Condenser Tube Fouling and Failure

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The Journal of All Power Plant Chemistry Areas

December 2005
Condenser Tube Fouling and
Failures: Cause and Mitigation
Cvcle Chemistry Moniloring
Process Monitoring: What
Really Matters

Cvcle Chemistry Moniloring

Measurement of Organics in
Power Plant Makeup Water

Fossil Cvcle Chemistry

Operational Experience with
Organics in Industrial Steam
Sodium aher Cation Exchanger Sodium ppb
Condensate Polishing
Ion Exchange Resin Fouling by Organic Amines in Secondary Systems at U.S. Nuclear Power

Fine Dust Emissions

Studies on the Issue of Fine Dust Based on the Example of Grosskraftwerk Mannheim AG

Events Calendar agers,

Plant man d age #121.
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ISSN 1438-5325 Visit us at Volume 7 (2005) No. 12
Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation PPCham

Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation

196 PowerPlant Chemistry 2005, 7(12)

may be required in Microbiological fouling
Andrew G. Howell severe situations. The root routinely occurs in natural Particle deposition
George E. Saxon, Jr. causes of condenser tube waters, as many bacterial generally occurs in
foul- ing and failures are species will naturally condenser tubes when
relatively well understood, colonize and grow on inert the flow rate is
and are gen- erally substrates; the inadequate to keep
ABSTRACT preventable and temperature at the interior particulates in
correctable. wall of condenser tubes is suspension. Design flow
The two most common
ideal for growth of some through condenser tubes
condenser tube
bacteria. The resulting is often
problems faced by
mass is frequently low in 2-3 m . S-1 (7 to 10 ft/s),
chemists are internal FOULING but this is an average (bulk
organic solids (10-30 %
tube fouling and tube Fouled condenser tubes flow),
after drying), with the
failure. Fouling can have cause significant and some tubes may
majority of constituents
a major impact on power economic prob- lems for experience much lower
being inor- ganic
sta- tion generating power station operation. flow than others. This can
particulates from the
efficiency and/or Reduced heat transfer be a problem if the
cooling water that have
capacity, and tube leaks capability results in a waterbox is not full, and
become incorporated into
can seriously impact unit higher backpressure in upper tubes receive
the microbiological slime.
availability and reliabil- the con- denser and less intermittent flow.
Even a thin layer of
ity. Fundamental efficient turbine Commonly, areas of low
microbiological fouling
understanding of the performance, requiring flow result from partial
can be particularly
root cause(s) of these increased fuel or even blockage on the
detrimental to heat
issues and their limiting generation tubesheet, or by an
transfer, as much of the
mitigation is essential to capacity. A sec- ond object lodged within a
slime mass consists of
resolv- ing these serious concern is that tube. It is not likely that
water, which conducts
problems and/or condenser tube leaks particle deposition will
heat poorly.
preventing their occur- com- monly occur as a cause a significant loss of
rence. consequence of fouling heat transfer for the
Scale (mineral
[1]. crystallization) occurs on condenser, but it may
heat transfer sur- faces serve as an ini- tiation site
INTRODUCTION Types of Fouling under a combination of for crevice corrosion.
dissolved mineral Common types of fouling
Maintaining clean, leak- Condenser tube fouling, concen- tration and particulates in condensers
free condenser tubes is which is mostly a tube temperature effects. include sediment/silt,
critical to low-cost power interior concern, generally Scaling of certain com- diatoms, coal dust, and
plant operation. falls into the categories of mon constituents in minerals precipitated from
Cleanliness is usually an (1) microbio- logical, (2) natural waters (calcium the cooling water (calcium
internal (waterside) tube scale, (3) deposition, (4) carbonate, calcium sulfate, calcium
concern, and problems corrosion products, and phosphate) is promoted phosphate, silicates, etc.).
most commonly occur (5) tubesheet pluggage.
by elevated tempera-
due to scale precipitation,
tures, such as exist on the Corrosion products can
particulate deposition, or
interior wall of condenser grow relatively thick on
microbiological growth. © 2005 by
tubes, particularly towards the sur- faces of certain
Fouled tubes may result PowerPlantChemistry GmbH.
All rights reserved. the outlet end. Other tubes, primarily copper
in two critical problems:
scale-forming minerals alloys. Scale or deposition
(1) unit performance loss
(calcium sulfate) are more promotes copper oxide
due to impedance of
heat transfer, and (2) likely to form at cooler growth, and in some
tube failure. Tube failures temperatures. Scale can cases a thin surface
can originate due to drastically reduce heat scale will enhance the
damaging conditions on transfer, depending on growth of a thick
either the waterside or the specific mineral underlying copper oxide
steamside of tubes, formed and its thick- layer, which will inhibit
resulting from a variety of ness. While scaling water heat transfer and
mechanisms. The effects chemistry is not normally establish sites for
of condenser tube leaks asso- ciated with crevice corrosion.
can be devastating to corrosion, it is very Corrosion product growth
plant availability and possible that crevice is enhanced by more
reliability; expensive corro- sion will occur corrosive waters.
equipment replacement beneath scale.

