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8th to 10th of August 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Planning, Scheduling and Control

In Maintenance







A core component of Maintenance is the critical work done in Planning, Schedul- • Maintenance and Material Managers and Supervi-
ing and Control (PS&C). The degree of success in PS&C will largely determine the sors
effectiveness of Maintenance and how it is perceived by Operations and Senior
• Planners and Schedulers
Management. This program will explore the many aspects of PS&C and train the
attendees in the key indicators of success.
• Senior technical staff involved in the maintenance
With the emphasis on the practical application of the techniques, the delegates function
will have the opportunity through the many case studies and workshops, to • Production and Maintenance co-ordinators
discuss and practice those elements that can be brought directly back to the • Maintenance Project Managers
workplace and used for immediate maintenance improvement. • Maintenance personnel involved in cost control
The initial introductory session will focus on the role of PS&C as an integral part and budgeting
of Maintenance Management – including how they fit within the overall objec- • Finance and Accounting supervisors involved in
tives of maintenance, what are the organization’s PS&C objectives and how they maintenance cost control and budgeting
can be achieved. Each of the three elements of PS&C will be examined in turn –
looking at for example: PROGRAM BENEFITS
The objective of the course is to provide the attend-
• Long and short term Planning, Management Planning, Work and Resource
ees with the understanding of how the techniques
Planning, Maintenance Tactics Planning, Project Planning, the role of
Planning in Safety, Quality and the Environment, Planning KPI’s of PS&C can be turned into a powerful tool in the
• Scheduling equipment and tools, Materials and Manpower Scheduling, Maintenance Department’s toolbox. Using straight-
Backlog Management, Shutdowns and Turnarounds, Work Order Priorities, forward and practical examples, attendees will gain
Contractors, the use of scheduling tools, scheduling KPI’s the knowledge and confidence to apply professional
• Control of the key resources – especially time; focus on jobs, skills, costs, budg- techniques and management best practices to their
ets, projects, milestones, maintenance quality, accurate and consistent data maintenance business.
collection and analysis On completion of this course, delegates will:
Through a well-planned series of presentations and discussions, delegates will be • understand how PS&C will affect the performance and quality
exposed to the best practices in PS&C, and will have the opportunity to practice of the work delivered by the Maintenance Department
the key techniques during the many workshops and case studies. The emphasis • have explored and discussed best practices in relation to PS&C
• have had exposure and practice in budgeting and costing for
throughout will be on acquiring a capability that can be readily adapted to the
Maintenance Projects and Maintenance Operations
practical work environment. A key element will be the building of a
• have developed and applied some KPI’s for PS&C
self-development plan to continue the learning process after the program is • have practiced some of the key project control techniques that
complete. are essential for on-time, on-budget, on-quality project
The workshop leader – Ben Stevens – has delivered hundreds of successful completion
training programs around the world. His experience combines Reliability and • have worked through and discussed many case studies and
Physical Asset Management with Finance and Economics. In this program he workshops
calls on his many years of CMMS experience to provide advanced insight and • build a self-development plan including many ideas from the
practical methods for improving the use of one of Maintenance’s key tools. course that are directly applicable to their own workplace

