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Marketing report for RELEVANT Magazine

In front of you, you find the marketing plan for the introduction of RELEVANT Magazine in the
Netherlands. This magazine is at the moment only available in the United States of America.
Introducing a product in a new market is always difficult. We have stated the difficulties in the
following statement;

“How is the RELEVANT Media Group going to introduce RELEVANT Magazine effectively and
successfully on a market, where RELEVANT has no reputation or prior knowledge: the Dutch market?”

Before we can answer this question it is necessary to develop a good marketing plan and marketing
strategy. In the following marketing plan you will find the basis for our choices like name, design and
you will see what our strategy is based upon.

The marketing plan consists of the following chapters;

Chapter 1 Abell-model

Chapter 2 Cultural differences

Chapter 3 Location Survey with the Porter model

Chapter 4 Internal analysis through the 7-s model of McKinsey

Chapter 5 SWOT–analyse

Chapter 6 Confrontation matrix

Chapter 7 FOETSJE-model

Chapter 8 Strategy choice using Porter’s strategy models

Chapter 9 Marketing objectives

Chapter 10 Target group and ideal person

Chapter 1: Abell-model

Consumer function

Spirituality (God)
Consumer technology

Subscribers (after introduction) Magazine

Incidental buyers Relevant church network
Bookshops Internet websites
Supermarkets Events
Tobacco shops
Petrol stations
Other sale points
Consumer groups

Chapter 2: Cultural Differences

If RELEVANT magazine wants to succeed in a new market it is important to consider the cultural
differences between the country which it is originally meant for (United States) and the country it will
be introduced (The Netherlands).

RELEVANT is a religious North-American magazine. Religion has an important role in the American
culture. An ordinary school in America starts the day with prayer. The average family prays before
dinner and goes to church regularly. 86% of the American population believes in some sort of religion.
77,3% is Christian (Protestant 53%, Catholic 23% Other Christian 1.3%) making America the fifth
most religious country in the world. Leading the list with the highest percentage of Christians is
Nigeria. Besides the high percentage of Christians in America it is important how they practice their
religion. Americans like to insert their religion in to their way of living as much as possible. Although
much Americans are rather conservative Christians the fast way of living and their mentality demands
them to fit religion into their schedule. Americans are also very free in their opinions and religions,
allowing everyone to believe what they want.

This is where RELEVANT magazine fits in. It is a progressive religious magazine. It has a Christian
background but is meant for the people who don’t believe in God in the traditional way. This also
makes it possible to introduce in the Dutch magazine market. Dutch are known to be even more
open-minded and progressive-oriented than Americans. The Netherlands has roughly 58% of its
inhabitants that believe in a form of religion. About 42% is Christian. Although this is less then
America, the Christians in the Netherlands are usually more progressive and liberal. Therefore we
believe that young Christians in The Netherlands will be interested in RELEVANT and it would fit
perfectly as a Christian lifestyle magazine for adolescents. It is after all a young and trendy magazine.
It doesn’t show its Christianity too obviously, which is more the Dutch way of believing in God.

America is a traditional democracy. This means that America’s government is divided in three different
sections. On the highest national level these are: The executing power (President), the legislating
power (congress) and the justice power (Supreme Court). Lower governments like a state are divided
similarly but with different heads on every division (executing power can be a governor for example).
The president is the highest power. He (or she?) appoints the judges of the Supreme Court and has
the right to decide which actions should be taken. In the decision making process he is helped by his
cabinet and advisors. In America there are only two political parties that really matter: the Democrat
Party and the Republican Party. The seats in congress are divided between these two parties and the
“greens” a small party with minor power and supporters.

In The Netherlands the government is divided differently. The Netherlands has a constitutional
monarchy. This means that the country is officially ruled by a monarch (king, queen etc.) but that
they are bound to the constitution. The constitution to which the monarchs of the Netherlands are
bound gives them a ceremonial part in the government. The country also has the official government
divided into the same three sections as America. The minister-president is the head of the
government with different ministers under his supervision. The Netherlands has much more political
parties then America. Starting a political party in The Netherlands is much easier and costs
considerably less. Therefore there are more views expressed in the government. This makes entering
politics easier for the average person. Added with the fact that The Netherlands is a far smaller
country then America, most people should feel as if they have more influence in politics than people in
America. Nevertheless this seems to be false. Americans have a higher percentage of voters and are
more active on a political level. Many Americans find their right of free speech one of their biggest
assets and use it regularly.

