. A(n) ________ status is one that is earned.

The correct answer was achieved

An ascribed status is something that you do not earn-such as your sex or gender.
An achieved status is one you earn-such as a college degree.

5. Norms are enforced by:

Your Answer: sanctions

Norms can be forms of etiquette (no burping at the dinner table), or laws (thou shall
not murder).

6. What is a role nuance?

The correct answer was different ways to play the same role

7. Which word means being pushed out of the home situation so as to establish one's own

The correct answer was extrusion

Don't all parents at one time try to get rid of their darling children?

8. A decremental model of aging means that old age is known as the 'roleless role'.

Your Answer: False

Decremental model of aging means that we as a society assume and expect

deterioration of the elderly. Old age, however, is often known as the 'roleless role'
because there is no set standards of behavior that the elderly enter into -- including
lower standards.

9. Which country has a 'National Respect Day for the Elderly'?

The correct answer was Japan

I think we should have one here in the US as well!

10. Which one of these is NOT one of the 5 institutions of a society?

Your Answer: democracy

The 5 Institutions are: family, government, economy, religion, and education.

67% of players have answered correctly.

1. What is the definition of the term "sociology"?

The correct answer was The discipline that studies society and how people

The sociological perspective highlights the social environments in which people

live. Culture is defined as the norms, values, and beliefs of a society. The
disciplines that strive to understand, explain, and predict changes in our
environments are the "natural sciences".

2. Which founding sociologist identified the bourgeoisie and proletariat classes?

The correct answer was Karl Marx

Max Weber disagreed with almost everything Karl Marx said. While Marx
believed that economics was the major force in social change, Weber said that
religion was the cause of social change. Emile Durkheim is best known for his
work with suicide. Spencer promoted the theory of "social Darwinism".

3. Which of the three perspectives in Sociology focuses on one-on-one relationships?

Your Answer: Symbolic Interactionism

The conflict theory is based on the belief that the various groups in society are all
competing with one another. Functionalism is the perspective which says that there
are both good consequences (functions) and bad consequences (dysfunctions) in
every aspect of society. The differential association theory is not one of the three
perspectives in Sociology.

4. What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

The correct answer was The idea that language creates ways of thinking and

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis was developed by Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf.
They developed this hypothesis in the 1930s after examining the Hopi Indians.

5. Which of these is not one of the U.S. values identified by James Heslin?

The correct answer was Tradition

There are 20 U.S. values, according to "Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach", by

James Henslin: achievement and success, individualism, activity and work,
efficiency and practicality, science and technology, progress, material comfort,
humanitarianism, freedom, democracy, equality, racism and group superiority,
education, religiosity, romantic love, leisure, self-fulfillment, physical fitness,
youthfulness, and concern for the environment.

6. What are the three elements of the looking-glass self?

The correct answer was Imagine, Interpret, and Develop

In the looking-glass self, we imagine how we appear to others, interpret their

reaction, and adjust our self-concept to match.

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7. Which of these is NOT a stage in the development of reasoning?

The correct answer was Semi-Operational

There are four stages in the development of reasoning: sensorimotor,

preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational.

8. If a person is 54 years old, which of the stages in the Life Course is he in, according to
the stages proposed by Erik Erikson?

The correct answer was Later Middle Years

The later middle years are fifty to sixty-five. The early middle years are thirty to
forty-nine. The early older years are sixty-five plus. Young adulthood is considered
to be between the ages of eighteen and twenty-nine.

9. Which is an example of a "master status"?

The correct answer was Woman

A "master status" is a status that overrides all other statuses. The other three
answers are examples of achieved statuses.

10. Which of these is NOT one of the functions required for a society to survive?

The correct answer was Exert dominance over other groups

There are five main functions required for a society to survive: replace members,
socialize new members, produce and distribute goods, preserve order, and provide
a sense of purpose.

1. What is the social science that deals with the behaviour and thinking of living
The correct answer was Psychology

Sociology is the study of human groups or societies and the way the individuals
relate to and are influenced by these groups. Anthropology studies the physical and
cultural origins of humankind. Paleontology is considered an Earth science rather
than a social science.

