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by Airbus
pioneering spirit

to Services


by Airbus
Maintenance Catalogue!

Upgrades Dear customer,


Services by Airbus was founded to deliver world

Training leading integrated aviation services, creating
value and enhancing customer performance.
As part of Customer Services, we complement
our Customer Support mission – as ONE Airbus
Laurent Martinez Serge Panabière commitment toward our customers.
Worldwide Head of Services Head of Services
footprint Working with operators, lessors, and MROs,
by Airbus   Business Services by Airbus enhances fleet performance
3 500 & Marketing   with the expertise of an aircraft designer and
people manufacturer.

Building on the company’s pioneering spirit,

Connected Services by Airbus has innovative solutions
Aircraft with
and latest offering on the services market.
From a fully integrated package or a single
timely solution, our complete services portfolio
is adapted to individual requirements, no matter
where the aircraft are on their life cycle.
Services by Airbus has already proven itself in
partnership with world’s top airlines, leasing
companies, and MROs, and is the partner for
success, developing and delivering tailored
solutions across the globe.
Now benefitting from Airbus’ digital platform
Skywise, Services by Airbus can turn the digital
revolution into tangible benefits. By unlocking
data and enhancing its use, Skywise unleashes
the potential of every aircraft. Our rapidly
growing offer provides the best in digital
services today and tomorrow, boosting airlines
operations, optimising aircraft availability &
reducing operating cost.
Behind these words, there is a professional
and enthusiastic team of more than 3,500
people worldwide which are committed to inno-
vate, design and deliver your Airbus Services.
Feel free to contact us.
We are at YOUR service.
Worldwide presence Overview

14 Maintenance
& Engineering 5 FHS
Pools 10 Spares
Warehouse and 4 Flight Ops
Main Locations 17 Training Network
(Flight & 5 Upgrades
Skywise p.07
Centres Service Centre Maintenance)

Maintenance p.11
London Frankfurt

Upgrades p.57
Atlanta Tunis Seoul
Mobile New Delhi
Miami Hong Kong

Mexico city
Flight Operations p.71
Sepang Kuala Lumpur

São Paulo
Training p.97
Buenos Aires

Packaged Solutions p.115

More than 3,500 people worldwide. Important information
This document is for information only and
is describing the products and services available
AIRBUS INTERIORS SERVICES in the Airbus Customer Services Catalogue
in January 2018.
It is not meant to be used as a basis for Purchase
Order issuance. For any further information
on Airbus products and services or ordering
process, please refer to the corresponding
Airbus Customer Services Catalogue,
accessible through AirbusWorld portal.
006 Maintenance Maintenance 007
008 Skywise Skywise 009

Your benefits Skywise Skywise Core Predictive Service Your benefits

Low digital transformation Skywise is Airbus' new open digital plat- Skywise offers three levels of service: The Skywise Core Predictive Service is The service is available for the A320 Reduced operational interruptions
form for aviation developed in collabora- a unique package Airbus has developed family and A330 and includes: Reduced maintenance costs
Improved fleet operational •S
 kywise Core Platform
tion with  Palantir Technologies, pioneer with the objective of significantly reducing Improved insight on massive
reliability through predictive (data integration and agnostic •
The retrofit of Databird, Airbus' latest
& preventative maintenance in data integration and analytics. By airline operational interruptions. volume of aircraft data for root
analytical environments) router system transmitting massively and cause analysis
Improved operational efficiency combining Airbus' intimate aerospace
for legacy fleets
Skywise Core Predictive Service com- securely aircraft data to Skywise thanks Best-in class aircraft connectivity
expertise with Palantir's know-how in •S
 kywise Data Services
bines the new generation of aircraft to 4G Gatelink antennas, enabling nose-
Rapid root-cause analysis data management, Skywise empowers (Airbus predefined analytical
of in-service issues connectivity together with Skywise Core to-tail aircraft connectivity
aviation end users to gain new insights dashboards)
Optimised individual aircraft Platform analytical environments and
from their own data in a global aviation • Data exploration and analysis capabilities
performance through flight •S
 kywise Digital Services Skywise Predictive Maintenance Service
operations data analytics ecosystem context. through Skywise Core Platform
(high value applications integrating to enable timely and informed mainte-
Tracking maintenance
effectiveness over time Skywise centralises datasets from all ma- Airbus deep expertise) nance decision-making. • Early alerts of upcoming systems failures
jor aviation players - sourced from both generated by predictive models Airbus
Decreased maintenance costs
aircraft, maintenance and eclectic infor- has built on its design office expertise
One-click reporting workflows,
including complex reporting mation systems to turn data into opera- and on Skywise analytics capabilities
to regulatory bodies tional performance and business results.
Benchmarking at aircraft, Hosted on a secure cloud infrastructure
fleet and global level
coupled with best-in-class analytics and
enhanced aircraft connectivity, Skywise
provides a single access point to explore
and correlate massive amounts of un-
tapped in-service, industrial, operational
and contextual data.
010 Training Maintenance 011

Your benefits

012 Maintenance Maintenance 013

Start Access Perform

MAINTENANCE Material planning

& recommendations
Standard provisioning documents
PORTFOLIO Supplementary Provisioning documents
Maintenance provisioning documents

Technical Data Documentation
ELA Basic
_ 18
Structural parts
Parts sales
Parts repair, exchange, lease
Lease Service Solution

Around the world, around the clock

Component sales
Component on Demand
Provisioning solutions
To ensure the maximum availability and reliability of Flight Hour Services
your aircraft, Airbus offers a wide range of services
on Maintenance & Engineering and Material Mana-
gement to operators, MROs and OEMs.
Consumables Expendables
Standard parts
Aircraft CES parts sales
Airbus Flight Hour Services (FHS) and Satair have Engine CES parts sales
combined their strengths to offer a full range of ma- Airbus Managed Inventory
terial solutions to fit any maintenance strategy. For Integrated Material Services
your Entry Into Service, Services by Airbus offers
an optimised initial provisioning package (Start) co-
vering all material to start your operation. Whether
Modification kits
Modification kits sales 30
you are looking for parts on an ad-hoc basis, new
or used condition, Satair’s ordering team will provi-
de you with worldwide access to Airbus parts, tools,
Tool sales
Tool packages

modifications kits and supplier parts (Access). To Tool lease and repair
guarantee your parts availability, Services by Air-
bus delivers integrated and cost-effective solutions Airbus Multi Fleet
aimed at securing your aircraft technical performance
with minimal risk and investment (Perform). In addition to
Material services, Services by Airbus provides also
ADOC Web Maintenance
Job Card Publisher

line and base maintenance, as well as fleet technical AIRMAN-web A320-family
management services to guarantee your aircraft avai- A330, A340
lability and on-time performance (Infinite). A380, A350
Entering a new era in predictive maintenance thanks to CrossLogbook
the Skywise digital platform, Services by Airbus provi- Airpl@n
des the latest innovative solutions to better anticipate Airbus Real Time Health Monitoring A380, A350
unscheduled events and optimise maintenance ope- Repair Manager
rations. Airbus Smarter Fleet ® solutions
Maintenance Mobility - Airbus Smarter Fleet ®
_ Prognostics and Risk Management
Airbus Smarter Fleet ®
e-Doc Browser - Airbus Smarter Fleet ®
Start with a smooth fleet Entry Into Service for the provisioning of ALL

your material categories
Expertise and other services
Access to parts sales, repair, leasea or exchange on an ad-hoc basis Airbus Material Seminars
through a SINGLE channel
Integrated Purchasing Programme
Perform Get high operational reliability performance through tailored Customised Spares Logistics (CSL)
and INTEGRATED solutions
Technical Data

Airbus Airbus and Multi Fleet
Consulting services
Transport solutions available for all type of Services
 ong-term agreement ensuring fixed pricing conditions for a certain period
Maintenance & Engineering
and/or parts availability delivery performance Consulting
014 Maintenance Maintenance 015

Material planning
& recommendations
Standard provisioning Supplementary
Your benefits documents provisioning documents Maintenance provisioning documents Your benefits

Supported readiness for Entry Airbus provides you with material provi- Those supplementary provisioning docu- For the operation of the in-service fleet, Airbus Material Maintenance Fore- Reduced effort in planning and
Into Service or Fleet Growth preparation for a maintenance
sioning data concerning spares and tools ments aims to support you better prepare Airbus offers a variety of planning services cast (AMMF) is a customised material event
Based on your customised planning and purchasing for a given fleet your Entry Into Service or Fleet Growth. to enhance material availability for main- recommendation to provision the right
parameters Reduction of orders on AOG
of aircraft. Airbus Provisioning Services They consist of Material Storage Data tenance events. Airbus ensures that, for material for heavy maintenance events and high priority basis
delivers recommendations which are tai- (MSD), Fleet commonality analysis (FCA), both scheduled and unscheduled main- (C-Check or Structural Overhaul) and Prevention of delays during
lored to your needs and based on your Must Have Recommendation and X-File tenance, customers can get all the ma- reduce the amount of high priority and maintenance event due
to missing material
customised parameters. Part Fabrication Material. terial they need without jeopardising the AOG orders. This forecast integrates
Reward scheme for data sharing
These standard provisioning documents Provisioning data is available in Spec2000 planned aircraft ground-time. consumption data from more than 2200
Decreases the cost of mainte-
are made to help you better prepare your chapter 1 formats. maintenance events from more than 120 nance material by enabling
Entry Into Service or fleet growth and The X-file contains a list of local manufac- Fly Away Kit Recommendation is a Airbus operators worldwide and is ad- advanced / early purchasing
at best market price
consist of Recommended Spare Parts turer part numbers and the required raw selection of the most needed spare parts justed for aircraft age, effectively of Spare
Provision the right material
Lists (RSPL), Detailed Parts Lists, Tools material. for on-board storage, based on the Re- Parts for specific Aircraft (Manufacturer for heavy and base maintenance
& GSE recommendation and Spec2000 commended Spare Parts List (RSPL) and Serial Numbers), utilisation profile and en- events and secure higher material
provisioning files. customer usage parameters. The range vironmental conditions, and is tailored to
of spare parts within this kit covers LRU, the maintenance work package. Considerable time savings
in obtaining information
LMP, STD, Tooling as well as efficient re- Airbus Component Replacement about all required maintenance
items by eliminating the need
pair kits. All selected parts are based on Data (ACRD) is a document which is to read through a large amount
ETOPS and MEL requirements as well as reflecting all necessary items, the cus-
of maintenance documentation
a long Airbus provisioning experience. This tomer will need for replacing all positively
recommendation is set for operation to Consolidation of all materials
recommended LRUs in the customers’ linked to a LRU part number in
destinations without maintenance support. RSPL. It consists of tools, expendables one single document in a clearly
arranged layout (ACRD)
consumables and ground support equip-
ment. The ACRD is based on the latest
revision of RSPL, AMM (Aircraft Mainte-
nance Manual) and IPC (Illustrated Parts

Contact Contact
016 Maintenance Maintenance 017

Technical Data Documentation

Your benefits ACTUAL ELA Basic Your benefits

Faster, speeding up entry into Provide more than just the Aircraft Using the state of the art spec2000 XML Electrical Load Analysis (ELA) The ELA Basic service provides this map Customised, an ELA document
service for operators per MSN
Inspection Report. format, ACTUAL avoids the risk of manual of your aircraft at delivery. of electrical load, and is delivered in a set
Smarter, providing you with error and offers a clear hierarchical struc- Safe, ensuring your aircraft’s
of 3 digital formats (PDF, RTF and CSV) to capacity to handle normal
aircraft configuration data at We know that having a smooth entry into Aircraft rely more and more on electrically
three different stages: ture of your aircraft’s configuration: the enable a baseline for your aircraft’s in ser- and emergency systems
as designed, as built, service and securing the revenue flight driven components and circuits across the
parts are listed according to their function vice updates. Prepared for the future, providing
as delivered planning is the number one priority for you most vital aircraft systems. a baseline for further upgrades
and position on the aircraft.
Safer, ensuring regulatory during the first days of your aircraft’s life. Because each aircraft is unique, AIRBUS Going hand-in-hand with the ELA Basic of electrical components
compliance and reducing
risk of manual error
ACTUAL gives your maintenance teams offers you a suite of Electrical Load Analy- service, AIRBUS has developed a full suite Fully digital, with online access
Today with the Aircraft Inspection Report, to your ELA document
the ability to automatically load aircraft sis services to support your needs. of ELA services to support you for further
AIRBUS gives you a snapshot of all Part
configuration data directly into your updates: ELA services Update (see page 50).
Numbers, Serial Numbers, and Functional The ELA document represents the status
Maintenance Information System, before
Item Numbers of your aircraft at Transfer of the electrical loads of a given aircraft At AIRBUS, we know electrical systems will
delivery of the Aircraft Inspection Report
of Title (TOT). Manual consolidation of this at the time of delivery, and maps the total continue to evolve, and this suite of services
data is time and resource consuming for electrical load of the aircraft per bus bar. will help you to prepare for the future.
the operator.
Prepare for the future
In order to support you during the en- with a baseline Electrical Load
Faster, Smarter, Safer try into service of your aircraft, AIRBUS Analysis of your aircraft
has developed a unique digital solution:
Airbus Configuration of Tracked Units at
Aircraft Level (ACTUAL).
ACTUAL is delivered online per MSN and
provides your maintenance and enginee-
ring teams with a complete view of all Part
Numbers, Serial Numbers, and Functio-
nal Item Numbers of your aircraft at three
different build stages: as designed, as
built, as delivered. 

Contact Contact
018 Maintenance Maintenance 019

Structural parts
Parts sales Parts repair, exchange, lease
Your benefits Provided by Satair Provided by Satair

Excellent fit New parts Used and surplus parts Airbus offers repair services for Airbus Proprietary Parts with the capability and quality of a world-class Original Equipment Manufac-
High reliability Parts related to the body of aircraft and Airbus is offering certified used and sur- turer (OEM). The Airbus Repair Management department acts as the customer’s single point of contact for spare parts repair related
High durability structure parts. plus material. In order to best support the issues and handles all administrative details for the customer’s repair orders.

