Junk'd Food Process Book

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How can

we reduce
food waste?
This book is dedicated to everyone who made this project
possible. To Isabel and my class who sat through 24 weeks
of me talking about food waste. To my parents, for always
supporting me in everything; whether it’s going to art school,
or dumpster diving. To my sister, for always being by my
side and making sure I didn’t starve during the food waste
challenge. To my best friend, for being my number one fan,
even when I’m knee deep in a dumpster. And to my boyfriend
who I would have completely lost my mind without.

Thank you for everything.

2 3
Twenty six weeks. 56 59 61 66
One crazy process.
Hunt Print Photograph Finalize
Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15

Week 00 Week 01 Week 02 Week 03 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19

15 Ideate
Week 04 Week 05 Week 06 Week 07 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23

37 Refine
102 105 114 117
Draw Package Wrap Up Thoughts
Week 08 Week 09 Week 10 Week 11 Week 24 Week 25 Week 26 Week 00

4 5
What is Junk’d Food?

Junk’d Food is a multi-platform campaign that

encourages urban, millennial consumers to
reduce their food waste. By utilizing tangible data,
unexpected touch points and practical solutions,
Junk’d Food creates space for meaningful
discussions surrounding food waste.

1 2
“Do something you
will be proud of”
Maricar Leonardo

3 4

Week One of Twenty Six

To start off the semester, we did an in class activity based

on the topic we want to pursue. Over the summer I
brainstormed and mind-mapped my way through many
social issues I could use as my topic. The one issue that
seemed to be the most relevant right now is that of food
waste. During the in-class activity we each wrote our topic
on 15 sticky notes and everyone in the class got to write
down the first things that came to their mind when they
thought of our topic. This activity helped me confirm that
this is the topic I want to pursue. The response I got from the
class was very positive; that this is a very important issue that
needs more attention from a wider audience. It also helped
me see my topic from various other perspectives. It brought
up a lot of keywords/ideas that I may not have thought of on
my own. For example, Raw vs. Packaged foods, Money/The
economy, Lack consequences/responsibility, Huge shopping
carts, Sharing resources and homelessness. This gave me a
good base on which to start mind mapping my topic.
5 6

Week Two of Twenty Six

For the first project of the semester we were asked to

reflect on previous projects, other inspirational works and
inspirational people. This project was meant to help get our
creativity flowing and to allow Isabel to truly understand
what makes us tick. Going back through all of my work in
the past 3 years truly made me realize not only how far I
have come, but also how focused my designs have gotten.
Over the past few years my drive for social change has
slowly seeped into my design work and it really shows. This
reflection also allowed me to critically analyze my influences
and inspiration to better understand myself as a designer.

“graphic form” - experimentations in form

7 8
“who made that for you” - exploring child labour statistics “dictionary of the weird and wonderful” - exploring vocabulary through distorted visuals
9 10
“Write everything
down, even the
dumb ideas”
Alanna McKibbon
11 12

Week Three of Twenty Six

This week I had my first one-on-one critique with Isabel. We

went over some key areas that can help fuel my research.
We discussed food security, health, liability, best-before
dates, class structures and food banks. Our chat also helped
me form some questions that I would like to answer:

1. If food isn’t safe to consume, how should it

be disposed of?

2. If it is safe to consume but the retail stores do not

want it, where can it go?

3. How is “safe to consume” defined by individuals,

and by corporations?

4. How to educate companies and individuals on

how long products are safe to consume after
their “best before” dates.

5. Who decided behind best before dates, what

are the terms on which this date is decided?

We also did an in class activity this week where we were sep-

arated into groups based on topic. My group was centered
around sustainability. From here we created a concept map
based on the word sustainability. This helped all of us learn
how to create a concept map for our own, individual topics.