2. What is the process of shaping an individual relative to his or her environment called?

Your Answer: Socialization

Cognition is the act of thinking and acquiring knowledge. Haptics is the study of
human touch and proxemics is the study of space between people when they

3. What is the person called when he or she expresses the traits of both males and

The correct answer was Androgynous

I-self and Me-self is George Mead's theory that I-self is the true, subjective self that
shows only in intimate relationships and Me-self is the side of personality that
shows during social gatherings and is guided by the expectations of the society.

4. What are the formal, traditional customs, behaviours, and attitudes of a culture called?

The correct answer was Mores

Norm is the expected behaviours within a role. Folkways are the informal, accepted
ways of behaving, thinking, and acting in a culture.

5. The taboo on incest in all the cultures of the world would be an example of what?

The correct answer was Human Universals

Human Universals are the similar characteristics of all the societies. There has been
found about a hundred Human Universals.

6. What theory states that the children tend to behave as their parents despite
environmental influences?

The correct answer was Cookie-cutter Syndrome

Cultural complex is the blending of the material and non-material components of a

culture. Cultural Lag is a situation in which one segment of people within a culture
adapts to change faster than another segment, resulting in the conflict between the

7. What would a family be an example of?

The correct answer was Primary Group

Dyads are two-member groups between two people who are very close to each
other. (While it is possible to have a two-member family, which would be a dyad,
many families do not fit that description.) Primary groups are the groups that have
close personal relationships such as family or a group of friends of long standing
association. Secondary groups are the groups where members relate more formally
and less personally.
8. Which experiment was conducted to prove that people tend to obey higher authority
and suspend their judgment?

The correct answer was The Milgram experiment

The Milgram experiment was introduced to the subjects as a study on learning and
memory. One volunteer was assigned the role of a 'teacher' and the other was the
'learner'. They were put in separate rooms and the 'teacher' was presented with a
desk on which stood the shock generator. Every time the 'learner' answered the
question wrong, the 'teacher' had to increase the shock level used on the 'learner'.
The 'learner' did not really receive the shocks but was told to make the sounds of
discomfort and pain as the 'teacher' increased the voltage. The experiment showed
that every 'teacher' went at least to 135-volt shock, 75% gave at least 300 volts, and
63% gave the maximum possible 450 volts regardless of the fact that the 'learner'
protested and screamed in pain.

9. Consensus theories is a group of theories based on the assumption that conflict is an

important and permanent feature of society.

The correct answer was f

Consensus theories is a group of theories based on the assumption that most people
in society can and should agree upon the rules and norms they are expected to
follow. The theory described in the question is the conflict theory.

10. Is your role as a daughter or son an achieved or an ascribed role?

The correct answer was ascribed

Other accepted answers: ascribed role

Achieved role is a position in society that one earns on merit and an ascribed role is
the one you are born into.

Q. Which is considered as the most ancient part of the world by historians?

Gangetic Valley
Southern part of Vindhya Mountain

North Western Indian Valley
North Eastern part of India

Answer : Option B

Q. The lines that adjoin different places with the same pressure are known as


Answer : Option C
Q. In India, the National Human Rights Commission was established in the year


Answer : Option C

Q. The person who was named as 'Tiger of Mysore'

Tippu Sultan
Hyder Ali

Sabdar Ali

Answer : Option A

Q. Universally accepted colour for mountain is

Snow White

Dark Green

Answer : Option D

Q. 'Siravasthi' means

Holy Book

Answer : Option B

Q. Which Ocean has one third of land surface in the world

Indian Ocean
Arctic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean

Answer : Option C

Q. The science of constructing map is called



Answer : Option C

Q. The Article which deals with 'Education for All'

Article 41
Article 43

Article 45
Article 44

Answer : Option C

Q. White Revolution is associated with

White Edible Oil
Fruit Production

Milk Production
White Poultry & Egg

Answer : Option C

Q. Who is known as the Father of Economics

Karl Marx
John Marshall

Adam Smith

Answer : Option D
Q. 'Khajuraho' temple was built by


Answer : Option D

Q. Salinity is measured by
Laco meter

Electric Salinity meter

Answer : Option C
Q. The basic features of Economics are
Production, Labour, Income
Production, Labour, Consumption

Production, Distribution, Income
Production, Distribution, Consumption

Answer : Option D

Q. The significance of the presence of 'Great bath' in Harappan Civilization

Importance of water
Holiness of water

Water Harvest
Utility of water

Answer : Option B

Q. The nurturing field of social progress



Answer : Option D

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