PowerPlant Chemistry 2005, 7(12) 197

The condenser inlet
tubesheet is subject to
blockage by various
materials and debris,
including rocks, concrete
pipe debris, cooling
tower materials (plastic
fill/wood), chunks of ash
or coal, pieces of rust,
paper trash, leaves and
other vegetation, and
aquatic animals (crayfish,

198 PowerPlant Chemistry 2005, 7(12)

PPChem Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation

PowerPlant Chemistry 2005, 7(12) 199

PPChem Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation

clams). The primary effect is reduced flow to certain tubes, An off-line chemical cleaning to remove scale or corrosion
which results in particulate deposition and increased products in condenser tubes is likely to be successful, pro-
opportunity for microbiological growth. If major tubesheet vided the process is correctly designed and implemented.
blockage occurs, the condenser vacuum can be signifi- However, a number of drawbacks to chemical cleaning
cantly degraded. must be considered, including:

• safety
Foulant Removal • cost
There are a number of approaches to removing foulants • waste disposal
from condenser tubes. To select the optimum removal • time required
method, the foulant must first be identified, if possible. If • insuring complete foulant removal
the unit can be brought off-line for inspection, material in • maintaining integrity of base metal
the condenser tube can be collected and analyzed.
Microbiological fouling may be difficult to identify when
wet, but typically forms flakes that readily detach from the Incomplete foulant removal can occur when the foulant is
tube wall when dry. Macrofouling of the tubesheet can be dislodged from the tube during a chemical clean, but not
recognized by the presence of debris in the waterbox, completely dissolved or adequately rinsed, leaving a
which tends to fall off the tubesheet when flow is discon- residue of sludge. Alternatively, part of the foulant may be
tinued. dislodged from the tube, and part remain adherent (partic-
ularly with scale that is a composite of multiple minerals).
The tubes should not be left in a "half-cleaned" condition,
On-Line Foulant Removal Efforts to remove certain
as increased corrosion may occur where base metal is
foulants on-line can be successful when the probable
exposed. In either case, following a chemical clean with
foulant is known from experience. The pH can be lowered
mechanical removal, if feasible, is a good practice to
to remove specific foulants such as calcium carbonate
insure tube cleanliness.
(pH < 5.8) and calcium phosphate (pH < 4.0), although
there is a risk to the system by exposure to low pH. If
Several techniques are commonly utilized to mechanically
mechanical cleaning systems are in place (abrasive
remove foulants. Mechanical scrapers (metal or plastic) are
sponge balls or similar recirculating cleaning tools), they
widely applied, and specific scrapers have been designed
can be used; such systems are likely to be effective with
to remove virtually all common foulants, even hard mineral
very soft foulants (microbiological or deposits), but may
not be helpful for scale or corrosion product removal. scale such as calcium carbonate (Figures 1 and 2).
Dosing with high levels of biocides for short periods may Scrapers are propelled at 3-6 m . S-1 (10 to 20 ftls) by pres-
help to remove biofilms, although established microbiolog- surized water at about 2 MPa (300 psig), so loosened
ical growths are resistant to biocides. If flow can be debris is rinsed from the tube with the scraping process.
increased, settled particulates might be removed, pro- Concern has frequently been expressed regarding the
vided caution is exercised in units having copper-alloy affect of metal scrapers on base metal. Careful evaluation
tubes. over many years has led to the conclusion that there is vir-
tually no risk of base metal damage with metal scrapers
that are properly designed and used [2]. One advantage of
Off-Line Foulant Removal Removal of foulants with metal scrapers is that they are effective against a variety of
the unit off-line is frequently the most effective approach. foulants, so may be useful for general purpose cleaning if
The tubes and system can be examined directly, so identi- the foulant is not identified. However, some foulants are
fication of the problem is more certain, and therefore better removed by identification and matching with a spe-
selection of the best means of removal is more likely. cific scraper design [3].