High service-level Examples: Fuselage, doors, access pa- operators in reducing inventory and main-
nels, fairings, flight control surfaces of tenance costs and support AOG assistan- Part exchange service Part lease service Part repair capabilities
High residual value To minimise your operational downtime, Airbus offers a lease service for proprie- Our Airbus Repair and Partner Repair
an aircraft and their accessories and ce, Airbus offers a portfolio that includes
controls. both Airbus structural parts and Original Airbus offers an extended range of parts tary parts that enables you to continue to Shops have combined structural repair
Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) compo- for exchange, such as rudders, elevators, operate your aircraft while unserviceable and manufacturing experience and can
nents in a certified serviceable condition. winglets or sharklets, before or after the re- parts are temporarily being removed and provide you with comprehensive solu-
moval of your part. repaired. This helps you to avoid capital tions, whether you require a minor re-
• 24/7 availability via AOG desk commitment for high value parts. pair or a complete overhaul. Additionally,
• 24/7 availability via AOG desk fixed repair packages are now offered for
• Over 11,000 different new and used
units available worldwide several part numbers (e.g elevator, gla-
• Over 11,000 new and used units
available worldwide zing) in order to allow customers to mo-
• Parts exchange in advance before
removal nitor upfront budgeting and lead times.
• Guaranteed stock of essential flight
• Attractive exchange prices for used control parts • EASA/FAA/TCCA/CAAC certifications
and fully serviceable parts • Parts delivered in latest technical • All types of damage and malfunctions
• Parts delivered in latest technical standard condition • Fleet-wide engineering and design
standard condition • Attractive lease fees knowledge embedded into repair
• Flexible lease period with option • Advanced lease or exchange options
to extend or to convert to purchase prior to repair
• Guaranteed repair times
• Customised repair scope adapted
to your needs
• Global footprint in USA, Europa
and Asia

Airbus (Cage Code D4296):
• Airbus Spares
• Airbus COD
Contact Contact
Satair (Cage Code R1120):
• Satair Direct Airbus Spares:
• ATA, SPEC2000, Customer Order Desk (Europe, ME, Asia Pacific, China)
• Satair COD Your Account Director (Americas) or your Account Director
020 Maintenance Maintenance 021

Structural parts Components

Lease Service Solution Component sales
Your benefits Provided by Satair

No upfront investment required Airbus provides you with a special tailored Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) Line Maintenance Part (LMP) LRU and LMP
Highest technical standards Lease Service Solution (LSS) for structural New Condition New Condition Used Condition
Simple use and return process parts to support your major maintenance A part, assembly or end item which can A Line Maintenance Breakdown Part is a Airbus is offering certified used and sur-
Large pool available tasks. be readily changed on an aircraft during sub-component of an LRU (Line Repla- plus material for about one year. In order
line maintenance operations. LRUs are ceable Unit) which may be replaced without to support best the operators in reducing
An onside available part mitigates risks of considered as economically repairable removing the LRU from the aircraft. De- inventory and maintenance costs and
non-part availability, extended grounding and can be returned into a serviceable pending on its complexity, an LMP can be support AOG assistance, Airbus offers a
times in case of major findings and unex- condition. repairable or expendable. A list of appli- portfolio that includes both Airbus struc-
pected high costs. Rotable LRUs are supported by a Com- cable LMPs can be found in the Recom- tural parts and Original Equipment Manu-
ponent Maintenance Manual (CMM). A list mended Spare Parts List (RSPL). facturer (OEM) components in a certified
of applicable LRUs can be found in the serviceable condition.
Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL).

No upfront investment required

Highest technical standards
Simple use and return process
Large pool available

Airbus (Cage Code D4296):
Airbus Spares (application on AirbusWorld)
SPEC2000 (electronic ordering via SITA) Contact
Airbus Customer Order Desk (COD)
Airbus Spares:
Satair (Cage Code R1120): Customer Order Desk
Contact Satair Direct ATA, SPEC2000,
Your Account Director SPEC2000XML (SITA) Satair COD Your Account Director
022 Maintenance Maintenance 023

Your benefits Component on Demand Provisioning solutions Your benefits

Component On Demand combines both Continuing Airbus FHS successful expan- Standard Exchange services For your "Entry Into Service", Services by Fly Away Kit Packages Provisioning packages
aircraft manufacturer expertise and Airbus
FHS Engineering to deliver access to: sion and recognition as a key industry player, Replace your deficient LRU with a servi- Airbus offers an optimised initial provi- Based on the Fly Away Kit Recommenda-
Secured parts deliveries
Airbus FHS now extends its customer offer ceable one and we manage the repair loop. sioning package covering all material to tion, all parts and tooling required to take
More than 5,000 part number One single order point
by introducing Component On Demand start your operation. on-board can be purchased via an Airbus with full status visibility
references extended over five
locations: London, Singapore, for new and used parts on A320, A330, Loan services Fly Away Kit Package deal at attractive
Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Cost effective through
A340, A350XWB and A380. Get a serviceable LRU on lease for a cer- Provisioning packages conditions. The Fly Away Kit solution is consolidated shipment
tain period of time. Relying on the aircraft manufacturer tech- the appropriate one for operators having Minimised AOG risks
Recent components at latest
technical standards, free of Parts nical expertise, we will help you to select special requirements. Airbus high quality standards
Manufacturing Approval (PMA) Repair services and define the right scope tailored to your This solution provides the most convenient
and Designated Engineering Tailored package offer
Representative (DER) Access our strong network of repair partners, operations and needs; using the Recom- way of purchasing all spares of the Fly
Cost-efficient spares packages
No investment required to access we’ll monitor for you the repair, test and mended Spare Parts List (RSPL) as a Away Kit Recommendation. To minimise
to 24/7 service, enabling compo- Airbus technical expertise and
overhaul. baseline. These packages aim to conso- your administration process and to save experience on provisioning
nent dispatch within 1 hour
lidate the provisioning of new and used time, all parts are offered as a set price from
No upfront investment required
vendor parts and integrate other material one source. Airbus will take over the parts
Highest technical standards
categories as per the individual require- ordering for you.
Simple use and return process
ments of each specific customer. By taking the recommended parts and
Large pool available Airbus will be your single focal point taking tooling on board the aircraft operators can
over order handling, sourcing, tracing of become independent of local parts, too-
parts as well as the consolidation. ling availabilities and service providers. It is
We take care of all provisioning orders designed to save grounding time caused
and shipments with each single supplier by potential spares parts shortages at
Airbus Component On Demand and provide you with a regular update of exotic destinations.
will help you to find the right spare to the order status. All parts will be inspec- To go one step further, we offer on-board
dispatch your aircraft ted and quality assured by Airbus. storage solution on-demand, meaning all
parts will be integrated into one container
to ensure easy handling during operations.
Airbus can offer on-request customised
on-board storage solution with two different
options to enable highly flexible opera-
tions and match your operational needs as
follows: Airframe solution or Container
storage solution.
For the container, the size of that package
is optimised for on-aircraft storage within
Contact a LD3-46 container.
Send your request with
Part Number reference to
024 Maintenance Maintenance 025

Components -
Flight Hour Services
Your benefits FHS-Components FHS-Tailored Support Package Your benefits

Guaranteed spare parts availability Airbus has set-up a dedicated organisa- • Standard exchange pool access, which The FHS Tailored Support Package •
Airframe Maintenance module deals Guaranteed aircraft availability
Reduced up-front spare investments tion, to deliver Airbus Flight Hour Services facilitates main base and outstations (FHS-TSP) is an integrated suite of solu- with the execution of the scheduled Reduced risk of high cost
(FHS) which consists of guaranteed so- stock replenishment. tions combining FHS-Components with maintenance: Line, Base and Heavy operation disruptions
Predictable costs thanks
to fixed prices maintenance. Unique airframer’s expertise to
lutions ranging from component supply • Components maintenance services co- Engineering Services and/or Airframe
secure smooth Entry Into Service
Reduced removal rate and repair to full airframe maintenance. vering repair services at Original Equip- Maintenance: Full FHS-TSP solution’s scope gua-
ment Manufacturers (OEMs) or repair Advanced fleet technical
Enhanced reliability monitoring FHS-Components guarantees all prima- • Engineering Services module provides rantees up to aircraft On-Time Perfor- management
and worldwide fleet data stations of all selected unserviceable
ry Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) spare Airbus expertise for an advanced Fleet mance (OTP), covering technical, logistics
components, vendors management, Improved MRO performances
Single interface delivering turnkey parts availability through an exclusive on- Technical Management (Maintenance and maintenance delays. through Airbus selection
components solution warranty administration, modification of
Program and Planning, Reliability Pro- and integration
site stock and a mutualised pool access components (ADs, SBs) and reliability
monitoring gram, Engineering Support, Airwor- Single interface delivering
service, as well as state-of-the-art repair
thiness Review etc.) turnkey maintenance solution
services. • Logistics services between the pool and
repair station (transportation between
Reducing your The FHS-Components service provi- on-site stock and pool remains optional)
investments, simplifying des customer with: • Specific solutions also can be developed

Critical Line Replaceable Unit (LRUs) for high-value components (nacelle, lan- Fleet Technical Airframe Our commitment: Your
your material management
on-site stock inventory positioned at ding gear, APU, cargo loading system, Management Maintenance fleet performance excellence!
customer main base and selected outs- slides and more).
tations. Tailored Support
Package FHS-Components

Airbus FHS
Pool Access Repair
Core Unit return
Pool Components On-Site Component
On site stock Stock Engineering
Repair loop 5
Remove 6
1 2 Install
Unserviceable Unit
Serviceable Unit

Pool concept OEMs

Contact Contact
026 Maintenance Maintenance 027

Consumables Expendables
Standard (CES) parts
Aircraft Consumables Expendables Engine Consumables Expendables
Standard (CES) parts sales Standard (CES) parts sales
Your benefits Provided by Satair Provided by Satair

Competitive Prices Materials identified as raw material, com- Parts are manufactured in conformance The Engine CES are parts of an aircraft The engine manufacturers supported,
Global Airbus ordering volume posites and chemicals are indicated as with a standard specification which engine or engine accessory parts but not limited to, include:
Stock Availability Consumables & Expendables and are includes design, manufacturing, test and The product may only be certified by the • Pratt & Whitney
More than 10.000 active part handled within the Airbus standard parts acceptance criteria and identification engine manufacturer.
• Rolls Royce
numbers published on Airbus team. requirements. Applicable Standard Parts
Spares • Honeywell
These materials cover, for example, metal are mentioned in the RSPL. Moving We offer spares support for engine
Order Flexibility
extrusions and profiles, plastic extrusions, Standard Parts are stocked at Airbus sites consumables and expendables for both • CFF/SNECMA
Worldwide sourcing including wires, cables and protection, seals and and are available at attractive prices for turbo prop and jet engine configurations.
rare parts, 24/7/365
strips, insulation material, tapes, paints, orders on all priorities. For example: nuts,
Customised Price Agreements
adhesives and lubricants, switches and bolts, fasteners, rivets, bearings, clamps,
Stable prices without contractual
binding hoses. Airbus relies on a worldwide electrical connectors, switches and many
Airbus Services Synergies
partner network to supply and to source more. Airbus Material & Logistics has
the material on demand. developed a turnkey service for your
Option to integrate into Airbus
Managed Inventory (AMI) and Standard Hardware ordering. An enlarged
Integrated Material Services (IMS) range of active Airbus part numbers is
available in Airbus stock.

Airbus (Cage Code D4296):
Airbus Spares (application on AirbusWorld) Europe & Asia Pacific
SPEC2000 (electronic ordering via SITA)
Airbus Standard Parts team Tel: +49 40 5076 4004 Contact
24/7 back-up by AOG Desk Airbus
Satair (Cage Code R1120): Satair (Cage Code R1120):
Spares account
Satair Direct Satair Direct
ATA, SPEC2000, Americas ATA, SPEC2000,
028 Maintenance Maintenance 029

Consumables Expendables
Standard (CES) parts
Airbus Managed Inventory (AMI) Integrated Material Services (IMS)
Your benefits Provided by Satair Provided by Satair Your benefits

High guaranteed availability Airbus Managed Inventory (AMI) service based on an automated continuous rep- Integrated Material Services (IMS) is a The solution is an innovative new ma- Forecasting & Planning: Combina-
of material on-site. tion of airline operations expertise
offers collaborative parts planning and lenishment process. solution that manages the entire supply naged supply chain service offered to the with OEM technical knowledge
Reduced stock levels automated replenishment (of a configurable Airbus optimises the inventory level through chain for airlines and MROs. This solution airline aftermarket. Airbus and Satair ex- and worldwide operator's data
and inventory costs. & initial planning on fleet
scope) of high usage non repairable parts, analysis of the parts’ consumption close to will cover all expendable materials and re- perience over the years provides a wealth extension or retirement
No transportation or order
follow-up expenses. such as consumables, expendables and real-time. Recurring and resource intensive lated processes. of knowledge in planning, procurement, Sourcing & Purchasing: Slim
Lower administration costs. standard parts. Capturing the customer’s steps can be eliminated from order process. distribution, quality and engineering that market prices as reference and
value creation through enlarged
A nominated AMI Manager as material consumption creates triggers to Inventory planning, ordering, order follow-up IMS will leverage. purchasing volume. Integration
your dedicated single focal point launch the replenishment process, thus and the transportation process are ma- Satair has significantly increased the of existing airline contracts until
focuses on performance management, improved contracts succeed
daily operations, continuous follow-up, significantly reducing the ordering cost, naged by Airbus. scope of this solution to include all ex-
part scope configuration and inventory Stock risk share: lean on-site
whilst achieving optimum inventories at The customer may opt to configure the pendable parts providing a cost-effective stock management. Back up and
agreed performance levels. The enhanced service to include an ever increasing material management service to airlines. critical slow turning stock in pool
- with Airbus' worldwide customer
off-shelf availability of parts contributes to amount of manufacturer parts and Stan- base strategy
reduced aircraft maintenance turnaround dard Hardware parts. This promotes the
times. service to a dependable source of main-
Airbus manages the customer’s inventory tenance parts providing sustained service
level, for a customised scope of high levels at a predictable cost to the customer.
usage parts in the customer’s warehouse,

Record of material movement sent to Airbus

Back ordering
Airbus calculates re-order quantity and
generates order in customer's system

Material shipped

Customer Material shipped


+49 (0)40 5076 3030
030 Maintenance Maintenance 031

Modification kits Tools

Modification kits sales Tool sales - Provided by Satair Your benefits
Provided by Satair

Part packages for your modifications. A Equipment required on ground to support Airbus Proprietary Tools Highest Quality
predefined selection of single parts defined the operation and maintenance of the Airbus is the unique approved source for Tools from approved sources only
to perform a modification as specified in a aircraft and its equipment. the acquisition of Airbus genuine tools, Airbus inspection and
Service Bulletin. Whether it supports an Entry Into Service, a also called Airbus Proprietary Tools. certification of each tool
scheduled check or a maintenance event, To ensure safety and quality Airbus Proprie-
A modification kit consists of: Airbus Tool Services supports airlines’ tary Tools are differentiated from imitations
• Airbus Proprietary Parts maintenance activities by providing opera- by the Airbus marking plate which is at-
• Standard Parts tors and MROs with a flexible and reliable tached to the tools and their delivery cases.
service: • Aircraft and personnel safety
• Tool acquisition: Airbus Proprietary tools • 24/7 Airbus support and guarantee
or OEM tools
• Defined lead times and competitive pricing
• Tool packages
• Full compliance with authorities requi-
• Tool lease rements
• Tool repair • Tools inspected and delivered by Airbus
• Tools & GSE seminar
OEM tools via Airbus
Airbus is also a focal point to acquire tools
from OEMs (Original Equipment Manufac-
turers) so you can simplify your adminis-
tration. From standard to complex tools
a large stock is always available to meet
any needs.

