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Requirements for Viewing the Course

Setting the Browser Resolution to 100%

If the course screen appears too large or too small, it could be because you have zoomed in or out
the browser window. To restore the browser zoom size to 100%, press CTRL + 0. Alternatively, you
can perform the following steps to adjust the screen resolution:

1. On the View menu, click Zoom.

2. In the Zoom dialog box, click 100%, and then click OK.

Also, check if the desktop resolution is at least 1024 X 768.

Changing the Desktop Resolution

To change the desktop resolution:
Step 1: Right-click the desktop, and on the Shortcut menu, click Properties.

Note: The screenshots are based on Windows XP.

Requirements for Viewing the Course

Step 2: In the Display Properties dialog box, click the Settings tab.
Requirements for Viewing the Course

Step 3: In the Screen area section, move the slider to 1024 by 768 pixels, and then click Apply.
Requirements for Viewing the Course

Step 4: In the Display Properties message box, click OK to confirm the resolution settings.

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