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Q1. Name : _______________________

Q2. Name and Address of Firm: ________________________________________
Q3. Sex :-
1. Male [ ]
2. Female [ ]
Q4. Age
1. Less than 25 [ ]
2. 25 – 35 [ ]
3. 36 – 45 [ ]
4. 46 – 55 [ ]
5. 56 and above [ ]
Q5. Education Qualification:
1. 10th [ ]
2. 12th [ ]
3. Bachelor [ ]
4. Master [ ]
5. Ph. D/ Doctor [ ]
6. C.A. / CWA / CS. [ ]
Q6. Annual Income
1. Less than 50000 [ ]
2. 50001 – 250000 [ ]
3. 250001 – 500000 [ ]
4. 500000 – 700000 [ ]
5. More than 700000 [ ]
Q7. Occupation at the time of starting the business
1. Family Business [ ]
2. Employed in PSU [ ]
3. Employed in Private Sectors [ ]
4. Unemployed [ ]
5. Other
Q8. Influencing people to start the business enterprise.
1. Family [ ]
2. Friends [ ]
3. Pioneers in the field [ ]
4. Government Scheme [ ]
5. Others
Q9. Are you self motivated to start up the business?
1. Yes [ ]
2. No [ ]
Q10. What according to you is needed to start any business?
1. Prior Experience in the field [ ]
2. Passion [ ]
3. Opportunity [ ]
4. Educational Background [ ]
5. Others
Q11. Where is the business enterprise located?
1. Village [ ]
2. Town [ ]
3. Suburbs [ ]
4. City [ ]
5. Metropolitan [ ]
Q12. What is the frequency of using Banking Service
1. Less than 6 times [ ]
2. 6 – 10 times [ ]
3. 11 – 20 times [ ]
4. More than 20 times [ ]
Q13. Which Product do you use that the banker is providing you
1. Current Account [ ]
2. Saving Account [ ]
3. Fixed deposit account [ ]
4. Loans and advances [ ]
Q14. Do you have two or more accounts in bank?
1. Yes [ ]
2. No [ ]
Q15. If Yes, Then Which Bank do you like the most
1. SBI [ ]
2. AXIS [ ]
3. ICICI Bank [ ]
4. The FEDRAL Bank [ ]
5. Other (Specify) ____________________
Q16. What is the reason you like this bank?
1. Fast Service [ ]
2. Way of attending Customers [ ]
3. Value added service [ ]
4. Other (Specify) ____________________
Q17. Which value add service do you are using that your banker is providing?
1. Locker facilities [ ]
2. Credit facilities [ ]
3. Cheque facilities [ ]
4. ATM cum Debit facilities [ ]
5. Other (Specify) ___________________
Q18. Rank the facilities you like that your banker is providing you as 1 st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on?
1. Locker facilities [ ]
2. Credit facilities [ ]
3. Cheque facilities [ ]
4. Online Banking [ ]
5. Tele Banking [ ]
6. ATM facilities [ ]
7. Other (Specify) ___________________
Q19. Rank these banks as 1st, 2nd, 3rd... as per your wish.

Particulars SBI AXIS ICICI Bank The Federal Bank Others

ATM Centres
No. Of
Speed Of Net

Q20. What facilities do you want that banks should bring.

1. Cash / cheque deposit through ATM [ ]
2. Money collection from door. [ ]
3. More number of ATM in Rural area. [ ]
4. Other (Specify) ____________________
Q21. Online Banking

Particulars Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor

Limit of Transaction

Q22. Any Suggestion do you want to give to banker as a customer




Sign With Date.

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