13 14

Week Four of Twenty Six

This week, I started taking my research and turning it

into design solutions. They may only be sketches and
rough mock ups - but it’s something! I started off with
a digital mind map to help flush out all of the general
thoughts I was having about food waste. This also
helped me organize everything onto one page, as my
thoughts have been very scattered over the past few
weeks. From here I got to sketching. First, I came up
with a cook book concept, which may be too literal
and there are definitely many food waste cookbooks
that exist already. Next I started sketching out a Z-Card
which is a specific type of brochure / business card
hybrid that I learned about in Production Processes. It
is a business card sized pamphlet that folds out to be
poster sized. I’m not sure what I could use this for quite
yet, but it is an interesting technique to showcase a lot
of information in a small format. The last thing I did this
week was a small life style change that I adopted from
a documentary I watched. It is a dedicated section of
my fridge for things that are about to spoil and need to
be eaten. This will help me reduce my food waste while
working on helping others do the same.
15 16
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Week Five of Twenty Six

My first group critique was fantastic. The groups are

separated by similar topics so we all have a deeper
understanding of each others area of interest. Some points
that were brought up by my group were:

• Look into sustainable printing

• Sustainable paper choices
• Sustainable ink choices (plant-based)
• Corn paper - edible paper

For assignment two, we are to look into related works and

critically analyze what worked for them and what didn’t. I
picked works from a variety of disciplines as I am not sure
what my final outcome will be yet and I want to have a better
idea of what already exists. The most important case study
I did is on a documentary called Just Eat It. It was incredibly
moving and greatly inspired how I will proceed with this
project. I highly recommend checking it out.
19 20
“Do in-field
Maricar Leonardo

21 22

Week Six of Twenty Six

Feeling incredibly inspired by “Just Eat It”, I am going to do

my own food waste challenge. Over the next 30 days, I will be
surviving off of only food waste to prove that there is enough
food waste in Toronto to easily sustain a person for a whole
month. Wednesday was a day of preparation, I went to the
grocery store and picked out some of the ugliest / unsellable
foods to kick off the challenge, I made a post on Bunz to ask
the community for unwanted food and I created a set of rules
/ commandments for the duration of the challenge.

1. Eat only food that has been, or would otherwise have

been wasted, for 30 days
2. Do not eat any takeout / fast food for the entire
30 days (this includes coffee)
3. Anything that is currently in my apartment at the
start of the challenge is fair game (I did not do
groceries for 2 weeks leading up to the challenge)
4. If someone else cooks me a meal at their home
with non-food wast food, I can have that
5. Compost all food that is inedible and has
no alternative use
6. Alcohol and Water are both allowed - Other beverages,
coffee, tea, soda, unless found as waste are not.
23 24
Later in the week I decided to ask my friends and family if
they had any food they were planning on throwing out. A
few of my friends and family members work in the restaurant
industry and are witness to a substantial amount of food
being thrown out on a daily basis. I asked them if they would
be able to salvage some of the food destined for the garbage
and they accepted.

The response I have received from the bunz community so

far has been phenomenal, just a few days after posting I have
received countless messages from people curious about the
project and eager to reduce their personal food waste.

On a side note, caffeine addiction is definitely a real thing.

I went from drinking 3-4 cups of coffee a day to having to
ration the small amount of green tea I have left. So far, this is
the most difficult part of the challenge. Getting food is easy,
not drinking coffee, not so much.
25 26
“Make something,
Grace Walker

27 28

Week Seven of Twenty Six

I have never had so much food in my kitchen or

fridge since I moved out – almost four years ago. It is
absolutely shocking how much food waste there is in
Toronto. When I started this challenge, one of the main
concerns that my friends and family had was that I was
going to starve. But now I have the opposite problem,
how am I going to consume this much food in just
three weeks? I have gone to pick up food from five
different people on Bunz and have collected food from
two different restaurants. I have set up a spreadsheet,
in which I track all of the food I bring into my kitchen,
the quantity, estimated price, why it was going to be
wasted and if I have consumed it or not. This will be a
great way to track my progress and to report on it at the
end of the challenge. This week I also started working
on a concept I am calling the fruit sticker. It will be a
small label that can be placed on fruits and other dried
goods at the store. It will explain the resources that went
into making the food as well as where the food came
from. This is to give the consumer more information
during their shopping experience that will allow them
to make informed decisions. I also purchased a URL
(thinkbeforeyouwaste.ca) that will be used on the stickers
as a call to action to learn more. I am thinking about
creating a website as my main project next semester.
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“Embrace the
Alanna McKibbon