The Netherlands has 3 112 431 immigrants. With a total of a little over 16 million immigrants this
means that about 19% of the Dutch population is either first or second generation immigrant. The

main countries of origin for Dutch immigrants are: Turkey (11%), Suriname (11%), Morocco (10%)
and the Dutch Antilles (4%). Besides these four countries The Netherlands also hosts immigrants from
E.U. countries (24%) and from other parts of the non-western world (40%). A very big difference
from America where the migration rate is 0,33% of the total population: with 980000 Immigrants and
295,734,134 (July 2005 est.) of total inhabitants. America’s main immigrants groups are Mexicans,
Puerto Ricans, Africans, Cubans and Chinese.

For Americans efficiency is one of the highest priorities. For example, in The Netherlands dining is a
leisurely activity where they can unwind from the day’s events and calmly enjoy their food. Americans
on the other hand see it as a necessity. Dining often happens in front of the television. When
Americans go out to eat they don’t relax and take their time. Dining in America therefore takes much
less time then in The Netherlands.

Another factor that determines the activities in their spare time is the mentality. A large amount of
Americans finds it important to be seen as successful. Showing off with the material possessions they
have is a part of the American way. Dutch people find this far less important. Although they also
pursue success they are less likely to “show it off”. Americans like to be the best and make sure that
everyone knows they are the best. This has also lead to the leading economical, political and military
roll that America plays in the world. Americans therefore like American products. Dutch just want the
best products. This makes it far easier to introduce an American product in the Dutch market then the
other way around. On average Dutch people are much more down to earth. They like people to act
normal and think rationally.

As mentioned above Americans like to be efficient. This also counts for their reading habits. Americans
are more likely to scan a magazine, and absorb as much information as possible in a small amount of
time. Dutch on the other hand like to take their time for reading a magazine. The style in American
and Dutch magazines is therefore very different. American magazines are mainly eye catching. They
are meant to attract the consumer’s eye and persuade them to by the magazine. Inside the magazine
is usually filled with 50% advertising and 30% pictures. The 20% left is filled with text. The text is
usually to the point and direct, with the exception of interviews.

Dutch magazines work in a totally different way. Although the cover is also meant to be flashy and
eye-catching there is usually more information on the cover regarding the information inside the
magazine. Due to the fact that Dutch read more for pleasure then Americans do, the magazines are
usually better filled with text and less with advertising. The articles are usually more in-depth on the
subject then an American article which has the tendency to focus on the main issues. Another
difference is the variety in magazines. A rough description would say that Dutch magazines are meant
to inform the readers where as American magazines are more focused on entertainment and opinions.
The Dutch find it important to give information as objectively as possible, opposed to the Americans
who are more likely to show their own opinion in the text. Therefore the writer is less important in
The Netherlands then he is in America.

Spare time
Americans naturally have different ways of filling their spare time than the Dutch. The favorite
American sports are Baseball, Basketball and American football, opposed to soccer, the number 1
sport in The Netherlands. Due to the efficiency with which the Americans like to plan there spare time
they are more likely to do more things in a small amount of time. Dutch people spend more of their
spare time reading. This is off course positive for the introduction of RELEVANT magazine.

A short summary of the cultural differences between America and the Netherlands:
• Americans have a far larger Christian community
• Dutch are more progressive Christians

• The American government is lead by an elected president

• The Dutch Government is lead by a king or queen

• Americans are more politically active.

• The origins of immigrants are completely different in both countries leading to different
• Americans mainly have South American and African cultures. They also have many immigrants
from neighboring countries
• Dutch have more Eastern cultures and barely any immigrants from neighboring cultures.

• For Americans efficiency is one of the highest priorities, even in their spare time. Dutch like to
take things slower in their spare time
• Americans like to show off their success. Dutch are more down to earth.