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200 PowerPlant Chemistry 2005, 7(12)

PPChem Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation

Figure 1: Metal tube scrapers, Hex Cleaners, for general Figure 2: Cal Buster, designed for breaking up hard
purpose tube cleaning (Conca Systems, Inc.). calcium carbonate scale (Conco Systems, Inc.).

PowerPlant Chemistry 2005, 7(12) 201

Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation
---- PPChem
Other common mechanical foulant removal techniques tubes are filled with microbiological slime that
include metal-wire brushes (Figure 3) and high-pressure is dried and flaky
water. Wire brushes are propelled individually down tubes,
similarly to scrapers. Brushes may be particularly useful for
tubes that have inlet-end metal inserts, or inlet epoxy coat-
ings, which can reduce the internal diameter. High-pres-
sure water ("hydroblasting") can be effective on some
foulants, particularly soft materials such as microbiological
films and particulate deposits, but may incompletely
remove very adherent scales. Additionally, hydroblasting
must be performed carefully, as the water will quickly cut
through relatively soft condenser tubing (such as copper
alloys) if the spray nozzle is allowed to pause for too long.
Where inlet-end metal inserts are present, hydroblasting
can severely deform the inserts by forcing water into the
insert-tube interface.

Figure 3:
Stainless Steel Tube Clean-
ing Brush, for general pur-
pose tube cleaning, includ-
ing when scrapers will not fit
properly due to inlet-end
inserts or epoxy coating
(Con co Systems, Inc.).

Microbiological fouling can be removed by almost any

mechanical cleaning technique, but can also be addressed
by allowing the condenser tubes to dry out (Figure 4), and
then flushing with water (returning to normal cooling water
flow). This rather passive cleaning approach requires that
the underlying foulant present is microbiological in nature,
even if the bulk of the foulant consists of inorganic parti-

Macrofouling is essentially a mechanical blockage issue

with microfouling consequences. This problem is cor-
rected by physical removal of trash, etc. from the water-
box, and rodding out of chunks of debris lodged in tubes.

Figure 4: View of inlet-end tubesheet through manway;

Fouling Prevention

Steps can be taken to significantly reduce the possibility of

condenser tube fouling. Incoming water may be treated for
particulate removal by the use of settling ponds, or by fil-
tration. Clarification can remove both particulates and
some dissolved foulants, such as hardness (calcium and
magnesium). Prevention of macrofouling is primarily
accomplished by screens intended to block large debris
from reaching the condenser. These screens are sized to
block any potential foulant that is too large to easily pass
through the condenser tubes. For recirculating fresh water
cooling towers, the probability of scale formation is directly
related to evaporative cycles, so scaling control is partially
managed by limiting cycles of concentration.

Certain chemicals added to the cooling water are effective

at preventing specific types of tube fouling. Biocides (oxi-
dizing or non-oxidizing) are used to minimize microbiolog-
ical growth, although environmental discharge restrictions
limit their use in once-through cooling systems. Anti-
sealant specialty chemicals reduce the probability of scale
formation; pH reduction also helps in this regard (typically
with sulfuric acid addition). Dispersants can lessen the
possibility that particulates will settle or adhere to tube
interiors. Corrosion inhibitors are often added (e.g., zinc
and phosphate for carbon steel, triazoles for copper

Mechanical approaches to fouling prevention in tubes

include recirculating scraping/wiping devices, such as
sponge balls. These items must pass through condenser
tubing without much force (carried with circulating water
flow), yet apply slight pressure to tube interior walls with-
out becoming lodged within the tubes. Some maintenance
is required, as there is gradual wear on the cleaning
pieces, and they must be periodically replaced. These
devices can be very effective in limiting microbiological
film growth, but their effectiveness against scaling is

Adequate flow rate is another important mechanical com-

ponent to fouling prevention. Low flow provides increased
opportunity for microbiological colonization and growth on
tube interior walls, and for settling of particulates. On the
other hand, excessive flow (greater than 2.1 m· S-l (7 ft/s))
can cause damage to copper-alloy tubing, so an optimal
range may be required. Since the average flow will be dif-
ferent than 'worst-case' flows in specific tubes, achieving
a desired overall flow rate may not completely resolve
these fouling issues.