Organized by AydanGroup PLT
being higher quality maintenance.
Best Practices will be examined for the Planning
The Basic Building Blocks: Where to Start
process – with delegates using a workshop to see how
their own practices match industry standards. Specific
In the opening session, delegates will receive an intro-
topics will include:
ductory overview and zero in on their objectives for
the course. The focus of this session will place the - the role of Planning in maintenance management
PS&C functions within the overall Organization and - - effective work planning through the work order
Maintenance Objectives and explore how good man- - - the key elements of work planning – manpower
agement of PS&C contributes to Maintenance quality - and skills, materials, equipment and tools
and effectiveness. - integrating work planning with operations and
The key building blocks in the PS&C process will be • production
defined, along with how they are developed and used - applying Planning to enhanced safety, quality and
for the benefit of maintenance. In the workshop environmental issues
sessions, delegates will practice how these building • - how planning standards and KPI’s can improve the
blocks will be adapted to their own work environment. quality of Maintenance
In turn, each of the following will be examined: - - how much Planning is the right amount of Planning
- The role of PS&C in Maintenance, their key - - Planning for a job, a project, a shutdown, a turna-
elements and what happens if they fail to be com- - round
pleted adequately. - - Planning tools – which ones work
- Defining the objectives of PS&C in terms that -This session on Planning will be very interactive. Del-
support the organization’s overall goals, benefits • egates will participate in workshops and discussions
and pay-offs • designed to increase their skill levels and their famili-
- The role of PS&C in Reliability and Quality • arity with the various aspects of planning – always
- How Maintenance Performance is dependent on with the focus on how they can implement their learn-
PS&C • ings in the workplace.
- Setting the stage for measuring success or failure •
- The human element behind PS&C
Maintenance Scheduling
- Standard tools in PS&C such as CMMS, Critical Path,
Work Order templates, Reports and KPI’s
- Measuring the results and outputs of PS&C Just as there are numerous different aspect to Plan-
ning, so also Scheduling. But one thing is certain – for
As a result of this first session, the delegates will have
a job to run smoothly, good quality Scheduling is
a solid grounding in the disciplines and will be able to
essential. Yet Scheduling is often regarded as the
use these as the basis for the following sessions.
junior partner to Planning. In this session, the role of
Scheduling will be examined in depth – with emphasis
Maintenance Planning on the absence of and the results of poor Scheduling.
Equally, the benefits of good Scheduling will be identi-
This session will open with a discussion of the various fied and performance measures will be discussed and
types of planning that is essential to best maintenance developed for Scheduling, focusing on the added
practices and the role that each plays. A key element value from good quality Scheduling. The various types
will be the central role of the CMMS and the Work of Scheduling will be examined, including long term
Order, with special emphasis being placed on how the and short term Scheduling, shutdown and turnaround
work order is developed and what it should contain. Scheduling and project Scheduling.
The work order is one of the two key factors in Scheduling best practices will be explored with the
continuous maintenance improvement (the other is concentration on what will work in the delegates own
the technician performing the work); techniques will workplace – each delegate should take away a focused
be reviewed for how the quality of the work order can best practices implementation plan.
be maintained and repeatedly enhanced, with the

Maintenance Scheduling
However, as the level of Control increases, so often the
- Scheduling tools such as Critical Path, PERT, Gantt
level of resistance and resentment also increase. The
charts, Microsoft Project and Excel, resource level-
importance of the “right” level of control will be exam-
ined through the impact on the staff and contractors
- The role of Scheduling in backlog management
being subject to these control elements.
- Dealing with priorities
- Improved PM management through better Sched-
Bottom line is that improved control will have a signifi-
cant impact on maintenance costs and quality.
- KPI’s and output reports
Through the workshops in this session, delegates will
- Loading and sequencing
explore how these factors can be brought to benefit
- Integrating different time frequencies into a single
the business rather than impede it.
- When and why to redo the Schedule
Workshops and case studies will underscore the prac- COURSE METHODOLOGY
tical applications in this session so that delegates will This program is a well-balanced blend of presenta-
feel sufficiently comfortable with their new skills and tions, discussions, workshops, case studies and practi-
be able to readily transfer them to their workplace. cal application of the techniques to the attendees’
own workplace. Presentations are short and to the
point – focusing on the highlights of each topic. These
Maintenance Control
are interspersed with many workshops in which the
attendees develop and discuss examples and apply
Too little attention is paid to the Control function in their learnings to the familiar situations in their own
Maintenance. This session will focus on three key organizations. At the end of each session, the attend-
areas: ees will develop a personal and company develop-
- the importance of Control and its impact on main- ment plan based on selecting helpful techniques and
tenance quality and cost rating them according to the benefit and cost or diffi-
- the nature and scope of the Control that is desira- culty of implementation
ble for optimum results
- specific processes that can be readily implemented Focus on the smart work order
to increase Control. • The fit within the cycle from Company Mission to
Best practices in Maintenance Control must start with Reliability & Maintenance Results
high quality, consistent and reliable data. This • Changing PDCA to make sense
includes selecting the right data, collecting it effec- • The WO within the CMMS
tively and accurately, processing it reliably and • Contents of smart WO’s
presenting the results in a form and manner that will • Understanding the intelligent WO cycle
promote the desired action. Without the right data to
start with, the right results will be purely a case of luck. Focus on Best Maintenance Practice
Flowing out of the data process, maintenance organi- • Application at each of the 8 PS&C steps
zations can then build the processes that will ensure • Critical attributes in advanced Inspections
good control. This will cover areas such as:
Earthing • Quality management in PS&C
- work and time control – getting the job done on • Smart data collection
- quality control – matching the requirements for
- cost control – both in on-going operations and in
- failure control and the costs associated with failure
- budgeting that makes sense
Trainer’s Profile
Three important features that are automatically included
in the program:
Attendees are encouraged to stay in email contact to
discuss progress and problems with the Course Direc-
tor for as long as they wish – some are still in active
contact after 8 years!
Attendees have the option of receiving a DataTrak
Certificate of Accomplishment – based upon attend-
ance, participation and passing a test.
Throughout the program, attendees will develop a
Personal Development Plan, which identifies key prior-
Ben Stevens
ities and actions as they return to their workplace Ben Stevens is President of DataTrak Systems Inc – a
Canadian company dedicated to training and consult-
• On-line Test plus a graded Certificate of Accomplis- ing in the maintenance and reliability business. He
hment has 25 years of experience in all aspects of Mainte-
• Personal Development Plan workshops nance, Materials and Physical Asset Management and
• Live soft copies of all materials CMMS/EAM systems in businesses such as Mining,
Steel, Power Generation, Water and Wastewater etc.
For eight years he was President of OMDEC Inc, focus-
ing on training, consulting and software for reliability
and maintenance management. Prior to that he was
CMMS/EAM leader in PricewaterhouseCoopers’
International Centre for Excellence in Maintenance
Management. His earlier career included being Cana-
dian distributor, sales and support centre for
CMMS/EAM systems, and CFO and CAO in several
manufacturing companies. He holds a Master’s
Degree in Managerial Economics, and has delivered
hundreds of successful international maintenance
training, workshops and conference presentations
around the world. He is a frequent contributor to
books, journals and web-site newsletters.