• Dutch magazines are (on average) more in-depth, and contain less advertising then American
• American writers express their opinion more clearly in an article; where as the Dutch writers
try to explain everything from an objective point.

• Americans have different ways to pass the time.

• Dutch take more time for leisurely reading.

Chapter 3: Location Survey with the Porter model

The Netherlands has an enormous variety in cultures, colours, people, influences and possibilities. The
Netherlands plays a leading role in the world concerning ‘progressive’ ideas and the practice of these
ideas. The country is one of the free liberal states in the world where controversial terms such as
abortion, homosexuality and euthanasia are accepted by a vast majority of its inhabitants and where
(sometimes under strict regulations) these acts are carried out. Especially its capitol Amsterdam is
considered to be one of the most progressive, controversial (and for some people even hedonistic)
cities in the world when concerning religion (Islamic and ethnic struggles), Freedom of speech (The
murders of politician Pim Fortuyn and film director Theo van Gogh) and drugs/sex (legalized use of
marihuana and other soft drugs, prostitution in red light districts).

Religious perception in The Netherlands

Religion is a very important issue in The Netherlands. The country’s existence is based on the large
Eighty Year War, in which ones religion played a crucial role. Back then in the ‘Republic of The
Netherlands’ the religious ideas of Johannes Calvijn of tolerance were dominant. This Calvinistic way
of life is an inextricable part of Dutch society today. The Netherlands has roughly 58% of its
inhabitants that believe in a form of religion. About 42% is Christian of which Roman Catholics a
numeric dominant with 31 percent of the population. The Dutch Reformed have around 14% of the
Dutch population to their following. However, present development of religion shows that their
numbers are declining since 1951.

The Dutch have a reputation of being very interested in religious questions and beliefs. Thanks to this
tradition, the Dutch society is one of many different religions and Christian churches, but a free and
prosperous place for believers in Islam, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists as well. However some habits of
the past (like Sundays day of rest) are still adopted being by a majority of Dutch as part of their
religious culture. To that aspect, orthodox Christians still have an important hand in society.

Youth Culture in General

Dutch youth culture is one of ‘the sky is the limit’ and self-development. Due to technological
discoveries and economic prosperity, Dutch young-adults in general are self-aware and social active.
Due to the liberal climate of their country, they experience their lives as free. They take their
opportunities and try to make the best for themselves and their social environment. Due to the pace
of the economy and growing number of inhabitants (native Dutch and immigrants) their feeling of
having to compete to ‘be who you want to be’ is increasing. For some, these developments cause
stress, aggression and/or psychological damage with accordingly affects society as well.

Therefore, young adults are searching for more security in life. This points them towards social
acceptable behavior (expression through clothing, buying habits), and self-development of which
spiritual inspiration delivers peace of mind.

Anti-ecclesiastical developments
The acceptance of homosexuality in the Netherlands, abortion rights for women, ‘Freedom of Death’
for elderly and unbearably-illness (euthanasia) and the opposition of religious leaders against those
ideas have catapulted many people in society to leave their traditional religious churches and to
experience their religion in other ways that (in their view) are more suitable for modern day society.
Dutch (and especially young-adults) are quite liberal and progressive in their ideas/ideals and with the
addition of foreign influences and other religious believes, are questioning these traditions and
creating their own social-spiritual environment in which many ‘New Age’ and alternative believes are
added. This development calls for action with traditional churches and religious institutes to adapt to
these developments of which RELEVANT Magazine is a perfect example which corresponds with the
tendency in the United States of America.

Chapter 4: Internal analysis through the 7-s model of

The 7-s model of McKinsey is built up by seven management/marketing tools, which are strongly
connected to each other; structure, systems, style, staff, skills, strategy and significant value.

The RELEVANT Media Group is a media agency, which produces a magazine and books. RELEVANT
magazine is the only magazine for progressive, spiritually hungry twentysomethings. The RELEVANT
books-department digs deep into the issues surrounding God, life and progressive culture. So for the
18-to-34 audience, who is looking for something to be passionate about, the RELEVANT Media Group
sells some unique stuff.