When a condenser tube leaks, cooling water is drawn by
the condenser vacuum into the high-purity condensate (4].
The impact of this contamination will depend primarily on
(1) the quantity of cooling water inleakage, and (2) the
quality of the cooling water. State-of-the-art detection of
PPChern Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation

PowerPlant Chemistry 2005, 7(12) 199

Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation PPChem
cooling water ingress requires continuous sodium and Eq. (1) commonly is predominant in seawater and with
cation conductivity monitoring of condensate and/or feed- freshwater that has been concentrated by cooling towers;
water. Eq. (2) may be dominant with once-through freshwater
The quantity of inleakage is relatively straightforward,
depending on the size of the breach in the tube wall. System design and boiler water treatment are selected
Depending on the tube damage mechanism, the leak may with consideration of minimizing damage from condenser
increase in size with time, or remain unchanged. It is com- tube leaks. Condensate polishing demineralizers are ideal
mon for certain leaks to operate intermittently; this may be for catching cooling water ingress before it travels to the
due to thermal expansion/contraction, as with load swings boiler and turbine. For units without these polishers, phos-
or unit cycling, or can occur if particulates in the cooling phate-based boiler water treatment, including the ability to
water flow into the leak and plug it temporarily. feed phosphate quickly when a condenser leak occurs,
serves to buffer pH shifts, and will prevent hardness ions
The significance of inleakage is directly dependent on the (calcium, magnesium) from forming scale in the boiler.
cooling water quality. High-quality freshwater (commonly
150-400 mg· L-1) cooling a once-through condenser will
permit relatively few contaminants to enter the conden- Categories of Condenser Tube Failures
sate, even with a significant volume of inleakage. The
same water cycled in cooling towers may be ten to fifteen Condenser tube leaks may occur from the steamside or
times more concentrated in dissolved solids than its waterside of the tubes, and can be caused by chemical or
source (3 000-4 000 mg . L-1). Poorer quality freshwater, mechanical factors, or a combination of the two. The list-
perhaps from shallow wells, can be considerably higher in ing of failures here is not comprehensive, but covers the
dissolved solids (1 500-2 500 mg . L-1), and may be cycled majority of common damage mechanisms.
in cooling towers up to 25 000 mg . L-1. Seawater is about
3.5 % dissolved solids (35 000 mg· L-1 ), and is nearly Steamside Failures: Mechanical Causes Impact dam-
always used for once-through cooling. age is a common mechanical failure mechanism for all
condenser tube alloys. Objects left in the system after a
When cooling water leaks into the steam cycle, the impact low-pressure turbine overhaul can be propelled into the
is highly dependent on the specific constituents present. condenser at high velocity during unit startup, and leave
Inleakage to the steam cycle by seawater is particularly severe dents or holes upon impact (Figure 5).
detrimental due to its high concentration of chloride
(19 000 mg . L-1), which can cause severe damage to boil- Erosion from high-velocity water or steam is another
ers and turbines. For this reason, tubes for seawater use mechanical failure mode that affects all common alloys
are made from highly corrosion-resistant alloys (titanium or used for condenser tubes. Water droplet erosion from
high-alloy stainless steels), and demineralizers are com- steam condensation exiting the low-pressure turbine fre-
monly employed to remove contaminants from conden- quently damages tubes at the top of the condenser bun-
sate, in the event of a leak. dle, but often is long-term accumulated damage, taking
years to result in failure. More severe damage of this type
Cooling water ingress usually results in pH shifts in the results from various drain lines entering the condenser,
boiler, which can be dramatic. Whether the pH decreases bearing high-velocity, high-temperature steam or water
or increases depends largely on whether the magnesium (Figure 6). While these drain entries are baffled where the
or bicarbonate ion in the cooling water is dominant, possibility of condenser tube damage exists, the baffles
according to the following reactions that occur in the may eventually be eroded away, or break loose for various
boiler: reasons.

Mg2+ + 2H20 ~ Mg(OHh + 2H+ (pH decrease) (1)

Steamside Failures: Corrosion Corrosion-induced
steamside failures in condenser tubes are primarily mani-
(pH increase) (2)
fested as stress corrosion cracking (SCC) or condensate

Figure 5: Admiralty brass tube, failed by impact damage condenser at startup, after turbine outage.
due to unknown object propelled into

200 PowerPlant Chemistry 2005, 7(12)

PPChern Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation

Figure 6: Admiralty brass tube, failed by drain

line erosion due to fai/ed valve.