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TOPICS (MYR 5,595) (MYR 6,595) (MYR 7,995) Contact Person
Until 9/06/2018 Until 9/07/2018 From 10/07/2018
Event location: Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 8th to 10th of August in 2018 Daniel
Tel : +603 41444035
Planning, Scheduling and Control Fax: +603 41443035
In Maintenance Mobile : +601 89776347
Email :

* Enjoy the discount stated above by making full payment before the given deadline. Pay by: Cheque Bank Transfer
** Register 3 delegates and the 4th and 5th for FREE, inhouse COMPLIMENTARY.
*** Fees inclusive of refreshments, luncheons, course documentation.


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Terms and Condition
COPYRIGHT- All intellectual property rights in all materials produced or distributed by AydanGroup in connection with this event is expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication, publication or distribution is prohibited.
DISCLAIMER - Please note that trainers and topics were confirmedat the time of publishing; however, AydanGroup may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the trainers or topics. As such, AydanGroup reserves the right to change or
cancel any part of its published programme without penalty due to unforeseen circumstances. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on the website as soon as possible.
DATA POLICY - The information the Client provides will be safeguarded by AydanGroup which may be used to keep the Client informed of relevant products and services through letter, phone, fax, email or other electronic means AydanGroup will not
share thisinformation with other parties unless expressly stated.
Tax Note - The investment fee does not include any taxes (withholding or otherwise). In case of any taxes applicable the client has to ensure that the taxes are paid on top of the investment fee paid for the course. Compliance with the local tax laws is the
responsibility of the client.
CANCELLATION & SUBSTITUTIONS - A substitute delegate is always welcome at no additional charge. All bookings carry a 50% liability immediately after a fully completed sales contract has been received. All fees are inclusive of a 15% administration
and service charge, which iscompletely non-refundable and non-creditable. For cancellations received in writing more than seven (7)days prior to the training course you will receive a credit to be used at another AydanGroup training course for up to one
year from the date of issuance. For cancellations received seven (7) days or less prior to an event (including day 7), no credits will be issued, however the delegate will still be entitled toa complete set of course documentation. In the event that
AydanGroup cancels or postpones an event due to circumstances beyond its control, delegate payments at the date of cancellation or postponement will be credited to a future orrescheduled AydanGroup event. This credit will be available for up to twelve
months from the date of issuance. Should for any reason outside the control of AydanGroup, the venue, speakers or dates change, or the event be cancelled due to an act of terrorism, fortuitous events, extreme weather conditions,industrial action, or any
reason beyond management control, AydanGroup shall endeavour to reschedule but the client hereby indemnifies and holds AydanGroup harmless from and against any and all costs including airfare, hotel and other costs,damages and expenses,
including attorney fees, which are incurred by the client as a result of substitution, alteration, postponement or cancellation. The construction, validity andperformance of this Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Malaysia to the
exclusive jurisdiction of whose Courts the Parties herebyagree.


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