The structure of the RELEVANT Media Group includes the following departments: management,
administration, editorial, sales & marketing and design. Behind the RELEVANT magazine and
RELEVANT books is a creative team, known as RELEVANT Solutions. It's a group of designers,
developers, writers and strategists working in digital and print environments. RELEVANT Solutions
partners with a client from beginning to end: identifying target audiences and setting multimedia
strategies utilizing web, print and new media.

The internal communication is very linear. Every single department has his own director. The
employees from a single department communicate with their colleagues or director. The
communication between the different departments takes place by the directors. The management
team communicates with the directors and only when necessary with the employees. So it is safe to
say that the internal communication in the RELEVANT Media Group is mainly top-down.

Style and Staff

The style of the management team is about the same as the style of their magazine and books. That
means they are very open-minded and progressive. They focus on the lives of younger generations,
which means that the management is very involved with college students and twentysomethings.

RELEVANT is the only magazine for progressive, spiritually hungry twentysomethings. Covering “God,
Life and Progressive Culture,” each issue discusses faith, career, relationships and music. RELEVANT
discusses practically everything that affects the lives of their audience.

Releasing 18 titles in 2004, RELEVANT Books is the market leader for the spiritually focused young
adult audience. The books uncover God in culture, promote personal spiritual growth and a
relationship with God, and deal with everyday life issues like money and marriage.

The character of RELEVANT is accessible for everyone. RELEVANT is part of the younger generation’s
lives with subjects irrespective of race, grade, social status or faith.

The RELEVANT Media Group wants to break stereotypes, challenge status quo and enact changes
through the media. “We’re seeking God, living life and striving to impact the world around us.”

There also is a RELEVANT Network, which is a new resource division for young adult pastors and
leaders. Every other month RELEVANT Network subscribers receive a resource kit packed with books,
worship tools, music, study guides, The RELEVANT Leader magazine and other materials hand-
selected to help leaders minister to, and stay connected with college students and twentysomethings.
RELEVANT has a global church network and their goal is to expand their position in the future, both in
the Netherlands as well as in other countries.

Significant value
At the moment RELEVANT magazine and RELEVANT books are only available in the United States of
America. Because of RELEVANT’s global church network, the RELEVANT Media Group wants to spread
their products over the border.

Marketing mix RELEVANT:

The physical product is a magazine; it contains about 110 pages per issue. The cover of the magazine
usually portrays a photograph of an icon like a artist. This person is usually infamous and has the
leading role in an article. The word relevant is printed on the head of the front page with three words
on the bottom of the headline; God, life. Progressive culture. On the left side of the magazine there
are underlines about the content of the current issue.

RELEVANT appears 6 times a year, not including the extra theme issues that Relevant distributes once
in a while. These are distributed for loose sale and send to the subscription.

Promotion policy
The communication towards the public must be integrated in to company ventures. This will increase
RELEVANT’s sales. It must be made clear that RELEVANT stands for God, life and Progressive culture.
These three words underline the characteristics of RELEVANT. These characteristics will also be
enforced by the advertisement and in our Sponsorship enterprises. The target group for
communication consists of people with specified characteristics. These are men and women in their
mid-twenties, with a desire for a new magazine. The communication target group is; spontaneous,
trendsetters, who aren’t afraid to give their opinion and have a spiritual connection with Christian

Price policy
The price policy is determined by the headquarters in the Netherlands. The price of a single copy is €
3,95. This price, in comparison with the direct competition, is a bit above average. Magazines that
choose other segmentation criteria like: mainstream life style & fashion magazines and mainstream
magazines in general, have a more expensive price. RELEVANT rests in-between these two categories.
A subscription on Relevant will give the consumer a discount. The price of a subscription will be
€12,00 annually.

Place policy
The places where a consumer can buy RELEVANT are: newspaper stands, Bruna and supermarkets in
short RELEVANT will be available everywhere. On special events that relate to Relevant magazine the
participant will also be inclined to buy a copy of RELEVANT for an introduction price. These events are
of course connected to the target group.

