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Level 1 Overview

Level 1 is carefully designed to help you begin learning the key essentials of Taiji Zen. In this level, you have
three very important training goals: 1) learn the four Kinetic Concepts, 2) learn how to start to structurally
relax your body, and 3) learn how to begin to relax your mind.

1) Kinetic Concepts & Applications: the Taijiquan Essentials #1-4 (thirteen in total)

On the technical side, you’ll learn about Taijiquan’s four most elemental concepts, also known as the “Four
Cardinal Energies” (Sì Zhèng Shǒu or 四正手):
1. Péng (掤), or Expanding Energy
2. Lǚ (捋), or Deflecting Energy
3. Jǐ (挤), or Pressing Energy
4. Àn (按), or Pushing Energy

These are Taijiquan’s four most basic building blocks. While seemingly disconnected concepts, they in fact
form an interactive set of attack / defend energies. You’ll experience how this works for yourself in the
Kinetic Applications section through two person partnered training. Then you’ll combine all four energies
into a flowing form called the ‘Four Cardinal Energies Form’.

2) Key Principles: how to structurally relax your body

In the beginning of your training, the overarching focus is to learn how to RELAX. First, you will become
more aware of the incredible tension your body is holding by focusing on two Key Principles:

1. Xū Líng Dǐng Jìn (虚领顶劲), or ‘Suspend from the Crown of the Head’ – properly aligns your head,
neck and spine, which creates the necessary conditions for your muscles to relax naturally within the
body’s structure
2. Hán Xiōng Bá Bèi (含胸拔背), or ‘Hollow the Chest, Round the Back’ – releases tension from the
chest and back, which frees your deep breathing ability and allows for better structural connectivity

Recognizing tension is the first step to releasing it. When your body is aligned and you are fully relaxed, you
will have more efficient motion, faster reaction time and greater ability to deliver power.

3) Daily Zen: how to relax your mind

Your mind processes countless bits of information each day. When’s the last time you let it rest? Daily Zen
will systematically teach you methods to let your mind relax…that is to Simply Observe.

We first start with our sense of sight. In our information overloaded era, the constant deluge of visual
stimulus makes our eyes one of the most overused organs. (Ironically, you’re using them now to read this

You will learn how to Meditate on Sight, applying a concentrated awareness to allow your mind to rest.
Much like in your physical training, we will recognize tension, and then start to release it.

Lastly, you will build leg strength through a fun 2 Person Game, ‘Steady as a Rock.’

Taiji Zen Online Academy. Copyright 2013 Taiji Zen Worldwide Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Taiji Zen Online Academy lets you train on your own schedule. We recommend doing a session every 2-3
days (at least) for best results.

Session Time Video Instructions Notes

 1 1 min Level 1 Welcome View 1x

 (~35 min) 1 min Level 1 Intro View 1x
 (Solo) 18 min Kinetic Concept #1: Péng 掤 View and practice 2x
Key Principle #1:
 2 min View 1x
Xū Líng Dǐng Jìn 虚领顶劲

 7 min Péng 掤 Trance Mode View and practice 1x

 5 min Daily Zen #1: Simply Observe View and practice

 2 9 min Kinetic Concept #1: Péng 掤 View and practice 1x

Key Principle #2:
 (~55 min) 2 min View together 1x
Hán Xiōng Bá Bèi 含胸拔背

 (Partner) 7 min Kinetic Application #1: Péng 掤 View and practice 2x

Take turns,
 15 min Partner Practice
alternate sides
 1 min 2 Person Game: 'Steady as a Rock' View together 1x
Play 3x rounds
 15 min Partner Practice
(alternate sides)
 7 min Péng 掤 Trance Mode Practice 1x together

 3 16 min Kinetic Concept #2: Lǚ 捋 View and practice 2x

 (~35 min) 7 min Lǚ 捋 Trance Mode View and practice 1x

 (Solo) 7 min Péng 掤 Trance Mode View and practice 1x

 5 min Daily Zen #2: Mediation on Sight View and practice

 4 8 min Kinetic Concept #2: Lǚ 捋 View and practice 1x

Key Principle #1:
 (~55 min) 2 min View together 1x
Xū Líng Dǐng Jìn 虚领顶劲

 (Partner) 4 min Kinetic Application #2: Lǚ 捋 View and practice 2x

Take turns,
 15 min Partner Practice
alternate sides
Play 3x rounds
 15 min 2 Person Game: 'Steady as a Rock'
(alternate sides)
 7 min Lǚ 捋 Trance Mode Practice 1x together

 5 19 min Kinetic Concept #3: Jǐ 挤 View and practice 3x

 (~40 min) 3 min Kinetic Application: Jǐ 挤 View 1x

Taiji Zen Online Academy. Copyright 2013 Taiji Zen Worldwide Limited. All Rights Reserved.
 (Solo) 7 min Jǐ 挤 Trance Mode View and practice 1x

 7 min Lǚ 捋 Trance Mode View and practice 1x

 3 min Daily Zen #2: Mediation on Sight View and practice

Session Time Video Instructions Notes

 6 13 min Kinetic Concept #3: Jǐ 挤 View and practice 2x

Key Principle #2:
 (~55 min) 2 min View together 1x
Hán Xiōng Bá Bèi 含胸拔背

 (Partner) 5 min Kinetic Application: Jǐ 挤 View and practice 2x

Take turns,
 15 min Partner Practice
alternate sides
Play 3x rounds
 15 min 2 Person Game: 'Steady as a Rock'
(alternate sides)
 7 min Jǐ 挤 Trance Mode Practice 1x together

 7 21 min Kinetic Concept #4: Àn 按 View and practice 3x

 (~40 min) 7 min Àn 按 Trance Mode View and practice 1x

 (Solo) 7 min Jǐ 挤 Trance Mode View and practice 1x

 3 min Daily Zen #2: Mediation on Sight View and practice

 8 7 min Kinetic Concept #4: Àn 按 View and practice 1x

Key Principle #2:
 (~55 min) 2 min View together 1x
Hán Xiōng Bá Bèi 含胸拔背

 (Partner) 6 min Kinetic Application #4: Àn 按 View and practice 2x

Take turns,
 15 min Partner Practice
alternate sides
Play 3x rounds
 15 min 2 Person Game: 'Steady as a Rock'
(alternate sides)
 7 min Àn 按 Trance Mode Practice 1x together

 9 8 min Form: '4 Cardinal Energies' VOS View and practice 5x

 (~45 min) 8 min Form: '4 Cardinal Energies' Mirror (same as above)
 (Solo) 5 min Self-Practice Practice 5x
 7 min Péng 掤 Trance Mode View and practice 1x

 7 min Lǚ 捋 Trance Mode (same as above)

 7 min Jǐ 挤 Trance Mode (same as above)

 7 min Àn 按 Trance Mode (same as above)

 3 min Daily Zen #2: Mediation on Sight View and practice
 10 9 min Form: '4 Cardinal Energies' VOS View and practice 5x

Taiji Zen Online Academy. Copyright 2013 Taiji Zen Worldwide Limited. All Rights Reserved.
 (~45 min) 8 min Form: '4 Cardinal Energies' Mirror (same as above)
 (Partner) 5 min Self-Practice Practice 5x together
Take turns,
 10 min KA #1/#4: Péng 掤 + Àn 按
alternate sides
 10 min KA #2/#3: Lǚ 捋 + Jǐ 挤 (same as above)
 1 min Level 1 Exam Prep View 1x

Taiji Zen Online Academy. Copyright 2013 Taiji Zen Worldwide Limited. All Rights Reserved.

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