PowerPlant Chemistry 2005, 7(12) 201

grooving, caused by sulfur dioxide gas: (3) The major mechanical
volatile gases dissolving influence on waterside
into the con- densing Sulfur dioxide condenser tube failures is
steam. This mechanism subsequently dissolves the erosion component
primarily affects brass into condensing steam to of erosion-corrosion
tubes, although copper- generate sulfurous acid: damage. This failure
nickel tubing can be mechanism is almost
susceptible. Ammonia is exclusively a problem for
most frequently the copper-alloy tubing, with
Since sulfur dioxide is
corrodent, in combination brass being more
relatively hygroscopic,
with oxygen. While susceptible than copper-
sulfurous acid may
ammonia may be nickel. The mechanism
condense anywhere
controlled to non- initiates with normal
along the tube length,
threatening levels in bulk oxidation of base metal.
condensate « 0.5 mg . L- Figure 7: Ammonia although the air removal
The oxide is relatively
), local condensate section will still probably
protective at low flow
concentrations in the grooving in experi- ence the worst
rates, but it is
condenser can be much admiralty damage. General corrosion
mechanically weak and
higher. In particular, the brass tube. of the tube sur- face
Grooves can be removed by high
air removal section results in a thick layer of
formed on flow, particularly in
accumulates volatile cupric oxide (CuO),
each side combination with abrasive
gases (ammonia, oxygen), provid- ing sites for
of tube particulates. With the
which dissolve into the under-scale concentration
support oxide removed, freshly
conden- sate present to of corrodent. Although
plate. exposed base metal
some extent. Tube support sulfurous acid condenses
quickly re-oxidizes in the
plates serve as a collection in the steam, it is oxi-
oxygen-sat- urated cooling
point for condensate dized to sulfuric acid
water environment, and
drainage, due to slight relatively quickly, so the
the oxide is subse- quently
sloping of the tubes, so exact mech- anism of
removed mechanically (7).
that the point of tube entry corrosion is not clearly
into the support plate defined. However, SCC is
receives continual clearly the mechanism of
exposure to corrosive failure that results. Sodium
condensate. The tubing sulfite is best applied
may lose wall thickness by only to boilers at
general corrosion pressures less than
(condensate grooving), 5.9 MPa (850 psi). Units
or experience SCC, that once used sodium
sulfite and
depending primarily on
then switched to
the stress levels in the
ammonia-based control
tube metal (Figures 7 and
Figure 8: Stress (including hydra- zine) may
8). In the case where the
corrosion experience confusion
air removal section is
cracking in regarding whether ammo-
tubed with an alloy
admiralty nia or sulfurous acid
resistant to ammonia-
brass tube was the primary cause
based corro- sion, brass
due to of failure. Sulfite-based Figure 9: Stress
tubes below this section
excessive SCC develops very slowly, corrosion
may still be suscepti- ble
ammonia and deep cracks may cracking in
to the corrosive draining
concentrations persist for many years admiralty
in the air without causing failure. brass tube
Additionally, the thick due to
Condensers with brass removal
cupric oxide scale may carryover
tubing have also section.
serve to block leakage, of sulfur
experienced severe pitting Magnification
even when the tube wall dioxide, in
and failures by SCC due to 5x.
has been com- pletely sulfite-
sulfurous acid, in systems
penetrated by a crack. treated
where sodium sulfite is boiler.
used for feedwater oxy- Magnificati
gen scavenging (Figure 9) on 4x.
Waterside Failures:
[5,6). Sulfite breaks down
Mechanical Causes
in the boiler to generate
Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation PPChem

Erosion-corrosion occurs where local flow is high, regard-

less of bulk flow. This scenario can develop in a variety of
situations, including:

• as a result of plugging of many tubes, forcing the same

total flow through a smaller number of tubes, therefore
at higher velocity;

• at tube inlets, where water entering the tubes is turbu-

lent due to a sudden change in the direction of flow
(Figure 10);
• adjacent to partial flow blockage in tubes, where the
reduced diameter leads to a concomitant increase in
flow rate (Figure 11);
PPChem Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation

Figure 11: Erosion- electrons for the cathodic

• in front of intermittent
corrosion reduction of oxygen:
scale of sufficient size
failure in
that flow impacting the (6)
scale is re-directed
copper- Figure 12: Erosion-
downward into the Additional potential
nickel corrosion
tube, at high turbulence tube, differences develop due
(Figure 12); and due to to the con- centration of
• randomly along the accelerat calcium constituents such as
tube length, ed local carbonate anions (chloride, sulfate)
particularly in once- flow scale in beneath the deposit.
through condensers, around admiralty These are drawn towards
where sediment is an brass tube, the under- deposit region
sometimes rel- atively object due to local by the positive electrical
high (as in river water lodged flow eddies charge of metal ions that
during high flow in the and are thermodynamically
periods). tube. acceleration. motivated to exit base
Magnific Magnification metal. In most cases,
In any of these ation 3x. both differential oxygen
scenarios, abrasive 4x. and differ- ential anion
particulates (fly ash, concentrations probably
Waterside Failures:
sediment) will increase work together to pro- mote
Corrosion Under-
the rate of oxide removal, under-deposit corrosion.
deposit or under-scale
and therefore the rate of This sequence of events
(or crevice) corrosion is
metal loss. is depicted in Figures 13-
a frequent damage
mechanism for copper-
alloy and austenitic
Some common modes of
(300-series) stainless steel
deposition, and means of
condenser tubes. The
addressing fouling issues,
specifics of crevice
were discussed earlier.
development and
subsequent corrosion
can vary greatly, but the
influenced corrosion
mechanism is essentially
(MIC) is a particular
the same - the develop-
problem with austenitic
ment of differential
stainless steels, although
concentrations between
it has been reported to
the bulk envi- ronment affect copper alloys as
and that beneath the well. The highly
Figure 10: Inlet-end deposit, in which the
erosion-corrosion in under- deposit
admiralty brass environment is corrosive
tube. to base metal. One
means of developing this
scenario results from the
deple- tion of oxygen
beneath the deposit,
through reaction with
either base metal or
the deposit itself. The
oxygen- depleted region
becomes anodic, and
base metal is oxi- dized
according to:
Cu ~ Cu2+ + 2e-

whereas the metal

adjacent to the crevice
receives the released
Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation PPChem
PPChem Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation

SO}- CI- °2 so:- °2
cr CI- so:-
°2 CI-
so CI- sot °2 so:-

Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu

Base metal Base metal

Figure 13: Crevice (under-deposit) corrosion: cross- Figure 14: Crevice (under-deposit) corrosion: enlarge-
section depicting local deposit on tube ment of Figure 13, showing crevice between
surface. deposit and tube metal.

Base metal

Figure 15: Crevice (under-deposit) corrosion: Figure 16: Crevice (under-deposit) corrosion: cuprous
electrochemical interactions under deposit in chloride and cuprous sulfate salts accumulate
cooling water: (1) electrons released from in crevice, as base metal is lost.
copper are reduced by oxygen, (2) anions are
attracted to positively charged metal ions in the

passive surface oxide layer on stainless steels, when dis- Tube Failure Mechanisms Not Caused by Service
rupted, subjects base metal to an intense focus of anodic Condenser tubes may fail in service due to specific situa-
current. Microorganisms can provide such a disruption. tions other than the service environment. Off-line chemical
Besides serving as a deposit under which crevice corro- cleaning, if not accomplished properly, can cause tube
sion can occur, microorganisms may generate corrodents damage that later results in failures (Figure 18). Manu-
(converting sulfate to hydrogen sulfide) or deposition factured defects, such as incomplete or improperly formed
(manganese dioxide, iron oxides) that accelerate corrosion weld seams, or denting during handling, can lead to fail-
(Figure 1l). ures (Figures 19 and 20). During tube installation, rolling
tubes into the tubesheet requires precise quality control to
avoid excessive stresses or crevices (Figure 21).

Condenser Tube Failure Correction

When a condenser tube leak is detected, a decision on a

course of action must be made. Factors considered

• amount and type of contamination entering the conden-

• historical problems with cooling water contamination
and condenser leaks
Figure 17: Manganese oxide deposits in 304 stainless • urgency of generation, and time remaining until evening
steel tube; failure at arrow. or weekend
Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation PPChem
PPChern Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation

• capacity of condensate tification, the hotwell is tubesheets are examined a pattern of repeat failure
polishers (if present) flooded with for those with water mech- anisms must be
condensate, and running out. A fluorescent addressed at the earliest
• whether the unit can be
brought to half-load, or dye can help greatly in opportunity; at
must be taken off-line distinguishing leaking
tubes from those that may
Identification of which still have water draining
waterbox is leaking, for slowly. Although the
typical units with split theory behind the
waterboxes, can identification of leaking
accelerate repair of the tubes is relatively simple
failure. This can be done and straightforward,
at full load by tracer there are numerous pitfalls
gas injection upstream of that occur in practice, and
the waterbox (sulfur experience in locating
hexafluoride, SF6, or pos- leaking tubes is invaluable.
Figure 18: Severe
sibly helium for large
leaks), or by isolating pitting in Figure 19: 304
When a leaking tube is
one waterbox 90-10 stainl
located, both ends of the
and draining cooling water copper- ess
tube must be plugged with
until evidence of nickel steel
water-tight seals. A variety
sodium/cation conductivity tube, tube
of tube plugs are available
disappears (this will following with
for this function, but all defect
provide approximate leak chemical
must be applied prop- erly s at
level, as well as cleaning
for long-term reliability, incom
confirming which half of that
and (sometimes) with a pletel
the condenser contains included
excessive view towards future y
the leak). In cases where
exposure recovery of either the forme
multiple leaks are pres-
ent, and at different rates to leaking tube, or its d
of inleakage, this process cleaning replacement. weld
may be impossible to chemical. seam.
conduct adequately. Magnifica Of critical importance to Magni
tion 2x. addressing condenser ficatio
Several approaches to tube leaks is identification n 4x.
identifying the specific of the root cause,
tube/tubes that are leaking particularly for repeat
have been used. For on- leaks in the same
line identification with an condenser over a short
isolated, drained waterbox time frame, which may
(at half-load), both ends of be due to the same
a leaking tube will be failure mechanism.
pulling in air from the Extracting a tube from the
tubesheets. Tracer gas bundle for laboratory
injection (helium or sulfur examina- tion may add a
hexafluoride) is a very few hours to an outage,
Figure 20: Admiralty
effective and sensitive and detract from the
brass tube
means of locating the plant's immediate Figure 21: Titanium
leaking tube(s); SF6 is objective of minimizing tube that
very sensitive, and downtime. However, failure failed at
pitting, in
particularly useful for to address repeat weld seam
small leaks. Less dence condenser tube leaks upon rolling
sophisticated indicators with early on may ultimately into
such as shaving cream or external result in very high costs tubesheet,
thin plastic wrap (must dents. for equip- ment repair due to
be applied to both inlet (e.g., turbine blade manufacturi
and outlet ends of the cracking), along with multi- ng
tube), or a flame/smoke, ple outages to plug embrittleme
are often effective in continuing leaks. nt,
identifying the leaking Condenser tube leak combined
tube(s). For off-line iden- incidents that may fall into with
Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation PPChem
while filled
with water
PPChern Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation
Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation PPChem
the very least, several fouling and corrosive Walker, R., Proc., [3] Howell, A. G.,
failed tubes should be situations should be International Con- Saxon, G., Proc.,
designated for removal in applied. Those damage ference on Power Condenser
conjunction with a mechanisms that Station Maintenance Technology
planned unit outage. commonly afflict certain 2000 (Oxford, United
tube alloys (e.g., erosion- Kingdom), 2000. The Conference, 2005
The cost for addressing corrosion in admiralty Institution of (San Diego, CA,
the root cause of brass) should be Mechanical U.S.A.). Electric
condenser tube failures considered a constant Engineers, London, Power Research
can vary from minor threat, and preventive United Kingdom, Institute, Palo Alto,
(e.g., replacing corroded measures evaluated (such 161. CA, U.S.A.,
screens for removing as installation of inlet-end 1010322.
macrofoulants) to major metallic inserts that are
[4] Putman, R. E.,
(e.g., replac- ing all more resistant to flow- Condenser In-Leakage
condenser tubes with a induced damage). Guide, 2000.
problem-resistant alloy). It Electric Power
is important to Research Institute,
understand and evaluate Palo Alto, CA,
the actual and potential CONCLUSIONS U.S.A., TR-112819.
costs of condenser tube
The fouling and failure of [5] Howell, A. G.,
leaks to steam cycle
condenser tubes is an Kendall, D.,
components in order to
expensive and frustrating Corrosionl1993,
choose a cost-effective
problem for many electric- 1993 (New Orleans,
course of action for
generating sta- tions. LA, U.S.A.). NACE
However, the causes of International,
these troubles are Houston, TX, U.S.A.,
Preventionl Avoidance of generally well understood, Paper #93046.
Condenser Tube Failures and their correction is
[6] Howell, A. G.,
often very straight- forward, Kendall, D., Materials
Companies operating
although not necessarily Performance,
power stations with
inexpensive. Diligence in 1
water-cooled condensers
following best industry 9
should strive to apply
practices will go a long 9
state-of-the-art, indus- try- 3
ways towards preventing
proven technology to ,
such problems. If a repeat
prevent or minimize 3
condenser tube failure 1
condenser tube failures.
scenario exists, identifying (
Alloys that have proven
the root cause and 1
reliably failure-resist- ant
correcting it in a timely 2
for a specific application )
manner is of vital
should be installed in ,
new units. Non-destructive 4
evaluation by eddy 2
current testing should be .
applied periodically to [7] Howell, A. G.,
determine the status of REFERENCES
Schwarz, R.,
flaws in the tubes (pre- [1] Shields, K., EPRI Condenser
existing or developing). McNaughton, w., Technology
Eddy cur- rent testing also Syrett, B., Conference, 1993
permits plugging of those Condenser Tube (St. Petersburg, FL,
tubes that are determined Failures: Theory U.S.A.). Electric
to have considerable wall and Practice. Power Research
loss, thereby avoid- ing Electric Power Institute, Palo Alto,
failure and contamination Research Institute, CA, U.S.A.
of the high-purity steam Palo Alto, CA,
cycle water, as well as unit U.S.A., 1010188, to
unavailability to repair the be published in
Paper presented at the
leaks. Chemistry control 2005.
Eskom International
programs most
[2] Putman, R. E., Conference on Power
appropriate to avoid
PPChern Condenser Tube Fouling and Failures: Cause and Mitigation