Chapter 5: SWOT-analyse

• The wide variety of subjects of the magazine (music, culture, lifestyle) interests the target
• The American edition has got a comprehensive website
• The progressive way of speaking about Christianity is unique
• The design of the magazine is quite bold. This attracts a young-adult audience

• The magazine appears only 6 times a year, therefore there is no strong connection with the
target group
• The American price of RELEVANT magazine is higher then the price of other religious
• People won’t consider the magazine to be religious at first sight
• Because of the large amount of information on the website the magazine might become

• In the modern magazine market there are less progressive Christian magazines for our target
• The number of Christians in the Netherlands is stable
• Our research showed that a lot of people read one or more magazines at the same time
• Our research showed that 25% of the people wants a progressive Christian lifestyle magazine
• There’s still a huge unknown group of Christians in the Netherlands
• Christianity is the largest religion in the Netherlands

• After 9/11 people are less open about their religion
• Progressive Christians can be extremely progressive and decide not to by the magazine
• The dividing line between religion and lifestyle isn’t always clear
• It is hard to attain the target group (they are not in the church, but at home)

Chapter 6: Confrontation matrix
Confrontation matrix Strengths Weaknesses
S1 The wide variety of subjects W1 The magazine appears only
of the magazine (music, 6 times a year, therefore there
culture, lifestyle) interests the is no strong connection with the
target group target group
S2 The American edition has W2 The American price of
got a comprehensive website RELEVANT magazine is higher
S3 The progressive way of then the price of other religious
speaking about Christianity is magazines
unique W3 People won’t consider the
S4 The design of the magazine magazine to be religious at first
is quite bold. This attracts a sight
young-adult audience W4 Because of the large
amount of information on the
website the magazine might
become inferior
Opportunities Opportunities - Strengths Opportunities - Weaknesses
O1 In the modern magazine OS1 Because of the large OW1 The website will
market there are less target group and the variety of compensate the 6 times a year
progressive Christian magazines the magazine we can expect a appearance of the magazine
for our target group lot of buyers
O2 The number of Christians in OW2 By having a good
the Netherlands is stable OS2 Because of the unique campaign, the image of
O3 Our research showed that a strategy of the magazine, there RELEVANT has to become clear
lot of people read one or more won’t be a lot of competitors for the audience, so they will
magazines at the same time recognize the magazine in the
O4 Our research showed that shops
25% of the people wants a
progressive Christian lifestyle
magazine like RELEVANT
O5 There’s still a huge
unknown group of Christians in
the Netherlands
O6 Christianity is the largest
religion in the Netherlands

Threats Threats - Strengths Threats - Weaknesses

T1 After 9/11 people are less TS1 Because of the progressive TW1 The target group is very
open about their religion style of the magazine it is easier diverse, what makes it hard to
T2 Progressive Christians can to by a religious magazine reach them
be extremely progressive and
decide not to by the magazine
T3 The dividing line between
religion and lifestyle isn’t always
T4 It is hard to attain the target
group (they are not in the
church, but at home)

Chapter 7: FOETSJE-model
The conclusions that can be made from the confrontation matrix must be tested to see if they are
feasible and realistic. We will do this with the FOETSJE-model, which is an abbreviation for seven
different points that the options must be tested by.

FOETSJE – Financial, Organizing, Economical, Technological, Social, Justice System, Ecological


The options from the confrontation matrix are:

Option 1: Because of the large target group and the variety of the magazine we can expect a lot of
Option 2: Because of the unique strategy of the magazine, there won’t be a lot of competitors
Option 3: The website will compensate the 6 times a year appearance of the magazine
Option 4: By having a good campaign, the image of RELEVANT has to become clear for the
audience, so they will recognize the magazine in the shops
Option 5: Because of the progressive style of the magazine it is easier to by a religious magazine
Option 6: The target group is very diverse, what makes it hard to reach them

The first thing that catches the eye is option 6. Option 6 isn’t a real option but more of a threat. The
diversity in the target audience makes it an expensive and inefficient option to further deal with. It is
economically and financially not feasible because the diversity will cost too much money for the
publisher to reach the entire target audience personally. The biggest problem however, is the
organization. Because Relevant does not yet have any connections in the Netherlands besides us, it
will be a problem to immediately penetrate the market this well. This leaves us with five options.

