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Cadiogan, Sarah L.

Criminal Law Review

Section B
Atty. Calderon

Animus Nocendi intent to harm or  RA No. 9995 (Anti-

cause damage Photo and Video
Voyeurism Act of 2009)
 RA No. 8049 (Anti-
Hazing Law)
 RA No. 9262 (VAWC)
Animus Furandi intent to steal  Theft- Intent to steal
personal property
Animus Lucrandi intention to make a  Robbery
profit or make profit
 Theft
 PD No. 1612 (Anti-
Fencing Law)
 RA No 9208 (Trafficking
in Persons Act)
 RA No 10883 (Anti
 RA No. 9194 (Anti-
Money Laundering Act
of 2001)
Animus Possidendi intent to possess  RA 10591 (Illegal
Possesion of firearms)/
PD 1866
 RA No. 9165
Dangerous Frugs Act of
 RA 9516
Animus Auctoris intention or will to  RA No. 9372 (Human
perpetrate a crime Security Act)

Animus Domini intention to own

Animus Laedendi intent to injure  RA No 10175

(Cybercrime Law)
 RA No. 9995 (Anti-
Photo and Video
Voyeurism Act of 2009)
 RA 9262 (VAWC)
Animus Necandi intention to kill

Animus Socii intention or  conspiracy

willingness to assist
in the commission of
a crime as

Animus Spoliandi intent to deprive or

disposses another
of possession or
enjoyment of
property or rights in

Animus Deserendi intent to bring

permanently to an

Animus Confidenti intention to confess

Animus Defendi intent to defend

Animus Iniuriandi intent to injure

Animus Capiendi intention to take or

Animus Restituendi intention of
Animus Cancellandi intention of  will
destroying or
Animus Occupandi an intention to
occupy or control;
territory and to
assert sovereignty
Animus Rem Sibi intent to keep a  Theft
Habendi thing for oneself
 Robbery
Animus Defamandi intent of defaming  Libel
 Slander
 RA No. 9995 (Anti-
Photo and Video
Voyeurism Act of 2009)
Animus Morandi intention to remain, 
or to delay
Animus intention of 
derelinquendi- abandoning

Animus Contrahendi intention to contract 

Animus Revocandi intent to revoke  Will

 donation
Animus testandi intention to make a  Tax Laws
testament or will

Animus Donandi intention to give or  Tax laws

to make a gift

Animus Solvendi intention to pay 

Animus revertendi intent to return 

Animus manendi intention of  RA 9225 (Citizenship
remaining Retention and Re-
acquisiton Act)
Animus non- intention not to  RA 9225
revertendi return

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