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Endangered animals
dolphin (delfín) elephant (elefante) leopard (leopardo)
orang-utan (orangután) panda (oso panda) polar bear (oso polar)
rhinoceros (rinoceronte) snake (serpiente) tiger (tigre) turtle (tortuga)

1 Mira el dibujo y escribe los nombres de los animales junto a los números.

1 elephant 6 ______________
2 ______________ 7 ______________
3 ______________ 8 ______________
4 ______________ 9 ______________
5 ______________ 10 ______________

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2 Escribe los animales del ejercicio 1 en la columna correcta.

animals that live on animals that live in animals that live on

land water land and in water

elephant dolphin polar bear

______________ ______________
______________ ______________

3 Resuelve el crucigrama.

. 1

6 7

3 I’m usually found in hot countries. I’m a reptile but I don’t have legs.
5 I live in water and on land. I lay eggs and I’ve got a shell.
6 I’ve got four legs but I can’t jump. I’ve got big ears. I have a shower with my
8 I’m a very large animal. I’ve got two horns on my head and my ears are very

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1 I’m from southeast Asia. I live in the forest. My hands are like human hands.
2 I live in the Arctic but not in the Antarctic. I eat meat and fish. I’m very big.
4 I live in Africa. I’m a mammal. I’ve got spots and I’m a member of the cat
7 I come from Asia. I’m a mammal. I’ve got stripes and I’m a member of the
cat family.

Completa las oraciones con información cierta para ti.

1 My favourite endangered animal is ______________________________.

2 I don’t like ______________________________.
3 In a zoo or safari park, I visit the ______________________________ first.

Text Interface 2 © Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011

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