35 36
bad and if you have nothing that is close to expiry, then,


by all means, go buy food. The past few weeks have
also changed my perspective drastically on what best-
before dates mean. I was the kind of person who would
Week Eight of Twenty Six throw my milk out if it was one day past the best before
date, I wouldn’t sniff test, taste test, nothing. I would
just throw it out right away because I was taught it was
Even more food! I truly cannot believe the quantity of
unsafe. One of the key takeaways from the project so
food I’ve received so far from the Bunz community.
far is that best-before dates really are just a measure of
People have been so supportive, and are genuinely
quality and not safety, I can tell you this from first-hand
concerned about the amount of food they waste. While
experience and with 100% certainty. I have been eating
this challenge was originally intended for me to prove
nothing but food that is past its best before date for
a point, I think it has become much more than that. I
almost two weeks and not only have I not gotten sick,
really think it has opened some people’s eyes to the
but I feel better than ever.
sheer amount of food that they waste and alternative
methods on how to deal with it (donation, better
shopping habits, etc). I’ve been doing quite a bit of
reflecting in the past few days about my own habits and
how I can change moving forward, even beyond this
project. Before the challenge, I would have food in the
fridge that needed to be eaten, and I knew it needed to
be eaten. But I would go out and buy food instead. This
was completely because of preference. Since I wasn’t
craving what I had already made at home, I would go
out and buy sushi or McDonald’s or something that
seemed more interesting than what was in my fridge.
This project has completely changed my mentality on
food. Food is something that we need to survive, while
food can be an incredible art and experience, not every
single meal needs to be the most amazing meal you’ve
had. Your priority should be making sure that nothing in
your fridge or pantry needs to be eaten before it goes
37 38
This week I also worked on refining the sticker design.
While the concept is nailed down, there are still a lot of
fine tuning that needs to be done. For example, the die
cut shape idea wasn’t working, and the font was far too
small and illegible. Through iteration I have come to a
more refined sticker design – but there is definitely still
work to be done.

39 40

Week Nine of Twenty Six

The stickers are coming along! I made a prototype

to see how it would actually look on a real fruit and it
looks incredible. I was worried about the size before
but seeing on a (fake) fruit really helped me appreciate
the larger size. Since last week, I took the advice I was
given in critique and created a data sheet of the top
30 produce/meat items consumers buy. I took that
information and pulled data for how much water it takes
to produce, how much land it takes, and how much
CO2 is produced by the process. From here I also took
into consideration the feedback I got to make the data
more tangible. Instead of using liters for water I used
shower minutes, instead of acres I used hockey rinks
and instead of grams I used kilometers. This is all so that
the consumer can easily grasp the information without
immediately dismissing it. I have also been working on
the process video. As I don’t have a physical printed
book to present for the final critique this semester, I
want to create a quick video highlighting my process.
Most importantly, this week I finally picked a name for
my project. Thanks to an incredible article by the Globe
and Mail I found the inspiration for my title: Junk Food!
It is perfect, quirky, playful and satirical. Exactly what the
brand should be as it is targeting millennial consumers.
I have also created a quick logo and brand guidelines to
base the rest of my projects on.
41 42
43 44
“Get out there,
put yourself in
Maricar Leonardo

45 46

Week Ten of Twenty Six

The challenge is over! The most eye opening month they care a lot. In total, I received 20 messages on Bunz
of my life has come to an end and I can’t wait to tell from people who were not just willing to give me their
you all about it, but first lets talk about the stickers and unwanted food, but who also was genuinely interested
dumpster diving. I bought some dissolvable sticker in the project. Many people told me how they are
paper and a 2” hole punch so I am ready to print next struggling with wasting food and that they were glad
week once the design is final. I chose dissolvable that I could help them reduce their waste. This gives me
sticker paper because it was the most affordable, hope, people see the problem and they want to change,
environmentally friendly option for this kind of sticker this is where I come in. I need to figure out how to
– as a bonus, it wont leave any residue on the food design a solution that will help people waste less food.
and you can wash them right off. This weekend I went
dumpster diving with my friends. It was a very eye In total I saved $497 worth of food from being wasted.
opening experience to say the least. We went to three
different store’s dumpsters and found some bread and
not expired baby formula which I will be donating. We
also found out that larger grocery stores and big box
stores compact their food waste to ensure that no one
will be going through their bins. Now, here we are, at
the end of a month long challenge to live off of food
waste. This challenge did exactly what I intended it to
do. It very clearly proves that food waste is a massive
issue in the city of Toronto. If one person can EASILY
live for one month, and live WELL off of purely food
that would have otherwise been in a landfill, there is a
HUGE problem. But I am hopeful, as this challenge has
also shown me that while businesses may compact their
trash and try to hide their waste, individuals care. And
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Week Eleven of Twenty Six

