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o Add events to maintenance view FIKZV_T007K_MAP:

- Run transaction SE11. Choose 'View' option. View = FIKZV_T007K_MAP. Click on 'Change'
- Navigate: Utilities -> Table Maintenance Generator. From Table Maintenance Generator
screen navigate: Environment -> Modification -> Events.
- On the screen appeared create the following values:
Main.event FORM routine
Click on 'Save' button.

o Add events to maintenance view FIKZV_CUST_DECL:

- Run transaction SE11. Choose 'View' option. View = FIKZV_CUST_DECL. Click on 'Change'
- Navigate: Utilities -> Table Maintenance Generator. From Table Maintenance Generator
screen navigate: Environment -> Modification -> Events.
- On the screen appeared create the following values:
Main.event FORM routine
Click on 'Save' button.

o Add events to cluster view FIKZV_RETMAPGR:

- Run transaction SE54. Click on 'Edit View Cluster' button. View cluster =
FIKZV_RETMAPGR. Click on 'Create/Change' button.
- On the screen appeared double-click on 'Events' node in the tree on the left panel.
Master Program of FORM Routines = RPFIKZ_FORMS_VCL_RETMAPGR.
- Create the following entries in the events table:
Evt FORM routine
- Click on 'Save' button. Navigate to 'Header entry' node of the tree on the left
panel. Click on 'Activate' button.

o Add new texts to report RPFIKZ_TAXIMPORT:

- Run transaction SE38. Program = RPFIKZ_TAXIMPORT. Click on 'Change' button.
- From the screen appeared navigate: Goto -> Text Elements -> Selection texts. Provide
the following values:
Name Text Dictionary ref.
P_TAXMON Tax Period: Month
- Navigate to 'Text Symbols' tab. Provide the following values:
Symbol Text MaxLenth
011 Appendicies 1,3 25
012 Appendix 2 15
013 Appendix 7 15
014 Appendicies 1,2,4 25
015 Appendix 3 15
016 Appendix 13 15
- Click on 'Save'. Activate.

o Apdate texts for report RPFIKZ_VATRET:

- Run transaction SE38. Program = RPFIKZ_VATRET. Click on 'Change' button.
- From the screen appeared navigate: Goto -> Text Elements -> Selection texts.
Provide the following values:
Name Text Dictionary ref.
- Click on 'Save'. Activate.

o Add new texts to program SAPLFIKZ_V_CUST_DECL:

- Run transaction SE38. Program = SAPLFIKZ_V_CUST_DECL. Click on 'Change' button.
- Navigate: Goto -> Text Elements -> Text Symbols. Provide the following values:
Sym Text Lngth Max.
001 Record 6 10
002 contains incorrect pair of month and quarter values 51 60
- Click on 'Save' button. Activate.

o Add new texts to program SAPLFIKZ_V_T007K_MAP:

- Run transaction SE38. Program = SAPLFIKZ_V_T007K_MAP. Click on 'Change' button.
- Navigate: Goto -> Text Elements -> Text Symbols. Provide the following values:
Sym Text Lngth Max.
001 Record 6 15
002 is used in multiple configurations. Delete from all configurations?
67 80
003 Yes 3 5
004 No 2 15
007 is used in multiple configurations. Modify for all configurations?
66 80
- Click on 'Save' button. Activate.

o Create Search Help FIKZ_CONFIG_SH:

- Run transaction SE11. Choose 'Search help' option. Serach help = FIKZ_CONFIG_SH.
Click on 'Create' button.
- On the screen appeared provide the following values:
Short description = Search Help for Retrun Configuration ID
Selection method = FIKZD_RETCONF
Dialog type = Display values immediately
Search help exit = FIKZ_CONFIG_SHLP_EXIT
- In the 'Parameter' table provide the following values:
Search help parameter IMP EXP Lpos Spos
- Click on 'Save' button. Activate.

o Upload data provide parameters:

- Down load file attached to the note. Unzip it.
- Run transaction J3RTAXDPED. Unique data provider key = KZVT. Press 'Enter'. On the
screen appeared click on 'Import CSV' button. In the pop-up appeared choose kzvt.csv
file. Click on 'Save'.
- Run transaction J3RTAXDPED. Unique data provider key = KZIM. Press 'Enter'. On the
screen appeared click on 'Import CSV' button. In the pop-up appeared choose kzim.csv
file. Click on 'Save'.

o Upload XML hierarchy configuration:

- Download 'XML_hierarchy_schemas.ZIP' file attached ot the note. Unzip it.
- Run transaction J3RTAXREP.
- On the screen appeared click on 'New Entry' button. On the screen appeared provide
the following values:
Hierarchy Code Rep. Hierarchy Name
KZVAT VAT Declaration Kazakhstan
Click on 'Save'. Navigate back to hierarchy list screen.
- Click on 'New Entry button'. On the screen appeared provide the following values:
Hierarchy Code Rep. Hierarchy Name
KZVT2 VAT Declaration Kazakhstan 2013
Click on 'Save'. Navigate back to hierarchy list screen.
- Click on 'New Entry button'. On the screen appeared provide the following values:
Hierarchy Code Rep. Hierarchy Name
KZIMP Import Declaration Kazakhstan
Click on 'Save'. Navigate back to hierarchy list screen.
- Click on 'New Entry button'. On the screen appeared provide the following values:
Hierarchy Code Rep. Hierarchy Name
KZIM2 Import Declaration Kazakhstan 2013
Click on 'Save'. Navigate back to hierarchy list screen.
- Select KZVAT entry form the hierarchy list. Click on 'Edit hierarchy' button.
Navigate: Hierarchy -> Import from SAPXML. In the pop-up appeared select 'VAT
Declatation Kazakhstan.xml'. Click on 'Open' button. Save uploaded hierarchy.
- Select KZVT2 entry form the hierarchy list. Click on 'Edit hierarchy' button.
Navigate: Hierarchy -> Import from SAPXML. In the pop-up appeared select 'VAT
Declatation Kazakhstan 2013.xml'. Click on 'Open' button. Save uploaded hierarchy.
- Select KZIMP entry form the hierarchy list. Click on 'Edit hierarchy' button.
Navigate: Hierarchy -> Import from SAPXML. In the pop-up appeared select 'Import
Declatation Kazakhstan.xml'. Click on 'Open' button. Save uploaded hierarchy.
- Select KZIM2 entry form the hierarchy list. Click on 'Edit hierarchy' button.
Navigate: Hierarchy -> Import from SAPXML. In the pop-up appeared select 'Import
Declatation Kazakhstan 2013.xml'. Click on 'Open' button. Save uploaded hierarchy.

o Create configuration templates for VAT Return (version of year 2012):

- Download file attached to the note. unzip it.
- Run transaction SM34. View cluster = FIKZV_RETMAPGR. Click on 'Maintain' button.
- Type in settings provided into Config_VAT_Ret_2012.txt file.
- Click on 'Save' button.

o Create configuration templates for VAT Return (version of year 2013):

- Run transaction SM34. View cluster = FIKZV_RETMAPGR. Click on 'Maintain' button.
- Type in settings provided into Config_VAT_Ret_2013.txt file.
- Click on 'Save' button.

o Create configuration templates for Tax Import Return (version of year 2012):
- Run transaction SM34. View cluster = FIKZV_RETMAPGR. Click on 'Maintain' button.
- Type in settings provided into Tax_Import_Ret_2012.txt file.
- Click on 'Save' button.

o Create configuration templates for Tax Import Return (version of year 2013):
- Run transaction SM34. View cluster = FIKZV_RETMAPGR. Click on 'Maintain' button.
- Type in settings provided into Tax_Import_Ret_2013.txt file.
- Click on 'Save' button.

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