Orders for modification kits related to standard
Service Bulletins (SB) can be placed with Airbus
(Cage Code D4296) via:
• Airbus Spares (application on AirbusWorld) Contact
• SPEC2000 (electronic ordering via SITA) Orders for tools and GSE can be placed with Airbus (Cage Code D4296) via:
• Airbus Modification Kit department • Airbus Spares (application on AirbusWorld)

Note: For kits and services related to aircraft upgrades, please contact your Airbus Upgrade Services • SPEC2000 (electronic ordering via SITA)
Key Account Manager (KAM): • The Airbus Customer Order Desk (COD)
032 Maintenance Maintenance 033

Your benefits Tool packages - Provided by Satair Tool lease and repair - Provided by Satair Your benefits

Highest Quality A large variety of activities have to be Airbus takes care of planning, ordering, Airbus offers repair and lease services for •
Wide range of tools including rarely A modular offer
Tools from approved sources only initiated to prepare a smooth Entry Into packaging and transportation of your Airbus Airbus and supplier tools used tools and tools required for special Airline processes oriented
Service or return of an aircraft to service genuine tools and supplier tools to ensure tasks (e.g. main landing gear change
Airbus inspection and certification User friendly
of each tool trolleys, engine change equipment)
after maintenance events. Airbus can the right tool for your right task. Tool repair Get access to aircraft data in
Package content based on assume the responsibility and provide you We offer a full range of repair capabilities • Online access to full inventory on Air- real-time
your maintenance set-up bus Spares
with tool packages based on your main- for more than 1,200 Airbus and supplier Efficiently manage unscheduled
Attractive package deals • Inspection, recalibration and repair maintenance: “The right task
tenance planning parameters. tools with a quick turnaround time (TAT) at the first time”
Focal point for planning managed by Airbus
Tools from numerous suppliers are ordered ensuring your in-time tool availability and
Provide powerful functions
Reduced workload and and shipped in consolidated packages to consequently a return to operation of your • Simple use and return process to monitor aircraft systems
transport cost performance
ensure you are fully prepared when your aircraft as soon as possible. • No capital investment required
new aircraft is ready to fly. • Worldwide repair network • Tool shipments on AOG priority
• Quick and qualified responses to repair • Worldwide warehouse network
• Repair stations approved by Airbus
Tools Lease Service Solution (LSS)
• Repair includes latest technical confi- Inspections for a Service Bulletin (SB) embo-
diment regularly take more than 200 days.
• Competitive prices To cope with such long-term maintenance
tasks and also with the uncertainty of some
Tool lease additional checks, it is more cost-effective
Airbus offers an extensive selection of and convenient to directly lease from a
tools with more than 5500 Part Numbers wide pool of parts and tools.
worth about 100 million USD, which are The Lease Service Solution (LSS) offers
available both for Airbus and non-Airbus this possibility:
fleet. Tool Lease Service also regularly
• no upfront investment required
invests in new stock to support current
• highest technical standards
operators and the growing fleet such as
A350, A320neo and A330neo. • simple use and return process
• large pool available

Contact Contact
Contact (Europe, ME, Asia Pacific, China) (Europe, ME, Asia Pacific, China)
(Europe, ME, Asia Pacific, China) (Americas) (Americas)
(Americas) or your Account Director or your Account Director
034 Maintenance Maintenance 035

Your benefits Maintenance Job Card Publisher AIRMAN-web Your benefits

ADOC benefits ADOC Web Maintenance is an on line Job Card Publisher is Airbus software AIRMAN-web is an online solution for real- AIRMAN-web is a modular offer Reduction of direct
maintenance costs
Generate savings by using content management tool designed to which allows the production of the com- time aircraft health monitoring that has composed of three modules:
a common tool for your whole fleet Reduction of indirect
customise electronic documentation avai- pany’s maintenance job cards by: been developed by Airbus in cooperation • Foundation dedicated to the aircraft
Improve the authoring, updates maintenance costs
lable in SGML format. • Retrieving the documentary elements with airlines, to efficiently manage unsche- dispatch thanks to the real time monito-
and customisation of technical Increase of aircraft availability
documentation ADOC Web Maintenance allows you to from the Company maintenance docu- duled maintenance and improve aircraft ring of aircraft events
Quick access to documentation edit, revise and publish: mentation available in Standard Gene- dispatch reliability. It aims to improve • Advanced (optional): to monitor the
thanks to the user-friendly interface ralised Mark Up Language (SGML) and performance of the aircraft systems
• Airbus Maintenance manuals: maintenance operations by providing the
- Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) Extensible Markup Language (XML) company with real-time information and • Interface (optional): for SMS / e-mail
Job Card Publisher benefits
- Trouble Shooting Manual (TSM) • Assembling the documentary elements recommendations. AIRMAN-web ensures notifications, connection with the Main- An aircraft maintenance
Simplify & customise the job cards
production to save time - Illustrated Parts Catalogue (AIPC) and the corresponding production data the processing of data received through tenance Information System (MIS) and analysis tool
- Aircraft Wiring Manual (AWM) aircraft data request.
Improve the aircraft availability • Formatting the job card downlink on Airbus aircraft equipped with
Fully integrated into the process - Aircraft Schematic Manual (ASM) an on-board maintenance system and
and Maintenance Information - Aircraft Wiring List (AWL) • Printing the job card
a real-time communication system like
• Airline internal documentation compa- Job Card Publisher allows a simplified ACARS or ATSU.
tible with ADOC Web Maintenance and cost-effective job card production
documentation structure definition thanks to the following features:
(Document Type Definition - DTD)
• Use of a single tool to produce both
• Other Aircraft Manufacturer mainte- Airbus and non-Airbus job cards
nance data • J ob card layout customisation and
ADOC Web Maintenance provides the fol- connection to the Maintenance
lowing features to improve the electronic • Manual import and re-use of mainte-
documentation management process: nance work packages
• Automatic revision management to • Automatic printing of large work
significantly reduce the workload at packages
each revision of maintenance data
• Simplified administration and easy
• Enhanced customisation functions deployment
allowing non SGML-expert users to
edit maintenance data
• Capability to handle Airbus, non–Airbus
and airline maintenance documentation
in a single tool
• Reduction of the IT costs thanks
to the online solution AIRMAN

Access online through AirbusWorld

Backup access available in case of AirbusWorld portal unavailability
036 Maintenance Maintenance 037

Your benefits CrossLogbook AirPl@n Your benefits

Improve and secure logbook data The CrossLogbook is an enriched digital The CrossLogbook is fully interoperable AirPl@n is the comprehensive suite of Furthermore, AirPl@n offers extensive Shorter resolution lead-time
management through standar-
dised data and real-time access version of the technical and cabin paper with the Maintenance Information System services designed to support airlines’ main- customised studies for the optimisation Improved aircraft availability
logbooks. This application includes dedi- (MIS), Minimum Equipment List (MEL), tenance programme & planning activities. of maintenance programme and planning Maximised aircraft residual value
Reduce turnaround time (TAT)
and operating costs cated modules for each user profile: pilot, Configuration Deviation List (CDL) and as well as tailored support and seminars
AirPl@n offer covers the following
Tailored solution adapted cabin, maintenance and administration. N-Flysmart with Airbus. on-site.
to the airline’s processes
Due to its uniquely high level of customi-
• Maintenance programme preparation: Further characteristics of AirPl@n:
Reduce operating costs sation, it can be used on all aircraft types
identification of scheduled mainte- • Easy preparation of maintenance
Eliminate paper costs providing a cost-effective fleet-wide solution nance tasks applicable per aircraft packages through dynamic generation
No investment needed to adapt for you as an airline. fleet of task cards and job cards and identi-
your IT infrastructure
• Maintenance planning preparation: fication of required material
definition of maintenance task planning • Compatibility of AirPl@n deliverable for
for each aircraft upload into Maintenance Information
• Maintenance task preparation: identifica- System (MIS).
tion of required material for maintenance
https tasks
• Work package production: Supply of
documentation for the performance
of maintenance tasks

Cockpit Maintenance
Cabin administrative

Perform Prepare Prepare Prepare Perform

Engineering Maintenance Maintenance Production
activities programme planning planning


Seminars and assistance

AirPl@n Scope
038 Maintenance Maintenance 039

Your benefits Airbus Real Time Health Monitoring (AiRTHM) Repair Manager Your benefits

Enhanced aircraft operational Airbus Real Time Health Monitoring About technology & expertise Repair Manager is an innovative on line Repair Manager ensures that the damage Optimise turnaround time (TAT)
and dispatch reliability
(AiRTHM) AiRTHM state of the art preventive service solution to assist line maintenance and report contains all the necessary informa- Reduce delays and cancellations
Minimised aircraft grounding time In an increasingly competitive environment, is based on uplink technology allowing engineering personnel in assessing and tion for damage assessment including the Improve troubleshooting
Reduced costs allowing optimised maintenance and real real time remote access to aircraft data reporting structural damage for all Airbus link to the relevant documentation such effectiveness
Anticipated scheduled maintenance time troubleshooting to maximise aircraft parameters via ACARS. 24/7 real time civil fleets. as the Structure Repair Manual (SRM) or Improve productivity
 arly delivery of Line Replaceable
E availability. data analysis enables Airbus AiRTHM This solution is based on an electronic the engineering drawings. It will ease the
Units (LRUs) with FHS components
AiRTHM is an advanced Airbus service engineers to deliver to airlines’ MCC both system to author and keep record of all communication with Airbus experts in
Enhanced aircraft on-time performance through which A380 and A350 operators in flight and on ground maintenance and structural damages and repairs reports order to determine the best solution for
with full Flight Hour Services tailored
support package (FHS-TSP) can receive advice on optimised mainte- technical advice. using a 3D-simplified model to ease the aircraft dispatch.
nance and real time troubleshooting actions internal and external damage location.
empowering your MCC personnel to make The application is accessible on line via An application to ease and speed up
AiRTHM offering is built on two
right and timely decisions. Airbus Customer portal AirbusWorld. structural damages management:
stand-alone modules fitting the
aircraft operation phases: • Damage assessment & reporting
Aircraft manufacturer real-time
• Pre-departure check • Repair procedure identification
expertise to improve operators’ A structural
operational performance • Flight watch • Record keeping of repairs allowable repair software

Take-off Landing to gate

Parking Pre-flight Taxi Climb Cruise Descent Taxi Post-flight

Flight watch
Continuous monitoring of critical messages to identify root cause
during the flight
040 Maintenance Maintenance 041

Airbus Smarter Fleet ® solutions Maintenance Mobility - Airbus Smarter Fleet ® Your benefits

Airbus Smarter Fleet ® is the Airbus and It aims to provide an open, modular and Airbus Smarter Fleet ® will initially This solution provides maintenance per- Line mechanics mobile application Optimise turnaround time (TAT)
IBM solution to provide end-to-end e-so- flexible platform in order to support the focus on two activities: Firstly, it will sonnel with up-to-date critical information, • Mobile access to real-time awareness Reduce delays and cancellations
lutions for maintenance, engineering and customers’ increasing needs in three key integrate and also further develop Airbus’ including dedicated dashboards, work pac- of relevant information Improve troubleshooting
flight operations. areas related to data processing: current portfolio of e-Solutions. kages and documentation. The objective effectiveness
• Real time job progress
1 Data gathering: Simultaneous, Secondly, it will provide cross-functional is to optimise line and base maintenance Improve productivity
• Easy interaction with MCC &
Airbus Smarter Fleet ® current offer extensive and cross-functional collec- fleet data management using an open, activities by utilising the benefit of mobile Maintenance Coordination
consists of: ting of relevant data and information modular and flexible platform based on a devices.
• eSignature
• Fuel Efficiency Portal from different sources precise assessment of customer needs
2 Data value extraction: Accurate and tailored implementation. Supervisor interface
• Maintenance Mobility Complementary with e-Doc Browser
• Prognostics and Risk Management data and information processing • Real-time awareness of event's • Mobile documentation
through criticality
• e-Doc Browser
monitoring, filtering, reporting and • Anticipate corrective and preventive
correlation, of retrieved data but also Our partnership: A unique platform
of integrated & tailored solutions actions
simulation, help for decision making • Manage work packages' assignment
and optimisation in real time
3 Cross domain collaboration: Full • Monitor Troubleshooting with just
access to processed data and infor- the right information
mation for all concerned stakeholders

Mixed fleet Reduce Cross Ease

compatibility paper platform processes
042 Maintenance Maintenance 043

Prognostics and Risk Management - e-Doc Browser - Airbus Smarter Fleet ® Your benefits
Your benefits Airbus Smarter Fleet ®

Secure the coming dispatches Prognostics and Risk Management (PRM) PRM is today available for A330 and will This solution is a documentation browser The e-Doc Browser solution extends the Instant access to any technical
documentation (Airbus or in-house)
Increase aircraft availability software solution detects in advance be soon expanding to all Airbus aircraft available on all popular mobile platforms current Smarter Fleet portfolio by provi-
unexpected technical events having a si- and regularly completed with new sets of enabling manual display for maintenance ding additional valuable functionalities to Faster documentation consulting
Turn unscheduled maintenance
into scheduled maintenance gnificant impact on aircraft turnaround, algorithms. (Aircraft Maintenance Manual, Illustrated assist the airline in operating in a more Automatic up to date revisions
systems’ reliability and efficiency. Part Catalogue, Trouble Shooting manual, efficient and optimised manner. Eliminate paper costs
wirings, schematics, Electrical Practices
Examples of first monitoring capabilities: Manual), repair (Structural Repair Manual)
• Fuel: imbalance prediction and operations (Minimum Equipment List).
• Hydraulic: leak detection
• Engine Oil: leak detection
• Pneumatic: bleed leak (nacelle), PRV
and HPV failure
• Oxygen: leaks detection and servicing
• Electrical Power: IDG failure
•L  anding Gear: extension / retraction
disagree prediction
• Air Conditioning: heat exchanger
efficiency loss

• User-friendly and intuitive

How it works: ergonomics
• Optimised for mechanics

Calculations based on ACMS report

loaded in the aircraft

Specific parameters collected all along the flight and sent

to ground at the end of the flight
• Mixed-fleet maintenance manuals • Online consultation: instant access
• Structural Repair Manual to-up-date information from everywhere
• Tablets and smartphones from 7":
• Minimum Equipment List iOS, Android and Windows
Ground algorithms to detect aircraft systems degradations • ADOC Web customised manuals • Option for offline / backup mode
044 Maintenance Maintenance 045

Expertise and other services

Your benefits Airbus Material Seminars Integrated Purchasing Programme -
Provided by Satair Your benefits