Junk Food has a slightly different name! After last week’s fold out into a small poster that can be put on a fridge.
critique I realized that Junk Food may have a negative Now that I am done with the food waste challenge,
connotation and it can make people less interested in food I have a bit of food left over. Not food that I cannot
waste, which is the opposite effect I want to have. Eugenie eat because of preference, but rather foods I cant eat
had the brilliant idea to add “ed” at the end to make it clear due to a nut allergy and things like the baby formula.
that the food was being thrown away, but that it was not Unfortunately, as most of these foods are opened
garbage. To simplify it I changed the name to Junk’d Food. and past their best before date (but completely safe to
Things are definitely ramping up for the end of the semester consume) most shelters / food banks wont take them.
critique. The stickers are all complete and printed, I will be Instead, I am taking the bag of food to Yonge-Dundas
testing them out in a few grocery stores later this week. An today and donating it to a homeless man I met while
interesting, last minute addition to the design deliverables working there a few years ago.
for this term is a post card / booklet to go with the stickers. I
realized that while the stickers are great, not everyone has a
phone or wants to visit a website. Some people would rather
pick up a pamphlet that can give them more information.
Initially I had designed this as just a small square post card
to be placed near the stickers in the store. But after some
feedback from the class, specifically Danielle, I decided to
create a pamphlet style styled to look like a grocery store
flyer. This pamphlet will look like a book when folded, and
51 52
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Week Twelve of Twenty Six

This week was an interesting one. While working

on revising the design of the pamphlet, I realized
that I wanted to curate my set up for the end of this
semester. While it wont be quite as lavish as the Grad-
Ex set up, I did want to put some thought into it. So
I had this fantastic idea. Why don’t I put all the fruits
& veggies with the stickers on them in one of those
wooden boxes you see at the grocery store/farmers
markets? Great idea – but easier said than done. After
hours of hunting online, I finally found the perfect one.
At home hardware, and after going to three different
home hardware stores on three different sides of
the city, I finally found it. So here it is, the box for my
semester one final critique.
55 56
bounce ideas
off of others”
Jasmine Leung

57 58

Week Thirteen of Twenty Six

This week I focused on creating a print ready version of

the pamphlet. It is Junk’d Food branded with the logo
on the front, and all of the colours inside match the
brand colour palette. The bubble highlights are there
to evoke a memory of looking at a grocery store flyer,
where the prices are set in bold in colourful bubbles to
attract your attention. Only this time, they are statistics
about what goes into making your food – the true cost
of your waste. It is done in a playful manner to engage
the consumer, without offending them or placing
blame. It is just providing them with the information
needed to make informed purchases and decisions
regarding their waste. Once unfolded, the pamphlet
opens up to a small fridge poster that highlights the top
five ways to reduce your food waste at home.
59 60

Week Fourteen of Twenty Six

I decided to do my own photography for the

pamphlet to ensure the style was cohesive. This
week, I learned how to set up my own photo
studio box in my apartment and how to take
really stunning product photos.
61 62
“Take a step back”
Jasmine Leung

63 64

Week Fifteen of Twenty Six

This is it! The final critique for the fall semester. I really
can’t believe an entire semester has already flown by.
I am so excited and terrified about second semester.
This week was really about getting all the details on
the pamphlet finalized. I got everything completed
that I wanted to, other than printing the final pamphlet
on news stock. But that’s okay because I will work on
the pamphlet some more in second semester and can
experiment with different stocks then. There were many
hiccups while printing the final, but after learning a bit
about postscript and printing, I figured out how to make
it work. The set up for final critique turned out exactly
as I had hoped and I couldn’t be happier. Now to spend
the Christmas break at home with my family and eat all
the asparagus, corn and apples from my presentation.
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Week Sixteen of Twenty Six