Another option that can’t be used is option 4. A marketing campaign on a large scale is not feasible
for the introduction of RELEVANT. The expenses and organisational problems are too high for the
option to be realistic. A campaign on large scale would help to solve the problem of diversity named in
option 6, but isn’t economically or financially viable.

Besides options 6 and 4 all options are worth considering. Judicially and ecologically they are all
feasible. Option 3 is especially ecologically feasible due to the fact that a digital medium is used,
which doesn’t cost paper or anything else ecologically important. Options 1 and 2 are feasible on each
criterion. They are financially and economically very realistic goals. Relevant magazine must have the
know-how to organise such options and technology and socially there are no obstacles either. Option
5 is also realistic but is less desirable due to a few +/- which are not very convincing. Nevertheless it
is certainly a feasible option. And finally there is option three. By looking at the chart below it is clear
that option 3 is by far the best one. It is feasible on all points, and even extremely well to carry out on
Financial, Economical and ecological points.

An overview of the various options:

Option 1 + + + + + + +
Option 2 + + + + + + +
Option 3 ++ + ++ + + + ++
Option 4 - - - + ++ + +
Option 5 + +/- + +/- ++ + +
Option 6 - -- - +/- - + +

Chapter 8: Strategy choice using Porter’s strategy
Porter describes five competitive forces:

5. Threat of new
accessing the

1. Negotiation position 3. Degree of 2. Power of the

or the power of the competition between consumer
suppliers competitors in the

4. Threat of substitute

1. Negotiation position or the power of suppliers

The position concerning the suppliers in The Netherlands is quite good, considering that
RELEVANT Media Group has no experience with suppliers in The Netherlands yet. The suppliers
and distributors in The Netherlands (Europe) are reasonably equal in expenses as in The United
States. Due to the RELEVANT Media Group’s unique selling point and proposition we are
convinced that one of the larger suppliers of print-material will be interested in collaboration with
RELEVANT Media Group.

2. Power of the Consumer

As RELEVANT Media Group introduces a new magazine on a market with few substitute products
(spiritual lifestyle-magazines), it is expected that it shouldn’t be a large obstacle to persuade the
consumers in buying RELEVANT Magazine. The RELEVANT Magazine target group is searching for
a way to experience their religion in a progressive and opinion-forming way and to reduce their
possible insecurity. Due to the lack of competitors, this unique magazine will be easily absorbable
and the power of the consumer will be minimal.

3. Degree of competition between competitors in the market

The competition that RELEVANT Media Group will have is yet unknown and not experienced. This
will have to be closely watched and monitored, especially before the introduction and during the
first stages of the launch of the magazine. The print magazine-market isn’t easily accessible for
new competitors due to the very specific interests of the reader-audience. On the other hand, this
specific and segmented market will be a quite competition-less one, once our position on the
market is secured.

4. Threat of substitute products

RELEVANT Magazine is a unique magazine. The Christian Lifestyle-for-the-next-generation
approach of the product is one of a kind. Therefore the danger of substitute products isn’t very
big. Yet the danger of substitute products should be kept to our attention when eventually

RELEVANT Magazine might turn out to be a success.

5. Threat of new products/companies accessing the market/branch

This threat is reasonably large for the four reasons mentioned above.

The five forces offer a clear view on the elements that influence the average output in the branch.
Taking the above mentioned dangers and forces into consideration, RELEVANT Magazine requires
what Porter calls a differentiation strategy with a small focus. The cultural differences between The
United States and The Netherlands are the reason why the accent of the strategy must be on the
differentiation strategy.