Expertise: Wide-ranging know- Our seminars have specifically been de- The regional seminar modules are held at Satair Integrated Purchasing Reduction of cost Enhances synergies for all bu-
how for all Material Management siness partners through efficient
segments veloped to support your goal of optimised various locations worldwide. In addition, Programme (IPP®) With the Satair IPP®, the customer reduces end-to-endmanagement of parts
Material Management, knowing that cost a Spares Mobile Classroom offers fully The Satair Integrated Purchasing Pro- the handling and financing costs. and rationalisation of the supply
Hands-on exercises: Case chain
studies with realistic scenarios reduction and increased operational effi- customised seminars which can be held gramme (IPP®) gives the customer a
and examples to understand Addresses the small and medium
supply chain processes and
ciency are major objectives in the aviation at your facility. unique opportunity to focus on the core Reduction of handling cost manufacturer segment of the industry
daily operations in spares industry. business and leave the complex and time • Replacement of a large amount of for which Satair has a strong focus
business on the Total Cost of Ownership
Airbus Material & Supply Chain Services consuming burden of purchasing and the customers’ suppliers with Satair
Flexibility: Choose between core, offers a selection of seminars with different as the source Reduces inventory costs and inven-
specific, customised and on-site
handling spare parts in the safe hands
tory holdings as well as internal and
seminars – from beginner’s to levels of specialisation from beginner to of a professional and highly experienced • Performance monitoring and discre- external transactions, operational
advanced level pancy handling carried out by Satair and process costs
advanced level. partner.
Global team spirit: Informal Ensures one single point of contact
networking in a highly motivated
• Payment transactions conducted
for many hard-to-find-parts
environment with Satair as the sole supplier
Increases parts availability
• Improved overall delivery performance and shortens lead times
by Satair with a target of 95% Enhances inventory management
• Full e-commerce and Spec2000 enabled 24 hours, 365 days AOG coverage
product support

Reduction of financing cost

Core Specialisation Customised
Seminars Seminars Seminars • Reduction of inventory investment as
Satair stocks parts across the demand
 ewcomers: Principles • GSE & Tools Specialisation • Spares Mobile Classroom from many airlines
of Material Management • Material Planning • Enhanced inventory management -
• Intermediates: Material & Inventory Management Satair has an inventory turnover rate
Management in Operation of approximatively three compared to
• Transport Logistics airline turnover rates of approximatively
• Experts: Advanced Material one.

 egional: Material Management

or your Account Director
046 Maintenance Maintenance 047

Expertise and other services

Customised Spares Logistics (CSL) - Technical Data
Your benefits Provided by Satair Customer Originated Change Your benefits

CSL customers benefit from Airbus Customised Spares Logistics Reflecting your own modifications We ensure that all future revisions incor- Save money, COC prevents
eliminated effort for follow-up you from recurring costs on
(CSL) service takes care of customers’ into Airbus Technical Data. porate these modifications, by managing your engineering activities
and tracking of their orders.
Invoice processing is simplified spare parts shipments from order receipt in your Airbus Technical Data your own
by consolidation into one invoice Customised Technical Data are essential Improve efficiency, relying on
per month.
to final destination for all order priorities Engineering Orders (STC, VSB…) or internal accurate and up to date information
to support safe and efficient operations.
and shipping methods. procedures. Save time to focus on your core
Customers also benefit from Airbus is dedicated to deliver you a per-
reduced financial exposure due business
to all-in rates. The risk of additional By understanding customers’ logistics sonalised solution for your own needs. You are guaranteed customised and ac-
costs caused by volatile transport requirements and order behaviour, consi- curate Technical Data, delivered on time.
surcharges (such as fuel, security Thanks to the Customer Originated
or exchange rates) is covered dering the complexity of the global spares
Change (COC) service developed by
by Airbus. network, flight schedules and multiple
Airbus, your specific modifications and
The combination of zero investment interfaces, the CSL service provides pro-
requirements and flexible contract procedures are permanently integrated
duration makes it easy to sign up cess integration and fast availability of the
into your Airbus Technical Data. Feel free to modify your
for the CSL service. material where it is needed. Regular perfor-
aircraft, we take care of your
mance reviews are conducted to constantly
Technical Data
adapt the service to ever evolving customer

Phone: +49 (0)40 5076 2641 Contact
Fax: +49 (0)40 5076 2590
048 Maintenance Maintenance 049

Expertise and other services

Technical Data Technical Data
Your benefits ACM+ Maintenance Transfer Your benefits

 implification of your data mana-

S All configuration and applicable SB ACM+ provides you with a global tra- Consolidation or separation of Main- By simply providing AIRBUS with the One database to acknowledge
gement thanks to a comprehensive status in one place. ceability of your SB statuses. We follow and download
configuration view tenance databases. necessary pre-requisite information six
your fleet in regards of criteria impacting Maintain your entire fleet with
Your aircraft configuration will evolve weeks before your aircraft transfer, we one single maintenance database
Easier decision-making through For your aircraft transfer, AIRBUS simpli-
valuable information regarding safety and operational efficiency of your can ensure that your maintenance database
along its lifecycle. Improvements can fies maintenance database management Reduce administrative burden
important criteria aircraft.
be made, via Airbus Service Bulletins or by consolidating all your maintenance will be fully configured with the new MSN of multiple database management
Time-saving when checking aircraft
compliance and preparing aircraft Vendor Service Bulletins, for example. Aircraft transitions always require signifi- databases into one, with the Mainte- data, at the next possible maintenance
transfer cant configuration checks: ACM+ saves revision.
We are aware that it can be challenging to nance Transfer service.
More efficiency for your you time during those crucial moments.
engineering activities follow every modification and its impacts Merging several databases into a single Consolidating your maintenance Tech-
This solution will ease up every aircraft
on your Technical Data. dataset allows you to have a centralised nical Data allows you to minimise admi-
transfer process.
view of your fleet configuration and to op- nistration processes and to save time for
That is why AIRBUS designed a custo- We simplify your data
timise documentation management. your business.
mised service to allow you a comprehen- management during second-hand
sive view of your aircraft SB configuration. aircraft transfers

Contact Contact
050 Maintenance Maintenance 051

Expertise and other services

Technical Data Technical Data
Your benefits ELA Update Archiving Your benefits

Support through your Electrical We revise your Electrical Load Ana- ELA based upon all reported electrical Safe and secure access to your delivered either as full manual or extracts On-demand delivery, in less
Load management lysis (ELA) on your behalf, whenever than 48 hours
changes on your aircraft since delivery. archived data. of chapters or tasks.
Up to date information, ELA Update you want. Expertise, a reliable service
reflects your actual aircraft configu- With the ELA Update, AIRBUS will ana- Over the life of your aircraft, AIRBUS de- Archives will be delivered in electronic providing you with secure
ration Aircraft rely more and more on electrical- access to your archives
lyse all the impacts of your reported livers more than nine hundred revisions format whenever possible (PDF, SGML,
Safety, reducing risk of data ly driven components and circuits across Money and time saving, helping
obsolescence Service Bulletins and/or Supplementary of your maintenance manuals. With our XML, FOCT, etc.). The standard lead time you avoid archiving management
the most vital aircraft systems. Type Certificates and provide you with an archiving service, we simplify the mana- for delivery is forty eight hours.  and storage cost
Fully digital, with online access
to your ELA documentation At AIRBUS, we want to help you manage updated ELA delivered in a set of 3 digital gement of your Technical Data and lower
This service allows you to have a com-
the Electrical Load of your aircraft. That formats (PDF, RTF and CSV) within eight the cost of long-term storage.
plete overview of all your historic Tech-
is why we can provide you with a revised weeks. AIRBUS can provide secure access to all nical Data and can save your organisa-
of your previous revisions of your main- tion money, reducing your administrative
tenance manuals allowing you to have a burden.
comprehensive history of all your data,
Ensuring your aircraft A long-term digital
configuration and electrical storage solution
load are perfectly aligned

Contact Contact
052 Maintenance Maintenance 053

Expertise and other services Consulting services

Technical Data Maintenance & Engineering
Your benefits Maintenance Renaming

Save time with clear identification AIRBUS renames your Maintenance Technical Data with a new Documenta- Airbus Consulting Services delivers turnkey Airframe maintenance activities
and easy access for all future
revisions documentation. tion Identifier or can make changes to solutions to enhance airlines’ maintenance •M
 aintenance checks performance
Fleet Serial Numbers. & engineering organisation, processes
Customised for your own Technical Having a harmonised identification of • First base maintenance check assistance
Data and procedures. Through our expertise
your Maintenance Technical Data can This solution will help you save time by • Maintenance means definition & opti-
and experience in more than 150 projects
help you have a clear overview of your providing all future revisions with this misation
worldwide, we aim to optimise airframe
fleet organisation. customised data included, across all Operational Reliability and On-Time
maintenance and improve your operational
We customise your Technical In order to simplify your data access, AIR- maintenance manuals and in all available Performance
Data for a clear view of your fleet BUS supports you with the Maintenance digital formats. • Maintenance Control Centre
Our team of experts has developed a
organisation Renaming service. We customise your unique and large range of tailored advisory implementation assistance
services to address airlines’ maintenance & • Operational Reliability services
engineering challenges. • Reliability control & airline economics
Maintenance & engineering activities
Airworthiness Review
• Best Industry Practice
• Airworthiness Review (regulatory)
• Support to EASA Part 145 and Part M
regulatory assistance • Airworthiness Assessment (advisory)
• Engineering workshop services Maintenance advanced tools
• Capability extension assistance • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
• Aircraft lease return advisory assistance implementation assistance
• Maintenance program and planning • Support to Maintenance Information
optimisation System (MIS) optimisation.

Material Management
Assistance services to better control Turn- • Spares Management Process Review
around Time (TAT) and costs, increase • S  pares Inventory Review
availability and improve direct AOG man-
• Warehouse advisory assistance

054 Maintenance Maintenance 055


Airbus Consulting Services is uniquely

4 major
3 transversal
Airline Advanced
positioned to provide airlines and MROs & Engineering Tools
with efficient and tailored recommendations
to optimise their organisation, processes Material Airstart
and tools. Management
From organisation assessment to ca-
pability assistance, Airbus Consulting Flight
Services has developed a wide range Operations Fuel & Flight Efficiency
of advisory services. We offer dedicated
and innovative solutions aiming at cove-
Training Airbus Consulting offers to airlines
ring airlines and MROs’ main operations a wide range of tailored services

Your benefits
Airbus Consulting Services’ approach is As an aircraft manufacturer, we provide
to propose customised recommendations a unique combination of technical and
and cost effective solutions based on business excellence to support you in:
the following added value:

A dedicated and multicultural team Maximising fleet usage

of consultants coming from various
backgrounds Mitigating delays & cancellations
Customised services according Meeting safety standards
to customer’s context and objectives
Streamlining organisation & tools
Privileged manufacturer visibility on
worldwide fleet records and best Controlling fuel expenses
practices Reducing operating costs
Unique Airbus technical know-how
and best product knowledge
Robust and proven methodology

Assess Advice Implement Follow-up

Provide feedback to de-
Analyse your current Assist you to display Review and monitor
liver the most appropriate
status focusing on an efficient action the recommendations
recommendations &
future objectives plan & initiatives
056 Upgrade Upgrade 057

058 Upgrades Upgrade 059


Airbus Multifleet
Innovation for in-service fleets
Cabin Upgrade Services
Cabin & Related System Upgrades
With new solutions constantly being developed or Connectivity
future deliveries, Services by Airbus is uniquely posi-
tioned to retrofit new technologies to in-service fleets
securing fleet harmonisation, latest performance
standards and enhancing passenger experience.
System & Airframe Upgrade Services
System Upgrades
Weight Variants
With upgrades and Airbus Interiors Services to your Air Traffic Management System Upgrades
in-service fleet, you benefit from the latest innovations. Sharklet Retrofit A320 Family
From inside the cabin and cockpit, throughout the Extended Service Goal A320 Family
aircraft, its connectivity, its airframe and systems.
We offer global solutions which include engineering
design, installation instructions (Service Bulletins),
associated kits and documentation updates.
060 Upgrades Upgrades 061

Cabin Upgrade Services

Cabin & Related System Upgrades What we can retrofit Your benefits

The cabin is one of the most important Keeping up with new trends Cabin monuments General cabin Upgrading the cabin to the latest
elements in an aircraft. It is through the and requirements. passenger and operator requirements
• Cabin crew rest rooms • Linings & furnishings
cabin that the airlines create the ex- In the highly competitive commercial aviation Integrating latest technologies to
• Stowage • Floor covering enhance the cabin competitiveness
perience that they want to give to their world, customers will upgrade their cabins to
• Galleys • Passenger supply channel Harmonising the cabin across
passengers. Their expectations are evol- • Maximise revenues the fleet
• Lavatories • Curtain partitions
ving following the global trends in terms
• Differentiate the brand image • Ancillary equipment
Increasing the aircraft residual value
of comfort and services.
• Fulfil the passengers’ expectations Cabin systems • Placards and marking
In order to provide the best passengers’
experience, Airbus aircraft operators can • Be part of market trends • Medical outlets • Cabin emergency equipment
adapt their cabin to satisfy their expec- • Harmonise the fleet • Passenger oxygen
tations. Airbus Upgrade Services is best • Add value to the aircraft • Emergency lighting In-flight entertainment
placed to provide to those operators the
• Connectivity • High speed SATCOM
highest standard of integration services, Importantly the cabin is a key revenue
from light cabin refurbishment to full cabin generator for the airline and getting the • Cabin general illumination • Replacement of CRT overhead video
• Cabin Intercommunication with new light weight LCD
reconfiguration. interior layout and services correct is
vital to an airline's success. Airbus offers Data Systems (CIDS)
solutions which allow the operator to be
competitive in the market, whilst satisfying Seating and passenger layouts
the passengers. New innovations such • Passenger seats
as Space-Flex, Pivoting Bins, Smart-lav
• In-seat power systems
together with new max pax boundaries
• Cabin attendant seats
for the A320 offer significant opportunities
to maximise revenues.