While I took a break from designing for the past week

to focus on Christmas with my family, my brain was
still hard at work. I have been reflecting on the past
semester, what I have learned and how I can use that
knowledge in the coming semester. It was honestly
really nice just to take a step back and to appreciate
how far I have come. Looking at my work in the
beginning of the semester up until now truly shows
my progress and how much work I have put into this
project. Its really hard to realize some of these things
while your caught up in the work-sleep-work cycle.
That’s why this break was so important for me, it
allowed me to have the space to reflect and dream
about what I will create next semester. I have decided
that over the next 4 months I will work to make Junk’d
Food a multi-platform campaign. This will include the
stickers and pamphlet of course, but will also evolve
into an educational website and a toolkit so others can
participate in their own kinds of food waste challenges.
69 70
“Get sleep and
eat properly”
Alanna McKibbon

71 72
Week Seventeen of Twenty Six

73 74

Week Eighteen of Twenty Six

I’m back at it, after a very relaxing Christmas break. This

week I was focusing on getting my schedule finished,
to keep myself on track, and creating a generic layout
for the process book. Moving past layout design, I
am actually getting really excited to bring my process
work into a print format. It means I can experiment
with materials and binding methods. I really want to
incorporate a variety of paper types in my book. Right
now I’m thinking about using some bright yellow pages
to match the brand, some news print pages, and some
translucent pages for the quote pages.
75 76

Week Nineteen of Twenty Six

The logo needs some revisiting, while I think the overall

look works well, there is definitely some fine tuning to
be done. I created a bunch of iterations on the previous
“final” logo and found a few interesting alternatives to
present in critique next week. I am looking forward to
refining this key element of the project until it is near
perfection. I also dedicated a large chunk of this week
to working out the details of the process book. I know I
want to be playful with my stock choices, but this week
I really wanted to focus on the content. The visuals and
the written words that go along with it. This is such
a crucial piece to my project as it is how attendees
at Grad-Ex and future employers will understand my
design process. Even beyond that, it is a very special,
personal record of how I turned a social issue I am
passionate about into a year long design project.
77 78
“Don’t do your
process book
in a day. Make
it a habit.”
Sharon Leung

79 80

Week Twenty of Twenty Six

I taught myself how to make paper! Early in the week

I had an epiphany while I was at above ground. I was
there to buy paper for this process book. I really love
mixed media books and I wanted t include newsprint
as one of the stocks for my book. Then I thought, why
don’t I just make my own recycled paper? Even better,
why don’t I make that recycled paper with my process
work so my process book can literally be made out of
my process? Amazing. One problem – I have no clue
how to make paper. So I bought a kit and about 30
Youtube tutorials later, here we are. It was an interesting
process and it took a while to get a sheet that would
print properly but now that I have the technique
down, I feel unstoppable. I also taught myself how to
use Webflow this weekend. I decided to use Webflow
instead of Wordpress because the learning curve for
Wordpress is too steep. Next week I am planning to
start making paper with various food waste items (peels,
fruit skins, coffee grounds, etc.) I have also started
generating ideas and finding inspiration for the tool kit.
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Week Twenty One of Twenty Six

I did the first experiment this week with food waste

paper. It was difficult, and it took a few times to figure
out how to make the pulp thick enough to actually
create paper, but it worked! So far I have just done
lemon paper but I am planning to make lime, banana
and orange paper as well. I also worked on refining
the logo and the stickers a bit more based on some
feedback from Isabel. They are staring to look pretty
refined, and I think I am almost there. The majority of
the past week was spent working on the website wire-
frame. Originally I had sketched out a very rough plan
and went straight to building it in Webflow. That was
a huge mistake, I learned from my best friend who
builds websites that I skipped the very important step
of mocking up the pages in InDesign or Photoshop first
before jumping into designing it online. I learned this
the hard way, as it quickly became overwhelming when
I jumped in right away without a revised wire-frame
to work from. I also started planning out the toolkit in
more detail and ordered a few of the key pieces: the
box, cutlery and the canvas grocery bag.
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“Don’t force an
outcome, do
what serves
your topic”
Alanna McKibbon