The advantages that RELEVANT Media Group wants to have in comparison to the (probable)
competition will require attention to the following points:
Be strict – Take high demands from the readers and supplier seriously and consider it as top
priority to establish contact with those readers whose needs are most difficult to fulfil. This is
necessary in order to set standards for the magazine-content.
Approach and watch Christian society – Christian social gatherings need to be watched and
through this, changes can be stimulated in the content of the magazine. Approaching and
respecting the views and ideals of these ‘hardcore’ Christians and the average reader of
RELEVANT Magazine will keep RELEVANT dynamic (necessary for the Dutch market) and
challenged (also challenged towards eventual competitors on the lifestyle-market).
Be alert – Recognise signs of change in an early stage and use this in RELEVANT’s advantage
by taking initiative in the early stages. In this way RELEVANT Magazine can establish and
build on relations with the consumers in order to be ahead of others regarding future needs of
customers and likely shifts in reader-interest.
Watch the domestic (U.S.) market closely – Use issues and interviews with people from the
home market to your advantage in the new Dutch market.
Choose settling place with care – Companies needs to make a clear decision on the place
where they want to settle. Every place has advantages and disadvantages. The company’s
image can be influenced by the place where they do business from. Amsterdam would be a
likely candidate for the new RELEVANT Headquarters in The Netherlands because of the
liberal climate and the competitive business-climate.


What’s in it for the customer?

Readers of RELEVANT Magazine will have 110 pages of interesting and enjoyable reading material to
their disposal! RELEVANT isn’t your old-fashioned Christian magazine with the pointing finger to tell
you what you should and shouldn’t do, but it will show you all the pro’s and con’s in a positive,
entertaining and trendy way. Live your life with God the way you want it!

RELEVANT Magazine is unique; an one-of-a-kind spiritual lifestyle magazine for young-adults with
information about spiritual growth, god in culture, revolution, career, relationships, finances, health,
choices, music, movies, TV and books. RELEVANT opens the eyes of its readers and transforms them
from possible ‘sheep’ into leaders of their own flock of spiritual youngsters.

RELEVANT Magazine is enjoyable to read and portrays the world with all its ups and downs.
RELEVANT Magazine brings all the ‘essential’ and ‘relevant’ information of your world to you.
RELEVANT is a social, liberal and progressive life-style magazine with a Godly flavour.

The marketing mix in short concerning Porter (in addition to the earlier marketing mix)

The main themes are God, Life and Progressive Culture. These principals aren’t unique by themselves
but the way RELEVANT is set on the market with all these elements combined and with the trendy
approach of the magazine (design, language) ís! RELEVANT Magazine is a unique lifestyle magazine.
To make the themes: God, Life and “real” in the perception of the readers of RELEVANT Magazine,
the RELEVANT Media Group needs to link the magazine to local events, gatherings and (Dutch) artists
who share their values.

The physical product is a magazine; it contains about 110 pages per issue. The cover of the magazine
usually portrays a photograph of a person who is connected with the RELEVANT target group. This
person shares the same values, is an inspiration or has an interesting point of view.

RELEVANT appears 6 times a year, not including the extra theme issues that Relevant distributes once
in a while. These are distributed for loose sale and send to the subscription.

RELEVANT Media Group needs to do extensive distribution to make RELEVANT Magazine available at
all the right places. In The Netherlands the majority of lifestyle magazines are bought through
subscription sale; this requires an active 24-hour platform where people can subscribe themselves to
the magazine. is a great example, and could be translated to a Dutch version
( with the same qualities. RELEVANT Magazine should be distributed in all places
where potential readers who share the same values meet: newspaper stands, stores, festivals, and
the internet.

RELEVANT Magazine will be positioned as a quality lifestyle magazine with high standards concerning
printing-material, design and content. The total feeling of the product (the look, the service we
provide, the potential website, the values) will ensure a correct value versus price for the product.

Chapter 9: Marketing objectives
The marketing objectives of RELEVANT Media Group for RELEVANT Magazine are mainly short term
objectives. This choice is based on the fact that RELEVANT Media Group wants to take liberties to
change their strategy whenever RELEVANT Media Group wants.

Short-term Marketing objectives for RELEVANT Magazine:

To increase the brand awareness of RELEVANT Magazine with 30% in the targeted marketing
group in 4 months.
Introduce RELEVANT Magazine on the market successfully and distinguish its characteristics in
the first year through an effective and well-considered media campaign.
25% of the target group has to read and buy RELEVANT Magazine in the first year though
loose sale.
15% of the target group has to read and buy RELEVANT Magazine in the first year by an

Chapter 10: Target group and ideal person

To successfully introduce RELEVANT Magazine on the Dutch print-magazine market, RELEVANT Media
Group will need to focus its product development and marketing on a target group with the following
characteristics. To conclude this marketing-plan we have created an ideal person for RELEVANT

Target Group (Age, Attitude and Values)

To successfully introduce RELEVANT Magazine on the Dutch market, RELEVANT will target young
adults (men and women) between the age of 18-34 years; studying and or working, residents in
parental house, living together with a partner, single or married.