Our Upgrade Services covers the needs

of all customers: passengers’ airlines,
leasing companies, freighter companies,
From concept to production: Corporate Jets, VIPs and Military deriva-
technical expertise, high-quality tives, for all Airbus aircraft types, from the
renderings to current production first A300 to the latest A350 XWB.
062 Upgrades Upgrades 063

Cabin Upgrade Services

Space Flex Benefits Connectivity

Optimise space to allow more seats
The Airbus platform is: Connect with Confidence:
Increased revenues from additional passengers
• Built for On-Board Mobile Telephony • High Bandwidth Connectivity
PRM Facilities On-Board
Services (OMTS), internet access, • Passenger experience like at home
on-board wireless streaming and (Bring Your Own Device)
crew applications
• Multi services: Internet, mobile telephony,
• Based on a modular concept with
Smart Lav Benefits functions adaptable to your needs
wireless streaming, aircraft flight opera-
tions applications
Optimise space to allow more seats • Designed to connect to various • Mix and match: Different technologies,
SATCOM technologies (i.e. L-Band, several suppliers, integrated with IFE
Increased revenues from additional passengers
Ka-Band, Ku-Band, Air to Ground) systems on all Airbus aircraft
More recline space via optimised wall profile
• Ready for applications dedicated to • Airbus technical publications documenta-
aircraft data management and flight tion updated accordingly
• Buyer Furnished Equipment (BFE) or
• Available on the entire Airbus product
3530Swift SFE Seat Benefits line, line fit and retrofit
Seller Furnished Equipment (SFE) options
• Extended Service Goal (ESG) eligible
Fast chipset delivery 4 months between purchase order to OEM ex-works • Ready to be fully connected with
Airbus cabin management • Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI)
Turnkey seating solution Customisation, Delivery, Conference Management,
certification by Airbus Continued
Support by Airbus Airworthiness for your aircraft
Success legacy 3530Swift is based on BL3520 design
• Value added solutions

Cabin LED Unit Benefits

Enhanced look homogenous & customisable lighting
Save weight 25 kg lighter
Longer Life Cycle + 190% compared to current version

Pivoting Bins Benefits

More bags on board + 60% compared to current version
Spacious feel enhancing passenger experience Connecting in the air
Modern look for greater cabin appeal like at home
064 Upgrades Upgrades 065

System & Airframe

Upgrade Services
Air Traffic Management
Your benefits System Upgrades Weight Variants (WV) System Upgrades
Optimise the aircraft operations As air traffic demand increases over the What we can retrofit Changing aircraft weight variants can allow Brand new systems enable efficient & safe
and performance
coming years, the aviation sector must Avionics upgrade customers to optimise Range & Payload flight operations in three main domains:
Benefit from Airbus support cater for the new systems needs required
and expertise in system Precise navigation capability according to their operations in order to • Communication: Data link &
to support the growth. We are able to offer (RNP, Landing Systems, FLS, GLS...) increase revenue opportunities: SATCOM needs with FANS A+/B+,
Reduce fuel bills, noise
and emissions latest technology standards in terms of Data Link communication (FANS A+, • For more range: increase Maximum Iridium or Inmarsat solutions
Reduce the operating costs avionics capability and performance. FANS B+) Takeoff Weight (MTOW) • Navigation: Optimised flight paths
Harmonise the fleet The drivers for such enhancements may be Flight Management Systems • For more payload: increase Maximum with RNP-AR
safety, or simply the need for more efficient LCD displays Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) and/or • Surveillance: Collision Avoidance
Increase the aircraft residual value
flight trajectories. Upgrades can enable Weather radar upgrade MTOW and automatic data broadcasting
Updated aircraft technical
documentation and configuration reduced costs, time, fuel use and impor- Electronic Flight Bag • To reduce the fees (take off, landing, with the ADS-B Out
Compliance with current & future tantly emissions, whilst maintaining the flight): decrease MTOW
airworthiness regulations highest air safety standards. Flight Operations • For more flexibility: change from single
Extended range operations WV to multiple operational WV (MTOW)
We can: Operating weight adjustments or dynamic WV
• Enhance aircraft performance Narrow runway operations • Due to Airworthiness Authorities regu-
• Customise aircraft performance Additional centre fuel tanks lations: change from multiple WV to
single WV
• Improve flight efficiency Aerodynamic improvements
A/C Maximum
• Align with new regulations weight
Environmental awareness Fuel Capacity
• Adopt latest materials and technology MTOW
Efficient flight planning
 ustomise configuration to suit regional TOW for D2
Lower fuel burn and emissions TOW for D1
Reduced emissions
Noise reduction
Change the aircraft role: Material changes in line with new stan- MZFW
Maximum structural payload
• VIP conversion dards Reduced
• Install or remove cargo loading systems payload
Enhanced safety OWE
• Harmonise fleet configuration
Fuel Tank Inerting System
• Enhance the aircraft market value
Enhanced communications
• Reduce noise and emissions Landing Systems
Meeting new regulations Sector
air distance
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6
small medium long
066 Upgrades Upgrades 067

System & Airframe

Upgrade Services
Your benefits Sharklet Retrofit

Fuel burn saving over 4% Sharklets are the most visible devel- Two possible solutions
on longest routes
opment of the A320 Family airframe in • Same Sharklets for line-fit
Production Retrofit
Payload range improvement – recent years. They are wing tip devices
Up to 100nm or 450Kg payload A319, A320 and A321 aircraft delivered and retrofit
which increase the effective wing span of • Embodied by any MRO
Typical CO2 emissions reduction post MSN5514 already carry the Sharklet
of up to 800t per year, per aircraft the aircraft and reduce lift-induced drag.
provisions. • Simple kit design including
Operational service limit extension They can be retrofited in just 65 man-hours Airbus SB
for aircraft between MSN1200 and They were introduced as an option on
MSN5514. +36,000 flight hours, (typically 1 day) by an MRO or operator. • Support and technical training
typically 10 years additional service line-fit aircraft in 2012 and 94% of A320
available from Airbus
Protected aircraft residual value family aircraft delivered today have them
• Compatible with Space Flex,
and improved remarket ability fitted from the final assembly line.
other upgrades and scheduled
Better take-off capability and maintenance
obstacle clearance at restricted
Having transformed the performance
and appearance of our new aircraft
Reduced direct engine maintenance
cost by up to 2% they are now available for retrofit on the
Latest A320 family design, in-service A320 Family fleet.
appearance and performance
Fleet commonality.
Same airport classification
and no mandatory pilot training

In-Service Retrofit
Older A319 and A320 aircraft post
MSN1200 also require an additional wing
reinforcement kit.
The kit is delivered preassembled and has
been optimised to minimise the downtime
required for embodiment by an MRO.
068 Upgrades Upgrades 069

System & Airframe

Upgrade Services
Extended Service Goal (ESG)
for A320 Family

Aircraft are delivered from the production line with a certified Flight
maintenance program designed to be utilised up to the aircraft Cycles
Design Service Goal (DSG). This is defined in terms of Flight Flight Cycles ESG cover SB
(FC) Concession review
Hours (FH) and Flight Cycles (FC). A thorough testing program is 60,000 FC ESG
60,000 FC RDAS review
carried out on a representative aircraft before this point to high- ESG Possible 10 years of additional operations
light what modifications are necessary in order to continue the 48,000 FC
48,000 FC Components
maintenance program after the DSG. Upgrade Services provide DSG
the appropriate Service Bulletin (SB) to allow operations until the Upgrade
Design Service Goal Structural
defined Extended Service Goal (ESG).
In order to reach extra 6 to 13 years of operations, this is done
in 2 steps:
1 Component upgrade, Repair Design Approval Sheet (RDAS) FlightFlight
Hours Hours
and Concessions review 60,000 FH 96,000 FH 120,000 FH
60,000 FH 96,000 FH 120,000 FH
2 Structural upgrade

Components Upgrade Structural

ESG cover SB / Concession review / RDAS review Upgrade
Flight Operations
072 Flight Operations Flight Operations 073


Airbus Multifleet
Navigating the digital flight path
Databases: Navigation+
Air traffic doubles every 15 years raising challenges to Airport+
safety, reliability and the sustainability of aviation itself. EFB: Charts+
To answer these challenges Airbus created NAVBLUE,
Avionics: ROPS+
the new generation of digital Flight Operations and Air
TrafficManagement solutions.

Offering user centric innovative products as well as N-Ops Control Centre
major improvements for navigation, it leads to savings Dispatch: N-Flight Planning
and enhancedoperations. N-Tracking
_ N-Performance
Crew: N-Crew Planning

Airline Flight Ops
Pre-Flight: ADOC
Post-Flight: AirFASE
Expertise: A-Consulting
A-Services `

Airspace & Airport
Airport: Elise
GNSS Monitoring
Airspace: Design

Consulting Services
Flight Operations
074 Flight Operations Flight Operations 075

Your benefits Navigation+ Airport+ Your benefits
Your Navigation system is just as good as the data it relies on.
Get reliable Navigation data! Get the most accurate and user-friendly airport data.

Data that fits your needs: Navigation+ offers an accurate and com- HOW DOES IT WORK? Airport+ provides world-wide operators INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE Pay only for what you need:
Our data applies to a wide range prehensive Navigation Data Base which and authorities with flexible solutions • Airport Mapping Database Customise your database based on
of customers, including airlines, Navigation+ data can be used by many airports/runways of interest for your
corporate and state aircraft, military includes all relevant aeronautical naviga- based on reliable airport data harnessing 
Comprehensive layout of an airport operations.
systems such as; on-board Flight Mana-
operators, national air navigation tion data with worldwide coverage. exclusive high-resolution satellite imagery.
service providers, avionics manufac- gement Systems, Flight Simulators, Air including runways, taxiways, parking Enhance data accuracy:
turers, airspace designers and other Traffic Management Systems, Mission HOW DOES IT WORK? slots and buildings. The database is based on National
aviation industry sectors. Aeronautical Information Publications,
planning systems and ground positioning Usable on-board with the Airport Moving • Runway Database complemented with data extracted
Accurate data, result from satellite imagery.
of 30+ years of experience: systems. Map function running either on Airbus Unique database focusing on the most
NAVBLUE was the first company in avionics systems or on any Electronic critical part of an airport including all Seamless integration within
the world to produce navigation data Airbus Avionics Systems
as a regular service, and draws on Flight Bag. runway features and exit information. (ANF/OANS):
one of the world’s largest and still Our solutions are developed with
growing aeronautical database. the Airbus Design Office to resolve
integration issues at the design
A fully customised delivery stage, which cannot be said
Complying with your requirements, for third-party providers.
including company route data and
customer procedures, in ARINC
424 or FMS format. Updated at
every AIRAC Cycle or based
on your specific needs.
In the vanguard of progress
In close cooperation with Airbus
design office, NAVBLUE endeavours
to develop the NDB product to meet
future innovative avionic functions.

Contact Contact
076 Flight Operations Flight Operations 077

Your benefits Chart+ Flysmart+ Your benefits
Don't get overwhelmed with information, get the relevant information Quick and easy pilot access to information with the NAVBLUE
for your operations. Electronic Flight Bag solution.

Intuitive and proven Charts+ is a ready-to-use set of aero- INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE NAVBLUE Electronic Flight Bag solution • Ops Library Browser Access digital operations:
charting standard: nautical charts (IFR terminal and enroute) • Terminal charts provides a full suite of ground and on- Allowing the onboard consultation of Help your airline to simplify its transition
Quick and easy access to information from paper-based to digital information
in the cockpit. based on information published by natio- 
Designed for IFR operation, they in- board software applications. flight operations documentation publi-
nal Aeronautical Information Services. clude Aerodrome, Taxi, Area, Radar, shed in the relevant format (e.g. airline’s
Charts tailored to your needs: HOW DOES IT WORK? manuals), including Airbus FCOM, MEL, Optimise aircraft
Charts+ is a tailored service de- HOW DOES IT WORK? SID or Departure, STAR or Arrival, Ins- performance computations:
signed to fit your operational requi- NAVBLUE provides its EFB solution for AFM, CDL, FCTM.
Charts+ products are available on multi- trument Approach, MSA or Terrain de- Additional payload and engine mainte-
rements. It provides relevant and portable (class 1, 2) and installed (class 3) • Electronic Flight Folder (eFF) optional nance costs reduction.
customised content in all operational ple Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) platforms piction, partially or fully tailored terminal
contexts, from departure to destina- EFB hardware platforms for different Ope- The eFF solution allows pilots to access
charts. Customise your
tion and alternate. as well as Paper chart format. rating Systems (iOS and Windows): their briefing package onboard the air- Electronic Flight Bag:
Information Manager to • Enroute charts craft. It provides enhanced capabilities to Electronic Flight Bag customisable
• Designed for being fully integrated
administrate as you need: 
Designed for IFR enroute navigation ensure flight follow-up and to interactively support: Full and modular Electronic
in the Airbus cockpit SOP Flight Bag support available through
SAAS-based administration tool for manage electronic forms (eForms) such
with the information being presented • Usable during all flight phases a wide range of tailored services.
Charts+ application. Enables adding as journey log and air safety reports.
your company documents in the kept to a minimum in relation with the (using a mounting device)
right context to your charting pro- function of the charts. Partially or fully • EFB administration and
duct. Ensures the right content and • Pilot attached or aircraft attached management ground tools
functionalities for getting what you tailored enroute charts, plotting charts,
need for your operational context. EFB operations  Includes Ops Library Browser Web,
ETOPS charts.
• Access to avionics parameters Performance Administration Application
• Text chapters (with Class 2 and 3). (PAA) and the Ground Administration
and Servicing tools (GAS) or Gateway
Additional regional and worldwide in-
for administrating FlySmart with Airbus
formation designed for briefing and EFB data and software updates.
planning purposes.
• CrossLogbook
The CrossLogbook is an enriched di-
gital version of the technical and cabin
paper logbooks. For further details,
please visit the CrossLogbook page on
Airbus website.


• Performance calculation
NAVBLUE and Airbus have demons-
LoadSheet, Takeoff, Landing, InFlight
applications for Airbus aircraft for opti- trated pioneering spirit once more by
mised performance, configuration and developing the eQRH that allows, for the
increased flight safety. first time, to choose and operate a fully
paperless cockpit!
eQRH naturally integrates into Flysmart+
Contact Contact and can also be purchased as a separate application.
078 Flight Operations Flight Operations 079

On-Board+ N-Ops Control Centre

Avionics Dispatch
Your benefits ROPS+ N-Flight Planning Your benefits
2017 Innovation Award Winning Aviation
An active safety net for runway overruns. Technology Achievement (ATW).

Real-time, performance-based ROPS+ is an avionics alerting system HOW DOES IT WORK? The N-Flight Planning software suite is a Reduce Cost of Operations:
calculation: designed to prevent runway overrun on ROPS+ monitors the aircraft’s perfor- multi-tiered and fully scalable web-based Multidimensional, cost-optimising
Continuous real-time calculation models produce the most cost-efficient
of stopping distance vs remaining landing. It is the only overrun prevention mance in real time during the landing flight plan optimisation solution that creates flight plans, savings in fuel, and time
runway length. system certified by all leading authorities. phase to precisely calculate the stopping the safest and most cost-effective routes for related expenses (crew, maintenance).

Clear and directive alert: distance vs. the remaining runway length. your operations. Optimise Flight Plans further:
Clear, unambiguous visual and All necessary information, including
aural alerts with simple procedures. real-time weather forecast, are fed
to the N-Flight Planning algorithm to
A Mature technology produce optimal and compliant plans.
proven on the field:
Cut IT Cost:
With more than 1 million landings
performed and 700 aircraft equipped The web-based or hosted environment
to date. allows faster implementation as well as
remote or on-site training. Get lower
Total Cost of Ownership and quicker
Return on Investment.

1 million landings
with ROPS+ 10 000 flight plans
produced every day by
N-Flight Planning

Contact Contact
080 Flight Operations Flight Operations 081

N-Ops Control Centre

Your benefits N-Tracking N-RAIM Your benefits
NAVBLUE provides a global solution, economical and highly accurate. Your RAIM Prediction Experts.