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Week Twenty Two of Twenty Six

I really can not believe that January is almost over

and we have been working on thesis for 5 months
now. It feels like September was yesterday and I was
just discovering how large the issue of food waste
is. This week I finally started on the content for the
handbook. The handbook will be the key piece that
fits into the toolkit and ties it all together. It will
include a breakdown of some key issues and it will
provide tips and tricks to reduce the users food waste.
I also went back to webflow and used the wire-frame
I made as a base for the site. It made my life so easy,
compared to the chaos I was experiencing before.
Also, I am still making paper for the pages of this
book and thanks to Monica, I now have extra supplies.
She gave me these beautiful petals to put in my paper
and it turned out amazing. Very excited to see if I am
able to print on it when it is dry.
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Week Twenty Three of Twenty Six

The week leading up to midterms is always crazy, but

that doesn’t even begin to explain this week. I finished
the entire website from wire-frame to working prototype
in under a week. It is completely functional and is ready
to be refined. I also finished the layout of all of the
process book pages to date and printed it out to review.
Lastly, I went back and revised the stickers according to
the critique and added them to the (almost complete)
toolkit prototype. After getting the metal bento box I
used for the toolkit, I found an alternative that I like a
lot better. The new toolkit box is actually made out of
discarded corn husks and is 100% biodegradable.
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“Your ideas will
change and
that’s okay”
Jasmine Leung

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Week Twenty Four of Twenty Six

I got the new bento boxes! They are exactly what I

was hoping for. They also came with this sticker on
top that explained exactly what is inside, which gave
me inspiration for how I could package the toolkit.
I sketched out icons for each individual piece of the
toolkit and translated them to icons in illustrator. This
week I also made a breakdown of exactly what I need to
get done for grad ex and I decided that the toolkit is the
first thing I want to tackle and completely finalize.
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Week Twenty Five of Twenty Six

Now that I’m focusing on finishing the tool kit first, I

wanted to design the small packaging details. I created
a sleeve for the compost bags, a tag for the gloves,
stickers for the top and bottom of the bento box, fridge
magnets and the graphic for the tote bag. The tags and
magnets have rounded edges that resemble the circular
nature of the stickers. Now all that is left is to refine
the other pieces of the tool kit (the handbook, and the
grocery lists) and to put everything together.
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“The more you
know, the
easier everything
will be”
Grace Walker

111 112
Wrap Up

Week Twenty Six of Twenty Six

As the semester is coming to an abrupt end, I am

going to wrap up my process book here. The toolkit
is finished, the website is well under way and Grad-
Ex is quickly becoming a reality. I cannot believe how
quickly the past year has flown by. I have learned SO
much over the course of this project. Not just about
graphic design, but also about myself, my process and
what I want to do in my life post-OCAD.
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115 116
What did I learn What did I learn
about myself as about myself as
a designer? a human?
After having some time to reflect on the madness that This is a question that I never thought I would be able
was thesis, I realized how much I grew this year. I found to answer through a graphic design project. However,
my voice and learned how to stand up for my work Junk’d Food truly taught me so much about myself as a
when I think it is strong, and when/how to say no. I also human being. It taught me that I have some very strong
learned how crucial feedback is, especially from those will power, surviving off only food waste in a culture of
who will be using what you design. Another source on demand food is no easy task. It also taught me how
of very beneficial feedback I learned about this year is far I will go to prove a point, dumpster diving was easily
non-designers. Some of the most beneficial feedback the craziest thing I’ve ever done for a project. Lastly, it
I got this year was from business majors, marketing really made me realize that I am a human being. While
professionals, and high school students. that may sound strange, I tend to push myself past
reasonable limits in everything I do. Junk’d Food taught
me that I do have a breaking point, but it also taught
me how to bounce back.

117 118
Works Cited
Related Projects
Atencio, Pouline & Luque, Roberto. Novelized Recipes for DIA Gozha, Olia. Foodly One Stop Food Store. Swinburne University,
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“The future
will be kind to
us because we
will create it”
135 136
Ashley Nicole Proulx 2018

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