Plant Chemistry, Andrew G. Howell

Mabalingwe, South Xcel Energy
Africa, November 8-11, 4653 Table Mountain Drive
2005. Golden, CO 80403-1636
Andrew G. Howell
(M.S., Chemistry,
University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO, U.S.A.)
has worked for Xcel
Energy and its
predecessors since 1982.
He has worked in the
analytical laboratory,
including laboratory and
field investigation of
power system component
failures due to corrosion,
and currently provides
support for Xcel Energy's
power stations as a
'hands-on' consultant.

George E. Saxon, Jr. is

vice president of
international sales and
marketing at Conco
Systems, Inc., in the
United States, director of
Conco Systems SPRL in
Belgium and chairman of
Conco Systems, PTY Ltd.
in Australia. Conco delivers
exclusive technologies for
condenser tube clean- ing,
leak detection and eddy
current testing to the
power generation industry.
He is also the vice chair of
the ASME Heat
Exchanger Committee
and has served on
technical advisory
committees for the
Electric Power Research
Institute (EPRI). George
Saxon is a member of
the American Society of
Nondestructive Testing
(ASNT) and is a published
author and speaker.







Discussion Board

In September 2004, we installed - following

your recommendations and requests - a dis-
cussion board on the homepage of our journal.
Participation in the discussion in this Forum
may help you carry out your professional activ-
ities more knowledgeably and responsibly. You
may also establish contacts to colleagues
around the world active in the power plant
chemistry area.

What is the situation more than one year later?

The Forum is visited relatively often. Some of
the postings have been read more than 300

On-line boiler cleaning 396

Boiler water treatment with polyamines 373 Conco's Two-Gun
Pump System
Degassed cation conductivity 369 sets the industry (onco pioneered
standard, shooting the techniques for
Mechanical carryover 367 tube cleaners using tracer gases
through main to leak test main
Boiler water treatment 363 surface condenser, condensers in power
auxiliary condenser plants. Our leak
Control and calibration of 335
and heat exchanger Detection Division
online analyzers tubes up to 1-3/4 .' Conco equipment and will find elusive
Conco makes tube testing procedures helps condenser tube leaks
cleaners for every prevent forced outages by to reduce downtime
However, the number of active postings type of deposit and detecting defects that can and restore efficiency.
remains disappointing. We have many curious tube material. cause tube failures.
Conco technicians
readers; unfortunately, they are perhaps too
data and the
interpret provide you
insecure or laid-back to take an active part in with comprehensive
the discussion. What is your opinion? status reports.

Conco Systems, Inc. / 530 Jones Street
and help us to make our Forum into an active Verona, PA 15147 USA
platform for all very exciting power plant 1-800-345-3476/412-828-1166/ Fax: 412-826-8255
chemistry areas.

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