Follow and monitor To respond to ICAO recommendation for HOW DOES IT WORK? N-RAIM service allows operators to cal- HOW DOES IT WORK? Global Leaders
your aircraft fleet worldwide: Nov 2015 and Nov 2018, N-Tracking has culate the RAIM prediction for the Proce- for RAIM Prediction:
Widest coverage. Secure your remote N-Tracking is a web-based application N-RAIM services comprises 4 modules: NAVBLUE is the world’s leading
taken off. dure-Based Navigation operation.
and oceanic flights. Display planned with individual and administrator user • Prediction Web provider of RAIM prediction to air-
flight. Complete your flight information line operators, flight/trip planners,
in real-time. Perform a first post-flight views. In real-time, flights are tracked • Prediction Scheduled ANSPs and regional organisation
analysis. Use our multiple map views wherever they are in the world. It provides with over 80 direct customers from
and split screens. Highlight specific • Prediction On-Demand over 40 countries, including the
flights. frequent flight position updates and al- world’s largest airlines.
• Prediction Deployment
lows proactive management of dispatch
Secure your flights Using the latest data:
with our event alert system: operations. N-RAIM Prediction monitors
Detect and highlight any route devia- available constellation data from
tions. Customise your event alerts. the US Coast Guard to ensure that
Define your alert criticality level. the RAIM prediction calculations per-
formed by the customers are based
Improve your operational on the very latest data available.
Multi-channel deliveries:
Provide a realistic view of the airspace.
Help dispatchers to better manage Choose the method of receiving
airport congestions, delays and turn- RAIM predictions that best meets
around. Deliver airport information in- your operational requirements.
cluding NOTAMs, taxi-time and weather N-RAIM Predictions designed to
information. Display the traffic overview. be highly flexible and configurable
whilst remaining robust and highly
Enhance situational awareness available.
with worldwide weather
Access high resolution satellite ima-
gery. Offer lightning detection, EDR
turbulence forecasts and flight hazards
forecast data. Offer weather information
Ability to display Schneider Electric’s
RAMTAFs and third party custom
TAF forecasts.
Get the best coverage:
NAVBLUE has partnered with Flight
Radar24 (FR24) to receive ADS-B data.
FR24 has indeed the best coverage
with its 10 000 receivers.

Contact Contact
082 Flight Operations Flight Operations 083

N-Ops Control Centre N-Ops Control Centre

Dispatch Crew
Your benefits N-Performance N-Crew Planning Your benefits
Optimise payloads and ensure your operation complies with all regulatory Number 1 Crew Planning solution
requirements for engine-out procedures. in the United States!
Optimise your operation N-Performance provides aircraft perfor- for a given aircraft configuration, a ca- N-Crew Planning’s user-friendly interface • Preferential Bidding System Accelerate Crew
for every flight: mance calculations to optimise take-off bin configuration combination, a paper and powerful optimisation tools make it Seniority-based crew rostering system Planning process:
N-Performance allows you to optimise Run multiple concurrent staffing
each flight, given their own specificity and landing, maximise payload, de- trim sheet with the standard Airbus easy to plan crew member activities while that combines manpower productivity scenarios quickly for optimal results,
to ensure maximum payload may be crease fuel consumption, and minimise layout and its associated AHM 560 do- controlling costs. targets with crew member work pre- taking key fatigue risk mitigation
carried while maintaining required factors into account.
safety margins. wear and tear on the aircraft. cument. LTS also provides the means ferences. Preferential Bidding System
to compute the Trim Sheet in electronic maximises satisfaction of your crew. Enhance operational
Optimise take-off and landing INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE • Pairing Optimiser efficiency:
for your mixed fleet: format and the necessary information
 ODC (Take Off/Landing NAVBLUE N-Pairing Optimiser produces Achieve productivity targets while
Regardless of aircraft manufacturer, to the FlySmart (Loadsheet module), increasing crew member’s quality
N-Performance optimises take-off Data Calculation) crew pairings covering a scheduling
which should otherwise be bought for of life. Create detailed audit reports,
and landing performance according Optimise your operations compared to providing transparency for crew
period of a week, month, or even a full
to regulations and manufacturer each aircraft configuration. (Airbus air- members.
specifications. the exact maximum take-off and landing season. Pairing Optimiser converts your
craft only).
weights, calculated upon the real condi- flight schedule into individual, legal pai-
Deploy one single tool
tions of each specific flight (Mixed fleet). N
 ote: LTS is not available for Airbus
for all your staff: rings, optimising productivity and cost.
Freighters, for Airbus Corporate Jets,
One program with adaptable interfaces •P EP (Performance for A380 and A350.
that permits multiple airline functions Engineer's Programs)
(e.g. dispatch, pilot, engineers) to
perform performance calculations Targeted at Flight Ops Engineers, ma- • ODB (Airport Obstacle Database)
specific to their job function. nage performance aspects during 
Keeping safety at the forefront, pay-
flight preparation, but also monitor the load is maximised by providing the 40 000+ people
aircraft performance after the flight (Air- most accurate, up to date runway and benefiting each month from
bus aircraft only). obstacle data, including engine failure N-Crew Planning services
• LTS (Load & Trim Sheets) procedures. All Engine failure proce-
The LTS software is a ground software, dures are created to comply with both
which allows the customer to produce, regulatory and company requirements.

Contact Contact
084 Flight Operations Flight Operations 085

Airline Flight Ops Airline Flight Ops

Pre-flight Post-flight
Your benefits ADOC AirFASE Your benefits
Save up to 80% of your documentation Monitor Safety related events, raising your Safety standards!
management effort!
Save up to 80% of your time: ADOC is a complete solution to manage AirFASE is a Flight Data Analysis sof- reviewing events of interest in a “second Accurate detection
Using ADOC increases efficiency the airline Flight Operations documenta- tware, and a key element of the Safety by second” sequence, flagging devia- and reporting of deviations:
and reduces costs for your update AirFASE detects abnormal events
lead time. tion: authoring, customising, revising or Management System. It is an advanced tions and exceedances, examination of and trends in your operations (for
Enhance data accuracy: publishing. monitoring software tool for analysing the flare and its components, visual on all an aircraft, for an airport, for a crew…).
ADOC includes tools that improve flight operations and detecting deviations views synchronously… Compatible with Airbus
the operational process, resulting and trends. and non-Airbus aircraft.
in better data consistency • Airport Visualisation:
and quality. AirFASE provides the ability to display Raise your Airline
Suits the needs a set of flights in 2D and stack them Safety Standards:
• Flight Analysis and Reporting:
of any type of airline: over navigational charts for advanced An easy and quick view on statistics
ADOC is a flexible solution and
A powerful statistical tool that allows to facilitate the airlines decision
investigative purposes. making process.
naturally adapts to your growth, operators to identify areas of opera-
and handles fleet composed of • List and Trace:
mixed Airbus and Boeing aircraft. tional risks and precursors to unsafe
Flight Operations. Other possibilities AirFASE has a host of tools for locating
include establishing trends for conti- and examining flight measurements re-
nuous assessment and monitoring corded onboard the aircraft.
risks as well as tracking the appropriate
remedial actions.
• Flight Animation:
 AirFASE includes advanced flight vi-
sualisation tools in order to allow easier
understanding of events:

Options include and not limited to
viewing the flight path in its geographi-
cal context, replaying flights in real time,

Contact Contact
086 Flight Operations Flight Operations 087

Airline Flight Ops Airline Flight Ops

Post-flight Expertise
Your benefits Analytics A-Consulting Your benefits
The new cutting-edge suite of Flight Operations and Safety applications Assess the actual safety and efficiency exposure of your Operations.
which leverage your data and provide added-value.
Fuel savings at each descent ANALYTICS is the first tail-centric data HOW DOES IT WORK? The Navblue Flight Operations Assessment • Flight Operations Assessment: Access unique experts team:
on each aircraft analytics tool which will help you to opti- Program brings the new innovative way to This assessment program is proposed Experienced Flight Operations
A first-of-its-kind application, part of OP- Engineers, Flight Data Analysts,
Optimisation of descent mise performance and flight efficiency of lead Airline assessment. We deliver a set of for all Airline-type and fleet to deliver current licensed Pilots and training
trajectories without any TIMIZE module, will allow you to avoid
each and every aircraft of your fleet, while pragmatic recommendations & workshops a global Airline’s flight operations per- examiners.
system modification fuel overconsumption on descent and
improving safety. (actual performance-data driven) and a formance grading on the 5 main areas Benchmark your Operations:
approach flight phases. This “IDLE Factor
Optimiser”, integrated within the new Air- benchmarking with worldwide Airlines (flight preparation, training, Airlines Pragmatic recommendations &
workshops (actual performance- raw
bus Skywise Open Data Platform auto- (best practices driven). standards, safety & quality and flight data driven) and independent view
production); the actual Airlines’ expo- on your Operations (Adherence
matically adjusts the aircraft’s flight plan INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE to best practices).
computation of the Flight Management sures and weaknesses are identified for
• Airline Project Review: Score all Flight
Up to 70 kg per descent System (FMS) according to the aircraft’s enhanced safety and efficiency mana-
 This Consulting supports the overall Operations activities:
per aircraft for a single-aisle aircraft actual performance in real-time. This ap- gement of your Operations; this offers
Airline project (Business model, route/ Compliance is only a minimum
Up to 150 kg for a long range aircraft plication will help airlines to realise signifi- a set of pragmatic recommendations & standard. Go beyond that and
airport network, organisation, Human strengthen your Operations thanks
Up to 210 kg for an A380 cant fuel savings. workshops (actual performance-data
Resources, Facilities). All activities de- to a unique philosophy of assessment
driven) and a benchmarking with wor- based on results & performance and
dicated to Flight Operations will be as- not only on documents & processes
ldwide Airlines (best practices driven). review.
sessed in terms of Means / resources /
• Safety Management System:
skills identification, “Make or buy” strategy.
Navblue can assist the implementation
The objective is to accelerate the EIS
of SMS standards and/or support your
preparation and to optimise initial set-up:
organisation to enhance your existing
• Ensure project efficiency
SMS. This consulting can focus on any
and minimise risks
specific SMS elements (safety risk ma-
• Share industry best practices nagement, safety assurance, …).
& benchmark
• Fuel and Flight Efficiency:
• Get a factual picture of the situation
The Fuel and Flight Efficiency consul-
• Identify business improvement ting helps you implementing a fuel and
opportunities and risks mitigation. flight efficiency strategy within the air-
line by optimising activities related to
flight preparation and flight operations.
3 steps: Raw data analysis / Custo-
mised initiatives / Implementation plan.

Contact Contact
088 Flight Operations Flight Operations 089

Airline Flight Ops

Your benefits A-Services A-Training Your benefits
Access services for complex items or recurring tasks. Access our tailored training solutions to leverage skills in your organisation.

Access a unique team of experts: You can out-source to Navblue a part of, INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE Our ops engineering trainings answer your INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE Access a unique team
Address your complex items quickly or all of your ops engineering activities • Documentation management needs to administrate Navblue products of instructors:
and efficiently. • FlySmart+, AirFASE,
related to EFB, Documentation, Perfor- and documentation for simulator FODM, ADOC… Direct exchange with experts
and to develop skills on Performance in your domain of activities.
Secure the value mance, W&B engineering. For safety ma- • EFB Management • Performance and W&B
and W&B calculations. We also propose
of digital solutions: • Ops Approval • Safety Management Satisfy your resources
nagement activities, we can process & comprehensive training solutions for your
Streamline the set-up and optimise • Performance and W&B • Fleet Technical Pilot. development needs:
the workflow. analyse flight data on your behalf through Safety training needs on Safety Manage-
Engineering Tailored training is delivered in Airbus
Optimise recurring tasks: our Remote FDA service. • Safety Management ment System (SMS), Flight Data Analysis training Centre or in your premises
upon minimum number of trainees.
Save Time and Cost and reach level Flight Data Analysis (FDA). (FDA) and Threats & Error Management.
of expertise you need for your Optimise skills:
Operations. Go beyond the ab-initio courses.

Contact Contact
090 Flight Operations Flight Operations 091

Airspace & Airport by NAVBLUE

Your benefits Elise by NAVBLUE GNSS Monitoring by NAVBLUE Your benefits
20 years of research: the result of your exact airport modelling. Real-time monitoring, alerting and performance/integrity prediction.

Optimise Runway Occupancy ELISE is innovative and advanced HOW DOES IT WORK? HOW DOES IT WORK? Ensure compliance with ICAO
Time (ROT): ILS (Instrument Landing System) simu- Annex 10 requirements:
Reducing ILS protected areas (by exact ELISE models the airport environ- NAVBLUE has developed the GNSS Mo- GNSS Monitoring system's main GNSS Monitoring allows
calculation) allows for shorter ROTs. lation software for the modelling of ILS airports supporting GNSS
ment as follows: nitoring system to provide recor- functions are to:
Provides the optimisation of the location signals received by an aircraft during operations to meet ICAO Annex
of CAT II/III holding points and therefore • Objects (aircraft, buildings, cranes, ding and analysis of GNSS performance, 10 guidance requiring monitoring
approach, with accurate and reliable • Monitor and record GNSS signal and recording of GNSS data.
reduces ROT whilst maintaining existing etc.) are modelled in 3D with high near real-time monitoring & alerting and
safety levels. prediction of disturbances caused by availability.
resolution performance/integrity prediction. Enables quick reaction
Increase Runway throughput obstacles on the ground such as aircraft, • Detect unexpected system outrage. in case of signal drop:
in Low Visibility Conditions: • Resolution of ILS signal propagation
cranes or buildings. • Allow for the prediction of the availabi- GNSS Monitoring can give
ELISE exact simulation model equations uses exact methods like alerts if the GNSS signal quality is
enables to greatly reduce spacing of
lity of Receiver Autonomous Integrity degraded, which can arise from
Method of Moments
aircraft in arrival sequence depending Monitoring (RAIM) at user-defined natural events such as ionospheric
on their type. • Airport ground levels are taken interference but also local signal
specific points and areas, typically jamming.
Open new possibilities for into account. airports and FIR regions.
airport development and Get legal recording
buildings: The real operational orientation of taxiing of GNSS signals:
ELISE allows building aircraft are considered. Record signal data for all constel-
constructions in areas previously lations GPS, Galileo, GLONASS,
designated as unavailable due Compass and SBAS to support
to potential interference. accident and incident investigation.

Contact Contact
092 Flight Operations Flight Operations 093

Airspace & Airport by NAVBLUE

Your benefits Design by NAVBLUE ASSESS by NAVBLUE Your benefits
The world-wide experts in Performance Based Navigation. The world-wide experts in Performance Based Navigation.

Reduce fuel consumption: DESIGN applies Performance- HOW DOES IT WORK? ASSESS applies Performance- HOW DOES IT WORK? Reduce fuel consumption:
Improve operational efficiency by Based Navigation principles to redesign Based Navigation principles to redesign Improve operational efficiency
providing more direct routes, shorter DESIGN allows you to: develop ASSESS assesses the efficiency by providing more direct routes,
approaches, optimised vertical profiles your approach and departure procedures your approach and departure proce- shorter approaches, optimised
optimised concepts of operation (CO- of your Airspace, identifies quick wins and
(Continuous Descent Operations) and as well as your airspace, so that you get dures as well as your airspace, so that vertical profiles (Continuous Descent
improved payload. NOPS) and validate them through Fast recommendations for your Airspace deve- Operations) and improved payload.
the most out of it. you get the most out of it.
Increase capacity: Time Simulation; design and validate PBN lopment roadmap, by using unique team Increase capacity:
Increase airport capacity by de-conflicting approach/departure procedures; support of air traffic controllers and airside experts. Increase airport capacity by
departures and arrivals, and optimising Authorities and ANSPs in implementing de-conflicting departures and arri-
airspace usage while reducing ATC vals, and optimising airspace usage
workload. the procedures (regulatory support, ATC while reducing ATC workload.