Relevant is the only magazine for open minded and spiritual young adults. These young adults are
searching for their own place in life. ‘Where do I belong?’, ‘Where do I feel good?’. The answers to
these questions are cohering with religion, which is the guide-line of Relevant. But Relevant allows
and dares to put religion open to discussion, which is exactly what the target group needs.

The main topics in RELEVANT Magazine are writing around the issues: ‘God, Life and Progressive
Culture’. Furthermore these issues discuss religion, career, relationships and music; in fact everything
what keeps the target group occupied. Articles in RELEVANT Magazine are more targeted on the
mature or adult period of life.

Income or earnings of the target group have not been defined. RELEVANT Magazine is an illustrated
magazine that is not specific targeted on an income target group. The price of a copy of the magazine
in loose sale will cost around the € 3. These prices are sensitive and approach the price of similar
illustrated magazines.

Social standards
The social class of the target group consists of the middle class and the higher social classes. These
classes have the need and the possibilities to afford RELEVANT Magazine. Both the higher social class
and the middle class have the budget to buy a loose illustrated magazine or to afford a subscription.
Besides that, active participation in religion is frequently stronger present in the higher social class
than in the other (lower) social classes. This certainly contributes to the sale of RELEVANT Magazine.
One assumes that the lower social classes have a lack of budget and interest for reading.

Christian; believe in God bases on the religious principles taken from The Holy Bible. Religion is
certainly an important issue in Relevant but it is not a condition for the target group. It is an
illustrated magazine that approaches religion more critically within the social changes. The target
group exists of believers, but also from lesser- religious readers or even non believers (atheists).

Urbanization Rate
Christianity is the strongest in the countryside. The Christians from the countryside are in search of a
new Christian illustrated magazine. The competition of an illustrated magazine as RELEVANT is
relatively small. It is expected that RELEVANT Magazine will have a very large impact in countryside
areas. On the other hand, Christianity is not the main religion in the urban areas; the Islam is.
Members of Islamic target group share many values with their Christian counterparts in Dutch society;
contact and debate with individuals from the same age group to discuss religion are valued highly.

For young adults, who are in search of progressive culture, RELEVANT is very accessible, and even for
the non Christians; with an agenda for events, but also the latest films, books and music. The
competition in the urban areas will certainly be more aggressive than in the countryside areas. But by
the Christian angle of RELEVANT, RELEVANT will be different from the rest. The target group who
orients himself, who is in search of something new, can certainly fulfill his or her needs with the
contents of RELEVANT Magazine.

The individuality of the young adults is related especially to progressiveness. Readers are mostly in
search of new insights and opinions. Variable circumstances play a large role for the target group.
This way, the variable character ensures that the subjects of RELEVANT Magazine are very versatile.


Ideal person

Our ideal person is named Tessa. Tessa is 22 years old and lives at home with her parents and her
older brother. Currently she is in college and has a part-time job. Tessa is a Christian and she often
went to church when she was younger. She lived by the ‘rules’ of the church, but decided not to
practice her religion actively anymore once she went through puberty. Tessa has many hobbies and
interests and has great social qualities.

In her ‘college-life’ she has almost no recognition of her religious conviction in the other students.
Many of Tessa friends and classmates do not always agree with her interpretations and ideas, but she
respects their opinion. On the other hand, it sometimes makes her insecure of position in (spiritual)
life. It is important for Tessa to live ‘with God’ to find her inner peace. She occasionally goes to church
and other religious social gatherings such as Sunday’s church sessions and young-church events. She
is convinced that religious rules are bendable and that the practice of religion enables a person to
reflect ones thoughts, create ones own universe and be able to live a spiritual life in a free, open-
minded and modern way.


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