Reduce environmental footprint: training, etc.), and airlines to obtain their Reduce environmental
Reduce noise in sensitive areas and operational approvals (crew training, RNP footprint:
aircraft CO emissions by providing operational approval support, etc.). Reduce noise in sensitive areas and
shorter routes. aircraft CO emissions by providing
shorter routes.
Enhance safety:
Provide fully repeatable and Enhance safety:
manageable procedures defined down Provide fully repeatable and mana-
to runway threshold, reduce probability geable procedures defined down to
of unstabilised approaches and missed runway threshold, reduce probability
approaches. of unstabilised approaches and
missed approaches.
Improve airport accessibility:
Lower approach minima in
terrain-challenging environments
and reduce the number of weather
related diversions and cancellations.

21 000+ Save +21 000 NM

Track miles saved Track miles

Contact Contact
094 Flight Operations Flight Operations 095

4 3
Consulting services
Consulting major transversal Flight Operations
areas domains
Airbus Consulting Services is uniquely po- Maintenance Airline Advanced Airbus Consulting Services delivers turn- Best Industry Practice (BIP) Quality and safety
sitioned to provide airlines and MROs with & Engineering Tools key solutions to enhance airlines’ flight • Enhancement of your flight operations • Assistance in the implementation of
efficient and tailored recommendations operations organisation, processes and organisation Safety and Quality Management Sys-
to optimise their organisation, processes Material procedures. Through our expertise and tem
Airstart • Fleet use optimisation
and tools. Management experience in more than 100 projects Operations advanced tool
Management of fleet evolution
From organisation assessment to capabi- worldwide, we aim to ensure efficient and
• Fleet Entry Into Service assistance • Flight operations tool review
lity assistance, Airbus Consulting Services Flight safe operations of our customers’ fleet.
Operations Fuel & Flight Efficiency • Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) readiness
has developed a wide range of advisory • Fleet growth assistance
services. We offer dedicated and innova- Our team of experts has developed a Operational Control Centre (OCC)
Fuel and flight efficiency
tive solutions aiming at covering airlines Training Airbus Consulting offers to airlines unique and large range of tailored advi- enhancement
a wide range of tailored services • Fuel and flight efficiency
and MROs’ main operations domains. sory services to address airlines’ flight
• Coaching for implementation of
operations challenges: processes • Aircraft Performance Monitoring (APM)
• Cost Index (CI) strategy
Local and international compliance
• Compliance with aviation standards
Your benefits (ICAO, FAA, EASA, …)
• Third party audit preparation

Airbus Consulting Services’ approach is As an aircraft manufacturer, we provide

to propose customised recommendations a unique combination of technical and
and cost effective solutions based on business excellence to support you in:
the following added value:

A dedicated and multicultural team Maximising fleet usage

of consultants coming from various
backgrounds Mitigating delays & cancellations

Customised services according to Meeting safety standards

customer’s context and objectives Streamlining organisation & tools
Privileged manufacturer visibility Controlling fuel expenses
on worldwide fleet records and
best practices Reducing operating costs
Unique Airbus technical know-how
and best product knowledge
Robust and proven methodology

Assess Advice Implement Follow-up

Provide feedback to de-
Analyse your current Assist you to display Review and monitor
liver the most appropriate
status focusing on an efficient action the recommendations
recommendations &
future objectives plan & initiatives
098 Training Training 099


Airbus Multifleet
Reaching new horizons together
Airbus Training Network
Our commitment is to support worldwide fleet growth
with customised training services, offering uncom-

promised quality on your doorstep. Flight Training
No one is better placed than Services by Airbus to Flight Training courses
ACE Suite
assist in establishing the crewing and maintenance
competences required for efficient operations.

A comprehensive and tailored training portfolio is Flight Operations Training
Flight Operations Training courses
designed and developed by Airbus for pilots, cabin
crews, performance and operations engineers, main-

tenance personnel, structure and repair specialists. Cabin Crew Training
Innovative courseware, highly-qualified instructors and Cabin Crew Training courses
the most advanced training technologies available on Cabin Training Suite
the market are the pillars of the Airbus Training offer.

The different training courses can be performed in Maintenance Training
one of the facilities in our Training Centre network Maintenance and Structure Training courses
which are located across the globe (see page 86). Maintenance Training Suite (ACT Suite)

They can also be delivered at your desk with our

e-Training solutions or at your doorstep via our mo- e-Training by Airbus
bile solutions.
Consulting services
Training consulting
100 Training Training 101

Airbus Training Network

Flight Training
Flight Training courses

Airbus offers a full coverage of Flight Crew training through competency-driven courses for pilots of different experiences and qualifi-
7 3 15 cations. Hands-on training is introduced by a functional mix of training devices up to the latest standard of Full Flight Simulators (FFS).
6 5
These include: • Technical Flight Familiarisation training • Recurrent training and refresher
4 14 • Intermediate training courses for ATPL for non revenue technical flights courses
qualified cadets requiring experience • Airbus Command Course: Our highly • UPRT: e-Training courses for systems
on Jet aircraft or Multi-Crew cockpit interactive, high quality Command and variant differences familiarisation
training course, integrates a special focus briefing but also N-Flysmart and
• Airbus Type Rating course (standard on non technical skills such as deci- eQRH.
Transition training) sion-making, and comprises four
complementary modules.
• Reduced Type Rating (Cross Crew
Qualification) and difference training • Airbus Crew Resource Management
(Common Type Rating) courses, including Human Factors
taking credit from previous Airbus
experience to reduce Type Rating
Reaching new horizons together training duration
• Initial Operating Experience (IOE) - Three engine
ferry flight
Line Flying Under Supervision (LIFUS),
immersing one of our experienced Technical Flight Command course
instructors into your flight crew Familiarisation

• Airbus Pilot Instructor Courses (APIC)

01. ATC* Europe - Toulouse (France) 06. Dubai (UAE) 11. Campinas (Sao Paolo) dedicated to future or experienced Fleet Technical
Flight Training Approvals: CAAC Flight Training Approvals: Flight Training Approval: Brazilian pilot instructors Pilot course In-Service
(A380 and A300-600 only), EASA, EASA / UAE GCAA Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC)
FAA (A350 only), RFCAA Providing flexible services and refresher
Maintenance Training Approvals: CAAC 07. Miami (U.S.A.) 12. Buenos Aires (ARG)
THROUGHOUT the career path training courses
CASA / EASA / UAE GCAA / RFCAA Flight Training Approvals: Brazilian Maintenance Training Approval
of your pilots
Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC)
02. A
 TC* Europe - Hamburg (Germany) EASA / FAA / Mexican Civil Aviation 13. Tunis (TAR) IOE
Maintenance Training Approvals: EASA Authority (DGAC) Maintenance Training Approval (LIFUS)
UAE GCAA / RFCAA Maintenance Training Approvals:
14. Bangkok (THA)
EASA / Mexican Civil Aviation Base Flight
03. Beijing (China) Maintenance Training Approval Instructor Examiner
Authority (DGAC) Training
Flight Training Approvals: CAAC / EASA courses courses ZFTT
15. Seoul (ATK Korea)
Maintenance Training Approvals: 08. Mexico
Flight Training Approval
CAAC / EASA Flight Training Approvals: FAA / Cross Crew Qualification
Mexican Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) 16. Hong Kong (HAECO) (Reduced Type Rating)
04. Bangalore (India)
Maintenance Training Approval ELT MCC + Jet
Maintenance Training Approvals: 09. Singapore (AATC, SIAEC)
(EASA) Familiarisation Difference Low Visibility Operations (LVO)
EASA / Director General of Civil (AATC) Flight Training Approvals: Training (CTR)
Aviation (DGCA) EASA / CAAS (SIAEC) 17. Denver (U.S.A) ELT Jet and/or Head-Up Display (HUD)
Maintenance Training Approval: EASA Flight Training Approval Familiarisation Familiarisation
05. New Delhi (India) training (STR) ETOPS
Flight Training Approvals: EASA 10. Jakarta (Indonesia)
Flight Training Approval: EASA (GMF) Type Rating Familiarisation courses: ROPS, TCAS, FMS, FANS,
Maintenance Training Approvals: EASA Sharklets, FLS, FlySmart

*Airbus Training Centre. Further approvals can be provided upon request

102 Training Training 103

Flight Training
Your benefits A350 Flight Training ACE Suite Your benefits

Optimised training program Innovation with A350 XWB Flight Trai- day 8. Trainees have more opportunities Airbus flight training concepts, tools and Flexible
with focus on essentials ning. New aircraft. New flight training to practice throughout the course, and expertise can be deployed at customer’s Airbus training concepts transposed
Type Rating course performed concept. New generation of learning follow scenario-based flights towards the site. in your environment
in 23 days instead of 25 tools.
end of the course. Via the ACE Suite service, we propose a Service duration from 5 to 10 years,
Efficient learning process For A350 XWB, Airbus has introduced a adapted to your needs
global training solution to address your
Hands-on active learning new Type-rating course, with a significant
from day one. ACE Trainer, a new generation of learn- internal A350 training needs. Enhanced training performance
change in the footprint compared to a
Better knowledge retention ing tools Effective training programme,
Increased pilots’ motivation traditional type conversion course. efficient learning process
and proficiency
Airbus Cockpit Experience (ACE) trainer is
For the ground phase, trainees first encoun-
introducing simulation at a very early stage
Optimised use of higher ter with the A350 XWB will be in a 3D virtual Highest training quality
level devices and interactive cockpit: Airbus Cockpit
in the training course.
ACE Suite The A350 XWB ACE Suite gives
OEM-backed training standards
APT+: Systems and procedures • A350 familiarisation through a mobile access to Airbus essential training
Experience (ACE) Trainer, the essential Sharing of approved training
knowledge acquisition during virtual cockpit ACE Suite media package media, educational content and
ground phase with ACE Trainer. brick of the new competency-based training programmes and course contents
• Knowledge acquisition on systems, ACE Trainer, including: documentation required for A350
FFS: Freed space for use in manual philosophy.
flying and operational scenarios normal/abnormal procedures and • ACE Launcher with local LMS XWB Flight Crew Licensing (FCL) Costs savings
Then fixed-base (but high fidelity) APT+ Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
• Aircraft simulation with associated and beyond. Reduced travel and work disruption
Continuous skills reinforcement and full-motion simulation put the trainee in a simulated crew environment
Trainees can act freely and use the lessons Limited up-front investment
in an enhanced realistic environment. • Free play simulation for system
tool as much as necessary to further • Walk-around visualisation tool The ACE Suite offers long term sup-
develop skills at their pace Manual handling in the Full Flight Simu- practice and skills reinforcement
• Software interface for N-FlySmart port to ensure airlines’ safe and op-
lator (FFS) is introduced from the early • Self-paced learning to proficiency
Educational content: timised operations, while reducing
stage of the course with a first session on
• Airbus Syllabus: Flight Crew Training significantly the total cost of training.
Optimised integration of theory Program for trainees and instructors:
- Flight Crew Trainee Data (FCTD),
and practice for ground training
- Flight Crew Instructor Data (FCID)
thanks to the ACE Trainer:
• Systems Knowledge Modules (SKM)
• Training Tutorial
Systems Guided exercises Support
Knowledge ACE Trainer and "Learning • Installation guide and remote assis-
tance for deployment
Modules (SKM) by discovery" • Training media package updates
Theoretical knowledge Practice
• Online support 24*7
• Instructors or quality technical advice
System knowledge acquisition Guided hands-on lessons
with focus on "need-to-understand" Assisted Procedure Lessons for
Ground Standard Operating
Procedures and installation
of ECAM management
Free-play for session preparation/
ACE Trainer and ACE Suite will also be available
for A330 and A320 by 2019.
104 Training Training 105

Flight Operations Training Cabin Crew Training

Flight Operations Training courses Cabin Crew Training courses

Safety, Performance and Weight & Balance To ensure a successful aircraft Entry • Type Specific Cabin Training course • Train the Trainer course (Airbus
courses have been designed to cover all Into Service (EIS) and the safe operations aims to provide airline personnel (cabin Cabin Crew Instructor Course) aims
flight operations related activities: of all Airbus aircraft, Airbus also provides crew, instructors and cabin engineers) to train existing and future airline ins-
• Safety courses cabin crew training courses. with information and operational ins- tructors in the development and delivery
Enhanced knowledge of Airbus aircraft tructions on Airbus aircraft and cabin of cabin crew training within their own
• Courses for Flight Operations
engineers and cabin systems leads to cabin crews’ systems and to reinforce competences airline. The course is also aimed at im-
optimum service on-board and passen- for a successful Entry Into Service. This proving the competences in teaching,
• Courses for Flight Operations
gers’ full satisfaction. course also enables airline’s cabin crew facilitation, feedback and presentation
line personnel
Airbus Cabin Training offers an outstanding instructors to develop their own training skills.
"Learning by doing" approach which en- programmes and update their operating • A320 Corporate Jet Cabin Training
Flight Safety officers and engineers, Flight
ables trainees to optimise their learning time manuals. course aims to provide airline personnel
Operations engineers, dispatchers, load
and adapt teaching rhythm to their needs. • Cabin Crew Enhanced FAP Training (cabin crew, instructors and engineers)
controllers and planners are trained to
Trainees benefit from Airbus multi-qualified (CIDS) module is designed to provide with information and operational ins-
acquire advanced knowledge of aircraft
and experienced cabin crew instructors trainees already familiar with the A320 tructions on A320 Airbus Corporate Jet
documentation, systems and computa-
to acquire advanced knowledge and best or A330/A340 Family classic Flight At- aircraft.
tion programmes.
practices. tendant Panel (FAP) with the knowledge
In terms of training media, Airbus has and operation of the enhanced FAP.
designed software based on the latest
• Initial Operating Experience (IOE)
aircraft cabin development, e.g. Virtual Cabin,
provides airlines with line training during
Virtual Handset trainer and Flight Attendant
the Entry Into Service of the aircraft with
Panel (FAP) trainer, providing trainees with a
an Airbus instructor. This service provi-
virtual reality of the entire cabin interior and
des assistance to operating cabin crew
functionalities. With this media, trainees can
with their knowledge of the new aircraft
fine-tune their knowledge of cabin systems
cabin systems and safety equipment.
and emergency procedures.
106 Training Training 107

Cabin Crew Training Maintenance Training

Your benefits Cabin Training Suite Maintenance and Structure Training courses

Enhanced training Airbus has developed a Cabin Training and Virtual Handset trainer (for A350 and Airbus offers a broad range of certifying and specialised courses covering all maintenance and structure related activities.
performance Suite, an integrated services package A380 only). These courses can also be tailored to fit recurrent training needs or to cope with specific issues faced during operations.
Training by Airbus concept deployed at customers' bases allowing This all-in-one solution offers long term
transposed into environment Certifying courses approved by multi- Specialised and recurrent training Initial Operating Experience (IOE):
airlines to cover their internal Cabin crew support to ensure airlines’ safe and opti-
The CKM courseware teaches ple national airworthiness authorities: courses for Line and Base mainte- to support customers at aircraft Entry
trainees the “need to know” initial and recurrent training needs. mised operations, whilst significantly re-
(they stick to the essential) • T1: Mechanical nance engineers covering specific Into Service and throughout the operatio-
The Cabin Training Suite is composed of: ducing the total cost of training.
domains such as: nal life of their Airbus aircraft
“Learning by doing” approach Cabin Knowledge Modules (CKM), Virtual The Cabin Training Suite is proposed for a • T2: Avionics
which enables trainees to optimise • General Familiarisation courses Airbus Maintenance Instructor Course
their learning time and adapt
Cabin, Flight Attendant Panel (FAP) trainer minimum of three years and is renewable. • T1+T2: Mechanical + Avionics
(AMIC): to prepare future or experienced
teaching rhythm to their needs • E WIS
• P1: Practical on device maintenance trainers
• Engine run-up
Enhanced training quality • P2: Practical on Aircraft
• Taxiing courses Structure courses portfolio encompas-
Interactivity of the training media: • CMQ Intra family: Engine difference
boost motivation for trainees,
learning by exploring Cabin Training Suite • CMQ Inter Airbus family
• Troubleshooting sing metallic and composite structure
• Aircraft servicing courses ranging from:
Flexibility Training media Deployment
• Ground handling • Damage assessment
Proximity of an in-house-concept • Cabin Knowledge Modules (CKM) - • User and installation guides
• Cargo loading • Repair design
courseware and software • FAP trainer configuration tool
Flexibility for practice: no work
disruption, no need for aircraft • FAP trainer (Flight Attendant Panel • CAT II/III • Execution of the repair solution for
• Learning Management System
access, no risk/cost of damages trainer) - software structure specialists
Administration course + installation • E TOPS
on aircraft
• Virtual Cabin - software • Corrosion control
• Cabin interior
Savings • Virtual Handset trainer (A380/A350 Support and Expertise
• M35 (B1/B2) for US customers • Fatigue and damage courses
No travel and living expenses XWB only) - software • Technical support
• Management training (Gen Fam)
for trainees • Software updates See page 96, for our e-Training
Avoid long or costly courseware • Courseware revisions courses.
development and update • Generic Cabin Crew Operating Manual
• Getting to grips
108 Training Training 109

Maintenance Training
Your benefits Maintenance and Structure Training courses Maintenance Training Suite (ACT Suite) Your benefits

Faster fault identification

88% and ease in routine tasks
ACT for Maintenance, a proven efficiency ACT Suite is a long term on-site solution The package can be customised to co- Training performance
The Airbus Competence Training (ACT) ACT can be made available at your facilities proposed to maintenance and enginee- ver others services, such as: instructors Airbus concept transposed
ring training organisations to address sourcing and standardisation, support in customer environment
concept has been efficiently deployed by either via short term lease of our ACT mobile
Decrease in maintenance Airbus over recent years. This concept, a classroom or through a long term solution their internal training needs with Airbus and updates of courseware and sof-
Training quality
73% errors and components'
learning-by-doing approach, focuses on (5 years): ACT Suite. training standard. tware, etc.
OEM backed training standard
operationally-oriented training and is ap- The ACT Suite solution has been built With ACT Suite at their facility, customers will
Approved and up-to-date courses,
proved by the airworthiness authorities. Based on ACT, the Airbus Maintenance around the Airbus Competence Training, ensure their training quality and at the same meeting regulatory requirements
By combining the ACT Trainer and the Mobile classroom aims at making Air- the Airbus active learning concept ap- time, benefit from significant savings on
88% Optimisation in technical
documentation usage Virtual Aircraft, you can reduce your bus-standard courses, instructors and proved by the Airworthiness Authorities. courses development, travel and living cost.
Optimised maintenance operations
Human factors oriented
practical training time on a real aircraft technology even more widely available
by 50%, contributing to its decreased around the world. Flexibility

87% Decrease of inappropriate

downtime and associated costs. Proximity of an in-house-concept

ACE Suite “ACT Suite” is proposed as a 5 years Flexibility for practice: no work
disruption, no need for aircraft
renewable ser vice package for
access, no risk/cost of damages
Virtual Virtual Media package maintenance / engineering training on aircraft
Improved accuracy in
100% problem solving and Cockpit Aircarft • ACT trainer incl. the Virtual Cockpit organisations to address their internal
troubleshooting tasks personnel initial and recurrent training. Savings
• Virtual components location
Active learning • Airbus LMS Software Reduced travel costs for customer
maintenance trainees
Increased safety
+ supported with the ACT • Aircraft knowledge modules The targeted customers are:
93% awareness Trainer and Virtual Aircraft • Maintenance Instruction • Airlines and/or their affiliated
Limited courses development effort

MRO training organisations Fleet operational reliability benefit

and Learning Guide
Learning with less impact
• Learning documentation • Independent MROs training on the aircraft
+ Same quality as FFS +S
 cenario based
architecture centres, Training academies
+D ifferent scenarios
to optimise training +P
 C based Media deployment
Airbus architecture • Installation
+ LMS administration course
technical data
 urvey run with 26 customers / Instructor proficiency
300 engineers + AMM, IPC, TSM, MMEL,
SRM used as a support • AMIC ACT tool familiarisation

A/C to theoretical and Support

documentation practical parts
• ACT Trainer and Training
media updates
• Update of educational content
• Online support 24/7
• Technical Advice: Instructor
or Quality (remote advisory service)
110 Training Training 111

Your benefits e-Training by Airbus

Highest standards Online access to Airbus expertise Thanks to the implementation of a new
Flight e-Training Flight Operations Maintenance
OEM-backed data and efficient Learning Management Sys-
Courses developed with experienced The e-Training by Airbus offer introduces tem (LMS), the learners and their training courses e-Training courses e-Training courses
Airbus instructors and in-fleet data a comprehensive courses portfolio cove- managers can benefit from advanced Familiarisation courses/briefings • A320 • EWIS (group 1 to 8)
ring almost all training domains: Mainte- features, including the possibility to edit for flight crew
Training efficiency • A330/A340 • FTIS (Fuel Tank Inerting System)
nance, Flight, Flight Operations and Ca- Airbus declaration of attendance auto- Aircraft Systems Briefing
Cost-effective training solutions
• ROPS Familiarisation course – all aircraft • A350 • A320 General Familiarisation
bin crew training. matically via the platform, and extensive
Self-paced study for better retention • FMS2 Familiarisation course – all aircraft • A380 all engines
training records for effective learning and
Extensive use of videos to support • FANS A+ Familiarisation course – all aircraft • XML Authoring e-Training course • A380/A350 New Technology
We propose a flexible offer that ranges progress monitoring.
self-study Now integrated into “Administration • Optical Fiber Inter System – all aircraft
from e-Training courses (pay-per-course) • FANS B+ Familiarisation course – all aircraft
of Flight Ops Manuals for Flight Ops • Human factors – all aircraft
Flexibility to e-Training libraries: 12-months service The access to e-Training naturally allows • FLS Familiarisation course – all aircraft
Engineer” course
Access from any location, subscription providing access to Airbus your personnel to learn and refresh at any • Sharklets Familiarisation briefing • A380 Supplemental Cooling Systems
at any time, on any device educational content such as courseware, time, from any location, on any device. You (SCS)
• AP/FD TCAS course – all aircraft
instructor-led videos, practical guided can take advantage of Airbus’ exclusive
• A320 HUD L4/5 Familiarisation e-Training libraries • A350-900 to A350-1000 maintenance
exercises for troubleshooting prepara- position of having fleet-wide data to use the difference course
briefing - e-Training
tion, and operational data, for a special latest available standards on the market. • A320 Maintenance Recurrent
• A320 Family Same Type Rating e-Training library
focus on recurrent training.
Familiarisation Briefing
• A300-600 e-Systems Knowledge
• A350-900 to A350-1000 Library for flight crew
Familiarisation briefing
• A310-300 e-Systems Knowledge
Library for flight crew
UPRT Recurrent e-Training • A320 Maintenance Recurrent
for flight crew e-Training library
• A380 e-Systems Knowledge
N-Flysmart for flight crew Library for flight crew
• A320 • A350 Cabin Knowledge Modules
N-Flysmart for Flight Crew
(CKM) for cabin crew
• A330 - iPad course
- Windows course
• A340
• A320/A330/A340 N-Flysmart
for Flight Crew – new Windows
L6 graphic interface course

eQRH e-Training for flight crew

• Dangerous goods
112 Training Training 113

4 3
Consulting services
Consulting Training consulting
major transversal
areas domains
Airbus Consulting Services is uniquely po- Maintenance Airline Advanced Airbus Consulting Services delivers turn- Our team of experts has developed a
sitioned to provide airlines and MROs with & Engineering Tools key solutions through a recognised ex- unique range of tailored advisory services
efficient and tailored recommendations pertise in training facilities and organisa- to address airlines’ training challenges:
to optimise their organisation, processes Material Airstart tion. Thanks to our experience, we aim • Assessment of training organisation
and tools. Management to reduce and optimise training costs as
• Support to training equipment selection,
From organisation assessment to ca- well as help increase airlines’ competi- acceptance, & qualification
pability assistance, Airbus Consulting Flight tiveness in training business.
Operations Fuel & Flight Efficiency • Training regulatory approval support
Services has developed a wide range
• Training programme review
of advisory services. We offer dedicated
• Airbus training “as-is” assessment
and innovative solutions aiming at cove- Training Airbus Consulting offers to airlines
ring airlines and MROs’ main operations a wide range of tailored services


Your benefits
Airbus Consulting Services’ approach is to As an aircraft manufacturer, we provide
propose customised recommendations and a unique combination of technical and
cost effective solutions based on the fol- business excellence to support you in:
lowing added value:

A dedicated and multicultural team Maximising fleet usage

of consultants coming from various
backgrounds Mitigating delays & cancellations

Customised services according Meeting safety standards

to customer’s context and objectives Streamlining organisation & tools
Privileged manufacturer visibility Controlling fuel expenses
on worldwide fleet records and
best practices Reducing operating costs
Unique Airbus technical know-how
and best product knowledge
Robust and proven methodology

Assess Advice Implement Follow-up

Provide feedback to de-
Analyse your current Assist you to display Review and monitor
liver the most appropriate
status focusing on an efficient action the recommendations
recommendations &
future objectives plan & initiatives
114 Airbus Engineering Airbus Engineering 115

Packaged Solutions
116 Packaged Solutions Packaged Solutions 117


Airbus Multifleet
Airbus Packaged Solutions are sets of value added
Packaged Solutions
combinations of services covering the main domains Starter Kit
in your operations. The packages offer you a com- Aircraft & Parts Availability
plete end-to-end solution all along the value chain Optimised Asset and Residual Value
and will be tailored according to your specific needs. Enhanced Flight Operations
We will be your single supplier interface, covering Fuel Efficiency

your entire operational needs so you can focus on

your core activities.
118 Packaged Solutions Packaged Solutions 119

Packaged Solutions
Your benefits Starter Kit

One single partner A modular turn-key solution to quickly Starter kit modules
and interface start your operations
Quick & easy Services by Airbus has developed a Star- Maintenance
implementation ter Kit for you as a start-up airline or ope- The modular offer: Overall organisation Flight Operations
& Engineering
Ensured efficiency rating an Airbus aircraft for the first time.
and minimised risks
This modular packaged solution consists
of basic services for your overall organisa-
Starter Kit Starter Kit • Entry Into Service • General Familiarisation • Data for Navigation
recommendations Training & Airport
tion, maintenance & engineering depart- Essentials Essentials • Organisation, process • Materials • Training for Pilots
ment and flight operations. Our team will
& procedures review recommendation and Cabin Crew
be there for you right from the start with
expertise and recommendations to facili- • Material services • Means and tools for
A predefined set of services Flight planning & Flight
tate your Entry Into Service and make sure covering basic needs in all Operations
you have the services you need to start your domains
your operations.

• Optimisation • Qualifying • Performance studies

Starter Kit Starter Kit of organisation Maintenance Training & MEL customisation
Boost Boost & processes
• Maintenance • EFB-package
• Preparation requirements Program Definition (qualification,
for mandatory documents hardware,
• Real time health
& AOC approval approval, training)
monitoring solution

Complementing Starter Kit Essentials

with additional services for optimised
organisation and performance
120 Packaged Solutions Packaged Solutions 121

Packaged Solutions

Aircraft & Parts Optimised Asset Enhanced Flight Fuel Efficiency

Availability and Residual Value Operations
Our aircraft and parts availability pac- Services & Products We offer you a package that maximises For operators with challenging airports or The Fuel Efficiency package consists of
kage has been created to optimise your your asset efficiency and residual value a need to improve your flight operations sharklet and cabin weight saving upgrades,
• Provisioning packages: page 17
maintenance & engineering activities by enhancing your products with cabin, performance, we have developed the En- combined with e-Solutions for flight per-
• Tools: pages 25
for improved operational reliability and sharklet, connectivity, e-Solutions and hanced Flight Operations Package. This formance and navigation optimisation to
• Engine CES parts sales: page 21 solution includes consulting services, improve your fuel efficiency. Our services
on-time performance. We offer you an flight operations services.
end-to-end solution for aircraft availa- • FHS-Components: pages 18 e-Solutions, data analysis and training to will support your targets for long term sus-
bility including FHS, Integrated Material • FHS-Tailored Support Package: page 19 optimise your flight performance. tainability and will contribute to profitability.
• Consulting Services: page 41, 80 & 98
Services combined with e-Solutions and • Connectivity: pages 51 Consulting
training bringing efficiency into the main- Training
• Flight Operations: page 81 • Fuel & Flight efficiency: page 81
tenance activities. • Flight Operations Training: page 90
Training Training
Consulting Services & Products
• Maintenance Training: page 93 • Flight Ops Training: page 90
• Maintenance & Engineering: page 41 • Cabin Upgrades: page 48
• Flight Training: page 87 Digital Services
• Material Management: page 41 • Connectivity: page 51
Digital Services • N-Flysmart: page 69
Training • System Upgrades: page 52
• N-Documentation: page 71 • Fuel Efficiency Portal -
• Maintenance and Structure • Sharklet Retrofit: page 54
Airbus Smarter Fleet ®: page 34
Training: page 93 • ADOC Web Maintenance: page 28
• N-Flysmart: page 69 Services & Products
Digital Services
• N-Documentation: page 71 • N-Airfase: page 70 • Cabin Upgrades: page 48
• ADOC Web Maintenance: page 28 • N-SAMS: page 74 • Sharklet Retrofit: page 54
• AIRMAN-web: page 29 • Airpl@n: page 31 • Connectivity: page 51
• AirPl@n: page 31 Services & Products
• Airbus Real Time Health • ROPS: page 75
Monitoring: page 32
• System Upgrades: page 52
• CrossLogbook: page 30
• Navigation+: page 62
• Repair Manager: page 33
• Charts+: page 63
• e-Doc Browser - Airbus
Smarter Fleet ®: page 37 • Airport+: page 64

• Maintenance Mobility - Airbus • N-Performance: page 73

Smarter Fleet ®: page 35
122 Portfolio Services by Airbus Portfolio Services by Airbus 123

Notes Notes
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124 Portfolio Services by Airbus




































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